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This document is International Marketing Opportunities Report Template.

It is part of the supporting resources for Assessment Task 2 of BSBMKG605.

Business Name

International Marketing Opportunities Report

Outline the company and its products and services, objectives and target market characteristics.

Global market environment, market and risk factors

Global and market environment

Identify and assess

international trade patterns
relevant to the business i.e.
the overall global business
Identify the potential
importance of these
patterns/global business
environment to the business.
Identify and analyse
international market trends
and developments relevant
to the business.

Identify and discuss factors

associated with international
business that may present
opportunities or barriers for
the business

Identify and discuss

electronic commerce factors
that need to be considered in
relation to entering
international markets

Identify free trade and

protectionist arrangement
relevant to international
Estimate the impact of these
arrangements for entering
the international markets, as
well as trading within them.
Conduct a PESTLE analysis
for the business and identify
and discuss factors that

This document is International Marketing Opportunities Report Template.
It is part of the supporting resources for Assessment Task 2 of BSBMKG605.

impact international
marketing opportunities.

Based on your research and

analysis, discuss at least
three new and emerging
international marketing
opportunities that you
consider to be most suitable.
Include commentary on the
potential fit of the
opportunities with the
business’ goals and
Identify and describe cross
cultural communication
features and negotiation
styles for each of the
countries relevant to the
international marketing
Risk factors and assessment

Identify political, financial

stability and corruption risk
factors for each of the three
international marketing
opportunities you have
Describe each and conduct a
risk assessment for each
using the risk legend
included in your resources.
Document the results .
Identify legal and regulatory
requirements, as well as
trade barriers for each of the
three international marketing
opportunities you have
Describe each and conduct a
risk assessment for each
using the risk legend
included in your resources.
Document the results.
Identify additional risk factor
relating to economic
conditions for each of the
three international marketing
opportunities you have

This document is International Marketing Opportunities Report Template.
It is part of the supporting resources for Assessment Task 2 of BSBMKG605.

Describe each and conduct a

risk assessment for each
using the risk legend
included in your resources.
Document the results.

Analysis of Opportunities
Complete the following for three of the international marketing opportunities you have identified.

Analysis of Opportunities - 1
Description of International
Marketing Opportunity.

Assessment of fit with

organisational goals and

Impact on current business

operations and customer
base should the opportunity
be taken up.

Cost benefit analysis of

international marketing
opportunity and overall
financial viability

Expected return on

Analysis of risks and

opportunities and overall

This document is International Marketing Opportunities Report Template.
It is part of the supporting resources for Assessment Task 2 of BSBMKG605.

Discuss potential
competitors. Describe at
least three.

This document is International Marketing Opportunities Report Template.
It is part of the supporting resources for Assessment Task 2 of BSBMKG605.

Analysis of Opportunities
Complete the following for three of the international marketing opportunities you have identified.

Analysis of Opportunities - 2
Description of International
Marketing Opportunity.

Assessment of fit with

organisational goals and

Impact on current business

operations and customer
base should the opportunity
be taken up.

Cost benefit analysis of

international marketing
opportunity and overall
financial viability

Expected return on

Analysis of risks and

opportunities and overall

Discuss potential
competitors. Describe at
least three.

This document is International Marketing Opportunities Report Template.
It is part of the supporting resources for Assessment Task 2 of BSBMKG605.

Analysis of Opportunities
Complete the following for three of the international marketing opportunities you have identified.

Analysis of Opportunities - 3
Description of International
Marketing Opportunity.

Assessment of fit with

organisational goals and

Impact on current business

operations and customer
base should the opportunity
be taken up.

Cost benefit analysis of

international marketing
opportunity and overall
financial viability

Expected return on

Analysis of risks and

opportunities and overall

Discuss potential
competitors. Describe at
least three.

This document is International Marketing Opportunities Report Template.
It is part of the supporting resources for Assessment Task 2 of BSBMKG605.

Determination of international marketing opportunities.

Rank each of the marketing opportunities you have evaluated in terms of their overall viability and
potential contribution to the business. Which opportunity/ies do you consider the business should
follow based on your ranking?

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