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 Explaining to the patient that the disease is most often caused by the human papilloma

 Explaining to patient for not to scratch, brush, pinch or shave warty areas to prevent virus
 Explaining to patient to using gloves when washing dishes and washing clothes.

In the present study out of 30 patients subjected for electrosurgery, there was complete clearance
in 27 patients (90%) and in 3 patients there was recurrence. Chang et al in their study of 302
patients with warts, 11 patients were treated with electro-cautery. Eight patients had complete
clearance (72.2%). Alexander Berman used electrocauter for 2 patients with flat warts, found
“complete clearance” in both patients. The above study had no recurrence in comparison to
present study; this could be attributed to less number of patients in the above study. In the
present study all types of morphological warts are subjected to Electrosurgery, while in the
above study only flat warts are subjected to electrosurgery. In comparison to above study, the
present study shows higher rate of complete clearance. As compared to above study, in the
present study shows higher rate of complete clearance. This could be attributed to more number
of patients in the present study.

Salicylic acid 40% ointment on warts of digiti 3 by patient at home Hydrogen peroxide 45%
solution on warts of digiti 4 by doctor at hospital.

The patient’s wart was cleaned with an alcohol swab, the healthy skin around the wart was
applied with vaseline album. The H2O2 solution was applied by the doctor using an applicator
until the wart was white and left for 6 hours then washed with running water. This application is
done 2 times a week.
Hydrogen peroxide 45% solution on warts of digiti 4 by doctor at hospital.
The patient's wart was cleaned with an alcohol swab, salicylic acid ointment was applied by the
patient to the verrucae vulgaris by covering the edges of the lesion with a waterproof plaster
during application and covering the warts with a plaster after application of salicylic acid
ointment, left for 8 hours washed the next day and used every night.
Therapy Advantages Disadvantages Side Healing Patient
effects time Date of Healing Side effects
therapy time
Electrodessicatio  Cure rate 65-  Expensive  Pain 2-4 weeks
n and curettage 93% (depend  Level of evidence 3,  Scar
on operator) recommendation D
  Pain when injected
and after therapy
 Scar side effects
Salicylic Acid  Available in  Level of evidence The use
many dosage 1+, recommendation of
forms A salicylic
 Inexpensive  Used daily for long acid over
 Easy to use periods of up to 12 a large
weeks area can
 Some patients stop cause
using before systemic
treatment is finished toxicity
H2O2 solution  Varying cure   Minima
rate > 66,7% l pain

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