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Making Life

Issue 1
Editor’s Note
By Angela Mpala
Welcome, Titambire, Siyakwamukela to the
maiden issue of the Making Life Better Magazine!
In this quarterly magazine we want to interact
and share wealth creation and management
ideas. My aim is that the newsletter is entertaining
and informative, but above all useful to securing
yours and your loved one’s future.

We are living in interesting times in this country

as the winds of change are sweeping across and
bringing some much-needed positivity to our
business and personal space. What a time to be
alive! Never have I seen such positivity and zeal to
plan for the future. This issue of the “Making life
better” magazine carries that spirit in the articles
and in the direction of the content.

As the Zimnat team we want you the client to get

to know us hence we have added some profiles
of our Executive team. We value you so much
that the executive team is not out of reach. You
can ask for them by name!

Our drive is to “Make life better” for clients and

the community in which we operate in hence we
want to equip you with knowledge to make sound
financial decisions. With that in mind we have
included a section on economic development
and financial planning.

Customer feedback is a key pillar for success.

Based on customer feedback 5 years ago we
introduced the Zimnat Family Funeral Plan where
if you don’t claim you get a year’s premiums back.
This is also the maiden year when we pay these
premiums out.

We want you to be around as long as possible to

enjoy the fruits of your hard-earned investments
so we have put in some health and wellness tips.
Also, in this issue is a host of exciting new products
and services that are tailor made especially for

Special thanks go to the dedicated team that

diligently put these articles together.

I hope you enjoy this first issue and do let us know

if there are any topics you’d like to see covered
in the future!
The Zimnat Group has outlined a clear value
proposition to customers that speaks to “Making life
better.” Therefore, to stand true to this intention, the
Zimnat Group’s operations will be demonstrative of
how value is delivered, experienced and acquired
by the customers.
Regardless of which service is sought by varying
customers across the group companies, the
“Zimnat Effect” will be felt by customers and act
as the competitive advantage we have. In as much
as our value proposition might change with time,
the pillars under-pinning our service provision will
transcend the test of time.
Satisfying customers is the source of sustainable
value creation; and to achieve this, we ensure
From the CEO’s Desk that business operations rest on the following
Mustafa Sachak foundational elements:

Our Value Proposition

Economic developments
and impact on financial planning
by Sositina Gurajena

Zimbabwe is going through an economic stage of your life. Your financial plan should cover
transformation arising out of the political the following:-
developments of 14 November 2017 which saw • Risk Insurance policies - these policies are for
the change of leadership in the Government. risk management purposes for the protection
The new administration has set goals to achieve your investments, property and your life.
economic stability through:- The parallel currency exchange rate gives
• aggressive international re-engagement rise to mismatch between your “transfer
• addressing the fiscal deficit as advised by the replacement value” and your insured amount
IMF such that you may not be adequately covered
• re-building public and investor confidence as at the time of a loss. It is therefore important
a short term priority target to quarterly review your risk insurance policies
• amnesty on foreign currency repatriation to ensure that you are adequately covered.
issued to both individuals and corporates
who had externalised foreign currency. • Estate planning- this entails the use of both
testamentary and inter-vivos trusts, wills,
The country’s economy is facing structural as well as other durable powers of attorney
challenges from high informality, weak for estate planning. Rising inflation erodes
domestic demand, high public debt, weak value in your cash legacies and return on
investor confidence and a challenging political investments in both your inter-vivos and
environment. The liquidity crisis in the country testamentary trusts. To counter the effects
is a manifestation of structural deficiencies and of rising inflation, you must ensure that your
distortion in the economy. Inflation keeps rising investment strategy yields a return that
and loss of value is rampant. This turbulent is higher than inflation and ensure that all
environment makes financial planning difficult. the cash legacies are regularly adjusted for
Implications on financial planning
• Retirement planning- this assists you in
Financial planning entails the wise management
evaluating your options and important
of your current finances and assets to enable
elements of your future retirement including
you to achieve your future personal goals and
cash flow available for the provision of
dreams whilst at the same time negotiating the
the required income needs. Pension and
financial barriers that inevitably arise in every
retirement policies are also affected by rising
inflation. For pre-retirement, ensure that your exempts all senior citizens from taxation.
investment returns are higher than inflation You are also encouraged to make additional
whilst for post-retirement you must cater for voluntary contributions if the total pension
longevity. contributions to the pension fund is below
the tax deductible limit. Contributions to a
• Investment planning- entails analysing your personal pension plans is also recommended
current investment holdings and identifying as these are tax deductible.
opportunities to cater for a well-diversified
portfolio that aligns with your risk tolerance • To wrap up, you must ensure that you meet
at any given time for investment portfolio with your financial planner on a regular
improvements and updates. In addition to basis to review and make the necessary
your Retirement investment portfolio, you adjustments to make your financial goals
should have a personal investment portfolio achievable. In the short-medium term, the
to support your retirement portfolio. This stability of the Zimbabwean economy is very
personal investment portfolio must be well much linked to the outcome and acceptability
balanced and actively managed depending of the forthcoming harmonised elections
on your stage in life and risk profile. Always to be held on the 04th of June 2018. If the
ensure that a return above inflation is elections are credible and acceptable to the
achieved. A well-diversified portfolio which International Committee, more FDI will be
includes local and offshore investments is expected to flow in resulting in a more stable
recommended. Offshore investments offers and growing economy. Such an economy
currency hedging and protects you against makes financial planning easier.
sovereign risk.

• Tax planning- which takes into account tax

planning decisions with strategies designed
to minimise your tax liabilities and maximise
your cash flow. It is recommended that
when changing employment, you should
not encash your pension contributions,
but rather preserve or transfer to a new
pension fund to avoid being punitively
taxed. It is recommended to defer pension
cash payments until you retire as the law
The Zimnat
Digital Journey
The internet has taken over as the source of The job of any commercial business is to grow its
information for anything that people need to profits. Elementary business courses will speak
know. No wonder all the talk around us is about to the fact that one of the ways to grow profit is
the digital age, internet of things, big data………... to grow the Topline (driven by penetration) and in
the list goes on. Unless you contextualize this this case the client base.
and bring it home to what exactly it means to
your business you will forever see it as a foreign In growing this client base it’s not only about
concept. getting the numbers but getting the right quality
of clients (targeting clients who are not only
Our drive at Zimnat has been to do just that, willing but able to pay for the service). A concept
bring it home and see how it impacts us as a of fishing where the fish are!
business! The Posts and Telecommunications
Regulatory Authority of Zimbabwe puts the Since the fish are on the internet, Zimnat has
active internet penetration rate at 49.5% of the undertaken to drive digital as additional channel
country’s population as at 30 September 2017. to capture relevant target audiences. Traditional
print media has been declining in relevance
The most active age groups online are between generation by generation but is still significant.
the ages of 18 to 44. This is largely through What we have seen is that the print runs of
handheld devices like cellphones and tablets. newspapers have declined but readership has
So why would that be of interest one would ask? remained steady, growth due to the sharing
These statistics were useless until we started communities.
to ask ourselves the really uncomfortable
question……...What does this mean to my So, newspapers are now also more than the
business? physical paper but are also going digital as well.
The plan was to make use of it as a complementary Below are some of the link ads that were flighted
low cost but high impact channel. for the campaign:

Part of that journey has been with online and

social media advertising. On social media we
decided to focus on Facebook first and grow
our presence which sat at 13K Likes before the
launch of the digital campaign.

True to our drive to “make life better” we took

an angle to say how do we communicate our
products but also make sure we are indeed

making the consumer’s lives better. We took our

ordinary products and took a view to say how
these really serve our clients and better their

It was this deep understanding of the consumer

and our purpose that led to a digital campaign
that was highly emotional yet answering the
consumer’s needs. We drove that angle that
showed how our product could change or impact The Zimnat campaign is performing exceptionally
their lives for the better well in its two weeks from launch with a unique
reach of 302K people with that target audience
This was topped off with the relevant targeting. being served with the campaign at an average
We served the ads to the relevant target frequency of 5.11 times (more stats are shown in
audience that fit the age, income and lifestyle fit. the table overleaf).
We kicked off the campaign on the 19th of March
and what we found was amazing. When you talk The targeting for this campaign includes
to people they actually talk back! Especially when contextually relevant sites with themes of
you are driving a relevant message that speaks general insurance and life assurance, micro
to their needs. insurance. What has been amazing has been the
engagement rate which is quite high at 3.63% for steps are to go beyond just communicating but
a brand! rather allowing clients to start and finish these
conversations online.
According to Michael Leander an award-winning
Marketing speaker and trainer, an engagement This will be done through redefining distribution
rate “above 1% engagement rate is good,0,5%- and increasing the platforms where clients
0,99% is average and below 0,5% engagement can get quotes online as well as complete a
likely means that you need to realign your transaction through to payment.
messages to that of your audience’s expectations
– and in the process attract more compelling and We are also excited about bots that offer
engaging contributions from your community consumers service. Particularly in a country
members” where half the internet usage is on social media.
We are actively looking at a Facebook and
Within the two weeks we managed to grow WhatsApp bot.
the page with 4,767 new likes! We got a lot of
comments and enquiries about our products. We will also continue to look at new ways to
simplify insurance to consumers and truly make
On an average day we were getting over their lives better!
100 enquiries. We had to put in place system
internally to deal with these enquiries.

It has been exhilarating and rewarding work.

These stats are quite impressive against a
backdrop of low trust in insurance products
in Zimbabwe due to fluctuations in value
experienced during the hyper inflationary period.
Some of the comments are shown below:

By Angela E. Mpala, the

Zimnat Group Marketing Executive
The vision is to redefine the way insurance is
seen by the ordinary consumer, demystify it
and get them excited about insurance. The next
Physical exercise
After a long, exhausting workday, exercising sounds
like the last thing you would want to do, but getting
your sweat on will actually energize you. Fatigue
along with mood and depression improves after
a single 30-minute moderate intensity exercise
session. Everything we do uses oxygen, so when
you exercise it helps you work more efficiently
and you don’t tire as easily and you also function
better mentally. Exercise boosts your heart health,
builds muscle and bone strength, and wards off
health problems
Cut down Your stress
Stress can take a toll on your health. You probably
can’t avoid it altogether, but you can find ways to
ease the impact. Don’t take on too much. Try to
set limits with yourself and others.
• To relieve stress, try:
• Deep breathing
• Meditation
• Massage
• Exercise
• Healthy eating
• Talking to a friend, family member, or

Health Tips professional counselor

Drinking lots of water
Strange but true health tips
By John Makoni

Your health is your wealth and you should invest

in your wealth just as much as you invest for your
There’s an easy recipe if your goal is to keep away
problems like heart disease and strokes.
• Eat more fruits and veggies.
• Choose whole grains. Try brown rice instead
of white. Switch to whole wheat pasta.
• Choose lean proteins like poultry, fish, beans,
and legumes.
• Cut down on processed foods, sugar, salt, and
saturated fat.
• Maintain a well-balanced diet always
• Don’t skip breakfast
Remember it’s not always about quantities but
quality also.
When you feel bloated, drinking water sounds as Mental health
if it would only drink water when you’re bloated
make matters worse, but it can often help. If you’re Healthy living involves more than physical health,
on a high-fiber diet, for instance, then your body it also includes emotional or mental health. The
needs more water to work more efficiently. following are some ways people can support
mental health and well-being.
• Clean pure water from a protected source
• Aim to take not less than 2 litres of water per • Get enough sleep daily
day, your body needs it • Try something new and often for instance eat
Brush up on hygiene. a new food

Many people don’t know how to brush their teeth • Do some mind exercises eg read, do a puzzle
properly. Improper brushing can cause as much occasionally during the week
damage to the teeth and gums as not brushing • Let yourself be pleased with your achievements,
at all. Hold your toothbrush in the same way that both big and small
you would hold a pencil, and brush for at least
two minutes.
This includes brushing the teeth, the junction of
the teeth and gums, the tongue and the roof of
the mouth. And you don’t need a fancy, angled
toothbrush – just a sturdy, soft-bristled one that
you replace each month.
Let’s get to understand the
Zimnat Group Products
with Ordeal Bontle & Jasper Dube

There are several products that the Zimnat Group INDIVIDUAL WHOLE LIFE PLAN
offers. In this column, we will be taking you through
We know and respect that you work tirelessly to
some of the products offered by the group, benefit
ensure that your family, businesses and assets
structures and why you should get them. All of
are always protected.
these product are some form of investments.
The whole life plan is an insurance policy which is
Everything you do in life has a reason for example
guaranteed to remain in force for the insured’s
you get married to settle yourself in life with a soul
entire lifetime, provided required premiums are
mate and lead yourself towards a family life. You
paid, or to the maturity date
work to make sure that your family does not fall
short of basic necessities, you save money for Why go for the Individual Whole Life Plan?
various reasons like vacations and unforeseen
• Provision of day to day living expenses upon
Even after all this, one needs to protect his/her
• Protection for outstanding mortgage loans
family in the event of uncontrollable circumstances
like accidents or death. The Zimnat Group is here • Provision of funds to pay any estate duty taxes
for you during your life journey and beyond. We upon death
are here to Make Life Better for you.
• Taking Insurance cover on the life of key people
Let’s explains on some of the products that in a business
individual or corporates need to invest in:
• Protection of the surviving partner (s) in the
MICRO-FINANCE event of death of the other
Everything is going Micro these days. Why? To
make it relevant, affordable and accessible. Our
Microfinance arm has readily available loans for
various uses. The most interesting and latest Getting a funeral cover has never been easy as a
product is the MICRO HOUSING LOAN. group with our Group Business department. Whilst
death is a painful event that comes unexpectedly,
The product is available to anyone with a house
we should all prepare and be able to live with peace
or stand and wants to build or improve it.
of mind knowing that loved ones are cushioned
Why go for MicroFinance? against the funeral expenses.
The most affordable rates and flexible terms in
the market.
Why go for the Group Funeral Policy? ASSET MANAGEMENT - STABLE INCOME FUND
• Affordable rates for as low as USD0.50 This is my favourite and perhaps the most relevant,
not only for corporates but for individuals as well.
• No medical examination
Everyone, at one point in time, needs to invest. The
• No waiting period for deaths as a result of an Asset management arms links all the above entities
accident – investing in short and long term instruments.
• Flexible premium payments which can be paid With 8 registered asset managers in Zimbabwe,
monthly, quarterly or yearly Zimnat Asset Management has been rated
NUMBER ONE (1) on a rolling 3, 4 and 5 year
period for Pension Funds
Health is everyone’s greatest asset. Sudden
Stable Income Fund
illness or accidental bodily injury can sometimes
leave one financially incapacitated. The Hospital A simple but stable fund is the Stable Income
Cash Plan is a benefit product which pay off when Fund. This is a taxable purely money market
a policyholder is hospitalised as a result of an fund, providing a reasonable, stable and low risk
accident or sickness. environment. Its underlying assets are high yielding
fixed income instruments namely corporate debt
The plans acts as a complementary product to the
instruments, bankers’ acceptances, certificates of
Medical Aid. The benefit can be used to pay off any
deposits and other interest bearing liquid assets.
shortfall which might have occurred and additional
expenses incurred when one is hospitalised. This fund is ideal for taxable individuals wishing
to receive a stable income from their investments,
Why the Hospital Cash Plan?
as opposed to achieving capital growth.
• No medical check-ups
Combining all these products
• Covers maternity and pre existing conditions
With the Zimnat Group products, we are not only
• Pays up to $200 for every day spent in hospital interested in one part of your life but we want to
be with you all way.
• Covers pre-existing conditions
• Cash payouts whilst in hospital
• Flexible premium payment needs
• Covers an unlimited number of dependents
Zimnat Life
Agents Awards
By Shingirai Mazambani

There was pomp and funfair at Cresta Lodge on congratulated the agents for a job well done in
the 9th of March where Zimnat Life Assurance was 2017 and expressed gratitude to the Sales Team
giving away prizes to agents who excelled in 2017. for their efforts and for overcoming the various
challenges faced in that year.
Agents who scooped the awards this year included;
The Zimnat Group Chief Executive Officer, Mustafa
• Funganayi Nyakatswau – Top Manager 2017
Sachak was the guest of honour at the event and
• Molline Ruchiyo – Top Agent 2017 encouraged the Sales Team to value and uphold
• Taurai Nerio Pome – Top Agents 2017 1st runner up customer experience as one of the pillars to ‘Make
Life Better’ for customers.
• Nicola Ndlovu – Top Agent 2017 2nd runner up
The event, which has become an annual event on
• John Munaku – Rising Star the Zimnat Calendar carried an African theme and
• Tinashe Nyamuwe – Exemplary Agent of the year guests were entertained by Hope Masike.

Speaking at the awards ceremony, Zimnat Life

Chief Executive Officer, Mr Munyaradzi Javangwe
Awards Ceremony in Pictures
It’s Finally Happening! and it will further rubber stamp The Zimnat journey of making
The No Claims Bonus that Zimnat is surely all about life better for our valued clients
innovation that is meant to “make through anticipating their needs
Experience from Zimnat life better” always for our clients. and working towards providing
Life Assurance solutions for those needs did not
By Rufaro Vambe The No Claims Bonus is just
end with the No Claims Bonus
but one of the many other
July 2013 saw the exciting launch launch.
enhancements that we have
of a first ever to be seen in made to our products since the We have proudly launched other
Zimbabwe, the No Claims Bonus comeback of insurance products added benefits onto the Family
Funeral Cash Plan by Zimnat. post dollarization era. Zimnat Funeral Cash Plan namely the
The product was well received was the first Life office to offer Hospital Cash Back facility as
and this year our clients will get such a product. well as the Tombstone and Vigil
to experience this added benefit benefit.
Our Family Funeral Cash Plan
on their policy as we make our started as a simple funeral In addition to that we have also
maiden payments. cash plan which offers financial revised our maximum funeral
Already there is so much protection in the event of death cover to an amazing $10 000.
excitement in the air with our with covers ranging from $500 These added benefits are not
clients who are looking forward up to a maximum of $5000. just part of a “me too” strategy
to this experience. The beginning but they came as a result of the
The introduction of this unique
of the year has seen a lot of guarantee that we offer our
No Claims Bonus feature on our
clients inquiring and seeking valued clients that we will always
funeral cash plan has remained
confirmation on whether indeed make your life better by bringing
unique across the local insurance
this was going to be happening. you relevant solutions to your
industry and it was the unfolding
financial needs.
As Zimnat we are so proud and of our quest to continuously
excited to be seeing our clients improve on our offering to our Zimnat is also excited to be
getting to experience this service valued clients. sharing that we have also recently
launched an exciting new Whole better and as Zimnat our final and relatives to sign up with us
Life plan with added benefits, promise lies in honouring our final for a guaranteed peace of mind
namely the death benefit, funeral promise through paying claims. through the range of products
cover, free will writing facility and that we have to cater for all your
As we go deeper into the year
an annual benefit escalation. short - long term financial needs
it is time that you help us make
and protection.
All this is meant to make the lives many other lives better by
our clients and their loved ones recommending your friends

Unveiling of new division comfort in knowing there’s a international trade through

complete focus on their trade export trade credit insurances
readies Zimnat for next
credit insurance, bonds & which will give local companies
growth spurt guarantees requirements. the comfort of exporting to
By Taurai Craig Museka different international markets.
The new division comes at a point
At the turn of the year Zimnat where the Zimbabwean economy Although the Trade Credit
welcomed the introduction of a is opening up and gaining Insurance, Bonds & Guarantees
new specialist division which is momentum in the areas of trade, Division is aiming to drive business
focused on provision of Trade infrastructure development and from direct private exchanges
Credit Insurance, Bonds & local and foreign investments. with clients, the strong broker
Guarantees. relationships already within
The increased business
Zimnat expects the new Trade Zimnat make brokers a significant
conf idence and attractive
Credit Insurance, Bonds & channel of driving business up.
financing environment will
Guarantees Division to foster create new opportunities for Zimnat is now able to stand
growth of its market share. the insurance industry through out to the brokers particularly
The division comes in to remodel increase in demand for insurance because of the now wide and
the normal way of transacting products such as construction more focused products offering,
insurance business through the bonds and trade credit insurance. something which the brokers
development and underwriting have always sought for.
One of the barriers of growth
of specialist insurance in operations of Zimbabwean The entrance of the Trade Credit,
products tailored for previously companies and e conomic Bonds & Guarantees Division
disregarded areas in the general development has been lack of will open new ways for trade
insurance market. access to credit. financers to facilitate trade with
The division has a combination comfort.
Zimnat’s new division through
of well-established underwriting the provision of Trade Credit There was a gap in the focus
exper tise in the field and Insurance will not only drive the of trade credit insurance within
passionate graduate trainees market share of Zimnat up but will Zimnat owing to general lack of
who will assist in taking out foster growth in the operations expertise and the complexity of
client’s hard work of obtaining of Zimbabwean companies and these products , something which
various bonds and trade credit initiate economic development. we believe we have and will lead
insurance. us to offering a quality product
Apart from that, the division
Clients are likely to find more for different target markets”
expects to promote and facilitate
Executive Team
Mustafa Sachak was appointed to the TA Holdings Limited
Board in November 2006 and is currently the CEO of
Masawara Insurance, which has interests in general insurance,
life assurance and reinsurance.
Mustafa Sachak started his career at Motorola in the USA
where he spent 10 years in the Communication Division
before moving to Zimbabwe in October of 1996 to pursue
a different career path.
Mustafa Sachak graduated from University College London
with a BSc in Chemical Engineering in 1980 and a BSc in
Electrical Engineering from Florida Atlantic University in
1986 and an MBA from Florida International University
Mustafa Sachak whilst working for Motorola.
CEO Masawara Insurance

Munyaradzi qualified with a BSc in Mechanical Engineering

and also holds an MBA from the University of Cape Town.
In addition, he is a lending professional, certified by Omega
Performance, a leading international credit skills trainer.
Munyaradzi has over 20 years experience in Banking and
Manufacturing in various roles.
He has worked for a diverse array of organisations including
Intermarket, Standard Chartered Bank and British American
His roles have encompassed manufacturing management,
project management, customer service, relationship
management, banking operations and business development.
Munyaradzi Javangwe He is currently the Chief Executive Officer for the Zimnat
Chief Executive Officer Life Assurance Group.
Zimnat Life Assurance
Elizabeth is a qualified Chartered Accountant and is a member
of the Institute of Chartered Accountants Zimbabwe (ICAZ).
She also holds a Masters in Business Leadership with UNISA
School of Business Leadership.
She did her Articles with PricewaterhouseCoopers’ Harare
Office after completing her undergraduate degree at Rhodes
University in South Africa. Elizabeth then worked for Tractive
Power Holdings as a Group Internal Audit Manager until 2005
when she left to join The Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ)
as the Deputy Division Chief of Finance and Administration.
Elizabeth joined Zimnat Life Assurance in October 2007 as
Finance Director and is currently the Chief Operating Officer.

Elizabeth Rabvukwa
Chief Operating Officer
Zimnat Life Assurance

Stanley was appointed as Operations Director for Zimnat

Lion, after returning from Cornerstone Insurance in Nigeria
where he was the General Manager – Technical for two years.
He has extensive experience in the insurance industry having
previously been General Manager for Zimnat Lion and AIG. He
is a qualified Fellow and Associate with the Insurance Institute
of South Africa.
He also holds an Executive diploma in leadership and a Masters
degree in Business Administration.

Stanley Mazorodze
Managing Director
Zimnat General Insurance
Norman holds a Master’s Degree in Business Administration
(MBA) from NUST, a BBA Marketing from IMM, a Post Grad
Diploma in Management from NUST and various National
Diplomas locally.
He also has an Internationally Certified Expert accreditation
from The Frankfurt School of Finance and Management.
Norman is a certified member of the Institute of Bankers
of Zimbabwe (IOBZ). He attained the Boulder Institute of
Microfinance training program certificate in Turin, Italy in 2016.
Norman became Business Development Manager in March
2012 when Zimnat Financial Services was established and
was appointed as General Manager in May 2013.

Norman Chifamba
General Manager Zimnat

Oliver has over 20 years in the financial services industry.

He started his career in 1996 as an investment analyst for a
Leading Asset Management Company in Harare.
After working for three years in the asset management industry,
Oliver moved to a stockbroking business where he headed up
the Investment Research and Corporate Finance functions.
From 2004 to 2010, he was a partner in a boutique Corporate
Finance and M&A Advisory business, before joining Masawara
Zimbabwe to head the Group Investment Activities.
Oliver joined Zimnat Asset Management as Managing Director
in February 2017.

Oliver Lutz
Managing Director – Zimnat
Asset Management

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