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I. Overview

Having a common language will facilitate communication and result to clear information.
Mathematics has its own language which for some people make it difficult to understand. This lesson will
help you understand Math as a language and how to use it.

“Mathematics is the language in which God has written the universe.” – Galileo Galilei


At the end of this lesson, the student must be able to:

 classify the characteristics of mathematical language;
 identify the elements of mathematical language;
 differentiate expressions from sentences; and
 identify conventions in the mathematical language.

II. Pre-test
 The following are either mathematical expression of sentence. Write E for expression and S
for sentence.
1) __________
2) x=2 y __________
3) x +2 __________
 Which expression is written in the most conventional way?
8 8
a) 8 ÷ 2(2+2) b) c) ∙(2+2)
2(2+2) 2

III. Learning Activities

A. Activity

Numbers are used to rate a performance (from elementary even in post graduate school).
But why not words to describe performance?

B. Analysis


1. Precise – exact
2. Concise – brief; not too wordy; straight to the point
3. Powerful – express complex thoughts with relative ease; a tool in discovery

You got a score of 50 out of 100.
Precision – 50/100 (exact)
Concise – the quality of your performance was described briefly as 50/100. The 50/100
summarized getting half of the test items correctly and getting the other half
Powerful – the 50/100 suggests the need for improvement and reflected the lack of
readiness before the exam


English Mathematics Examples

Noun Constant & Expression 3
−5 , 0 , 1,
Pronoun Variables x,y,z
Verb (action word) Operations +,−, ×, ÷


Mathematical Expression – does not express a complete thought (phrase)
x2 y +2 √ 81
Sentence – states complete thought (with mathematical symbol ¿ , ≠ ,>,<, ≥∨≤ ¿ ≠ ¿
x 2=√ 81 y +2 ≠ x 2 x 2+ y 2<1

Mathematical Conventions – a fact, name, usage or notation which is generally
agreed upon by mathematicians.

The expression 8 ÷ 2(2+2) sparked arguments on whether the answer is 1 or 16.

Clearly, there is ambiguity or confusion and does not satisfy one of the characteristics of
math such as being as being precise. The problem does not convey a clear message. One
(1) is not equal to 16. Thus, writing the expression that way such as 8 ÷ 2(2+2) is not
8 8
conventional and incorrect. It could have been written as either or ∙(2+2).
2(2+2) 2

BUT, the conventional way of solving it using PEMDAS will yield to 16.

 PEMDAS – Order of operation (Parenthesis, Exponent, Multiplication or Division,

Addition or Subtraction)
Note: M or D (whichever comes first from left to right)
A or S (whichever comes first from left to right)
 When using variables, use dot ∙ instead of ×. If there will be no confusion, the symbol may
be dropped.
8 ∙ y=8 y
a ∙ b ∙ c=abc
 It is conventional to write the constant first before the variables. The variables must be in
alphabetical order. t ∙ s ∙9=9 st
C. Abstraction
 What are the characteristics of Mathematics as a language?
 What is the difference between mathematical expression and mathematical sentences?
D. Application
1. Identify which characteristic(s) of Math as a language is/are depicted in each item and
explain why.
a) Baking a Cake b) Vaccine Formulation

2. Give examples of mathematical expressions and mathematical sentences (5 each).

3. Write each expressions in the most conventional way.
a) √ 3 x
b) z ∙ y ∙5
c) c 2 ∙ a 4 ∙b 2 ∙ 3
d) 11∙ z10 ∙t ∙ y 6

IV. Post-test
 The following are either mathematical expression or sentence. Write E for expression and S
for sentence.
4) __________
5) x=2 y __________
6) x +2 __________
 Which expression is written in the most conventional way?
8 8
a) 8 ÷ 2(2+2) b) c) ∙(2+2)
2(2+2) 2

------------------------------- END OF THE LESSON ----------------------------------


Campeńa, F. J. (n.d.) Mathematics of investment. Retrieved from

Dodd, E. L. (2014). Fundamentals in the mathematics of Investment. The American Mathematics Monthly,
25(9), pp. 387-395.
Manlulu, E. & Hipolito, L.M. (2019). A course module for mathematics in the modern world. REX Book

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