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A. Understanding CCU (Cross Culture Understanding)

   Cross-Cultural Understanding comes from three passing

words, culture, and understanding, from three different meanings of meaning.
The understanding of the Cross is cross-cultural, the culture between the two
countries that goes through mass media or through other means of
interplaying each culture. Culture is the "glue" that binds a group of people
together. (Douglas-Brown, 1994).
Gradually realized that the truth generated by the discipline of
science is individually universal and unable to answer issues in society
comprehensively. This condition encourages scientists to incorporate
theoretical contributions and methods from various disciplines that are
deemed strategic to understand the cultural phenomena in the reality of human
life as well as its representation which is considered crucial in the life of
Understanding Inter-Personal (Interpersonal Understanding) is
the desire to Understand others. It is the ability to listen and accurately
Understand the thoughts, feelings, problems of others that can not be uttered
or not delivered completely. This competency measures the complexity and
depth of understanding of others, as well as cross-cultural sensitivities.
  Sitaram (1970): Art for understanding and mutual understanding between
different audiences of culture.
   Cross-cultural understanding is a course that studies the
diversity of cultures that exist in the world as well as the impact of culture on
the continuity of social societies within a particular cultural sphere. In cross-
cultures we can see people and their behavior with existing cultures and very
diverse. To look for similarities and differences in individual functions
psychologically, in different cultures and ethnic groups In order to avoid
problems in the society. And also to look at both universal and unique
behaviors to identify ways in which cultures have an impact on our behavior,
family life, education, social experience and so on.
The CCU provides guidance on how to interpret a given culture, and how it is
in the culture.

B. Brief History of the United States (USA)

   America is a world power super power that controls the

economy, military, and world technology. The United States is located in the
middle of the North American continent, bordered by Canada to the north and
Mexico to the south. The United States of America stretches from the Atlantic
Ocean on the east coast to the Pacific Ocean on the west coast, including the
Hawaiian archipelago in the Pacific Ocean, Alaska state on the northern tip of
the Americas, and several other territories.

   Why America dubbed the country "Uncle Sam" (Uncle

Sam) ?. Here's the story, there used to be a person named Samuel Wilson. He
was born in Arlington on September 13, 1766. At the age of 14, he became a
volunteer fighter for his country. As an adult, he opened a meat packing
business in New York. He supplied meatbars to US troops in the War of 1812.
  In 1812 the amount of goods for soldiers was purchased in
Troy, NY, by Elbert Anderson, a government contractor. Goods are checked
by two brothers, Ebenezer and Samuel Wilson. Samuel Wilson is often called
"Uncle Sam" by his friend. Each packet is marked E.A.-U.S. initials. When
asked for this initial meaning, the jokingly replied worker that EA is Elbert
Anderson and US is Uncle Sam who is supposed to be the United States.
So the title became popular among the workers, the army, and
the people, and the United States Government is now known as "Uncle Sam".
The above story is finally written in a newspaper. In the 1860s and 1870s,
political cartoonist Thomas Nast began popularizing the image of Uncle Sam.
Nast develops the image by giving Uncle Sam a white beard and star-studded
clothing and lines. Nast is also the one who created the image of Santa and
elephants as a symbol of the Republican Party. In September 1961 the US
Congress recognized Samuel Wilson as the forerunner of the national symbol
   Uncle Sam Wilson is considered an exemplary figure of an
entrepreneur who loves to work hard and love his homeland. Wilson died at
the age of 88 in 1854 and was buried at Oakwood Cemetery in Troy, New
York. The city got the title of 'Uncle Sam's House.' Finally, Uncle Sam's name
is officially used for the American nickname. Americans are now proud of the
nickname and image that Uncle Sam has.

A. Habit
   Habit is the only element in Dollard and Miller theory that has
structural properties. Habit is the bond or association between the stimulus with the
response, which is relatively stable and lasting in personality.
  Therefore, the description of a person's habits depends on the typical
event that became his experience. But the arrangement of habits is temporary. That is,
today's habits may change thanks to new experiences the next day.
   According to Joko (2008: 24) "habit is a human act that remains
repeated in the same thing".
   Repeatedly every day what human beings do is the same and rarely
undergoes significant changes.
   According to Sayid (2006: 347) "the habit is the repetition of
something continuously or in most of the time in the same way and without any sense
of connection, or he is something that is embedded in the soul of things that are
repeatedly occurring and accepted by nature "
 Humans can conclude that humans do habit without thinking because
it has been embedded in the human soul and become human nature.

Here are the positive things found in America:

1. Almost always on time in every way, including the arrival schedule of the means of
transportation, even if there is a delay, usually no more than 3-5 minutes.
2. While on public transportation, almost always see people reading books either
paper books or e-books. The reading power of the community is high.
3. Often a friendly greeting, "How are you?" "Have a good day," and the like, even
from unknown people, especially shopkeepers or public service.
4. If there is a sneeze, there are almost always people around who say, "Blessyou."
5. Prefer walking, though relatively far away.

However, there are also things that are less exemplary, for example:
1. Often heard music tuned aloud in the car, especially when stopped at a red light.
Sometimes there are rap music, bollywood, arab.
2. Not infrequently hear people "shouting" in the street, either call someone, swear, or
was on the phone.
3. Often see the former chewing gum a black sphere that has blackened on the
4. If there is a traffic problem between users of vehicles, they ga hesitate honking
long-time, can be up to 10-30 seconds, either continuous or dashed.

B. Daily Life

  Kotler (2009) is the lifestyle of a person in the world expressed in his

activities, interests, and opinions. Lifestyle describes the "whole person" in
interacting with the environment.
In this case the intent of "whole person" is dependent on the human
being, there can be active and passive human beings in the association.
             According to Assael (1984), lifestyle is "A mode of living that is
identified by how people spend their time (activities), what they consider important in
their environment (interest), and what they think about themselves and the world
around them ) ".
All that one person wants is centered on the person's mind.
  Meanwhile, according to Minor and Mowen (2000), lifestyle shows
how a person lives, how to spend his money, and how to allocate time.
 Lifestyle reflects the entire person who interacts with the
From the above understanding it can be concluded that lifestyle is a
pattern of one's life about how they spend their time, what they consider most
important to themselves in their daily life and how their views about themselves or
about the outside world around them.

Daily Life in America:

a). Uphold the value of individual freedom

   This means they are rarely manageable. They can do what they want
and sometimes even collide with the interests of others. However, gradually some of
them began to appreciate the interests of others.
b). Sportive in competing
                      Americans believe that every human being of any race, any color, any
religion, or social status, has equal opportunity to gain employment, career, and any
competition. This is one of the positive values that Americans have. KKN
(Corruption, Collusion, and Nepotism) rarely plays a role on one's success. In
essence, success is directly proportional to hard work.
c). "To the point"
                   Do not make frequent exchanges with Americans. Example: when they
ask if you need a drink or not, answer it honestly. Put aside the "too shy" value that
Easterners adhere to because you're in the West. Be smart to adapt.
d. On time
There is no rubber clock there. If you are invited at 07.00 p.m., then
your maximum must come half an hour early (in time). Just in case, never come just
in time (on time).
Speaking Style

a). Like "playing ping pong"

Americans love when their unfinished conversations are cut by the
other person. It is like a ping pong game where each player hits back a ping pong ball
that has been hit by their opponent. This kind of conversation they like very much
because the result is a "heat conversation".
b). Fast and hard
When talking to Americans, the other person should pay attention to
every word he says. Although their voices tend to be loud, but sometimes their speech
speed is difficult to follow. `
In the Field of Education
a). There is no gap between students and teachers
There adagium "teacher is always right" is no longer valid because science
can come from anywhere. Moreover, some schools allow students to call the teacher
simply by name without their title.
b). Free opinion
Students are entitled to submit suggestions, suggestions, and criticisms
of teachers in the PBM (Teaching and Learning Process).

C. Government

   C.F. Strong "Describes governance in a broad sense as the activity of

public bodies consisting of executive, legislative and juridical activities in an effort to
achieve the goals of a country. In a narrow sense, he reveals that government is any
form of activity of a public body and consists only of an executive body ".
  In this case everything that is run by the government is separated by
the powers of a country.
  S. T. Simorangkir Suggests government as a state instrument that
performs the duties and functions of the government.
  The state tool means the government is in charge of protecting and
guarding the citizens.
United States Government System

  The system of government of the United States is based on the

constitution (the Constitution) of 1787. However, the constitution has undergone
several amendments. The United States has a strong democratic tradition and is
deeply rooted in the life of society so it is considered a bastion of democracy and
   The US system of government that has been running until now has
been endeavored to remain a system of democratic governance. The system of
government adopted is a democracy with a presidential system.
  This presidential system is further exemplified by the governance
system of other countries, although it has undergone renewal in accordance with the
background of the country concerned.

D. Sience

 Science is a collection of well-attested theories which explain the

patterns and regularies and irregularies among carefully studied phenomena ", (R.
Science a phenoomena, science has institutions, languages, ideas,
modeling methods, and practitioners that can be recognized by it self.
   Science is a system for understanding the universe through
observation and controlled experiments (Carin & Sund: 1989).
  In seeking the truth and existenc upe of an object of science requires
proof called observation (observation) and experiment (experiment).
  Science is defined as a sequence of concepts and conceptual schemes
that relate to one another, and grows as a result of experimentation and observation,
and is useful for further observation and experimentation (Conant in Usman: 2006).
  Science is a science that can continue to grow unceasingly because the
results of experiments used for the future.
  "Science is a way of looking at the world (Nash).
 In this world the method that can be explained to exist and is proved
in science is not magic.
   "Science is a body of knowledge, formed by a process of continuous
inquiry, and encompassing the people who are enganged in the scientific enterprice"
(Trowbridge & Byebee: 1986).
In this case the science of science can continue to grow sustainably in
accordance with the times.
   English spelling commonly used in the world can be classified into
two kinds, namely the American and British spellings. American spelling is often
used in United States and countries that are influenced by the US while the British
spelling is used in the United Kingdom (United Kingdom) and Commonwealth
countries. Both of these spellings have significant differences, mainly due to the
conflict between Britain and the American colonies that led to the war of
independence of the United States. The people of the United States at that time sought
to escape the influence of the British Empire and seek their own identity. Adjustment
of English is one such aspect.
  At the beginning of the 18th century, the English spelling did not
have a written standard. The standard difference became apparent after the
publication of influential dictionaries. The English spelling of Britain today almost
entirely follows the writings of Samuel Johnson in his book The Dictionary of the
English Language (Dictionary of English) published in 1755.
   The American English spelling was first introduced by Noah Webster
through his An American Dictionary of the English Language in 1828. Webster was a
person who strove for the change of English spelling with language and nationalism.
Many of the changes suggested by Webster are not accepted.
    In Canada, although most use the British spelling, American spelling
is also used because of Canada's location adjacent to the US.

Foreign suffixes that do not wear accent marks

UK US Indonesia

Analogue analog Analog

Catalogue catalog Katalog

Demagogue demagog Pemimpin pada zaman dulu

Dialogue dialog Percakapan

UK US Indonesia

Epilogue epilog Epilog

Homologue homolog ?

Monologue monolog Percakapan satu orang

Pedagogue pedagog Ahli mendidik

Prologue prolog Kata-kata yang diucapkan pada awal pertunjukan

Envelope envelop Amplop

Epaulette epaulet ?

Toilette toilet Kamar kecil

Verandah veranda Beranda

Gramme gram Gram

programme program Program

E. Religion

  Religion according to Big Indonesian Dictionary ist he system

governing the order of faith (belief) and worship to God Almighty and the rules
related to the interaction of man and man and the environment.
   Religion is our own inner need to the Creator.
  Émile Durkheim says that religion is an integrated system consisting
of beliefs and practices related to the sacred.
We as religious people as much as possible try to continue to improve
our faith through the routine of worship, achieving the perfect spiritual holiness.

 Harun Nasution said that religion is seen from the point of content or
content contained in it is a collection of the ordinance of dedicating to God collected
in a book, besides he said that religion is a bond that must be held and obeyed.
  Religion is a way of approaching a servant to the Creator.
 Of the three opinions, if examined more deeply, have the point of
equation. All believe that religion is:
1. The most essential human needs.
2. There is an awareness outside of the human self that can not be reached by him.
3. There is patience in man, that there is something that can guide, direct, and love
out of reach.
   Speaking of religion in America, society is often confronted with so
many paradoxes. On the one hand, America is identified as a materialistic secular
state known as the first country in history to enact separation laws between state and
  This assignment gives the impression that religion has no place in the
life of a nation and nation. On the other hand, it is not uncommon for Americans to
regard themselves as the most religious nation.
  Because for them, the separation between religion and state actually
proves how big the role of religion in the development of the nation's culture.
  History also notes that there is no single country that gathers a variety
of religions within the scope of a nation like America. Another paradox can be found
in the lives of most religious leaders in America.
  On the one hand they are very active in social activities and reform
movements, but on the other hand they are constantly expressing the fear that the
Church and its doctrines are no longer able to meet the needs of its followers.
   In other words, some religious leaders have appeared to be activists
who popularized and grounded the teachings of religion in everyday life. On the
contrary, the function of the church (saving unstable souls) has been taken over by
psychiatrists, social workers, and even psychics.

F. Culture

  According to Koentjaraningrat's definition that the definition of

culture is the whole of human behavior and the results that must be obtained by
learning and all that is arranged in the life of society.
  Why culture can be said to be the result of learning? Because
everything that exists in this world must be based on evidence and facts that support a
 Soemardjan and Soelaeman Soenardi, in his book A Flower of
Sociology (Jakarta: Foundation of the Publisher of the Faculty of Economics,
University of Indonesia, 1964), p. 113, formulates the culture as all works, creations,
and sense of community.
   The work of society produces technology and culture material or
physical culture (material culture) needed by humans to control the natural
surroundings so that the power and the results can be devoted to the needs of society.
   If in the United States kissing and hugging a person when meeting is
commonplace but for other countries like in arab it is not allowed. (Samovar &
Porter, 1994, p.19).
According to David Schneider in his article entitled Kinship, families
in America are more built on the meaning or symbol of a person in the family based
on cultural symbols built by the community. This little example I can give. If we
Indonesian people see that the name of the family must have a mother and child
father. And the name of the child in the concept of the majority of Indonesian people
is a direct descendant of his mother's father. If he is not a direct-birth child, or a child
is born then he is still called a child but there is a term adopted child, or also usually
in some cultures of certain ethnic group called child take, adopting children, or
whatever the classification is distinguished from the child born from his mother's
father .
In American society, It's not that they do not care about their own
children or adopted children, but they are more focused on the symbol of sianak and
role in the family. So they do not really care whether it's a child born from their
womb or not. So do not be surprised for example when many families in America
have different foster children. Society does not question and mengunjingkannya.
They accept the child as part of the family. It is important that their symbol in the
family is as a child with the function and role in the family.

Well this symbol which according to him is very depend on how society read it. The
idea or idea of what is behind it. And that can change how and who interprets it.

The concept of outsiders in the United States is very different from

other countries especially Indonesia. Most families in America consist of mothers and
fathers with an average of 1-3 children. It is very common in most families in
America that both father and mother work full-time their work while their children
are at school or at daycare. There are many families in the United States consisting of
single parents and children as a result of divorce or extramarital affairs. In most
families in America when children grow up to be teenagers or graduate from high
school, they leave home and try to live independently.

Most families, wherever they are all will gather and celebrate family
events like weddings, reunions, birthdays, and other holidays.

It is common to marry and divorce several times even to have children

out of wedlock. The relationship is very confusing. It is common if we hear the
phrase he is my father's wife (not necessarily mother) she is my mother's girlfriend or
she is the father of the child I (not necessarily the husband).

G. Education

1. Education According to = Sisdiknas Law

Book Title = Basic Concept of Moral Education

Year 2003, Hal 1

Publisher = ALFABETA


Education is a conscious and planned effort to create an atmosphere

of learning and learning process so that learners actively develop their potential to
have spiritual spiritual power, self-control, personality, intelligence, noble character,
as well as skills needed by him, society, nation and country.

Why is education called a conscious and planned effort? Because

humans in this life requires knowledge to maintain the continuity of life.
2. Education According to = Carter V. Good

Book Title = Basic Concept of Moral Education

Year 1977, Hal 1

Publisher = ALFABETA


Education is the process of developing one's skills in the form of

attitudes and behaviors prevailing in society.

The social process by which a person is influenced by a guided

environment (especially in school) so that he can achieve social skills and develop his

3. Education According to = Godfrey Thomson

Book Title = Basic Concept of Moral Education

Year 1977, Hal 2

Publisher = ALFABETA


Education is the environmental influence of an individual to produce the right change

in his behavioral habit, his thoughts and feelings.

The influence of the environment has an important role in shaping the

character and soul of a person, if he is in a good environment it will be good also the
behavior, thoughts, and feelings as well as vice versa.

4. Education According to = UNESCO

Book Title = Basic Concept of Moral Education

Year 1999, Hal 2

Publisher = ALFABETA


UNESCO states that: "education is now engaged is preparing for a tife

of the Society which does not exist" or that education now is to prepare humans for a
type of society that still does not exist.

The concept of the education system may change according to the

development of society and the transfer of cultural values (transfer of culture value).
The concept of education today can not be separated from education that must be in
accordance with the demands of education needs past, present, and time.

Education System in America

United states or federal elected United States (US) is also reflected

from the system of education that embraces decentralization through the states
The primary responsibility of all educational affairs is the education
department based in Washington. Everyday affairs are left fully in each state.Similar
to Indonesia, in addition to government, private and religious organizations are also
allowed to establish schools. The levels of the schools they establish vary from basic
to university level. These private schools are also permitted to use different education
systems that the state uses. Boarding school is an example of a type of school opened
by private or religious organizations.
Specifically on higher education, higher education in the US can be
differentiated into College and University. College in general - with some exceptions
- focuses more on undergraduate education, while universities conduct both
undergraduate and post graduate degrees. In university the terms college become
similar to the faculty. For example, at the university we will find the College of
Engineering (Faculty of Engineering) or College of Economics (Faculty of
Nonetheless, college at the university only takes care of undergraduate
programs. So if a prospective student from Indonesia wishes to enroll in the Master of
Mining Engineering program, he or she must be in touch with the Graduate College.
The graduate college will then forward the application to the Department of Mining
Engineering which will then be returned to the Graduate College to decide whether
the applicant is accepted or not. If finally accepted, the student will be enrolled
administratively at the Graduate College and academically in the Department of
Mining Engineering.
For post-graduate programs, not all universities offer doctoral
programs. Some of them only offer up to the master's level, especially if the program
is aimed at educating graduates as practitioners who are ready in the workplace. This
master program also there are 2 kinds. Master terminal and sustainable master.
It turns out to be a deeply rooted cultural culture in US history that
education is a task for families and society. therefore the public does not want if
education is regulated by the central government, even by the state government, even
by the local government though. People feel they have a very strong right to
determine what kind of education system is most appropriate for their community.
They consider the challenge faced by each community is not the same, so the
education system also should not be or not to be equated between one city with
another city, between one state with another state.
No doubt Education in America is much better than Indonesia. In all
respects there is a strong dependence of this country against all the bluff of America.
From economic intervention, external debt, macroeconomic policy to foreign
currency movement. In terms of regional security of America is still a lot of pressure,
especially Southeast Asia.
In Indonesia we know compulsory elementary and junior high school.
In America the opportunity to get education for all citizens has long been enforced.
compulsory education in the US from elementary to high school. But the government
eliminated school fees from kindergarten through high school to state schools. For
private schools, central to local governments do not provide any budget, and
otherwise schools are not required to follow all government policies in education.


A. Conclusion

  Understanding the culture of other nations does not mean

eliminating the culture of the nation itself. Cross Cultural Understanding is a
concept in understanding intercultural communication, so as to achieve high-
level learning objectives. In the current era of globalization, understanding of the
culture and character of other nations is very important. By understanding the
character of other nations, we are able to become a leader in a global space.
Because leaders require communication that is understood by everyone he leads.
Cross Cultural Understanding places the value of humanity beyond the
boundaries of ethnic, state and ethnic groups.

B. Suggestion

Culture on time & appreciate the time available and applied by the
State of America will be better applied in the people of the State of Indonesia,
because :

1. The American Society comes half an hour early (in time). And very rarely
never even come in time (on time).
2. Time is money in America is really felt.
3. Indonesian people are notorious for less time when there is an appointment
sometimes not on time. Unlike Americans, they are very appreciative of time,
because they least like the promise of a rubber clock or a late time.
4. If there is a bridge, from the party making the appointment or otherwise, then
they will immediately notify first.


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