Module 3-Rocks and Minerals

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Module 3: Rocks and Minerals


This module aims to achieve the following objectives:

1. Discuss rocks and its types.

2. Define what a mineral is.

3. Elaborate processes on how minerals are formed.


Rocks are mostly made up of minerals that are combined in various ways. Earth is made up
mostly of different types of rocks. The three classification of rocks according to how they are
formed are: igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic.

Igneous Rocks -made from the cooling of lava and magma. Igneous rocks that are formed from
the cooling of lava outside the volcano is called extrusive or volcanic igneous rock, while rocks
that are formed from the cooling of magma inside the volcano is called intrusive or plutonic
igneous rocks.

Sedimentary Rocks -are made from the accumulation, compaction, and cementation of
sediments which are formed from weathering and erosion of rocks. Sedimentary rocks may
contain fossil as the manner of its formation allows the preservation of the remains of animals
and plants.

Metamorphic rocks are those that have been transformed by pressure and heat but that have not
actually melted. They contain many minerals in the mica family and high-pressure types such as
garnet. Igneous and metamorphic rocks are not present in Indiana's bedrock unless buried very

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For a substance to be considered as a mineral, geologist came up with standards such as :
 naturally occurring -this means that it is not man-made
 Inorganic -this means that is does not come from an organism
 Solid -at standard temperature and pressure, the substance must be in solid phase
 Definite chemical composition -all occurrences of that mineral have a chemical composition
that varies within a specific limited range
 Ordered internal structure -that is when studied the internal structure, it must follow a certain

How are Minerals Formed?

There are many ways on how minerals are made:
1. Cooling of lava or liquid solutions.
2. Evaporation of mineral-rich water -When a mineral is suspended in a solution, it can collect
as the water in the solution evaporates into the air. Examples of mineral deposits formed this way
can be found in caves; calcite-saturated groundwater can slowly collect in stalactites and
stalagmites over time.
3. Due to high temperature and pressure -Silicates in the magma can form minerals such as
hornblende and other igneous rocks as the magma cools. This process can take millions of
years. Ninety-five percent of the Earth's crust is formed from nine minerals, all of which are
silicates, formed in this manner.

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Mineral Commodities in Industry

 Crushed stone is used for foundations, road base, concrete, and drainage. Sand and gravel
are used in concrete and foundations.
 Clays are used to make cement, bricks, and tile. Iron ore is used to make reinforcing rods,
steel beams, nails, and wire.
 Gypsum is used to make drywall. Dimension stone is used for facing, curbing, flooring,
stair treads, and other architectural work.

In agriculture, phosphate rock and potash are used to make fertilizer. Lime is used as an acid-
neutralizing soil treatment. Mineral nutrients are added to animal feed.

The chemical industry uses large amounts of salt, lime, and soda ash. Large amounts of metals,
clay, and mineral fillers/extenders are used in manufacturing.


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