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Microsoft excel, the spreadsheet program of Microsoft Office is used

for performing calculations on your data. Microsoft excel is a
spreadsheet program written and distributed by Microsoft. It feature
an intuitive interface and capable calculation and graphing tools
which, along with aggressive marketing, have made Excel one of the
most popular micro computer application to date . To maintain lists of
information and summary of the reports .Microsoft excel is used rather
than Microsoft Access. Microsoft excel is an integrated electronic
worksheet that is also called spreadsheet. It is a program developed by
Microsoft Corporation at USA.
The Microsoft excel is similar to the Lotus-123, supercalc, VPP 3D
etc. Excel worksheet has three main components worksheet, graph,
also called as chart and database management system.

A spreadsheet consists of columns of grids made of columns and
rows, and is used to perform a variety of mathematical calculations
with ease. One of the main features of a spreadsheet is that you can
specify a formula for performing calculations. The advantage of using
a formula is that whenever a value used in the formula is changed; the
result also changes automatically, eliminating the need for
recalculation. Moreover, data stored in a worksheet can be represented
in the form of graphs and charts, which make it easier to understand
and analyze the data.

Version for Microsoft Windows

The various versions of MS-EXCEL for the Microsoft Window
Operating system are as follows:

• 1987 Excel 2.0 for Windows

• 1990 Excel 3.0
• 1992 Excel 4.0
• 1993 Excel 5.0(Office 4.2&4.3, also a 32 bit version for
Window NT only)
• 1995 Excel 7.0(Office 95)
• 1997Excel 8.0(Office 97)
• 1999 Excel 9.0(Office 2000)
• 2001 Excel 10.0(Office XP)
• 2003Excel 11.0(Office 2003)
• 2007 Excel 12.0(Office 2007)

Features of Microsoft
Some common and very important features of Microsoft are as:
• The results are computed by Excel are reliable, excellent, efficient
and accurate.

• It is a fast processing electronic sheet.

• It has also a drawing toolbar by using you can create your own
graph, chart and picture.

• We can set data, time, anywhere on the worksheet in the desired


• Microsoft Office programs support editing and viewing of

documents in more than 80 languages by taking advantage of the
Unicode text encoding standard.

• Automatic language detection the English (U.S.) version of Office

comes with proofing tools for English (U.S.), Spanish, and French.
When you open a document or enter text, Microsoft Word
automatically detects the language of the text, and uses the
appropriate spelling and grammar dictionaries, punctuation rules,
and sorting conventions for that language.

• We can import or export the information from or to other

• An old worksheet or part of a worksheet can be merged to the new

• The worksheet provides the query facility that makes the processing

• Worksheet has a big area in it and so we can enter huge amount of

information in it.

• We can view the whole information by displaying it in parts.

Similarly we can edit it by parts.

• Worksheet has number of built-in functions that are also standard

functions of the Microsoft Excel.

• We can format the information in the worksheet in several ways by

using the various format commands.
How to start Microsoft
To start the Microsoft Excel are as follows:

• Either double click the Microsoft Excel icon from the

desktop. Microsoft Excel screen will be displayed.

• Second way is to move the mouse pointer to the start button.

A start menu will be displayed. Move the mouse pointer to
the Program command of the start menu. A cascading popup
program will be displayed. Click the Microsoft excel
command or menu option from the cascading popup menu.
Parts of Microsoft Excel
(1) Title Bar: The Title bar is a top bar of the Excel Window
screen. It has three buttons at the right corner. First button is to
minimize button, from which you can make a window small or an
ionized active window in the taskbar. Second button is the maximize
button or restored button. Third button is to close button. When you
click this button, Excel will be automatically closed and you will
move to the desktop.

(2) Menu Bar: The Menu Bar is the bar that displays the
number of menus on it like files, edit, view insert, forma, tools, data,
windows, and help. The various types of Menus displayed on Menu
bar are:-

‡ Files:-
• New: Select File / New from the menu bar; press
(CTRL+N) to create a new workbook.

• Open: Click File / Open from the menu bar, press

(CTRL+O) to open an existing workbook.

• Save: To save a workbook press (CTRL+S).

• Save As: Saves the active file with a different file

name, location, or file format. In Microsoft Access,
Microsoft Excel, and Word, you can also use this
command to save file with a password or to protect a file
so that others cannot change its contents.

• Save As Web Page: By saving as web

page, we can open our workbook in internet explorer.
• Page Setup: Sets margins, paper source, paper
size, page orientation, and other layout options for the
active file.

• Print Preview: Shows how a file will look

when you print it.

‡ Edit:-

• Cut: It is used to remove the selection from the active


• Copy: Copies the selection to the Clipboard.

• Office Clipboard: Displays the contents of

the Office Clipboard.

• Paste: Inserts the contents of the Clipboard at the

insertion point, and replaces any selection. This
command is available only if you have cut or copied an
object, text, or contents of a cell. For special paste
options, click the down arrow next to the button.

• Paste Special: Pastes, links, or embeds the

Clipboard contents in the current file in the format you

• Delete: Removes the selected object. In Outlook,

removes the selected item from the view and moves it to
the Deleted Items folder.

• Find: Searches selected cells or sheets for the

characters you specify, and selects the first cell that
contains those characters.

• Move or Copy Sheet: Moves or copies

the selected sheets to another workbook or to a different
location within the same workbook.
• Replace: Searches for and replaces the specified
text and formatting.

• Go To: In Microsoft Excel, scrolls through the

worksheet and selects the cell, range, or cells with special
characteristics you specify. In Microsoft Word, moves
the insertion point to the item you want to go to. You can
move to a page number, comment, footnote, bookmark,
or other location.

‡ View:-
• Normal: Switches to normal view, which is the
default view for most tasks in Microsoft Excel, such as
entering data, filtering, charting, and formatting.

• Page Break Preview: Switches the active

worksheet to page break preview, which is an editing
view that displays your worksheet as it will print. In page
break preview, you can move page breaks by dragging
them left, right, up, or down. Microsoft Excel
automatically scales the worksheet to fit the columns and
rows to the page.

• Status Bar: Shows or hides the status bars.

• Zoom: Controls how large or small the current file

appears on the screen.
• Formula Bar: Formula bar is used for
displaying information such address of current active cell,
contents of the formula entered in the current cell and
number, text entered in cell etc.

• Header and Footer: Adds or changes the

text that appears at the top and bottom of every page or

• Comments: In Word, displays all comments ¾

made by all reviewers ¾ in the comment pane. In
Microsoft Excel, turns display of comments on the
worksheet on or off. Custom Views

• Creates different views of a

worksheet: A view provides an easy way to see
your data with different display options. You can display,
print, and store different views without saving them as
separate sheets.

• Full Screen: Hides most screen elements so that

you can view more of your document. To switch back to
your previous view, click Full Screen or press ESC.

• Zoom: Controls how large or small the current file

appears on the screen.
‡ Insert: -

• Rows: Inserts the number of cells, rows, or columns

you select. In Word, this command is available only
when you've selected one or more end-of-cell marks.

• Columns: Inserts the number of cells, rows, or

columns you select. In Word, this command is available
only when you've selected one or more end-of-cell marks.

• Worksheet: Inserts a new worksheet to the left

of the selected sheet.

• Chart Wizard: Starts the Chart Wizard, which

guides you through the steps for creating an embedded
chart on a worksheet or modifying an existing chart.
• Function: Displays a list of functions and their
formats and allows you to set values for arguments.

• Diagram: Creates an organization chart or a cycle,

radial, pyramid, Venn, or target diagram in your

• Object: Inserts an object ¾ such as a drawing,

WordArt text effect, or an equation ¾ at the insertion

• Hyperlink: Inserts a new hyperlink or edits the

selected hyperlink.
‡ Format:-

• Cells: Applies formats to the selected cells. This

command might not available if the sheet is protected.

• AutoFormat: Applies a built-in combination of

formats, called an auto format, to a cell range or a
PivotTable report. If a single cell is selected, Microsoft
Excel automatically selects the range surrounded by
blank cells and applies the auto format to that range. If
the selection is part of a PivotTable report, the entire
table, except for the page fields, is selected and
formatted. This command is not available if the sheet is
• Conditional Formatting: Applies
formats to selected cells that meet specific criteria based
on values or formulas you specify.

• Style: Defines or applies to the selection a

combination of formats, called a style.

‡ Tools:-

• Spelling: Checks spelling in the active document,

file, workbook, or item.

• Error Checking: Checks the active worksheet

for errors.

• Shared Workbooks: Switches to shared

workbook mode, which allows you and other users on
your network to edit and save changes to the same
• Tools on the Web: Connects you to
Microsoft Office Tools on the Web for information about
integrated eServices that are available.

• Customize: Customizes toolbar buttons, menu

commands, and shortcut key assignments.

• Options: Modifies settings for Microsoft Office

programs such as screen appearance, printing, editing,
spelling, and other options.

• Track Changes:-

Highlight Changes: Highlights changes to

cell contents in a shared workbook, including moved and
pasted contents and inserted and deleted rows and columns.

• Goal Seek: Adjusts the value in a specified cell

until a formula that is dependent on that cell reaches a
target value.

• AutoCorrect Options: Sets the options

used to correct text automatically as you type, or to store
and reuse text and other items you use frequently.

• Macros: Opens the Macros dialog box, where you

can run, edit, or delete a macro. Use Record New Macro
to record a series of actions as a macro, or click Visual
Basic Editor to write a macro.

Record New Macro: Records a series of actions as a

macro that you can later "play back."

Security: Sets a high, medium, or low security level for

files that might contain macro viruses and lets you
specify names of trusted macro developers.

Visual Basic Editor: Opens the Visual Basic Editor, in

which you can create a macro by using Visual Basic.
Microsoft Script Editor: Opens the Microsoft Script
Editor, where you can add text, edit HTML tags, and
modify any script code. You can also view your Web
page as it will appear in a Web browser.

• Add-Ins: Specifies which add-ins is automatically

available when you start Microsoft Office. You can load
or unload add-ins that come with Microsoft Office as
well as add-in programs that you create.

• AutoCorrect Options: Sets the options

used to correct text automatically as you type, or to store
and reuse text and other items you use frequently.

• Customize: Customizes toolbar buttons, menu

commands, and shortcut key assignments.

• Options: Modifies settings for Microsoft Office

programs such as screen appearance, printing, editing,
spelling, and other options.
‡ Data:-

• Sort: Arranges the information in selected rows or

lists alphabetically, numerically, or by date.

• Subtotals: Calculates subtotal and grand total

values for the labeled columns you select. Microsoft
Excel automatically inserts and labels the total rows and
outlines the list.

• Validation: Defines what data is valid for

individual cells or cell ranges; restricts the data entry to a
particular type, such as whole numbers, decimal numbers,
or text; and sets limits on the valid entries.
• Convert Text to Table: Converts the
selected text to a table.

• PivotTable and PivotChart

Report: Starts the PivotTable and PivotChart
Wizard, which guides you through creating or modifying
a PivotTable or PivotChart report.

• Consolidate: Summarizes the data from one or

more source areas and displays it in a table.

‡ Window:

• Hide: Hides the active workbook window. A hidden

window remains open.

• New Window: Opens a new window with the

same contents as the active window so you can view
different parts of a file at the same time.
• Arrange: Displays all open files in separate
windows on the screen. The Arrange command makes it
easier to drag between files.

• Split: Splits the active window into panes, or removes

the split from the active window.

• Freeze Panes: Freezes the top pane, the left

pane, or both on the active worksheet. Use the Freeze
Panes button to keep column or row titles in view while
you're scrolling through a worksheet. Freezing titles on a
worksheet does not affect printing.

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