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Student’s Name: AKISA GABISAN

Course : BSBA-MM 1-3

Activity 1 :
1. What do you most value in life? Why?
Everything in our life has value, but learn to value only the best counterpart of it ! I
value parents over strangers, goals over boys over money inner beauty over look and
blessings over problems. So basically, I value happiness. I value the things that can
makes me happy and contented. By keeping this value at the center of my life, I am
able to easily make decisions in the best interest of my family, friends, business and

2. What gives your life meaning?

We are all aware that our life has its ups and downs, there are not just only
happiness, it’s not just about black and white moment of our lives because there is also
the grey part, times of clarity and confusion.Yet it holds a rich meaning. It is something
to do with knowing the purpose of our life a sense of purpose may help us foster the
belief that life means something. Our purpose motivates us to do and be the best
version of ourself. We could describe our life purpose as the life that we were born to
live.That we may be God's one of best gifts in someone’s life. We can make someone’s
life so bright with our vibrancy and buoyancy.

3. What is the purpose of your life?

I am still on the process of determining what’s the real purpose of my life here in
our challenging world, I am thinking if is there really a purpose why I was born here? I
always have that kind of questions I have on my mind.However, based on what I’m
experiencing right now, the purpose of my life is to help my parents provide for our
family, balancing my studies and work responsibilities for me to be able to have a
successful life and making this positive connection with other people and enjoying just
like following the “go with the flow” mood.

4. What do you hope to achieve in your life?

I do hope to achieve in my life is to make my love ones and myself as well happy
and for us to be happy in the future I really need to work on myself and priorities in life. I
need to do an actions so that I can achieve what my dreams/goals in life. I do hope I
will finish my studies so I will be able to have a successful life wherein I can provide our
family a stable life, good health and financially stable. After that I will travel around the
world and also visit my Oppa out there in Korea and China. I do hope to achieve all of
my goals in life!
1. How would you characterize yourself?

I am a highly motivated and a hardworking person. I’m the type of person

who used to be organized in everything. Actually , I’m used to do the “To Do List” as
always so that I can ensure that I’m maximazing my time and I’m doing productively
everyday. I’m also an ambitious and driven. I thrive on challenge and constantly set
goals for myself, so I have something to strive toward. I'm not comfortable with
settling, I mean I won’t easily get contented especially if I feel that I can do better
than that or there is something I can do more about the given tasks and I'm always
looking for an opportunity to do better and achieve greatness. I do believe that
there will always be a room for improvement and all success starts on the small
beginnings we have.

2. What makes you stand out from the rest? What makes yourself special?

I have faced a lot of difficulties in life and yet I still see myself standing and
facing all my fears and problems in a positive way . I always have that positivity that
everytime I’m having a hard time in a situation I’ll choose to focus on the bright side
of it even if sometimes it’s really dark and I can’t see any hopes anymore.So what
I’m doing to cope or handle that is I’m always reminding myself that at the end of
the day I can do it whatever it is, I will and I can do it! I won’t let the world turn me
down. I don’t let the world change my smile instead I will let my smile change the

3. How has yourself transformed itself?

Transforming our life involves going beyond the way we live, co-creating a
better life for ourself, and changing the way we live. Change happens through
experience. Life itself is one enormous experience. Based on my experiences from
my past that is what transformed and mold myself as time passes by. Confidence
and trusting on myself when I go out not over thinking what makes me happy and
the important is I learned how love myself, how to give importance to my life and I
know that I am special that my life has a purpose because God mades me. My
family is one of the contributors on how I was transformed into this.

4. How is yourself connected to your body?

We are certainly connected to our body through our mind, heart, spirit,
emotions, and other connecting ligaments. So scientifically speaking, these body
components are connected with each in order to function well. Every feeling that
we have inside translates and reflects in our actions.
5. How is yourself related to other self?

I am good to myself. I have baths and light candles. I walk in nature and
take some photographs. I read wattpad,watch kpop/kdrama or listen to my favorite
musics so I can relax myself away from stress. I feed myself with knowledge. In
relating ourselves with other selves, we tend to make a connection and that
connection would be victorious if both sides are open. If the other would not be
open, I would try to resist the effect of others' to my system that may cause chaos.
While we have established that many parts of the body can be separated from the
self, some would claim that the brain is directly connected to both the body and
the self. Based on the article I sawin the internet, it can be claimed that brain plays
a substantial role in the definition of one's identity. Therefore the body does indeed
influence one's self.

6. What will happen to yourself after you die?

For some, they said that once we died we can see our own body
unconscious. When we die, our spirit and body separate. However, according to
Bible,even though our body dies, our spirit—which is the essence of who we are—
lives on. It’s either live for all eternity in the presence of God, or we are far away
from Him. For my own opinion, I also do believe on the same thoughts or ideas
stated above. If someone die what will happen to his/her body is nothing. Yes, we
may able to see own body unconscious but I think I will just last for a minute or two
then after that we will forgot everything happened and start a new journey it’s
either with peacefully Him or the opposite.

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