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12:46 29/8/2021

April in Moscow

April fox is a dancer. She works for the british dance company in leeds. Her boss there is maria grant.
One Monday morning, April arrives early. She sees Maria at the coffe machine. “ive got some good
news.” Says maria

April Fox adalah penari, dia bekerja untuk perusahaan tari inggris di leeds. Bosnya dia adalah maria
grant. Suatu senin pagi, april datang lebih cepat. Dia melihat maria di mesin kopi. “Aku punya kabar
baik” kata maria

There is an envelope in her hand. “really? What is it?” april asks. Maria Smiles. “wait and see” she says

Ada amplop di tangannyan. “serius? Apa itu?”, April Bertannyna. Maria tersenyum, “ tunggu dan lihat”
kata dia

Envelope = amplop

At ten o”clock the dancers are finishing their first class. Suddenly, maria walks into the room. “can I have
a word with you all, please?” she says. “what’s this about?” ask april’s friend, laura. “I don’t know” april
answers. The music stops. “I have a letter here from Moscow” says maria. “the Russians want us to
dance there next month”

Six week later, april is at heathrow airport in London. “you’re going to have a very good time” says her
father. “of course she is, George” says Mrs. Fox. “Now april have you got everything? Ticket, passport,
money …?” april smiles. “yes mum” she says goodbye to her parents. Then she sees laura and maria.
“come on” says laura. “it’s time to go”

Pada jam 10 para penari telah menyelesaikan kelas pertama mereka. Tiba-tiba, maria berjalan kedalam
raungan. “bias saya bicara kepada kalian semua?” kata dia. “tentang apa itu?” teman april bertanya,
laura. “aku tidak tau” april menjawab. Music berhenti. “saya mempunya surat dari mosscow” kata
maria. “orang rusia ingin kita untuk menari disana bulan depan”

Enam minggu kemudia, april berada di bandara heathrow di London. “kamu akan bersenang sengan”
kata bapaknya. “tentu saja, George” kata nyonya fox. “sekarang apa kamu sudah punya semua? Tiket,
passport,uang..?” april tersenyum. “iya bu” dia mengucapkan selamat tinggal kepada orang tuanya. Lalu
dia melihat laura dan maria. “ayo” kata laura. “ini waktunya untuk perg”
On the plane april and laura talk about Moscow. They are both very happy. “I want to see everything”
says laura. “the kremlin-red square-the Bolshoi..” “me, too” says april, “and i want to meet lots of
people” “don’t forget we’re going there to work” says maria with a smile. In Moscow a bus takes the
dancers to their hotel

April dan laura’s hotel room is on the second floor, laura walks in and puts her bags down. “great!
There’s a TV” she says and turn it on. A man is reading the news. She pushes another button. Now
there’s a pop video. “look, april” she syas. “Russian rock and roll” but april is not listening. She is looking
out of the window. “Moscow” she thinks. “I’m in Moscow”

Didalam pesawat april dan laura berbicara tentang Moscow. Mereka berdua sangat senang. “aku ingin
melihat semuanya” kata laura. “kremlin-kotak merah-bolshoi”. “saya juga” kata april, “dan saya ingin
bertemu banyak orang”. “jangan lupa kita datang kesini untuk bekerja” kata maria sambil tersenyum. Di
Moscow bis membawa para penari ke hotel mereka

Kamar hotel april dan lauran berada di lantai dua, laura masauk dan meletakan tasnya. “bagus! ada TV”
katanya dan menyalakannya. Seorang pria sedang membaca berita. Dia menekan tombol lain. Sekarang
ada video pop, “lihat april” kata dia. “rusia rock and roll” tetapi apil tidak mendengarkannya. Dia melihat
kerluar jendela. “Moscow” dia pikirnya “saya di Moscow”

Next day the dancers work very hard. Their dance for the festival, Green Oceans, is new and very
difficult. They start at eight o’clock and finish at six. Then, after dinner, they go to the Bolshoi theater.
“this is beautiful” says april. Laura sits down next to her. “it really is” she says. Then they watch the
Russian dancers. They are all tall, strong, and very very good

The day after, april and laura finish at three o’clock they go to a café and drink Russians tea. Then laura
looks at her map of Moscow. “where do you want to go? The pushkin museum’s near here” she says.
“ok-let’s go there.” Says april. Then she looks at the people in the café, “I want to talk to them” she
thinks. “but how? I cant speak Russian”

Hari selanjutnya para penari bekerja dengan keras. Mereka menari untuk festival green oceans, baru
dan sangat sulit. Mereka mulai jam 8 dan selesai jam 6. Lalu setelah mereka makan mereka pergi ke
theater Bolshoi “ini indah” kata april. Laura duduk disebelah dia. “itu benar” kata dia. Lalu mereka
melihat penari rusia. Mereka semua tinggi, kuat dan sangat sangat baik

Besoknya, april dan laura selesai jam 3 mereka pergi ke café dan minum teh rusia. Lalu laura melihat
map Moscow dia. “kemana kamu ingin pergi” museum pushkin dekat sini?” kata dia . “oke kita pergi
kesana” kata april. Lalu dia melihat orang-orang di café “aku ingin bertanya kepada mereka” dia piikir.
“tetapi bagaimana? Saya tidak Bahasa rusia”
In a street near the museum there is a small market. “oh laura, look” says april. She can see some red
and yellow boxes on a table. “those are pretty” “they’re music boxes” says a young man with glasses.
“you speak English!” says april. The boy smiles. “I’m studying it at university. My friend nikolai and I only
work here at weekends”

April and laura talk to the boys for a long time. Sasha the one with glasses-speak English very well.
Nikola only speak a little. After twenty minutes, sasha has an idea. “listen” he says. “we’re going to the
country tomorrow for a week’s holiday, some friends are going with us. Do you want to come for the
day? It’s not very far”

Dijalan dekat museum ada sebuah toko kecil. “oh laura lihat” kata april. Dia bias melihat sebuah kotak
merah dan kuning di meja. “itu cantiK” “mereka adalah kotak music” kata pemuda dengan kacamata.
“kamu berbicara Bahasa inggris” kata april. Pria tersenyum “saya mempelajari itu di kampus. Temen
saya nikolai dan saya hanya bekerja disini saat libur”

April dan laura berbicara dengan pria cukup lama. Sasha orang dengan kacamata berbicara inggris cukup
baik. Nikolai hanyak bias sedikit. Setelah 20 menit, sahsa mempunya ide “dengar” kata dia. “ kita akan
pergi ke desa besok untuk liburan seminggu, beberapa teman pergi bersama kami. Apa kamu ingin
datang pada hari itu? Itu tidak terlalu jauh”

Next morning, sasha and nikolai arrive at the girls hotel in their fathers cars. There are three other
people with them- lara,igor and sonya. They all drive to a lake near Moscow. Everyone is laughing and
talking. At the lake they have lunch. After that nikolai plays his guitar and sings Russian songs. April
linstens to him

There is a boat beside the lake. Late in the afternoon. April nad nikolai go out in it, nikolai looks at april
and smiles. Apil smiles, too. “its very beautiful here” she says. Nikolai looks into her eyes. “yes” he says.
“beautiful and you are beautiful too, I think i….” “april” laura shouts. “come on, it’s time to go”

Esok pagi, sahsa dan nikolai sampai di hotel perempuan dengan mobil ayah mereka, ada tiga orang
lainnya bersama mereka, lara,igor dan sonya. Mereka semua berpegian ke danau dekat Moscow. Semua
orang mengobrol dan tertawa. Di danau mereka makan siang. Setelah itu nikolai bermain gitar dan
bernyanyi lagu rusia. April mendengearkan dia

Ada sebuah perahu dipinggir sungai. Sore hari, arpil dan nikolai pergi menaiki itu. Nikolai menatap april
dan tersenyum. April tersenyum juga. “disini sangat indah” kata dia. Nikolai menatap matanya. “ya” dia
bilang. “indah dan kamu juga indah. Aku piker…” “april” laura teriak. “ayo, ini waktunya untuk pergi”

Late in the after = sore

shouts = teriak
Back in moscow there is a lot to do. All them dancers work very hard and have no free time. April is
tired. Sad, too. She wants to see nikolai again. “but how” she thinks. “where?when? he’is in the country
and I’m here in Moscow” then, the british dance company’s big night arrives. “good luck,everyone” says

The evening goes very fast. April only thinks about one thing – green ocean. But then, two hours later,
the music stop. She stands under a white light. Laura and all the other dancer are beside her. Everyone
in theater is throwing flowers. “I think they like us” says laura. There is a sad smile on april’s face. “yes”
she says. “I think they do”

Kembali ke Moscow ada banyak yang harus dilakukan. Semua penari berkerja sangat keras dan tidak
punya waktu luang. April lelah. Sedih juga. Dia ingin melihat nikolai lagi. “tetapi bagaimana” piker dia.
“dimana? Kapan? Dia di desan dan saya disini di Moscow”lalu. Malam besar perusahaan tari inggirs
datang. “semoa sukses semuanya” kata maria

Malam berlalu begitu cepat. April hanya memikirkan satu hal – green ocean, lalu tetapi. 2 jam kemudia.
Music berhenti. Dia berdiri dibawah cahaya putih. Laura dan semua penaria lainnya berada disebelah
mereka. Semua orang di teater melempar bunga. “aku piker mereka menyukai kita” kata laura. Ada
senyum sedih dimuka paril. “ya” kata dia. “saya pikir mereka menyukainya”

Twenty-four hours later, all the british dancers are at Moscow airport. “now I’m never going to see
nikola again” thinks april. “and I cant write to him. I don’t know this add..”. then someone says her
name, she turns. It’s nikolai! “the plance’s leaving” says maria grant. April look at nikolai. He gives her a
parcel and walks away.

One the plane. April sits next to laura. Her eyes are wet. She open the parcel. “oh look” says laura. “it’s
one of those music box – the ones in the market. And there’s a letter too! What does it say?” but april
too happy to speak. She looks at the letter. “can I come and see you in England?” “oh nikolai,yes” she
thinks. “yes you can”

24 jam kemudian. Semua penari inggris berada di bandara Moscow. “sekarang saya tidak akan pernah
melihat nikolai lagi” pikir april. “dan saya tidak bisa menulis surat untuk dia. Aku tidak tahu alamat…”
lalu seseorang memanggil nama dia, dia menoleh. Itu adalah nikolai. “pesawat pergi” kata maria grant.
Paril melihat nikolai. Dia memberika dia sebuah parsel dan berjalan pergi

Di pesawat. April duduk disebelah laura. Mata dia berkaca-kaca. Dia membuka parsel “oh liat” kata
laura. “itu salah satu kota music itu –yang ada dipasr” dan ada surat juga. Apa yang dikatakan” tetapi
april terlalu senang untuk bicara. Dia melihat ke surat. “bisa saya datang dan melihat kamu di inggris?”
“oh ya nikolai” pikir dia. “ya kamu bisa”

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