L. Statlender, M. Hellerman, G. Fishman, I. Kagan, I. Bendavid, M. Makalde, O. Raphaeli and P. Singer

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L. Statlender 1, M. Hellerman 1, G. Fishman 1, I. Kagan 1, I. Bendavid 1, M. Makalde 1, O. Raphaeli 2 and P. Singer 1
1. Intensive Care Unit, Rabin Medical Center, Petah Tikva, Israel
2. Industrial Engineering and Management, Ariel University, Ariel, Israel

Pearson correlation coefficients between

Presented at:
Hypophosphatemia (P<2.5mg/dL) is 1374 out of 1376 admissions were RRT need was similar between patients Patients who needed RRT were more %calories administered, minimal phosphate
associated with prolonged ventilation and analysed. Hypophosphatemia was found in with and without hypophosphatemia. frequently ventilated (98% CRRT, 73.13% level and length of ventilation (LOV) are
may be correlated with increased 503 (36.61%) admissions. RRT was However, CRRT prevalence was IHD, 66.48% without RRT, p<0.03). presented in the table. All are significant
mortality. prescribed in 118 (8.6%) admissions – 51 significantly higher in the patients with RRT was associated with prolonged but %calories administered and minimal
Acute kidney injury requiring renal CRRT and 67 IHD. hypophosphatemia and IHD rates was ventilation comparing to patients who did phosphate in IHD patients.
replacement therapy (RRT) is associated Patients who needed RRT were older, and significantly lower. not need RRT: 8 days more for CRRT, and IHD CRRT
with a 50% morality rate and prolonged had higher severity scores than patients Hypophosphatemia was much more 6 days more for IHD (p<0.001)
length of ventilation. who did not. There were no significant prevalent in CRRT patients than in no RRT minimal P and LOV -0.3 -0.39
Hypophosphatemia was associated with
difference in baseline characteristics patients and IHD patients (17.91%, p<0.01) %cal and minimal P 0.04 -0.45
We studied the relationship between prolonged ventilation in all RRT modalities:
between CRRT and IHD patients except %cal and LOV 0.39 0.57
nutrition, blood phosphate levels, and 8 days more in patients without RRT, 6.9
length of ventilation critical care patients from higher BMI and SOFA24 in CRRT days more in IHD and 12.4 days more in Mortality rate of patients who needed RRT
who needed RRT. patients. CRRT
137 (p<0.02) was higher than those who did not (CRRT
52.94%, IHD 29.85%, no RRT 12.66%,
RRT modalities prevalance in patientes Hypophosphatemia prevalence in each Length of ventilation by minmal phosphate
RRT modality
p<0.002), but difference in mortality rates
with and without hypophosphatemia level according to RRT modality
METHOD CRRT IHD no RRT hypophosphatemia no hypophosphatemia
of patients with or without
40 hypophosphatemia in RRT patients was
100% 100% CRRT
retrospective analysis of prospectively 92.45% 90.82% 90%
35 IHD not significant.
collected data of all the patients who were 50% 80% 30 no RRT
49.02% Linear (CRRT)

LOV (days)
admitted to a 16-bed general mixed 70% 62.98% 25 Linear (IHD)
% mortality with hypoP 27.27% 68%
medical-surgical adult ICU from two 82.09% 20 Linear (RRT)
13% 50% Linear (no RRT) % mortality without hypoP 40.54% 40%
consecutive years (2019-2020) 15
p<0.002 40% P value 0.528 0.178
Date obtained included: 6% 10
p<0.04 6.31% 30%
50.98% 5
- baseline characteristics 3%
5.17% 20% 37.02%
- severity scores 2.87% 10% 17.91% 0
2% 0% 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
- phosphate levels
hypophosphatemia no hypophosphatemia CRRT IHD no RRT minimal phosphate level (mg/dL)
- calories prescribed during admission
(EN and/or PN)
- REE using Faisy-Fagon formula
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7. Zusman O, Theilla M, Cohen J, Kagan I, Bendavid I, Singer P. Resting energy

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doi:10.1001/archsurg.1996.01430220037007 Email: liranst1@clalit.org.il

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