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Sensing the World

Box 2.1 Key Terms and Definitions

Active Sense: Involves an individual emitting a call or signal (usually sound or electricity), followed by meas-
uring changes in the returning signal to deduce information about the environment.
Electroreception: The ability to detect electric information in the environment, from other individuals, or
changes in self-produced electric signals. Electroreception is used in orientation, hunting, and
Magnetoreception: The ability to detect magnetic information in the environment, stemming from the
earth’s magnetic field, used in orientation and navigation.
Pheromones: Species-wide chemical signals, usually comprising a specific combination of molecules, which
elicit innate responses in a receiver.
Signature Mixes: Variable subsets of molecules of an individual’s chemical profile that are learnt by other

Sensory systems are crucial to survival and repro- pheromone molecules (a signal) against a back-
duction and vary greatly across animals. The ecol- ground of other odour molecules in the environ-
ogy of a species, the habitat it lives in, and the tasks ment (noise). However, in many instances, there is
it must perform in its life, dictate what types of sen- not a clear distinction between signal and noise: the
sory modality are most useful. Consequently, differ- two possibilities overlap. A key job of sensory sys-
ent species (and even individuals from the same tems is to detect and discriminate a stimulus of
species) often possess sensory systems that vary in importance or interest from background noise.
sensitivity to different types of information. The Here, we use the term ‘signal’ to simply mean a
aim of this chapter is to introduce the range of sen- stimulus to which the sensory system should
sory systems used by different animals and their respond, as opposed to the precise definition given
respective uses. Chapters 3 and 4 go into more detail in Chapter 5 associated with communication. By
about how sensory information is processed and noise, we mean something that diminishes the abil-
encoded by nerve cells and circuits, the way that ity of a sensory system to detect or correctly catego-
sensory systems are constructed in the face of costs rize the signal. This could be noise in the environment
and trade-offs, and how many tasks benefit from or ‘spontaneous’ neural activity that often exists in
information in multiple modalities. receptor and nerve cells. In signal detection theory,
the response threshold of an individual (either in its
sensory processing and/or its behavioural outcome)
2.1 Signal Detection
needs to be placed appropriately to maximize the
Imagine a male moth that needs to detect the phe- likelihood of correctly detecting and responding
romones of a female ready to mate. His sensory sys- to the signal. There are four potential outcomes
tem needs to detect and correctly identify the (Figure 2.1): a) a ‘hit’, where the animal correctly

Sensory Ecology, Behaviour, and Evolution. First Edition. Martin Stevens.

© Martin Stevens 2013. Published 2013 by Oxford University Press.

22 S E N S O RY E C O L O G Y, B E H AV I O U R , A N D E V O L U T I O N

detects the signal, b) correctly not responding to systems (that are not always separate), but here we
noise, c) a false alarm, where the animal incorrectly focus on olfaction to illustrate key principles of
responds to noise as a signal, and d) a ‘miss’, where chemical reception. We consider olfaction broadly
the animal fails to respond to a real signal. as the detection of odours in the air or water occur-
Sensory systems need to be sensitive enough to ring without physical contact to the object being
respond to a weak signal but should not respond detected (Eisthen 2002). Other authors consider
too often to similar but irrelevant noise in the envi- olfaction as limited to glomerular processing in
ronment. More stringent acceptance criteria mean insects and vertebrates (see below).
more missed detections, whereas less stringent cri- Odours are discrete chemical structures, unlike
teria mean more false alarms. The optimum solu- the continuous attributes of wavelength or fre-
tion is to set a response criterion that occurs between quency associated with sound or light stimuli. In
where the signal and noise overlap, while also both water and air, currents and turbulence disrupt
accounting for the relative costs and benefits of the odours into discontinuous and patchy spatial distri-
four potential outcomes above. For example, failing butions (Webster and Weissburg 2009). Animals
to identify a predator correctly is likely to be much therefore often have no direct ‘line of sight’ to chem-
more costly than sometimes falsely responding ical stimuli, and localization can be slower than for
when no threat really exists. The above concepts other senses. Correspondingly, insects such as male
also apply to discriminating similar stimuli (for moths orientating towards female sex pheromones
example when one animal mimics another species are well known for their characteristic zig-zag and
or object). This ability is also reduced by the pres- wandering flights, as they move into and out of
ence of noise (external or neuronal) because this odour plumes. Birds and fish also seem to show
adds uncertainty, especially if the difference between these movement types when travelling towards an
two stimuli is weak. odour source (DeBose and Nevitt 2008). Animals
orientate in the direction of odour plumes based on
the direction of odour flow, such as flying upwind
2.2 Chemical
towards a source (see Vickers 2006; Willis 2008), and
The ability to detect and process chemical informa- sometimes using bilateral differences in odour con-
tion is perhaps the most widespread sense in ani- centration (and timing: Gardiner and Atema 2010).
mals. There are different types of chemo-sensory Overall, for the detection of chemical signals, the
specific compound is not the only consideration,
but also the spatial and temporal patterns involved
Signal 1 (Atema 1995).
Signal 2 / Noise

2.2.1 Types and Use of Odours


Odour detection is crucial for many species in mat-

a b ing behaviour, individual recognition, orientation,
and prey detection. For example, in insects olfactory
receptor genes represent one of the largest families
c d of genes found in this group and have undergone
Response rapid evolutionary change (de Bruyne and Baker
2008). Chemical information greatly influences
Figure 2.1 Signal detection theory. Animals often have to correctly social behaviour. For example, in lobsters informa-
identify a signal against either background noise or another similar tion from urine affects courtship, dominance, and
signal with overlapping features. An individual sets a criterion or individual recognition (Atema 1995). Odour infor-
threshold (black line), either side of which it classifies something as
either the signal or noise (or a different signal). The exact location of
mation is also used over long distances, for example
the threshold depends upon the relative costs and benefits of the to guide migration towards natal spawning grounds
potential outcomes (see text). (e.g. in fish).


When chemical signals are used in inter- and Wyatt 2013 for information on mammals too, and
intraspecific encounters, we can define two types of comparisons with insects). However, note that the
stimuli: pheromones and signature mixes. Wyatt gross similarities across vertebrates and inverte-
(2010) describes pheromones as species-wide chem- brates may not be reflected in things like receptor
ical signals, usually a specific combination of mole- arrangements and transduction mechanisms in the
cules that elicit an innate response. Pheromones groups (Kaupp 2010). In Chapter 3, we discuss how
have been found in species from every animal phy- odour information is processed and encoded by
lum (Wyatt 2010, 2013), and elicit a specific reaction, neuronal mechanisms.
such as mating behaviour (although this can be Unlike many other senses, olfaction uses a wide
context-dependent). For example, all females of a range of receptor types belonging to many gene
species would possess the same sex pheromone. families (Hansson and Stensmyr 2011; Su et al.
Although the receptors are often highly specific (see 2009). In insects, the sensory cells are sensilla
below), this is not a prerequisite for a substance to (Figure 2.2). These are small structures projecting
be a pheromone and some do not have specific from the cuticle mostly located on the antennae,
receptors. Pheromones include sex pheromones with the size and shape varying between species
released by females, but also trail and alarm phe- and type (Eisthen 2002; Hansson and Stensmyr
romones in social insects and fish, for example. 2011; Masson and Mustaparta 1990). Pores in the
In contrast to pheromones, signature mixes are cuticle allow odour molecules to enter and diffuse
variable subsets of molecules of an individual’s into the lymph fluid that bathes the olfactory
chemical profile that are learnt by other animals, receptor neurons (ORN). Note that some authors
allowing them to distinguish individuals or colo- call these olfactory sensory neurons. In verte-
nies (Wyatt 2010). Signature mixes vary across indi- brates, ORNs are mainly found in the olfactory
viduals/colonies within a species. Cuticular epithelia in the nasal chamber, bathed in a mucus
hydrocarbon (CHC) profiles in social insect colo- lining. ORNs in insects have dendrites that pro-
nies, for example, are signature mixes. They can be trude into the lymph fluid. These are the sites of
produced by the organism, or acquired from the odorant transduction, and where membrane-
environment or other individuals. In ants and vari- bound receptors are located. More than one ORN
ous other social insects, CHC blends comprising is often found in a single sensillum in insects
multiple compounds in different ratios, play an (Masse et al. 2009), and olfactory receptor proteins
important role in nestmate recognition and aggres- are exposed in the membranes of ORNs. Binding
sion towards intruders (see Chapter 9). As with sex of an odour molecule to a receptor protein on the
pheromone detection, ants can have receptors dedi- membrane (an ‘acceptor’) leads to a conforma-
cated specifically to detect CHCs. For example, the tional change in the receptor to an active state,
carpenter ant (Camponotus japonicus) has a type of causing depolarization of the cell membrane and
receptor located on its antennae that responds only leading to nerve impulses or hyperpolarization
to CHC blends of non-nestmates (Ozaki et al. 2005). (Eisthen 2002; Masson and Mustaparta 1990).
Signature mixes are also widespread in vertebrates, ORNs normally only express one receptor type,
and may be used for things like sex- and individual- meaning that activity in an ORNs reflects the activ-
specific badges in parental care and inbreeding ity of a specific odour receptor type (Su et al. 2009).
avoidance. Receptor proteins are diverse and the number of
genes involved varies greatly across species (Barg-
mann 2006). The mechanisms of transduction and
2.2.2 Detecting Odours
OR protein families differ between insects and chor-
There are many common principles in processing dates, indicating that they have evolved independ-
odours across vertebrates and invertebrates (Eisthen ently (Wyatt 2010). Olfactory receptors seem to act
2002; Hildebrand and Shepherd 1997; Masse et al. as ligand-gated ion channels but the specific mecha-
2009; Su et al. 2009; Wyatt 2013), and so here we nisms of transduction can be complex (see Kaupp
mainly focus on odour detection in insects (see 2010; Su et al. 2009).

24 S E N S O RY E C O L O G Y, B E H AV I O U R , A N D E V O L U T I O N

Drosophila, there are about 50 classes of ORNs

(Masse et al. 2009) and three types of morphologi-
Odour molecule
cally distinct sensilla that respond to different
things: trichoid (pheromones), basiconic (food
ORN dendrites
odours and CO2), and coeloconic (food odours,
alcohols, ammonia, amines, water vapour)
Lymph fluid ORN receptor (Kaupp 2010; Wyatt 2013). Some receptors, such
as Or82a, are highly specialist, responding to just
one odour chemical (Bargmann 2006). Others are
Cuticle activated by as much as 30% of the odours pre-
sented. Fruit odours activate about two-thirds of
ORN the receptors, owing to the ecology of the flies
(Bargmann 2006). Thus, there is a continuum of
broadly and narrowly tuned odour receptors in
Drosophila (Hallem and Carlson 2006). Overall,
Figure 2.2 An olfactory sensillum. Odour molecules enter the olfactory sensilla in insects take many different
sensillum through pores, pass through the lymph fluid, and bind with shapes and sizes, but it is not entirely understood
the receptors on the membrane of the olfactory receptor neuron why.
(ORN). Two receptor neurons are shown here, but there are often
more than this in one sensillum.
2.3 Electricity
Generally, most olfactory receptors in vertebrates Some animals can detect low-voltage electric infor-
and invertebrates are broadly tuned so that a given mation: they have an electric sense. This is most
odour molecule (e.g. from food) will stimulate sev- widely found in some groups of fish and amphib-
eral receptors (Masson and Mustaparta 1990; Wyatt ians, but also in echidna (Zaglossus bruijnii and
2010). In contrast, olfactory receptor cells that Tachyglossus aculeatus; Gregory et al. 1989; Petti-
respond to pheromones can be highly specific and grew 1999) and the platypus (Ornithorhynchus
activated by a single compound. Broadly tuned anatinus; Pettigrew 1999; Scheich et al. 1986). Elec-
receptors tend to be sensitive to structurally similar troreceptors have also been suggested in the star-
odorants (Su et al. 2009). Different degrees of spe- nosed mole (Condylura cristata; Gould et al. 1993),
cialization by different cells reflect the degree of and recently in the Guiana dolphin (e.g. Sotalia
receptor-protein specificity, and how closely a mol- guianensis; Czech-Damal et al. 2011), and crayfish
ecule has to match the receptor in order to trigger a (Patullo and Macmillan 2010), and so they could be
response (Reisert and Restrepo 2009). A categoriza- more widespread than currently known. As air is a
tion into ‘specialist’ cells is sometimes valid for poor conductor of electricity, an electric sense is
many pheromone systems. However, for non- only useful in aquatic or moist environments. Here,
pheromone processing some cells show more spe- we focus on fish because an electric sense has been
cific responses to certain odour components and most studied and is most prevalent in a number of
others general responses to broader compositions fish lineages. Many species passively detect elec-
(de Bruyne and Baker 2008; Masson and Musta- tric information from their environment. However,
parta 1990). In addition, concentrations of odours other species, in particular some groups of teleost
also determine whether a receptor is ‘generalist’ or fish, are able to produce electricity themselves and,
‘specialist’ (Kaupp 2010). Therefore, a clear distinc- like echolocating bats, have an active sense. Line-
tion between specialist and generalist is problem- ages of electric fish tend to come from habitats
atic and it is better to think of a continuum of where vision is of diminished value, such as where
responses (see Chapter 3). water transparency is poor (for example, due to
Drosophila has been well studied with regards particulate matter) or when species are predomi-
to the physiology and genetics of olfaction. In nantly active at night.


2.3.1 Passive Electroreception field generated, weakly electric fish can detect dif-
ferences in size, distance, shape, and even the mate-
All animals produce electricity from the normal
rial from which an object is made. Electric signals
actions of muscles and nerves, and some predators
are also used in communication, including mating
are able to sense this to locate their prey. Between
behaviour. Electric fields are effectively set up
the late 1950s and 1970 a steady increase in evidence
instantaneously and do not propagate like sound or
showed that electroreception existed in some ani-
light waves. Thus, electric information attenuates
mals (Hopkins 2010). However, comprehensive
(decrease in amplitude) much faster than sound or
studies of the function of passive electroreception
light and is only useful to within a few body lengths
had not yet been done. Then, a classic experiment
of the individual.
by Kalmijn (1971) showed that spotted dogfish
(Scyliorhinus canicula) can locate a flatfish (Pleu- Production and Detection of
ronectes platessa) under the sand using just electrical Electric Signals
cues. Kalmijn’s experiments are wonderfully clear
Electricity is produced by an electric organ, and in
in their simplicity, yet powerful. First, he showed
most cases this is developmentally and evolutionar-
that the shark could locate the flatfish buried in the
ily derived from modified muscle fibres (in one line-
sand (no visual cues). Second, the shark would also
age, Apteronotus, the electric organ is derived from
locate a hidden flatfish covered by an agar chamber,
nerve fibres). The organ is made of a series of elec-
which conducts electricity but blocks mechanical
trocytes, which produce synchronous action poten-
cues and some chemical diffusion. However, the
tials. The flow of sodium ions into the electrocytes
shark would not locate the flatfish when the cham-
polarizes the skin of the fish, generating an electric
ber was electrically insulated. Finally, the shark
field outside the body. Electrocytes are arranged in
attacked two electrodes hidden in the sand, which
parallel and series so that their effects are summed,
only presented electric cues similar to that of a fish.
increasing current and voltage, respectively. The
Electric information in fish is detected by elec-
effect is to produce electric organ discharges (EODs).
troreceptors. These are found in jelly-filled pores
Different phases of EODs are produced by varying
open to the water and resemble the hair cells of the
the direction that sodium ions enter the electrocytes
lateral line system. In cartilaginous fishes, the recep-
over time (e.g. either in a headward or tailward
tors are arranged into clusters over the head region
direction), causing either the head or tail regions to
(the ampullae of Lorenzini). Ampullary electrore-
be positively or negatively polarized. Broadly, EODs
ceptors are highly sensitive to weak electric fields,
come in two types (Figure 2.3): ‘pulse’ fish produce
and are used in passive electrolocation. They have
single pulses of EODs separated by large time inter-
detection thresholds as weak as 1 μVcm-1 in fresh-
vals. These EODs vary between 0.1 ms and 10 ms
water and 20 μVcm-1 in marine species, but possibly
and have one to five distinct phases. In contrast,
lower (Peters et al. 2007).
‘wave’ fish produce a series of quasi-sinusoidal
EODs close together in time.
Despite the two main categories of EOD, charac-
2.3.2 Active Electroreception
teristics vary between species, sex, and even some-
Sharks and rays, for example, can only detect elec- times at different times of day. They also vary with
tric cues from the environment. However, in 1951 certain behaviours and in different physical and
the production of electric signals by fish was clearly social environments. Note, however, that individual
demonstrated (Lissmann 1951). Many fish are now EOD variation stemming from changes in EOD with
well known to produce electricity: they are electro- growth or breeding season, while clearly significant,
genic. The largest groups are teleost lineages of are often comparatively slight compared to interspe-
weakly electric fish: the Gymnotiformes (‘knifefish’) cific EOD variation (and EOD variation between
from South America, and the Mormyridae (‘ele- sexes in some species). In some fish, the discharge
phant fish’) and Gymnarchidae (Osteoglossiformes) rate of EODs is controlled by pacemaker neurons in
from Africa. By measuring distortions in the electric the medulla and transmitted to the electrocytes by

26 S E N S O RY E C O L O G Y, B E H AV I O U R , A N D E V O L U T I O N Functions of EODs

Active electrolocation involves using self-produced

electric signals to detect, localize, and analyse
objects in the environment (see Assad et al. 1999;
von der Emde 1999). Objects cause distortions in the
Time electric field generated around the animal, leading
to changes in the current flowing through the elec-

troreceptors (Figure 2.4): objects with impedance

values lower than that of the surrounding water
(conductors) ‘attract’ electrical current because
more current flows through the object than the
Time water it replaces. In contrast, non-conductors have
higher impedance-values than the water and ‘repel’
Figure 2.3 Example electric organ discharges from a wave-type
current (von der Emde 1999).
electric fish (top: Apteronotus leptorhynchus; data from Fugère and
Krahe 2010) and a pulse-type electric fish (bottom: Campylomormyrus The location of an object is revealed by its effect
compressirostris; data from Feulner et al. 2009b). on receptors at different locations on the body. For
example, changes in the response of the receptors at
the tail only would indicate an object at the poste-
spinal relay- and motor neurons. For example, the
rior region of the fish. Changes in amplitude reveal
brown ghost knifefish (Apteronotus leptorhynchus)
information about the impedance values of the
has a pacemaker nucleus comprising about 100 cou-
object, and more complex features probably require
pled pacemaker neurons that fire simultaneously.
integration of different pieces of electric informa-
These are electrically coupled to spinal relay neu-
tion (von der Emde et al. 1998; von der Emde 1999).
rons, followed by spinal motor neurons, which drive
Changes in the temporal properties of EODs in
EOD frequency (Zakon et al. 2002). Recent work has
fish can function in communication towards both
also started to reveal the molecular basis of diver-
conspecifics and heterospecifics (e.g. Dunlap et al.
gence and diversity in EODs, with changes in EODs
2010). Various species of electric fish are sexually
across species in both mormyrids and gymnotiforms
dimorphic in their EOD properties, and EODs have
correlated with parallel changes to some of the same
increasingly been shown to play a role in mate
functional regions of the voltage-gated sodium chan-
choice and courtship. For example, males of the pin-
nel α subunit, Nav1.4a (Arnegard et al. 2010b; Zakon
tail knifefish (Brachyhypopomus pinnicaudatus)
et al. 2006; Zakon et al. 2008; see Chapter 11).
In addition to ampullary electroreceptors (to
passively detect electric cues), weakly electric fish
have tuberous electroreceptors that are specially a) b)
adapted to detect EODs. Different types of tuber-
ous receptors are often associated with specific
tasks (e.g. communication, electrolocation), and
encode different features of EODs. In mormyrids,
mormyromasts are used in active electrolocation
of objects around the fish, whereas knollenorgans
are used for detecting the EODs of other individu-
als in communication (Bell and Grant 1989). Gym-
notiforms have just a single type of tuberous
receptor for both these tasks, but these can be
modified to improve the encoding of either tem-
Figure 2.4 In electrolocation, objects in the environment cause
poral characteristics or differences in the ampli- distortions in the EODs of fish. Conductors a) attract electrical current
tude of EODs. towards them, whereas non-conductors b) repel electric field lines.


change their EODs during phases of spawning with to form an image) as needed for vision. To detect
females. Females prefer individuals with EODs of light, animals have photoreceptor cells, which con-
longer duration and higher amplitude, and these tain a visual pigment. Photopigments comprise a
features correlate positively with male body size protein (an opsin), bound to a carotenoid chromo-
(Curtis and Stoddard 2003; Chapter 5). Similar cor- phore (Kelber et al. 2003; Shichida and Matsuyama
relations between EOD attributes and body size 2009). The combination of opsin-type and chromo-
may also function in dominance relationships phore confers sensitivity of the photopigment to
between males (e.g. Zakon et al. 2002). EOD charac- specific wavebands of light. The mechanisms of
teristics can also be important in species recognition phototransduction are known in considerable detail
(e.g. Fugère and Krahe 2010; see Chapter 11). (see Arshavsky et al. 2002; Porter et al. 2012; Shichida
Finally, some predatory fish (e.g. catfish such as and Matsuyama 2009, and references therein).
Clarias gariepinus) exploit the electric signals of other A chromophore absorbs a photon and isomerizes,
fish in order to locate their prey (Hanika and Kramer causing the opsin to change conformation. This acti-
2000). They eavesdrop on communication signals of vates a G-protein molecule, leading to an enzymatic
others (see Chapter 7). Other predatory fish, such as signalling cascade and an electrical response in the
the mormyrid Mormyrops anguilloides, which feeds photoreceptor.
on cichlid fish in Lake Malawi, may use synchro- Different photoreceptors vary in both the amount
nized bursts of EODs across individuals during and wavelengths of light to which they are sensi-
group hunting to maintain group cohesion tive. In vertebrates, rods are distributed widely
(Arnegard and Carlson 2005). across the retina and generally sensitive to low lev-
els of illumination (scotopic vision), and usually do
not give rise to colour perception. Cone cells gener-
2.4 Light
ally have low sensitivity and are subdivided into
Light is part of the electromagnetic spectrum (it different classes in many animals. They are used in,
comprises both electrical and magnetic forces). In among other things, colour vision. Almost all pho-
many respects light behaves like a wave, whereas in toreceptor cells in animals have membrane speciali-
others it behaves like a stream of particles (photons). zations to house large quantities of photopigment
Light is generally more easily understood as a wave (Nilsson 2009). These can be based on either modi-
when it travels, but more easily understood as a fied cilia or microvilli projecting from the cell body,
particle when it interacts with matter (see Johnsen and is often used to create a distinction between cili-
2012). Visible light is the part of the electromagnetic ary and rhabdomeric photoreceptor cell types (note,
spectrum to which an animal’s receptors are sensi- however, that this division is becoming less clear
tive (roughly 380–780 nm for humans, although the and it may be better in future to divide photorecep-
upper limit is intensity-dependent). The light that tors by transduction cascades and opsin families;
animals are sensitive to differs across, and some- Lamb 2009). Many vertebrate eyes generally con-
times even within species, meaning that the range tain the former cell type, and most invertebrate eyes
of information available to animals need not be the comprise the latter, although again this distinction
same. In Chapter 3 we discuss neural mechanisms is not clear-cut and some animals have cells with
of vision for encoding important information about features of both types. The two cell types also use
stimuli, such as motion and contrast. different types of opsin (Nilsson 2009; Shichida and
Matsuyama 2009), although again this may be a
simplification (Porter et al. 2012).
2.4.1 Sensing Light
Different groups of opsins are associated with
Many microorganisms have light-sensitive mole- vision in vertebrates and invertebrates. In verte-
cules used to guide an individual towards or away brates, there are at least five different classes of
from a light source (phototaxis). We do not regard opsin genes associated with photoreceptors
this true vision here, however, but instead consider (although a range of other opsins also exist; see Por-
the ability to detect spatial structure in a scene (i.e. ter et al. 2012): LWS/MWS conferring sensitivity in

28 S E N S O RY E C O L O G Y, B E H AV I O U R , A N D E V O L U T I O N

cones to relatively longer wavelengths (peak sensi-

tivity conferred: 490–570 nm), SWS1 (355–440), and
SWS2 (410–490) conferring sensitivity to shorter
and/or ultraviolet (UV) wavelengths in cones,
RhB/Rh2 (480–535 nm) providing sensitivity to
medium wavelengths in cones, and RhA/Rh1
(460–530 nm) found in rods (Bowmaker 2008; Collin
et al. 2009). Within these groups, tuning of photore-
ceptor sensitivity to different wavelengths of light is
driven by changes in the opsin protein, encoded by
the opsin genes (Bowmaker 2008; Collin et al. 2009;
Osorio and Vorobyev 2005). Of the different types of
cone opsin, all four are present in many fish, rep-
tiles, and birds, but one or more have been lost in
many mammals, amphibians, and primitive fish.
Arthropod visual pigments fall into three families:
‘UV’, ‘blue’, and ‘green’ (Briscoe 2001).
The different wavelengths of light a photorecep-
tor is sensitive to not only depend on the visual pig-
ment it contains, but also other features of the eye. Figure 2.5 Types of eye. Both birds and preying mantis have
Specifically, some animals have coloured filters or excellent vision used in foraging, movement, and communication.
Birds have a camera-type eye (top-right), where light passes through
oil droplets associated with specific receptor types,
the cornea and a single lens to a concave retina, which contains the
which tune the sensitivity of the photoreceptor. receptor cells. In the preying mantis compound eye (middle-right),
Diurnal birds, many lizards, fish, and turtles have light passes through thousands of lenses (facets) into the ommatidia,
oil droplets located in the cone inner segments. each of which contains a limited number of receptor cells. Compound
These selectively absorb light before it reaches the eyes come in two broad types: apposition compound eyes (middle
right) comprise many ommatidia, each with a set of photoreceptors
photopigment and modifies the light spectrum that
receiving light from only one lens, whereas superposition compound
is available for the receptor to respond to (Bow- eyes (bottom-right) involve light passing through a large number of
maker 1980; Goldsmith 1990; Hart et al. 2000). This lenses and onto photoreceptors on a convex retina. Note that various
may enhance colour discrimination by reducing the other types of eye also exist as well as variations between these,
spectral overlap between cone types (Vorobyev including simple pinhole-type eyes with a small opening, and eyes
where light is reflected from a mirror-like surface onto a retina.
2003). Coloured filters in some stomatopods and
butterflies are based on tiered retinae, where light
passes through a set of distal receptor cells before vertebrates) that have a single lens in front of an
reaching the proximal cells (Kelber et al. 2003). Many array (retina) of photoreceptors where the retina is
invertebrates also use screening pigments. The concave, and compound eyes, with hundreds or
effect of these mechanisms is to tune the receptor to thousands of lenses (or facets) with a convex array
specific wavebands of light, for example for (Goldsmith 1990; Land and Nilsson 2012). There are
enhanced colour discrimination and/or in line with also eyes that are somewhere between these types,
prevailing light conditions (see Chapter 10). and eyes without lenses. Although eyes of some
type are found in the majority of animals, it is
unclear how many times eyes have evolved (Lamb
2.4.2 Forming Images
et al. 2009).
To detect the direction of light and to form an image, Insect compound eyes comprise a mosaic of
information needs to be gathered from an arrange- ommatidia. Compound eyes are broadly of two
ment of photoreceptors in an eye. The eyes found in main types. Apposition compound eyes involve
animals are varied (Figure 2.5). However, very each set of (normally eight to nine) photoreceptors
broadly, there are camera-type eyes (such as in (‘rhabdomeres’) receiving light from only one lens.


In contrast, superposition compound eyes work Colour

more like camera eyes (except with a convex rather Colour vision is the ability to detect differences in
than concave retina), with light passing through a two light spectra based on their composite wave-
zone from a large number of lenses and focused onto lengths, independent of light intensity (Kelber
a range of photoreceptors. The latter has increased et al. 2003; Kelber and Osorio 2010). An animal’s
sensitivity and tends to occur in nocturnal insects perception of colour does not depend on the abso-
(Kelber and Roth 2006), although a range of insect lute stimulation of the receptors, but rather the
species that have undergone a transition from a diur- relative stimulation of two or more receptor types
nal to a crepuscular or nocturnal lifestyle retain appo- of different sensitivity and their neural interac-
sition eyes modified for dim light (Frederiksen and tions. As Newton (1718) realized, light itself is not
Warrant 2008; Greiner 2006). In vertebrate camera- coloured, but colour perception (like other forms
type eyes, the retina is a mosaic of different photore- of vision) stems from the sensory system and brain.
ceptors, with the relative proportions of photoreceptor In principle, the number of receptor types involved
types often varying across different regions of the in colour vision dictates the range of colours an
retina. This reaches an extreme in a fovea or visual animal could potentially see. Trichromatic animals
streak, which are characterized by a dense concentra- have colour vision involving three receptor types,
tions of specific receptor cells. In humans, the fovea whereas tetrachromatic vision involves four recep-
involves high densities of longwave- (‘red’) and tor types. Much of colour vision depends on oppo-
mediumwave- (‘green’) sensitive cones and no rods, nent processing of photoreceptor outputs. Here,
and provides high visual acuity. antagonistic colour pairs are processed in a sepa-
rate neural channel. In humans, blue–yellow and
red–green, represent opponent neural pathways
2.4.3 Achromatic and Colour Vision (Chatterjee and Callaway 2003; Chichilnisky and
Wandell 1999). Colour opponency is the product of Luminance excitatory and inhibitory connections between the
A fundamental aspect of vision is encoding of ach- receptor types, with either member of the oppo-
romatic (brightness) information. This can be termed nent pair perceived depending upon excitation or
‘luminance’ when quantified with respect to the inhibition of the pathway. In some primates for
receiver’s vision, and varies in species owing to dif- example, cells (e.g. ganglion cells; see Chapter 3) in
ferent luminance encoding mechanisms. Luminance the visual system have been found that are stimu-
vision is fundamental to many aspects of sight lated by light of one part of the spectrum and
because much information in the world is encoded inhibited by light in another part of the spectrum.
by differences in brightness (for example, the Outside of primates, evidence for multiple oppo-
boundaries between objects). It is therefore often nent channels has been found, for example, from
used in spatial vision, motion perception, and detec- behavioural experiments with birds (Osorio et al.
tion of small objects (Osorio and Vorobyev 2005). 1999) and neurophysiological studies of horizontal
Correspondingly, the receptors used for luminance and ganglion cells in turtles (e.g. Ammermüller
vision tend to be the most abundant type in the eye. et al. 1995; Ammermüller et al. 1998; Twig and Perl-
In humans, luminance vision is largely based on the man 2004; Ventura et al. 1999; Ventura et al. 2001).
additive combination of the longwave (LW) and Colour-opponent mechanisms in insect vision
mediumwave (MW) cone outputs. In contrast, birds, have been studied in some species, but not much is
fish, and various other non-mammalian vertebrates yet known about how coding of colour channels
seem to use an additional photoreceptor type, the works or the variation that exists (Briscoe and
double cones (two receptor cells linked together), Chittka 2001).
which have broad sensitivity (Kelber et al. 2003; There is a great variety in the types and numbers
Osorio and Vorobyev 2005). Bees and some other of receptors potentially used in colour vision across
insects, for example, use their longwave-length animals (Bowmaker 2008; Kelber et al. 2003; Figure 2.6),
receptors for luminance. although explaining this diversity has proved diffi-

30 S E N S O RY E C O L O G Y, B E H AV I O U R , A N D E V O L U T I O N

1 bees use three receptor types in colour vision. Sto-

Dichromat matopod crustaceans (‘mantis shrimp’) have beyond
(e.g. a rodent) ten different types of spectrally distinct photorecep-
tors (Cronin and Marshall 1989). Some animals are
also sexually dimorphic for the types of receptor
and colour vision that they may have; for example,
some butterflies. Many butterflies have four or even
five receptor types, although this does not mean
that they use them all in colour vision. Instead, dif-
0 ferent combinations of photoreceptors may be used
1 in different tasks (Kelber and Osorio 2010). For
Trichromat example, the Japanese yellow swallowtail butterfly
(e.g. an Old (Papilio xuthus) has eight varieties of photoreceptors
World primate)
with different spectral tuning, sensitive to various
parts of the spectrum (Koshitaka et al. 2008). Behav-
ioural studies suggest that when foraging for nectar,
it uses tetrachromatic colour vision, with UV, blue,
green, and red classes of receptor. Some fish also
seem to go from mono- to di- to trichromatic vision
depending upon light levels. There will almost cer-
1 tainly be more flexibility in colour vision uncovered
across and within species as work into the process-
(e.g. a bird) ing of colour beyond the initial interactions and
comparisons of receptor types progresses.
Finally, many conventional assumptions are
unlikely to be hard rules. For example, the assump-
tion that colour vision only operates during the day
has been shown to be wrong in an increasing number
of species that use colour vision at night (Kelber and
Roth 2006), and receptors like double cones, often
0 assumed to be involved in luminance, may be used
300 400 500 600 700
in colour vision in some fish (Pignatelli et al. 2010).
Figure 2.6 Spectral sensitivity curves for a dichromat with two cone
types (e.g. a rodent), a trichromat with three cone types (e.g. an Old
World primate), and a tetrachromat with four cone types (e.g. a bird) 2.4.4 Polarization
used in colour vision.
Polarization describes the way that as a wave of
light propagates its electric field vibrates, with the
cult (see Chapter 4). For example, many mammals axis of vibration being called the electric field vector
are dichromatic and some are trichromatic, whereas (e-vector) angle. When light comprises photons
many birds and some reptiles and fish are poten- with the same e-vector angles, it is called plane-
tially tetrachromatic. polarized or linearly polarized (for a full descrip-
Note that simply identifying a given number of tion of polarization see Johnsen 2012). Many
receptors (e.g. four) does not mean that the animal animals, including birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish,
has colour vision comprising that number of dimen- and especially various invertebrates from cephalo-
sions (e.g. is tetrachromatic). Ultimately, relevant pods to insects, may be capable of perceiving polar-
neural comparisons are needed between each recep- ized light (reviewed in Cronin et al. 2003; Cronin
tor type. The number of receptor types also varies and Marshall 2011; Marshall and Cronin 2011; Nilsson
greatly across invertebrates. Some insects, such as and Warrant 1999; Wehner 2001). In unpolarized


light, all e-vectors are represented randomly over class of polarization-sensitive receptors. However,
time with the light having, on average, no e-vector true polarization vision is often described as the
direction. Natural light can be partially polarized ability to discriminate between stimuli based on
due to the effects of scattering, where certain e-vec- angle and degree of polarization alone, independ-
tors are more common. Circular polarization occurs ently of colour or intensity information (Bernard
when the e-vector rotates as the wave travels. Rota- and Wehner 1977; Johnsen 2012; Marshall et al. 1999;
tions of the e-vector in a clockwise or counter-clock- Nilsson and Warrant 1999). To achieve this fully,
wise direction, seen from the direction of the animals would need three classes of receptor sensi-
receptor, constitute right- and left-handed circularly tive to different e-vectors of light (as with colour
polarized light. vision that requires two or more receptor types sen-
sitive to different wavelengths of light), and oppo- Detecting Polarized Light nent processing channels between these receptors
In order to be able to detect and discriminate polar- (Labhart and Meyer 2002; Marshall and Cronin
ized light, animals need to have appropriate visual 2011; Nilsson and Warrant 1999). Polarization oppo-
mechanisms (Horváth and Varjú 2004; Johnsen nent interneurons have been found, for example, in
2012). The probability of light being absorbed by a the optic lobe of crickets, receiving antagonistic
photoreceptor is greatest if the e-vector of the light input from orthogonally arranged photoreceptors
aligns (is parallel) with the excitable dipole of the sensitive to polarization (Labhart 1988). A number
visual pigment molecule, and lowest if the light of studies have investigated the receptors and their
has an e-vector perpendicular to the axis of the properties that seem to be used in polarization
pigment molecule (i.e. absorption probability vision in, for example, insects (e.g. Labhart 1980;
depends on the angle between the pigment bond Wehner et al. 1975), and shown that sets of omma-
and the polarization of light). This means that vis- tidia in stomatopod crusteceans (mantis shrimp)
ual pigment molecules are automatically sensitive compound eyes can discriminate between linearly
to polarization (Cronin et al. 2003; Nilsson and polarized light and use this to guide behaviour (e.g.
Warrant 1999). For the photoreceptor (which con- Marshall 1988; Marshall et al. 1999), and even
tains many pigment molecules) to have polariza- between right- and left-handed circular polariza-
tion sensitivity, there needs to be general/partial tions of light (Chiou et al. 2008; Roberts et al. 2009).
alignment of preferred absorption angles of the Recent work also shows that some cuttlefish can
pigment molecules in the receptor. In addition, the have very refined abilities to discriminate e-vector
receptor cells need to be orientated in the eye. In angles down to just 1° (Temple et al. 2012).
vertebrate rods and cones the photoreceptors are
insensitive to e-vector direction and the basis for Functions of Polarization Sensitivity
polarization sensitivity is uncertain, although it and Vision
may stem from the double cones (Johnsen 2012). It has been known for some time that insects such as
However, in the rhabdomere of invertebrate pho- bees use patterns of polarization in the sky for ori-
toreceptors, microvilli can be aligned in parallel entation and navigation (e.g. Brunner and Labhart
and kept straight so the animal could achieve sen- 1987; von Philipsborn and Labhart 1990), as do some
sitivity to a specific e-vector (Cronin et al. 2003; vertebrates such as birds (see Chapter 4). Orienta-
Marshall and Cronin 2011; Nilsson and Warrant tion in both vertebrates and invertebrates (on land
1999). In cephalopods like cuttlefish and octopus, and underwater) may exploit polarized light pat-
microvilli are also arranged in an orthogonal struc- terns relative to the direction of the sun (Labhart
ture that makes them sensitive to linear polariza- and Meyer 2002; Lythgoe and Hemmings 1967).
tion (Mäthger et al. 2009; Moody and Parriss 1961; Much work on polarization sensitivity and vision
Shashar and Cronin 1996; Shashar et al. 1996; Tal- has been and still is being undertaken in orientation
bot and Marshall 2010, 2011). and navigation (e.g. Henze and Labhart 2007;
A range of relatively simple tasks and detection of Homberg et al. 2011; Kraft et al. 2011; Lerner et al.
polarization levels can be achieved using just one 2011). However, animals may also use polarization

32 S E N S O RY E C O L O G Y, B E H AV I O U R , A N D E V O L U T I O N

in other tasks. This includes communication. For Object 1

example, Marshall et al. (1999), Chiou et al. (2012),
and others have shown that some mantis shrimp
have body patterns of polarization, most notably on
the antennal scales, and polarized light may also be
used in signalling in Heliconius butterflies (Sweeney Pit organ
et al. 2003), and cephalopods (Mäthger et al. 2009).
Some beetles may also possess circular-polarization
discrimination abilities and use this in communica-
tion (Brady and Cummings 2010). Polarization
vision could also be useful in hunting. For example, Object 2
cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis) may use polarization pat-
Figure 2.7 The pit organ found in some snakes is superficially
terns to detect silvery fish (Shashar et al. 2000), and
similar to a camera-type eye, with an opening through which infrared
to detect transparent prey (Shashar et al. 1998), information passes and stimulates nerve cells lying close to the
although these ideas are still largely lacking in surface of a thin membrane layer at the back of the pit organ. The
experimental support (see Johnsen et al. 2011; Mar- location of stimulation can reveal the direction of the object.
shall and Cronin 2011).
The gene TRPA1 underlies a temperature-sensi-
2.4.6 Infrared tive calcium ion channel (TRPA1) on the sensory
nerve fibres in the membrane (Gracheva et al. 2010).
Some snakes (pit vipers, pythons, and some boas)
Geng et al. (2011) showed that this gene is under
are well known for using infrared radiation to detect
strong positive selection in snake species with pit
and strike at prey and for orientation. Pit vipers
organs, but not in species without the organs. Fur-
have heat-sensitive nerve fibres found in pit organs
thermore, 11 amino acid sites in the TRPA1 protein
on the head (Goris 2011; Newman and Hartline
sequences have diverged in pit-bearing snakes, but
1982; Safer and Grace 2004). Information from the
are conserved in other species. Parallel amino acid
pit organs is relayed to the optic tectum of the mid-
changes seem to be responsible for modification
brain, which is well known for its role in vision
across different groups of snakes (Yokoyama et al.
(Newman and Hartline 1982). Vampire bats
2011). Therefore, evolutionary modification of infra-
(Desmodus rotundus) also have high numbers of
red sense organs in pit-bearing snakes is associated
thermal receptors, located at the central nose leaf.
with changes in the TRPA1 gene.
These are capable of detecting small temperature
differences and probably underlie their ability to
acquire blood meals from other animals (Kürten
2.5 Magnetic
et al. 1984).
The pit organ of snakes comprises a cavity with a Sensitivity to magnetic fields (magnetoreception)
thin membrane (Figure 2.7), close to the surface of has been found in many animals, including birds
which are thousands of nerve endings that respond (Wiltschko and Wiltschko 2007), mammals such as
to very small changes in temperature, with even bats (Holland et al. 2006) and mole rats (Marhold
values as low as 0.003° C discussed (e.g. Goris 2011; and Wiltschko 1997; Němec et al. 2001), insects such
Newman and Hartline 1982). The structure of the as bees (e.g. Schmitt and Esch 1993), beetles (e.g.
pit organ is grossly similar to camera-type eyes, Vácha et al. 2008), and flies (e.g. Gegear et al. 2010),
with a narrow opening so that the patch of illumi- turtles (e.g. Lohmann and Lohmann 1996a), fish
nated membrane allows direction to be deduced (e.g. Hellinger and Hoffmann 2009; Quinn 1980),
(Goris 2011). Note that the pit organs can detect lobsters (e.g. Boles and Lohmann 2003), and some
changes in temperature relating to either cool objects amphibians (e.g. Phillips and Borland 1992), and car-
against a warm background or vice versa (Van Dyke tilaginous fish. The magnetic sense is the only known
and Grace 2010). sensory modality that is not used in communication


because animals cannot generate magnetic signals field is not entirely consistent because the earth’s
(that we know of, at least). It is also not used in other magnetic field varies over time, and due to local
tasks such as prey location, and is apparently largely anomalies caused by material in the earth’s upper
restricted to orientation and navigation, although it crust and electromagnetic radiation from the sun
may play a role in calibrating internal clocks. Much (although how much of this variation is significant
work on the use of magnetic cues has been under- enough to be a problem for animals is unclear). Per-
taken in the subject of relatively long-range orienta- haps for this reason, animals often seem to use their
tion and migration (see Chapter 4), but the use of magnetic sense along with information from other
magnetic information is also important in many modalities, such as vision (see Chapter 4). How-
species of short distances, such as moving through ever, magnetic information is present both day and
home ranges or in nest construction (e.g. De Jong night, irrespective of weather and season (Lohm-
1982; Jacklyn 1992). Although much progress has ann et al. 2007).
been made in understanding magnetoreception, Birds are the most studied group with a magnetic
many questions remain about how it works in dif- sense, with over 20 species demonstrated to use
ferent species. One problem is that, for most senses, magnetic information (see Wiltschko and Wiltschko
the stimulus being detected requires identifiable 2007, 2010). Most work has been undertaken on
receptors exposed to the external environment, migratory birds. These become active at the time of
whereas because magnetic fields pass through ani- year when they would normally be migrating
mal tissue, the receptors could be based anywhere (‘migratory restlessness’), and the direction that
and dispersed widely in the body (Johnsen and they ‘aim’ to go in can be measured with an Emlen
Lohmann 2005). Therefore, the sensory receptors funnel: a funnel-shaped cage lined with paper that
involved in magnetoreception are relatively poorly records the scratch marks of birds when they move.
understood. Much of what we know comes from Experiments involving altering the direction of the
experiments manipulating aspects of magnetic magnetic field around the funnel results in birds
fields and analysing changes in behaviour. How- adjusting the direction of their movements in line
ever, in the last decade we have started to gain a with this modification (Wiltschko and Wiltschko
much better understanding of how magnetorecep- 2007, 2010; Figure 2.8). However, a magnetic sense
tion works. also seems to be important over shorter distances
(e.g. homing behaviour in pigeons), and even on a
local scale (such as search behaviour in chickens; see
2.5.1 The Source and Use of Magnetic Cues
Wiltschko and Wiltschko 2010).
The basis of magnetic-guided behaviour is the The main potential use of magnetic cues in ani-
magnetic field of the earth. How exactly this field is mals is in gaining information about a specific loca-
created is not well understood, but probably stems tion (a map) or of a direction (a compass). Compass
largely from motion in the earth’s molten iron core information is uncontroversial and enables animals
due to the coriolis effect, with a smaller (and vari- to head in a particular direction (e.g. north or south-
able) component produced inductively by ions in east, for example). However, magnetic cues need to
the jet streams (see Gould 2010). Field lines leave be used in conjunction with other information in
the southern magnetic pole and re-enter at the order to reach a specific goal. The inclination of the
northern hemisphere. At the magnetic equator, magnetic field lines can provide information about
the field lines are parallel to the earth’s surface and direction (i.e. an ‘inclination compass’) such as
the inclination angle is 0°, whereas at other loca- ‘poleward’ or ‘equatorward’. Birds, for example,
tions the field lines intersect the earth at different seem to use this type of compass, rather than one
angles, becoming steeper, and then 90° at the poles sensitive to polarity (e.g. magnetic north versus
(Lohmann et al. 2007; Wiltschko and Wiltschko south), whereas rodents, salmon, and some inverte-
2005, 2007, 2010). The intensity of the magnetic field brates seem to use a polarity compass sensitive
is also highest at the poles and lowest at the mag- to the polarity of the field lines (Wiltschko and
netic equator. Information from the earth’s magnetic Wiltschko 2005).

34 S E N S O RY E C O L O G Y, B E H AV I O U R , A N D E V O L U T I O N

M.N. However, whether animals can navigate based on

a) N magnetic field information alone is currently unclear.

2.5.2 Sensing Magnetic Cues

W E W E The proposed mechanisms for magnetoreception in
animals are complex (see Johnsen and Lohmann
M.N. 2005 for a summary), but two leading theories exist
that invoke either the presence of magnetic sub-
stances or light-dependent chemical processes. The
b) N
N mechanisms animals use, even in relatively closely
related groups, seems to vary widely and different
mechanisms may be found even in the same indi-
viduals (Gould 2008). Other mechanisms based on
W E W E induction occur in sea animals, especially cartilagi-
nous fish, but this is not well studied or understood
(Wiltschko and Wiltschko 2005).
S The first main mechanism involves the use of
substances that are permanently magnetic and
Figure 2.8 a) European robins (Erithacus rubecula) orientate with interact with the earth’s magnetic field (Kirschvink
respect to the local magnetic field (left), and switch their orientation and Gould 1981). Magnetite, a form of iron oxide,
behaviour accordingly when magnetic north is moved 120°. b) has magnetic properties that depend on the size and
Orientation of robins towards the magnetic field is accurate when
shape of the particles (see Gould 2008, 2010; Wilt-
under monochromatic light of 565 nm (‘green’ light; left), but is
abolished when under 635 nm light (‘red’ light; right). Arrows are schko and Wiltschko 2005, 2007, 2010). When of a
mean vectors across all individuals (of standardized length). Data certain size, particles can act as permanent magnets
from Wiltschko and Wiltschko (2007). with the spins of adjacent atoms aligned. This mag-
netic field interacts with that of the earth’s, creating
In contrast, magnetic maps allow individuals to a pressure to align these two fields that could be
go to a specific destination and compute geographi- measured by secondary receptors such as stretch- or
cal location (Lohmann et al. 2007). Various studies mechanoreceptors or hair cells (Gould 2008; Johnsen
have demonstrated the use of magnetic maps by and Lohmann 2005). Alternatively, animals could
capturing animals and testing them inside appara- use smaller superparamagnetic particles where the
tus with magnetic coils. The experimenter simulates spins of unpaired electrons align themselves with
a false present location in terms of magnetic cues the direction of the magnetic field (Gould 2008).
and the animal orientates towards a position that Magnetite-based organs have been found in fish,
corresponds to the shifted location of the capture birds, reptiles, amphibians, mammals, and insects.
site in accordance with this. Magnetic maps would In birds, for example, magnetite is found in the
allow true navigation, whereby an individual could orbital and nasal cavities and in the skin of the
determine its position relative to a goal and find the upper beak (Wiltschko et al. 2006; Wiltschko and
way there based on magnetic field information Wiltschko 2007). In bees, it is found in the abdomen
(Boles and Lohmann 2003). This could involve using (Gould et al. 1978).
changes in the angle of field lines and variations in Recently, evidence has accumulated that some
intensity of the magnetic field (Gould 2010; Lohmann birds, amphibians, and insects have a magnetic
et al. 2007). Magnetic maps could be used in either sense that requires an input from vision. This sec-
long-distance migratory pathways, such as in sea ond main mechanism is termed the ‘radical-pair’
turtles and some birds, or to navigate to specific tar- interaction, developed by Ritz et al. (2000). Changes
get areas in a habitat, such as turtles, newts, and in the excited spin state of photopigment molecules
lobsters (see review by Lohmann et al. 2007). occur in response to light. The magnetic field alters


the transition between spin states (singlet radical 2010), although recent work indicates that the pres-
pairs with anti-parallel spin change to triplet pairs ence of light alone may not be sufficient but also
of parallel spin), and the products of triplets are access to information about visual contrast or con-
chemically different from singlets: comparing tri- tours (i.e. an image is needed; Stapput et al. 2010).
plet yields from different directions could be meas- The radical-pair mechanism involving photopig-
ured between receptor molecules of different ments may primarily be involved in directional
orientation in order to get compass information information, whereas magnetite-based receptors
(Biro 2010; Johnsen and Lohmann 2005; Wiltschko provide information about magnetic field intensity,
and Wiltschko 2005, 2007, 2010). Owing to the giving different inputs into navigation (Wiltschko
arrangement of photoreceptors in the eye, radical- et al. 2011). Thus, the radical-pair mechanism seems
pair processes may generate different patterns over to work only as a compass and not as a map. How-
the retina. The photopigment molecules involved ever, there remains much to learn and this simple
are probably cryptochromes and these have been dichotomy is unlikely to hold as a rule.
found in the eyes of some magnetoreceptive birds.
Recent work in robins (Erithacus rubecula) and chick-
2.6 Mechanical
ens (Gallus gallus) has identified the ultraviolet sen-
sitive cone type as having cryptochrome molecules The ability to detect vibrations, either from inciden-
that fulfil the requirements potentially to underlie tal sources or those used in communication is wide-
the radical-pair model (Nießner et al. 2011). Other spread in insects and other invertebrates (Cocroft
research has also shown that photochemical reac- and Rodríguez 2005; Hill 2009) and vertebrates. The
tions in vitro can provide magnetic sensitivity to use of vibrations as a sensory modality has, how-
even weak magnetic fields such as of the earth ever, been somewhat understudied. Vibrations can
(Maeda et al. 2008), supporting the feasibility of the be detected after transmission through a variety of
radical-pair theory. substrates, from the ground and leaf litter through
In the radical-pair process, assessing magnetic to plant structures and spider webs. These sub-
fields is light dependent, owing to the process of strates have very different transmission properties
absorbing a photon. Early work showed that mag- (see Chapter 10). In communication, both verte-
netic orientation in salamanders is light-dependent brates and invertebrates produce vibrations by
and depends on specific wavebands (Phillips and drumming appendages against the substrate. In
Borland 1992). Magnetoreception in Drosophila is arthropods, this is often extended to more subtle
also light-dependent, and depends on a crypto- tremulations by rocking or vibrating body parts,
chrome photoreceptor molecule mediated by UV- and even to the use of specific structures such as
blue light (e.g. Gegear et al. 2010). Robins become tymbal organs in some insects (Hill 2009). Vibratory
unable to use magnetic cues based on a radical-pair information is often used in mating behaviour and
process when under light spectra lacking wave- parent–offspring communication, but also in other
lengths below 568 nm (Figure 2.8b) (see Wiltschko interactions. For example, it is even used in signals
and Wiltschko 2005, 2007), and recent work has between beetle pupae to prevent accidental damage
shown that under relatively longer red-light orien- by conspecific larvae living in the same patch of soil
tation based on magnetite receptors takes over (e.g. Kojima et al. 2012). Some caterpillars can also
(Wiltschko et al. 2011). Orientation in darkness also discriminate between the vibratory signals of con-
seems to depend upon the magnetite receptors in specifics and predators, and distinguish these from
the upper beak and not on a radical-pair process vibrations caused by wind and rain (Guedes et al.
(Stapput et al. 2008). For the radical-pair mechanism, 2012).
light of shorter wavelengths is needed. Light- In arthropods, detection of mechanical informa-
dependent magnetoreception in birds also seems to tion usually occurs via innervated hairs extending
depend on input from one eye (e.g. Wiltschko et al. from the cuticle (Dusenbery 1992). Insects tend to
2002; usually the right, although this may not to be have subgenual organs on their legs, and spiders
a rule across all birds; see Wiltschko and Wiltschko have slit sense organs (Hill 2009). The compound

36 S E N S O RY E C O L O G Y, B E H AV I O U R , A N D E V O L U T I O N

slit sense organ (metatarsal lyriform organ) found substrate-borne vibrations, even though the two
in spiders is sensitive to vibrations through the tar- may occur together and even involve the same
sus, with vibrations producing compression of the receptors. It is used in communication, prey detec-
slits (Barth and Geethabali 1982). In addition, slit tion, and in some species, even in orientation via
sensilla on the pre-tarsus on the leg, such as in the comparing self-generated sound signals with
spider Cupiennius salei, are also substrate-borne returning echoes (echolocation).
vibration detectors, stimulated by compression, and Sound is produced by mechanical disturbance in
seemingly important in prey detection and capture a medium (e.g. water or air), and propagates as
(Speck and Barth 1982). waves from the source. Sound waves can be charac-
In vertebrates, sensory hair cells are often involved terized by their velocity, phase, frequency, and wave-
in detecting mechanical stimuli, with movement of length (with frequency and wavelength inversely
the cilia causing excitation or inhibition (Dusenbery proportional). Sound travels more quickly in water
1992). In fish, the lateral line provides information than air, and can propagate over a longer distance.
about flow patterns around the animal, objects, and As sound waves propagate through a medium they
other organisms in the environment (see Bleckmann cause changes in pressure and disturbance in mole-
2008). Lateral line cells comprise neuromasts that cules at a given point. Very close to a sound source,
are either on the surface of the animal (superficial air molecules experience large movements that com-
neuromasts) or within canals (canal neuromasts). prise a significant amount of the total intensity but
They are distributed around the head, tail, and only small deviations in pressure occur (‘near field’),
along the side of the fish. The number of neuromasts whereas away from the sound source (‘far field’),
and the properties of the lateral line system vary sound propagates as a pressure wave (Greenfield
across fish species. Superficial neuromasts respond 2002; Hoy and Robert 1996). Most sounds cover a
to water motion, whereas canal neuromasts respond wide range of different frequencies, as opposed to
to pressure variations and gradients between neigh- those that are of just one frequency (pure tone). In
bouring cells (Bleckmann 2008; Dusenbery 1992). Chapter 3 we cover the neural basis of sound recep-
Increases in pressure arise when displacement of tion and localization in bats and owls.
water caused by the fish’s movement is restricted by
a nearby object, with specific receptor arrangements
2.7.1 Sound Detection in Insects
providing information about size, location, motion,
and direction of the object. Like the electric sense, Receptor organs to detect sounds close to a source
the lateral line system is probably only useful over are often called near-field detectors (Hoy and Robert
short distances. 1996). In insects, these include the Johnston’s organ
The lateral line system is also used by surface- of mosquitoes, which responds to rapid wing beats
feeding fish in detecting waves generated by mov- during mating (Arthur et al. 2010) and cercal organs
ing prey (Bleckmann 2008). Information is also of cockroaches. Near-field receptors lack eardrums
important in effective shoaling behaviour in fish. and are usually restricted in function to short-range
For example, by treating groups of firehead tetras detection and to relatively low frequencies of around
(Hemigrammus bleheri) with aminoglycoside antibi- 75–100 Hz (Hoy and Robert 1996). They are often
otics (which damaged the superficial neuromasts), used in courtship and social behaviour in Diptera
Faucher et al. (2010) showed that groups of fish were and Hymenoptera (Greenfield 2002).
no longer able to maintain a shoal (larger distances Far-field receptors in insects are often tympanal
between individuals, lack of coordination, and hearing organs, which can be sensitive to a range of
collisions occurred). high frequencies, from 2–100 kHz or higher (Hoy
and Robert 1996). These ears comprise a tympanal
membrane (an ‘eardrum’ of thinned cuticle), an air-
2.7 Sound
filled sac or tracheal expansion, and sensory neu-
Sound information is considered here as air- rons attached to the chamber or the tympanal
borne and distinguished from similar stimuli like membrane (Greenfield 2002; Hoy and Robert 1996).


The sensory receptors are a type of chordotonal frequencies. Each hair cell generally excites several
organ, which are organs that generally function in sensory neurons.
detecting mechanical deformation. Airborne sound The general situation above is broadly similar in
waves cause the membrane to vibrate in response to birds (Knudsen and Gentner 2010; Köppl 2011)
pressure differences between the air chamber and although there are differences in anatomy and
the external environment, or to internal pressure sound vibration transmission between the different
differences linked to the tracheal system. This is regions of the ear. Like mammals, auditory nerve
detected by the chordotonal organ, causing a fibres in birds are tuned to sensitivities that corre-
response in the sensory neuron. Tympanal organs in spond to the location on the basilar membrane that
insects are diverse and sensitive to a wide range of they innervate (Konishi 1970). In frogs, species with
frequencies and often the direction of sound (e.g. tympanic ears have two hearing organs, the basilar
Forrest et al. 1997; Hedwig and Meyer 1994; Schö- papilla and the amphibian papilla, of which only
neich and Hedwig 2010; Windmill et al. 2007; Yack the latter seems to have a tonotopic organization
et al. 2007). They are found in at least seven orders (Van Dijk et al. 2011). Hearing organs seem to have
of insect and located on various different positions evolved independently in mammals and amphibi-
on the body, including the head, wings, and legs ans and perhaps multiple times in reptiles, but how
(Hoy and Robert 1996). This indicates different evo- similar the mechanisms of sound processing across
lutionary origins of the organs across and within these groups are is not yet clear (Grothe et al. 2010).
groups, and their use in a wide range of tasks. For Species also vary in the sensitivity of their hearing
example, various nocturnal insects such as moths to sound levels and different frequencies of sound
have tympanal organs tuned to ultrasonic frequen- (Figure 2.9).
cies, presumably as an adaptation to detect the
echolocation calls of bats (see Chapter 9). Many
moths have co-opted this function to use hearing
2.7.3 Echolocation
organs in communication, such as mate choice and
male–male competition, and have evolved a range Some animals, especially bats and toothed whales
of sound production mechanisms (Conner 1999). (e.g. dolphins and porpoises) have evolved complex
echolocation (‘biosonar’), also found in a few other
groups in more rudimentary forms (e.g. cave swift-
2.7.2 Sound Detection in Vertebrates
lets, oilbirds; Jones 2005). Echolocation may also
In vertebrates, hearing is associated with the inner occur in some small nocturnal mammals, such as
ear, comprising fluid-filled chambers and hair cells. shrews (Siemers et al. 2009), and can even be learnt
In mammals, sound is captured by the outer ear and by humans (Schenkman and Nilsson 2010), albeit
then causes vibrations of the tympanum (eardrum), without the sophisticated neural mechanisms and
which are transmitted via the bones of the middle pathways found in bats and dolphins but rather
ear to the inner ear, where they pass along the basi- using brain regions normally devoted to vision
lar membrane in the cochlea (Zwislocki 1981). The (Thaler et al. 2011). Echolocation, like electroloca-
basilar membrane is covered with hair cells that are tion, is an active sense (Nelson and MacIver 2006).
stimulated by the vibrating tympanum, with differ- It involves emitting sound into the environment
ent hair cells responding to the different frequencies and measuring changes in the returning echoes.
of sound. Vibrations propagate on the basilar mem- Echolocation is primarily used for gaining informa-
brane from the cochlear base towards the apex. Hair tion about position relative to other objects (spatial
cells sensitive to high frequencies are located near orientation), and in some species, for detecting and
the base, with sensitivity to low-frequency sounds identifying prey.
(which travel further) at the cochlear apex (Ren Most of the approximately 1000+ species of echolo-
2002; Ruggero 1992). This conifers a tonotopic cating bats live on insects, although many species have
arrangement, whereby hair cells on different parts diverged to live on other sources, such as nectar, pol-
of the basilar membrane respond to different sets of len, vertebrate prey (lizards, frogs, fishes), and even

38 S E N S O RY E C O L O G Y, B E H AV I O U R , A N D E V O L U T I O N

100 European sparrow hawk
Great tit
Threshold (dB SPL)



0.1 1 10 100
Frequency (kHz)

Figure 2.9 Threshold sensitivity curves for two birds: the European sparrow hawk (Accipiter nisus), and great tit (Parus major), and for the
mouse Peromyscus leucopus. Data from Klump et al. (1986) and Ralls (1967). The graph shows the sensitivity of hearing to sounds of different
frequencies played at different sound pressure levels. Greater sensitivity means that the animal can detect quieter sounds (lower sound-pressure
level). The two birds have similar tuning curves, but the mouse is sensitive to higher frequencies of sound.

blood (Neuweiler 1989, 1990). Echolocating bats emit whale species are being tested for echolocation (e.g.
rapid sequences of high-frequency (11–212 kHz for Kyhn et al. 2010; Nachtigall and Supin 2008). Dol-
the dominant frequency, but higher for some harmon- phins and porpoise produce sound from the nasal
ics) sound pulses, broadcast through either their passages and transmit this through a waxy ‘acoustic
mouth or nostrils, and receive sounds with their large melon’ on the forehead (Norris and Harvey 1974).
external pinnae (Jones 2005; Jones and Holderied 2007; The melon directs sound into a forwards beam (as
Neuweiler 1989, 1990). Bats call at very high intensi- occurs in bats; Surlykke et al. 2009), but also acts as an
ties, even beyond 140 dB peak sound pressure level at impedance-matching device. It has a low sound-
10 cm for some insectivorous species (Surlykke and velocity core and a high velocity periphery to convert
Kalko 2008). This helps to maximize detection range the sound propagation speed to match that of seawa-
because sound has to both travel to and return from ter by increasing the speed closer to the animal’s sur-
the target, and for small objects only a small propor- face (Norris and Harvey 1974). This means that less
tion of the sound is returned. Many bats also contract energy is lost at the transition from animal to seawa-
muscles in the inner ear to avoid deafening themselves ter than would be the case without the melon. The
to outgoing calls (Jones and Holderied 2007) or have lower jaw is used in dolphins to receive echoes and
neural mechanisms that prevent the bat’s own calls transmit these to the inner ear (Brill et al. 2006).
from stimulating its hearing pathways. However, not The evolution of echolocation, especially in bats,
all call attributes have evolved for prey detection and has received much recent attention (see for example
orientation. Small divergences in the frequencies of Jones and Teeling 2006; Jones and Holderied 2007;
echolocation calls of closely related bat species can Teeling 2009). The gene FoxP2 is involved in the devel-
facilitate intraspecific communication (see Jones and opment and control of mammalian vocalizations,
Siemers 2010; Schuchmann and Siemers 2010a,b). The including human speech (Teeling 2009; Teramitsu
way that echolocation is used in bats and the neuronal and White 2008). Interestingly, this gene seems to be
mechanisms are discussed in Chapter 3. conserved in most mammals but is variable in bats (Li
Bats are the most studied of echolocating animals, et al. 2007). Perhaps even more exciting, however, is
but an increasingly large number of the 70+ toothed- the role of the gene Prestin. This drives the motility of


the outer hair cells in the cochlea of mammals, being discriminate these from noise (environmental or
responsible for amplifying sound waves and having physiological) or other irrelevant stimuli. There are
a major role in conferring sensitivity and frequency many different types of sensory system evolved to
selectivity (Jones 2010; Teeling 2009; Zheng et al. 2000). capture information from sound, light, electric,
Li et al. (2008a) showed that mutations in Prestin may magnetic, mechanical, heat, and chemical stimuli.
be associated with the evolution of constant-frequency They involve converting information into nervous
echolocation calls, which often require precise tuning signals. The sensory worlds of animals vary greatly.
of auditory systems (see Chapter 3). Furthermore, Not only do different species possess different sen-
molecular phylogenetic analysis of the Prestin gene in sory modalities, but also within a given modality,
a range of species of bats and whales shows that echo- the tuning varies across and even within species.
locating dolphins clustered alongside echolocating The features of sensory systems that animals pos-
bats in the tree (Li et al. 2010; Liu et al. 2010). In con- sess relates to the environment in which they live
trast, large-scale molecular analyses show that all bats and important tasks they must complete in their
form a monophyletic group separate from whales, lives (e.g. finding mates and food, navigating,
suggesting that toothed whales and echolocating bats avoiding predators). Nonetheless, there remain
have undergone convergent changes in the Prestin many common principles about how sensory sys-
gene that are associated with the evolution of echolo- tems work across species. Finally, some animals
cation (Jones 2010). have evolved an active sense with the ability to emit
signals (acoustic or electric) into the environment
and measure changes in the properties of returning
2.8 Future Directions
echoes or distortions in electric fields.
Although more work is always needed, we are gain-
ing a good understanding of the type, function, and
2.10 Further Reading
range of sensory receptors used in most senses. The
main exception is magnetoreception, and a major Bradbury and Vehrencamp’s (2011) recently revised
goal is to understand better how animals detect and book on communication covers many of the sensory
discriminate magnetic information and how the modalities discussed here in great detail, including
receptors work. Across all senses, more information much more information about the physical basis of
on the physiology underlying receptor tuning and different modalities and the types of sensory sys-
specificity would be valuable. In addition, recent tems found in animals. Dusenbery (1992) also cov-
work in echolocation, olfaction, electric fish, vision, ers different sensory modalities, with emphasis on
and infrared sensors has shown how molecular the physical properties of the types of information
changes underlie tuning, diversification, and con- available. Greenfield (2002) covers sensory systems
vergence in sensory receptors. This will be a major in arthropods in detail. Otherwise, many excellent
avenue of future work and has enormous potential textbooks are available that are devoted to specific
in illuminating processes of evolution and mecha- sensory modalities. Regarding recent books, read-
nisms underlying sensory systems. ers should consult Johnsen (2012) for an excellent
(and entertaining) discussion of optics as relevant
for biologists, and Land and Nilsson (2012) for dis-
2.9 Summary
cussion on animal eyes. Wyatt (2013) discusses
Sensory systems have evolved to detect important olfaction in considerable depth across taxa, and Hill
cues and stimuli from the environment, and to (2008) discusses vibratory communication.

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