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May I borrow your ruobo pleore? yer of course yoo moay

My Frtend sgeeting marriod today che must Feet very nervous.

3. Next year I think you wit be dble to translate an report Into your

Oon tanguage.

4.Doo touch that wire because it might be dangerous

could Swim qulte wet when I was Five years old
6Sonta shoutd practice so much Ie she uots to take part in the maration
you don't have
to cook those vegetaGtes oecause they hove already
3 the gtrl should go fo fhe studio por an audition
the diamond bracetet t very elegant but (t must have cost a fortune.
F oU are Enter ested in homan life, you chould tudy biology.
he ts apelying por a Job at the unlvercity. He chould oe 1t
R that hoose was reaty 1mportant In her lige che
so couldn'tsetl t.

13 Pm not cure but Perhabs Roberto might leave por Australia soono
4 Shouldn't have Chouted at Thomas yesterday. He ts verg sorry
15 took It has Stopped rointng: ucan go For a uoalk in the COuntry
fhe otd wOman could Falt on the street and breas a teg.She should
car ry a
stcrahei baon
13 Sheila didnt 90to tworie yerterday.She may bef in bed
Lart Christ mas party war eautous/ yoo should've came with me

19 've tost my regs. must have dropped them when I went shopping.
ne t s prohibited fo go 1nto that bu[tding. Jou mustn't ao in.
2 Rafrici a tr drivin9 a neuw car She must have bought t
22My dtctonary tsnt in my
schoolbag. I may have leFt tt home
22. Tho ogy should hete hir parents In he
farnm durtng he tummer holtdos
2A Look! the lght afe ofF O the library must be clored

Somo peoplo are not able to sin@.

She could bo tn the afr port

could tde a horro when 1 os st

a Jhon mignt not o to Turreey
you mustnt bloce tho exlt
5 omergency
ure m o i t e phoner on tn eP plane
you nust h4
For tanding and taking orf.
OU must Past en your s e a t b e t

m e et ur
he may be here to
9ou shootdnt tell anybody

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