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Second Edition

Second Edition Workbook


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11 New friends........................................................................1

fJ People and places......................................................9

What's that?..............................................................17

Daily Iife.....................................................................25

Free ti me...................................................................... 33

Work and play...........................................................41

fJ Food• • • • • • • • • • • •. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • 4 9

m In the neighborhood.............................................................57

m What are you doing?............................................................65

1m Past experiences...............................................................73
m Getting away................................................................81

m Time to celebrate.........................................................89
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New friends

irLanguage com

hat's your name?

D What are their names? Read the clues and complete the chart with ✓ (yes)
or X (no). There is one answer for each person.
• Rick is a married man.
• Wendy is a married woman.
• Vera is a single woman.
• Margie's family name is Lee.

Teachers at LCC Miss

Garcia Mr. Jones Mrs. Wilson Ms. Lee
1 Rick X ✓ X XX ✓
2 Wendy X X
3 Vera ✓ X X X
4 Margie X X X ✓

fJ 1
Answer the questions. Use the information in Exercise l.
Rick: What's his full name? Rick Janes
2 Wendy: What's her last name? wilson
3 Vera: What's her full name? Vera Garcia
4 Margie: What's her last name? lee

Circle the correct words to complete the conversation.
Hello, everyone. l'm your teacher,@/ Ms. Johnson.
My first / family name is Carl. What are your name/ names?
2 3
B l'm Jon. My family/ full name is Lincoln.
C l'm Sue. My full/ middle name is Sue Anne Harris.
4 Me li ssa

Mat ch the two parts of each
Mr. Tan and Ms. Bedford
What are

1 My nam e _ d_
2 What's
3 Our names
e are Tom and
John . d is Diana .
e his name ?
a is a student.
f ar e t eachers .
b their names?

m Complete the webpage with the correct form of be.

,◄ I ► ) @]

Meet me and my friends!

1 Hi! My name - - is - 2 Mr. Chang _ 3 Danny and Hannah

Liz Nelson. my English teacher. my classmates.

Jack and Penny 5 Alicia and Leyla _ 6 Yuki my dog!
my friends. my new friends.

m Read the answers. Then write the questions. Use possessive adjectives.
Use the example as a model.
1 What are t heir names ? Their names are Jack and Penny .
2 ? Her name is Liz.
3 ? His name is Mr. Chang .
4 ? Their names are Danny and Hannah.

iJ Complete the messages with the correct possessive adjectives from the box. Use each
adjective only once.

he r her his my their /

Hi, Cha rlie. How are you?
Pretty good, thanks. And you?
l'm fine. M _y
English class is good. Two of my
classmates are friendsnames are Judy an d Mark.

Cool! What is your teacher's name?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ name is Mrs. Richards.

Charlie D
What'sfirst name?

Anna. What's your teacher's name?
name is Mr. Lawrence.

f:) Look at the example. Complete the chart with information about you and your English teacher.

Title Firstname Middlename Family name

Example: Ms. Kendr a Lily Johnson
your teacher

ar.l Write sentences about you and your teacher. Use the model and your answers in the
chart in Exercise 8 to help you.

Example: Hi. My -Arst name is Kendra. My fa mily name is J ohn son.

My full name is Kendra Lily Johnson. My t eacher is Ms. Hend er son.
Her -Ars t name is Laura.

-• owdoyou spell it?

D Compl ete t he sequences with the correct lett ers.

1 B D F H J

2 M p s V

3 e E G

4 V X y z
5 L p R T

6 M Q y

fJ Com pl et e t he conversat ion with the correct questions .


Terrance My nam e is Terran ce Nicho ls.

Mr. Nich ols?

Terranc e N-I-C-H-0 -L-S.

Clerk OK.
Terranc e T-E-R-R- A- N-C-E.

Clerk Tha nk you.

!J Write a con versat ion about Ms. Michelle Griff in's name. Use the conversation
in Exercise 2 as a model.

re you a student?

D Write th e jobs under the correct pictures.

actor actress art ist model musician singer

l Charlee Fraser
2 Yue Minjun 3 Ryan Gosling
Aust ra lia
China Canada

4 Maria Rita
5 Octavia Spencer 6 Car l os
the United State Santana Mexico

fJ Write tw o sentences about each person in Exercise l. Write the countries they are
from and their jobs.
1 Char lee Fraser is from Australia. She's a model.
iJ Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.

l is/ Canada/ He/ from /. _H_e_i_s_f r_o_m_ C_a_n_a_d_a_. _

2 from / 1 /Vancouver/ am /.
3 actor/ am / an / 1 /.
4 is/ She / singer /a/.

m Complete the conversation with the sentences from Exercise 3.

Rewrite the sentences with contractions.

Becky Hi, Mia. This is my friend Nick.

Mia Hi, Nick. Are you a student?

Nick No, l'm -- - -l''-'m-'-'-a''-'-n'-'--a"-""-ct'--o=--r'-

not-. _
Mia Oh. Are you from the United States?

Nick No, l'm not.

Mía Oh. Are you from Toronto?

Nick No, l'm not. _

Are you a student, Mía?

Mía Yes, 1 am.

, too!

m 4.
l Is Nick an actor?

Answer the questions about the people in Exercise

Yes, he is.
2 Is Nick from Toronto?
3 Is Mia a teacher?
4 Is Mia a singer?

m Answer the questions with your own information.

l Is your teacher from the United States?

2 Are you a student?
3 Are you a singer?
4 Are you an artist?

iJ Look at the pictures. Read the answers . Then writ e the yes / no questions.

1 Is she from Canada _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

No, she isn 't . ? ?2
Yes, he is.

3 ? 4 ?
Yes, 1 am . No, it isn 't .

t :;,.e-.

- o

t •
\ :.i

5 ? 6 ?
Yes, it is. No, she isn 't .

m Write two sentences about each picture in Exercise 7.

S he isn't from Canada. She 's from the Unit ed States.


ames and jobs

D Read the text. Write the first names ofthe people.

1 Marina 2 3 4 5

Saturday, 2:00 - 8:00 p.m.

See our talented students and classmates at the community fair.

Marina Soares and Tiago Arantes are from Brazil. Marina is a singer and Tiago is a musician in the bond Beach Rock.
Listen to their music in Room B.

Meet the artist J.P. from Canada. (lnformation for his fans: his full name is Jacob Paul Larson.)
See his paintings in Room D.

The actor Marcos Garza and the actress Olivia Morgan are in the play Nationalities. He is from Mexico, and she is from the United State
See their play in Room L.

fJ Read the text again. Are the sentences true or false? Write T (true) or F (false).
1 Mari na is from Brazil. T
2 Tia go is a singer .
3 J.P.'s last name is Paul.
4 J.P. isn 't from the United States.
5 Mr. Garza is an actor.
6 Olivi a is from Mexico.

People and laceSt
here are you from?
D Cross out the word that doesn't belong in each list.

1 Aust ral ia Greece €cuadoriarr Ch i le

2 Chil ean Spai n Thai Co lom b i an
3 Ecua do r Peru Gree k Saud i Ar ab
4 Thai Aust rali an Saudi Colom b i a
5 Saud i Thailan d Chilean Ecuadorian

Brazil Canada Japan South Ko re a Tur key

Brita in Chin a Me xico Spa in the Uni te d States

fJ Com plete the chart with the correct nationalities for the countries.

-ish -ese

11 Rewrite the sentences. Use a subject pronoun anda nationality.

1 Kanya is from Tha iland . _ S_h_e_'s_ Th_a_i_.

2 Joe is from Britain .

3 Ge orge is from Greece.
4 Mrs . Karim is from Saudi Ar ab i a.
5 Emma is from the United States .
6 Mr. Morioka is from Japan.
ir La nguage com 9
m 1
Write sentences with the information in parentheses and the correc t form of be.
(Ca rl a and Rafael / be / from Peru.) _ C_a_r_la _a_n_d_ R_af_ae l a_r_e_f_r_o_m_ P'e-r-'u_._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
2 (Be / Josh and Ann / Canadian ?)
3 (Jon and 1 / not / b e / from Chin a.)
4 (Be / Kyle and Tim / American? )

m Complete the conversations with the sentences from Exercise 4. Use su bject pronouns
and contractions when possibl e.
1 A Where are Carla and Rafael from?
B They're from Peru
2 A________________________________________________________________________________________________________
B Yes, they are .
3 A Are you from China?

B No,
4 A________________________________________________________________________________________________________
B No, they 're not.

m Complete the conversation with the correct form of be.

Eva Hi! Where a_re you and your

friends from?
Tessa from the United Stat es, but
my friends from different


Oh. Where they from?
Well, Kaan from Turkey, and
Mari_______________from Japan. Roberto
and Mateo from Mexico .
Oh . Roberto and Mateo from
Mexico City?
No, they.............................Roberto
from Monterrey , and Mateo
from Puebl a.
Really? 1 from Puebla , too !

Circle the correct words to complete each sentence.
1 Are / youand Denise from?
2 What / Where city is Ahmed from?
3 Are/ Is you Japanese?
4 Are/ What country are they from?
5 What / Where are they from?
6 Are/ Is they Turkish?

f:) Read the information in the guest book. Answer the questions.

Welcome to our

Name City Country
Mr. Kwan Moon Pusan South Korea
Mrs. Emi¼ Hanson Dallas the United States
Leo Gol\ZAles Li Pevl.\
MY.Mvtlv , -nribv/ ív

Ml4- ,,_,.,_
Me#l his thednited States
Isabel la11llrez tuayaqull Ecuador
Ms. A Sat:b 72 t)

Mr. Todd Suttott

Vattcouver útttada

1 Ar e Leo and Isabel

No, they aren't .
She's fr om Dallas.
2 What city is Emily from?
3 Is Kwan from Pusan?
4 Where are Todd and Mike from?
5 What city is Daniel from?
6 Where is Evren from?
7 Is Mr. Reynolds from Toronto?
8 Are Aya and Leo from Turkey?

-• hat's your email address?
D Write the phone numbers .
1 903-2521: nine - z er o - t hr ee. t wo- fl ve-t wo -o ne
2 588-6713:
3 402-1359:
4 266 -5012:

f) Co mplete the conversation with the correct questions from the box.

How do you spell your last name?

What's your last name?
What city are you from in
What's your phone number?
Thailand? What's your emai!

Alice Hey, Dao . Wha t 's your last name?

Dao lt's Kanok.


Dao K-A-N-0-K.

Alice OK. _

Dao I t's 296-754-9078.

Alice Than ks.


Dao lt's daothai

Alice Thai? _
Dao Bangkok.

IJ Look at the information in Alice's phone. Complete the conversation.

Use Exercise 2 as a model.

Alice Hey, Vict or. How do you spell your last name?


Alice OK. ?


Alice Thanks. ?


Atice Thanks .

D Look at Victoria 's family tree. Label each of her family members with the correct word from the box.

brot her father grandmother mother son

daughter grandfather husband sister

1 ra nd m ot her : 2


.............3....................: .4.............................

Sofia Victoria
5 6
Me! : 7
.. . . ......................................

8 9

fJ Look at the family tree in Exercise l. Rewrite the sentences to correct the underlined mistak es.
1 Diego: " Vict oria is my grandm ot her." Vic t o r=ia =is m-'-'«y1- wi=f e . _
2 Eduar do : " Lucia is my bro ther."
3 Lucia: " Ri cardo is my father."
4 Rosa: " Alons o is my son ."
5 So fi a: " Felipe is mv grandfat her."
6 Ri cardo : " Sofia is my sister ."

e Put the numbers in order. Then write the words.

16 93 102 67 38 41
29 12 85 54 15 76

12 t welve

102 one hundr ed and two

m 1
Circle the correct sentence to complete each conversation.
B That's my mother.
a How old is she?

0 Who 's that?

e Where is she from?
d How old is t hat ?
2 A
B They're Greg and Ted.
a Who are they?

b Who 's that?

e How old are they?
d How old is he?

3 A How old ar e they?

a They 're my brothers.

b He's twenty-five.
e They're nineteen and fourteen.
d She's my daugh ter.
4 A Who are they?

a They ' re twenty and thirty.

b They 're my parents.

e That's my father .

d She 's fi ft y-fo ur.

5 A

B She 's twelve.

a How old is your sister?

b Who's that?

e Who are they?

d How old is your father?

m Complete the questions with How old and the correct form of be . Then answer the questi ons.
Use pronouns and write the numbers in parentheses as words.
1 How old is Mr. Haik? He's t hirt V---nine - - - - - - - .(39)
------- Paula? _ . (45)
3 Mr. and Mrs. Ryu? _ . (72 / 68)
Jake? . (11)

5 Cora an d St even? . (13 / 20)

m Look at Lucy's in formation. Co mplete the conve rsati on.

Last name:IN elson First n am e : l L_u_c y -

Age: I 2_7 Phone:!212-555-1783 1

Emergency Contacts:
Name Relation Age Phone

Brice Nelson Jh usband I I212-555-1782

jKelly Bourne mother ¡212-555-8604 ¡

John Bourne father 212-555-8691

Clerk Helio, Lucy. What 's J'.OUr last name ?

Lucy Nelson.

Clerk OK. And how old are you?

Clerk And your emergency cont ac ts -
Lucy They 're Brice Nelson, Kelly
Bourne, and John Bourne.

Clerk Wh o's Brice Nelson?


Clerk OK. ?
Lucy He's 28.

Clerk OK. And who are Kelly and John Bou rne?

Lucy They 're my parents.

Clerk ?

Lucy She 's 52 and he's 56.

• Ff1mily andf riends
D Read the webpage. Answer the questio ns.
1 How old is Arzu?
2 How old is Yasemin?


Hi! l'm Adem Baran. l'm Am erican, but my pa rent s and my grandparents are from Turkey. We're all in the Unite d St ates now, but
lf you are a Baran , write to me.

is Leyla . Your grandfather and my father are bro thers . l ' m in Turkey with my husband and my da ughter , but my sons are in the Unit

at a college in Bo st on. l' m here with my wife, Sib el, and my da ug hter, Ya semin. She' s 6. My brother is in the Un ited Sta tes, to o

fJ Read the webpage again. Answerthe questions.

1 Wha t 's Ad em 's family name? H= is"--f='-a' m-'----'i-'-l'-y.l-'-n='-a m= e=i s...B,,c.,ae,.=,r_a-n'-''.--
2 Where is Adem from?
3 Are Ley la and Arzu American?
4 Are Far uk and lsmail brothers?
5 Is lsm ail in t he United States ?
6 Is lsm ail a teacher?

Wh at's that? irLanguage .com

Is th is you r notebook?
D Find and circl e nine more everyday items in the wordsquare.

t d e t o n a y d

n ap eh e
yk bb o
r LJu m u

o m z .
t w a t e i b f l p
l- r
a o p z y d
p I t f. a
b V e t e e

a e a s s u m
1 1

g s I u n g a
s s

fJ Label each every day item in the picture. Use the words from Exercise 1
anda or an.

1 --ª-ill to


iJ Write the plural form of the word s.
1 um brella
-=u.:m.;c.:.b.:...r: ell-a==s-- - - -
2 b ook
3 addr ess
4 lap top
5 watch
6 actre ss
7 dict ionary
8 key
9 erase r
10 cell phone

m Circle the correct words to complete the conversations.

1 A What's that?
B lt's /two cell phones.
2 A What are those?
B lt 's / They're my books.
3 A What's that / What are those?
B lt 's an umbrella.

4 A Are these / Is this your laptop?

B No, it's not.
5 A Is thi s my bag?
B Yes, it is/ they are.
6 A Wh at are these?
B The y're a key / keys.
7 A What' s that / What are these?
B They're your pens.
8 A Are those / Is this your dict ionary?
B No, ít isn't.

m Write t he co rre ct questions and answers under each picture.

is th at you r bag
Wh at 's t hat lt 's my dict ionary No, it 's not .
? Is t hi s your
? What's . lt's my key. Yes, it is.

1 A 2 A

3 A 4 A

m 1
Re wr it e the conversations in Exercise 5 in the plural form.
A Are t hos e o ur ba s?
2 A
3 A

4 A

-• \Yhat's this called in English?
D Loo k at the pictu res. Complete the conversations with the correct words from the box.

an alarm clock a coin a hairbrush say this this called the word

A. Beth Excuse me . What 's

t his=c=alled in Engl i sh?
Jim tl 's _
Beth Than ks.

B. Al Excuse me . How do you in English ?

Lin lt 's
Al Thank you.

C. Mel Excuse me . What 's fothis in English ?

Jay lt 's _
Mel Oh ! Thanks .

f) Look at the pictures. Write conversations. Use Exercise 1 as a model.

A. Fran Ex cuse me. Wh at' s t h is called in English?


B. Gabe

C. Jill


D Put the letters in the correct order to make color words.

1 r de red 7 hitwe
2wloyle 8 eabk1
3 yarg 9 lppure
4 1ube 10 kipn
5egorna 11 no rw b
6 ngere

fJ You are a clothing designer. Choose one picture. Choose colors and label the clothes.
Use the examples to help you.
Example: The· ac ket is red a n d black. or The ·acket is blue.

E Look at the pictures. Complete the questions with whose . Then check ( ) ali of the
possibl e answ ers.

Sam Jenny

1 Whose sweater is this? 2 t hos e ?

[Z] lt 's Sam 's. D They 're t heirs.

[Z] lt 's his . D lt' s hers.
D They 're his. O They 're hers .
[Z] lt 's his sweat er. O l t 's her .
D lt 's hers. D They're yours.
D lt' s our sweater. D They're Jenny 's.

Bill an d Meg me

3 t hes e ? 4 that ?

D They're ours. O lt 's no t my coat.

D They 're our b ags. O lt's not me.
D They 're t heirs. O lt's not mine.
D They 're their bags. O lt's not my scarf.
D They're Bill and Meg 's bags O lt's not ours.

D They 're Bill and Meg's. O lt's ours.

Complete the sentences with the correct possessive pronoun s.

1 They're Maria's jeans. They 're

2 This is not my T-shirt . This is not
3 Are those your sweatshi rt s? Are those ?
4 These ar e the model s' dresses. These are
5 Tho se are not our hat s. Those are not
6 That's Ada m's suit. That 's

m Whose are they? Write the sentence four different ways for each ítem.

Field Park
Lost and Found Log
'-:Lost ltem Name

2 shoes Linda Park

3 sunglasses Ron Davis
4 flash driue Neil attd Jatte Moore
5 wallet Oliver Jrooks

1 lt's Peter and Kat e's la,_t_o_, . _ lt'sPeter and Kat e's.
lt 's their ,_. _ lt 's t heir s.

Favorite things

D Read the catalog page. Number the pictures from 1 to 4.

a b d

Our Favorite Hats

O Sca-hat
lt's a scarf anda hat. This is Julianna Kora's
design. Her sca-hats are very popular. The colors
are blue, black, green, or yellow. Get one today!

O Hat-brella
This hat-brella is in Roberto Pena 's clothing line.
lt's his new design. lt 's a hat and an um brella.
The colors are blue, purple, or orange.

0 Pho-hat
Whose pho-hat is this? lt's yours! Buy it today. The
hat is red, brown, or white. The cell phone is in the
hat! Talk to your friends and be warm .

O Hat-glasses
Buy these hat-glasses . They 're sunglasses with a
hat. They are black, gray, or purple. They 're great
for skiing or snowboa rding.

fJ Read the catalog page aga i n. Then complete the chart.

Produc t Two items Colors
1 S ca-hat sc arf and hat blue, black, green, or yellow


Daily life
Oetting around
D Look at the pictures. Complete the puzzle with the ways of gett ing around.
What's t he mystery word?

1 2 3 4

B u s




7 7 J [
fJ Circle the correct verbs to make phrases. Then write the phrases.
1 have @ walk the bus take the bus
2 drive / ride / go a car
3 take / drive / ride a bicycle
4 be / take / ri de a taxi
5 work / walk / ride a motorcycle

!) Circle the correct answer to complete each sentence.
1 Molly two cars. a motorcycle.

a have
a doesn 't have
@ has b has
e not have
e don't have
2 Alex
his bike to 5 You the subway to work .
a take
a ride
b take s
b rides
e to ride e doesn't take
3 We to school. 6 Simon a cab.

a not walk
a drive
b doesn't walk
b don't drive
e don't walk
e drives

m Complet e the text with the simple present forms of the verbs in parentheses.

=d on
=ha=ve (not / have) a ca
(take) the train to work .
My wife (not / take) the train. Her
friend (have) a car, and she
(drive) to work. So my wife
(go) to work in her friend 's car.
Our chil dren Amanda and Brett
(take) the bus to school. And they
(ride) their bikes to their friends' houses. Our daughter Lisa

(walk ) to school.
Our son Jerry is 24, and he _
(not / go) to sc hool. He _ _ (have ) a
motorcycle, and he (ride) it to work .
m Lo ok at t he result s of the survey. Then write sentences about the result s.

We want to know how

you ge around, _1 - ·-

2 tateth
3 take a taxi 3 1

4 ride a-
5 drive a car 32 18
6 walk

1 Thirteen people take the bus to work.

One person takes the bus to schooL

m Ho w do you get to these places? Write your answers.

1 4
2 3
Example: 1 drive.


-- vy .
hat time is it?
D Look at the train sch edu l e. An swer the questions . Write the times two ways, if possible .

What t ime is the train to . . . ?

1 Boston lt 's at eig ht --Aft y a.m./ ten to nine.
2 Philadelphi a
3 Washington, o.e.
4 Richmond
5 Pittsburgh
6 Raleigh
7 Chicago
8 Norfolk

fJ Circle t he corr ect words to com p let e t he conversat ion . Use the train schedule from Exercise l.
A What time is it / it is?
B They'r e / l t 's four o'clock.
A What t im e / the t ime is the train to Ral eigh?
B At five to / aft er four. We're early / late.
4 5

!) Write a conversat ion abou t t he train to Norfolk. lt 's 6:00 p.m. Use the conversat ion in
Exercis e 2 as a model.

y routine

D Write the days ofthe week in the correct order.

Monda Sunda

fJ Complete the sentences about Jackie's routine. Use the days ofthe week and the
pict ures in Exercise 1.
1 Jackie st udíes Spanish on Mo ndays
2 Jackie with her husba nd
3 Jackie early
4 Jackie
5 Jackie late
6 Jackie with her mother
7 Jackie with her ch ildr en

!J Complete the chart with the correct words from the box.

8: 15 midnight the afternoon the eveningsthe weekend

class Friday night noon the morning Tuesday afternoon weekdays

on ... in ... at ...


m Do they read the news every day? Look at the chart and answer the questions.

Mondays Tuesdays Wednesdays Thursdays Fridays Saturdays Sundays


1 Does Bridget read the news on Tuesdays?

Yes, s h e does.
2 Do Paulo and Ava read the news every day?

3 Does Paulo read the news on weekdays?

4 Does Ava read the news on Saturdays?

5 Do Ava and Mike read the news on Wednesdays?

6 Do Mike and Bridget read the news on Mondays?

Put the words in the correct order to make questions.
1 on / study / weekend / Does / Andy / the / ?

2 day / eat / Do / every / they / breakfast /?

3 at / to / work / go / Does / his / 8:00 / sister / ?

4 t h e / Do / coffee / in / evening /her/ grandparents / drink /?

5 weekdays / TV / Do / watch / on / Liv and Martín/?

6 go / after /to/ Does / midnight / Vanessa / bed /?

m Answer the questions from Exercise 5. Correct the information when the answer
is " No." Use the words in parentheses.
1 No, he does n't He st udies on Mondays . (on Mondays)
2 Yes, _
3 No, _
. (8: 3 0 )
4 Yes, _
5 No, _
. (on weekends)
6 No, _
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - · (at 10 :30 )

iJ Write five sentences about your weekly routine. Use the simple present forms of the
verbs in the box and time expressions.

drink coffee eat dinner get up go to school study English

eat breakfast exercise go to bed read the news watch TV

Exa mple: 1 drink coffee every day.

• y weekend

D Rea d the w ebp age . Check ali the ways to go to each place.

Boston Washington, D.C. Caney lsland Orchard Beach


Take the train from Penn
Take the train from Penn
Station. The trip is 3 hours
Station. You are on the
and 35 minutes. Trains go
train for 2½ hours . The
to Bastan all day and
times are different every
day. Check the sched ules.
Take a bus from New York
Buses go every hour on
to Boston. The buses go
weekdays and every 30
every hour from 7:00 a.m.
first bus is at 7:30 a.m.
turdays , buses are at
e trip is 4 hours .


Take the D, Q, N, or F
Take the number 6 subway
subway to Coney lsland
to Pelham Bay. Then take
Terminal. The trip is
the Bxl 2 bus to Orchard
45 minutes to 1 hour.
8each . (You can take the
Take a bus. The 836, 864, 8x5 on weekends in the
B68, 874, B82, X28, and X38 summer, too.) The trip
go to Caney lsland. is 1½ hours .

fJ Write B (Bost on ), W (Washington, D.C.), C (Caney lsland), or O (Orchard Beach). Sometimes more
than one answer is possib le.
1 The trains are at Penn Stat io n. _5 _
2 The number 6 sub w ay goes t here.
3 The first bus is at 7:00 a. m .

4 You take the 874 bus.

5 The subways from New York don't go ther e.

Free time
CJ !e'
:::; unit

ir Langua ge co m

Online habits
D Put the letter s in the correct order to make online activity words and phrases .

1 e u s a c i o s l daemi use soc ial media

2 ps o h e n In i o
3 1 a py magse
4 ta e h w svdoei
5 opts tsopoh
6 c c e h k m l e ia
7 mreats eim su
8 loodwnda psap

Look at the pictures . Complete the sentences with the online activities from Exercise l.
Use t he correct forms of the verbs.

ª Apps
To p Ca tee s
y .
flla Games

O Mu sic
today lunch Areyou in?
. Spo rts work question
W Sho p pi n g Amylsoccer gameFeb 7
MCHyour orderFeb 5
.ul - • 10:20


10 23620
pt:?511 ro11,ow:.;;n.--c "".a'o=w!n. g::n..

.- o

1 He hard ly ever 2 Helen _ 3 Ma ri oft en _ 4 1 _

do wnloads a s ever y da y. onli e. on Sundays.

Eth an 7 Do es she _ 8 We _
Greal game! Tigers wo n 6-4!

on the
Da vid
Excelle nll Wlsh l'd been t he re.
Awesome Love ,,,
lhr verDar cy·n
""' - = = = = :;; u,
Go ll ge rs!

5 Ethan 6 They like to _

every night.
abou t cats . favo rit e singers? comp uter on weekend s.
by her

iJ Wr it e the adverbs of frequency in the correct order.

alwa ys hardly ever never often sometímes usually




m Put the words in the correct order to make se ntences.

1 alwa ys / Robín / to school / walks / . Robín always walks t o schaol.
2 games / sometim es / play / online / We /.
3 wor k / you / on Sat ur days / ever / Do / ?
4 st ream / Sara and Toby / often / music /.
5 to work / Fran / the bus / ever / take / Does /?
6 Kei ko / m edia / hardly ever / uses / social / .

m 1
Read the answers. Write the questions with ever.
Does she ever check email in class?
Yes, she usua ll y checks email in class.
No, he never gets up early .

No, 1 n ever play games onlin e.


Yes, they often go to bed aft er m idnight .


No, they never shop online .

Yes, we sometimes download apps .

m Look at Pam's answers to the quiz. Then answer the questions.

How often do you . . . often sometimes hardly ever never

1 post photos online? □ 12]
□ □
2 watch videos? □ □ □ 12]
3 use social media? 12]
□ □ □
4 check --- 12]
□ ---□- □
5 shop online? □ □ 12] □
6 play games online?
□ □ □
1 Does Pam ever post photos online? Yes'--s=,h_,_"e'-"s''""''o-m'-'""e"'""t""i'"m-'-='-e' s"-=d"o""e"'"s"'_., _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
2 Does she ever watch videos?
3 Does she ever use social media?
4 Does she ever check email?
5 Does she ever shop online?
6 Does she ever play games online?

6 Are the sentences true or false for you? Write T (true) or F (false). Correct the false sentences.
Example: 1 sometimes watch videos. F_
1 never wat ch videos.
1 1 often play video games on weekends.

2 1 never shop online.

3 1 hardly ever use social media.

4 My father often checks email.

5 My mother sometimes posts photos online.

-- owmuch is it?
D Look at the pictures. Write the prices in words.

, 62.50 1

1 s i xt y - t wo do llars and
2 3
ftfty cent s

o é H f. \


- $230.99

l '

4 5 6

fJ Complete the conversations with the correct words from the box.

ca n fine how much it's just no please these t hey' re yes

A. Salesperson Ca n 1 help you?

Jonathan No, thanks, l'm looking.
B. Salesperson Can I help you?

Yae Jih , t hanks .

is this wallet?
Salesperson $2 4 .50.
Yae Jih Thanks .

c. Salesperson Helio. Can I help you ?



. How much are


$3 5.9 9 .
, ,.,,_,
, ,,_,111 ,1

Mariana OK. Than ks.

D. Salesperson Hi. Can I help you?

Christopher . l' m . Thanks .

1 2

hatdo you do for fun?

D Write a sentence about each picture. Use a phrase from each box and the simple
present forms of the verbs.

eat out go dancing go shopping play soccer watch movies

at Club Z at Oak Park at home at restaurants at the mall ]

1 la soccer at Oak 2 1 _ 3 1 _

51 _

· aa .@> -· ·
·:·-._. ·· < , ;:Jr-
' •x-

f 4 •


fJ Match the questions and the answers.

1 What do you and your friends do for fun?

a On weekends.
b My wife.
2 Where do you and yourfamily eat out? _
e I ride my bike.
3 When do you hang out with friends? _
d Because I don't drive.
4 Who do you go dancing with? _
e We play video games.
5 How do you get to school? _
f At Terry's Restaurant.
6 Why do you take the bus to work? _

11 Circle the correct words to complete each question.

1 @; Why do you watch movies with?

2 Why / How do you get to your English class?
3 What do your parents / your parents do for fun?
4 Why you / Do you take English classes?
5 When / What do you usually go shopping?
6 Where you do/ do you hang out with friends?
7 When time/ What time do you usually get up on Mondays?
8 When do you do / do you eat out?

m 1
Answer the questions from Exercise 3 with your own information.



g Complete the questions with the correct Wh- words, subject
pronouns, and simple present verbs.

Jasan I usually go to the mall.

Marta tothemall?
Jasan Because I don't shop online!

Marta tothemall?

Jasan I drive.

B. Jadie Hey, Sally. out?

Sally I usually eat at The Blue Café.

Jodie with?

Sally I go with my husband and my children.

Jadie usually there?

3 4
Sally We usually go on Sun days.

C. Justin Hey, Ma rk. for fun?

Mark For fun ? We ll, 1 often hang out with friends.

Justin out?
Mark We usually go to the park ora club.

(si Complete the interview. Use the information in the notes.

Reparter Where doyou work

lnterview Sandra 1 work at Beth's Restaurant.

CSe'\\\,1. Mill: Reporter How work?

- wov\:.s O\+- f>e+-v/s Sandra

Res+-"'-l.-\v"'-\\+- Reparter work?

- W01.l\:.s +-o wov\:.
'bec01.l.-\Se sL-\e Sandra Because
Reporter fun?
oe s\\ 1+- L-\"'-ve "'- c01.v
- w"'-+-c es wi.+-L-\ Sandra

.fvi.e\\ S .fov -flA\\ Reparter with?

nline fun

D Who goes dancing? Read the survey and check the correct boxes.

D Gro up 1 D Group 2 D Group 3

Here are the results from our survey.

GROUP 1 (age 13-19)
Teenagers always hang out with friends. They often go dancing at school dances . They go
shopping at the mall. They sometimes watch movies at the theater or their friends' houses.
They hardly ever eat out at restaurants. When they don't hang out with friends, they use
socia l media and post photos online. They also stream music and play games online.

GROUP 2 (age 20-30)

People in this group hang out with friends, t oo. They never go to school dances, but they
go dancing at club s. They eat out at restaurants with their friends and fam ily. They
som et imes play sports in the park on weekends. They watch videos and stream music
at ho m e.

GROUP 3 (age 31-40)

People in this group watch movies with friends and fam ily. They check email and post
photos of their family and friends online. They often eat at home on weekdays and eat out
on weekend s. They sometimes go dancing with friends or their husbands and wives. They
are busy, so they often shop online.

fJ Read the results of the survey again . Then answer the questi ons.
1 Who do people in Group 1 hang out with ?
The han out with t heir fr iends.
2 What do people in Group 1 hardly ever do?

3 Where do people in Group 2 go dancing ?

4 Who do people in Group 2 eat out with?

5 When do people in Group 3 eat at home?

6 Where do people in Group 3 often shop?

Work and play unitll
What does she do?
D Look at t he t hi ngs that people use for their jobs. Complete the puzzle with the jobs.

1 4 5 6 9


fJ Put the words in the correct order to make questions.
1 does / brother / Where / work / your /? Wher e d oes your brot her work?
2 company / does / What / for /he/ work /?
3 he / does / work / When /?
4 do/ he/ does / What /?

!) Complete the conversation with the questions from Exercise 2.

Nick Hey, Mindy. _W,_, ,h_., e, '-=-r'-e...d,,=o= e=s::.. ..y.J.-o'"-u'=r b"""'r'"o"'-t''-h'-=e'-r'---'w-"-o'""r'. .:k. ;'---_ ?
Mindy He works in an office.

Nick OK. ?

Mindy Oh. He works for Home Stop.

Nick Really? My sister works there, too.

Mindy He's an accountant.

Nick Cool. ?
Mindy He usually works from 9:00 to 6:00.

Nick OK. 1'11 tell my sister.

m Read the answers. Write the Wh- questions.

QWho does a doctor work with?
A A doctor usually works with nurses.

A A doctor helps sick people .

A A doctor usually works weekdays and weekends.

A A doctor often works in a hospital.

Read the text. Then answer the questions.

Name: Ted O'Neil Name: Sctshct PoweU Job: Jtiht attenctant Company: Go Air Hours: The!::J Vlit.Y !::J
Job: electrician
Gets to work: take et bus
Company: M ac Electrics Hours: 80: 0 a.m.- 5:30 p.m. Gets to work: drive
Leisure activities: play soccer, watch movies Leisure activities: listen to music,
00 ctandn0

1 What does Ted do? He's an elect rician.

2 What company does he work for?
3 When does he work?
4 What does he do far fun?
5 What does Sasha do?
6 What company does she work far?
7 How does she get to work?
8 What does she do far fun?

m Answer the questions about a friend ora family member.

1 What does he/ she do?

2 Where does he/ she work or study?

3 When does he/ she work or study?

4 How does he/ she get to work or school?

5 What does he/ she do far fun?

:j q a nI speak to ... ?
D Write the conv ersat io n in the correct order.

Ali right. Thank you.

Good afternoon, TYAAir.
Heli o. Can I speak to Jack Johnson?
lt 's Pam Davis .
One moment , please.......Oh, l 'm sorry. Mr. Johnson is on a not her li ne.
L Who is this, please?

Joe Good aft ern oon,_T_Y.A_ A_ir_. _


fJ Look at the pict ure. Write a co nver sation with the expre ssio ns from the box.
Use Exercise 1 as a model.

Just a minute, please.... Could I please speak to . . .

A Good morning, TJ Accountants.



en you sing?

D Look at the pictures. Complete the sentences with the simple present forms of the
verbs from the box. Use each verb once.

dance fix computers play the guitar speak Spanish

draw pai nt sing swim

1 Don _¡2la u it ar 2 Carlos _ 3 Vicky _ 4 Eddie and Karen

at the park. at
with his father . for her friends. a club on Saturdays.

5 Brian 6 Mrs. Yamaguchi 7 Rick _ 8 Zoe _

at the pool eve ry day. pictures ata restaurant on pictures on the wall.
on vacati on. weekends .

f) Read the answe rs. Complete the questions about the people from Exercise l.
1 Wh ere does Don la the uitar ? At the park .
2 Who with
? Eddie.

Where On the wall.

? On vacation .
4 When His father .
On weekends.
5 Who with?
6 When
E Write yes/ no questions with can and the words in parentheses.
1 (Julia / speak French ) Can Julia s¡zeak French ?
2 (Doug / play the guitar) ?
3 (Doug and Evan / sing) ?
4 (Em m a / speak French) ?
5 (Evan / swim) ?

6 (Mar cos and Emma / paint ) ?

m Re write the questions from Exercise 3 with subject pronouns. Then answer
the questi ons with the information in the online survey.

What can you do?

Can you ... sing? swim?
Julia Q

'---' - "----
Emma Yes
'--' es
--. /
, ,/
------- es
Q es, Q
G 'Ño' es es
'-----' - "--'

1 A ?
2 A ?

3 A ?

4 A ?

5 A ?

6 A ?

m Look at the pictures below and the survey in Exercise 4 on page 46. Write sentences about
what the people can and can ' t do . Use and, but, or or.

1 Julia can aint but shecan't la

the uitar

2 Doug

--....... ,

3 Emma

4 Marcos _

m Can you do these things well? Check ( ) very well, we/1, not we/1, or not at ali.
Then write sentences about your abilities. Use can and the adverbs.

very well well not well not at ali

1 dance □ □ □ □
2 draw □ □ □ □
3 fix computers □ □ □ □
4 paint □ □ □ □
5 play tennis □ □ □ □
6 sing □ □ □ □
Example: 1 can't dance at ali.



D Read the ads and answer the questions.

1 Who fixes computers?
2 Who is a teacher?
3 Who are musicians?

J 1 ..
Can you write? The band 20s needs a drummer.
Do you want to write better? Take my writing workshop. 20s are Oana and Diego. D"iego
Classes meet on Tuesdays from 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. in my apartment.
The d O a plays the
Cal! Josh at 659-3278 for ¡5 the singer, anan. 0)
more information, or email me at gut ·t ar. lShe sometimes sings, to.
b u t wecan't play s7 •
We have drums,
themwe11. Can you play the drum ·
Please email us at 0 o 2o@cup. com.

Compu rH p! often have problems with your comp u te . ?

· · · ·,here. 1 fix ali kinds of comp tg\::;d do you have? A laptop? A desk op. o

t e blwith software? 1 can fix ,t ali.

:..............-... --.;,o rou
Please call Susanna Motrg n@:
or email me at susanna ec.
kdt 696-4215

fJ Read the ads again . Check ( ) the true sentences.

1 Josh's classes are on Tuesdays . 5

□ Dana can play the guitar.
□ Josh's classes are in the morning. 6
□ Susanna can fi x laptops.
□ Dana and Diego can sing. 7
□ Susanna can 't fi x deskt ops.

□ Dana and Diego don 't have drums . 8
□ Susanna doesn 't have an email address .

Breakfast, lunch, and dinner
D Look at the pictures. Complete the puzzle with food words. What's the mystery word?

w .

4 6

2 5

.. .:l . .
,: •-. -..


fJ Complete the sentences with the words from Exercise l.

1 Lyn n usuall y eats noodles at her favorite Chinese rest aurant
2 1 can't eat dairy . l nevereat _
3 Carl 's fa vorit e food is fruit. He eats
and _
every day.
4 1 u suall y have m ilk and fruit with my _
5 and
_ are my favorite vegeta bles.
6 Tanya's favorite grain is
_ . She usually has it with beans.

E What food do you eat? Write two examples for each group or / don't eat . . .
Exam ple: 1 eat bananas_g_nd a_¡2¡2'es. _ or l_don't _eat fr uit .
1 Fruit:
2 Vegetables:
3 Meat:
4 Dairy:
5 Grai ns:
m 1
Are the food words count or noncount nouns? Write C (count) or N (noncount).
apple _ C_ 3 milk 5 meat 7 chicken
2 cheese 4 tomato 6 pasta
8 egg

m Complete the answers. Use sorne or

1 Do you have any carrots? No, 1 don 't have any
2 Do you have any fish? Yes, _
3 Do we have any apples? Yes, _
4 Does Edward have any cereal? No, _
5 Do they have any beans? No,
6 Does Lorena have any rice? Yes,

m Complete the conversation with a, an, any, or sorne.

A What do you usually have for breakfast?

B I usually have ==some cereal.

A Do you have milk with it?
B Yes, 1 do.

A And doyou eat fruit?

B Sometimes. 1 usually have banana or
apple with my cereal.
A Doyou eat rice?
B Not for breakfast. But I sometimes have _
rice for lunch . 1 make it with chicken or
beef and vegetables.
9 10
Oh, and sometimes with egg.

A Really?

B Yes. lt's Korean food.

A And what about dinner? What do you usually eat?

B Well, 1 don't usually have meat for dinner. 1 often have pasta.
12 13
lt's my favorite!

iJ Look at Andrea's food and her shopping list. What food does she
Shopping List
What food doesn 't she have? Write sentences with sorne and any.
1 Andrea has some t omat oes. fish
2 She does n't ha ve a n a r-l=es. _ beans
3 4 ríce



f:) Complete the lists with your own information . Then write sentences with sorne and any.

1 have Shopping List

1 d on't have



: 1 like Chinese food!
D Co mplete the conversation. Use the correct forms ofthe expressions from the box.

lo ve really like like not like not like at all hate

Shelby Let's make lunch. Do you like noodles?

Martín No, 1 d o n't like noodles

Shelby How about Mexican food?

Marti n Yes, 1 _
Shelb y OK. How about rice and beans?

Marti n

Shel by OK. Rice and beans . We have sorne fish, too.

Mart in .How about chicken ?


Sh elby
.How about

-rr --
Marti n . Let's have rice a nd
beans with beef! {Í7\
Shelby OK.

fJ Complete the conversation with your own information. Use sorne of

the expressions from Exercise l.
Sh elby Do you like fish?
You ,l fsh.

Shelby Do you like pasta?

Shel by How about eggs?
Shelb y Do you like Chinese food?
Shelb y How about ltalian food?

D Read the text. Then label the pictures with the correct underlined food words.

Sometimes it's difficult to eat out with my friends. Everybody likes different kinds of
food! My friend Jon !oves Asían food. He likes dumplings, and he really likes sushi.
Sandy usually eats pasta. She !oves spaghetti and noodles. Jake, her brother, likes
American food. He usually has a hot dog ora hamburger. Louis likes tacos, but his
favorite meal is breakfast. He !oves cereal, eggs, and pancakes . And Kristen is always
on a diet. She only eats soup and salad. lt 's terrible! How about me? Well , 1 eat anyt
hing. 1
l ove all kinds of food!

1 hot d o 2 3

4 5 6

7 8 9

6 Cross out the word that doesn't belong in each
list. pancak
1 On pizza: tomatoes cheese
2 ltalian food: pizza hot dogs
3 In a salad : carrots cheese
4 Japanese food: tacos sushi
5 In soup: noodles salad

E Correct the mistakes.

1 Bren da eats every day Brenda eats

2 Ahmed eats tacos once year.
3 We don 't eat meat often very.
4 Andy eats cheese two a month .
5 Never Lydia eats vegeta bles.
6 They have dumplings four a week.

m Circle the correct words to complete the conversation.

Pat How once ! @ do you eat sushi?

Atan I don 't eat sushi very never / often. How about you?
Pat I eat sushi once / twice in a while . Kevin and I go to a
Japanese restaurant twice / three t im es a year.

Alan My family every / never eats out. We cook at home

every / often day.
Pat Really? 1 d on't cook very / every often. Kevin cooks
often / twice a week, but we usually go to

Match the sentences that have similar meanings.

1 Gary eats spaghetti every Sunday . e_
a He eats spaghe tt i once in a while.
2 Kyle doesn 't eat spag hett i. _
b He eats spaghetti twice a week.
3 Marc o eats spaghetti every Tuesday and Frida y. _
c He eats spag het t i once a week.
4 Mr. Lee eats spaghetti three times ayear. _
d He eats spag he tti 12 times a year.
5 Vícto r has spaghetti once a month . _
e He never eats spaghe tt i.

m Look at Karen 's answ ers to the quiz. Then answer the quest io ns.

How in t e rn a t iona l is
' How often do you every day twice a once a twice a
your diet?
once in never
r f
have ... 1
1 week week month a while
Brazilian food'? . ... i
Colombian food? 1 1
' .,.. ,,. , , E
Japanese food'?
1 Korean food? 1 l
Ame rican food'?
1 Italian food?
Greek food'?
1 1 J_ ,:

1 1
- !! 11111!1 .. ..
1 How often does Karen eat Brazilian food? She eats Brazilian food once a week.
2 How often does she eat Colombian food?
3 How often does she eat Japanese food?
4 How often does she eat Korean food ?
5 How often does sh e eat Ame rican food?
6 How often does she eat ltalia n food?
7 How often does she eat Greek food?

iJ How international is your diet? Ans wer the quiz with your own information.
Then write sentences with the time expressions.

How often do never

every day twice a 1 once a twice a once in
you have ... week week l month a while
Mex ican fo od'?
1 Peruvian food? 1 '< ,:
. .. ·,,

Tha i food'?
Chinese food? 1
T urkish food'?
French food? .,

Exam pl e: 1 never eat Mexican food.

1 4
2 5
3 6

• Fr3vorite food
D Look at the photo at the end of Exercise 2. What kind of food is it?
lt 's

fJ Read the text. Then answer the questions.

1 How often does Isabel eat ata Chinese restaurant?
2 Who makes Mexican food?

3 What 's lsabel 's favorite recipe ?

ª' a
wc tttttitfi


es a week, and we eat fish once or twice a week. We hardly ever have beef. We eat it once in a while at restaurants, but we don't eat out very often. We do have sorne s

E Read the text again . Then write T (true), F (false), or NI (no information).
1 Isabel has two children. _ N_I _
2 lsabel's family eats vegeta ble s seven days a week. _
3 lsabel's mother makes Mexican food for the family every week. _
4 lsabel's husband sometimes makes veggi e pizza. _
5 lsabel's family never has beef. _
6 Isabel can 't cook Mexican food.
7 Isabel likes dumplings. _
8 Peppers are vegetables. _

In the neighborhood
u n it

round town
D Label the pictures with the correct words from the box.

bank bookstore coffee shop gas stat ion newsstand subway station
bus stop library superrnarket

1 librar 2 _
3 -----------

4 5 6

7 8
9 -----------

fJ Answer the questions. Use the places from Exercise l.

1 Where can you usu all y get sorne coffee? Ata coffee sho¡2 a bookstore ar a as station.
2 Where can you usually get a newspaper?
3 Where can you usually get a book?
4 Where can you get gas far a car?
5 Where can you usually get sorne food?

E Look at the picture. Complete the sentences with the correct words from the box.

across from betw een in next to on on the comer of

l The bus stop is on Ma pl e Stree t.

2 The par k is Oak St reet and Ma p le Street.
3 Joe's Café is th e park.
4 The bookstore is th e bank and t he park .
5 The school is the park.
6 The bank is the bookstore.

m Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. Somet imes more than one
answer is possible.
l is / The / supermarket / next to / the / post office / .
The su market is next to t he pos t offl ce. / The post offl ce is next to the supermarket .
2 The / Linden Street / department store / on / is / .

3 the / hot el / drugstore / across from / The / is / .

4 bookst ore / café / in / the / Th e / is / .

5 the / librar y / The / ban k and the schoo l / is / b etw een / .

6 Fir st Avenue / The / hotel / is / on th e com er of / and / Mar ket Street /.

G:I Read the clues. Label the places with the correct words. Then answer the questions.
A • The supermarket is on the comer of Second Avenue and Prince St reet .
• The coffee shop is between the bank and the hotel.
• The library is next to the bank.

Second Miller
Avenue Avenue

Prince Street

1 Is the hotel between the coffee shop and the supermarket?

Yes ít is.
2 What is on the comer of Miller Avenue and Prince Street?
3 What is next to the supermarket?
4 Is the co ff ee shop next to the library?

B • The drugstore is across from the post office.

• The police station is next to the drugstore.
• The bookstore isn't on Oak Street.
• The newsst and is next to the bookstore.


Oak Cedar


1 What is on the comer of Oak Street and Hill Avenue?

2 What is between the post office and the newsstand?
3 Is the police station on Hill Avenue?
4 Is the book st ore across from the drugstore?
-• owdoI getto ... ?
D Co mplete the directions with the correct words from the box.

blocks left take turn up walk 1

150 York Street

1 j =tfflN45 East Eighth Street

► Start on W=ª 'k

to the comer of Elm Street.
York Street-.

►-------------Take a on Elm Street.


► Go
Elm Street.

► 4
right on Fifth Avenue.

► Walk tour _

► 6
a right on Eighth Street.

► Go down Eighth Street. lt's on the left.

fJ Write the conversation in the correct order.

Excuse me . How do I get to the drugstore?

Go up Oak Street and turn left on First Aven ue.
Great. Thank you very much.
Turn left on First Avenue?

A Excuse me. How do I get to the drugstore?



Fun inthe city
D Complete the puzzle and the sentences with the correct places to visit.




2 Let's watch a movie at the- - m o vie

t heater .
3 My children can swim, and they lave the
park .

5 Do you li ke the fish in the ?

6 Is there a pool here?

7 Don works at the science _


1 Let's see the animaIs at the _

2 1 really like the art at this _

4 The park is fun! Wheeeeeeee!

fJ Read the text. Then answer the questions.

'ª 222!22
- .2


There's a lot to do in Gatlinburg! Read about all of the fun places to visit here!

We have a lot of museums. Go to the Great Smoky Mountains National Park is

Hollywood Star Cars Museum and see near Gatlinburg. lt has 150 hiking trails! For
musicians' cars. You can see actors' and other outdoor activities, you can try the
actresses' cars, too! Ripley's Believe lt or Not alpine slide or water raft rides at Ober
Museum is also great. And Ripley's Aquarium Gatlinburg Ski Area and Amusement Park.
has very unusual fish.

1 Are there any museums in Gatlinburg? Yes there are.

2 Is there an aquarium in Gatlinburg?
3 Is there a national park near Gatlinburg?
4 Are there 200 hiking trails in the park?
5 Is there a ski area in Gatlinburg?
6 Is there an amusement park?

E Write sentences about Gatlinburg with there

information in parentheses.
is/ are/ isn't / aren't and the

1 (a quarium s / 1) There's an aquar ium in Gat linbur0.

2 (m use um s / 9)
3 (zoos / O)
4 (m ovie theaters / 4)
5 (ski areas / 1)
6 (amusem ent parks / 1)

m Complete the conversations. Use the correct forms of there is/ are.

A Excuse me. Are there an museums in t his cit ?

B .The museums are on First


A Great. And are there any zoos here?

B No, thtere's an aquarium .

lt 's near the art museum.

A OK. Thanks.

C Excuse m e. near here?

D A swimming pool? Yes, _
one in the park.

C Great. near the park?


D No, .The library is across from


the school, about ten blocks from here.

C Thank you very mueh.

m Complete the chart with the number of each place in your town or city.
Then write sentences with there is/ are and the information in the chart.

Place Number
amusement parks
movie theaters
science centers
swimming pools

1 Ther e in my t own.


• great place to visit
D Look at the calendar in Exercise 2. Is the Ridgewood Community Center open every day?

fJ Read the text. Complete the sentences with the correct days of the week.
1 You can see a m ov ie at t he communit y center on Fr íd a
2 You ca n visit a museum on _
3 There 's an lt al i an d inner at t he communit y center on _
4 The swimming pool is open all day on _
5 There is a book sale on _
6 You cango toan amusement park on _

Ridgewood Community

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday .. Saturday

Chil dren's Art OpenSwim ltalian Night Bookstore Movie Night Field Trip
Tour AII day 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. Allday 6:00 - 10:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.
2:30 - 4:30 p.m.

Tour the new Our swimming There's an ltalian Bring old Watch a movie Wetakeabus
books Metro Art Museum pool is open to dinner at our at the to the Great
to the center with two guides. everyone on cente.rThere's a Fun
community center. on Monday. On drama in Room Amusement Park
This is for children Tuesday! Come and eat Thursday we B, and there's a in Oakdale in the
have age 6-12 and their spaghetti! a children's movie morning and come
book sale. in Room D. back in the evening.
parents. $8 for adults
$5 per person lt 's free! $6 for children Ali books are They're free! $45 per person
NOTE: We are closed on Sundoys.

By bus: Take the 062 bus to the Lamont bus stop. By subway: Take the C train to Melvin Station. Walk up
Walk down Lamont Street. Tum left on Orchid the stairs and tum right on View Street. Walk to Main
Street. We're on the comer of Orchid Street Street and turn right. Walk two blocks to the comer
and Main Street. of Main Street and Orchid Street.

E Re ad the text again. Then answer the questions.

lt 's five dollars per person.
1 How much is the muse um tour?
2 What time is the ltalian din ner ?
3 Is t he re a swimm ing pool at the communi ty cent er?
4 How do they get to the amus em ent park?
5 Wher e is the community center in Rid gewood ?
What are you doing?
l'm looking for you.
D Complete the sentences with the correct words from the box.

J at behind front in in on to to under

a He waves to Paul a. She is the ch il dren.

b He runs
the movie theat er.
e Bob is
the bus. He's lat e.
d She stands
an umbrella in the rain .

e Paula stand s in
of the movie theate
f The movie ends
r. 5:0 0.
g She lo oks for Bob
the lobby.

h The movie starts, but Paula isn't the theater .

fJ Match the pictures and the sentences from Exercise l.

1 2 3 4

5 6 7
1) Circle the correct words to complete each sentence.
1 Calvin
at the bus 4 start i ng now.
a are standing stop.
a lt 's
@ is standing b lt doesn't
e stand e lt
2 Kate and Naomi
to Jen. 5 walking to school.

a aren't waving
a l' m not
b isn't waving
b I don't
e don't waving
e 1

3 We
to our parents. 6 Lori and Ross behind Jay.
a talks
a is sitting
b don't talking b sits
e aren 't talking e are sitting

m Rewrite the email to correct the underlined mistakes.

Picasso paintings. My daughter are watching a movie about Spanish art. My son not watching the movie. He's play a video game here in the caf

We'r e ha ving a great time in Spain. We're at a museum now.

l;J Write present continuous sentences with the words in parentheses.
1 (M att / not drive / to work) -'-M'-"""a'= tC-t''--i-s=-' n"'"o'"""t',.....=d -r'-i'-v'--'i-'n--'"g"',_t""o'"-'w-'-o=-r'-=k· - - - - - - - -
- - - -
2 (We / play / soccer / at the park)
3 (Chloe / not sit / in the café)
4 (The game / start / now)
5 (They / swim / in the pool)
6 (Joan / not have / lunch right now)
7 (1 / call / Audrey)
8 (You / not run)

m Look at the pictures. What are the people doing? What aren't they doing?
Complete the two sentences for each picture with the pairs of expressions from
the box.
Use the present continuous.

cook / eat ata restaurant look for a book / hold a book

end / start run / watch a movie

1 They 'r e running

2 She _
They 'r e not watching a movie
She _

ilii m e ..._

3 The movie
lt _ 4 He
- • 1 can't talk right now.
D Circl e the correct words to complete each sentence.
Sally Hello ?
J o r d an Hi, Sal. lt 's Jordan . Do you have good time / ?
Sall y Oh, sure / sorry. l'm busy / can't right now. l 'm cleaning .
2 3
Can I call / talk you back?
Jor dan OK, sure / sorry . Talk to you mi nut e / lat er.
5 6
Sally Th anks. Bye.

fJ Look at the pictures. Write conversations with the sentences from the box. Use the
con versat ion in Exercise 1 as a model. Sometimes more than one answer is

Can you talk now? l'm cooking dinner. Is this a good time to talk ?
1 can 't talk right now. l'm doing my homework. This isn't a good time.

A. Jin Sun
Hí J í n S un. lt 's !van.

Jin Sun
Jin Sun

B. Dan ?




T esedays
D Put the letters in the correct order to make activity phrases.

1 erIan ot evdri -=le=a"-'r-_n,._, t= o"'-"d''-'r---'i--v,'..e.,'----- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - -
2 keat a cedan s s I a c
3 e e c a t r a stbeiew

4 ok l o f r o a bjo
5 t s u d y t I i I a na
6 r t u to a tusdten
7 eakt n e t n s i lsoesns
8 ytusd rfo na xmea

fJ Complete the text with the phrases from Exercise l.

The Idea Spot

Try something new! Here are a few ideas.

1 =L=ear n t o d r ive a car. You can learn at MPH Driving School.

tl aly!
in You can take clas ses in Milan, Rome, or Flor ence.

3 Can you play sp orts ? _

from Ralph Garvi s at the Youth Gym.

Baila has flamenco, tango, and salsa classes.

5 You can _
Use your own comput er. Tech Now teaches you online.

6 with a friend .
Go to the library ora café. Get an A on your test!

7 .Students
at Byron Language School need help in Japanese and Chin ese. Volunteer today!

8 on li
ne. Find ajobas a nurs e, doctor, teach er, accountant , musician ...

iJ What are they doing these days? Read the clues and complete the chart with (yes)
or )( (no). There is only one answer for each person.

• Ca rmen is taking a salsa class.

• Thomas isn 't working these days.
• Me gan isn 't learning a language or looking for a job .
• Daniel is taking a language class.

Whois . . . looking for a job? taking a dance class? studying Turkish? creating a website?
Ca rmen X X X
Thomas X
Megan X
Dan iel X

m 1
Answer the questi ons. Use the information in Exercise 3.
What's Carmen doing these days?
2 What's Thomas doing these days?
3 What's Megan doing these days?
4 What's Daniel doing these days?

li Match the questions and answers .

1 What class is Debbie taking? e a Because she 's lookin g for a job in
2 Where is Kathryn going? Rome. b Yes, she is.
3 Is Tonya creating a website? c She 's going to her dance
4 Are Cindy and Mía tutoring students ? class. d No, l'm not .
5 Why is Anna studying ltalian? e She 's taking a Spanish class.
6 Are you looking for a job? f No, t hey' re not.

m Write present continuous questions with the information in parenthe ses.
1 (What / you / do/ these days) What are you doing t hes e da:is ?
2 (you / take / an art class) ?
3 (Brad / take / the class) ?
4 (Where / you / study / French) ?
5 (What / you and Dave /do/ these days) ?

iJ Complete the conversation with the correct questions from Exercise 6.

Erin Hi, Fei. What are you doin t hes e d ays ?

Fei Oh, l'm studying French !

Erin ?
Fei At the Bonjour Language School.

Erin ?
Fei No, he's not. He's taking tennis lessons.

Erin Tennis? That's great.

Fei He loves it. So, ?

Erin We're painting and drawing a lot!

Fei ?
Erin Yes, we are! Oh, l'm late. Bye, Fei.

Fei Bye, Erin. 1 mean, ou revoir !

1 :1 What are you doing these days? Answer the questions with your own information.
,_. 1 Are you taking any sports lessons?
2 Where are your friends studying English?
3 Is your English teacher studying a language?
4 Are you studying for an exam this week?
5 Is your mother or father looking for a job?
6 Where are you eating out these days?
7 Is your brother or sister taking guitar lessons?
8 What are you reading?

• vyhat's new?
D Look at the photo in Exercise 2. What are the people doing?

fJ Read th e text. Wr ite the names.

1 Ron's so n: _
2 Ron 's wife: _

Hey, Jeremy!
How are you? What are you doing these days? l'm finally taking a computer class! l'm
creating my own website. l'm posting a lot of pictures and videos , too. The pictures
are of my kids, of course! Paul's ten now. He's helping me with my website! He's
learning so much about computers at school. After school, he's taking soccer lessons
at the park. His coach is Mr. Gonzalez-who is also tutoring Molly in Spanish! Molly is
twelve, and she's taking tennis lessons. Is your daughter playing sports?
My wife and I are taking a Japanese class. Julie's also studying Spanish, and she's
looking for a job. Are you and Beth cooking at home these days? We lave your Greek
salad and chicken! Are you still taking dance classes? Let's all go salsa dancing soon!
Write soon,
P.S. Here 's a photo for you. We're eating sushi at your favorite Japanese restaurant!

Read the text again. Then answer the questions.

1 Is Ron creating a websit e? Yes he is.

2 Who is helping Ron with his websit e?
3 What sport is Paut l earn ing ?
4 Who is tutor in g Ron 's d aught er?
5 Is Ron's wife studying a lan gua ge?
6 Is Ron's wife work in g?

• unitlffl
Past exper1ences
Last weekend
D Complete the conversations with the correct present continuous forms of the verbs from the box.

¡ listen play play shop stay stay ou t visit watch

A. Atan
Hey, Mike . Where are you?
At hom e. l'm s==-t a - - home
this weekend.

Atan What are you doing?

l'm an old movie.
Are you home?

No. l'm relat ives.

B. Toma s Hey, Clara . What are you doing these days?

Clara Oh , l ' m inaband!

Tomas Reall y? So are you late
on weekends?

Cla ra Yes! We usually play at 10:00 p.m. What about you ?

What are you doing on weekends?

Tomas Oh, l' m basketball on

Saturdays and soccer on Sunday s. That's ali.

Cl ara Hey, so come to one of our conce rt s!

C. Bree
Hi, Yo ko. Can you talk ri ght now?
Yoko Yes. l 'm just to
musi c. Why?

Oh , l ' m for new
clothes and I need help.

Yoko OK, 1 can help you. Where are you ?

fJ Complete the chart with the correct simple past forms ofthe verbs from the box.

chat cry dance lik e p lay shop study visit

+ed +d y-+ i, + ed double consonant + ed


E Loo k at the calendar . Write sentences about Vincent 's activities last week.
Use t he simple past forms of the verbs.

MONDAY l Vincent and Ray exercised on Monda y

morn ing exercise with Ray mor ning.
2 Vincent
evening cal! Mom

afternoon work at the bookstore
eveni ng

morning play tennis with Ray
evening watch videos

7 morning
afternoon visit Grandpa
evening fix Dan 's computer

afternoon study for the test with Lara
evening shop for a new computer

m Co m plete Rache l's blog with the correct simple past forms of the verbs in pa re nt heses .

On Monday, my sister and 1 shº ed (shop) for new clothes at the mall.

(look for) a green dress for my friend's party. On Tuesday, 1
(search) online for green shoes!
(not I exercise) every day last week , but 1 _
4 5
(exercise) on Tuesday and Thursday.

On Friday, 1 (listen) to music with Jamie, and we

(watch) a movie. We (not / watch) a new movie,
7 8
but an old movie from 1927! The actors____________________(not / talk) in the movie, and ítwas
in black and white. We _ (love) the movie! We _
10 11
(l u) and we _ (cry).

11 Write si mple past sentences about you, your family, and your friends with the
i nformat io n i n pa re nt heses . Use time expressions.
Example: M brother listened to music last weekend.
1 (lis te n to music)
2 (s tay home)
3 (s tay out la te)
4 (us e so cia l m edia)

5 (not / exerci se)

6 (n ot / visit rela ti ves)
7 (pl ay so cce r)

8 (n ot / pl ay video games)
9 (watch a movie)
10 (n ot / st ream music)

-• Ypu're kidding!
D Com pl ete the conversations with thecorrect words frorn the boxes.

A. 1 not oh yes you 're kidding

Leo l'm studying Japanese.

Arny - - - - --O=h""'"'' ------------?
Leo ,and l'm also studying Ko rean, Spanish, and ltali an .
Leo No. l'm .And l'm taking Chinese!

B. 1 know oh, yeah what yes

Chri s 1 have an English test on Tuesday.

Paul ?
Chris ,and I didn 't study .

Paul ? You always study on weekend s.

Chris I ptlayed soccer ali weekend!

c. 1 at far really yeah

Ellie 1 shopped far new clothes last weekend .

Pat ? Where?
Ellie the mal!. And now I have a new suit.
Pat ? You always wear T-shirts and jeans.

Ellie I know, but l'm looking a job, and I have an interview .


fJ Match the conversation s in Exercise 1 with the pictures.

1 2 3
□id you make dinner last night?
D Circte the verbs tha t comple te both expressions.
1 / do: a party a car
2 see / go: to work grocery shopping
3 go / rna ke: breakfast dinner
4 get / make: a haircut ajob
5 go / see: friends a play
6 rnake / do: the dishes laundry

fJ Co mplete the conve rsati ons wit h sorne of the expressions frorn Exercise l .
Use th e present conti nuous forrns of the verbs.

1A What are you doing? 2 A Do you have a minute? 3 A Hi, Eva. Is this a good time
B l'm doin B I can 't talk right now. B l 'm sorry. _
right now.

4 A Can you talk? 5 A What are you doing, Dan? 6 A Can you help me with
B l'm busy right now. my computer?
B Sorry, Mom. _

11) Circle the correct words to complete the conversations.
1 A she get a haircut? 4 A Did Todd ride a bike to work?
B No, she didn 't. B No, he didn't. He _
a Does
a didn 't drive
® Did
b drove
e Do
e drives
2 A Did you do laundry yesterday?
5 A Did they sorne water at the park?
B No, they didn't .
a Yes, 1 do. a drink
b Yes, 1 di d. b drank
e Yes, 1 didn't. e drinked
3 A Did you see Caro! on Friday? 6 A Did you eat pizza at the restaurant?
B No, 1 didn't. I
Wendy. B No, we didn't . We tacos .
a see
a eat
b seed
b ate
e saw
e eated

m Write simple pastyes / no questions about the information in the sentences.

Then answer the questions with short answers.

1 Sue bought new clothes at the mall.

A Did Sue buy new c l ot h es a t t h e mall ?

B Yes she did

2 Ethan and Craig took a bus to Miami.

A ?
B No, _

3 He did the dishes last night.

A ?
B No, _

4 They went to work on Friday.

A ?
B Yes, _

GI Complete the text with the correct simple past forms of the verbs in parentheses.

David - ---
=h=ad-----------(have) abad day
yest erday. He (get up) lat e,
so he (not / make) break fast .
He (run) to the bus st op,
but he (see) the bus drive
away. He (take) a taxi to work,
and he (get) to work late. He
(sit) at his desk and looked
at his compu ter. He (read) the
note for Monday: "Martin Luther King Day. No work."

David (go) home, and he

(sleep) forthree hours.


Answer the questions with the information from Exercise 5.

1 Did David get up late? Yes he d í d .
2 Did David make breakfast?
3 Did David take a bus to work?
4 Did David get to work late?
5 Did David work yesterday?

fJ Check ( ) the things you did last week. Then write sentences about what
you and didn't do.
get up late

□ do laundry
□ buy new clothes
□ meet a friend
□ go to a play
□ get a haircut
□ rea d a book
□ eat ata restaurant

1 saw a g reat movie.
D Read the text. Then circle the correct answers.
1 Jeremy went to _
a Mexico
b Ohio e China
2 He went with
a Beth and Ron
b Beth and R on's daughter e Beth and Brittany
3 Hesaw _
a his friends b his parents e Ron

Hi, Ron,
We're on vacat ion in Sandusky , Ohiol
This vacat ion is ali about our daught er,
Brit t any! We came t o Ohio fo r Cedar Point . lt
's a great amusement park. We're st aying
with fr iend s. They have a daught er, t oo. We
went to Ced ar Point on Tuesday. Thursday we
wen t to
Cedar Point Shor es. lt 's a water park. Brittany
hada great t ime.
Bet h and I are having fu n. too. We liked Ceda
r Point and Cedar Point Shores. Last night we
sa w a play. We aren't cooking at ali!We had
di nner ata M exican restaurant anda Chin ese
rest aurant . We're eating ata lot of cafés, too.
Right now we're relaxing-and writ ing
pos t cards!

fJ Read the text again. Correct the false sent ences.

1 Jerem y and his family went to Ceda r, Ohi o.

Jerem and his fa mil went to Sandusk Ohio.
2 Jeremy and his family are staying with relatives .

3 Jeremy and his family went to the amusement park on Wednesday .

4 Jerem y an d Beth liked Cedar Point , but they didn 't like Cedar Point Shores .

5 Jerem y and Beth saw a movie last night .

6 On their vacati on, Jeremy and his family didn 't eat out.

Getting away
here were you?
D Comp lete the puzzle with the correct adjectives .

3 This is a p art y. We're having a
gre at t ime . N
5 Those hot dogs were . 1 did n't 4
eat t hem. T
6 1 went toan soccer game last E
weekend! The players were very good.
8 This game is . lt's O to O, and my RE
fav orite player isn't playing. s
Dow n
1 That was an book . 1 read it in 2015
and again this year.
2 Can we watch a different movie? This 6

is _

4 The li brary is always _ N

7 My b rot her' s friends are very _ 8 9
1 can't study!
9 This food isn't great, but it's not bad.
lt's _

fJ What do you think? Label the pictures with two possible adjectives from Exercise l.

1 exc it in 2 3 4 5

iJ Put the words in t-he correct order to make sentences.
1 class / Lola / Was / in / Monday morning / on /? Was Lola in class on Monday morning?
2 an / they / yesterday / amusement park / Were / at / ?
3 a / at / We / museum / were /.
4 was / fun and excit i ng / lt / .
5 were / , / Yes / they /.
6 weekend / Jim 's / How / was /?
7 she / No / , / wasn' t /.
8 you and Chris / on / Where / were / Friday afternoon /?

m Label the pictures with the correct questions and answers from Exercise 3.

1 Was Lola in class on Mo nday morning ? 2

3 ? 4 ?

m Complete the text with the correct forms of the simple past of be (not).

Did you read a good bool,?


1 read Moby Dick. lt w=as --- boring.
1 didn't like it.

No ... Moby Dick boring!
lt interesting! l loved it.

Wow, Dan91! You're kidding, right? Moby Dick _ interesting at all! lt's 822 pages!
OK, long, yes, but boring, no! Moby Dick exciting. 1
read tour Herman Melville books, and theyali great!

What? 1 don't think so. 1 read three of his books, and they
great. They all terrible!

m Answer the questions with your own information .

1 How was your weekend?
2 Wher e were you in 2017?
3 How old were you in 2015?
4 Was your last vacation interesting?
5 Were you in English class yesterday?
6 Whe re were you on Monday?
7 Whe re were your parents last night?
8 Were you and a friend ata concert last week?

-• That's great!
D Read the news. Is it good or bad? Write G (good news) or B (bad news).
1 1g ot a promotion . l'm so happy! _ G
2 1 missed my fli ght. Now l'm wai tin g for the next fl ight. _
3 1 was sick yesterday . My friends saw a great play without me. _
4 1 won a contest and gota trip to Mexico . lt 's so exciting! _
5 1l ost my new cell phone. 1 bought it last week, and it was $800! _
6 1 got a new job . lt's very interesting! _

fJ Write the conversation in the correct order.

Did you have a good weekend?

lt was great. 1 went to a new club with friends.
lt was OK. 1 stayed home all weekend. 1 was sick . Tha nks. And how was your weekend?
Tha t 's nic e! That's too bad.

A Did you have a good weeke nd?

B lt was OK.

Write a conversation with sorne of the sentences from the box. Use the conversation
in Exercise 2 as a model.

lt was good. 1 saw an interesting play. Oh, no! That 's awesome!
lt wasn't great . 1 lost my wallet. That's excellent! That 's terrible!

A -12.ldyou have a good weeke nd?



D Comple te the sentences with vacation activities. Use the simple past forms of the verbs .

1 Tim sho ed in market s 2 Donna w _ 3 Er i c w to

an d b _ s
toa f _ th b and
inCuzco. r in Ri o.
inTokyo .

5 Laura t a 6 Ri ck an d Lisa w _
4 Tin a t _
p of s inSa
t of the
Ei ff el Towe r in Par he Taj n Fran cisco.
is. Mahal in Agra .

fJ Cross out the words that don't make phrases with the verbs .
1 go: to t he beach picture sights eeing
2 take: a tour to a festi val picture s
3 relax: souv enirs at home ata hotel
4 buy: new clothes souven irs sightsee ing
5 shop: in a m ark et onl ine a tou r
iJ Look at the tour information. Then answer the questions in ful! sentences.


-D -
Last name First name ay - ·e-op
P le Getting to Miami by Activities Time
traveling with
Arai Hiro Monday wife go sightseeing 11:00 a.m.-
9:00 p.m.

Clark Patty ll t uesday - train take a tour of the 10:00a.m.-

Frost Museum of 12:00p.m.

Hall Lucy Thursday husband, car go to Zoo 8:00a.m.-

two children 8:00 p.m.

Vargas Ricardo Wednesday wife, one child bus gotothe 9:00a.m.-

Seaquarium 4:00p.m.

Young Harry Tuesday - bus go toan art 2:00 p.m.-

festival 6:00 p.m.

.. . ' ' . ,.,.•t', ;;g¿,•,..c:, .,..,..•...

.,·,.,;¡;,.• ···.· ••••••·····

1 Where did Patty go on vacation?

S he went t o Miami.
2 Wha t did Hiro and his wife do in Miami?
3 Who did Lucy travel with?
4 Ho w did Harry get to Miami?
5 What time did Patt y's tour start?
6 How did Ricardo and his family get to Miami?
7 Wh at time did the art festival end?
8 Wha t d id Ricardo and his family do in Miami?

m Read the answers. Write the Wh - questions for the underlined part of the answers.
Use t he information from Exercise 3.
1 How did Lucy and h e r family get to Miami? They drove.
He traveled with his wife and child .
She took a tour of the Fr ost Museum of Science.
He went to the art festival on Tuesday .

4 They took a t rain .

lt started at 2:00 p.m .

Complete the conv ersati on with simple past Wh- questi ons.

Holly Hi, Grac e. How was o u r vacat ion ?

Grace My vacation was great.

Holly ?
Grace I went to Costa Ric a!

Holly That's excit ing! ?

Grace My brother and our friends Doug and Kim .

Holly That's nice. ?

Grace We flew . We left at 6:00 a.m. We flew to Miami
and then to San José.

Holly ?
Grace We got to San José at 4:30.

Holly Oh, that's not bad . ?

Grace We went sightseeing in San José, and then we went to the
beach far four days and relaxed!

Holly Aw esom e! ?
Grace Oh, the food was excellent . We ate a lot.

m Think about the last time you visited relatives or friends in another
city or country. Answer the questions.
1 Where did you go?
2 How old were you?
3 Who did you see?
4 Who did you travel with?

5 How did you get there?

6 What did you do there?
7 What did you eat there ?

8 What did you buy t here?

9 Did you get up early or lat e?

10 Was it exciting or boring?

• Travel experiences
D La bel the pictures with the correct hea d in gs from the text in Exercise 2.

•.9o to the festival
·shop at souveriir

1 Make a Sc hedule 2 3 4

fJ Read the text. Then answer the q uest io ns .
Be safe when you travel. Here are sorne
things you can do to have a fun vacat ion .
Learn from our reader s' mistakes!

1 How did Leo get to Salvad or ? He took a bus.

2 What clothes did Rache[ take to Rom e?
3 Who did Ken travel with?

4 Did Ken buy souvenirs at the markets in Seoul?

5 Where was Margot's wallet?

Tim e to celebrate
I' going to get married.
D Complete the sequences with the correct months.
1 January Marc h Ma July
2 July Au gust September
3 Septem ber October November
4 Januar y July October
5 May August Nov ember

6 Look at Ke lty's birt hday ca lendar. Whe n is each person's birt

hday ? Write sentences wit h word s for the dates.

Birthd a y C a le 1 M a k o t o's b i r t hd a i s une

nd a r t went y - sec ond .

Sort by : date

Makoto Saito 2
June 22nd

- Kyle Brown 3
J. ----
June 23rd

Lucia Ferra ri June 29th
Jack O'Dell June 30th

Don Stuart
July 1st


Daniel Lucas
July 5th

Amanda Ri vera July 8th

Emily Sim pson July 12th 8

o i,,,o<iC;.re,,..

i rLanguage .com
B) Circl e the correct words to com plete each sent ence.
1 Jacob's going to / go to visit relatives on Sun day.
2 Mr. and Mrs. Davis are going dri ve / are going to drive to work next week.
3 We're are not go ing to / no t going to go to the beach.
4 Che t is going to not take / isn 't going to take the trai n t o work.
5 A Ar e you going to st ay / go to staying home t oday?
B Yes, 1 am going / 1 am.
6 A Is Sarah go / Is Sara h go ing to stud y in Brazil?
B No, she isn 't / she doesn 't.

m Look at the cal endar . Write sentences about the people's future plans wit h be going to .
Use t he words in parentheses.

January February

22 - Ellíe's trip to Ecuad or

April June
21 - Dana's 1st day at new Job 2 - Willy's vacation (one week)

July September
23 - Ji// and Lucas go skyd iving! 10 - Brian and Nicole's 1st day of colleg e

October December

11 - Amy and Ken's wedding 13 - Heather's big party

1 (t ra Ellie is going to travel to Ecuador on Mar ch 2 2 nd.

2 (sta rt her new j ob)
3 (g raduat e from college)
4 (g o on vacati on)
5 (g o skydiving)
6 (star t coll ege)
7 (get m arrie d)
8 (ha ve a p ar ty )

Writ e yes/ no questions with be going to and the information in parentheses.
Then complete the answers.

1 (you / take / a ta xi / to work ) 4 (we / eat out / on Friday)

A A-------------------------------------------------------------------- ?

B Yes, ' am - - - - - - - - - - - - B Yes, _

2 (t hey / get / marr ied / next week)
5 (she / look for / a job)
A--------------------------------------------------------------------- A ?

? B Yes, _
B No, _
6 (you / do / the dishes / tonight )
3 (he / creat e / a website for me) ?
A---------------------------------------------------------------------- ? B No,
B No, _

m Complete the chart with information about future plans for you, your family,
or your friends. Use the events in the box or your own ideas.

get mar ried graduate sta rt a new job

go skydiving have a big party travel to [count ry name]

Pcrson Event Date

Example: Max and Leah get marr íed August 3rd



fJ Wr it e sentences with the information in Exercise 6 and be going to.

August 3 rd .

- S re. l'd love to.

D Com pl ete the words with the correct letters.

Declining an invitation Accepting an ínvítatíon

1 l ' m so r r v .1 can't . 4 s . l'd 1 to.

2 l'ma 1 can ' t. 5 Yeah. That s gr

3 l'm r sorry, but I can't. 6 s go

fJ Com p l ete the conversation with phrases from Exercise l. More than one answer
is possibl e.

Sam Helio?

Ty Hi, Sam. lt's Ty. Listen , do you want to go to a

basketball game on Saturday?

Sam Saturday? _
Ty Oh, OK. Well, do you want to go to the beach on Sunday ?

Sam The beach ? _

Ty Great . l'm going to drive. Can we meet at your house
at 9:00 a.m .?

Sam !Seeyouat

9:00 on Sunday .

!) Write a conversation about invitations with the phrases from Exercise 1 and
your ow n ideas. Use the conversation in Exercíse 2 as a model.
Marc Helio?

lanning a party

D Put the letters in the correct order to make party checklist phrases.
1 hosoce het us c m i c h=º=º==s e t he m=u s=ic
2 d s e n he t osiivtnitan
3 mkea a eusgt s I ti
4 1 pan eht m neu
5 kabe a ceka
6 t e d a e r o c eth o mor
7 ybu a fgit
8 ppeerra hte dofo

fJ Look at the pictures. Complete the sentences with the phrases from Exercise
1 and be going to.

1 Tonya o in g t o make a guest list 2 Ben

Mi Yon

3 G lenn _
4 Rodrigo _
Terry _ Erica

1) Complete the chart with the correct object pronouns.

Subject pronouns: 1 you he she it we they

Object pronouns: me

m Rewrite the email to correct the underlined mistakes.

Subject: Mom's birthday

Hi, Olivia!

How are you? l'm busy with Mick and Susana. l'm going to take toa soccer game at
12:00. Then we're going to go shopping. Susana has a concert on Friday. l'm going to buy tl a
new dress. Mick needs a new computer. l'm going to buy him at CompSave.
Listen, Mom's birthday is Sunday. What are we going to get him? Do you want to get she
a sweater and a scarf? Look at the pictures. 1 can buy online today. You can pay .!ID'.
later. Mom helps we all the time, so let's surprise hers with a party. Let's have a cake. Can you
bake its? Dad is going to be here tomorrow. 1 can tell he about the party.
l'm going to call )'.QY[ after the soccer game. Are you going to be home?
Your sister,

Lisa l ew d= md l vie w


How are you? l'm busy with Mick and Susana. l'm going to take them to a

soccer game at 1 2 :0 0 .

Put the words in the correct order to make

What are you going t o buy Jen?

1 going /to/ buy / you / What /are/ Jen /?
2 help / going / Henry and me/ Who 's /to/?
3 John / going / When /to/ you /are/ see /?
4 to / is / going / How / Sonya / send / the invitations /?
5 to / What time/ Paul and Vera/ going /is/ he/call /?
6 is / Where / going / she / meet /to/ you and Jim /?

m Write conversations with the questions from Exercise 5 and the information in the pictures.
Use object pronouns in the answers.

1 A What are you oin tobuy. Jen?

B l'm oin to buy her a hat.

What Lilly's birthday party

When: Friday , May 4th
Where: At Kate's house
2 A

3 A


, (;.j-,-,:-_-··.-
- '

.. 4 A

-. _2 -

5 A

1 1 1
Mcnlst 6 A

D Look at the invitation. What are they going to celebrate?

Host: Kelly
What: A party for Jo e's birthday!
Where: Kelly's house
542 Maple Street
When: Saturday, June
14th 6:00 p.m.

lt's Joe's birthday. Let's give him a great party! Shhh ... don't tell him! l'm going to prepare dinner
and bake a cake. Come early and help me decorate the house! Bring him a gift ora card. Are you
going to come? Don't be late!

Are you going to come? Post a comment:

Yes No


RayS: Sure. l'm going to come!

Matt Blake: lt sounds great. l'm going to bring my wife.
Dawn447: Josh and I are going to be there. See you on
Saturday. Ellie Smith: l'm going to bring my guitar and play him a
Paul Peters: l'm going to be late, but l'm going to be there!


Lydia: l'm sorry, 1 can't. My mother is visiting, and we are going to see a play that night.
Ali: l'm afraid I can't come to Joe's party. Tell him "Happy Birthday!"

fJ Read the invitation again. Then write T (true), F (false), or NI (no information).
1 The party is at 6:00 p.m. on June 14th. T _
2 Guest s are going to dance at the party. _
3 Kelly is going to bake a cake . _
4 Mat t 's wife isn't going to come to the part y. _
5 Ellie can play the guit ar. _
6 Lydia is going to buy Joe a gift. _
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