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Multiple Choice Questions

1. Circle the steps in the 3-part cycle:
a) Deliverance
b) Judgement
c) Discipline
d) Disobedience
e) Salvation
f) Obedience
2. Circle the judges mentioned in the book of Judges:
a) Othniel
b) Samuel
c) Deborah
d) Eli
e) Shamgar
f) Gideon
3. (1:1-3 Judges) What tribe went into battle with the Canaanites?
a) Manasseh
b) Simeon
c) Judah
d) Reuben
e) Zebulun
4. Who arrived after the death of the elders and Joshua?
a) Misleading minor prophets
b) The next generation who did not follow the way of God
c) Fabricated idols
d) Misleading priests
5. Which Judge saved the people from the king of Mesopotamia?
a) Samson
b) Shamgar
c) Deborah
d) Eli
e) Samuel
f) Other:______
Short Answer Questions-
1. What does “In those days, there was no king in Israel, but every man did that which was
right in their own eyes.” (17:6 Judges) imply about the current judges of Israel?
2. Why do the people of Israel continue to sin despite knowing that they will be punished by
Long Answer Question- Do you think the judges served Israel greater than the kings anointed
in the future? Why or why not?

Multiple Choice Answers- 2. Circle the steps in the 3-part cycle:
a) Deliverance
b) Judgement
c) Discipline
d) Disobedience
e) Salvation
f) Obedience
2. Circle the judges mentioned in the book of Judges:
a) Othniel
b) Samuel
c) Deborah
d) Eli
e) Shamgar
f) Gideon

3. (1:1-3 Judges) What tribe went into battle with the Canaanites?
f) Manasseh
g) Simeon
h) Judah
i) Reuben
j) Zebulun

4. Who arrived after the death of the elders and Joshua?

e) Misleading minor prophets
f) The next generation who did not follow the way of God
g) Fabricated idols
h) Misleading priests

Which Judge saved the people from the king of Mesopotamia?

g) Samson
h) Shamgar
i) Deborah
j) Eli
k) Samuel
l) Other: Othniel

Long Answer Question- Do you think the judges served Israel greater than the kings anointed
in the future? Why or why not?
The question listed above is based on the opinion of the person who is writing the quiz.

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