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Critical Journal Review

Judul Jurnal : Open circuit versus closed circuit enrichment of anodic biofilms in MFC: effect
on performance and anodic communities


Nama : winanta Sitanggang

NIM : 4193351012
Kelas : NSESP19
Strata : S-1
Mata Kuliah : Electricity circuit

Diserahkan 18 Maret 2021

Jurusan biologi

Format Critical Book/Journal Review. 0

Larrosa-Guerrero, A., Scott, K., Katuri, K. P., Godinez, C., Head, I. M., & Curtis, T. (2010).
Open circuit versus closed circuit enrichment of anodic biofilms in MFC: Effect on
performance and anodic communities. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 87(5),


The reason I chose the journal to be used as material to fulfill my cjr assignment is
because this journal raises a theory that I think is quite interesting, namely: open circuit
versus closed anodic biofilm enrichment at MFC, affects performance and communication
andik. this makes me interested in reviewing this journal. I do not really understand the
material that the author raised, so I want to correct the material by reading the journal. one of
the international journals discusses the comparison between open and closed sequences on
anodic on MFC biofilms. This journal written by Amor and his friends was published in
2010, involving MFS, which is one of the tools for waste management in use today, and this
is the reason I use this journal. With the use of tools that we use in everyday life, it will be
easier to distinguish between closed and open circuits.

This journal discusses the role of closed and open groups in MFC tools where MFC is
an electrical energy generating system by utilizing bacteria found in nature. Bacteria present
in organic medium which convert organic material into electrical energy. The nature of
bacteria which can degrade the organic medium (enrichment medium) in MFC produces
electron and proton ions. It is these ions that produce the difference in electric potential so
that it can produce energy. whereas the relationship with closed and open circuits is, here the
author states that the bacterial community is formed in the open circuit earlie constructive by
anode material. However in closed circuits its role in determining the bacterial consortium
that was formed earlier less important than current flow. Rates and the removal rate of
organic matter is similar for all Material: more than 95% under closed circuit. Biofilm in
MFC works in open circuits and in control reactors, increased COD removal by a factor of
nine in comparison with it for the baseline reactor. Average voltage output is 0.6 V in closed
circuit, with an external resistor of 300 kΩ and 0.75 V on open circuit for all materials except
RVC. The poor performance of this material is possible.
The authors conducted two experimental experiments using closed and open circuits.
For closed circuit experiments each cathode to the anode via an external load of 300 kΩ. Like
above, The purpose of this research is not to optimize power generation but to analyze

different carbon materials and their flows flows in biofilm orders in microbial fuels cell.
Indeed, external resistance is chosen because of that represents a "case scenario" and an
assessment to assess the effect of a very low current level (high resistor) biofilm
development. This research does not aim high energy generation level, but for biofilm
ordering below prescribed conditions that allow comparative controllability analysis of
different anode materials. while for open circuit, cathode and anode not connected. To test
the reproducibility of anode biofilm development and MFC performance in open circuits, six
MFCs containing carbon cloth A (E-tek, UK) as anode materials run under conditions similar
to the MFCs used for comparative analysis of different anode materials. The experiments
were carried out in triplicate and the results were.
The results obtained by the author regarding the open and closed circuit are statistical
analysis of the equations in a biofilm a bacterial community is formed in an open circuit
conditions on the carbon cloth anode replica shows that the community is formed on a carbon
cloth the anodes of the six replication reactors are highly reproducible. Consequently it is
assumed that the comparison of the DGGE profiles of a single MFC with different ones the
anode material will provide representative data. The consortium of anode bacteria thrives on
the open circuit at MFCs with different anode materials are different from one another.
Furthermore, the biofilm community in the control reactor and MFC corresponding to the
same carbon material also different. Similarities between bacterial communities consistent
and reproducible within an acceptable level of confidenc. Maximum voltage averaged about
0.6 ± 0.05 V, mean final COD displacement 95 ± 5%. The value corresponds to one repeat.
Two out of three regional replicates DNA extraction and microbial community analysis.

Evaluasi Kritis
Describe clearly and completely starting from the introduction or background of the
problem why the application of the closed and open circuit concepts in MFC, the author is
very good at the material so that the theory delivery is very clear and complete for the reader
as well as should have understood the material so that when reading this journal the reader
connects with talks with what the author wrote. Another advantage of this journal is that it
uses simple language so that it will be easy for readers to understand, even though it is an
international journal. This journal discusses the comparison between closed and open
sequences that come from two different points of view, namely different points of view,
namely by directly conducting research or practice with MFC so that each reader can find it

easier to know the difference. The discussion in this journal is made brief and concise so that
understanding this journal will be more weighty and easy.
As for the separate weaknesses, this journal is very dense and in knowledge so that students
who do not understand the MFC concept may not understand what the reader is conveying,
whereas for comparisons between open and closed series the author does not convey directly
but readers must understand the contents of the journal first in order to understand what the
difference between the two series' natra
Actually this journal does not contain what I am looking for and it is not in
accordance with the assignment given by the lecturer but this journal is interesting to discuss,
seeing from the contents of this journal is very deep in science the writer explains well how
to use open and closed chains in MFC, suggested by readers first understand the material that
will be explained by the author.
If asked whether I recommend this journal, of course, because this journal is very full
of information so that readers can use this journal as reference material in conducting
research and compiling a thesis. because this journal can be trusted because it has a complete
journal identity and the important thing is that it is an international journal

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