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This document is Industry Report Trainer

It is part of the supporting assessment resources for Assessment Task 1 of SITHIND002

Industry Report

a. Information sources
Complete the following table by summarising the type of industry information which you could get from each information source and listing at least two links or
sources of information. Note that the sources of information that you list should be relevant to your organisation and role.

Note: You are required to use at least three of the following information sources in this assessment. Use this checklist to keep track.

Information source Summary of information Links to information


Developers of codes of They provide the set of 1.

conduct or ethics rules regarding the morals,
values, duties and
☐ 2.
responsibilities in the
hospitality industry

☐ Discussions with They provide information 1.

experienced industry about the industry and
personnel how it operates. They will
also have knowledge of
future trends valuable-life-skills-in-hospitality/

☐ Industry accreditation Through them, one can 1.

operators know how to provide
quality services to the
customers and know
techniques to maintain
best business practices.

☐ Industry associations and They analyse the market 1.

organisations trends and provide

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Information source Summary of information Links to information


industry report as well as 2.

address issues of the Signs-Menu/food-beverage-trade-associations
hospitality industry

☐ Industry journals, reference Industry journals provide 1.

books and seminars in-depth research
regarding certain issues in
the hospitality industry

☐ Libraries and media It provides information 1.

regarding food and service
management through
different books

☐ Networking with colleagues Through networking, one 1.

and suppliers can know about the best
deals in the industry.
Linkage with suppliers

☐ Personal observations and Personal observations and 1.

experience experience help to confirm
the information available
about the hospitality
industry. Experience
teaches how industry
works from inside.

☐ Plain English documents, It helps to find the relevant 1.

issued by government legislation relevant to
regulators, that describe laws hospitality industry and the
relevant to the hospitality law, an organisation
industry should follow to comply
with government

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Information source Summary of information Links to information



☐ Training courses It merges the classroom 1.

learning with real-life
training. Learn various
insight about working in
hospitality industry

☐ Unions The unions generally raise 1.

employee issues and they
can provide knowledge
about workplace issues
and problems related to
the hospitality industry

b. Obtaining information
This unit requires that you use open and closed probe questioning to interact effectively to obtain information from:

 experienced industry personnel

 colleagues

 suppliers

 industry bodies.

You must therefore interview one person from each of these categories in the course of gathering information for this industry report. At least one of the
interviews must be an oral interview and your assessor must have the opportunity to observe the interview. You can conduct the interviews by phone, by
video conferencing, in person or in writing (except, of course for the oral interview). Record the evidence of the interviews in the table below. Don’t forget to
work with your assessor to set up a formal observation of at least one of the interviews.

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Information source Name of contact Organisation and contact details Questions asked (indicate Summary of responses
whether questions are open
or closed)

Experienced industry Jason Butler Organisation: DFK Crosbie Are there any signs of Yes, there are signs of the
person Phone: +61 2 4923 4000 Hospitality industry industry. With the start of
Fax: +61 2 4923 4040 recovering from the current vaccination program,
pandemic? individuals and families will
Email: start travelling and the
How is the industry dealing
industry will slowly recover.
with the current situation?
Currently, every company in
the industry are
implementing safety
precaution and also
establishing social
distancing measures.

Colleague Bibek Pandey Are you willing to travel in They want to travel after
the current scenario? being vaccined.

Supplier Australia Is there is effect on the Yes, initially there were
supply chain due to some difficulties to import
Freecall: 1800 339 493 coronavirus? some supplies form other
countries due to the corona
Phone: (03) 9879 8588 virus.
Is there is effect on the
But currently they have
supply chain due to trade
Email enough supplies in their
war with china?
inventory. There is no impact in the
supply chain due to ongoing
trade war with china.

Industry body National Office Will hotel industry survive Not every hotel will
us/ the fall of Australian financially survive the
Mail:      P.O.Box 4286, Manuka, ACT, economy? current range of scenarios.
2603 However, there is signs of

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recovery and occupancy

Phone:  02 6273 4007 rate are also increasing. The
industry will certain bounce
Email: back stronger.

c. The hospitality industry

Provide a brief answer to each of the following questions (two or three sentences) and provide two sources of information that you used to research your
answer or which could be used to find additional information.

Information source Response Information sources

Describe the structure of the hospitality industry Hospitality industry has mainly four 1.
in Australia, including its main sectors and the sectors i.e., Food & beverage,
functions of each. What is the economic and accommodation, recreation and travel-and-hospitality/hospitality
social significance of the industry? travelling. Food & beverage industry
prepares food for customers. 2.
Accommodation industry provides place
to sleep for customers. Recreation
industry provides facilities to relax and
enjoy. Travel and tourism industry
provide facilities form people moving
from one place to another.
Hospitality industry stimulates local
economy and creates thousands of jobs
every year. They also boost the
infrastructure development like roads and
public transportation.
Describe the hospitality industry within the local In my local area, there are mostly 1.
government area that you work in. organisation providing food & beverage hotel-news
facility such as cafes, restaurants and

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Information source Response Information sources

takeaway food services. There are some 2.

hotels providing the lodging facilities as
well. However, there is some mixture of travel-and-hospitality/hospitality
all sectors of the hospitality industry

Describe how your organisation sits within the Our organisation is the food & beverage 1.
hospitality industry. sector within the hospitality industry. It is
the least affected sector in comparision
to other sector of hospitality industry.

Describe your role within the hospitality Working in the restaurant to serve the 1.
industry. customers. I help customers meet their
leisure needs and try to give best
experience to the customers.

Describe career opportunities within your sector fine dining, catering, culinary arts, 1.
of the hospitality industry. sommelier are some of career
opportunities in food and beverage
industry. One can also be food &
beverage manager to manage the
activities in the restaurant like employee
management, inventory management

Access the position description of your dream My dream hospitality job is to be a 1.
hospitality job. How does it differ to your current executive chef. I vastly differs from my an-executive-chef-do
role? What additional skills and training do you current role of waiter where I only serve
need? and clean the tables. However, I want to
manage the chefs and oversee the food
operations in restaurants, hotels,
casinos, or other venues that serve food.

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Information source Response Information sources

To be executive chef, one needs to have

some training at culinary school and
have to work all the way up to become
executive chef.

Describe the allied industries to your sector of Travel and tourism sector are the allied 1.
the hospitality industry. How does each sector sector of the Food and beverage sector.
rely on the other? Every individual who travels, needs some
food and beverage to function. So, our
sector supports the travel sector.
However, without anyone travelling, food
& beverage sector will not survive.

Describe the industry associations and unions They represent all suppliers or 1.
relevant to your organisation or industry sector. organisations representing food and
Describe their function. service sector. They analyse the market
trends and provide industry report as well
as address issues of the hospitality

Provide two examples of how you use industry I follow several websites providing the 1.
information to stay up to date with issues and information of the hospitality industry and
trends. How do you share this information with its latest market trends. I analyse the
colleagues? opportunities and threats to the
hospitality industry.
I mostly share my knowledge in the face
to face conversation with my colleagues
or share link to the article that I find
interesting in the social media.

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It is part of the supporting assessment resources for Assessment Task 1 of SITHIND002

d. Legislation
Provide a brief summary of how the following legislation/standards relates to your sector of the hospitality sector. Include at least two links to information
about the legislation relevant to your state or territory. Include two examples of how you ensure that you work in a way which is compliant with the legislation.
Ask your supervisor to endorse this section of your report to confirm that the information which you have provided is consistent with your workplace practices.

Legislative Relationship to your Information sources Strategies for

area sector compliance

Equal Equal opportunity law 1. 1. Formulate equal

opportunity prohibits any opportunity policy in
law discrimination while the organisation
recruiting any individual. 2.
2. Implementation of
It promotes equal discrimination-program/
equal opportunity in
opportunities in every
the recruitment,
industry including food &
selection and
beverage sector.
training programs in
Everyone gets fair and
the organisation.
equal chance to work in
the sector.

Occupational Occupational licensing 1. 1. To have essential

licensing means someone can up/regulations/licences-permits-legislation facilities to get the
legally practise an occupational
occupation. The licensing.
companies that want to
2. To comply with
start in the food &
other necessary
beverage sector should
legislation to get
at first get license from
the Australian

Food safety The food safety 1. 1. Develop proper

legislation requires the inventory system
hospitality industry to such as separate
maintain certain food raw and cooked

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Legislative Relationship to your Information sources Strategies for

area sector compliance

standards while serving food items

the customers. It also
2.To keep food at
includes cleanliness and
proper inventory
temperatures for
best results.
Responsible Any company in the food 1.
1. providing
service of & beverage sector adequate controls
licence/legislation-and-regulations over the supply and
alcohol should not over-serve
their customers. They 2. consumption of
should follow. liquor
Organisation should
develop culture of 2.encouraging a
responsible consumption culture of
of alcohol. responsible
consumption of
alcohol and
reducing risky
drinking of alcohol

Responsible The gambling polices 1.

conduct of and procedures
1. Getting the
gaming regulates the bra
gambling license
organisation providing
ry/Publications_Archive/archive/gamblingebrief and implementing
such services. Hospitality
the requirement in
industry should minimise 2.
the organisation.
the negative impact of
gambling. 2.  minimise harm
associated with the
misuse and abuse
of gambling

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Legislative Relationship to your Information sources Strategies for

area sector compliance

Local It is important for 1. 1. Perform

community hospitality industry to corporate social
protection ensure the wellbeing of responsibility in a
(obligations its external stakeholders regular basis
for protecting as well as well as the
2. provide
amenity and environment. The sector
lifestyle of should make minimal
opportunities to the
neighbouring negative impact to the
local residents in
residents local community and
the organisation.
when boost the quality of
delivering lifestyle of the
hospitality community.

Industrial The awards apply to all 1. 1. Maintaining anti-

relations the employees of the discrimination
(including hospitality industry. It 2. policies in the
awards) includes the grievances organisation
and conflict management
2. Providing proper
procedures. The
notice and
industrial relations
explanation before
explain the employer’s
termination of
and employee’s duties
contract of the
and responsibility in the
Supervisor endorsement: Supervisor name:

e. Quality assurance
Provide a brief answer to each of the following questions (two or three sentences) and provide two sources of information that you used to research your
answer or which could be used to find additional information. Ask your supervisor to endorse this section of your report to confirm that the information which
you have provided is consistent with your workplace practices.

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Quality assurance Response Information sources


Describe the The companies in the food & beverage industries 1.
industry such as cafes, restaurants and takeaway food
accreditation services should maintain certain food standards
schemes relevant to in the industry and they should also follow
your industry responsible service of alcohol policies. The
sector/organisation. accreditation schemes help to maintain best
business practices.
Describe the They represent all suppliers or organisations 1.
industry associations representing food and service sector. They
relevant to your analyse the market trends and provide industry
industry report as well as address issues of the hospitality
sector/organisation. industry.
What are the The association provides a common voice for its
benefits of industry members, giving them all more power and
association influence in the industry. For example,
membership? associations are more able than individuals to
provide input to policy makers when regulatory
changes that impact the industry are being
Describe why it is It is important for any organisation to participate 1.
important that your in quality assurance processes because its
organisation product uniformity in the quality of service
participates in provided to the customers. Quality assurance 2.
industry quality helps to match the customer’s demands and
assurance expectations.
processes. Provide
If an organisation does not comply with the
one potential impact
quality assurance are their occupational license
of non-participation
maybe revoked or they cannot expand their
or non-compliance.
Describe your role in For quality assurance in the organisation, one 1.
quality assurance. should constantly monitor all the operations and Policy.pdf

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Quality assurance Response Information sources


Provide two ensure its according the organisational standard. 2.

examples of how
I understand the needs of the clients and satisfy
you uphold your
their demands.
responsibilities to
quality assurance in Understanding the quality standards, and
your day to day constant communication with other staffs to fulfill
work. the quality assurance process.

Describe your Supervisor should formulate continuous 1.

supervisor’s role in improvement policies for quality assurance. They Policy.pdf
quality assurance. must also strictly implement the relevant
legislation and procedures regarding the food
safety standards.
Describe the role of The industry code of conduct guides the 1.
an industry code of organisation to maintain certain quality
conduct or code of standards. They provide the set of rules
ethics. Provide two regarding the morals, values, duties and
examples of how responsibilities in the hospitality or food industry. work-health-and-safety-risks
you comply with the
I never show any discriminatory behaviour in the
code of conduct in
workplace and treat every colleague equally.
your day to day
work. I try to maintain safe working environment for me
and my colleagues through complying the
necessary safety standards formulated by
industry code of conduct.

Describe the work The work ethic in the food & beverage sector 1.
ethic required to relates to providing quality services to the restaurants/
work in the customers.
hospitality industry
The employee should maintain food safety and
and, in particular, in
should not serve bad quality food the customers.
your sector of the
industry. Provide two
examples of how
It also includes maintaining proper cleanliness

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Quality assurance Response Information sources


you exemplify this standards in the workplace through proper

work ethic in your inventory management.
day to day work.

Describe two ethical Ethical issues relevant in the food industry is 1.
issues which are related to the treatment of animals. The animals
particularly relevant farmed for consumption are treated badly.
to your
There are ongoing issues of use of chemical
organisation’s sector
products in the food & beverage products
of the hospitality

Supervisor endorsement: Supervisor name:

f. Technology
Provide a brief answer to each of the following questions (two or three sentences) and provide two sources of information that you used to research your
answer or which could be used to find additional information. Ask your supervisor to endorse this section of your report to confirm that the information which
you have provided is consistent with your workplace practices.

Information source Response Information sources

Describe one current There is rise of the Bluetooth 1.

technology and one temperature sensors which
emerging technology will help to maintain the food
that increases the and equipment at required
efficiency of the way temperature. It will make
that you perform your quality assurance much
role. What are the faster and quality standards
efficiency gains and will increase
how does the
technology help you to

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Information source Response Information sources

complete your role?

Describe two I follow several websites 1.

techniques which you providing the information of
2. Personal observation
use to keep up to date the hospitality industry and its
with technologies that latest technologies in the
can improve your industry.
efficiency and
I also observe the employees
effectiveness at work.
of other organisation to know
about latest technologies and
their style of working to know
effective methods to
complete work.

Describe one current Currently inventory 1.Personal observation

and one emerging management is not fully
catering system digital in the organisation.
technology relevant to Whereas new technologies in
your organisation or the inventory management
role. will reduce the waste
generated by the
organisation and also there is
rise of digital purchase by the

Describe one current Currently there is online 1.Personal observation

and one emerging ordering system in our
application (app) organisation where
technology relevant to customers can order the
your organisation or foods and our organisation
role. will deliver it. However, in
future there will be digital
table where it will book
reservations while providing
optimal seating

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Information source Response Information sources

arrangements. It estimates
the wait time and give better
waiting experience.

Describe one current 1.

and one emerging
despatch system
technology relevant to
your organisation or

Describe one current In the food production 1.

and one emerging food system, the packaging is journalCode=food
production system constantly evolving to be
technology relevant to more sustainable and be free
your organisation or from harmful bacteria.
The use of ultrasound is
increasing in the food
processing mostly to
precisely cut food into smaller

Describe one current Currently there is online 1.Personal observation

and one emerging ordering system in our
industry online booking organisation where
system technology customers can order the
relevant to your foods and our organisation
organisation or role. will deliver it. However, in
future there will be digital
table where it will book
reservations while providing
optimal seating
arrangements. It estimates
the wait time and give better

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Information source Response Information sources

waiting experience.
POS system and a back-of-
Describe one current 1.
house kitchen display system
and one emerging hospitality-industry/
makes the ordering process
industry reservations,
smoother and more efficient. 2.
operations and
The POS system allows the food-industry/?sh=5a11a46e20a3
financial and tracking
server to input a customer’s
systems technology
order and record transactions
relevant to your
via a tablet.
organisation or role.
The Visitor Management
module allows the
organization to keep track of
clients, guests, and other
visitors. All information is
stored in a secure database,
allowing you to generate
comprehensive reports of
visitor activity.

Describe one current Currently, project 1.

and one emerging management software has
project management less features and there is
system technology need of multiple software to
relevant to your manage properly. So,there is
organisation or role. rise in the online project
management software that
helps in the effective
management of the work
team. Managers can track
how they spend their working
hours. It helps to prioritise
their work. They can also
schedule their projects and

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Information source Response Information sources

assign to-dos with deadlines.

It also helps in resource
planning and long -term

Describe one current Currently Facebook is 1.

and one emerging important for marketing of the
social media site business.
technology relevant to
Slack will be more useful as a
your organisation or
social media for work
environment and project

Describe two new Any role should be able to 1.

techniques relevant to adapt with the new hospitality-industry/
your role. technology. My role will also
need to learn new technology
like automated inventory
management and learning
innovative techniques to
satisfy customers.

Supervisor endorsement: Supervisor name:

g. You and your work

Provide a brief answer to each of the following questions (two or three sentences) and provide two sources of information that you used to research your
answer or which could be used to find additional information. Ask your supervisor to endorse this section of your report to confirm that the information which
you have provided is consistent with your workplace practices.

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Question Response Information sources

Provide two examples of how you I assess information and latest 1.
access and use information about the trends about the hospitality industry/
hospitality industry in your day to day website through various tourism
work. websites.
I also look at competitors to find
latest trend to provide better
service to our customers. I always
look for better way to serve
Provide two examples of how you I regularly visit Pinterest to find
access and use information about latest hospitality products and hospitality/hospitality
hospitality products and services in services.
your day to day work. If any products are necessary in 2.
the organisation, then I will also
visit supplier’s website to get
information about latest products.

Provide two examples of how you I mostly share my knowledge in 1.

share updated information about the the face to face conversation with
hospitality industry, its products, my colleagues. I discuss about
services and technologies with your the latest trends try to learn from
colleagues. colleagues as well.
I also share link to the article
about hospitality industry, its
products, services and
technologies that I find interesting
in the social media.

Describe two examples of how The industry information helps to 1.

industry information enhances your compare the current research/why-industry-information-matters/
work performance. organisational performance with
the industry. The industry
information will provide the
training needs for the future and
organisation can utilise that

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Question Response Information sources

information for professional

development of their employees.
The quality standards of the
industry also motivates an
employee to improve their current

Provide two examples of how Due to influence of the social 1. Colleagues

information about current market media, I always try to produce
trends and customer expectations new dishes from different cultures
have influenced the dishes which you and traditions. 2.
have produced. article=9481&context=theses
I try to mix flavours from various
cultures to make a new unique
dish. I also try to learn about
various spices. Customer
expectations play a huge role as
they expect a certain standard in
the food they are going to eat and
I always try to fulfill those

Provide two examples of how you I provided the minimum training 1.
have used industry information to requirements for the employees in hospitality/hospitality
improve the quality of your hospitality the industry. The training
service. programs helped to improve their 2.
performance to serve customers
in a better way.
I also implemented the quality
standards of the industry to
assure quality in our service. It
improved the cleanliness and
maintain food safety.

Supervisor endorsement: Supervisor name:

SITHIND002 Source and use information on the hospitality industry 19

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