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Research Project under

BCUD (Board of Colleges and University Development), University of Pune


Principal Investigator: Prof Shubhangi Bhatambrekar

Cyber World Awareness Survey Questionnaire

1st-6th 7th-12th Graduation/Post Professional

Name of Student/Person:-_________________________________________
Gender: M/F________
Name of School / College/ Organization/Company: _______________________

1. Do you know Internet? Yes /No

2. Are you using the Internet? Yes /No
If yes where? At Home/ At Office/At Cyber café/ Any Other
3. Are you using the internet on Mobile phone? Yes /No
4. How frequently you use Internet? Daily/ Weekly/ Monthly/ Yearly
5. In your family who uses the internet other than you?
Father / mother / brother / sister/ grandparents / any other /no one
6. What mostly do you do on Internet?
Searching ii) Chatting iii) e-Mailing iv) Video games

7. Do you have your e-mail account ? Yes /No

8. Do you get the mail from unknown persons any time? Yes /No
9. Do you use Orkut / Facbook / twitter /Blog / Any other social network site? Yes /No
10. What is view about social networking site (E.g Orkut / Facbook / twitter /Blog / Any
other social network site)
11. Do you download from internet
i) Movies ii) Songs iii) Application iv) Document
12. Do you think downloading data over Internet is legal or not? Yes /No
13. Do you know about cyber crime? Yes /No
If yes, what do you know?
14. About your opinion what are advantages of Internet
15. About your opinion what are disadvantages of Internet
16. Do you know what computer viruses are? Yes /No

17. Which connection/service do you use to connect to the Internet ?

i) BSNL ii) VSNL iii) Cable iv) Wi-Fi v) any other
18. Your opinion about any enhancement required for Internet ?
19. Do you use any antivirus for your computer system protection? Yes /No
20. Do you purchase the antivirus software? Yes /No
21. How regularly you update your antivirus
i) Daily ii) weekly iii) monthly iv) yearly
22. Which Internet browser you use regularly
i) Internet Explorer ii) Crome iii) Mozillz Foxpro iv) Any other
23. Do you use the password for computer security ? Yes /No
24. How regularly change the computer / mail password
i) Daily ii) weekly iii) monthly iv) yearly

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