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Professional essay for portfolio

Rebecca L. Wignall

Chadron State College

November 2, 2021

Counseling professional identity

I am so thankful for the opportunity I have had to learn and grow in a career that I am

passionate about. I know that through my education at Chadron State College and my practicum

and internship at Meredith Hammond, LPC that I’ve been able to begin developing my

professional identity. Some of the components that have contributed to my professional identity

include my professors, site supervisor, and organizations that I belong to.

Through the professional experiences that my professors have shared with me, it has

allowed me to learn and grow. I remember in practicum with Dr. Covello, she would often share

experiences that normalized the feelings I was experiencing with meeting with clients for the

first time. This was an opportunity for me to learn, sometimes from her mistakes, but also make

changes that were appropriate for my theoretical orientation.

Another example of learning from my professors has been through books that were

chosen for my classes. Several different times, my professors would speak about how the text

helped them in their career, and through these experiences, I was also able to grow in my identity

as well. My professors have always been willing to share ways to better myself as a counselor.

The second main contributor to my professional identity, is my site supervisor, Meredith

Hammond. I’ve completed my practicum and internship in her private practice. She is a wealth

of knowledge and always supports me with books, ideas, or tips on how to improve and better

my counseling techniques. I have truly found a role model in the counseling field who is willing

to help me reach my full potential.

In addition to the wonderful leadership of my site supervisor, she has also opened my

eyes to play therapy which is a very special part of my professional identity. I read about play

therapy in different textbooks, but this wasn’t something that I learned in school. I have always

had a special place in my heart for children, and this is a wonderful way for me to combine my

passion for counseling and children. Meredith is a registered play therapist supervisor, and she

has been very helpful in assisting me in reaching for my goal to become a registered play


The last step that has helped me create a professional identity so far includes the

organizations that I belong to. I am currently a member of the American Counseling

Association, Colorado Association for Play Therapy, and Association for Play Therapy.

Although I haven’t had the opportunity to participate in a professional conference, I have utilized

these associations’ websites to help with credentialing, ethical guidelines, and continued

education credits. In addition to the websites, I’ve also enjoyed reading the monthly newsletters

and email blasts that have provided information for issues I’ve faced in my practicum and


Although there are key aspects that have already contributed to my professional identity,

I know that as I continue to see clients, further my education, and gain more certifications that

my professional identity will continue to evolve and develop before my eyes.

Legal and ethical issues

There are several legal and ethical issues that I may encounter in my counseling career,

especially working with children. Although I learned about ethical and legal concerns in my

schooling, I have had the opportunity to further learn about this in my practicum and internship.

A few of the concerns that I feel I will face are confidentiality, multiple relationships, and

licensure in multiple states.

It is my goal as a counselor to continue working with children which brings an additional

level of confidentiality. I’ve already experienced this with parents who want to know what takes

place in the counseling setting. There is a fine line to earn the client’s trust but also allow the

parents to see growth and development in the counseling process. It will be very important that I

disclose to my clients that parents can request to see their records. Besides the parent requesting

the records and times I must breach confidentiality for duty to protect or reporting issues, I won’t

report to parents unless they want me to. With children, it is often difficult for them to

understand confidentiality and I will ensure each time we speak that I reiterate these important

times I must breach confidentiality and that I will speak with them when they disclose something

that needs to be reported.

Another important factor is to discuss with the parents about confidentiality and my

responsibility to not break confidentiality unless there is a duty to protect or report an issue. I

hope by speaking with the parent about this, it will reiterate to them that if the child is in danger

that they will be notified. By having this conversation, my goal is that they will respect the

client-counselor relationship and that it will give the client the comfort to speak freely.

Multiple relationships are something that I feel I may see more of as I establish myself in

Colorado. The main reason that I feel it may be an issue in Colorado, even though it is a large

state, is due to my work within my religious belief. I am a member of The Church of Jesus

Christ of Latter-Day Saints and the practice that I will be moving forward with is registered with

the church for clients to contact. Currently, 95% of my caseload is members of the same faith.

Although we are in different areas or meeting times, it is very common that a client will have

common friends or even family that I may interact with in my meeting times or know through

the church.

The last legal issue that I may encounter in my future is licensure in multiple states. With

multiple states come multiple laws to abide by. My end goal is to open a private practice in

western Nebraska for play therapy that I can work out of a couple of times a month while still

residing in Colorado. This will require me to do my research, utilize the state licensing board,

and have an attorney that is knowledgeable in the laws of the different states to ensure that I am

doing everything ethically and lawfully.

Professional Competence

As a new individual in the counseling field, I find that I compare myself to others and

focus on my weaknesses instead of strengths. This question was difficult to answer because it

feels like I still have a long way to go when it comes to growing and learning in this field. A few

strengths that I have in the counseling field are my eagerness to apply what I have been taught,

my empathy and unconditional positive regard, and my desire to learn and grow in the play

therapy field. A few weaknesses that I am continuing to work on are my treatment planning

skills in play therapy and my in-person counseling skills and techniques.

To begin with my weaknesses, throughout my practicum and the majority of my

internship I have seen clients remotely due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. This is where I have

learned most of my play therapy skills and I have struggled to transition from virtual sessions to

in-person. I am working with my site supervisor on pieces of training and techniques to better

my skills and to ensure that the client’s counseling sessions are effective.

In addition to a hard transition to in-person, I have also struggled with treatment planning

in the play therapy setting. Although it varies slightly from the traditional counseling setting, it

involves the parents along with the children. I have found it difficult to find a balance between

the client’s desires and what the parents believe is in the child’s best interest. I know with more

training, guidance, and experience that this will improve but currently, I would rank it as one of

my greatest weaknesses.

My greatest strength would be my empathy and unconditional positive regard. I think

this is the main reason that I was drawn towards person-centered or child-centered theoretical

orientations. I see people how they want me to see them and allow them to be the expert. One

training in play therapy that I am wanting to do is synergetic play therapy. In this specific

therapy, “as the therapist attunes to their own internal systems and then attunes to the internal

systems of the child, a union of systems occurs. In this union, a synergy forms, allowing for co-

regulation to emerge” (Synergetic Play Therapy, 2021). It has been magical to reflect these

feelings with clients and better understand who they are and how they are feeling. This carries a

lot of empathy and ensures your body is prepared to feel what the client is feeling.

Throughout this essay, I have expressed my love for play therapy and my desire to work

with children. This is another strength that I’m so excited to continue to grow upon. I know that

through this desire and eagerness to apply what I’ve learned in my classes that I will be able to

help one child at a time and eventually grow in additional areas.

Continuing Development

After graduation, I plan to utilize my time while waiting for licensure in Colorado, to

finish my certification of play therapy. My end goal is to become a play therapist that specializes

in child-centered/synergetic play therapy. After I complete my certification for play therapy, I

plan to complete certification in EMDR specifically to help children process their trauma in a

play therapy setting.

As I stated above, my goal is to open a practice in western Nebraska to benefit the rural

area with a service that is currently not available. Eventually, I would like to receive my

certification to be a registered play therapist supervisor so I can train and work with future play

therapists in western Nebraska and grow a network of individuals who have a passion for

working with children like myself.

Overall, I have a great plan for my future and who knows maybe that will include

receiving my doctorate one day. More importantly, I am excited to focus on my licensure and

completion of certification in play therapy so I can continue doing what I love.



Synergetic play therapy. Synergetic Play Therapy Institute. (2021, September 10).

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