Method Statement For Chamber Construction of TSE Line Ev Manager

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CONTRACT NO. - PA 2019 C 056 G

Method Statement for Construction of Chamber

Treated Sewage Effluent (TSE) Line

02 11 Oct. 2021 Third Release Okorie Primus Sayed Hamouda Bahodur Muhdi Noufal
for Approval QA/QC Engineer QA/QC Manager Safarov Project Director
01 25 May 2021 Second Karthik Makam Sayed Hamouda Bahodur Muhdi Noufal
Release for Material Engineer QA/QC Manager Safarov Project Director
Approval Project
00 17 Feb 2021 Initial
Release- Hernando Bullo Bassel Orabi
Sayed Hamouda Muhdi Noufal
Revise and Re- Sr. QA/QC Technical
QA/QC Manager Project Director
Submittal Engineer Manager


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This method statement is to outlined the methodology in order to execute the sequence of activities
of Works for construction of chambers of Treated Sewage Effluent (TSE) Line utilizing the right type
of resources and methods to achieve the best quality of service or product based on the details of
project specific specifications and impose of QCS 2014 edition.


a. Site HSE Inductions

b. Safety / Environmental Toolbox Talks
c. Training courses (Internal / External)
 LOTO Training (Every worker that is involved in the isolation of utilities shall be trained by a
3rd party training provider on LOTO)

a. HSE Bulletins / HSE Notice Boards

b. STARRT cards and RAMS (Risk Assessments Method Statements)
c. Safety Meetings with Supervisors and Engineers


a. License:
- All drivers, operators shall have valid driving- operating licenses/permits. Licenses/permits
should be obtained, from relevant concerned department/authorities.
- Proper sign boards and barriers will be placed as per HSE procedure & as required on site
1 and depends on the work activities.
- All permits should be secured ahead of time as per PW A/Concerned Department
rules &Regulations.

b. Traffic management plan -

- Approved traffic management plan shall be used. Traffic management plan will undergo
regular update to ensure safe access / egress to the local residents, emergency vehicles and
project traffic movement for safe logistic.
- Placing of signages, protection with barricades for the open trenches and for the traffic
diversion along with access provision to the open trenches are explained in detail in Health
safety Environmental & Traffic management plan

c. Detection and Isolation of Utilities:

- UCC-INFJV will ensure all utilities are precisely identified and detected prior to starting any
activity. Safe distance shall be maintained from the detected and exposed utilities. Permit to
excavate, CAT scanning, trial pits, Isolation requirements if applicable will be communicated in
advance to the respective authority or Assets Owner and LOTO (lock out-tag-out) procedure
will be implemented as respective authority or Assets Owner approved guidelines.

d. Disconnection/Reconnection of Service:
- UCC-INFRAROAD JV will seek permission from the AUTHORITY or asset owner for
disconnection / reconnection of service as applicable prior to initiate the job and during the
course of completion come across if any. No job will proceed without prior approval from

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respective authority or Assets Owner and will ensure all permit to work required is issued and
validated on regular basis.

e. Permits to work:
- The contractor to ensure collecting all the needed permits from all the concerned Authorities
prior of any activity such as, valid RO, approved TDPs, excavation permit, valid SIS for MV/LV
1 & HV/EHV, cold permit, …etc.
- Permit To Dig - Excavation Works
- KAHRAMAA Permit (SIS or Cold Permit) - Work in the vicinity of existing KAHRAMAA
- Hot Work Permit
- Approved Traffic Diversion Plan.
- Ensure obtaining and maintaining valid work permits from all Authorized work permit holders.
-Valid Environmental Permits


Client PWA(Ashghal)
Supervision Consultant Parsons
Contractor UCC-Infraroad-JV
QCR Quality Control Records
ITP Inspection & Test Plan
QA/QC Quality Assurance & Quality Control
HSE Health, Safety & Environment
HS Health & Safety
RA Risk Assessment
QCS Qatar Construction Specifications
SRC Sulfur Resistant Cement
OPC Ordinary Portland Cement
1 HP Hold Point
WP Witness Point
SP Surveillance Point
R Record Review
N/A Not Applicable
SIS Service Information Sheet
RAMS Risk Assessment & Method Statement
LOA Limitation Of Access
RO Road Opening
TDP Tunnel Diversion Plan
TSE Treated Sewage Effluent
STARRT Safety Task & Risk Reduction Talks
CAT Computer Aided Testing
LOTO Lock Out Tag Out
PWA Public Works Authorithy
MV Medium Voltage
LV Low Voltage
PTW Permit To Work

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EHV Extra High Voltage


A. Personel
1. Project Dırector/ Manager- Oversee the project to ensure the desired result is achieved, the
most efficient resources are used and the different interests involved are satisfied. Review the
quality of the work within the project team on a regular basis to ensure that it meets the
project standards and are completed as per the program. Monitor safety to ensure that the
requirements are enforced and implemented at all times on site.
 Project/ Site Engineer – Work directly at site with the foreman to ensure that all the required
information has been provided to proceed with the work, and that the works comply with
project specification, method statement and shop drawings. He liaises with client’s staff with
respect to inspection and approvals. He reports to project/construction manager.
 QA/QC Manager- Coordinate with Project Manager and his team about QA/QC related
activities of the Project, Following up continuous improvement for the quality within the
project. Evaluating the project quality program.
 QA/QC Engineer – He will be monitor all activities and make sure that all required inspection
& test are carried out and all work shall be operated and recorded in accordance with the
contract quality plan.
 Land Surveyor- The surveyor will supervise all the surveying activities on site and has full
control over the use of the chainmen and equipment. He ensures for achieving timely and
proper setting out of the works, responsible for accuracy of survey and testing of equipment
and will coordinate to the Site Engineers for any work that ready for inspection.
 HSE Manager – He will monitor and provide full technical support for the implementation of
this procedure. Ensuring that the requirements of these procedures are consistently met to
adhered to. Preparing the HSE required documents and submissions, securing the approval
of top management for their implementation and for making all necessary needed

 The HSE Manager shall carry out the inital review of the method statement,prepare risk
assessement and conduct RAMS breefing as soon as method statement and risk
assessement are approved by the consultant.
 The HSE Manager shall ensure that work carried out in strict compliance with project
approved H & S plan, QCS 2014 requirements,contract documents and BS 6164 requirement.
 To lead the entire HSS team, maintaining HSS awareness and to create safe culture and
working environment through innovative ideas.

 Environmental Manager - He will ensure that the required environmental permit and approval
is in place before the commencement of work, ensure that conditions and requirements (i.e.
Noise Pollution, Dust Control, Waste Management etc.) of the permit and CEMP are
effectively implemented in the site and will also ensure the environmental impacts from this

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construction activity are appropriately controlled. He will also monitor and provide full technical
support for the implementation of this procedure.

 Issue necessary directives to Project Safety Officer / Departmental Managers and render
advice to the Project Manager as required.
 Prepare and submit HSS report to project Manager whenever so required.
 Visit construction site during on-going activities and interact with Consultant and Sub-
contractors on HSS matters, whenever necessary.
 Reporting internally and externally as required in consultation with the Supervision Consultant,
safety incidents, including near miss events and injuries
 Investigating incidents, ensuring root cause/s are identified, and corrective actions address
root cause/s, managers are assigned responsibility for actions and that lessons learnt are
communicated and implemented to prevent recurrence
 Actively promote hazard identification, reporting and elimination or control by all project
 Monitoring and reviewing the HS performance of the project HS team and taking appropriate
action to correct poor performance
 Ensure security arrangement for the project is in place
 Monitor and report effectiveness of security arrangements.
 HSE Officer – He will be responsible for ensuring implementation of safe working
procedures. Keeping hazard/incident/unsafe practices reports and ensuring that corrective
actions are undertaken as per HSE plan. Evaluate and record all relevant documentation,
shall be current and valid.
 Civil Foreman – The civil foreman will supervise all the activities on site and has full control
over the use of the labor, plant and equipment. He ensures that the work is carried out in full
compliance with the specification, and in manner that conforms to the safety requirements
and will coordinate to the Project/ Site Engineer for any work is complete and ready for
 Lifting Supervisor-

- Qualified and experienced personnel shall monitor tunnel related activites

1 - Follow guidelines and inspection procedures.

- Conduct daily pre-task briefing prior to starting the activity and that all lifting activities are
in accordance with the lifting plan.

- Make sure a valid lift plan is available for the critical lift.

- Supervise all critical lifts

- Ensure employees have adequate operational knowledge & experience Immediately

remove from service any equipment that fails inspection.


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Typical section for DN 1400DI & twin DN1200 TSE mains combined washout chamber
structural details

a) Setting-out
 UIJV will prepare shop drawings showing survey information and levels based on
issued for construction/ as per approved shop drawing and approved survey drawing of
design longitudinal profile. Such levels shall be related to the temporary bench marks;
 Setting of the lines, levels and grades as per drawings is carried out prior to
commencement of works. In addition, offset reference will be established for easy counter
checking as the work progresses.
 UIJV will provide measuring and recording equipment for the supervision consultant
and will be properly maintained in a good working order at all times.
b) Dewatering
 (if needed) will be provided depending on the location of ground water and subsequent
procedure will be submitted separately for this item of works.
c) Excavation Works
 Prior to start for excavation works, all utilities shall be located and marked ahead of the
excavator. UIJV shall be responsible for locating all services crossing or closely paralleling the
line of structure by consultation with the relevant services department.

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 Any existing cables, pipes or other utilities shall be exposed and protected as
mentioned in Method Statement for Trial Pits / Protection of Existing Underground Utilities or
Services (Ref submittal number: C853-P03-UIV-EL-MST-0002 & Ref: C853-P03-UIV-EL-MST-
0003). The location which was established by survey team shall be checked out for the
excavation based on construction drawings which reflects the location of the chamber center
lines, depth and width.
 After approval, excavation will start with the immediate area around fenced off and
warning signs will be erected.
 Excavation in rock area, excavator with breaker will be used to excavated into required
 In case of soft sand/ soil area on a deep excavation care shall be given to ensure
proper control measures are in place. Based on the soil test/ survey report shoring or sloping
methods to be adopted for supporting the excavation to prevent the collapse.
 All excavated materials will removed from pit and will continue as detailed until
formation level has been reached. Last part of the formation will be carried with special care to
avoid any over excavation. Any excavation deeper than the formation level shall be filled up to
the extra depth with concrete grade SRC 20.
 Excavation should be kept free of water. Grading in the vicinity of excavation should be
controlled to prevent surface water running into the excavated areas.
 After excavation has been carried out and trimmed to the required levels and before
proceeding with consequent work, supervision consultant shall inspect and approve.
d) Blinding Concrete Works
 After obtaining approval from supervision consultant for the formation level, mark the chamber
base line and level plus 200-400mm working space on each side,
 Then apply antitermite and place the polyethylene sheet and fix formwork for blinding
concrete. In areas where excavation is narrow and with limited working space, concrete is to
be placed up to the excavation limit.
 Work to proceed after obtaining approval from supervision consultant. Pour blinding of
minimum 75mm thick of Grade 20 SRC concrete/grade of the concrete shall followed as per
the approved shop drawing shall be placed, trower finish, let it set and cured as per curing
specification.and material submission refernce number(Material Ref for Concrete:C853-P03-
e) Laying of Membrane
 After blinding, repairing of surfaces for any holes, sharp and rough surfaces (if any) where
approved water proofing system of tanking membrane shall be applied over the blinding
 Marked the exact base size plus 100mm on each side where tanking membrane is required.
 Surface shall be inspected and approved by supervision consultant prior to lay tanking
1 membrane. Once approved, work to be proceeded.
 For tanking membrane material, refer to material submittal (Material Ref for membrane: C853-
P03-UIV-CI-MAT-0014) and for application, refer to manufacturer’s recommendation.
 Laying of tanking membrane shall be done by qualified skilled workers.

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 Tanking Membrane shall be laid from underside of base and external faces of In-situ concrete
base and wall (refer to QCS 2014, Sec. 08, Part 04, Cl.
f) Membrane Protection Screed
 Once obtained approval for the laid tanking membrane, fix the formwork requirement for the
protection screed.
1  The laid tanking membrane and formwork should be inspected and approved by supervision
consultant inspector prior to proceed subsequent work.
 Once approved proceed for the concrete screed 50mm OPC Grade 20/approved shop
drawing (Material Ref for Concrete:C853-P03-UIV-CE-MAT-0028) with 10mm maximum
aggregates or as per in contract drawings, trowel finish to level and let it set and cured.
g) Chamber Base Construction
 Once the concrete screed set and cured, mark and fix the chamber base foundation formwork
and indicate all levels with kicker, water bar and reinforcement with cover blocks—Concrete
cover foundation-70mm, wall External 70mm & Internal.
 Installation of reinforcement steel as per approved Bar Bending Schedule will be done by
approved nominated sub-contractor.( for the reinforcement shall be delivered from the Qatar
steel and accordingly the material submission shall be submitted to the GEC for the final
approval after the finalizing the vendor)
 All reinforcement bars shall comply with the bending schedule of BS8666-
 All reinforcement Bars shall be FY = 500MPA (Refernce:C853-P03-UIV-ST-1000)
 All laps are to be Minimum 50 times the Diameter of the smaller Bar lapped (Refernce:C853-
 Then external formworks will be formed in position and well supported
 100mm kicker shall be provided to serve as guide for the manhole/chamber wall/shaft except
where the carrier pipe entry permitted. All timber brace in properly supported for their position
 The base constructed shall be approved by the supervision consultant, prior to proceed
subsequent work.
 Once approved, proceed for the concreting. (concrete grade 40 SRC as per QCS 2014, Sec.
08, Part 04, Cl. and/ or as per contract requirements). Base will be concreted together
1 with 100mm kicker. (Material Ref for concrete:C853-P03-UIV-CE-MAT-0028)
 Concrete shall be obtained from the approved supplier by the engineer.
 The quality checks and test of concrete shall be as per QCS 2014, Section 05, Part 06,
Clause 6.8.2. Care should be observed during the depositing of concrete to prevent
 Concrete will be compacted using mechanical vibrators, then leveled with having an uneven or
rough surface for the wall area (kicker) only and let it set and cured.
 Concreting during hot weather condition shall not be placed if the shade temperature exceeds
400C and; Maximum fresh concrete temperature shall not exceed 32°C unless construction
testing to verify a proposed concrete mixture will function satisfactorily at a concrete
temperature greater than 32°C. No concrete shall be placed if the concrete temperature is
above 35°C.

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 The transportation of concrete shall be as per QCS 2014, Section 05, part 8. Discharge of the
concrete shall be completed within 90 min, or before the drum has revolved 300 revolutions,
whichever comes first, after the introduction of the mixing water to the cement and aggregates
1 or the introduction of the cement to the aggregates.
 The consistence of concrete is to be determined ,it shall be measured by means od slump test
and shall be determined at the time of use of concrete
 The tolerances for the target value (determined during the plant trail of the approved mix)as
mentioned below as per QCS section 5 part 6
Target Value(mm) ≤ 40 50 to 90 ≥ 100
Slump Tolerance(mm) -30, +40 -40, +50 -50, +60

 Curing of concrete to comply as per QCS 2014, Section 05, Part 10. Water curing with
hessian cloth covering the surface with a saturated absorptive and keeping it continuously wet
 De- shuttering after concrete curing;
 The formwork shall be carefully stripped as per specification to avoid sudden shocks from the
removal of sections or vibration which might cause damage to the concrete.
1  Methodology of crack mitigation and crack repairs(minimum and maximum size)works has
submitted to GEC separately for the review and approval(C853-P03-PIL-CI-MST-SRF-0007-
h) Preparation of Construction joints
 All Laitance shall be treated to expose the aggregate over the full depth to leave for
irregularities surface for the shear key.
 Fittings assemble installation
 Wall Steel reinforcement
 Shuttering

i) Chamber Wall Construction

 Verify all lines, levels and measurement before proceeding with formwork erection.
 Check the approved water stop and ensure it is in upright position.
 Fix the box-out/box holes formwork for the exact location where the carrier pipe passes
through the chambers as per shown in approved shop drawings for typical wall opening
o When the pipe is later fixed, the remaining hole (box-out/box holes) shall be re-shuttered;
o All the faces of steel shutter (circular) in contact with concrete shall be free from adhering
foreign matter, projecting nails and the like, splits or other defects, and shall be clean and
free from standing water, dirt, shavings, chippings or other deleterious matter.
o Internal bracing may be used and checked during pouring to maintain circularity and
verticality then fastened with the timber braces to prevent movement.
 Fix the steel reinforcement for the wall in accordance to the approved shop drawings.
 All the laps are to be minimum 50 times the diameter of the smaller bar lapped.
1  Clean the area and do internal checking for alignment & level and ready for inspection to be
submitted to consultant for the checking of steel reinforcement.
 After obtaining approval for steel reinforcement, close the external shutter steel of the wall
with properly supported and necessary bracing for the vertical & horizontal supports.

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 The reinforcement cover shall be as mentioned in below table (ref: C853-P03-UIV-DS-REP-
0002- Durability Assessment Report)

Required Value as per

Soil exposed area and internal wall and
base/roof slab top (X5)
Bottom of roof slab (X2) 40mm
 Please Notes; Pouring of concrete for the wall will be dropped freely through a height of not
greater than 1.50 m using chute or trim pipe.
 The chamber dimensions shall be followed as per approved shop drawing
1  A request for inspection will be submitted for checking of formworks prior to pouring of
 Concreting, curing and de- shuttering are the same procedure as described for base section
above. (Material Ref for concrete:C853-P03-UIV-CE-MAT-0028)
j) GRP IN-SITU Lamination in Manhole
The lamination of GRP IN-SITU for internal wall of chamber shall be followed as per
approved shop drawing as stated and method statement will be submitted as per
approved subcontractor recommended from the GEC
Or Epoxy coating shall applied inside the chamber followed as per the approved shop
drawing and application procedure followed as per manufacturer recommendation

k) Ladder Installation
 The fixing/Installation detail of ladder will be followed accordiang to shop drawing approved
and as per manufacturer recommendation.
 Mark the holes then drill and clean theme.
 The recommended stainless steel through bolt for use for a Ladder to anchor shall be as per
manufacturer recommendation from approved source of the vendor from the PIL and material
submission shall be submitted to PIL for the approval in due time.
 The embedment depths increase the flexibility concerning the thickness of the fastener
element and the depth of the drill hole.
 When setting the through bolt at least until the thread end, hereby causing the expanded
portion of the bolt to bite into the concrete wall.
 A request for inspection INR will be submitted for checking if approved the ladder is ready to
be used.

l) Concreting of box-out, benching and Pipe spigot with Puddle

 At the box-out the reinforcement shall be welded and overlapping according to the approved
shop drawing details.
 Concrete shall be projected 15cm flushed from inside and having lap 15cm around the box-
out from outside.
 Clearance from nearest fitting shall be maintained.
 Puddle shall be installed at exact center of the wall.

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 Once the wall has been cured, remove the box holes formworks.
 Fix the pipes entries (Socket/Spigot) as per invert level according to approved drawing.
 Fix at the same time the formworks for benching and 1% slope to sump.
 A request for inspection will be submitted for checking of formworks prior to pouring of
1  Concrete OPC 40 shall be cast to suit the pipe entries /followed as per approved shop
drawing (Material Ref for concrete:C853-P03-UIV-CE-MAT-0028)as per requirement.

m) Construction of Plinth
 Setting of the lines, levels and grades as per drawings is carried out prior to commencement
of works
 Installation of reinforcement steel as per approved Bar Bending Schedule will be done by
approved nominated sub-contractor.
 Then formworks will be formed in position and well supported by timber brace properly to
avoid movement.
 The plinth constructed shall be approved by the supervision consultant, prior to proceed
subsequent work.
 Once approved, proceed for the concreting. (concrete grade 40 SRC as per QCS 2014, Sec.
08, Part 04, Cl. and/ or as per contract requirements). (Material Ref for concrete:C853-
1  The quality checks and test of concrete shall be as per QCS 2014, Section 05, Part 06,
Clause 6.8.2. Care should be observed during the depositing of concrete to prevent
 Concrete will be compacted using mechanical vibrators and let it set and cured.
 Concreting during hot weather condition shall not be placed if the shade temperature exceeds
400C and; Maximum fresh concrete temperature shall not exceed 32°C unless construction
testing to verify a proposed concrete mixture will function satisfactorily at a concrete
temperature greater than 32°C. No concrete shall be placed if the concrete temperature is
above 35°C.
 Curing of concrete to comply as per QCS 2014, Section 05, Part 10. Water curing with
hessian cloth covering the surface with a saturated absorptive and keeping it continuously wet
 De- shuttering after concrete curing;
o The formwork shall be carefully stripped as per specification to avoid sudden shocks from
the removal of sections or vibration which might cause damage to the concrete.

n) Tanking Membrane Protection for External Wall

 External faces for chamber shall be protected with approved water proofing system as per
 Clean the external wall surface voids and will be filled with sand cement mortar and / or
approved mortar.
 Two coats bitumen paint, tanking membrane was completely applied (1.6mmthick or as per
approved shop drawing details), submit inspection request for the application of protection
board as per approved materials. (Material Ref for membrane: C853-P03-UIV-CI-MAT-0014)

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 For tanking membrane and protection board materials (6mm thick or as per approved shop
drawing details), refer to material submittal approval(Material Ref for protection board: C853-
P03-UIV-CI-MAT-0014) and for application, refer to manufacturer’s recommendation.
o) Aluminum Covers and Frame shall be recommended as per approved shop drawing of
the chambers for the covering the chamber from the approved vendar of PIL

p) Backfilling Works

 Upon completion of the placement and light compaction of pipe surround, check will be carried
out thru an inspection request and approval by supervision consultant prior to backfilling.
 Backfilling will be carried out according to contract requirements and QCS 2014, Section 8,
Part 2, Clause 2.3.
 Stockpile shall be tested and approved suitable materials prior to use in backfilling trench
 Once the stockpiled materials have been properly separated (numbered and flagged) and
tested, no further material shall be placed on the same tested materials. Another stockpiling
should be made and to be tested separately.
 As soon as the work in manhole/ chambers has been accepted, approved and the places
around shall be cleared all debris, bricks and mortar droppings, backfilling procedure as
 Fill with approved soil in layers not exceeding 150 mm compacted thickness.
 The first layer which should be visually inspected and the second to the last layer shall be
inspected and tested using Nuclear Gauge Machine by the approved Third Party Laboratory.
 Compaction test (FDT) will be carried out for the backfilling to obtain a minimum of 95% of the
Standard Proctor Maximum Dry Density of the materials (QCS 2014, Section 08, Part 02,
Clause 2.3.4).
 No backfill layer shall be covered by the next layer of construction until it has been inspected,
tested approved by supervision consultant.
 Each layer shall be levelled and rolled to achieve uniform compaction free from undulations,
soft spots and depressions.
 Field Density Test (FDT) shall be one test per backfill layer for each structure (such as
manholes, chambers, and thrust blocks) unless otherwise directed and approved by
supervision consultant for 3 to 4 test in one manhole/chamber.
 Any failure for the Test (FDT) which is not passing 95% MDD, the contractor shall do a
compaction again until achieve and fulfilled the required test.

q) Completed Work
 When work is completed ensure that appropriate clean up and disposal measures have
been undertaken.
 The Project/ Site/ Safety Engineers are responsible for ensuring dust control measures are
maintained throughout all stages of the site activity.


Stake Holder Engineer will submit all required documents to authority to get the approval prior
to start the work on site.


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A detailed risk assessment shall be made to identify the hazards and associated risk involved in the
activity. To mitigate the risk to acceptable limit, appropriate control measures (Engineering controls,
administrative controls and PPE) shall be in place to prevent injury, accidents, property damage, fines
from authorities, work stoppages etc. Approved risk assessments shall be implemented during the
execution of the activity.


Impact Assessment
With various site activities on site, relevant aspect and corresponding impacts to the environment
follows, such as:
Environmental Relevant Relevant control
Source/Activity mitigation
aspect permits procedure
Air Emissions  Field equipmentMME permit  CEMP Generator sets
operation and vehicular Implementation will also be
traffic  Regular secured by using
 Stockpiles maintenance of the covered
 Earthmoving and equipment’s and hoardings both
Construction associated vehicles. top and sides.
activities  Speed Limit  Regular dust
Cover the suppression
Stockpiles with through water
Green mesh or any tankers
suitable material.  Speed Limit for
Vehicular traffic
 Monitoring

Noise and  Field equipment’sMME permit  CEMP
Vibration operation Implementation  Monitoring
Acoustic enclosure  Awareness
for DG sets and Training
maintenance of the
equipment’s and
Noise Monitoring
Will be ensured by
using sound level
meter and records
will be maintained
as and when noise

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Non- Hazardous  Waste generated during
Waste the excavation MME permit  CEMP  Monitoring
Implementation  Awareness
Hazardous  Contaminated soil  Disposal through Training
waste generated due to fuel authorized
/oil/chemical and agencies.
concrete spill
Fuel  Improper handling ofMME permit  CEMP  Spill response
/oil/chemical fuel/oil/chemicals; Implementation team.
Spill  Leakage from  Designated area  Monitoring
Equipment/Machineries for fuel, oil and  Awareness
chemical spill. trainings
 Spill kit to be
provided, and drip
trays for the
equipments (i.e.
DG Sets/Tower
lights) will be
 Hazardous waste
will be disposed off
through authorized

The possible impacts are as follows,

 Air emissions and dust generation - Pollute the Atmospheric air
 Noise and vibration – nuisance to personnel and immediate surrounding environment
 Waste generation (hazardous and non-hazardous) - contaminates the soil and the natural
 Fuel/oil/chemical spill - contaminates the ground if placed without ground protection.
The mitigation measures specifically address the identified environmental impacts, in addition to and
not limited to, the items as described within the guidelines for this MS

EMP for Air Emissions and Dust Generation

1. Minimize vehicular movements and implement speed control
2. Regular watering of construction site and access roads. Watering frequency will be increased
during periods of high risk (e.g. high winds)
3. Promptly removing and disposing of materials, fine material spilled onto the access road
surface which may cause a dust nuisance.
4. Encouraging reduction in engine idling during on and off-loading activities: trucks and heavy
equipment will not idle for extended periods (e.g. longer than five minutes).
5. Dust monitoring will be done on weekly basis as required to check the compliance and records
will be maintained for the same.
EMP for Noise and vibration
1. Ensure field equipment maintenance team undertakes schedule preventive maintenance and

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replacement of worn out components to minimize noise pollution
2. Use of acoustic insulation and noise barriers wherever necessary.
3. Provide appropriate hearing protection to workers at high noise activity locations and if it
exceeds the 75dB(A) limit for protection of worker’s health.
4. Monitoring will be done on weekly basis as required to check for compliance and records will
be maintained for the same.
EMP for Waste generation
1. Procuring the correct quantities of material for construction works to limit waste and excess
2. Maintain the aesthetic appeal of the area and immediate surrounding environment by proper
handling and disposal of both hazardous waste and Non-hazardous waste.
3. Ensure segregation of waste and provide adequate waste skips for Non Hazardous wastes
(degradable wastes/plastics/paper & cardboard/metal) and Hazardous Wastes (contaminated
soil/oil soaked waste cotton & gloves/oil filters/etc.,)
4. Tool Box talk will include topic i.e. waste management, waste tracking and waste recycling
reuse requirements.
EMP for Fuel/Oil/Chemical spill
1. Where possible, minimum quantities of hazardous substances necessary for construction will
be maintained.
2. Fueling and maintenance of vehicles and equipment shall comply with the relevant
requirement and standard acceptable and shall be undertaken at locations identified and with
control requirements in place if at open area.
3. Personnel are trained to use spill control equipment and familiar with disposal requirements
4. Develop and implement and communicate regularly the Spill control program / procedure at
site work area.


a. Coveralls
b. Eye protection – Safety Goggles (During General Activities)
c. Faceshield (during grinding and chipping activities. During chemical handling as per MSDS
d. Head protection
e. Hand protection
f. Foot protection – Safety Shoes for general activities
g. Foot Protection – Gumboots (for concreting activities)
h. Hearing Protection
i. Safety reflecting vests
j. Respiratory Protection - Dust mask(for concreting, grinding, chipping and cleaning activities)
k. Respiratory Protection Chemical Mask (for water proofing activities)
l. Rubber chemical Gloves (for handling of chemicals)
m. Full body disposable coveralls for handling of hazardous chemicals.
n. Apron – During grinding activities
o. Any other protection

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a. In accordance with the H&S Plan requirements; trained first aiders with First Aid Kits and,
trained fire wardens with available firefighting equipment will be provided and mobilized. A
List of trained first aider and fire warden will be displayed on site and regularly updated.
b. In the event of an emergency, a verbal alarm will be raised to notify any nearby personnel.
Workers will be instructed to evacuate and assemble at a designated assembly area and wait
for further instructions from supervisors.
c. In the event of any emergency situation that arises, the emergency services listed below
should be contacted. The company management should also immediately be notified by
contacting one of the individuals listed on the emergency contact list below:
Ambulance, Fire, Police 999
Nearest Hospital (WAKRAH HOSPITAL) 40114444
Muhdi Noufal – Project Director 5582 4317
Jinoy Mathew – HSE Manager 5526 1548

d. Site Emergency Procedures will be communicated with the following details:

 Incident Initial Response
 Incident Control and Mitigation Measures
 Site emergency contingency plan (i.e. personal injury, fire control, falling into, etc.)
 Incident/Accident reporting to the nearest Supervisor/ Engineer/ HSE
 Emergency Contact Numbers
 Names and mobile numbers (posted in every HSE Notice board on site and offices)
e. Names and contact numbers of qualified, trained and competent emergency responders will
be posted in different work site locations.
f. First Aid Treatment will be given on site by qualified, trained and competent First Aiders.
g. In case of an incident or work injuries, the witness / “On Scene” responder shall:
 Assess the situation: do not put himself/ herself in danger.
 Make the area safe, and do not try to move the casualty(s)
 Look for a first aid responder/rescuer.
 First aid responder/rescuer should:
 Assess the victim(s): Check the victim for consciousness, bleeding, breathing,
heart activity etc.
 Call - or send somebody to inform supervisor and HSE personnel (HSE Officer /
HSE Manager). Explain the location, cause and seriousness of the accident,
number and state of victims.
 Retrieve the nearest first aid box and all material that first aid responder/rescuer will
 First aid responder/rescuer should provide first aid treatment while waiting for
additional medical care from emergency responders.
 Upon confirmation of the incoming emergency responders, send somebody to meet the
ambulance/paramedic staff at welfare first aid station and escort them to the injured
parties’ location

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 Relevant parties will be notified of the incident and an investigation will be immediately
conducted to determine what happened.
 HSE Manager shall notify incident immediately to the PMC HSE Manager.
h. In case of an incident or illness requiring further medical treatment, the most senior H&S staff
on site at the time will assess the seriousness of all cases of injury and illness and determine
the suitable response. This may include:
 Calling 999 to request emergency response
 Transporting the casualty to the first aid facilities located at the main site office
 Transporting the casualty to the nearest hospital (if possible).
An accident that results in death or serious injury of any person will be reported
immediately to the Engineer and dialling 999.
i. Emergency drills must be conducted with in the first 30 days since the commencemnt of the
project and should be repeated in every six months eveluvate the effectiveness of
implementation of Emergency Reponsoe Plan/ Procedure.


The Inspection and Test Plan (ITP) for this Method Statement summarises various
characteristics to be checked. The concerned Site Engineer or General Foreman will be
responsible to ensure compliance for these operations and the site QA / QC Engineer will carry
out quality control checks and report the inspection results. The Inspection and Test Plan (ITP)
applicable to this work is attached.

1.1 Handling and Storing of Materials

 All materials shall be inspected at time of delivery for damage and for compliance with
 Any material that is found to be damaged or not in accordance with the specification shall
be immediately replaced.
 All materials shall be handled and stored as recommended by the manufacturer to prevent
damage and deterioration.
 During storage, handling and transporting, every precaution shall be taken to prevent
damage to material. On delivery at site, material will be checked for any damage incurred
during transport and offloading to Storage area. Storage will be done in suitable and safe
locations (e.g. store yard or near site work area).
 Storing of materials near site work area has the potential of congesting the site and could
affect the Health and Safety of operatives hence suitable storage facility for materials
storage will be provided at a safe distance from the work areas.


a. All the interfaces will be identified prior to initiate the work

b. All interface requirements will be followed
c. GEC and PWA will be communicated for all actions related to interface

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d. Neighboring contractors or any other service holder having relation with interface
requirements will be communicated with all necessary permissions and agreement to proceed
for work.
e. Overlapping activities will be well coordinated and priority will be decided in communication
with GEC.
f. Work can be suspended or postponed until all necessary interface requirements are fulfilled


a. Control measures will be ensured to be in place to protect the public, workforce and assets by
providing appropriate lighting, fencing, barricades, and lockable units. Adequate levels of
security including the use of trained security guards will be required. The UCC-INFJV will also
ensure appropriate warning signage is displayed and where appropriate safe pedestrian
walkways are identified and maintained.
b. Safety and security procedures will be implemented in accordance with the Qatar Work Zone
Traffic Management Guide and as required by the Department of Civil Defense and the police.
These shall be included, as a minimum, warning signs and lights, adequate barricades,
railings, road hump for reduced & control speed and other safeguards as required by the
nature and location of the work being undertaken.
c. Access to all properties will be maintained by adequately sign posted diversions, temporary
bridges or other facilities.
d. A night safety patrol & watchman (as applicable areas) will be assigned to ensure that all
barricades, lights and other protective apparatus are maintained during the hours of darkness.
e. Designated pedestrian routes will be clearly signed and with firm even surfaces that are free
from distractions. Slopes and steps will have anti-slip surfaces. Where the edges of pedestrian
routes are raised more than 1.2m above the surrounding level solid barriers will be provided at
each raised edge to prevent people from falling.
f. Temporary pedestrian bridges with hand railings or suitable ramp will be provided to facilitate
safe access/egress for occupied and under construction villas. Temporary electrical cables,
hoses or pipes shall be routed away from pedestrian access areas. Where such equipment
crosses pedestrian areas it will be located under the pedestrian area or over it at a height of at
least 5.2 m above the surface. Supports shall be provided at span of 3 meters. Where such
equipment is routed over a pedestrian area it will be clearly marked with warning signs.

g. Method statement and risk assessment will be provided for all demolition and dismantling
activities. Everyone involved in the work needs to know what measures are to be taken to
control the risks and a pre work briefing based on the method statement and job hazard
analysis will be given and recorded by the supervisor. Workers will be closely supervised to
ensure that the control measures required are put into practice. An exclusion zone will be
created around the demolition or dismantling area to prevent persons not directly involved with
the work activity around the work area gaining access. Any materials will not be allowed to fall
into any area where people are working or passing through. Protection screens, fences or
canopies may be needed to control falling objects
h. Approved Flood Mitigation and Rainy Season Plan shall be implemented effectively to ensure
safety of the public and occupiers.
i. Public Complains if any will be attended immediately and ensuring no re-occurrence by
implementing all necessary control measures are in place.


1. Plan and Equipment

b. Excavator/s (Bucket)
c. Excavator/s (Rock Breaker)
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d. Dump Trucks/ Trailer/s/Mixer
e. Grader
f. Loader
g. Low bed trailer
h. Long Body Pick-up
i. Mobile crane
j. Air Compressor and Jack Hammers
k. Plate Type Compactor/s
l. Pedestrian Roller/ Sit-on Roller
m. Survey Measuring and Recording Equipment
n. Dewatering Equipment (if required)
o. Hand Tools/Mechanical Vibrator
p. Ladders

2. Materials
All materials shall comply with the project specification and relevant standards of QCS 2014
and approved list of materials in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendation.
a. BS 8110 Ready Mix Concrete (Grade OPC 40)
b. Screed and Blinding (SRC 20)
c. Water proofing Membrane system
d. Reinforcement steel
e. DI Cover and Frame or Aluminum Cover
f. Ladder
g. Approved fill materials
h. Epoxy Coating


a. Work programmed
b. Qatar Construction Specification 2014
c. Ashghal Interim Advice Note
d. Permits
e. Drawings
f. Risk Assessment
g. Coordination Procedure
h. Work Checklist
i. Supervision Responsibilities
j. Inspection and Test Plan, etc...
k. Operation Specific Quality Checklist

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