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Secure and Efficient Mutual Authentication Protocol for Smart Grid under

Article  in  Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications · September 2021

DOI: 10.1007/s12083-020-01020-2


27 318

4 authors, including:

Weizheng Wang Huakun Huang

City University of Hong Kong The University of Aizu


Chunhua Su



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Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications

Secure and efficient mutual authentication protocol for smart grid

under blockchain
Weizheng Wang1 · Huakun Huang1,2 · Lejun Zhang3 · Chunhua Su1,4

Received: 21 August 2020 / Accepted: 16 October 2020

© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2020

Smart grid has been acknowledged as the next-generation intelligent network that optimizes energy efficiency. Primarily
through a bidirectional communication channel, suppliers and users can dynamically adjust power transmission in real time.
Nonetheless, many security issues occur with the widespread deployment of smart grid, e.g., centralized register authority
and potential Distributed-Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attack. These existing problems threaten the availability of smart grid.
In this paper, we mainly focus on solving some identity authentication issues remained in the smart grid. Combined with
blockchain, Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC), dynamic Join-and-Exit mechanism and batch verification, a reliable and
efficient authentication protocol is proposed for smart meters and utility centers. Simultaneously, the provable security of
this protocol is assured by the computational hard problem assumptions. Experiment results show that our protocol has
achieved security and performance improvement compared with the other ECC related schemes.

Keywords Smart grid · Authentication · Blockchain · Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) · Security · Privacy

1 Introduction same time. In traditional power grid, the conventional

resources (e.g., gas, oil, coal) are continuously used
As the Internet of Things (IoT) proliferates [1], a large for power generation. The consumption of fossil energy
amount of electricity must be supplied sufficiently at the resources brings out many problems, such as rarely high
cost, more and more carbon dioxide (CO2 ) emission and
This article belongs to the Topical Collection: Special Issue environment pollution. Thus, renewable energy resources,
on Blockchain for Peer-to-Peer Computing such as wind energy, solar energy and tide energy, become
Guest Editors: Keping Yu, Chunming Rong, Yang Cao, significant options to satisfy the increasing requirements
and Wenjuan Li
of power consumption. Unfortunately, since the traditional
 Huakun Huang power grid is a one-way interaction system, the power plant can not obtain useful feedbacks from users to adjust the
 Chunhua Su
power supply strategy in time. Recently, along with the advent of smart grid (SG),
the aforementioned problems existed in the electric power
Weizheng Wang industry for a long period could be well solved. The
intelligent SG can efficiently convert renewable energy
Lejun Zhang and minimize the cost of power generation. The detailed comparison between traditional power grid and smart
grid could be found in Fig. 1. The interaction in SG
1 School of Computer Science and Engineering, is bidirectional and adjustable. In SG’s framework, smart
University of Aizu, Aizu-Wakamatsu, Fukushima, Japan meter (SM) is an essential part. The SM records the
2 School of Artificial Intelligence, Guilin University electricity data of user consumption, then collected data
of Electronic Technology, Guilin-City, Guangxi, China is transmitted to a utility center (UC). By analyzing the
3 College of Information Engineering, Yangzhou University, received information, the UC can make a power supply plan
Jiangsu, China to notify power plants for reasonable power production,
4 Cyberspace Security Research Center, Peng Cheng Labora- aiming to balance the electricity consumption during peak
tory, Shenzhen, 518055 China and off-peak periods [2].
Peer-to-Peer Netw. Appl.

Fig. 1 Comparison of the organizations of traditional power grid and smart grid

Although the two-way wireless communication channel can not crack this scheme. Despite the ECC scheme is
brings us many benefits, such as smart power management, able to make SG authentication more lightweight and
lower power generation costs. Due to the enlargement dependable, it remains some unsolved security issues in the
of data interaction, a potential adversary also has more ECC-based authentication methods. We comprehensively
probability of intruding into this channel. If the medium illustrate the current shortcomings in three points.
is hijacked, the transmitted messages between SM and Firstly, the crucial register authority (RA) is centralized.
UC could be interrupted, modified or eavesdropped. A If an adversary invades and takes full control of RA, all
widely known intrusion incident occurred in Ukraine Power the key pairs will be leaked. Then this adversary can
Grid in 2015 [3]. The hackers conducted cyberattacks on impersonate any SM or UC to intercept useful messages.
three power distributors, resulting in severe power outages. The disclosure of SM data is quite dangerous. According
Approximately 225,000 residents’ lives have been affected to data analysis of power consumption, the adversary could
for several hours. Concurrently, this catastrophic hack even master the daily life of target users [5].
also incurred substantial economic losses in Ukraine. This Secondly, most of the schemes do not consider concur-
serious security breach reminds us of the significance of rent authentication in the part of UC. They just suggest
communication security in SG systems. single authentication each time. As the speedy expansion
A series of cryptography-based authentication methods of SG, there will be millions of authentication happen
have been proposed for reliable communication in SGs. all around the world. Therefore, the UC model must be
Due to the lightweight and unbreakable features of the equipped with the batch verification technique. Otherwise,
Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC), ECC authentication the network delay is unavoidably.
methods are widely used among the related plans. ECC is an Thirdly, in some schemes [2, 6, 7], both SM and UC
approach to public-key cryptography based on the algebraic can not join and exit flexibly. Due to the occurrence of
structure of elliptic curves over finite fields. Compared abnormal events, SM may be passively disconnected to UC.
with other traditional cryptography, e.g., RSA and DSA, Nevertheless, this UC does not know the offline of SM,
ECC can provide the same security level with smaller key which continues to monitor the channel. Another possible
size (i.e., 256-bit ECC key is equivalent to 3,072-bit RSA case is that though SM and UC have perceived the malicious
key) [4]. Simultaneously, the discrete logarithm problem actions of RA, no one can initiatively quit. Both conditions
provided by ECC ensures that a polynomial-time adversary will result in unnecessary energy costs and potential risks.
Peer-to-Peer Netw. Appl.

1.1 Our contributions In Section 6, multi-dimensional comparison for related

protocols is given. Finally, Section 7 concludes this article
To solve the above-mentioned problems, we propose and illustrates the future work.
a blockchain-based secure and efficient authentication
protocol for SG. At first, participants send their hashed
ID and function requests to any RA node. Because the 2 Related work
RAs constitute the blockchain, they can promptly deal
with requests according to the response rules pre-defined In this section, we first summarize some basic knowledge
in smart contracts. The smart contract issues a generated of blockchain and smart contracts. The recent researches
public key and a digital signature to the corresponding SG related to authentication in SG are then introduced
or UC. Subsequently, if the identity of RA is suspected, by comprehensively.
switching to another RA, SG and UC can check whether
the returned information is right. Finally, the SG and UC 2.1 Blockchain and smart contract
conduct mutual authentication. Furthermore, in the light
of SG’s population by and by, the rapid and large scale The initial conception of blockchain was proposed by
authentication will be the future trend. Thus, the batch Satoshi Nakamoto in his famous paper “Bitcoin: A peer-
authentication technique inspired by the work in [8] is to-peer electronic cash system” [9]. Blockchain is a
applied to the side of UC. When the authentication is passed, decentralized and distributed ledger made up of a time-
the exchanged session key (SK) can ensure follow-up stamped series of immutable records of data. Any single
communication. On the other side, to increase the scalability entity can not fully control the whole blockchain; Instead, a
and dynamic of our protocol, we introduce a novel Join-and- cluster of distributed computers manages the generated data
Exit mechanism. Both SM and UC are thereby able to freely in the form of block. Furthermore, to strengthen blockchain
participate in or break off the communication. security, cryptographic hash values link each block [10].
The major contributions of our study are summarized as Another significant issue is that there are two common
follows: categories of blockchain: permissioned blockchains and
permissionless blockchains. The permissioned blockchain
1. We utilize the decentralized blockchain technology is built to allow an organization or a consortium of
to alleviate third party RA problems that have not organizations to efficiently exchange information and
been well solved until now. Based on the existing record transactions. Because there are no incentives to
authentication schemes for SG, a more lightweight motivate members to join and perform mining, typical
authentication protocol is proposed in this work. crash fault-tolerant (CFT) or byzantine fault-tolerant (BFT)
2. We implement batch verification technique in the consensus protocols are often adopted. On the contrary,
mutual authentication, which dramatically polishes the incentive is the only impulse for every participant
up the authentication speed and scale. After veri- to maintain the permissionless blockchain. Therefore, the
fication, the SK is figured out for further reliable consensuses are always some competitive schemes, such as
communications. PoW (Proof of Work), PoS (Proof of stake), PoA (Proof of
3. We thoroughly analyze the security and the perfor- Activity). No matter which one is selected, the consensus
mance of our scheme in terms of theory and exper- should guide all the nodes in the network as honest as
iments, respectively. The security of our scheme is possible [11–13].
assured by computational hard problems. Simultane- Besides, blockchain as a distributed computing platform
ously, the performance of our scheme has been greatly also enables users to execute self-defined programs, which
improved as compared to the other existing ECC are called smart contracts for next-generation decentral-
authentication schemes. ized applications without a trusted third-party [14]. The
smart contract code is stored on the blockchain and auto-
1.2 Organization of the paper matically execute once some transactions invoke predefined
functions. The mainstream programming language of smart
The rest of this article is organized as follows. Section 2 contracts is solidity and serpent.
introduces the development of Blockchain, Smart Contract
and authentication methods of SG. In Section 3, the system 2.2 Authentication methods in SG
architecture and cryptographic primitives of the proposed
protocol are presented. In Section 4, we illustrate each In order to solve the secure identity authentication
phrase of our proposed protocol in detail. In Section 5, problems in SG, countless authentication schemes have
security analysis proves the reliability of our protocol. been submitted. For example, Tsai et al. [5] proposed
Peer-to-Peer Netw. Appl.

a secure anonymous key distribution scheme for smart Most recently, Wang et al. [22] proposed a blockchain-
grid. The SM and service provider utilized identity-based based anonymous authentication with crucial management
encryption to authenticate each other. After successful for SG. They initiatively combines SG authentication
verification, an SK is generated for further communication. with blockchain, whereas we notice the RA in their
Although this scheme seems reliable and efficient, Odelu et protocol is centralized. The half decentralized scheme still
al. [15] noticed that Tsai et al.’s method [5] can not ensure can not mitigate some potential attacks or single point
SM secret credentials’ privacy and SK-security under failure. Thus, in this paper, we attempt to construct a
the Canetti-Krawczyk adversary (CK-adversary) model fully decentralized blockchain-based SG authentication.
[16]. Therefore, Odelu et al. [15] proposed an improved Untrusted RAs are connected to build up a blockchain.
authentication scheme for the SG by ECC-based EI-Gamal Furthermore, the transaction from SG and UC with issued
type signature technique. Odelu et al.’s method [15] has key pairs can trigger a smart contract to process function
successfully solved the potential privacy breach remained in requests and record critical data automatically. Besides, two
Tsai et al.’s scheme [5]. Nevertheless, the adopted bilinear novel strategies support for batch verification and dynamic
pairing operation in Odelu et al.’s scheme [15] augments participation.
some computation cost in the communication process.
When it comes to multifactor authentication, there are
likewise several classical schemes. For example, Chan 3 Preliminaries
et al. [17] proposed a two-factor cyber-physical device
authentication framework for SG. They incorporated the In this section, we first summarize the notations in Table 1.
conventional authentication factor into the contextual factor, Then the system model is illustrated in Fig. 2. Meanwhile,
effectively defending cyber-physical attacks in the SG two computational hard assumptions for security proof are
environment. Closely following, Wazid et al. [18] suggested also referred to. Finally, the detail of Schnorr Signature
a secure three-factor (i.e., user’s mobile device, user’s scheme is presented.
password and biometrics) user authentication scheme for
SG. The three factors combine fingerprint identification 3.1 System model
with password authentication, which brings high-level
security insurance for SG infrastructure. Simultaneously, Li 1. SMi represents the ith smart meter in the smart
et al. [19] also focus on the potential cyber-physical threats. grid, which firstly registers in the RA. After the
They proposed a provably anonymous and secure message correctness of issued keys from RA is verified, SMi
authentication scheme for SG. Unfortunately, Wu et al. [20] uses them to pass U Cj ’s authentication. Finally, SMi
pointed out Li et al.’s scheme [19] fails to prevent distributed can utilize SK exchanged to interact with U Cj for
DDoS and provide reliable mutual authentication. Although further communication.
multifactor authentication can bring us stronger secure 2. U Cj represents the j th utility center in the smart grid,
assurance, the communication process is sophisticated. which also needs to register in the RA. While issued
Concerning this point, an increasing number of keys are confirmed, U Cj proves its identity to SMi by
researchers turn to implement their SG authentication pro-
tocols on lightweight ECC without bilinear pairing. For
example, He et al. [6] presented a new key distribution Table 1 Notations
and authentication protocol, which is completely dependent
Notation Description
on ECC. Kumar et al. [21] suggested a novel ECC-based
authentication protocol for protecting demand response in G A general cyclic group
SG architecture. When the two-party identities are con- E(Fp ) An ellipitic curve (y 2 = x 3 + a · x + b mod p)
firmed, the SG and UC can utilize the SK agreement G A generator of Fp with the order q
for secure transmission. Garg et al. [4] designed another Ppub The system master public key
mutual authentication-based key agreement protocol, which k The system master private key
leverages hashed menezes-qu-vanstone key exchange mech- h1 , h2 Cryptographic hash functions
anism, ECC along with one-way hash functions. However, H I DSMi , H I DU Cj Hashed ID of SMi , U Cj
the interaction process of the aforementioned schemes is I PSMi IP address of SMi
relatively complicated, which needs two rounds at least.
SigSMi , SigU Cj Signature of SMi , U Cj
The schemes mentioned above have well addressed
t Acceptable temporal threshold
most of the key distribution and authentication issues,
but centralized SG architecture is still an open problem.
Peer-to-Peer Netw. Appl.

Fig. 2 System model

using the related data. At last, U Cj can employ SK to Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithm (ECDL) assumption :
communicate with SMi . Given an element X ∈ G. It is not possible for any
3. RAk represents the kth register authority in the smart probabilistic polynomial time (P.P.T) adversary A to figure
grid, which relays SMi ’s and U Cj ’s function requests out X = x · G, where x ∈ Zp∗ .
to the smart contract. Once the access is permitted, the
RAk returns the corresponding public key and signature Elliptic Curve Computational Diffie-Hellman (ECCDH)
to the registrant. If the RAk is suspected as a malicious assumption Given two elements X = x · G, Y = y · G,
node, the SMi and U Cj can switch to another RAk for where X, Y ∈ G. It is not possible for any probabilistic
validation again. polynomial time (P.P.T) adversary A to figure out x · y · G.
4. SC represents the smart contract existed in this
protocol. SC processes the requests from RAk and 3.3 Schnorr signature scheme
issues public key and signature of SMi and U Cj . The
initialized data of this system is also stored in the SC. The Schnorr Signature is considered as the simplest digital
Only the authorized user can retrieve some private data. signature without losing provably secure in a random oracle
However, the signature verification function is public model. The detailed step of this algorithm is illustrated as
for anyone. follows (Suppose we have two users—Alice (sender) and
5. BC represents blockchain in this protocol, which is Bob (receiver)):
maintained by RAk .
3.3.1 Signature generation
3.2 Computational hard assumptions
1. Alice generates a nonce r (an arbitrary number used
In our protocol, we use two computational hard assumption only once in a cryptographic communication)
for scheme construction. The detailed definition is presented 2. Alice obtains a public key R by multiplying r and G,
as follows. where is R = r · G.
Peer-to-Peer Netw. Appl.

3. Alice sends message m, R and her public key P = k · G query for participants. The second requirement is
to the Bob, where k is private key selected by Alice. user registration. The third requirement is signature
verification. The last requirement is user logout.
3.3.2 Signature verification

1. Alice and Bob generate a common challenge e by

hashing the combination of the above transmitted data,
where is e = H (R||P ||m).
2. Then Alice figures out the signature s = r + k · e.
3. Since Bob does not know the value of r and k, he can
only obtain (r + k · e) · G = r · G + (k · G) · e = R + P · e
4. Finally, Bob sends the result of R + P · e to the Alice
for verification which is s · G = R + P · e.
Our proposed authentication method is based on the algo-
rithm mentioned above, but there are some modifications in
our proposed scheme that the readers should pay attention

4 Proposed protocol

4.1 Smart contract deployment process

In this process, the system parameters are incorporated into

the smart contract. Besides smart contract an initiator, no
one can know the real value of the systems. Afterward, the
users can invoke some functions pre-defined in the smart
contract to query some data. The comprehensive steps are The Initialization function is presented in Algorithm 1
presented as follows. comprehensively.
1. System Parameters Initialization: The initiator selects
4.2 SM/UC registration process
an elliptic curve E(Fp ) whose prime order is p and
generator is G. The E(Fp ) is defined on the finite field
In this process, the SMi , U Cj register their hashed
(Fp ). Then initiator chooses a random number k ∈ Zp∗
identities with the RAk . Then RAk issues the necessary
as the master private key, the corresponding master
communication keys to SMi , U Cj . The detailed processes
public key is Ppub = k · G. Finally, two secure hash
are described in the following.
functions are picked by the initiator h1 : {0, 1}∗ →
{0, 1}2κ , where κ = log2 q is the security parameter; 1. SMi sends H I DSMi = h1 (I DSMi ) to the RAk through
h2 : {0, 1}∗ × G → Zp∗ . a secure channel.
2. BC Initialization: There are two options available to the 2. RAk firstly invokes Registration function defined in the
initiator. The hard one is to customize a blockchain, smart contract to register the state of SMi . If the record
which needs initiator to create a genesis file including of SMi is existed in the blockchain, this request will be
the system parameters and consensus mechanism, declined. Subsequently, RAk checks whether the local
for example, Proof of Work (PoW), Proof of Stake database has the record of I PSMi . While the record does
(PoS), Delegated Proof-of-Stake (DPoS) and Proof-of- not exist, RA writes I PSMi and current timestamp tI P
Authority (PoA). Otherwise, for simplicity, the initiator into the database. Otherwise, RAk needs to compare
can utilize some mature blockchain technologies (e.g., received I PSMi ’s timestamp tI P with related data in
Ethereum, EOS and Hyperledger Fabric) to deploy local database. Once tI P −tI P ≤ t, the current request
smart contracts. is prohibited.
3. Smart Contract Deployment: In our proposal, there 3. RAk invokes Registration function. At first, Registra-
are four types of interaction requirements between RA tion function checks whether the record of SMi is
and SMi , U Cj . The first requirement is parameters existed in the blockchain. If the data exists, this request
Peer-to-Peer Netw. Appl.

will be declined. Then this function selects a ran- 1. SMi firstly selects a random number a ∈ Zp∗ and
dom number rSMi ∈ Zq∗ , computes RSMi = rSMi · computes A = a · G, V1 = SigSMi · a. Afterward, SMi
G, eSMi = h1 (Ppub ||RSMi ||H I DSMi ). Signature of sends {RSMi , A, t1 , H I DSMi , V1 } to U Cj , where t1 is
SMi : SigSMi = k + rSMi · eSMi is generated by using current timestamp.
Schnorr’s signature scheme. Finally, the SigSMi and 2. When current timestamp t1 is fresh (t1 − t1 ≤ t),
RSMi are retrieved by SMi through the same RAk U Cj invokes SignatureVerify function to check the
again. correctness of received signature. Only if the SigSMi
4. If SMi or U Cj observes the abnormal activity of RAk , ?
is admitted by SC, SM begins to verify V1 · G2 =
it can change the connetction to another RAk at any A · (h1 (Ppub ||RSMi ||H I DSMi ) · RSMi + Ppub ). If
time. this equation does not hold, the U Cj terminates the
5. Before formal authentication, SMi verifies the valid- authentication. Otherwise, U Cj chooses a random
ness of its own signature SigSMi · G = Ppub + eSMi · number b ∈ Zp∗ then computes B = b · G, SKU Cj =
RSMi . h2 (A||B)⊕SigSMi and V2 = SigU Cj ·A·B⊕SigSMi . At
6. The registration process of U Cj is similar to SMi . last, U Cj transmits {B, SKU Cj , V2 , t2 } to SMi , where
Therefore, the steps are omitted here. t2 is current timestamp.
3. Before SMi proves V1 , it needs to check (t2 − t2 ≤
Correctness: If the above parameters are not tampered
t), where t2 is current timestamp. If time does
by A , we can obtain the following equation to identify:
not expire, just like aforementioned steps, the cor-
rectness of SigU Cj should be identified by invoking
SigSMi · G = (k + rSMi · eSMi ) · G SignatureV erify function. Subsequently, SMi veri-
= k · G + rSMi · eSMi · G fies V2 = a · B · (Ppub + h1 (Ppub ||RU Cj ||H I DU Cj ) ·
= Ppub + eSMi · RSMi . (1) RSMi ) ⊕ SigSMi . If verification is successful, SMi dis-
tinguishes SKU Cj ⊕SigSMi = h2 (A||B). If session key
agreement is achieved, SKSMi = h2 (A||B) ⊕ SigSMi
and SKU Cj are remarked as further communication
keys for SMi , U Cj , respectively.
Correctness : From the above equations, we can verify:
V1 · G2 = A · (h1 (Ppub ||RSMi ||H I DSMi ) · RSMi + Ppub )
= A · (eSMi · RSMi + Ppub )
= a · G · (eSMi · RSMi + Ppub )
= a · (eSMi · rSMi + k) · G2
= SigSMi · a · G2 . (2)

V2 = a · B · (Ppub + h1 (PP ub ||RU Cj ||H I DU Cj ) · RU Cj )

= a ·b·G·(Ppub + h1 (PP ub ||RU Cj ||H I DU Cj ) · RU Cj )
= A · b · (Ppub + eU Cj · RU Cj ) ⊕ SigSMj
= A · b · G · (eU Cj · rU Cj + k) ⊕ SigSMj
= A · B · SigU Cj ⊕ SigSMj . (3)

The details of Register function can be referred to

Algorithm 2

4.3 Collaborative authentication process

In this process, SMi and U Cj conduct mutual

Peer-to-Peer Netw. Appl.

The mechanism of DataRetrieve function and Sig- The Dynamic Join-and-Exit Mechanism can be referred
natureVerify function can be referred to Algorithm 3, to Algorithm 5 and Algorithm 6.
Algorithm 4.

4.4 Dynamic join-and-exit mechanism

To increase the flexibility of our protocol, here we

import the Join-and-Exit Mechanism. The whole process is
coordinated by smart contract.
Join: If there is a new SGi or U Cj which wants to
participate in our protocol, it can just invoke the Join 4.5 Batch verification
function defined in the smart. After identity verification, the
new one is authorized immediately. The detailed steps could To meet the needs of the speedy batch verification, we use
be referred to the above mentioned subsection 4.2 SM/UC the small exponent test technology [8] to ensure the valid-
Registration Process. ness of signatures. A cluster of SMi send multiple messages
Exit: If the existing new SGi or U Cj requests to quit the {RSM1 , A, t11 , H I DSM1 , V1 }, {RSM2 , A, t12 , H I DSM2 , V2 },...,
protocol, the same as the join process, it needs to construct a {RSMn , A, t1n , H I DSMn , Vn } to U Cj , then the U Cj uses
transaction to trigger the smart contract’s Exit function. All the {A, Ppub , RSMi , H I DSMi , RSMi , Ppub , G, h1 } to verify
the related data existed in the blockchain will be removed the correctness of those messages in the following steps.
1. At first, the U Cj checks the freshness of t1n , where
i = 1, 2, ..., n. If any timestamp is not fresh, the U Cj
rejects the message.
2. The U Cj selects a vector v = [v1 , v2 , ..., vn ], where
v1 is a small random integer among [1, 2t ] and t is a
small integer with low computation overhead.
n Finally,
n U C j checks whether the formula
n i=1 V 1 · G2 =
i=1 V1 · A · eSMi · RSMi + i=1 Ppub · G is hold. If
the equation is hold, the U Cj pass these authentication
requests. Otherwise, these visits are declined.
3. During batch verifaction, to prohibit forgery attack, the
U Cj randomly chooses a few parts of signatures to
verify by calling the DataRetrieve function defined in
the smart contract
Correctness : From the above equations, we can verify:


V1 · G =
V1 · a · (eSMi · RSMi + Ppub ) · G
i=1 i=1
= V1 · a · eSMi · RSMi + Ppub · G
i=1 i=1
Peer-to-Peer Netw. Appl.

n ((V1 −V1 )·+a  ·eSM
−a·eSM ·rSM )
i i
= V1 · A · eSMi · RSMi + Ppub · G. (4) The a−a  is the answer
i=1 i=1 to the instance. This situation violates the Elliptic
Curve Discrete Logarithm (ECDL) Assumption we
have defined before, hence it is not possible for any
5 Security analysis probabilistic polynomial time (P.P.T) adversary A to
break up this authentication. The similar steps for
In this section, we list several common security requirements SMi − to − U Cj authentication. If A exists in the
for the smart grid authentication. Based on the most recent interaction process, we can find the following equation
researches [23–27], we illustrate our proposed protocol holds.
about how to satisfy the mentioned requirements in detail.
(V2 − V2 ) = A · b · G · (eU Cj · rU Cj + k) ⊕ SigSMj
– Decentralization: To prevent any part from taking
−A · b · G · (eU
Cj · rU Cj + k) ⊕ SigSMj
full control of SG, we construct a decentralized
authentication protocol with the aid of blockchain. = (A·b·G · eU Cj · rU Cj −A · b · G · eU
Cj · rU Cj
According to the famous phenomenon—51% attack +A · b · G · k − A · b · G · k) ⊕ SigSMj
in the blockchain, if the A tries to manipulate the
= (A · B · eU Cj · rU Cj − A · B  · eU
Cj · rU Cj
system, which requires him to seize computation power:
HA +A · B · G · k − A · B  · G · k) ⊕ SigSMj
Ht ≥ 51%, where HA , Ht mean the A ’s computation
power and total computation power, respectively. Due = A · (B · eU Cj · rU Cj − B  · eU
Cj · rU Cj )
to the consensus mechanism such as Pow and PoS in +A · k · G · (B − B  ) ⊕ SigSMj . (8)
blockchain, it is rarely difficult for an adversary to
own such enormous computation power to break our
protocol. Transforming the Eq. 8, we can obtain
– Mutual authentication: Firstly, SMi −to−U Cj authen-
(V2 −V2 ) ⊕ SigSMj −A·(B ·eU Cj ·rU Cj −B  ·eU
Cj ·rU Cj )
tication, suppose that A can forge a valid authenti- a·k·G = .
(B − B  ) · G
cation message {RSMi , A, t1 , H I DSMi , V1 }. According
to the forking lemma [28], adversary A runs the ora-
cle model with the same input randomness again. The
model returns different hash oracle answers. Subse- It is obvious that this equation breaches the Ellip-
quently, the corrupted SMi counterfeits {RSM  , A , t1 ,
tic Curve Computational Diffie-Hellman (ECCDH)
H I DSM , V1 } to pass U Cj ’s verification, i.g., V1 ·G2 = Assumption. In conclusion, there are no potential attack-

A · (h1 (Ppub ||RSM  
||H I DSM 
) · RSM + Ppub ). Thus, ers in the mutual authentication process.
i i i
we obtain the following – SK agreement: Owing to the successful mutual authen-
tication, there are no potential adversaries who can
(V1 − V1 ) · G = a · (eSMi · RSMi + Ppub ) − a  impersonate any side. Thus, only the real SMi and U Cj
· RSMi
+ Ppub ) can get the fair results computed by Diffie-Hellman key
= a · eSMi ·RSMi + a · Ppub − a  · eSM

exchange, SKU Cj ,SMi = h2 (A||B) ⊕ SigSMi .

·RSM − a  · Ppub – Fully anonymity: All the ids of SMi and U Cj are
hashed, H I DSMi /U Cj = h1 (I DSMi /U Cj ). Besides,
= a · eSMi · RSMi − a  · eSM
i i throughout the whole process, the referred computation
+Ppub (a − a  ). (5) breaches nothing about the real identity.
Transforming the Eq. 5, we can obtain – Perfect forward secrecy: Because the exchanged A, B
is a one-time secret key, which gives assurances
(a − a  ) · Ppub = (V1 − V1 ) · G + a  · eSM

i for previously transmitted messages. SK will not be

− a · eSMi compromised even if the private keys of the SM and UC
= ((V1 − V1 ) + a  · eSM
· rSM are compromised.
i i
– DDoS Attack (Malicious Registration): Every RAk
−a · eSMi rSMi ) · G. (6)
maintains a database about the IP and access time of
Moving (a −a  ) to the right side of equation, we can get the visitors. As long as the DDoS attack happens, the
RAk can decline the malicious request for the first
((V1 −V1 ) · +a  · eSM
· rSM − a · eSMi · rSMi ) time. Furthermore, whenever the registration function
Ppub = i i
a − a is invoked by any RAk , the smart contract modifier
(7) function will check whether the same address exists
Peer-to-Peer Netw. Appl.

Table 2 Security and functionality system features comparison

Metrics Ours Tsai et al. [5] Odelu et al. [15] He et al. [6]

Mutual authentication    
SK communication    
Anonymity    ×
Forward secrecy    
Replay mitigation    
Impersonation attack resistance  × × 
MITM attack defence  × × 
DDoS prevention  × × ×
RA decentralization  × × ×
Batch verification  × × ×
Dynamic join-and-exit  × × ×

: the protocol supports this feature. ×: the protocol does not support this feature

in the smart contract. A double defense strategy met by most protocols, other than He et al. [6]. Most
prevents the occurrence of DDoS attacks and malicious of the aforementioned researches overlooked the necessity
registration. of privacy protection, both SG and U C use the original
– Repaly attack: According to the specification of the ID for communication directly. This action could leak the
collaborative authentication phase, both sides will user information indeliberately in the future. Subsequently,
check the freshness of the message in every information the Impersonation Attack Resistance and MITM Attack
exchange (t2 − t2 ≤ t). We can conclude that our Defence are not supported by Tsai et al. [5], Odelu et al.
BlockSLAP scheme can resist the replay attack. [15]. Although Tsai et al. [5] and Odelu et al. [15] imported
some advanced cryptographic and computational hard
assumptions to construct feasible schemes, a malicious actor
6 Performance evaluation can still pretend him as a relay/proxy into a communication
session between people or systems. Except for our protocol,
In this section, we compare performance of our scheme all remaining protocols cannot provide the services of DDoS
with Tsai et al. [5], Odelu et al. [15], He et al. [6] from prevention, RA decentralization, Batch verification, and
multi-perspective analysis. Dynamic Join-and-Exit. Our protocol includes nearly all the
potential security and function demands from the user side.
6.1 Security and functionality performance Thus, combined with multiple state-of-art techniques (e.g.,
comparison blockchain, ECC, Schnorr Signature), a more secure and
efficient mutual authentication protocol is proposed for SG.
In Table 2, we choose some common features to compare
our proposed protocol with the related protocols Tsai et 6.2 Computation overhead
al. [5], Odelu et al. [15], He et al. [6]. The basic security
needs such as Mutual Authentication, SK Communication, In Jia et al.’s scheme [29], the mobile device is simulated
Anonymity, Forward Secrecy, and Replay Mitigation are on a Google Nexus One smart phone with 2 GHz ARM

Table 3 Computation overhead comparisons

Reference SM UC Total computation cost

Tsai et al. [5] 4Tm + Te + 5Th + Ta 3Tm + Te + 5Th + 2Tb + Ta 7Tm + 2Te + 10Th + 2Tb + 2Ta
Odelu et al. [15] 3Tm + Te + 6Th + 3Ta 2Tm + Te + 6Th + 2Tb + 3Ta 5Tm + 2Te + 12Th + 2Tb + 6Ta
He et al. [6] 4Tm + 5Th + Ta 6Tm + 6Th + 2Ta 10Tm + 11Th + 3Ta
Our proposed 4Tm + 2Th + Ta 6Tm + 2Th + Ta 10Tm + 4Th + 2Ta

Tm : ECC point multiplication; Te : exponentiation operation; Th : one-way hash function; Tb : Bilinear pairing; Ta : group addition
Peer-to-Peer Netw. Appl.

7 Conclusion and future work

In this paper, we have proposed a secure and efficient

mutual authentication protocol for SG. With the aid
of cutting-edge blockchain technology, the long-term
centralized register authority problem has been well
addressed. Then, we further consider security and speed
requirements, batch verification and dynamic Join-and-
Exit mechanisms are imported for SM authentication.
Also, interaction rounds between SM and UC have been
reduced to one round. The practical security of our
protocol is testified by in-depth analysis comprehensively.
Finally, comparative experiments based on real data have
demonstrated the high performance of our proposed
scheme. In future work, to strength the security in
Fig. 3 Comparative computation cost for authentication communication processes, we will attempt to further exploit
cryptographic primitives of secure multi-party computation
in our scheme.
CPU armeabi-v7a, 300 MiB RAM, and Android 4.4. The Acknowledgements This work is partly supported by JSPS Kiban(B)
computation of current smart grid is close to this type of 18H03240, JSPS Kiban(C) 18K11298, Natural Science Foundation of
mobile device. Therefore, when evaluating the computation Heilongjiang Province of China under Grant No. LC2016024, Natural
overhead of different plans, we refer to some cryptographic Science Foundation of the Jiangsu Higher Education Institutions
under Grant No. 17KJB520044 and Six Talent Peaks Project in
operations’ time measured by Jia et al. [29]. Since most Jiangsu Province No.XYDXX-108, and the National Natural Science
of the cost is produced during the authentication period, Foundation of China under Grant 62001126.
we omit the costs in the registration period. The Table 3
shows that the computation overhead of Tsai et al. [5] and Compliance with Ethical Standards
Odelu et al. [15] requires 7Tm + 2Te + 10Th + 2Tb + 2Ta
and 5Tm + 2Te + 12Th + 2Tb + 6Ta in total, respectively. Conflict of interest The authors declare that they have no conflict of
The heavy bilinear pairing operations used in their scheme
are the primary cause. From the Fig. 3, we can see that
the execution time for Tsai et al. [5] and Odelu et al.
[15] are 244.5 ms and 205.3 ms. Because He et al. [6]
replaces bilinear pairing with ECC, overall computation
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Chunhua Su received the B.S.

degree for Beijing Electronic
and Science Institute in 2003
and received his M.S. and PhD
of computer science from Fac-
ulty of Engineering, Kyushu
University in 2006 and 2009,
respectively. He is currently
working as a Senior Asso-
ciate Professor in Division of
Computer Science, University
of Aizu. He has worked as
a postdoctoral fellow in Sin-
gapore Management Univer-
sity from 2009–2011 and a
research scientist in Cryptog-
raphy & Security Department of the Institute for Infocomm Research,
Singapore from 2011–2013. From 2013–2016, he has worked as an
Assistant professor in School of Information Science, Japan Advanced
Institute of Science and Technology. From 2016–2017, he worked as
Assistant Professor in Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka Uni-
versity. His research interests include cryptanalysis, cryptographic
protocols, privacy-preserving technologies in machine learning and
IoT security & privacy. He has published more than 100 papers in
international journals and conferences.

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