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FileCloud Server Administrator Guide

The FileCloud Administration Guide provides information for managing FileCloud version 4.0 and later.

This guide includes the following sections:

About FileCloud Server for Administrators

FileCloud Sizing Guide
Installing FileCloud Server
Direct Installation
Installation on Windows
Install Webserver as Service for Windows
Install MongoDB as service in Windows
FileCloud Watchdog Service
Windows Setup Wizard
Configuring Servers with the FileCloud Control Panel
Configuring Optional Components
Post-Installation Steps
Ubuntu Package Installation
FileCloud RPM Package Installation
Installation on Linux Distros
FileCloud CLI
LINUX Upgrade Script
Virtual Machine Installation
VMware ESXi
VMware Player
Microsoft Azure Installation
FileCloud Integration with Azure File Storage
Amazon Web Services (AWS) Installation
Seeding FileCloud for Amazon S3
Amazon GovCloud AWS Installation
FileCloud Online GovCloud Verification Guide
FileCloud Docker installation
Update Docker to 21.1
Alibaba Cloud Installation
Post Installation
Verify Your Installation
Basic Checks
Extended Checks
Install the FileCloud License
Installing FileCloud License On Multiple Sites
Viewing Your License Details
Configure the Managed Storage Path
Enable MongoDB Authentication
Enable FileCloud SSL Mode Connection To MongoDB
SSL Configuration
Use SSL on Windows
Create a CSR in the FileCloud Control Panel
Install a certificate using the FileCloud Control Panel
Manually Create a CSR in Windows
Manually Install SSL Certificates for FileCloud on Windows
Use SSL on Linux
Create a CSR for FileCloud
Install an SSL certificate on Ubuntu
Converting Existing PFX SSL Certificate to PEM SSL Certificate
Use Let's Encrypt to Renew SSL Certificates
HTTPS Best Practices for FileCloud
Configure HTTP SSL Redirects
Changing a Default Port or Web Server Setting
SELinux Policies For FileCloud Installation
Installation Troubleshooting
Mount a Share that FileCloud Can Access
Mount a CIFS Share on Linux for FileCloud
Mount an NFS share on Linux for FileCloud
Mount CIFS Shares from Windows Command Line
Storage and Client Application Limits
Mounting CIFS and NFS Shares
How to Mount CIFS Shares from Windows Command Line
How to properly mount a CIFS share on Linux for FileCloud
How To properly mount a NFS share on Linux for FileCloud
Admin Portal Dashboard
FileCloud Site Setup
File Sharing Setup
Administrator Settings
Logging In
Changing Admin Password
Resetting Admin Password
Changing the Default Login
Basic Server Settings
Set the Language
Setting Up a Cron Job or Scheduled Task
Storage Settings
FileCloud Managed Storage
Setting up Managed Disk Storage
Setting up FileCloud Managed S3 Storage
Setting up S3 Compatible Services
How to Integrate FileCloud with Alibaba Cloud Object Based Storage
How to Integrate FileCloud with Digital Ocean Spaces
How to integrate FileCloud with Scality Storage
How to Integrate FileCloud with Wasabi Object Based Storage
Setting up Managed Disk Storage Encryption
Storage Encryption Technical Details
Enabling Storage Encryption
Disabling Storage Encryption
Activating Password Protected Storage Encryption
Activating Encrypted Protected Storage From Command Line
IAM User Policy for S3 Access
S3 Storage Encryption with AWS cross-account KMS key
Manage the Recycle Bin Using Policies
Clearing Partial Uploads Automatically
Disable Managed Storage (MyFiles section)
Manually Clearing Large Recycle Bins
Embedded File Upload Website Form
Enable Folder-Level Permissions
Restrict a User's Recycle Bin Options
Setting up FileCloud Managed Azure Blob Storage
Setting Up Network Folders
LAN Based Network Folders
Create a LAN-Based Network Folder
Smart Mounted Network Folders
Network Folders with NTFS permissions
Guide to FileCloud Network folders with NTFS Permissions
Advanced: Set Owner of Uploaded File to be the User Account
Network Folders with NTFS permissions [Staging]
Indexing of Network Folders
Searching in Network Folders
Web Server Permissions for Network Shares
Amazon S3 Bucket Based Network Folders
Create a Network Folder Based on an Amazon S3 Bucket
Configure AWS S3 Bucket-Based Network Folders
Clearing Deleted Files from S3 Network Folders
Azure Blob Storage Based Network Folders
Create a Network Folder Based on an Azure Blob Storage
Configure Azure Blob Storage Container-Based Network Folders
Clearing Deleted Files from Azure Blob Storage Network Folders
Network Folder Limitations
Enabling Directory Scraping
FileCloud Helper Service
Helper Service Architecture
Install Helper Service
Exclude Folder Paths from Indexing
Run Server and Helper on Different Machines
Improve Helper Performance
Clearing Deleted Files from Network Folders
Display Names that Start with a Dot
Wasabi S3 Bucket Based Network Folders
Create a Network Folder Based on an Wasabi S3 Bucket
Configure Wasabi S3 Bucket-Based Network Folders
Team Folders
Configure the Team Folders Account
Seed and Organize Team Folder Data
Share the Team Folder and Set Permissions
Set Granular Permissions on Team Folders
Search for a Team Folder
Recover Deleted Files
View and Restore Previous Versions in Team Folders
Promoting Existing User Account to Team Folders
User Settings
Create FileCloud Users
User Access Levels and User Types
Manually Create a New User Account
Video of Adding FileCloud Server User Account
Bulk creation of User Accounts from a CSV File
Import a user account from AD or LDAP Service
Bulk Import User Accounts from AD Server
New Account Creation
Account Approval
Allow AD or LDAP Users to Create a New Account
Allow Only an Admin To Create New Accounts
Allow Users to Create and Approve Accounts
Allow Users to Create a New Disabled Account
Preload data for new accounts
User Session Expiration
Changing the Storage Quota for Users
Enable WebDAV
Restrict Commonly Used Passwords
Customize the User Login Screen
Group Settings
Giving Users Group Management Permissions
User Authentication Settings
Enabling Default Authentication
Active Directory Authentication
Connecting to AD via SSL
Authenticating to Multiple AD servers
Mixed AD Domain Environments
How to migrate the data from a user that changes account name
Single sign-on (SSO)
SAML Single Sign-On Support
Integrate Auth0 SSO with Filecloud
Integrate Azure AD with FileCloud
Integrate Azure AD with FileCloud - Classic UI
Integrate Azure AD with FileCloud - New UI
Integrate Centrify with FileCloud
Integrate CYBERARK with FileCloud
Integrate JumpCloud with FileCloud
Integrate Okta with FileCloud
Integrate with Okta using browser plugin
Integrate OneLogin with FileCloud
Integrate ADSelfSevice Plus with FileCloud
Integrating Multiple IDPs
Setting Up and Configuring Certificates when Upgrading SSO
ADFS Single Sign-On Support
NTLM Single Sign-On Support
LDAP Based Authentication
Authenticate to Multiple LDAP servers
Oracle Identity Manager LDAP integration with FileCloud
Desktop Apps Code-Based Authentication
Enabling Basic Authentication
Document Settings
Setting up Content Search for Documents
Install Content Search for Linux
Running Solr as a service in Ubuntu and Debian
Install Content Search for Windows
Configure Content Search for Managed Storage
Indexing Managed Storage
Configure Content Search for Network Storage
Enabling Solr OCR
SOLR Config Tips
Solr High Availability Setup with Pacemaker and Corosync
Find and Index Unindexed Files
Setting up Document Preview
Document Preview
Setting up Document Preview for large file size
FileCloud Document Converter
Adding Security to FileCloud Document Converter
Enabling Document Converter and Thumbs
Enabling Watermarks On Previews
LibreOffice Windows Instructions
LibreOffice Ubuntu/CentOS Instructions
Installing and Running Document Converter for Windows
Install OpenJDK 8 for Windows
Running Document Converter from Command Line
Running FDocconverter on different port from 8080
Running FileCloud Document Converter as a service in Windows
Overriding Thumb and Preview Size Limits
Import Files : Pre-seeding
Enabling Natural Sort Order Of User List
Enabling PDF Merge
Optimize PDF Preview
Managing File Extensions
Restricting File Extensions
Restricting File Names
Manage File Versioning
Share Settings
Configure Sharing Defaults
Set the Global Share Mode
Specify Sharing Expiration
Secure Shares
User Account Search Mode
User Account-Type Search Mode
Email Settings
Configuring System Generated Emails
Multi-Tenancy Settings
Multi-Tenancy Requirements
Enable Multi-Tenancy Support
Password encryption and logging in to a multi-tenant admin portal
Manage Different Sites
Enable Email Notifications if Cluster is Down
Enable Automatic License Renewal and Reporting
Endpoint Backup Settings
Automatic Database Backup
Disabling Deletion of Backup Files
Client Security Settings
Two Factor Authentication
Preventing an attacker from bypassing 2fa
Setting Client Application Policies
Using a Proxy Server
Improving Cookie Security
Customization and Branding
General Customization
Login Background Image
Themes, Labels, and Logos
User Portal Themes
UI Messages
Email Templates
Email Template Tool
News Feed
Terms of Service
Customize Product URLs
Customizing CSS
Online Web Editing
Microsoft Office Online Web Editing
Microsoft Office Online Cloud For Web Edit
Microsoft Office Online Server For Web Edit
Installing Office Online Server on Windows 2012 R2 Server
Configuring FileCloud To Use Office Online On-Premises Server For Web Edit
Web Editing With Collabora Code
Installing Collabora CODE On Ubuntu 16.04
Installing Collabora CODE On CentOS 7.2 - Deprecated
Configuring FileCloud To Use Collabora CODE For Web Edit
Configuring FileCloud to use Collabora CODE for File Creation
Web Editing with OnlyOffice
New Document Creation via Web Browser
Web Editing Text Files
Web Editing Markdown and Readme Files
Coauthoring Office Documents Using Web Edit
Disable Online Web Editing
Changing the locale in online Office documents
Accessing Policy Records Video
Creating a New Policy Video
Managing Policy Users and Groups Video
Notifications for File Changes
Third Party Integrations Settings
Enable Antivirus Scanning
Use ClamAV Antivirus Scanning
Use ICAP Antivirus Scanning
Integrating FileCloud with Salesforce
SIEM Integration
Managing SIEM Mappings
reCaptcha Settings
CASB integration
McAfee CASB integration
Microsoft Teams
For MS Team Admins: Configuring FileCloud in Teams
For FileCloud Admins: Enabling Integration with MS Teams
The Misc. Tab Settings
FileCloud High Availability
Configure MongoDB Cluster to Use TLS-SSL with Cluster Authentication and Mongodb Authentication on Linux
Enable MongoDB Cluster Authentication
HaProxy Setup in Ubuntu
FileCloud HA Configuration with 9 servers
Configuring HAproxy as Loadbalancer
Installation and Configuration of 3 server MongoDB cluster
Installation and Configuration of FileCloud In webservers
Installation and Configuring Standalone backup server
Setting up Samba Server for Managed Storage
FileCloud Best Practices
Changing default config and log directory for FileCloud
Disable CONNECT Method in HTTP
Enforcing TLS1.2 and Strong ciphers
Restricting Access To Admin UI Based On IP Addresses
Restricting Access To User UI Based On IP Addresses
Manage IP Checks
GDPR Compliance in FileCloud
Anonymizing User Data
Enabling Privacy/User Consent
Export Files for GDPR
Right to Access - Search for User Data
Use Pattern Search for GDPR
Video of GDPR Compliance Overview
Compliance Center
Smart Classification
Creating and Managing Content Classification Engine Rules
CCE Rule Examples
Creating a Pattern
Creating a Pattern Group
More CCE Rule Examples
Metadata in Log Files
Using ICAP DLP with CCE
Smart DLP
Creating Data Leak Prevention Rules
Example Rules
Rule Expressions
Metadata, Smart Classification, and Smart DLP
How to secure documents with Smart DLP & CCE
Allow downloading files from authorized partners only
Detect confidential documents with PII and allow internal shares only
Detect documents with US Social Security Number and allow sharing only with specific domains
Limit Web Login to a specific group of users
Retention Policies
Create a Type of Retention Policy
Create a Legal Hold Policy
Create an Admin Hold Policy
Create an Archival Policy
Create a Retention Policy
Create a Trash Retention Policy
How Retention Policies Work
What All Policies Have In Common
How Policies Differ
How Policies Interact
Import/Export DLP, CCE, and Metadata Settings
Other Settings
Automated Workflow Management
FileCloud Site Maintenance
Upgrade FileCloud
Upgrade using Admin Portal
Upgrade using Update Tool (Windows Only)
Release Notifications
Backup FileCloud Before Upgrading
Manually Updating Windows
Run the LINUX Upgrade Script
Managing Users
Listing FileCloud Users
Viewing User Properties
Limit Admin Access to User Data
User Properties - Advanced Options
User Properties - Editable
User Properties - Read Only
Disable a FileCloud User Account
Deleting a FileCloud User
Deleting FileCloud User From Command Line
Deleting a FileCloud User From Admin Portal
Resetting a User Password
Password Settings
Manage A User's Policies
Manage a User's Profile Picture
Change a User's Email Address
Setting a User Account to Expire
Send Email from User Details
Managing Groups
Managing User Folders and Files
Copy and Move User Files
Download User Files and Folders
Downloading Large Numbers of Files Using the Command Line Tool
Cancel User Uploads in Progress
Delete User Folders and Files
Clear a Recycle Bin
Remove a User's Old File Versions
Remove Incomplete User Uploads
Restore a Previous File Version
Critical Section Cleanup Tool
Managing User Shares
Transfer Ownership of a Reshare from a Team Folder or Network Share
Managing Storage Space Usage
Storage Scanner Tool for Missing Files
Storage Usage Tool
Managing User Locks
Managing User-Defined Notifications
Editing individual user's file and folder notifications
Editing all users file and folder path notifications
Adding notifications for actions on user's files and folders
Managing Client Devices
Centralized Device Management
Configure Centralized Device Management
Device Configuration XML For Mac Drive
Device Configuration XML For Outlook Add-in
Device Configuration XML For Server Sync
Device Configuration XML For Sync
Device Configuration XML For Windows Drive
Device Configuration XML for Desktop Edit
Automating FileCloud Sync/Drive/OutLook-Addin Installation and Mass Deployment configuration
Viewing Client Information
Requesting Client Log Files
Blocking and Remotely Wiping a Client Device
Sending a Message to a Client's Display
iOS Device Management
Mass Deployment - Default Configuration Support
Managing Admin Users
Search in the Admin Portal
Audit Logs
View Audit Logs
Filter Audit Log Views
Compact the Audit Database
Configure What is Logged
Export Audit Logs
Delete Audit Log Entries
Manually Trim the Audit Database
Change the Audit Log Warning Limit
Backing Up and Restoring FileCloud Server
The FileCloud Server Backup Tool
FileCloud Backup Server Features
FileCloud Backup Server Installation
FileCloud Backup Server Configuration
Backup Server Configuration Using RSync
FileCloud Backup Server Operations
Backup Server - Backup
Backup Server - Restore Files and Folders
Backup Server - Export
Backup Server - Download
Backup Server - Cron Command
FileCloud Backup Server Troubleshooting
Backing Up and Restoring Linux
FileCloud Backup and Restore - Linux Tool
FileCloud Backup and Restore - Linux Manual
FileCloud Backup and Restore - Windows Manual
Migrate FileCloud from One OS to Another OS
Migrating a FileCloud Server Site
Enabling the Backup Server URL
Monitoring FileCloud
FileCloud Alerts
File Content Heuristic Engine
Identifying a FileCloud Specific Path
Custom Reports
Dashboard Reports
Manage Folder Level Permissions
Read Only Sync
Managing Metadata
Create a New Metadata Set
Edit an Existing Metadata Set
Managing Metadata Attributes
Video of Managing Metadata Attributes
Managing Metadata Permissions
Video of Allowing Paths for Metadata Permissions
Video of Granting a User Metadata Permissions
Video of Managing Metadata
Working with Built-In Metadata
Working with Custom Metadata
Working with Default Metadata
Troubleshooting Metadata
Finding files without metadata
Metadata Limitations/Recommendations
Managing FileCloud Licenses
Install FileCloud License
FileCloud - License Purchase And Renewal
Workflows - IFTTT
Add a New Workflow
Define an IF Condition
Define a THEN Action
Edit a Workflow
Run a Workflow
Set Advanced Workflow Options
Workflow Recipes for FileCloud
Admin Approval Required Workflow
Create Report and Send Email Workflow
Detect and Delete Inactive Files Workflow
Detect and Disable Inactive Users Workflow
Detect and Generate Inactive File List Workflow
Detect and List Inactive Users Workflow
Detect and Notify Failed Signatures Workflow
Detect and Notify Inactive Users Workflow
Notify on File Upload Workflow
Periodic Script Workflow
Run workflows commands with /tmp paths in Linux systems
Monitor Retention and DLP: The Governance Dashboard
Reset Settings and Customizations
FileCloud Server Troubleshooting
Report Problems in FileCloud
FileCloud Debug Log File Locations
Run FileCloud In Maintenance Mode
FileCloud Error Codes Glossary
Active Directory Error Codes
Admin Manager Error Codes
Background Error Codes
Cron Error Codes
CURL Error Codes
Events Error Codes
External Storage Error Codes
File System Error Codes
Generic Error Codes
Geo IP Error Codes
Journal Error Codes
LDAP Error Codes
License Manager Error Codes
Local Storage Error Codes
Locks Error Codes
Metadata Error Codes
MongoDB Error Codes
Notification Stream Error Codes
NTFS Error Codes
Office Online Error Codes
PDF Error Codes
Reports Error Codes
Retention Error Codes
RMC Error Codes
Shortcuts Error Codes
Short URL Error Codes
SIEM Error Codes
Sockets Error Codes
SOLR Error Codes
SSL Error Codes
WOPI Error Codes
Workflow Error Codes
Network Connectivity Issues
File and Folder Issues
Database Issues
FileCloud ServerLink
ServerLink Installation and Configuration
Upgrade process for ServerLink with high-availability clusters
Viewing ServerLink Information
Disable Metadata Syncing in ServerLink
ServerLink Fast Mode
ServerLink Logs
FileCloud ServerSync
ServerSync FAQ's
Log In to ServerSync
Synchronizing Folders in ServerSync
Increase ServerSync Scanning Speed
ServerSync Settings
Home Screen Settings
Activity Screen Settings
Settings Screen Options
Help Screen Settings
Connect to a FileCloud Server in ServerSync
Selecting Folders to Sync
Reset ServerSync
Control ServerSync Bandwidth Use
Use a Proxy Server with ServerSync
Limit ServerSync to a Schedule
Change ServerSync Frequency
Disable ServerSync Notifications
Manage ServerSync Remotely
Run ServerSync on Windows Startup
Run ServerSync as a Service
Install ServerSync on Linux
Import NTFS Permissions to ServerSync
Troubleshoot ServerSync
FileCloud ServerSync Stages
Manage FileCloud Data
Export Files
Export Storage Usage Report
Reset FileCloud
Seeding FileCloud

Are you migrating to FileCloud?

No matter which edition of FileCloud you are using, it is easy to transfer your data after your FileCloud site is setup.

Migrating Files from Egnyte to FileCloud

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