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Compressed Skulls

In pre-colonial Visayas, having a flat forehead and nose was considered

beautiful. The natives would do what they could to get these features, even if it
evolved body modification. What’s even more shocking is that they practiced this
on children. A device known tangad was used to help flatten the features a child’s
head and face. It had a comb-like set of rods that was placed on top of a baby’s
forehead and fasten behind. Since a baby’s skull is still pliable, the pressure from the
tangad helped flattened and elongated their heads. A number of these deformed
skulls were discovered in burials grounds from different groups in the Visayas
Fast Boats

Despite the fact that our boats were no match with the goliath Spanish
Galleons, they were quick. Take for instance the karakoa, a Visayan warship planned
in light of effectiveness and speed. William Henry Scott had described the karakoa
as a “sleek, double-ended warships of low freeboard and light draft with a keel on
one continuous curve and a raised platform amidships for a warrior contingent for
ship-to-ship contact. This boat filled in as a warship, yet it was likewise utilized for
exchanging and voyaging. accounts from the Legazpi undertaking in 1561 depicted
it as "a boat for cruising any spot they needed." It's really justifiable why our
predecessors had such information about boat building and marine designing. We
are after each of an archipelago. the ocean is a major piece of our lives.
What are you wearing?

What you wore during pre-colonial Philippines really mirrored your social
standing. Sometimes, it likewise showed the number of foes you've killed. In the
Visayas, men principally wore the bahag and ladies had the malong. The materials
used to make these demonstrated the individual's societal position. Assuming you
had garments produced using abaca, you were reasonable a world class or somebody
rich and incredible. In the Cagayan Valley, a red bahag showed that the man was a
hero and had killed a foe. This likewise applied to the male hood called pudong. A
red pudong was an image of bravery, so simply the most valiant fighters were
permitted to wear them. Tattoos likewise had their own importance. Certain tattoo
plans were simply given to the people who were fruitful in fight.

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