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The American History

1 “American standard of living” during the 1950s

During the mid-twentieth century around 1950s the “American standard of living

changed completely After coming out from World War the year 1950 symbolized a new period

of expansion in economy ,stable prices and costs also the rate of unemployment was lowered

leading to “golden age of capitalism and increased “American standard of living “.The nation’s

gross tax between 1946 and 1960 was doubled making the American’s new generation to be

better off than their former ancestors and parents.Foner claimed that about 60 % of Americans

enjoyed what was defined as middle class standard of living by the government.

The majority of Americans were better off in all facets of life, education, leisure, income,

shelter and nutrition. Majority of Americans in middle class standard of living used money to

enjoy the better inventions that came along with the new standards this includes; air

conditioning, air to travel and also television. During the 1950’s in America poverty decreased

and American standard of living advanced simultaneously (Foner p 991) .After the world war 1

United states emerged as the most extensive and the leading economy in the world big industries

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The Baby boom occurred which made the people to move to from big cities to new

suburbs, this changed the American communities’ nature. Cars became a necessity in these areas

of large urban stretch for transport. In the 1950’s teenagers had new way of individuality through

driving The number of women employment began to rise during the year 1950 because they had

lost their jobs during 1945 during the war. Women worked part time to support the family’s

middle class. The non-whites also remained focused in manual and skilled jobs, the result of

employment refinement and their virtual elimination from educational breaks at universities.

2.Most significant factors that contributed to the growing momentum of the civil rights

movement in the 1950’s

The civil rights movement in united states is about the African Americans campaign.

They did not receive same rights that the whites did because of their skin color. In the 1950s and

1960s the African American rose up to fight against the social systems and the public authorities

that took away their rights. They got support from many whites during the campaign, this was

when the modern civil rights began (Foner p 999). Later on 1964 civil rights of act were signed

by president Lyndon B. Johnson, which forbade racial discrimination and protected the rights of

citizens to use public facilities, to vote and be employed.

The rise of organizing committees contributed to the growth by two groups run by the

students in college began to pay a role in organizing protests and voter drives during the rise in

civil rights movement. In 1960 the Student Nonviolent Committee(SNCC)was

organized a sit-in at a Woolworths’s lunch counter in Greensboro, North Carolina. John Lewis
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led SNNC for six years, coordinating sit –ins and playing active role in Freedom Summer.

Congress of racial equality(CORE) was another key group of the era led by James Farmer.

Lastly the death of the three young men who were killed during the Freedom Rides in

1961 and two other deaths contributed to the rise of civil rights movement. The death of 14-year-

old African American, Till who was shot in Mississippi after whistling to a woman and Medgar

who also got killed in Mississippi made national news which increases movement visibility and

help gain worldwide support,

Works Cited
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Foner, Eric. "Give Me Liberty: An American History 6Th Edition". Amazon.Com,

Accessed 30 Mar 2021.

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