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Professor’s Name

People with disabilities often have difficulties in performing their activities of daily

living (ADLs) this includes bathing, toileting, grooming, feeding, and mobility, therefore they

need support to formally. Apart from physical assistance technology has come up with modern

ways to help the disabled cope up with their situation independently. A good example is an

assistive technology, which is adaptive devices for the disabled or the elderly Assistive

technology promotes independence by enabling them to perform the tasks they were unable to.

This essay analyzes different types of assistive devices and how they can be used.

Assistive devices for children with disabilities are of many types depending on the

type of disability, these devices include; visual timers, audio players and recorders, talking

calculators, mobility aids, graphic organizers, draft builders, FM systems, proofreading software,

assistive listening systems, text to speech among others. The use of audio players and recorders

this helps the child to listen to the words while reading them. For instance, if the child is

struggling with taking notes or writing, the audio recorder captures what the teacher is saying in

class so they can listen to it once again at home (Magnan and Ecalle, 2004). This can be

accomplished by modeling whereby the child watches others using the device and attempt to do

the same. The use of talking calculators is also capable of advanced mathematical operations by

announcing data entered and the calculation results, this makes it possible for the blind or

visually impaired to perform this operation without the use of pen and paper. The buttons of

these calculators are raised and they are large this makes it easier for them to see the numbers

and push the buttons they are trained by a finger placement approach.

Mobility aids are other types of assistive technologies These include wheelchairs,

scooters, walkers, canes, and crutches these are designed to help people who have problems

moving around to enjoy greater freedom and independence, ease pain and boost their self-

confidence. Prescription of walking aid should be done by a therapist after a thorough

assessment of gait, balance, the doctor can arrange for for someone to show the family or friends

how to train the disabled to use the walking aids appropriately. Graphic organizers work by

helping the student map out a course of action, the graphic organizer prompts the writer to

describe an object, chart out a course of events or perform some other task that that can help in

planning the piece.

Draft builder is a writing device that integrates outlining, note-taking, and drafting

writing functions to break down the writing process into three steps. Using a graphical organizer,

the program helps the students visualize the project and insert information into the appropriate

place without having to conceptualize the whole process of creating the paper, where the student

can drag and drop what is written in each note to a rough draft. Assistive listening systems are

also another tool that helps students who are deaf or those with auditory and learning problems.

According to the National Association of the deaf can be used to enhance the reach and

effectiveness of hearing aids and cochlear implants. This listening systems use a microphone a

device that captures and brings the sound to the ear. FM systems are another choice for children

with hearing loss, it works using a radio broadcast technology with a transmitter microphone and

a receiver, the teacher and the student can maintain a consistent sound level regardless of the

distance and the noise background.

Proofreading software is a branch of technology that goes above and beyond the typically

proofreading features found in word processing systems, such as correcting words frequently

misspelled by students with dyslexia. the features offered in this software help the student to

work on the language set to become a more and accurate writer. Lastly, text to speech is another

assistive technology designed to help children who have difficulties reading standard print

common print disabilities include blindness or dyslexia (Stanberry & H.Raskind, 2021) This

technology works by scanning and then reading the words to the student in a synthesized voice,

using a large number of speech sounds that make up words in any given context

Generally, it is crucial to implement the use of assistive devices for all children living

with disabilities. It is widely accepted that implementations of interventions should occur at the

earliest possible age to increases the capabilities of children and decrease the need for more

restrictive special education services upon entering elementary schools. It is more important for

the teachers to train the students on the use of the device before using it to complete the

academic task until proficiency is increased. In conclusion, assistive devices are essential for

many people living with disabilities without the use of these devices the cycle of poverty would

have continued because the disabled may never be educated or work and it has also enabled

many to live healthily, independently, and with high self-esteem.



Magnum, A. and Ecalle, J., 2004. Audio visual training. [online] Assistive Technology Industry

Association. Available at: <>

[Accessed 29 April 2004]. Stanberry, K., & H.Raskind, M. (2021). Assistive Technology

for kids with learning disabilities.


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