Engineering Math V1 by Gillesania

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to my mother iluminada, my wife Imelda, and my children kim deunice, ken dainiel, and ‘karla denise Engineering Tapleot Mathematics Vol. 1 Contents Table of Contents Part 1: Algebra & Advanced Math.. Lawof Natural Numbers Law Equality Inequality Laws of Exponents Properties of Radicals Logarithm. Polynomials. Factor Theore Remainder Theorem, Binotnial Theorem Pascal's Triangle. Proportion Quadratic Formul. Partal Fraction Variation Arithmetic Progression. Geomettic Progression Harmonic Progression. Work problems Age Prodlems.ii.ion Digit Problems... Number Problems Clock Probiers.. Mixture Proble Motion Problems Sui Perenttion wn e Combination Probability p e Matices and Determinant is Dh CCeamer’s Rule ner cnoneonen 29) Complex Number... 30) 3 Vena Diagram, PROBLEMS Set 1— Conversion S:t 2 Exponentsand Radicals Set - Fundamentals in Algebra Set 4 Logarithm, Binomial Theorem, Quadratic Equation, mm — Tableor Engineering Contents Mathematics Vol. 1 Set5~ Age, Midture, Work, Clack, Number Problonis ond Set ~Motion, Variation, Percent, Miscellaneous Problems 105 Set 7 ~ Progression, Matrix, Determinant, Venn Diagram, 17 Set 8 = Permutation, Combination, Probability, “ 17 Set 9 168 Complex Numbers, Vectors Part 2: Plane & Spherical Trigonometry. PLANE TRIGONOMETRY Functions of Right Trangle seu ane ZE Pythagorean Theoret cance sacn ‘Trigonometri Identities, basic Identities, ee Fythaypnean Relations. ee Summ ara Difference of Two Angles Double Angle Formutas i Half Angle Formilas. xc. Ns Powers of Functions Product of Functions Sum and Difference of Functions Oblique Triangles. Sine Law. Cosine Law: is Law of Tangent nyc Mollweide's Equation Angles, Properties of Triangle ‘Area, Median. Altitide i: Ange BICCOF ssn SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY Spherical Tangle ran ‘Areaof Spherical Triangle Right Spherical Triangle, Napier's Rules. Oblique Spherical Triangle i Pe errgre ents 188) Law of Sines son T 8S Lawof Cosines oon dB Naper's Analogies 188 ‘The Terrestrial Sphere ‘ 189 ‘Engineering Mathematics Vol. 1 PROBLEMS Set 10 - Angles, Trigonometrie Identities & Equations. Set 11 — Triangles, Angle of Elevation & Depression . Part 3; Plane Geomeny, Definitions Triange: ‘Theoremson Triangles. ‘Ares of Triangle. Quadelaterals nnn Recangle, Square, General Quadrilateral Patalletogram, Rhombus, Trapezoid. Cyetic Quadrilateral Polygens Theorems in Polygon Regular Polygons Circ Theoremson Circles ‘Area of Ciele ss Secor ane Segment of a Cele. Parabolic Segment Spondrel Ellipse Radiusof Circles; Clivle Clicumscribed About a Triangle . Cincle inscribed in « Triangle. Ginsle Escribed About a Triangle. Giele Circumscribed About a Qundsletera.. Giro inserted ins Quactriateral ‘Area ky Approximation : Trapenokal Rule oeesnon Siripson’s One-Thitd Rule..eonn ‘Area by Coordinates enssnnnnn PROBLEMS: Sel12- Triangles, Quadtrilaterals, Poly gore. Set13 «Circles, Parnbola, Ellipse, Miscellaneous Fig P Table of TV contents ————$$$_$_—_————— Ess ei Part 4; Solid Geometry... Polyhedirons Regular Polyhedrens Platonic Solids, Prom, Rectangular Paallelepiped, Cube. Pyramids... Frustum of a Pyramid Vinge : Cones rscsn Right Cirsular Cone. Frustum of a Right Cireular Cone Sphere Spherical Segment Splierical Sector. Spherical Lune and Wedge. Spherical Poly EONS nan Spherical Pyramiel Sol ofRevaition (apps Trans Elipsoid &Prolate and Oblate Spheroid.. Parabolid of Revolution... Prismatoid sono Prismoidal Formula ee Similar Sol discs PROBLEMS: Set 4 ~ Prisms, Pyramids, Cylinders sunsrinn er sn IB Set 15~-Spheies, Prismatoid, Solids of Revolution, Misc. Part 5: Analytic Geometry... PLANE ANALYTIC GEOMETRY Gatti Cartitate’5)tem cy ecto Ue Distanve Benween Tie points 335 Strigh? Line 335 Slope of a Line 36 Standard Fyustions.of Lanes, i 336 Angle Between Two Lino, i 2 Distance from a Point ta Line Weeinaaa Distance between Two Parallel Lines 338 Divisivi of Line Segment, i, 338 point ofa Line Segment 338 Engineering Mathematics Vol. ‘Area of polygon by Coordi Conie Sections General Equation of Conies Circle Parabola Ellipse Hyperbole Variations of Problems in Canics ‘Targents and Normals to Conics. Polar Coordinate System. Distance etween Two poin! i Relationship baoeon ate Polar Coordinate 250 Polar Curves SPACE ANALYTIC GEOMETRY ‘Space Coordinate Systems Rectangular Coordinates Cylindrical Coordinates Spherical Coordinates... ‘Table of contents V 3DGapls PROBLEMS Set 16~ Points Lines, Cicles 7 Set 17 = Parebol, Ellipse, Hyperbola, Polar, Space 7 Part 6: Recent Board Exams 397 PROBLEMS is Set 18 ~ Recent Bourdl Exains. 7 Sot 19= Necent Bosrd Exams 2. Bs ‘Table of VI contents Engineering Mathematics Vol. 1 Engineering Partl = y Mathematics Vol. 1 Algebra and Advanced Math art ALGEBRA & ADVANCED MATH BASIC Leta, by and ¢ be any number, LAW 1. Law of closure for addition: OF atl NATURAL 2, Comniutative law for addition: NUMBERS atoaben 3, Associative law for elation: ar Orda (rd re 4, Law of elosure for multiplication nb 5. Commutative law for multiplication iative law for multiplication abe) = (ab) 7. Distributive Law ‘alb-+ 0) = ab ac BASIC 1, Rellesive property LAWS OF aaa EQUALITY 2, Symmetse property Ika =4, then b=a 3, Transitive pro Wan band equal to thi 4 Tfa=ba b+. That is if equals are acided fo equals, the results are equal 5, lfn=band c=d, then ac= bd. Thatis, if equals are multiplied to equals, the results are equal. : then a~ ¢. That is, things 2 Part Algebra and Advanced Matt INEQUALITY Theorems on, Inequalities OTHER IMPORTANT PROPERTIES IN ALGEBRA LAWS OF EXPONENTS (INDEX LAW) Engineering Mathematics Vol. 1 A stalcment that one quantity Is greater than oF less than another quantity Symbols used in inequality neh ausgreater than bifand only if-<-b Ma, then-aS0 If-a<0,then <0 Ika >b,c<0, then a? b, o> d, then (+c) >(b+d) Ika>b,c>d, and, b, c.>0, then ac> bi S era if1>0,8>0,0>0,then Let a8 1 ax0=0 Iaxt=0, then eithers orb =O or both and b Leased Lastors) Ba py and oe oa! (in 10.1F w i, then n 4. (ay! = =a then 5. (ite) (provided 1 20) en (a Engineering Mathematics Vol. 1 PROPERTIES OF RADICALS PROPERTIES OF LOGARITHM POLYNOMIALS Expanding Brackots va 2. ae = Mae = ary” 3. Wa) 4 Mani = Yb 5 Mt é povanatbn bee 1, logy MN= 10g «M+ logs N M 2. tog, Mt = log .M~ log. N By 7B 8 3 logs M" 4. loga=1 5. _log, a” =xlog,a=x 6. “log,1=0 7, tflog yM=N, then a= 8, Ii log.M=log, N, then M=N. 9. log. M= in €= 271828... (Naperian logarithm) 10. log io M=log M (Common logarithm) 11, log M= log M/ logn =InM/ Inn 12, If log,x=a then x= antilog,, « log eM 13, a= antilog, x 1A, log ig 4250. = Jog (1000 « 4.25) = log 1000 + log 4.25 logo 4250 = 3 + 06284 = 3.6284 3, the integral par, is called the eharwcteristic 0.6234, a hon-negati decimal fhacton part, i ealled the mantissa By multiplying wo brackets together, each, tern in fone bracket is multiplied by cach term of the other bracket, (abr que id wit lt ber Ud toe » 4 Part Algebri and Advanced Math Engineering Mathematics Vol. 1 Factorization Special Products and Factoring Division of Polynomials Esantle Selation f Soliion Factorization is the opposite process of expanding brackets, The usual process includes changing a tong expression without any brackets to a shorter expression that incluces brackets Ind = Ge 4 4 = 2x2— Be $2) = Ax I(x-1) . few y) ext (et yP ests Qey tye (eyes ay 4? (ea yeataste fer stt lays ebay weeps (rt yey +) Paps (eay)ie try ty) = (PAP = (= PEs VA) t =(erya-yerr ey ty) Carrying out the division of polynomials is no different, in principle, to numerical division Consider the following example Divide x= 10.8-9.x-20 by x4. By long division Yo +4y4 ox + 15 remainder 40 x-4)Me10R-9x- 20 Latex aat darters ae 3.62 x= Ge 4 1Sy sx = 15 remainder > 40, BY SYNTHETIC DIVISION Write the ceefficients of the terms, supplying zero as the coefficient of the missing power 1 0 40 9 20 [4 416 24 60 : T 4 6 6 4 The quotient is x9 + 4x2 + 6r +15 remainder 40. Engineering Mathematics Vol, 1 Fortl = g Algebra and Advanced Math Factor Theorem, Eunste Silat Remainder Theorem Eine Slaton Biemte Seton BINOMIAL THEOREM Properties Consider a fonction fi), f(t) =O thon (1) ea fector of fit). 1Ff(-3) = 0 thea (: +3) is @ factor of f(s), Use of factor theorem cen produce the factors of an expression ina trial and error manner, Factorize 239 + Sx?-x- 6 fs) “29.4 5x =x 6 fa)=20)+507-()-6=0, hence (x1) is factor fea)= Yelp + 904) Fl) -6 ence (t +1) is nota factor 2) = 20) + 52F- @)~6= 28, hence (¢ -2) is nota factor i + 52} (2)- 6 =0, hence (x +2) s.a factor fe3/2)= 23/2) +3(3/2)- (3/2) -6=0, hence 2x +3 a factor. ft Thus, 2e + 5x8 4-6 = (x1) +2) 2x43) Ufa polyponsial fx) is divided by (x — r) until a remainder ish eee esta erenaiiet Tef(e) =D then (is a factor of 2), Find the remainder when xt 10x? - Sy ~ 20is divided byx-4 fg) = t= 10x? = 9-20 x-4 Remainder = (4) = 4 - 10(4)* -9(4) -20 Remainder = 40 Find k such that r ~3 is a factor of &4>~ 6x2 + 2kx - 12. Remainder ~ (3) = i) - 66)? + %@) Expansion of (x +b)" The number of terms in the expansion 1+ 1, The first termis a” & the last termis b", ‘The exponent of adescends linearly from to 0, 6 Parti Algebra and Advanced Math Engineering Mathematics Vol. 1 Pascal's Triangle term of (a+ 0)" Exam Solatioe A Solecioe E “The exponsntar ascends nearly from Oto, 5, The sum of the exponents of aand bin any of the terms is equal ton, 6. The coefficient of the second term and the second from the last term is 71, Used to determine the coefficients of the terms in a binomial expansion, (a+b (a+b (a+ be Grp 1 (ein a (ay 1... term = a Gre (DI To get the middie term (for even value of n), setr=2 +4 Find the 3+! term in the expansion of (27+ y)*. Using the properties and Pascal's triang! (ty = G8 + SGN y+ 100) se Saty + 1oxy? Using the formula: nt 1 term = —____—_ C= re3 0 ne 5 a= hey Engineering Pati 7 ‘Mathematics Vol. 1 Algebra and Advanced Math Coefficient of Noxt (Coefficimtof previous term)(exponentofs) Term a (exponentofy) +1 Eranble Expand completely the expression (x+y). Station By principle, the first term Is x*, the second term is 8y7y, ‘The variable part of the third term isx*y>, Thecoeficient of the thitel term is, = $2 = 28 ie 34 term = 28 x49? am term= 229) ys ip = 56.48 sem Say ony (te Per yt Buy +360ey +70ry +560 + 8 ih + Bxy> yh ‘Sum of Coofficiont To get the sum of the coefficients in the expansion of of Variables. (ax + by +...) substitate 1 to each of the variables HY Brample Find the sum of the coéfficient of the variebles in the expansion of (2+ 3y Site Sum = (1) +3(1) ~ 1} = a= 65,536 Suample Find the sum of the cocflicient of the variables in the ‘expansion of (3x 5)°. Statin Note that the last term in the expansion of (x ~5)*is constant and is equal to (-5)' = 15,625. This value must be subttacted from the result after substituting for the variable x. ‘Sum of coefficients= [3(1) ~5]"- (5)' =-15,561 g Pata Engineering Algebra and Advanced Math Mathematics Vol. 1 PROPORTION Froportion isa statement of equality between two Mean Proportional Properties of Proportion ralios, In the following proportion: acb=erd ot band carecalled the means ‘and d arecalled the extremes {fis the fourth proportional toa, and c. In the ratio a/b, @ is called the antecedent and b is called the consequent ab ‘The mean proportional to two terms a and b 1, Proportion by inversion rf é E then ba a ¢ 2. Proportion by alteration en rae IES then Sar 3. Proportion by composition MS! tenth ete bd d 4, Proportion by division Engineering Mathematics Vol. 1 QUADRATIC FORMULA Properties of Roots PARTIAL FRACTION Improper. Fraction Proper Fraction Partl ‘Algebra and Advanced Math a BrtCHO For the quadratic equation 4 where B~ 4AC iscalled the discriminant, If B? = 4AG, the toats are equal. IE#2> 4AC, the roots are real, unequal. If B? < 4AG, the roots are Imaginary, Ifthe roots of the quadratic equation Ax? + Bx +C=0) are xyand x, then B ‘Sum of roots, 1 +9 Product of roo! mae Functions of ¢ that can be expressed in the form B(s)/Q(2), where both P(x) and Q(x) are polynomials of x, is known as rational functions. A rational function is said to be an improper fraction if the degree of P(x) is greater than or equal to the degree of OG). 387 Improper Fractions; > Improper fractions may be expressed as the sum of a polynomial and 2 proper fraction. For example pl G7 ‘A rational funetion is known as 9 proper fraction if the degree of P(x) is less than the degnee of Q(0). 2x8 44y=5. Proper Fraction; = — Be y6x? Bx zo Patt Algebra and Advanced Math Seamee Method of Resolving Proper Fraction into Partial Fraction Case! Engineering Mathematics Vol. 1 Proper fractions such as can be expressed as the sum of partial fraction provided that the denominator will jactorize. Consider the following examples 23. 2 2er-4- x8 Case x 2x-$ ax=4) r= 4) Ifwwe reverse the process: $82 4) ‘Thus, the fraction can be expressed or 2.3 casell esolved Into partial fractions > resolved Into pa a The method of resolvins jartial fraction is more EA) dibraee sue eloy eraapias chisel melee 6-2) 72 Bx + 2K 41 er Gy Gy Gay 4 Ge (e-1)(@? =x+1)? ut Case lV eel Brel eae a (aay YS Ga) The following are the different eases of fractions that ‘can be resolved into pattial fraction Factors of the denominator ail linear, none repeated, 3x24 32y—51 Mt 2)8 43) € BP +320-51 = A(x = Ile 3) + Bla 1)(0 +3) +Qx-1(e-2) Engineering Mathematics Vol. 1 Part1 Algebre-and Advanced Math This equation is an identity; hence itis true for any, yalueof x. To solve for A, get x=1;A=4 To solve for B, set x= 2 B=5 To solve for C set x=-3; C= -6 11 Factors of the denominator all linear, some repeated dr2s7x+8_ A,B, Cy D Hay CF HF Axi + 7e B= A(et 2) + x(x + 2) Cafe +2)-* Dx cs Expand and equate the cooffic solve for A, B,C, and D ts oF Tike powers to Some factors of the denominator. quadral repeated WaP ste i2e+22 A, Bre STO ey GG OG 2045) atx8 + Udy? De +22 = ACS +4) 07-22 +9) + G+ Ole +12 -2¢+3) + (De + A + 1) +4) Expand and equite the coefficients of like powers to solveforA, B,C, D, and E Some factors of the denominator quadratic some repeated Bree a8) “Gad Sx'- 9p) + 601-915 +64 = A(x? x +4 4 (Bx + Qr(at-3x +4) + (Dx + Bx Expand and equate the coefficients of like powers to solve for, B, C, D, and E Partial fractions are often used to help simplify « separate problem such as one involving integration. 2 Parti Algebra and Advanced Math Engineering Mathematics Vol. 1 VARIATION Direct Variation Inverse Variation Joint Variation ARITHMETIC PROGRESSION AP, nl” term of AP. ‘Sum of n terms of AP. [etse J 2x? +5x-3 A mathematical function that relates the values of one variable to those of other variables. If is directly proportional toy, then, xy or x=hy k= consiant of proportionality Iftis inversely proportional to y, then, 1 k xe or ya = y vy If x is directly proportional. to y and inversely proportional tothe square of z, then, y, ed xe H or vert oa Al A sequence of numbers in which the difference of ‘any two adjacent terms is constant, Ex, 4,7, 10, 13,16... (common difference = 3) Fle = common difference d= ar~ a) = ay —ay= 67 Ay ete, $=sum of all the terms maa r(n-tjd OF ty ane (0 m\d sate) a, ea) Engineering ‘Mathematics Vol. 1 GEOMETRIC PROGRESSION GP. n termof G.P. Sum ofn terms, of GP. Sum of Infinite Geometric. Progression (GP) HARMONIC PROGRESSION Esanple Solution WORK PROBLEM Erampe Parti Algebraand Advanced Math 29 ‘A sequence of numbers in which the ratio of any two adjacent terms is constant. Ex 26,18, (common ratio, r= 3) Common ratio, ay(e?=1) ra ant I-r whenr> 1 “) Se when <1 Fora geometric progression where -1 774 =7'(49-56+5+1)=7' (1) _ 8-250) Saas Marae! 4. 15 {Ge- Wyre ae ge a 389 «3939 je aeae—3o Drax = 85 10, ( =10 Bue © (x)? =10;x = 1.2589 Engineering Part 1 5 o Mathematics Vol, 1 Algebra and Advanced Math a verneninea vol Problems - Set 3 f Fundamentals in Algebra ! PROBLEM 3-1 Change 02272727... to a common fraction. ME Boasd AA C 5/2 B 5/48, D. 9/34 PROBLEM 3-2 Whats the value of 7! oF 7 factorial eee B 2510 D. 2520 PROULEM 3-3 ‘The reciprocal ef 20 is ME October 1804 wpa ©, 020 B20 D. 005 PROMLEM 3-4 If pis an add number and q is an even number, which of the following expressions must be even? Apt9 Com Bq D.p/e PROULEM 3-5 Mews D uivalent to: BROULEM 35 ICMRCIY lea Roman Numeral equivalet lo: B 3074 D, 1994 PROPLEM3-G Whatis stdommon factor 0 cee at she Tost common factor of 106322 B2 D. 9) tay

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