Susunan Acara English Day

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Susunan Acara English Day:

1. English Debate (10:00 – 11.00)

 Student will be divided in to 2 groups: Class of X vs XII. They will randomly pick as Pro
side or Contra side
 Student in Pro : transfer His/ Her Ideas at least 7 minutes : First 2 minutes: Opening
statement, and next minutes Point of the Information (POI)
 Student in Contra : transfer His/ Her Ideas at least 7 minutes : First 2 minutes: Opening
statement, and next minutes is Point of the Information
 Student Pro should attack/rebut the Contras Arguments with several arguments and
Examples (1)
 Student Contra should attack/rebut the Pro’s Arguments with several arguments and
Examples (1)
 Student Pro should attack/rebut the Contra’s Arguments with several arguments and
Examples and make a Pro Conclusion (2)
 Student Contra should attack/rebut the Pro’s Arguments with several arguments and
Examples and make a Contra Conclusion (2)
 End
2. Film Watching and Finding Something (11.00 – 11.45)
The participant will be separated in two group: X vs XII
The Judge will play a short film Twice and the student will be having chance for
answering the questions as much 2 times
 The short films consist of :
 2 Short duration : 2 minutes
 2 Medium duration : 4 Minutes
 2 Long duration : 5-8 minutes
3. Hangman (12.00 – 12.20)

4. Kahoot Games (12.30 – 13.00)

Osis will arranged the question at least 10 questions related to:

 English Vocabulary/ Grammar
 Daily life in Online and Ofline Class
 Surrounding of Tunas Mulia Senior High School Family

 Letting the participant have two devices

 Guiding the participant answer the questions

5. End of Class (13.00 PM)

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