Nov 2017 Struct Engg and Const (Chua)

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4 TXANIINAITIONG b _ STRUCTURAL DESIGN and CONSTRUCTION | NOVEMBER 2017 SEE eee To construct the deck of a bridge over a deep ravine, Steel beams placed at 2.1 m. on centers and simply supported on a span of 20 m. are used to support the construction loads which include temporary formwork and Fe construction loads equivalent to 4200 Pa, At Ee this stage, only the steel beam caries the dead loads. After the slab has hardened, sufficient shear connectors weked to the ‘beam flange provide full composite action of the steel beam with 0.15 m. thick cast in i} placed concrete slab. ‘Steel, Fy = 345 MPa Solution: Modular ratio, n= 9 © Maximum bending stress in the beam due For composite action, use 1.3 m. effective Kercher pada Dead loads: Section W 685 mm x 152 kgim Construction loads, temporary formwork A= 19365 mm? b= 21 mm =4.2(2.1) =8.82kNim = 688 mm 5 x 108 mmé Concrete stab = 0.15(2.1(2.4) ie te = 13mm, ty = 0.58 x 108 mm = 7.56 kNim y= 250 mm Wearing surface = 0.6(2.1) = 1.26 kNim FO Determine the maximum bending stress in We of beam = 24289) 4.9 tna the beam due to dead load which include 1000 beam weight slab and wearing surface of Total deadtoad = 19.13 Nim 600 Pa and construction loads, Determine the maximum stress in the beam if a standard truck load (H load) consisting of 17.8 KN front wheel load and 71.2 KN rear wheel foad. — Distance between loads is 4.27 m, Include 20% impact on live toad. Determine the total stress of steel after concrete hardens. ‘Moment due to dead load: @ Max. stress of beam: MC | ¢ = 9565x 40° (344) * 4500x108 {, = 219.36 MPa {= Maximum stress in the beam if a standard truck load (H load) consisting of 17.8 kN front wheel oad and 71.2 KN rear wheel load. Distance between loads is 4.27 m. locate 28% impact on live load. 2 eohiiasoe so) li75 & is PPE ny ; rai ee es a Ved = ie CES b Location of neutyal axis of transform area: A, = 19355 mm? A, = 200(150) A, = 0000 mm? A=A, +A, A= 49355 mm? AY=ALY, +A, Ye | 49355 ¥ = 19855344) + 30000(763) ¥ = Transformed moment of inertia: | 15 1900 10° + 19355(254.69)? |, 20507 | yp 30.0004 164:31) '= 3624.68 x 10° ovm* | 17.4.21) + 74.240) = 89x X= 0.854m, 178 KN TLZKN 178 KN W2KN aM, =0 20R, = 899.573) R, = 4260KN Max, moment: M. =R, (9573) M, = 42.60(9.573) M, 2407.81 kNm With impact stresses: M, = 1.2(407.81) : fe Meese OPA) He. Max. tensile stress of beam: @ Determine the total stress of concrete hardens, Pee f= 219.36 + 80.90 f= 300.26 MPa < 0.9 F, = 310.5 MPa ’ oo 3 LR APT AQ Mm. high retaining wall is laterally supported at the top and fixed at the base. The wall resists active earth pressure increasing from 0 al the top to 52 KN/m at the base per meter Jength along the longitudinal axis. —— 521992093) oo ee) -® Determine the design moment at the base. Apply the fixed end moment equation we? ve —— al the top and —— at the base. 0 Dt ag Elis constant. The lateral support at the top of the wall was removed, determine the design moment at the base. Determine the resulting base shear if the wall is free al the top Solution: Design moment at the base when the top is laterally supported. ta =O RO 6. we (Z)e=o R=46.8kN 52(9) (9 m, =4609)- 29) (2) M, =421.2-702 M, = -280.8 kNm Design moment at the base when the ‘support at the top was removed. 82 p= nz > OU = 24 M=>3P M= 234) = 702 ANm Base shearing if the wall if the lateral support is removed at the top: Pev 5248 2 = 234KN SE 3._ CE Board Nov. 2017 The wind pressure coefficients on the gable frame shown subjected to wind pressure, = 1.44 kPa and as follows: Wind force is a pressure if the coefficient is positive and a suction if the coefficient is negative. Design wind force is computed as the product of the wind pressure and the coefficient. Consider Cesign tributary width of the gable frame as 6 m. If the roller support at B were changed to a hinged support and a hinge is added at D. Pe —® Determine the total reaction at A of the supporting gable arch, —® Determine the total reaction at B of the ‘Supporting gable arch. ~ ® Determine the total reaction at D of the Suppcrting gable arch. Solution: ae $5 Consider 6 m: length Wr = 1.44(6)(0.8) Wr = 6.912 kNim We = 1.44(0 10)(6) We = 0.864 kNim Ws = 1.44(0.4)(6) Ws = 3.456 N/m Wa = 1.44(0)(6) Ws = 4.32 kNim JSS Snameering Licensure Examinations ee i Pi = 6.9124) Pi= 2765 Po 0.864(6 32) Po= 546 Pa= 3.456(4) Pas 13.82 Pa= 4.32(6.32) Pa= 27,30 Boin tan @ O= 1843 TMa=0 12B, + 27.30 Cos 18.40' (9) + 5.46 Cos 18.40" (3) + 5.46 Sin 18.4" (5) = (13.82 + 27.65)(2) +27.30 Sin 18.40" (5) 8, = - 10.94 KN (vertical reaction at B) SFi20 Ay 10.944 25.90 +5.18 10. 14 KN (vertical reaction at A) y + 27.30 Cos18.40° + 5.46 Cos 18.4" 27.30 kN 210.94 kN SFv=0 Dy + 10.94 = 27.30 Cos 18.40 Dy = 14.96 kN (vertical reaction at D} Mp =0 B, (6) + 10.94(6) = 13:82(4) + 27.30(3-16) B, = 12.65 KN (horizontal reaction at B) SFr=0 12.650, + 27.30 Sin 19.40" + 13.82 D, = - 9.79 KN (horizontal reaction at D) S46 kN 4,220.14 4N TFn=0 A.+5.46 Sin 18.40" = 9.794 27.65 Ax = 38.72 kN (horizontal reaction at A) 20.14 10,98 SFn=0 35.72 + 12.65 + 1.72 = 27,65 + 13.62 + 8.62 50.09 = 60.09 ok DFe=0 20.14 + 10.94 = 5.18 + 25.90 34.08 = 31.08 ok @ Reaction at A. (Raj? = 20.14)? + (35.72)2 Ra= 47 kN ® Reaction at B. (Re)? = (10.94)? + (12.65)? Re=16.72kN ® Reaction at D: (Ro? = (9.79)? + (14,96)? Ro = 17.68 kN CE Board Nov. 2017 Uight-grade steel channel was used as a purin of a truss. The top chord of the truss ig inclined ''V 2 4 H and distance between trusses is equal to 6 m. The purlin has a weight of 79 Nim and spaced at 1.2 m. on centers. The dead load including the roof materials is 720 Pa, live load of 1000 Pa ang wind load of 1440 Pa. Coefficient of pressure at leeward and windward are 0.6 and 0.2 respectively. Assume alll loads passes through the centroid of the section. Properties of C 200 x 76 mm Allowable bending stress ° fy for ‘oad and live load combination (0 + ie Calculate the bending stress, for + oy, for dead load and live load eed +). Calculate the maximum ratio of actual to the oe bending sttess for load combination 0.75 (D + windward side ee eS Solution: Bending stress fx due to DL + LL 1116 Uniform dead load: Wo. Weight of purtins TOW ‘Super imposed roo! dead load: 720(1.2) = 864.Nim Woe = 943Nim Uniform live load: Wir Super imposed live load: 7000(1.2) = 1200 Nim Wi = — 1200Nm Uniform wind load: Win Woe .1440(1.2) = 1728 Nim ‘Wye (windward pressure) 172802) = 345.6Nim Wr. (leeward pressure) suction 172806) = ~——1036,8N/m rehi6 ‘W. = 943 Cos 14,04" + 1200 Cos 14.04” W, = 2079Nim {, = 151.14 MPa ® Bending stress fey due to Di + LL Wy = 943 Sin 14.04" + 1200 Sin 14.04° Wy = 519.68 Nim | Wy Ee 1964.45 + 345.6) Me | ie 8 | we uy, = 319896" | ae 8 | _ 1818.44 (6)? M, =2340N.m | eens | M, =8183Nm ae | 5 SS get $s, er | 4 em 1.38x 5 , =169.6 MPa | ie oie ® Ratio of actual to allowable bending stress for load:combination 0.75 (DL +LL+Wi) . W 9-83 Nir | LL= 1200 Sin 14,06" | UL= 201.12Nim 75(0L+LL + Wt) W, =0.75 (22877 + 291.1240) W, =38992Nim we WL = 345.6.Nim te M, a wes 1754800 S* iaex10" § 12744MPa bib cto ee A Wy = 0.75 (OL LL + WU) La, EME 905 DL = 943 Cos 14.04" 207 207 OL=914.83Nim LL = 1200 -Cos 14.04 LL = 1964.15 Nm | Allowable strengthand stresses: Yield strength, Fy = 248 MPa Ultimate stiengih, Fs = 400 MPa Bolt shear strength, Fy = 150 MPa Bolt tensile stress, Fi = 195 MPa Bolt bearing stress, Fp = 1.2Fy ‘Assume that the bolts are equally loaded, © Determine the required diameter “dy* (mm) of the 3 bolts in shear connecting the double-angle member to the wide toe. ® Determine the required diameter “da' (mm) Cf the four bolts in tension connecting the wide tee to the flange of the supporting beam. @® Determine the required diameter "dz" (mm) ‘of the four bolts connecting the wide tee lo the flange supporting beam. Solution: © Diameter of the 3 bolts in shear Connecting the double-angle member 10 the wide tee bee! 10 "f f, 210, Ds P= TA, (double shea) 210000= 150(E)e*VK2) d= 17,23mm Use 6 =20 mm (ona of he choices) ® Diameter of the four bots in tension connecting the wide tee to the flange of the supporting beam Rata, 93910 130 Donna) d= 142mm Use d=16mma_ (one of the choices) ST Oe ee eee S . — )) aes — Diameter of the four bolts connecting the wide tee to the flange supporting beam F=0,A, 187830 = 195( Fie 4) d=17.5mm Use d=20 mm (one of the choices) ‘Tre arch structure shown is hinged at A, B; and C. 0 “om 6m 6m 6m 6m AT S=6m. Py = 240 KN Given: H=6m. Pe= 90KN © Whatis the vertical reaction (kN) at A? ® Find the horizontal reaction (kN) at the hinged B toward C. ® Caloulate the vertical reaction (kN) al the hinged at 6 towards A, Solution: > Vertical reaction at/A DMe=0 Ru{6)(6) = 240(5)(6) + 90(6)(4) + 90(2)(6) | + 24048) | Ra= 330KN tt ta im ou TM=0 R,=30 BR = 240(6) + 90(12) Ren = 345.KN (horizontal reaction at 8 towards C) @ Vertical reaction at the hinged at B towards A 90 Ry=0 Ra + Re = 240(2)+90(2) 240 Re = 480 + 180-330 Reo = 330 kN Rs + Re=240+90 4 Rev + 330 = 330 pee R,=330 ATT ee bd Given; L1= 8m t2=8m b=8m Li=8m Total dead load = 4.6 kPa Live load = 4.8 kPa The inerior beam KLMNO is to be analyzed {or the maximum forces at ultim; conditi Heat late condition ® Which of the following gives the maxi Feaction (KN) atl? ‘es D Which of the following gives the least Feaction (KN) at? @ Find the maximum moment (kN.m,) atl. wt ow wh ADIL RIMM ALOR Keel Mpa WOet PERL one oust? P soos? soonzet? at er 7 asi wt, whe r Poiiek r Del HeAWeL ReGiehad Reasiet Panel Ostet Tmt aah Ont eee wimp me — “fs KOMEL KyOSTID Asoka MpdSTal, poset Pane ise . Seeet suka) —_ O5sen1 oder oho? oumoset? wownsie— + PML wossbot ap yg2 | O0meot? ‘Gait Solution: ® Max. reaction at L DL = 4.6(2.75) = 12.65 kNim LL = 4.8(2.75)= 13.20 kNim Wo = 1.201 ‘Woe = 1.2(12.65) Wo. = 15.18 KNim We 16 Wu = 1.6(13.20) Wu = 21.12 kNim Dead load reactions: Wop=1S.18 Kim, o 7 5] >, ‘ 4 e AMMO ROU Rabsltnd, Kerk Nebek A.M Dead load reaction at L: R 143wh Ro = 1,143(15.18)(8) Ro = 138.81 KN Live load reactions: Wy=21.12 N/m Wr2hi2kNim— Wy=2112kNAn Rott Alek Raaaeie:, 90S Kyisiab Live load reaction at i: Ri=1.2230L. (bigger value) Ri = 1.223(21.12)8) R. = 206.64 kN Total reaction at L: R= 138.81 + 206.64 R= 345.45 kN ® Least reaction at O Dead load: Wopa15.t8 Kin Rar iedel” su sine Dead load reaction at O Ro = 0.393wL Ro = 0.393(15.18)(8) Ro= 47.73 kN 1° et 9 a eel Live load: Wee2h i2kNiin Wy=Ph 12 Nim KD Moet KyOSToak Ke Mn Rye STak 8,0 0849 Live load reaction at O: Ru=- 0.054wt. Ri = - 0.054(21.12)(8) Re=-9.12kN Least reaction at O: Ro = 47.73 ~9.17 Ro = 38.61 kN @ Maximum moment at L Dead load: Wog=15.18 aNim : mina? Savime? 07nd? O02 —t? Mo =-O.1071wL? Mo -0.1074(15.18)(8)2 Mo = + 104.05 kN.m Live load: Wy=21.12kN/m Ketiver, He MeOMTeL Ry Mok Reber, sommitet? wore? sora? Cet 24 wom? Live load moment at L: Mc = -0.1205wL? My = -0,1205(21.12)(8)2 My = - 162.88 kN.m. Total moment at L: Mr = - 162.88 + (- 104.05) Mc =» 266.93 KN aC ES UL Given: P= 360 KN Allowable weld stress, Fv = 93 MPa. @ Calculate the average vertical force per unit length of weld (Nim) assuming that a=0 ® Calculate the resultant force per unit fenaih of weld (Nimm) due to eccentric toad. ® Galcviate the resukant force per unit Jength of the weld is 750 Nimm, find the required weld thickness (mm), Solution: © Average vertical force per unit length of weld (N/mm) assuming that a = 0 veo 500(2) V=360N/ mm ® Resutant force per unit lengih of weld due to eccentric load 500(2} 1, = 360 Nim = (360)* + (864)" R=M6N/m ® Thickness of weld it the’ resultant force per Unit length is 750 Nim R=O707L Fvw 750 = 0.7074 (1)(98) t= 11.4 mm Use 12mm tC TA A bin holds the cylinders as shown. Each cylinder weighs 800 N and has a diameter of 600 mm, The width of the bin is 1.2 m. Neglect friction, 1200 ® Which of the following gives the force (N) at point A? @ Which of the following gives the reaction (N) at the wall at point D? ® Which of the following gives the reaction (N) atthe surface? Solution: © Force at point A 800 N 2F 4 Cos 30° = 890 Fee 461.68 N Fas 4626 ® Reaction at the wall at point D 800.N Fo = 461.88 Sin 30° Fo = 230.94 N Fo=231N ® Reaction at the surface Rr = 800 + 461.88 Cos 30° Re = 1200 N Se heer TTP Tara The cylinders in the figure shown are piled in a reclanguiar ditch as shown, i friction. Radius of cylinders A, B and C are 4 6 and 5m, ; a SEETATONS, 2 z between A and B, 2"68 the reaction ® Which of the folowing aj following gives the between the wall. and 3. in © Which of the folowing gi : bidwern Koran gives the reaction Solution: Re © Reaction between A and B. R3 Sin 36.9" = 40 + 25.93 Sin 50°48" R3=100KN ® Reaction between the wall and B Rg = 25.93 Cos 50°48 + 100 Cos 36.9° Rg = 93.36 kN ® Reaction between floor and A. Ra = 100 Sin 36.9" + 15 Ry = 75,04 KN RCT De | The water supply pipe shown is suspended | fom a cable using a series of close and equal _| Spaced hangers. The length of the pipe is Supported by the cable is 60 m. The total ‘weight of the pipe filed with water is 6.8KNim. | ‘© What is the maximum sag at the lowes Point of the cable which occurs at mid length if the allowable tensile load in the Cable is 2550 KN? ® The sag of the cable at mid length is 3 m. Find the maximum ayial stress (MPa) ifthe cable dameteris 75 mm, ‘® The sag of the cabie at mid length is 2m. If the allowable tensile load in the cable i 2000 KN, how much: additional load can the cable carry? Solution: © Maximum sag at ‘the lowest point of the Cable if the allowable tensile load in the cable is 2550 KN L=tdnn 6 kN 255 . Xe 1s -" ~ ' ~ 3 , tg a vos}, \re2s50 H HE = (2550)? (195)? HP = 2542.53 KN Maximum axial stress if the sag at mid length is 3m. and the diameter of cable is 2mm SMa=0 3H = 195(15) 19s H=875 T2 = (145)2 + (975)? T= 994.31 KN T=Ads 994310 = “(sy f, §.= 225MPa H=925 ® Additional load that the cable can carry if the sag is 2m and the allowable tensile load in the cable is 2000 KN r, T=2000 Merwe IM, =0 He225w (2000)? = (30w)? + (225 w)? w= 881 Km Additional load = 8.81 - 6.5 = 2.31 KNim im 12. CE Board Nov. 2017 A ‘15 m. long precast pile is to be lifted at tim points from casting bed. ® At what equal distance from the ends should the pile be lifted so that the maximum bending stress is the least possible? ® At what equal distance from the ends should the pile be lifted so thal the resulting shear is smallest? @® As the pile is being lifted, its left end is laid ‘on the ground while it is supported at 2.5 'm. from the right end. At this instance, what is the resulting maximum positive moment due to its weight of 8.5 KNim. Solution: © Equal distance from the ends where the pile could be lifted for minimum bending stress pick up point Pick up point \ 2R=15w R275 enon bending stress fo occur M, =M, + QUU7S=x)15—2x) , 22) MA, =, (WH7.S— n)(15~24) ag —aMIS— 2) M, = M,, (do nit include the sign of M, use absolute values only) owe = 75 =x)15-2x) (7-5-xK15-2x) 12.5- 15x 15x + 2x? 2x? = 192.5- 30x x? + 15x-56.25=0 x=3.10m, 4x @ Equal distance from the ends where the piles will be lifted so thal the resulting shear is the smallest wx = 7.5 = Wx xe 7.5-x x= 3.75 @ Resulting positive moment if the pile is lifted at 2.5 m. from the right end due to its weight of 8.5 KNim ™M,, =0 42.5 R, =8.5(15}(7.5) R, +R, =8.5(15) R,=51 weet 5 kN/m 85x =51 x=6 Positive moment w= 548) 2 M= 153 KN.m. 13._CE Board Nov. 2017 The cantilever retaining wall resists active lateral earth pressure throughout its ‘enath. Given a=028m d=28m. b=055m e=6m = 055m. H=65m Unit weight of soil = 17 kN/m? Unit weight of concrete = 24 kNim? Active earth pressure = 1/3 Neglect passive earth pressure at the toe. Consider per meter strip of walt along its length. 025 | ii | { = } EReas eaass fain a a nn Tipe D Calculate the total lateral force (KN) on the wall due to active pressure. ®D Determine the overturning moment (kN.m) due to lateral earth pressure @® How much is the moment (kN.m) resisting overturning moment? Solution: ) Total lateral force (KN) on the wall due to active pressure ® Overtumning moment (kKN.m) due to lateral « earth pressure OM= baw} 3 om. = H9U6S) $ OM. = 289.37 AN.m. @ Moment (kN.m) resisting overturning moment Wt = 1.7(6)(17) Ws = 173.4 KN We = 0.25(6)(24) We = 36 KN 6(0.3)(24) 2 W, = 21.6 KN We = 2.8(0.5)(24) Ws = 33.6 kN Righting moment: RM = Wi Xi + WaXa+ WeXa + We Xs RM = 173.4(1.95) + 36(0.975) + 21,6(0.75) + 33.6(1.4) RM = 436.47 kN.m. W, = reel Ara Two channels are welded at the tip of the flanges to form a box column. Properties of each channel A=5350mm? t= 10mm > = 52x 108 mm* hy=5x 108 mm* Distance from centroidal y-axis of the channel to the outer face of the web. x = 29 mm, Column height = 4 m, and effective lengtn factor K = 1.0. both axes, The major x-axis of the channel is the xaxis of the built up cohimn, © Cakulate the axial compressive stress in the column due to a concent abi inc toad of @ Determine the maximum bending stress in the column due to a moment of 270 About the x-axis, Sie! ® Whats the critical slende: built up column? NESS ratio of the ® Solution: Axial compressi sive stress due to a concentric load a Sse one @ Maximum bending stress in the column ‘due to. a moment of 270 KN.m about the x- {, = S245MPa ® Critical slendemess ratio of the built « column: 1, =[5x 10% + s35071)2]2 J, =63.94 x 10° mm* p= [S394x10° - 10700 f =77DMPa Critical slendemess ratio KL _ 1.0(4000) 1 7730 “ = S174 pM eed The tensile member shown, 50 mm x 75 mm in cross section is subjected to a bad P= 200 kN. The plane AA makes an angie 17 with the wanis, © Whatis the tensile stress at section A-A ® Determine the shear stress on plane AA At what angle of plane A-A is the shear stress maximum? P=200 KN Solution: @_ Tensile stress at section A-A. A, = 3750 mm? A, =ACos 15° Ae Cos 15° _ 3750 Oe Gals A= 38823 mm’? T= 200 Cos 15° T= 193.19 kN A, = 3882.3 mm? F,=P Sin 15° - SWIl Engineering Licensure Examinations ® Angle of plane A-A for | be maximum, he sheet oes 1a A Cos 10° a, = 505) Cos @ Als P Sin @Cos @ _ . ws dt Pr pease [Sino (- Sine) + Coso Cose] =0 Sin’ @ =Cos’ @ 0=45 + Tae et One in which the lateral stiffnes Is less than 70 percent of the stiffnes of the story above is called _? SOFT STORY 47;. CE Board Nov: 2017 A lateral displacement of one level relative of | the level above or below'is called _7 | STORY DRIFT | ETS A Given: bx h=450 mm x 600 mm Main reinforcement, Ax = 8-28 mm @ Lateral ties = 10 mmo Yield strength, f, of main bars = 415 MPa Yield strength, fy of lateral ties = 275 MPa Concrete strength fc’ = 28 MPa Spacing of ties = 100 mm on centers Modulus of elasticity = 25000 MPa Concrete cover to center of main bars = 70 mm Concrete unsupported height, Lu = 2.5 m. Effective length factor, K = 1.0 @ What is the nominal axial strength of the column (Pe)? Find the ertical buckling load Pe. Calculate the nominal shear strength for bending about the y-axis. Solution: Min. column diameter P= 008510851 (A, -A) +A.1] A, =p,A, P, = 0085/0851, (A, -p, A)+p,A,1] P,=@(085)A [0.851 (1-9,) +p.) 2900000 = 0.75(0.85)A, [0:85(28(t - 0.025) * +0,025(415)]} A, = 135468 mm? x * : D? = 135468 D=415 Use D = 450 mm _ (one of the choices) > Min. diameter of the main reinforcement it = 600 mm and py = 0.02 APSA, = 9.02 © 600)? A= bik @ on A, = 5655 ma ; (6) = 5655 d= 346 say 36mmo ® Design axial strength when 0 = and 6~36 mm @ bars om A, = 1480) A, = 199043 A, = (9676) A, = 6107 mm? A, -A, = 159043 -6107 A, -A, = 192936 P,= 0085 [0851 (A, -A) +A f] f TAS P, = 075(0.85)[0.85(28)(152935) + 6107(415)] P, = 3996105.N P. = 3936 KN

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