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9/29/21, 12:44 PM G10 Formative 1.

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G10 Formative 1.6
20 Questions

1. Which of the following could be a density-independent limiting factor

in the desert?
a) number of prey b) food supply

c) parasitism d) rainfall

2. Abiotic factors are nonliving things in an ecosystem. Select the list

that only contains abiotic factors.
a) variety of food sources, annual b) the density of predators, water
precipitation, and number of depth, types of parasites
c) precipitation amount, number d) water temperature, amount of
of prey species, plant types sunlight, soil type

3. Which point in this graph marks the exponential growth?

a) Point E b) Point A

c) Point B d) Point C 1/6
9/29/21, 12:44 PM G10 Formative 1.6 | Print - Quizizz

4. Why is biodiversity important to ecosystems?

a) It allows ecosystems to adapt to b) It establishes the separate
changing climates. ecosystems within a biome.
c) It has created antibiotic- d) It provides each organism with
resistant bacteria one specific role to ensure there
is no competition.

5. The graph represents _____ of a population.

a) logistic growth model b) exponential growth model

6. Which point on the graph best represents the carrying capacity?

a) Letter A b) Letter C

c) Letter E d) Letter D

7. In which month(s) did the Cottontail Rabbits reach their carrying


a) January and February b) March and May

c) April and January d) April and May 2/6
9/29/21, 12:44 PM G10 Formative 1.6 | Print - Quizizz

8. Owls and snakes eat mice and other organisms. What would happen
to the mice population if the owl population decreased?
a) The population would decrease, b) The population would decrease,
as the loss of owls as part of as shelters created by owl nests
their diet is a limiting factor. is a limiting factor.
c) The population would increase, d) The population would increase,
as competition for food is a as predation by owls is a limiting
limiting factor. factor.

9. Mutations are important because they bring about --

a) death in the organisms in which b) benefits for the individual, not
they develop. the population.
c) genetic variation needed for a d) equilibrium within a population.
population to evolve.

10. Some organisms have features that have different functions, but
similar structures. One example is the forelimb of humans, dogs,
birds, and whales. What term best describes the relationship
between these forelimbs?

a) They are homologous. b) They are vestigial.

c) They are analogous. d) They are embryological.

The graph below represents the growth of a population of flies in a

11. car? Which of the following statements best describes the graph?

a) The fly population did not b) The fly population decreased,

change. then increased.
c) The fly population grew d) The fly population grew
following the logistic growth following the exponential
model. growth model. 3/6
9/29/21, 12:44 PM G10 Formative 1.6 | Print - Quizizz

12. Which of the following is density-independent limiting factor?

a) disease b) competition

c) earthquake d) predation

13. What type of growth model is this?

a) exponential growth model b) logistic growth model

c) Type I curve d) Type III curve

14. Forming of a new species by evolution from pre-existing species.

a) Speciation b) Extinction

c) Gradualism d) Punctuated equilibrium

15. Elimination of a species.

a) Extinction b) Gradualism

c) Coevolution d) Adaptive radiation

16. Occurs at a slow rate.

a) Gradual extinction b) Mass extinction

17. Bursts of change followed by periods of stability.

a) Punctuated equilibrium b) Gradualism

c) Extinction d) Speciation 4/6
9/29/21, 12:44 PM G10 Formative 1.6 | Print - Quizizz

18. When unrelated species evolve similar characteristics because they

live in similar environments.
a) Convergent Evolution b) Coevolution

c) Adaptive Radiation d) Divergent Evolution

19. Which of the following would best determine whether two plant
species share a recent common ancestor?
a) Flowering times b) DNA sequences

c) Stem lengths d) Habitat distribution

20. How do fossils support evolution?

a) Individual species disappear b) Organisms in the fossil record
and reappear in the fossil are identical to living organisms.
record over time.
c) The fossil record provides d) The fossil record provides
evidence that all organisms evidence that organisms have
developed at the same time. changed over time. 5/6
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Answer Key
1. d 6. c 11. c 16. a
2. d 7. d 12. c 17. a
3. d 8. d 13. a 18. a
4. a 9. c 14. a 19. b
5. a 10. a 15. a 20. d 6/6

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