Improved Formation Programme For Lead Acid Batteries 1628828706

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Formation pulse charging

Reducing energy usage is a key factor in developing cleaner
greener batteries for a carbon-sensitive economy. Picking up
where the successful connector testing series left off, BEST’s
technical editor, Dr Mike McDonagh introduces the development
of an improved formation programme for lead-acid batteries.

his is the first report on the sophistication of the process
new testing programme and monitoring equipment,
undertaken by the same Fig 1) is that more energy is
team that successfully completed pumped into the batteries in a
the formation connector shorter time. This causes heat,
improvement project reported and increases the rate of gassing
in the last edition of BEST. The and other parasitic reactions,
team are now concentrating on which absorb increasing
improving the formation method amounts of energy that should receives an electrical charge.
itself. This process is largely go into converting the active Before this charge the two
unchanged since I began in the material into the finished form. electrodes are electrochemically
industry over 40 years ago and is The first project was concerned identical. This means that
still a bottleneck with low energy with the variability of connector there is no energy or potential
efficiency. This is particularly true resistance in service. For obvious difference between them.
of today’s practice, which, in SLI reasons, it was necessary to This does not give the valence
manufacture at least, is reduced resolve that issue before this electrons in the lead compounds
to 12 to 24 hours from the 24 to new project, to improve the any impetus to move from one
48 hours that I was introduced to energy efficiency of the process, electrode to the other. It is
all those years ago. could begin. necessary then, to create or form
The main difference between The formation process is the anode, and the cathode,
then and now (apart from the the first time that the battery from the manufactured green
Fig 1: Modern process and monitoring equipment display. Digatron formation rectifier and digital USB plates after they are filled with
oscilloscope the sulphuric acid electrolyte.
Hence the word ‘formation’ for
this battery process.
The standard method of
formation is as old as the
battery chemistry, and relies,
for the main part, on pushing
in a certain number of Ah in
order to ensure the materials
are transformed from the basic
sulphates, oxides and metal,
into the lead-dioxide positive
and pure-lead negative plates
with which we are familiar. The

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formation reaction, or rather conversion of lead sulphates
reactions, of cured active
material soaked in electrolyte,
The simple fact is, the to lead dioxide and lead
requires more energy, or it
can be simply summarised: theoretical ampere-hour takes longer.
requirement will not go
Positive: 2PbSO4 + 2H2O →
PbSO4 + PbSO4.H2O + anywhere near to providing the Pb + PbO2 + 2H2SO4 eq 1
PbSO4.3H2O + Pb3O4 compounds number of coulombs needed to
+ lead are oxidised to PbO2
make a practical, adequate This leads to an increase
in H2SO4 concentration in
Negative: conversion of the materials” the electrolyte. This, in turn,
PbSO4 + PbSO4.H2O + reduces the driving force for the
PbSO4.3H2O + Pb3O4 compounds conversion of active materials
+ lead are reduced to Pb reactions, along with physical into the positive and negative
and chemical properties of electrodes.
This is traditionally a time the materials being converted. Parasitic reactions
and energy consuming process. These aspects have been As the voltage of the cell
In theory all you need to do covered in previous editions of or battery increases with
is to pump electrons into the BEST, but here is a summary: increasing acid concentration
negative whilst drawing them Physical and chemical in the electrolyte, other non-
out of the positive plates. The limitations AM converting reactions
coulombs necessary for the 1. Active material particle shape are triggered. The two main
theoretical conversion can be and surface area: coulombic grabbing reactions
calculated using mole fractions The reactions that transport are:
of all of the various compounds. sulphate out of the particles Water electrolysis
This is a simplistic view and during charging are largely
it assumes 100% conversion, solid state, which makes the H2O → 2H+ + 2e- + O2- eq 2
which does not happen, in the process slow and inefficient.
first charging process. In fact, Part of the active material is Gas evolution
most batteries, particularly used to create a conducting
SLI, are sold with around 85 to and mechanically robust 2H+ + 2e- → H2
90% conversion of the active framework to give it rigidity
material. This leaves some and conductivity. This amount O2- → ½O2 + 2e- eq 3
sulphate in the plate, which of AM is lost in providing the
gradually becomes converted Ah capacity of the battery. These reactions along with the
during subsequent charging in 2. Concentration effects of the increasing back-EMF increase
service. electrolyte at the solid/liquid the IR of the cell, which creates
interface: heat due to the I2R effect of a
Current formation methods There are non-equilibrium circuit.
The simple fact is, the reactions at the solid/
theoretical ampere-hour liquid interfaces, which Strategies to overcome
requirement will not go create shifting concentration inefficiencies
anywhere near to providing the gradients. As more sulphate It is fairly clear that this
number of coulombs needed is rejected from the AM process will neither be efficient
to make a practical, adequate particles into the electrolyte, nor trouble free. However, a
conversion of the materials. the concentration of the dilute more in-depth analysis does
The reason is due mostly to the sulphuric acid increases with show that there is scope to
inefficiencies of the process, time on charge. This means alleviate some of the energy
created by the parasitic side that the driving force for the sapping factors. The effects

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of increasing electrolyte formation programme will be the
concentration and gas evolution
can be mitigated by the simple
The unit is programmable minimising of non-productive
reactions combined with
expedient of pulsing. This has and, as well as enabling a great maximising the coulombic input
been covered to some extent array of battery testing to the active material conversion
in several articles in BEST,
both for battery recharging and
procedures, it can simulate reactions. However, there is a
price to pay for this efficiency: it
battery formation. In the case virtually any application and is the amplitude of current pulse
of the concentration gradient, a
constant-current pulse initiates
any manufacturer’s formation required to put sufficient Ah into
the AM, when there are periods
the charge reaction of Eq 1 programmes” of zero current. Due to this we
above. The voltage rises. That need to increase the current in
then triggers the secondary and proportion to the pausing time.
parasitic reactions. It should cooled. In this case pulsing can This is not as bad as it seems,
then be simple enough to limit help to reduce the amount of and work already done shows
the pulse width to prevent the gas being formed and also the that far fewer Ah are needed
voltage rise. Unfortunately, heat build-up and consequent because the process is more
the rising SG of the electrolyte temperature rise from these efficient.
means that the rest voltage exothermic, parasitic reactions.
(current = 0) of the lead-acid Although the voltage build-up, Current work
cell will also rise. At some point on and off charge, is increasing As described in previous
it will be close to the water for the pulsed method as well as articles, UK Powertech has
breakdown and gas evolution for the linear charging principle, allocated a laboratory facility
potentials. This will mean that there is a lag between attaining for electrical testing. Digatron
the proportion of the pulse the gassing voltage during have contributed to this by
actively converting the AM to the pulse, and the evolution providing one of their state-
the charge state will decrease of the gas on the AM particle of-the-art electrical test units
as the SoC rises. Additionally, surface. This lag is variable (BNT 150/036-4ME). This has
the surface concentration depending on the SoC of the four outlets, each providing a
effects also mean that the battery and the chemistry of the 36V, 150A, fully programmable,
voltage will rise faster and active material. The grid alloy charge-discharge capability. The
deteriorate more slowly as composition and the additives unit is programmable and, as
the electrolyte concentration to the active material affect the well as enabling a great array of
increases with SoC. specific chemistry relating to battery testing procedures, it can
For this reason, the pulsing gas evolution during the paste- simulate virtually any application
has to be intelligently linked mixing step. and any manufacturer’s
to the progress of the AM In essence, we are using the formation programmes. The unit
conversion in the cell during factors described above to design is able to capture, store and
the time of the formation a formation programme that will export test data for subsequent
programme or schedule. This reduce the current energy input manipulation and analysis. It can
is less of a problem with acid by making the energy input and even provide a range of pulsed
recirculation methods that, if AM conversion more efficient. constant current output signals
applied correctly, will keep the The efficiency essentially for the trials. However, this
electrolyte concentration at a depends upon minimising the option does present a particular
low level during the process. parasitic side reactions resulting challenge for this series of
However, for standard, flooded, from the battery voltage during test programmes— that is the
container-formed batteries the the charging portion of the accurate recording Ah and Wh
main concern is heat generation pulsed current. The basis of with a high frequency pulsing
and keeping the batteries designing an effective pulsed system.

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The problem lies in the initial phase of our programme and frequency is not ideal in
data registration commands, using a 1 Hz CC pulse consisting providing the most energy
and unless a data point lands of 500ms on and 500ms off. efficient method.
exactly on the on-and-off This allows a registration of The quantity of results
position in pulsed operations 0.5 seconds per result. It also over the time of the formation
then the data recording will not enables a simple calculation programme is massive. It has
accurately reflect the energy and of Ah to be made. In order caused recording problems
ampere hours consumed in the to calibrate the process, this and also data manipulation
programme. This is true of any calculation was compared to the problems using the spreadsheet
equipment, and with previous registered cumulative Ah from programme.
testing of pulsed battery the tests, to verify the accuracy Once an alternative energy
charging we knew that unless of the method. So far there is measurement is implemented
the on-off times of a CC pulse better than 98.5 % correlation then the programmes will
were symmetrical it would be a between calculated and change
difficult task. There are solutions registered Ah. This then gives a Despite this limitation on
to this that are being trialled high degree of confidence for the pulsing, we have been able to
at the moment. In the interim recorded watt-hours or energy gain reliable results showing
period we have decided to verify consumption registered during the potential for improving the
the principal in a series of tests these tests. However, this gives formation process. The test
using symmetrical CC pulses. The two problems: set-up is shown in Fig 2. This
results here are taken from the The pulse morphology consists of the test cells, in
Fig 2: Dr MIke McDonagh (left) and Mark Rigby at the cell and battery testing setup this case 2V flooded traction
cells connected to the Digatron
unit, an extraction fan, a water
bath (currently empty) and
leads attached to a digital
oscilloscope. The Digatron unit
is programmed with a variety of
formation programmes. These
range from manufacturer’s
own programmes, to the
experimental new programmes
for these trials. The
Fig 3: Voltage response of a 2V lead-acid cell to a 1Hz constant
current pulse

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experimental set-up shown
is not truly representative of
in-situ factory conditions.
Understandably, having only
one cell can hardly be compared
to a full circuit of 18 SLI or
108 2V cells, however, this is
a comparison test to measure
the relative effectiveness of
the different charge regimes.
The full production trials with
participating companies will
start later in 2021.
Since the new programmes
involve pulsing are likely to
Fig 4: Standard discharge curve lead-acid cell
be in the KHz range it will be
difficult to digitally record the required to provide constant- formed. Several samples
information with the present current pulses for single cell and will be charged according
registration method. It becomes 12V battery formation. It must manufacturer’s own programmes
even more difficult when the record and display pulse current and the variation in battery
pulses become asymmetric. We and pulse voltage response, cell discharge performance will be
have adopted a symmetrical and battery temperature, watt- noted (Fig 4: standard discharge
low frequency pulse of 500ms hours accumulated and ampere- curve). This variation will be
on and 500 ms off, a total pulse hours accumulated. Accuracy of applied when analysing the
frequency of 1Hz. This is not measurements must be verified discharge results of batteries
ideal but should provide some by testing and comparison of formed by the new methods. The
measure of energy efficiency ampere-hours with calculated recording of energy and the other
improvement, at least over values. test parameters will be mostly
part of the cycle. Fig 3 shows Stage 2: assessed using the Digatron test
the voltage response of a 1 Hz Establish baseline formation unit, once the accuracy has been
CC pulse for a 2V traction cell, data for standard commercial verified. Other simpler methods
approximately 50% formed. programmes. (chiefly analogue) of recording
The main intention is to obtain Participating companies will energy used, are currently under
an understanding of how to provide samples for laboratory investigation. The pulse voltage
accurately measure energy trials and also provide their response will be measured
usage using standard Digatron standard formation programmes using the USB oscilloscope. The
test equipment. for comparison with new values of voltage and time will
The tests underway at present formation programmes. be verified by reference to the
are based on 2V traction cells Stage 3: Digatron unit power supply.
supplied green (unformed). Verification of accuracy of Stage 4:
These have a tested C4 capacity energy measurement. After the baseline data of
of approximately 56 Ah after The baseline measurements standard formation methods
full formation programme and for standard formation methods and accuracy of results has been
several 85% charge discharge described in Stage 1 will be established, the new formation
cycles. The test programme repeated with the same cell programmes will be tested
consists of the following stages: or battery types. At this stage and the results compared with
Stage 1: the only criteria for formation standard. This will continue and
Formation processes and efficiency will be the discharge the methods will be modified as
equipment— Identify equipment tests after the batteries are indicated by the test data.

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Pulse Total been established that we have
Process Description Stages
stages time enabled the use of the Digatron
Manufacturers test unit (as the power source),
Constant current fixed time 5 0 46 the pulse generator and the
formation programme automatic
Pulse 1 Completely pulsed current 4 4 36
operator. This has the advantage
Pulse 2 Part constant current part pulsed 4 3 34 of accurately recording the test
Pulse3 Part constant current part pulsed 4 3 28 parameters of energy use, time
Pulse 4 Part constant current part pulsed 4 3 22 of process and temperature
Table 1: Description of formation programmes of the cell or battery under
examination, as well as running
Stage 5: Results the original factory formation
Once a suitable laboratory- To begin the new formation programmes. The sequence of
based programme has been method programme, a events has been as follows:
established, it will be trialled in participating company Establish ability of Digatron to
the formation departments of has donated unformed 2V provide a constant-current pulse.
several participating lead-acid traction cells in order to This was achieved during an
battery factories. The results begin the stage-one trials. initial trial using a 500ms on and
from these field tests will be This is the identification 500ms off constant-current pulse
used for further programme and characterisation of the programme.
modifications and further on- equipment and methodologies Accurate recording of the
site testing. The final formation required to obtain reproducible accumulated Ah and Wh by
programmes will be collated and and accurate results. Table 1 is a having 500ms data registration.
further evaluated in laboratory brief summary of the formation This was necessary to ensure
tests to be finalised for programmes tested so far in the amps and volts when on and
commercial release. the project. At this point, it has off were captured accurately.
The initial tests showed a
Table 2: Manufacturers standard programme 2V traction cells 98.5% accuracy of Ah against
Step Operator Value Limit Total Ah Total time the calculated value. Table 2
shows a typical programme and
1 CHA 5A 0.5 h 2.5 0.5 h
the calculation of the Ah. Also
2 CHA 20 A 3h 62.5 3.5h shown is the recorded value after
3 PAU 0 1h 62.5 4.5h the programme was run. With the
4 CHA 20 A 3h 122.5 7.5h amps and Ah accurately recorded
5 PAU 0 1h 122.5 8.5h it was assumed that the volts
and Wh were also accurately
6 CHA 20 A 3h 182.5 11.5h
7 PAU 0 1h 182.5 12.5h Factory formation programmes
8 CHA 20 A 3h 242.5 15.5h were run and repeated for the 2V
9 PAU 0 1h 242.5 16.5h cells.
These gave a 7.2 x C5 factor as
10 CHA 20 A 3h 302.5 19.5h
a total coulombic input during
11 PAU 0 1h 302.5 20.5h the process. This high coulombic
12 CHA 20 A 3h 362.5 23.5h input is not uncommon for
13 PAU 0 1h 362.5 24.5h traction cells. It is less for SLI
14 CHA 7.5 A 13.5 h 463.75 38h batteries due to the higher plate
surface area— designed for high
15 PAU 0 1h 463.75 39h
cold-crank performance rather
16 CHA 7.5 A 6h 508.75 45h than maximising Ah capacity.

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The process time was 46 hours
with measurement of electrical
data and cell temperature (Fig 5,
Table 2). There are eight stages
with seven pause intervals to
keep battery temperatures under
control. The current is less in
the latter stages of the 46-hour
Two cells were tested in this
way and the discharge results
(Table 3) show a 9% variation in
discharge performance on the
first discharge test. Fig 5: Results of manufacturer’s 46 hour formation programme, voltage, current and temperature recorded
2-volt cells were acid filled
and formed with a pulse response near the end of the programme. Likewise, the
programme over s 34-hour programme. The Wh slightly temperature and water loss
period. The temperature of the increased compared with pulse results were still lower than
cell and the accumulated Ah and one programme due to the those of the manufacturer’s
Wh were compared to those cells higher voltage of the pulses. programme.
formed using the manufacturer’s However, it still remained less The last trial to be carried
programme (Table 2). This than that of the manufacturer’s out in this round of testing was
showed slightly more Ah, fewer
Fig 6: Results of pulsed formation programme 1: cell voltage response and temperature
Wh and lower cell temperatures
than the manufacturers
programme, Fig 6, Table 3.
The next step was to reduce
the formation time, keeping
the coulombic input the same.
The pulse programme one was
shortened to 28 hours with the
same Ah input. The current was
increased to compensate for the
fewer operational hours of the
programme. Fig 7 shows the
temperature and battery voltage

Table 3: Formation results tables

Test Programme Total Ah Total Wh Total time h Max temp 0C Water loss cc SG
1 Standard 501 1301 46 51.3 150 1.320
2 Standard 520 1334 46 53.6 190 1.325
3 Pulse 1 316 809 34 39.1 165 1.320
4 Pulse 1 316 1107 34 40.4 171 1.350
5 Pulse 2 384 971 28 54.8 175 1.340
6 Pulse 2 384 960 28 56.6 177 1.320
7 Pulse 3 307 758 22 35.5 98 1.295
8 Pulse 5 327 816 28 59.3 50 1.310

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and accuracy of results from
subsequent tests. However,
even at this stage there are
verifiable energy saving results
that have been recorded.
Table 4 shows the results from
these first tests. They list the
formation programmes, the
total or accumulated watt-hours
and ampere-hours, the voltage
response, water loss and the
temperature of the cell during
the process. The formation
Fig 7: Voltage and temperature results from pulsed formation programme 5 programmes are:
• Standard manufacturer’s
to reduce the time to less than and temperature versus time formation, 46 hours
24 hours and reduce the Ah of battery formation. The Ah • Pulsed programme one with
input to an estimated minimum and energy input were nearly same Ah input and reduced
of 5 x C5 capacity. This 5x factor 40% less than those of the time, 34 hours
is not considered as a definitive standard programme value. • Pulsed programme two with
value and will probably need The discharge performance of same Ah input and reduced
to be increased in order to fully the cell was within the range time, 28 hours
form all cells. The reason being of the cells formed by the • Pulsed programme three with
that the normal variation in AM manufacturer’s original, non- lower Ah input and further
weights due to manufacturing pulsing programme. reduced time, 22 hours
tolerances means that cells It is clear from Table 4 that
made with AM weights on the Conclusions the use of pulsing significantly
top end of the tolerance band This is the first set of trials in the reduces energy usage, water loss
will need more Ah to fully convert programme. This stage is not and cell temperature without a
the AM than others produced specifically designed to find a reduction in the formed cell’s
on the minimum tolerance fast energy-saving programme; discharge performance. That is
value. With that said, the results that will come later. It is step one good news. But also significant
were very encouraging. Fig 7 in establishing and validating is the reduction in the time of the
shows the graph of voltage the equipment, methods formation process. The second
reduction of 18 hours, or 40%
Table 4: 14 amp discharge test results summary of the original formation time,
Time to 1.70 Percent of average standard necessitated an increase in the
Programme Adjusted SG
volts (h:m) discharge time 3h:38m pulse current of approximately
Standard 1.295 3h:28m 95 40%. This should have raised the
Standard 1.305 3h:48m 105 cell temperature and increased
the average voltage of the cell,
Pulse 1 1.305 3h:50m 105
compared with the first pulsing
Pulse 1 1.300 3:h49m 105 programme. This it does, but
Pulse 2 1.305 3h:51m 106 with a very small impact on the
Pulse 2 1.300 3h:50m 105 temperature and water loss. This
Pulse 3 1.295 3h:47m 104 is where the pulsing is doing its
job. The voltage dependant gas
Pulse 5 1.310 3h:45m 103
evolution lags slightly behind
Average 1.301 3h:46m 103.6 the voltage rise. Because the

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current pulse ends after 500ms, The work will continue to
the amount of hydrogen and
oxygen produced is limited to a
Because the current pulse concentrate on constructing a
22-hour traction programme with
brief period before the voltage ends after 500ms, the amount reduced energy and coulombic
drops again and the reaction of hydrogen and oxygen input for traction cells, compared
ceases due to lack of coulombic
input. This limits the water loss produced is limited to a brief with the 46-hour and first
two pulsing programmes.
and also the temperature, as no period before the voltage drops The 500ms CC pulse and zero
heat is generated when there is
no current flowing.
again and the reaction ceases amp pauses will be carried
into stage two (comparing
The latest test in this due to lack of coulombic input” manufacturer’s schedules
programme was designed to with new programmes) for
reduce the ampere-hour input operational and benchmarking
to an estimated minimum. It reasons. In addition to the 2V
was designed to ascertain a addressed in the Digatron’s cells, we will begin trials on 65Ah
boundary limit for a minimum battery management software. 12V SLI batteries. This will be a
time and ampere-hour input, There is also an alternative significant step, as the formation
rather than make an attempt method of recording the energy programmes for SLI batteries
provide a definitive programme. used, via an external source are invariably shorter with a
For this test, the energy use that will be tested in the next far lower ratio of ampere-hour
was more than 40% less than phase. The results from the input to rated capacity, when
the initial manufacturer’s pulsing programmes tested in compared to traction products.
programme and the discharge this round of the programme Additionally, a more efficient,
result was within the range of were encouraging. The original and less memory hungry,
those cells formed using the 48 hours have been reduced method of recording ampere-
manufacturer’s programme. Only to 28 for the same Ah input. hours and energy input has to be
one result has been taken so The temperature recorded in determined.
far, but will be repeated in the this pulsed formation schedule Despite these teething
next round of tests. However, was lower than that of the problems, the testing
this result gave the lowest water manufacturer’s schedule. This programme has been
loss and energy usage, with is despite there being seven measurably successful in its first
an acceptable discharge time, 1-hour pauses in the original attempt at improving energy
within the variation limits of the programme and none in the 28- consumption, reducing water
previous results. hour one. loss and reducing the cell’s
The tests demonstrated that temperature rise during standard
Summary the time and energy used were formation procedures. There is
The objectives for stage one of considerably reduced with still a lot of work to do. There are
the formation testing programme a pulsed charging algorithm also different formation methods
have been mostly achieved. The compared to an analogue such as two-shot electrolyte,
Digatron unit has been shown constant-current input. The 22 filling, recirculating electrolyte
to provide a pulsing power hour schedule will be repeated and tank plate formation to
supply and can accurately record with the same Ah input as consider. However, going
the accumulated watt-hours the manufacturer’s schedule forward, and based on the
to measure the energy used to ascertain if the energy, results so far, we can confidently
in the pulsing programmes. temperature and water loss predict that further advances
There is a problem of memory improvements over the standard and improvements to standard
overload due to the number of method, recorded in the other lead-acid formation schedules
data points collected during a pulsed formation schedules, can will be reported in the next issue
pulsed programme. This is being be maintained. of BEST.

bestmagazine // Spring 2021

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