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Well Being

Klawe (2019) stated that in this time of pandemic due to COVID19

students should be aware specially when taking online learning that they

must be aware of their own well-being. Well-being means to have a sense of

self-awareness of who they are and where they are at the moment and to be

able to know what they limits are, to identify what they willing to do, and then

what they need to do to move toward in there goals. So first of all, it's self-

awareness. If we try to figure out health and well-being are becoming crucial

to college students’ as they taking online learning and into there personal

success, nurturing student well-being on campus is a constantly evolving


Also, Klawe (2019) added that physical well-being is the most

fundamental part of a college student having to have good health and enough

energy to perfectly done of what their online learning demands have. Also,

this college student who is in a crucial situation because of the online learning

they should be learn to balance, but it does not mean equal. People often talk

about work/life balance as if they're both equal. But that is never going to

happen, and it shouldn't happen. For Klawe (2019), balance means knowing

that you are devoting the right amount of time to your priorities. If your

priorities are getting a great academic degree and becoming a good leader,

then much of your energy while in college will probably be spent in those

spheres. The main thing is to identify your priorities and invest your time


Furthermore, Klawe (2019) claimed that career happiness is at the top

of the list because simply enjoying what they do every day helps them

achieve their goals as taking online course. Klawe (2019) sees an increase in

student demand for mental health services across the nation, and colleges

are developing a lot of new approaches to meet the need. Some are more

innovative than others. A lot of colleges are hiring more counselors and

developing better triage systems so that students can access the specific

services they need more quickly. But you can never hire enough.

Finally, Klawe (2019) claims that to successfully address this issue, a

more comprehensive approach to supporting overall student well-being is

required. We should also encourage social well-being in college students to

assist them in developing strong relationships and living a fulfilling life. Also,

teach students what resiliency is ahead of time, and that resiliency does not

mean picking themselves up by their bootstraps or dealing with everything on

their own. It means learning to accept that life will throw them curve balls so

that they can better understand themselves and learn how to deal with

challenges and succeed in taking online course. They will learn how to get

themselves out of unhealthy situations and determine what resources they

need and how often they require them.

Klawe (2019). Relationship between leadership power bases and job stress of

subordinates: example from boutique hotels, Manage. Res. News

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