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<Title of the Startup in Times New Roman, Font size:18>

Project Report


Course: Design Thinking and Innovation -II

Course code: 20UC1203
Academic Year & Semester: 2021-22 & ODD


< List of the

Students > (Roll
under the supervision of

< Names and Designations of

the Project Guide
• Arrangements of Chapters

The following is suggested format, the report must be prepared by applying

the following concepts of Design thinking Innovation and Entrepreneurship
to the given Problem statement. The contents to be covered in each chapter
is mentioned in the brackets below the chapter title.

1. Overview of Design Thinking Process

2. Problem Statement
3. Empathy
(Field survey conducted through empathetic research, Insights
observed, Nuggets)
4. Analyze
(Persona, Customer journey maps, POV statements & questions and
defining need of User)
5. Ideate
(Brainstorming, Shortlisting of ideas, Rapid Estimation form & Solution
concept form)
6. Protype and Test
(Low fidelity protype developed, Feedback process for Testing & High
Fidelity Protype)
7. Business models and financing
(Business model Canvas for the Startup, financing agencies)
8. Pitching idea and IPR
(Ways to develop idea Pitching, IPR for the project)
9. Pitch deck for Startup
(Idea Pitching for the Startup Proposed)
10. Conclusions
11. Future work
12. References

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