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Submitted To Submitted By
Mrs. Siji Varghese (M.Sc OBG) Mrs. Aji Koshy
Lecturer M.Sc( N) 1st Year

The Group will be able to understand and gain knowledge regarding the importance of breastfeeding and the need for exclusive


 To make the group understand the importance of early initiation of breast feeding.
 To make the group aware of the Exclusive Breast Feeding.
 To enlist importance of Exclusive Breast Feeding.
1. Able To Define Breast Breastfeeding is the feeding of an infant or Lecture and Flip book Mothers
Feeding. young child with breast milk directly from discussion. and their
female human breasts (i.e., via lactation) care takers
rather than from a baby bottle or other able to
container. define

2. Able to enlist ADVANTAGES TO BABY Lecture and Flip Book Mothers

importance of breast  Immunities discussion were able
Feeding.  Higher I.Q. to enlist
 Lower incidence of ear infections some of the
 Lower cholesterol benefits of
 Lower heart disease the
 Lower obesity rates importance.
 Lower cancer rates
 Lowered allergic responses
 Lower asthma rates
 Lower crohn’s disease
 Lower eczema
 More easily digestible than artificial
baby milk
 Lowered Diabetes Rates.
 Convenience
 Avoidance of certain cancers
 Lactational amenorrhea
 Right temperature
 CAN breastfeed in public
 Weight loss.
 Involution of uterus
 Less lost work time
 Bonding
 Lowered osteoporosis rates
 Saves money.

3. The infant has received only breast milk Lecture Flip Book
To Define about from the mother or a wet nurse, or
Exclusive Breast Feeding. expressed breast milk, and no other liquids
or solids with the exception of drops or
syrups consisting of vitamins, mineral
supplements, or medicines.


To enlist importance of Provides total food security. Breast milk is Lecture and Flip Book
exclusive breast feeding a hygienic source of food with the right discussion
amount of energy, protein, fat, vitamins,
and other nutrients for infants in the first
six months. It cannot be duplicated. Breast
milk is the only safe and reliable source of
food for infants in an emergency.
Meets all water requirements. Breast milk
is 88 percent water. Studies show that
healthy, exclusively breastfed infants
under 6 months old do not need additional
fluids, even in countries with extremely
high temperatures and low humidity.
Offering water before 6 months of age
reduces breast milk intake, interferes with
full absorption of breast milk nutrients,
and increases the risk of illness from
contaminated water and feeding bottle

Impact on child development

Optimizes a child's physical and mental
growth and development. Infants fed
breast milk show higher developmental
scores as toddlers and higher IQs as
children than those who are not fed breast
milk. Breast milk supplies key nutrients
that are critical for health, growth, and

Benefits for women

Benefits maternal health. Breastfeeding
reduces the mother's risk of fatal
postpartum hemorrhage and
premenopausal breast and ovarian cancer.
Frequent and exclusive breastfeeding
contributes to a delay in the return of
fertility and helps protect women against
anemia by conserving iron.

Bonds mother and child. Breastfeeding

provides frequent interaction between
mother and infant, fostering emotional
bonds, a sense of security, and stimulus to
the baby’s developing brain.


Saves money. Families save money that
would have been spent to treat illnesses
due to contaminated and inadequate
breast milk substitutes. Exclusive
breastfeeding eliminates dependence on
costly breast milk substitutes, feeding
equipment, and fuel for preparation.

Protects the environment. Breast milk is a

naturally renewable, sustainable resource
that requires no fuel for preparation,
packaging, shipping, or disposal.
5. Discussion Flip book
To give knowledge 1. The breast feeding should be initiated and lecture
regarding early initiation within one hour of delivery. method
of breast feeding. 2. Early breast feeding would enhance easy
flow of breast milk and also help to
increase the amount of breast milk.
3. Early breast feeding keeps the child close
to mother and prevents hypothermia.

4. It provides immunity to the new born.

5. Early Breast Feeding Reduces risk of

mother’s postpartum hemorrhage.

6. If the mother has undergone LSCS also

she should be encouraged and assisted in
early Breast feeding.

7. Mother and newborn should be kept

together to help initiating early breast
6. lecture and Flip Book
To enlist the importance Discussion
of 1st milk that is Colostrum is the first milk that is expressed
Colostrum. from the breast after the delivery and its
present even before the delivery but in
small amount.
This is thick yellowish in color and is
present for 2-3 days after which true milk
7. can be expressed.

Colostrum is rich in protein, carbohydrate,

vitamin K and low in Fat so can be easily

The benefits of Colostrum include:

• Colostrum works as a natural 100% safe

vaccine; the immune agents contained in
Colostrum is much higher in comparison to
mature milk.

• Antibodies called secretary immunoglobulin

A (IgA). Before birth, the placenta provided
your baby with the antibody called IgG; now
with this new antibody your baby receives
protection from external germs in places like
the mucous membranes in the throat, lungs
and intestines.

• It plays a key role in the baby's

gastrointestinal tract; the colostrum seals the
permeable holes of the intestines and prevents
foreign bodies from entering the intestines

• It also sensitizes baby to the foods eaten by

• Colostrum also acts as a laxative by loosening
meconium or first stools (black sticky
substance contained in the intestines); excess
bilirubin is expelled from the system thus
preventing jaundice.

• Colostrum also contains high concentrations

of leucocytes, protective white cells that can
destroy disease causing bacteria and viruses.

Mature breast milk contain lower

concentrations of antibodies but it is higher in
volume. Baby continues to benefit from the
disease fighting properties of human milk as
long as it is breastfed.

1. Dutta D.C. (2004). A Text book Of Obstetrics Including Perinatology and Contraception.6 th edition. Kolkata:
New Central Agency Publication
2. Jacob A. (2012). A Comprehensive Text book Of Midwifery and Gynecological Nursing.3 rd edition. New Delhi:
Jaypee Publications.
3. Kenneth J.(2007). William Manual of Obstetrics; pregnancy Complications. 22nd edition.US. Mc Graw hiils
4. Uprichard M. (1999). Myles Text book For Midwives. 13 th edition. Edinburgh: Churchill Living stone.
5. Williams E.(2008). Manual of Midwifery Procedures.1 st edition. Capetown: Kasigo education publishers

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