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m a n S E N S E

H u Fun Facts S
by Teacher kevin Hope
objectives Prepare a pen
or a pencil and
let’s have fun.

Describe the parts and functions of

1. the senses organs.

Enumerate healthful habits to

2. protect the sense organs.

body organs

Eyes Ears Nose

Pupil Outer Ear Smell Receptors

Lens Ear Canal Nasal Cavity
Retina Eardrum Olfactory Nerve
Optic Nerve Middle Ear
Inner Ear
body organs

Tongue Skin

Papillae Receptors
Taste Buds Pain Receptors
number game
Activity 1
What number
corresponds to
Optic Nerve
Cornea a clear window at the front of
Parts and functions of the human eye
the eye, covers the iris and the pupil.
Iris or coloured part of the eye,
surrounds the pupil. It controls how
much light enters the eye by
changing the size of the pupil.
Pupil or black dot at the centre of the
eye, is an opening through which
light can enter the eye.
Retina is a light-sensitive inner lining
at the back of the eye. Ten different
layers of cells work together in the
Optic Nerve transmits sensory information for retina to detect light and turn it into
vision in the form of electrical impulses from electrical impulses.
the eye to the brain.
What number
corresponds to
Outer Ear
Ear Canal
Middle Ear
Inner Ear
Outer Ear helps to gather sound and
Parts and functions of the human ear
vibrations so we can hear more
Ear Canal functions as an entryway
for sound waves, which get propelled
toward the eardrum.
Eardrum vibrates when sound hits it.
These vibrations move the tiny bones
of the middle ear, which send
vibrations to the inner ear.
Middle Ear carries sound waves from
the outer ear to the inner ear, which
contains the cochlea.
Inner Ear changes sound waves to electrical
signals (nerve impulses), it is also important for Cochlea transforms the sound in
balance. neural message.
What number
corresponds to
Smell receptors
nasal cavity
olfactory nerve
Smell Receptors are chemoreceptors
Parts and functions of the human nose
responsible for the detection of
odorants (for example, compounds
that have an odor).

Nasal Cavity functions to humidify,

warm, filter, and act as a conduit for
inspired air, as well as protect the
respiratory tract through the use of
the mucociliary system.

Olfactory Nerve carries the smell

stimulus from the nose to the brain.
What color
corresponds to
the tastes like...
Mucosa is a moist pink tissue that
functions in absorption and
Papillae are the tiny raised
protrusions on the tongue that
contain taste buds. The four types of
papillae are filiform, fungiform,
foliate, and circumvallate. Except for
the filiform, these papillae allow us
to differentiate between sweet, salty,
bitter, sour, and umami (or savory)
Pain Receptor react to injury and
feels the pain when there is a wound.

Temperature Receptor detects in

temperature changes
Performance Task 3 (Graded)

Using Canva, create a classroom poster

showing the parts and functions of the
human skin. Deadline is on October 4, 2021.

Scoring Criteria:
Timeliness-10% SKIN
Activity 2
How can we protect our
sense organs?

2. Add note

3. Answer

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