1 Osmosis Dialysis

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No. 1

Dialysis is the separation of particles in a liquid on the basis of
differences in their ability to pass through a membrane. Small molecules
separate from large molecules by diffusion of the small molecules through
the pores of a dialysis membrane. Dialysis occurs naturally in living organisms
and can be performed in the laboratory.
Regarding dialysis, what is a large molecule? What is a small molecule?
Relatively speaking, starch is a large molecule compared to a much smaller
molecule like glucose of even a smaller molecule like sodium chloride.
Therefore, one should be able to separate molecules like starch from smaller
molecules like glucose and sodium chloride by placing an aqueous solution of
a mixture of starch, glucose, and sodium chloride in an appropriate dialysis
bag and immerse the bag in pure water. Upon dialysis, the smaller molecules
should diffuse out of the bag and into the water, leaving the starch (and the
glucose?) in the dialysis bag.
One of the fundamental characteristics of colloids is the large size of
their particles. When mixed with crystalloids in a semi-permeable
membrane (dialyzing bag) and immersed in a beaker of pure solvent
(especially when the said solvent is continually renewed), the crystalloids will
freely diffuse leaving the colloids behind.
Osmosis is the process by which water travels through a semi
permeable membrane from a solution having a low concentration to a
solution having a higher concentration. The solution with a low concentration
is referred to as a “hypotonic” solution, and the one with a higher
concentration is called “hypertonic”. The purpose of this process is to equalize
the concentration of the solute on both sides of the membrane.

The process of osmosis is very important for living organisms. Cells use
this process to pull in and expel water from within the cell walls. The walls of
the cells act as the semi-permeable membrane. The membrane allows
smaller molecules like water to pass through but prevents larger organic
molecules from leaving the cell.

Plants use this process to absorb water from the surrounding soil into
their roots. Their roots normally branch out in search of water and to increase
the surface area for absorbing water.

Osmosis is great importance to living organism because its is the process by

which water is distributed to all cells of living organisms. Cell walls are semi-
permeable thru which water passes in both directions depending which
regions(outside or inside the cell) has greater or lower solvent concentration.
The membranes of living cells are also permeable to certain solutes so that
nutrients and waste products are exchanged thru them.

Osmotic pressure is the amount of pressure that must be applied to prevent the
flow of water. The result from the concentration differences across
differently(semi-permeable). Regulation of osmotic pressure is very vital to living
things to maintain fluid balance.

Isotonic has the same concentration of particles in the solution; osmotic pressure
is equal. Ex: NSS(normal saline soln) is isontonic to blood plasma. No negative
effect to RBC.

Hypertonic has greater particles in solution.

Ex: If red blood cells are placed in 3% NaCl soln,, water will move out of the
cell. The cell will shrink (crenation)

Hypotonic has less concentration of particles in soln.

Ex>: If red blood cells are placed in distilled water, water will move inside the
cell. The cell will swell, then rupture(hemolysis)

DIALYSIS is the separation of ions from colloids by diffusion thru a semi-

permeable membrane. Removing substances in the ionic state would tend to
precipitate the colloids. It is based on the fact that colloidal particles are much
larger than the ions.

If the animal membrane(longganisa casing) containing colloidal dispersion

contaminated with electrolytes is immersed in a bath of dist. Water, the ions of the
electrolytes will diffuse thru the membrane until the concentration of the ions is
the same inside & outside the membrane(isotonic). Colloidal particles are
retained within the membrane. By frequently renewing the water outside, all
electrolytes maybe removed from the colloidal system.
Dialysis is really a kind of filtration since one kind of substance is retained on
one side of the membrane, while the others pass through.


1. Fill the dialyzing bag 2/3 full with 1% starch in 1% NaCl

2. Tie the other end of the dialyzing bag(longganisa
casing) on a stirring rod. Suspend the bag across a
beaker containing distilled water. See to it that the
levels of the fluids inside and outside are the same.
3. After 1 hour, test 2ml sample(dialysate- liquid outside
the longganisa casing) in a beaker by adding a few
drops of silver nitrate solution. Observe.
4. Test another sample of the dialyzate by adding a few drops of Lugol’s (I2
in KI) solution. Observe.


1. Stopper the tube end of a thistle

with a finger. Pour into the tube 10%
solution of sugar in water.
2. Cover the mouth of the tube with a
cellophane membrane tying the
membrane to the constricted portion
using a rubber band. The solution
must reach the constricted portion of
the thistle tube when allowed to
stand with the cup-end down.
3. Suspend the tube in a beaker of water. The levels of the liquids should be
the same.
4. Make a similar set-up using a 10% gelatin solution in water.
5. At specific time intervals, observe the charges in solution levels on both
tubes. Compare the liquid level inside the two tubes as to speed and
height at the end of the period. Observe.


1. Prepare the following concentrations of salt solution.

10% Salt Solution

Weigh 10g of sodium chloride. Pour it into a graduated cylinder or
volumetric flask containing about 80ml of water. Once the sodium
chloride has dissolved completely (swirl the flask gently if necessary),
add water to bring the volume up to the final 100 ml.

Follow the same procedure for 20%, 30% % 40% Salt Solutions.
2. Label each beaker 10%, 20% 30% , 40%
Immerse the eggs in each beaker. Let it stand for one week.
3. Boil the eggs.

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