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Clinical Practice II

Learning environment

 Discussion 1
 How do you create a positive learning environment in your classroom?

Creating a positive learning environment is one of the most important objectives as a physical education
teacher because it allows my students to feel safe outside their physical and emotional comfort zone.  In
physical education, I am constantly asking my students to explore their bodies abilities and fail in front
of their peers.  If I do not establish a positive learning environment, my students will not allow
themselves to be vulnerable or try anything new.  I am a new physical education teacher so I have been
working hard to create the positive learning environment that I know is so important to my students
success. To create this environment I do a number of things.  I start with myself.  First, I establish a
connection with every single one of my 460 students by knowing their name and personally checking in
with them throughout their 50 minute class with me. Wong and Wong (2018, p.82) state that
meaningful connections are important part of creating an environment that fosters courtesy and
cooperation. I create time throughout my class to talk with each student. I start off my class by having
the students check in on my zones of regulation board.  This let's me know how they are feeling each
day and helps them reflect on how they are feeling. I take time to connect with students by asking them
questions about how their day is going or how their weekend was. I always greet them with a smile, eye
contact, and I take the time to listen to them to let them know they are important. I also create positive
learning environment by modeling please and thank you and treating my students with the same
respect I would give an adult. I am kind, caring, and loving and I do my best throughout each class to let
my students know they are important to me. I also have high expectations for my students academically,
socially, and emotionally. I know from Wong and Wong (2018 p. 49) that having high expectations for
your students helps students do better and helps you put energy towards the things you want to have
happen. I also incorporate social emotional learning and growth mindset into my curriculum so that
students have the tools to communicate with each other an problem solve.           

 How might the use of trauma informed practices help create a positive environment?

I loved the trauma-informed practices video, I found it very inspiring and I would love if my district used
a similar curriculum. I hope that over the next few years I can advocate for this change.  But, until then, I
will do my best to incorporate things I learned from the video into my classroom environment. One of
my favorite take-aways from the video was that school should be a place where students feel safe,
nurtured, and supported, not driven by compliance. I will continue to use this mindset to create a
positive classroom environment in my PE class. The video also discussed the importance of one on one
relationships with students.  I will continue to foster relationships with each of my students to help
create a positive environment. Another take-away I will use in the future to create a positive
environment is the idea that we teach students strategies to process their emotions but we don't give
them supports to practice (Fall-Hamilton Elementary School, 2018). I will work towards creating a
"reflection" or "peace" zone so that my students have an rea where they can retreat and practice their
emotional regulation strategies.     

 How might beginning each lesson by activating prior knowledge help create a positive

Beginning each lesson by activating prior knowledge can help create a positive learning environment by
building upon the knowledge the students already have.  This will make the students feel connected to
the information and successful because they have prior understanding. When teachers activate prior
knowledge students are more likely to learn well (Diaz, 2017) and help create a positive learning

 How does activating prior knowledge prepare you for successful implementation of UU TPE4
or InTASC Standards 7 & 8? Be specific.

Activating prior knowledge prepares you for successful implementation of TPE 4 because teachers use
student information (IEP, IFSP, ITP, and
504 plans) and cultural background to plan their lessons. So, teachers build upon students prior
knowledge by knowing their students information, development, and cultural background. Teachers also
use student's prior knowledge to design and implement lessons that connect content across other
disciplines.  For example, a physical education teacher could use student's prior knowledge of learning
averages in math to build upon to learn batting averages in PE.   

R: You have successfully attained a positive learning environment as evidence by first starting with
yourself and then looking for ways to connect with your learners. a successful learning environment
requires a positive teacher-learner relationship.

I: Can you clarify your thoughts as it relates to checking in with your students throughout their 50-
minute class? How do you facilitate this activity while setting aside the time to teach the content?

S: As you proceed, I encourage you to look for various strategies that you can use to activate learner
prior knowledge.

E: As you continue to build on the idea of activating prior knowledge, consider using strategies that will
encourage learner to participate such as using brainstorming.

 Discussion 2

 How do you create a positive learning environment in your classroom?

In my classroom we use a token board reward system to create a positive learning environment.
Students are rewarded with a token every time they complete a task. These tasks look different for each
student. Some students need token rewards for every step of the way. They get a token if they go to
their station, they get a token if they sit in their chair, etc. Other students will receive tokens once they
complete their work or staying at the station for 15 mins. Once student earn all 5 tokens they are
rewarded with a toy or activity of their choice for 2-5 mins. After the time goes off, the student puts the
toy away and works on earning tokens again for a chance to place with their desired item. “If you expect
to be successful, you are constantly alert and aware of opportunities to help you be successful (Wong,

 How might the use of trauma informed practices help create a positive environment?

I really enjoyed listening to different strategies used in this video and actually do something very similar
in my class as they shared. We have a calm down corner, which is almost like an extra room in the back
of the class. We allow students to take a break there when they are feeling upset or overwhelmed. We
have different visuals hanging up so they can communicate what zone they are in with their feelings so
we know how to better support them. This has shown to be very helpful for many of our students. This
creates a positive environment because it allows students to know they have a quiet place they can go if
they are feeling they need a break, and that is okay.

 How might beginning each lesson by activating prior knowledge help create a positive

Starting each lesson by activating prior knowledge allows students to feel comfortable and connected to
the lesson. This gives them more confidence and motivation to work their the lesson. In my class we
start with prior knowledge and students tend to be more involved and ready to learn.

 How does activating prior knowledge prepare you for successful implementation of UU TPE4 or
InTASC Standards 7 & 8? Be specific.

Activating prior knowledge prepares you for successful implementation of TPE 4 because when you are
able to use prior knowledge to help students connect the old material to the new material they will have
more success in remembering the lesson. For instance in my kindergarten mild/mod special needs class
we may play a alphabet song that also allows the students to practice letter sounds, while the lesson will
be learning new CVC words and putting together their prior knowledge of letter sounds and making a

R: It is clear how you are applying a token board reward system to create a positive learning
environment. Most learners will look forward to getting rewards by doing the right thing, contributing to
a conducive learning environment.

I: Can you clarify your thoughts as it relates to creating a calm down corner in the classroom? What
should be included in this area?

S: In the future, to achieve a positive learning environment by applying a token board reward system,
you must provide them immediately after the desired behavior and later exchange them with rewards.

E: Further research on using tokens as a reward system may lead to learners becoming more attentive
and can motivate learners with developmental disabilities to complete the tasks.

Literacy pedagogy
Responsibility in reading instruction
 Discussion 1
Introduce yourself to the class: What content area you will teach? Why did you choose that area of

Hello everyone, my name is Harlin Tam and I am currently pursuing my single-subject teaching
credential in physical education and a Masters of Arts Education. I decided to become a teacher because
of my interest in physical activity that grew out of playing sports and coaching. I wanted to continue my
involvement in physical activity because of the impact and involvement it had on myself, leading me to
pursue a career in the profession in physical education. A large interest in my personal life has always
been with some sort of physical health, either competitive, coaching or recreationally and peaking my
interest in the area of a physical education educator.  

What do you think your responsibility is in relation to reading instruction, given your content area?

In my content area of physical education, a large part of the practice involves students developing
knowledge, skills and ability to understand reading comprehension related to physical movements and
recognition of specific literacy terms. Oftentimes literacy used in a PE class is used across content in
other subject areas. To support students reading comprehension, I use vocabulary related to the skills
and concepts we learn to develop language skills in utilizing context clues. I use this strategy to build
fluency and to help students develop connections or processes that hopefully will create strategies for
them to critically think about the language they learn. 

What are you hoping to learn in this course?

I hope to develop and learn strategies that will continue with helping me create effective instruction for
my lessons. I would like to be able to support the development of reading comprehension across
content in PE class largely in part to introduce students to vocabulary related to physical education to
become lifelong fitness learners. Hopefully I can help my students to become more proficient and
capable language learners. At my school where more than half of our population are EL students, I
would like to be able to provide them with instruction that supports their development in reading skills.

What memories do you have of reading in your middle and high school years?

Some of the memories for myself in both middle and high school with reading were not always the
greatest. I remember that I didn’t take to reading as much as some of my classmates and felt like
reading was sometimes difficult for myself to comprehend. Especially in high school where there was a
lot of reading to do, it seemed like I always was reading but did not always recognize what I was reading.
It wasn’t until I got older and began to develop my reading comprehension as well as an enjoyment for

How do you think reading in middle and high school might be different now from when you were in

Reading in school has changed incredibly with the ability to utilize technology today. There have been
advances to provide students with resources that allow students to access reading as well as the tools
that allow them to annotate texts. I remember when I was in middle and high school I would highlight
everything I read and not understand it all. Technology provides students with tools such as bookmarks,
searching text and keywords to enhance their reading skills.  

R: It is clear that your role as a physical education teacher is to support students reading comprehension
by providing vocabulary related to the skills and concepts. Physical education involves a lot of activities,
and as a teacher, it is required you to give precise skills and concepts vocabularies to guide them

I: Physical education is an inclusive activity that everyone is welcome to participate. Can you clarify your
thoughts as it relates to providing instruction to learners with disabilities? Do you use similar strategies
to provide them instructions?

S: As you proceed, I encourage you to engage your EL students in activities that will build their language
skills, such as acting out stories.

E: As you continue to build on your content area, also consider how the involvement of a community
can contribute towards achieving your career goals. 

 Discussion 2
Introduce yourself to the class: What content area you will teach? Why did you choose that area of

Hi Everyone...

My name is Nicole, I am A Physical Education teacher at an elementary school in South LA. I chose PE as
a subject to teach because I love movement, exercise and sports. Outside of teaching, I am also a coach
for a travel softball team and strength and conditioning coach. So fitness and an active lifestyle is my
passion. Especially with the year we all just experienced, getting my students up, moving and exercising
has motivated me even more to continually research and provide creative and engaging lessons for the
future. I love teaching at the elementary level, however in the near future I would like to move on to
teach P.E and become a coach for multiple sports at the High School level, so I am excited to be a part of
this course to build upon my skills as an educator to better prepare me for my next step(s).

What do you think your responsibility is in relation to reading instruction, given your content area?

Physical Education is not solely built on the foundation of movement. It’s establishing an academic
language to display understanding of the body, how it moves; the muscles, bones, joints, organs,
ligaments and tendons work in unison in order to function. It is my responsibility to introduce and
provide the developmental language acquisition that is needed in movement, skill, and sport. I will use
readings and vocabulary that is specific to my content.

What are you hoping to learn in this course?

My specific goal for myself this school year is to integrate technology into my PE classes. I am hoping to
provide my students with a different outlook on movement and exercise not only by doing, but also
through research and applying their new found knowledge in their everyday lives.
What memories do you have of reading in your middle and high school years?

Growing up my parents were (and still are) big on reading. A house rule was to read 1.5 hours a day
from a book of my choosing. That “tradition” stuck with me through middle school-high school-college-
adulthood. I always had a book in my hand. However, one thing to note, I only read what was interesting
to me. Otherwise, I would get bored easily and switch books quickly.

How do you think reading in middle and high school might be different now from when you were in

I feel as though instruction in general has changed. I come from learning with chalkboards and old
school projectors, reading from pages out of a book and bubbling in letters with a number 2 pencil on
state tests. Whereas, I now teach in a time of chromebooks, ipads, Raz kids, Khan Academy and students
reading and testing on computers. Also, Standards in the late 90’s were different from the Common
Core Standards that we follow today (Vacca et al., 2017). 

R: It is clear that your goal for this course is to integrate technology into your teaching and learning
process. Currently, educators are widely integrating technology to facilitate the learning process.

I: Can you clarify your thoughts as it relates to introducing and providing the developmental language
acquisition that relates to physical education? What is the importance of developmental aspects of
physical education?

S: In the future, to become an effective physical education teacher, you must equip yourself with
modern technologies to fit in a changing environment of physical education.

E: Further research on integrating technology in physical education may lead to the intervention of
studies that aim to influence physical education teachers' views, beliefs, and attitudes about technology.


 Discussion 1
What are some of the ICTs being used in today’s schools? What do they do?

Information and Communication Technologies, or ICTs, uses devices or technology for students to better
access and engage in learning. This can include the use of Learning Management Systems (LMS), course
work available online, the use of a flipped classroom, and the integration of devices like phones, tablets,
and computers in the classroom (Linways Team, 2017). One popular ICT is Canvas, an LMS that
instructors can use to manage items like their course materials and class exercises. Canvas can also be
used for students to turn in assignments, which students can either complete straight in the Canvas
system (such as a video recording) or students can upload their work in formats like a PDF or JPG file.
Google Classroom is another LMS, though my experience the past few semesters have been engaging
with mostly Canvas (and Blackboard for one semester).
What benefits do they have for students and teachers?

ICTs are beneficial for students as it provides them a central location for them to find their assignments,
course materials, and to communicate with their teacher and their peers. Just looking at the layout of
our course’s Canvas page and you can find all the necessary items we need to be able to succeed in this
class. For teachers, ICTs help them better organize and disseminate the information they teach in class.
ICTs can help teachers reimagine their content delivery to fit all ranges of learners, and the use of
technology allows teachers to train students on how to navigate the digital world.

How would you rate your level of proficiency with the use of ICT’s that exist now? Explain.

My current rating of my ICT proficiency is somewhat proficient, as I survived teaching in 2020 and had to
learn to use and adapt certain technologies to fit my music classes. Google Jamboards was the best tool
in my music theory class, as students could collaborate in real-time through drawing musical notes, a
function that could not be done on Google Docs.

What might you do to increase your level of proficiency?

To increase my proficiency in ICTs, I would need to research additional tools and talk to fellow music
educators for use in my class. One such avenue to investigate would be using ICTs to provide students
with practice tracks on the pieces they are working on so that they can practice items such as rhythm,
notes, and diction on their own time anywhere.

R: It is clear how you are applying ICTs in your teaching to become a proficient technology user. You
have used effective technology (Jamboards) to meet the needs of your learners.

I: Can you clarify your thoughts as it relates to how you want to increase your level of proficiency? What
are some examples of additional tools that will improve your proficiency level?

S: As you proceed, I encourage you to look for and apply ICTs tools that can also be used to meet the
educational needs of learners with disabilities.

E: As you continue to build on how to increase your proficiency level in using ICTs, consider consulting
your colleagues on what worked best for them.

 Discussion 2
 What are some of the ICTs being used in today’s schools? What do they do?

 What benefits do they have for students and teachers?

 How would you rate your level of proficiency with the use of ICT’s that exist now? Explain.

 What might you do to increase your level of proficiency?

There are an incredible number of ICTs being used in schools today. The ones I’m most familiar with can
enhance student learning such as videos from YouTube or quiz platforms like Kahoot or Quizziz. ICTs
help organization for teachers and students, such as Google Suite or Learning Management Systems
(LMS) and help with communication like ParentSquare, Zoom, or Google Meet.  ICTs are also platforms
for online learning like Google Classroom or Canvas. I think the biggest benefit of ICTs for students and
teachers is the ability to collaborate readily with those using the platforms.  

I am fairly well versed in the technologies I mentioned above. My school district implemented a lot of
these technologies over the last year and a half when we transitioned into distance learning. Even
though I was not an official teacher, I still had to use Zoom, Google Suite, and ParentSquare as I was the
athletic director and athletic trainer and had to communicate with parents, student athletes, and the
larger community on our ever-changing COVID safety protocols. I have not had much opportunity to
implement Kahoot or Quizziz into my classroom yet, but I have used YouTube to show different
movement techniques and examples. Our district changed to a new LMS at the beginning of the
year called Aeries and I have had to learn as I go. There are some basic tutorials our district provided
to help us teachers find our way around the system which I’ve perused. I also have met with a teacher
on my campus who is our on-site expert. She hosted several meetings where she helped fellow teachers
with setting up our gradebooks which was extremely helpful.  

R: It is clear that ICTs are widely used in almost all schools across the globe. Modern education is
necessitating a wider integration of technological tools to meet the growing learner diversity and
changing needs.

I: Can you clarify your thoughts as it relates to your level of proficiency? What is Aeries, and how can you
use them to increase your proficiency level?

S: In the future, to increase your level of proficiency on ICTs, you must understand the needs and the
level of your learners to come up with the best tech tool to apply.

E: As you continue to build on this idea, consider visiting basic tutorials provided by your district. 

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