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PHYSICAL SCIENCE - Physics and Chemistry Big Bang Theory

- the study of (non living) matter and The Big Bang Theory is the leading explanation about how
energy the universe began. At its simplest, it says the universe as we
MATTER- the “stuff” that everything is made of know it started with a small singularity, then inflated over the
next 13.8 billion years to the cosmos that we know today.
SCIENCE- a process of gathering knowledge about the
natural world. Nebular Theory
- its start with asking a questions Currently the best theory is the Nebular Theory . This states
- involves problem solving that the solar system developed out of an interstellar cloud of
dust and gas, called a nebula . This theory best accounts for
CHEMISTRY - a matter of reaction the objects we currently find in the Solar System and the
- the study of all forms of matter, including how distribution of these objects.
matter interacts to other matter The Nebular Theory would have started with a cloud of gas
- structures and properties of matters and dust, most likely left over from a previous supernova. The
- how substances changes (chemical reactions) nebula started to collapse and condense; this collapsing
process continued for some time. The Sun-to-be collected
PHYSICS - the way energy affects matter most of the mass in the nebula’s center, forming a Protostar .
- motion, force, electricity, light and heat
Atomic Theory
PHYSICAL SCIENCE - All Around You In chemistry and physics, atomic theory is a scientific theory
METEOROLOGY - study of atmosphere, pressure, motion , of the nature of matter, which states that matter is composed
force of discrete units called atoms. It began as a philosophical
GEOLOGY - (GEOLOGIST- rocks, soil) concept in ancient Greece and entered the scientific
BIOLOGY - chemical reactions, transfer of energy mainstream in the early 19th century when discoveries in the
field of chemistry showed that matter did indeed behave as if
Lesson 1: Origin of the Elements it were made up of atoms.

The naturalistic story of the solar system goes LESSON 2:Big Bang Theory And The Formation Of The
back 4.5 billion years. In this view the solar system began as Light Elements
a cloud of dust and gas that collapsed on itself. A star began
to form as the cloud was compressed by some unknown Cosmology is defined as the study of how the
force. As the star spun and collected more mass, a disk of universe began, how it continues to exist, and how it will end.
dust began to form the planets. From the previous module we have discussed different
theories about it. Aside from those common concepts we still
Over millions of years the young solar system was have a lot of cosmologies from different religion and culture
formed. Much debris was left over from the process and is based on our personal beliefs.
present today as asteroids and large belts and clouds of
material. There was no intervention by a Creator, as the Science brings forth a cosmological theory, not from
physical laws of the universe are adequate to explain belief, but from scientific evidence that the universe once
everything—or so say the evolutionists. began to expand and continues to expand until today. This
theory was eventually called the Big Bang theory or Big Bang
The Bible reveals a much different story, and there model. Astronomers George Lemaître and Edwin Hubble
are many problems with the models and hypotheses that are were some of its first proponents. Mention that George
used to support the story described above. Artists’ depictions Lemaître was a Catholic priest. He did not find his theory (or
of the events make them look real, but they are just a story to science as a whole) incompatible with his religion.
explain why God is not necessary. Among the problems are a
slowly spinning sun, the moon’s closeness to the earth, and a
“chicken-and-egg” problem with star formation. The
differences between what the Bible teaches and what the
evolutionary perspective teaches are many and significant. It
is impossible to reconcile the two explanations without
twisting Scripture or rewriting the history revealed in Genesis.

Listed below are the most common theories about

how the elements originated.

Divine Theory
God’s creation of the earth is found in Genesis chapters 1
and 2 and consists of the following seven days of creation.
(Before creation...)
"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The a.The universe may have begun as an infinitely hot and
earth was without form, and void; and darkness was on the dense initial singularity, a point with all of space, time,
face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the matter and energy. This means that there was no where,
face of the waters" when or what. There is no space around the singularity – just
(Genesis 1:1-2). nothingness.
Days of creation list
 Day 1: Light b. All of it then began to rapidly expand in a process
 Day 2: Atmosphere / Firmament known as inflation. Space itself expanded faster than the
 Day 3: Dry ground & plants speed of light. In this still hot and dense mass of the universe,
 Day 4: Sun, moon & stars pairs of matter and antimatter (quarks and antiquarks) were
 Day 5: Birds & sea animals formed from energy, but these pairs cancelled each other
 Day 6: Land animals & humans back into energy (annihilation)
 Day 7: The Sabbath of rest
c.The universe cooled down as it expanded. An excess of
matter (electrons, protons, neutrons and other particles)
somehow came to be in a highly energetic “plasma soup.”
Photons (light particles) were being scattered everywhere in . • We may use accounting approach to count. Place the
this “soup”. Protons and neutrons came together to form number of each particle on each side and balance like a
different types of nuclei by nucleosynthesis or nuclear fusion. money sheet: e.g. 3He + D 4He + p+

d. Much later on, electrons started to bind to ionized The relative abundance of light elements in the
protons and nuclei forming neutral atoms in a process universe is the second piece of evidence to prove that
called recombination. The bound particles no longer the Big Bang occurred.
scattered photons so light and energy moved freely across
space. The period was hence known as the “dark ages”. Through measurements, we find that around 24% of
the universe’s ordinary matter is currently comprised of
e.Gravity caused these atoms to collapse onto one helium, about 74% hydrogen, and 2% of other elements.
another to form stars and galaxies and eventually, other
matter. This still happens until today. Space also continues to These figures only make sense if nucleosynthesis in
expand at an accelerating rate, thus increasing the distance the Big Bang model actually occurred since no chemical
between the matters inside it. process significantly changes these percentages.

There are several limitations and misconceptions Third part of evidence for the Big Bang model:
associated with discussing the Big Bang Theory. Keep in cosmic microwave background, or the energy (thermal
mind the following: radiation) that was left as a result of recombination.
Atoms became neutral due to the binding of nuclei and
The Big Bang refers to the very start of the whole process electrons. The remaining radiation then began to scatter. This
called the Big Bang model. is seen by scientists as a faint microwave glow not emitted by
The Big Bang was NOT an explosion that carried matter any object in space
outward from a point. It refers to the rapid inflation of space
itself. IN THE BEGINNING (Big Bang Theory and Formation of
the Light Elements)
The theory does not explain what caused it or
where the singularity came from, BUT the Big Bang PHYSICAL SCIENCE - It is a branch of natural
model does not need a cause to be a valid theory. It science that studies non-living systems, in contrast to life
simply needs to show that observations and evidence validate science. It in turn has many branches, each referred to as a
its assumptions. The model is a work in progress that we are "physical science", together called the "physical sciences".
still finding evidence for until now.
1. Cosmology
Here are the key features and limitations of the 2. Big Bang theory/Big Bang model
demonstration: 3. Nucleosynthesis
4. Singularity
• Similar to the Big Bang, a balloon expands very rapidly at 5. Inflation
the start, then more slowly when it has already inflated. But 6. Annihilation
some evidence shows that the expansion is now accelerating 7. Recombination
again 8. Redshift
• The balloon is the universe and space itself. 9. Relative abundance
10. Cosmic microwave background
Using different instruments can detect the light of
other galaxies. This light is found to be redshifted (the light Cosmology - is a branch of astronomy that involves
looks “stretched”). This suggests that other galaxies are the origin and evolution of the universe, from the Big Bang to
moving farther away from ours. It was later determined that today and on into the future.
they are not moving away. Instead, space itself is expanding
in all directions causing all the galaxies to be relatively farther 3 Cosmic Stages through which specific groups of
apart. From this “redshift” we learn how fast the universe is elements were formed
expanding. Redshift is the first piece of evidence for the Big 1. Big bang nucleosynthesis formed the light
Bang model. elements (H, He, and Li).
2. Stellar formation and evolution formed the
The diagram below shows the most significant reactions that elements heavier than Be to Fe.
occurred. 3. Stellar explosion , or supernova, formed the
elements heavier than Fe.

Big Bang Theory - explains how the elements were

initially formed the formation of different elements involved
many nuclear reactions, including fusion, fission and
radioactive decay
Due to the rapid cooling due to expansion,
- explains how the elements were initially formed the
nucleosynthesis ground to a halt about three minutes
formation of different elements involved many nuclear
after the Big Bang occurred. This left us with mostly H
reactions, including fusion, fission and radioactive decay
isotopes (p, D and T), He isotopes and a very tiny bit of other
elements like Li. The relative abundance of He and H did not
change much until today.
Stages of the Big Bang Theory
• These are not the only reactions that occurred but these
Singularity - a point in space and/or a moment in
were the most significant
time where the universe was infinitely hot and dense
. • Given the (a, b) format in the diagram, it is a that reacts
Inflation -is a theory of exponential expansion of
with the particle while it is b that is produced or removed. γ is
space in the early universe. The inflationary epoch lasted
the symbol for gamma radiation
from 10−36 seconds
Nucleosynthesis - is the process that creates new
atomic nuclei from pre-existing nucleons, primarily protons Moseley’s X-ray Spectroscopy
and neutrons.
- as the universe cools, protons and neutrons, Henry Gwyn-Jeffreys Moseley was an English
can fuse to form heavier atomic nuclei physicist who demonstrated that the atomic number, the
number of protons in an atom, determines most of the
Recombination- refers to the epoch at which properties of an element. He began his study of radioactivity
charged electrons and protons first became bound to form in Ernest Rutherford’s laboratory but later decided to explore
electrically neutral hydrogen atoms. more on X-rays.

Annihilation -in physics, reaction in which a particle In 1913, Moseley published a paper on the
and its antiparticle collide and disappear, releasing energy. arrangement of the elements in the Periodic table based on
their atomic numbers. He used X-ray spectroscopy to
Redshift - the displacement of spectral lines toward determine the atomic number of an element. He bombarded a
longer wavelengths (the red end of the spectrum) in radiation beam of electrons to different elements and measured their
from distant galaxies and celestial objects. X-ray spectral lines. His results clearly showed that frequency
of the X-rays given off by an element was mathematically
Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB)- is related to the position of that element in the Periodic table.
electromagnetic radiation left over from an early stage of the The frequency is proportional to the charge of the nucleus, or
universe in Big Bang cosmology. the atomic number.

Atom- are the smallest unit of matter that have all the When the elements were arranged according to their
properties of an element. They composed of smaller atomic numbers, there were four gaps in the table. These
subatomic particles as protons, neutrons, and electrons. gaps corresponded to the atomic numbers 43, 61, 85, and 87.
These elements were later synthesized in the laboratory
through nuclear transmutations.

Discovery of Nuclear Transmutation

In 1919, Ernest Rutherford successfully carried out a

nuclear transmutation reaction — a reaction involving the
transformation of one element or isotope into another
element. He bombarded alpha particles from radium directed
to the nitrogen nuclei. He showed that the nitrogen nuclei
reacted to the alpha particles to form oxygen nuclei.

The reaction is written as

147 N+ 42He → 178O + 11H 714N + 24He → 817O + 11H

However, both alpha particles and atomic nuclei are

positively charged, so they tend to repel each other.
Therefore, instead of using fast-moving alpha particles in
synthesizing new elements, atomic nuclei are often
Atomic Number (Z)- indicates the number of protons bombarded with neutrons (neutral particles) in particle
in an atom. In a neutral atom, number of protons is equal to accelerators.
the number of electrons.
The Discovery of the Missing Elements
Atomic Mass (A) -is equal to the sum of the number
of protons and neutrons. Recall that in 1925, there were four vacancies in the
periodic table corresponding to the atomic numbers 43, 61,
Isotopes - refer to atoms with the same atomic 85, and 87. Two of these elements were synthesized in the
number but different atomic masses. laboratory using particle accelerators.

Ions -which are positively or negatively charged A particle accelerator is a device that is used to
particles, have the same number of protons in different speed up the protons to overcome the repulsion between the
number of electrons. protons and the target atomic nuclei by using magnetic and
electrical fields. It is used to synthesize new elements.

In 1937, American physicist Ernest

Lawrence synthesized element with atomic number 43 using
Lesson 3: The Atomic Number and the Synthesis of a linear particle accelerator. He bombarded molybdenum
New Elements (Z=42) with fast-moving neutrons. The newly synthesized
element was named Technetium (Tc) after the Greek word
"technêtos" meaning “artificial.” Tc was the first man-made
Dmitri Mendeleev, father of the periodic table,
created a classification of elements based on their atomic
weight. He found that organizing the elements at the time by
In 1940, Dale Corson, K. Mackenzie, and Emilio
their calculated weight demonstrated a periodic pattern of
Segre discovered element with atomic number 85. They
both physical and chemical properties, such as luster,
bombarded atoms of bismuth (Z=83) with fast-moving alpha
physical state, reactivity to water, and others.
particles in a cyclotron. A cyclotron is a particle accelerator
that uses alternating electric field to accelerate particles that
Henry Moseley was a researcher at Rutherford’s
move in a spiral path in the presence of a magnetic field.
laboratory. In 1913 Moseley used Rutherford’s work to
Element-85 was named astatine from the Greek word
advance the understanding of the elements and solve the
“astatos” meaning unstable.The two other elements with
problem with Mendeleev’s periodic table.
atomic numbers 61 and 87 were discovered through studies
in radioactivity. Element-61 (Promethium) was discovered 2) The geometrical shape of the molecule which can be
as a decay product of the fission of uranium while element-87 predicted via the valence shell electron pair repulsion
(Francium) was discovered as a breakdown product of (VSEPR) theory

Synthesis of New Elements

In the 1930s, the heaviest element known Bond Polarity

was uranium, with an atomic number 92. Early in
1940, Edwin McMillan proved that an element having an Electronegativity (EN) - Measure of the relative
atomic number 93 could be created. He used a particle tendency of an atom to attract electrons to itself when
accelerator to bombard uranium with neutrons and created an chemically combined with another atom. The higher the value
element with an atomic number 93 which he named of electronegativity, the more it tends to attract electrons
neptunium. toward itself. The polarity of the compounds can be
determined using the given scale below.
At the end of 1940, element-94 was synthesized
by Seaborg, McMillan, Kennedy, and Wahl. They Ionic Bond - are formed between metal and unmetal due to
bombarded uranium with deuterons (particles composed of a large difference in their electronegativities
proton and a neutron) in a cyclotron. Element-94 was named
plutonium. Polarity - Difference between electronegativity

Elements with atomic numbers greater than 92 Ionic EN ≥ 1.7

(atomic number of uranium) are called transuranium
elements. Hence, neptunium and plutonium are both Polar Covalent 1.7 > EN > 0.4
transuranium elements. They are unstable and decay
radioactively into other elements. All of these elements were Non-Polar Covalent EN ≤ 0.4
discovered in the laboratory as artificially generated synthetic
elements. They are prepared using nuclear reactors or Polar covalent bonds occur when electron pairs are
particle accelerators. In the next lesson, you will learn the unequally shared. The difference in electronegativity between
nuclear reactions involved in the synthesis of these atoms is significant. Examples of compounds having polar
transuranium elements. covalent bonds are:

KEY POINTS HCl EN of H = 2.1 EN of Cl = 3.0 ΔEN = 0.9

HF EN of H = 2.1 EN of F = 4.0 ΔEN = 1.9
The atomic number is the number of protons
(positively charged particles) in an atom. The separation of charges makes the bond polar. It
creates an electric dipole. Dipole refers to “two poles,”
Henry Gwyn-Jeffreys Moseley was an English meaning there is a positive and a negative pole within a
physicist who demonstrated that the atomic number, the molecule. Elements with the higher EN value become the
number of protons in an atom, determines most of the partial negative pole while elements with the lower EN value
properties of an element. become the partial positive pole. This makes the molecule a
polar molecule
In 1919, Ernest Rutherford successfully carried out
a nuclear transmutation reaction — a process of transforming Non-polar covalent bonds occur when electron
one element or isotope into another element. pairs are shared equally or the difference in electronegativity
between atoms is less than 0.5. Examples of substances
In 1925, there were four vacancies in the periodic table having non-polar covalent bonds are:
corresponding to the atomic numbers 43, 61, 85, and 87.
Elements with atomic numbers 43 and 85 were synthesized H2 EN of H = 2.1 ΔEN = 0.0 NON-POLAR MOLECULE; not
using particle accelerators. a dipole

A particle accelerator is a device that is used to Cl2 EN of Cl = 3.0 ΔEN = 0.0 NON-POLAR MOLECULE;
speed up the protons to overcome the repulsion between the not a dipole
protons and the target atomic nuclei by using magnetic and
electrical fields. It is used to synthesize new elements. F2 EN of F = 4.0 ΔEN = 0.0 NON-POLAR MOLECULE; not
a dipole
Elements with atomic numbers greater than 92
(atomic number of uranium) are called transuranium HI EN of H = 2.1 EN of I = 2.5 ΔEN = 0.4 POLAR
elements. They were discovered in the laboratory using MOLECULE; a dipole
nuclear reactors or particle accelerators.
LEGENDS : Mass Number/ Atomic Charge
Lesson 4: Polarity of Molecules ATOMIC WEIGHT = MASS NUMBER
SUSPENSION: a mixture between two substances. One of
which is finally divided and dispersed in the other PROTON : 1/ 1/ P
NEUTRON : 1/ 0/ n
EMULSION: are an example of colloids composed of tiny GAMMA : 0/ 0/ Y
particles suspended in another immiscible (unmixable) DEUTERIUM : 2/ 1/ D
1/ 1/ P + 0/ 0/ Y -----> 1/ 1/ H
The two factors that determine the polarity of 1/ 1/ P + 1/ 0/ n -----> 2/ 1/ H - UNSTABLE
molecules are: - deuterium
2/ 1/ D + 2/ 1/ D -----> 4 / 2 / He
1) The polarity of the bonds between atoms which can be 4/ 2/ He + 1/ 1/ P -----> 5/ 3/ Li - UNSTABLE
studied based on electronegativity, and 5/ 3/ Li + 1/ 0/ n -----> 6/ 3/ Li
- If the value of the atomic weight is different from the periodic
table it is UNSTABLE.

ALPHA : 4 /2 /α
BETA : 0 /-1 /β
POSITRON : 0 / +1 / e
ELECTRON : 0 / -1 / e

ALPHA DECAY- loss of an alpha particle

Ex. Alpha Decay of Polonium - 210
(210 - atomic weight- protons)

210/ 84/ Po -----> 206/ 82 + 4 /2 /α

P= 84 82 4
N= 126 124 2

Neutron = Atomic Weight - Atomic Number

BETA DECAY- loss of a beta particle

Ex. Beta Decay of Carbon - 14

14/ 6/ C -----> 14/ 7/ N + 0 / -1/ β

POSITRON EMISSION- conversion of a proton in a nucleus

into a neutron along with the release of a positron
Ex. Positron emission of Oxygen - 15

15 / 8/ O -----> 15/ 7/ N + 0/ +1/ e

GAMMA RADIATION- emission of gamma ray

Ex. Gamma radiation in alpha decay of Uranium - 238

238/ 92/ U -----> 234/ 90/Th + 4 /2 /α

234/ 90/ Th -----> 234/ 90/ Th + 0/ 0/ Y

ELECTRON CAPTURE- drawing of an electron into an

atom’s nucleus
Ex. Electron Capture of Mercury - 201

201/ 80/ Hg + 0/ -1/ e -----> 201/ 79/ Au


Ex. Bombardment of Beryllium with an Alpha particle

9/ 4/ Be + 4/ 2/ α -----> 12/ 6/ C + 1/ 0/ N

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