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Latihan Soal


Bahasa Inggris

Latihan Soal
Mata Pelajaran
Bahasa Inggris
Oleh Team
1 Latihan Soal
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Soal UN mata pelajaran ini berjumlah sekitar 50 soal. Dalam latihan soal ini kami tampilkan 15 soal yang
disertai dengan pembahasannya!

Team memandu siswa/siswi untuk memperoleh kesuksesan dalam ujian nasional. Kunjungi untuk mendapat materi pelatihan soal UN 2014. Dapatkan akses untuk mendapatkan
latihan dan prediksi soal dalam bentuk ebook (pdf) yang bisa didownload di member area apabila akun
Anda sudah kami aktifkan.


Where do you usually find the sign above?

a. In a park
b. In a station wagon
c. In a freeway
b. In a bus station

Read the text below carefully to answer the questions number 2


On your new position, my darling, Feby.

Always believe in you. Listen to your heart and trust your

instinct. I know you so well. Believe you can.



2. Who has just received a promotion?

a. You
b. Wildan
c. Feby
d. Darling

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Read the text and answer questions 3 to 4.

Hi Cindy,

Here are directions to my house. First, get the 69 bus from Detroit bus
station to the Chibaligo. Cross the road and then turn right. Go past the
market then turn left into Prince Road. My house is number 17. Thank
you so much.

C.U. then on Sunday


3. From the message above we know that …

a. Feby’s house is on Detroit Road.
b. Cindy’s house is number 17.
c. Cindy will visit Feby on Sunday
d. Feby will visit Cindy on Sunday

4. Where is Feby’s house located?

a. Detroit number 69
b. Chibaligo number 17
c. Prince Road number 17
d. Detroit number 17

Read the following text and answer the question number 5 to 6.

You are cordially

invited to

a Birthday Celebration

in honor of


Saturday, May 12

At 7:00 p.m.

Jl. Pakuan No. 117

5. What is the purpose of the text above?
a. Inform about usual occasion on weekend
b. Invite someone to a birthday party
c. Congratulate on one’s succeess
d. Give information about new address

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6. ‘Regrets only: 082319064142 (Vicky)’
The sentence above tells us that we should …

a. Inform Vicky if we can come

b. Inform Vicky if we cannot come
c. Ask information how to come to the place
d. Contact Vicky before we come

This text is for questions 7 to 9.


All 9th grade students are required to have additional subjects after
school from Monday to Saturday from 1 p.m. to 2.30 p.m. The
effective date is on February 10th, 2011.

The headmaster,

Mr. Sony Chandra Maulana

7. ‘All 9th grade students are required to have additional subjects...’

The underlined word has the closest meaning as …

a. started
b. needed
c. renounced
d. confirmed

8. How long will the program be held?

a. An hour
b. A half hour
c. One and a half hours
d. An hour and fifteen minutes

9. Which of the following statements is Not Correct according to the announcement above?
a. Only 9th grade students who are required to have additional subjects.
b. The students will get this special program almost every day.
c. It isn’t necessary to attend the class for all 9th grade students
d. This program is held after the class.

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Read the text to answer questions 10 to 12.


The cheetah is the fastest animal on land. It can run 100 kilometers an hour. It is now rare and is one
of the animals which is in danger of extinction.

The cheetah has a small head and ears, and long, powerful legs. It always hunts and chases its prey on
open ground.

This is a different way of hunting from the other “big cats.” They like to stay in and near trees to catch
their prey. The cheetah is also different from other cats because it cannot draw in its claws.

(Source: Abbs, Brian, Take Off. Student Book 2, p. 52)

10. What is the main idea of paragraph 1?

a. Cheetah is land animal.
b. Cheetah is the highest pace animal on earth.
c. Cheetah is an extinct animal.
d. Cheetah is one of the dangerous animals.

11. ‘It always hunts and chases its prey on open ground.’

The underlined word has the closest meaning to …

a. predator
b. killer
c. victim
d. eradicator

12. Which is the CORRECT statement based on the text above?

a. Cheetah has a huge head and ears
b. Cheetah is unable to draw in its claw
c. Cheetah always hunts and chases its prey in the forest.
d. Cheetah is an extinct animal.

Read the following text and answer questions 13 to 15.

My Football Experience

When I was in junior high school, I really loved football. Every Saturday afternoon I practiced in school
field with my team and my coach. They were strong and smart players. My coach, Mr Haekal was a kind
person. But, while he was coaching us, he was very discipline. He would grounded anyone who came late
and not obeyed the team’s rules.

With Mr Haekal, our team won many tournaments in many big cities. Our team named after our
school, 67 Team (from SMP 67) and we had many fans too, you know. Ohh, that was so cool. Now, I still
love football and have a team too. But, my parents warn me to pay attention more to my study, football
just for hobby.

English in Focus for 8th grade

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13. Where did the writer practice football?
a. In the Stadium
b. In the Park
c. In the school field
d. In the yard

14. ‘He would grounded anyone who came late and not obeyed the team’s rules.’

The underlined word has the similar meaning with …

a. defy
b. violate
c. flout
d. follow

15. What is the purpose of the text above?

a. To retell someone’s experience.
b. To amuse the readers with the entertaining story.
c. To describe how football experience can happen.
d. To give information about football.

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