Objectives: Living in IT Era Computer Applications

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Living in IT Era

Computer Applications


 Identify their learning goals and expectations for the course; •
 Recognize their ability to develop new understandings through course
 Understand the function and significance of information and
communication technology (ICT).

LESSON: Computer Applications

A. Definition

 A computer is a programmable machine, according to the definition.

• A computer is a machine that manipulates data or information. It can store, retrieve,
and process information.
• A computer is a machine that manipulates data based on a set of commands
• A computer is any gadget that assists people in completing different calculations or
 Computers have three main characteristics: • They react in a predictable way to a particular
set of instructions.
• It can follow a pre-recorded set of instructions and store and retrieve huge quantities
of data rapidly.

B. Computers and ICT (Information and Communication Technology) in Our Daily Lives

o Business
 Computers are currently used in almost every company. They may be used to manage
projects, monitor inventories, and generate presentations and reports, as well as to store
and maintain accounts and personnel data. They use a variety of technology, including e-
mail, to communicate with individuals both within and outside the company. They may be
used to advertise the company and allow for direct consumer contact.

o Education
 Learners may utilize computers to access audio-visual packages, interactive activities, and
remote learning, such as online tutoring. They may be utilized to obtain instructional material
Living in IT Era
Computer Applications

via intranet and internet sources, as well as through electronic books. They may be used to
keep track of student progress, such as via the use of online exams, as well as to generate
projects and assignments.

o Healthcare
 Computers continue to transform healthcare. Complex information may be stored and
accessed more easily with digital medical information, in addition to making it simpler to
save and retrieve patient data.

 be evaluated by software to assist in the identification of diagnostics and the search for
disease risks Lab equipment, heart rate monitors, and blood pressure monitors are all
controlled by computers. They provide physicians easier access to the most up-to-date
medication information and the capacity to exchange illness information with other medical

o Retail and wholesale

 Computers may be used to purchase and sell goods online, allowing merchants to access
a larger market while maintaining minimal overhead, and consumers to compare prices,
read reviews, and choose delivery options. They may also be used for direct trade and
advertising through sites like eBay and Craigslist, as well as local listings on social media
and independent websites.

o Government
 Computers are used by many government agencies to enhance the quality and efficiency
of their services. City planning, law enforcement, traffic, and tourism are just a few
examples. Computers may be used to store data, advertise services, communicate
internally and publicly, and perform administrative tasks.

o Marketing
 Through data analysis and manipulation, computers allow for more accurate marketing
efforts. They make it easier to create websites and marketing materials. They may be used
in the creation of social media campaigns. They allow consumers to communicate directly
with them through email and online chat.

o Science
 One of the earliest organizations to use computers for work was scientists. In science,
computers may be used for data collection, categorization, analysis, and storage, as well
as exchanging information with other experts both locally and globally. Computers are also
used in the launch, control, and maintenance of spacecraft, as well as the operation of other
sophisticated technologies.

o Publishing
 Almost any kind of magazine may be designed using computers. Newsletters, marketing
materials, fashion magazines, books, and newspapers are examples of these. Both
hardcopy and electronic books are published using computers. They're also used to
promote books and keep track of sales.

o Entertainment and the Arts

Living in IT Era
Computer Applications

 Computers are currently utilized in almost every area of the arts, as well as the
entertainment business as a whole. Drawings, graphic designs, and paintings may all be
done on computers. Photographs may be edited, copied, sent, and printed using them.
Writers may use them to create and modify. They are capable of producing, recording,
editing, playing, and listening to music. You may use them to record, edit, and view videos.
Games may be played with them.

o Communication
 Thanks to software and videoconferencing services like Skype, computers have made real-
time communication over the internet simple. Families can communicate through voice and
video, companies may have remote meetings, and news organizations can conduct
interviews without the need of a film team. Nowadays, most laptops come with microphones
and cameras built-in to make applications like Skype easier to use. Email and other older
communication tools are still extensively utilized.

o Banking and Finance

 In sophisticated nations, the majority of banking is now done online. Computers may be
used to monitor account balances, transfer funds, and pay off credit cards. You may also
use computers to get stock market information, trade stocks, and manage your assets.
Banks keep track of client account information as well as comprehensive information on
customer behavior for marketing purposes.

o Transport
 Computers are rapidly being used to manage safety and navigation systems, as well as to
drive, fly, and steer automobiles, trains, aircraft, and boats. They may also alert you to
issues that need to be addressed, such as low fuel levels, oil changes, or a malfunctioning
mechanical component. Individual settings, such as seat configuration and air-conditioning
temperatures, may be customized using computers.

o Navigation
 Navigation has grown more computerized, particularly since computer technology and GPS
technologies have been integrated. Computers and satellites have made it possible to
identify your precise position, see which direction you're going on a map, and get a decent
sense of nearby facilities and points of interest.

o Doing Business From Home

 Working from home and other kinds of remote work have become more popular thanks to
computers. Workers can interact, exchange information, and access essential data without
having to go to a conventional workplace. Managers may keep an eye on their employees'
productivity from afar.

o Military
 The military makes significant use of computers. They are employed for the aim of training.
They are used in the analysis of intelligence data. They're utilized to operate smart
technologies like guided missiles and drones, as well as track and destroy approaching
missiles. They use satellites and other technology to offer geospatial information and
analysis. They help in communication. They aid in the targeting of enemy troops by tanks
and aircraft.
Living in IT Era
Computer Applications

o Social and romantic relationships

 Computers have made it possible to socialize in ways that were before unavailable. People
may communicate in real time through text or voice across long distances via social media,
as well as share photos, videos, and memes. People use dating sites and apps to find love.
People may join online communities to interact with others who have similar interests.
People may use blogs to share a wide range of opinions, news, and experiences. Online
forums allow individuals to debate a variety of subjects, both specialized and broad.

o Vacation Reservations
 Travelers may use computers to look up schedules, compare routes, and purchase airline,
rail, or bus tickets. They may be used to research and book lodging, whether it's
conventional hotels or newer services like Air BnB. Computers may also be used to
research and schedule guided tours, excursions, events, and vacations.

o Surveillance and security

 People and commodities are increasingly being monitored using computers in conjunction
with other technology. Computers coupled with biometric passports make it more difficult
for individuals to enter a nation or board a passenger aircraft falsely. Face-recognition

 In public areas, technology makes it simpler to spot terrorists or criminals. Speed cameras
and police vehicles can read license plates automatically. With the advancement of
computer and internet technologies, private security systems have grown much more

o Weather Prediction
 The weather throughout the globe is complicated, and it is influenced by a variety of
variables that are always changing. Humans are incapable of monitoring and processing all
of the data pouring in from satellites and other technologies, much alone doing the
complicated computations required to forecast what will happen in the future. Large
quantities of meteorological data can be processed by computers.

o Robotics
 Robotics is a rapidly growing field of technology that integrates computers with science and
engineering to create robots that can either replace people or do particular tasks that
humans cannot. One of the earliest applications of robots was in the manufacture of
automobiles. Since then, robots have been created to investigate regions where human
exploration is impossible, to aid law enforcement, the military, and healthcare experts.

References and Supplementary Materials

Books and Journals

1. Empowerment Technologies, Innovative Training Works, Inc. (2019)
2. Computer Literacy, 10t Edition, J. Hardin (2019)
3. Living in IT Era, T. Revano (2019)
Living in IT Era
Computer Applications

Online Supplementary Reading Materials

1. <Cyber Crime and Security>; https://www.kaspersky.com/resource-

Online Instructional Videos

1. < Computer Literacy>; <
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_MO2pdaXKtg >;

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