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Makalintal vs Comelec the Philippines for at least one yr, and a

resident in the place where he proposes

FACTS: to vote for at least 6 months
immediately preceding an election. (3) No. By vesting itself with the powers
to approve, review, amend and revise
Before the Court is a petition for the Implementing Rules & Regulations
certiorari and prohibition filed by for RA No. 9189, Congress went beyond
Romulo B. Macalintal, a member of the the scope of its constitutional authority.
Philippine Bar, seeking a declaration However, OSG held that ruling in said Congress trampled upon the
that certain provisions of Republic Act case does not hold water at present, constitutional mandate of
No. 9189 (The Overseas Absentee and that the Court may have to discard independence of the COMELEC. Under
Voting Act of 2003) suffer from that particular ruling. Panacea of the such a situation, the Court is left with no
constitutional infirmity. Claiming that controversy: Affidavit for without it, the option but to withdraw from its usual
he has actual and material legal interest presumption of abandonment of Phil silence in declaring a provision of law
in the subject matter of this case in domicile shall remain. The qualified unconstitutional.
seeing to it that public funds are Filipino abroad who executed an
properly and lawfully used and affidavit is deemed to have retained his
appropriated, petitioner filed the instant domicile in the Philippines and
petition as a taxpayer and as a lawyer. presumed not to have lost his domicile
by his physical absence from this --------
ISSUES: country. Section 5 of RA No. 9189 does
not only require the promise to resume TOPIC: ART. VII CONGRESS AS
actual physical permanent residence in NATIONAL BOARD OF CANVASSERS
the Philippines not later than 3 years
after approval of registration but it also
(1) Whether or not Section 5(d) of requires the Filipino abroad, WON he is
Republic Act No. 9189 violates the a green card holder, a temporary visitor
residency requirement in Section 1 of or even on business trip, must declare RUY ELIAS C. LOPEZ VS. SENATE OF THE
Article V of the Constitution. that he/she has not applied for PHILIPPINES (REPRESENTED HEREIN BY
citizenship in another country. Thus, THE HON. FRANKLIN DRILON
he/she must return to the Philippines
(2) Whether or not Section 18.5 of the otherwise consequences will be met
same law violates the constitutional according to RA No. 9189.
mandate under Section 4, Article VII of
the Constitution that the winning
candidates for President and the Vice- PRESIDENT OF THE SENATE) G.R. NO.
President shall be proclaimed as 163556, JUNE 8, 2004
winners by Congress.
Although there is a possibility that the
Filipino will not return after he has
(3) Whether or not Congress may, exercised his right to vote, the Court is
through the Joint Congressional not in a position to rule on the wisdom FACTS:
Oversight Committee created in Section of the law or to repeal or modify it if
25 of Rep. Act No. 9189, exercise the such law is found to be impractical.
power to review, revise, amend, and However, it can be said that the
approve the Implementing Rules and Congress itself was conscious of this
Regulations that the Commission on probability and provided for deterrence
Elections, promulgate without violating The case is a petition for prohibition and
which is that the Filipino who fails to mandamus seeking to nullify Section 13,
the independence of the COMELEC return as promised stands to lose his Rule VIII of the Rules of theJoint Public
under Section 1, Article IX-A of the right of suffrage. Accordingly, the votes Session of Congress, dated May 28,
Constitution. he cast shall not be invalidated because 2004, creating a Joint Committee which
he was qualified to vote on the date of shall preliminarily
the elections.

canvass the votes of the candidates for
Expressum facit cessare tacitum: where President and Vice-President during the
a law sets down plainly its whole May 10, 2004 elections.
meaning, the Court is prevented from
(1) No. Section 5 of RA No. 9189 making it mean what the Court pleases.
enumerates those who are disqualified In fine, considering that underlying
voting under this Act. It disqualifies an intent of the Constitution, as is evident
immigrant or a permanent resident who in its statutory construction and intent
is recognized as such in the host ISSUE:
of the framers, which is to grant Filipino
country. However, an exception is immigrants and permanent residents
provided i.e. unless he/she executes, abroad the unquestionable right to
upon registration, an affidavit prepared exercise the right of suffrage (Section 1
for the purpose by the Commission Article V) the Court finds that Section 5
declaring that he/she shall resume of RA No. 9189 is not constitutionally WON Congress committed grave abuse
actual physical permanent residence in of discretion.
the Philippines not later than 3 years
from approval of registration. Such
affidavit shall also state that he/she has
not applied for citizenship in another
country. Failure to return shall be cause HELD:
(2) Yes. Congress should not have
for the removal of the name of the allowed COMELEC to usurp a power that
immigrant or permanent resident from constitutionally belongs to it. The
the National Registry of Absentee canvassing of the votes and the
Voters and his/her permanent proclamation of the winning candidates
disqualification to vote in absentia. for President and Vice President for the No. The Court stresses that it has
entire nation must remain in the hands jurisdiction over the subject matter of
of Congress as its duty and power under this controversy, because the herein
Section 4 of Article VII of the
Constitution. COMELEC has the
Petitioner claims that this is violative of authority to proclaim the winning
the residency requirement in Section 1 candidates only for Senators and Party-
Article V of the Constitution which list Reps.
requires the voter must be a resident in
Petition contains sufficient allegations petitioner and the other members of The quick count under the guise of an
claiming violations of the Constitution. Congress of their congressional “unofficial” tabulation would not only
Basic is the rule that jurisdiction prerogatives, because under the very be preemptive of the authority of
congress and NAMFREL, but would also
be lacking constitutional and/or
statutory basis. Moreover, the assailed
COMELEC resolution likewise
is determined by the allegations of the Rules under attack, the decisions and contravened the constitutional
initiatory pleading, like the complaint or final report of the said Committee shall provision that "no money shall be paid
petition. The court deemedthat the be subject to the approval of the out of the treasury except in pursuance
petition provide sufficient allegations of of an appropriation made by law." It
violation of the constitution. being “unofficial”, any disbursement of
public fund would be contrary to the
provisions of the Constitution and Rep.
joint session of both Houses of Act No. 9206, which is the 2003 General
Congress, voting separately. The Appropriations Act.
Sec. 4, Art. VII expressly provides that to Petition is dismissed. No costs.
promulgate its rules for the canvassing
of the certificates." 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💓💓💓💓💓💓💓
The Omnibus Election Code in providing
the powers and functions of the
Brillantes vs Comelec Commission subjects the same to
InArroyo v. De Venecia, the Court ruled certain conditions with respect to the
that it had no power to review the Facts: adoption of the latest technological and
internal proceedings of Congress, electronic devices, to wit:
(1)consideration of the area and
Comelec issued resolutions adopting an available funds (2) notification to all
Automated Elections System including political parties and candidates. The
the assailed resolution, Resolution 6712, aforementioned conditions were found
which provides for the electronic to have not been substantially met.
unless there is a clear violation of the transmission of advanced result of
Constitution. Likewise, Santiago v. “unofficial” count. Petitioners claimed
Guingona, held that the Court - that the resolution would allow the
preemption and usurpation of the
exclusive power of Congress to canvass
the votes for President and Vice-
President and would likewise encroach
under the doctrine of separation of upon the authority of NAMFREL, as the
powers -- has "no authority to interfere" citizens’ accredited arm, to conduct the
in the "exclusive realm" of a co- "unofficial" quick count as provided
under pertinent election laws. Comelec Resolution 6712 was null and void.
contended that the resolution was
promulgated in the exercise of its 💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘
executive and administrative power "to
equal branch, absent a showing of grave ensure free, orderly, honest, peaceful
abuse of discretion. The Court has no and credible elections” Comelec added ESTRADA VS ARROYO
authority to restrict or limit the that the issue is beyond judicial
determination. FACTS:

exercise of congressional prerogatives

granted by the Constitution. Issue: During the May 1998 election,
petitioner Joseph Estrada was elected
Whether or not Comelec's promulgation President while respondent Gloria
of Resolution 6712 was justified. Macapagal-Arroyo was elected Vice-
President. From the beginning of his
However, after careful deliberation on term, however, petitioner was plagued
the merits of the Petition and the by problems that slowly eroded his
Comments filed by Senate President popularity.

Franklin M. Drilon, Speaker Jose C. De On October 4, 2000, Ilocos Sur Governor

Venecia and the Office of the Solicitor Chavit Singson, a long time friend of the
General, the Court resolves todismiss The Comelec committed grave abuse of petitioner, accused the petitioner, his
the Petition on the ground that it failed discretion amounting to lack or excess
of jurisdiction in issuing Resolution family and friends of receiving millions
to show that Congress gravely abused of pesos from jueteng lords. The expose’
its discretion in creating 6712. The issue squarely fell within the
ambit of the expanded jurisdiction of immediately ignited reactions of rage.
the court.

such Joint Committee. On November 13, 2000, House Speaker

Article VII, Section 4 of the Constitution, Villar transmitted the Articles of
further bolstered by RA 8436, vest upon Impeachment signed by 115
Congress the sole and exclusive representatives or more than 1/3 of all
authority to officially canvass the votes the members of the House of
The creation of the Joint Committee for the elections of President and Vice- Representatives to the Senate. On
does not constitute grave abuse and President. Section 27 of Rep. Act No. November 20, 2000, the Senate formally
cannot be said to have deprived 7166, as amended by Rep. Act No. 8173, opened the impeachment trial of the
and reiterated in Section 18 of Rep. Act petitioner. On January 16, 2001, by a
No. 8436, solely authorize NAMFREL, vote of 11-10, the senator-judges ruled
the duly-accredited citizen’s arm to against the opening of the second
conduct the “unofficial counting of envelope which allegedly contained
votes for the national or local elections. evidence showing that petitioner held
P3.3 billion in a secret bank account leaving the Palace due to any kind of
under the name “Jose Velarde.” The inability and he was going to re-assume
ruling was met by a spontaneous the presidency as soon as the disability
outburst of anger that hit the streets of The cases at bar pose legal and not disappears; (3) he expressed his
the metropolis. Thereafter, the Armed political questions. The principal issues gratitude to the people for the
Forces and the PNP withdrew their for resolution require the proper opportunity to serve them. Without
support to the Estrada government. interpretation of certain provisions in doubt, he was referring to the past
Some Cabinet secretaries, the 1987 Constitution, notably section 1 opportunity given him to serve the
undersecretaries, assistant secretaries of Article II, and section 8 of Article VII, people as President; (4) he assured that
and bureau chiefs resigned from their and the allocation of governmental he will not shirk from any future
posts. powers under section II of Article VII. challenge that may come ahead in the
The issues likewise call for a ruling on same service of our country.
the scope of presidential immunity from Petitioner’s reference is to a future
On January 20, 2001, at about 12 noon, suit. They also involve the correct
Chief Justice Davide administered the challenge after occupying the office of’
calibration of the right of petitioner the president which he has given up;
oath to respondent Arroyo as President against prejudicial publicity. As early as
of the Philippines. On the same day, and (5) he called on his supporters to
the 1803 case of Marbury v. Madison, join him in the promotion of a
petitioner issued a press statement that the doctrine has been laid down that “it
he was leaving Malacanang Palace for constructive national spirit of
is emphatically the province and duty of reconciliation and solidarity. Certainly,
the sake of peace and in order to begin the judicial department to say what the
the healing process of the nation. It also the national spirit of reconciliation and
law is . . .” solidarity could not be attained if he did
appeared that on the same day, he
signed a letter stating that he was not give up the presidency. The press
transmitting a declaration that he was release was petitioner’s valedictory, his
unable to exercise the powers and final act of farewell. His presidency is
duties of his office and that by operation now in the past tense.
of law and the Constitution, the Vice- The Court also distinguished between
EDSA People Power I and EDSA People
President shall be the Acting President. Power II. EDSA I involves the exercise of
A copy of the letter was sent to Speaker the people power of revolution which
Fuentebella and Senate President overthrew the whole government.
Pimentel on the same day. After his fall THIRD ISSUE
EDSA II is an exercise of people power of
from the power, the petitioner’s legal freedom of speech and freedom of
problems appeared in clusters. Several assembly to petition the government for
cases previously filed against him in the redress of grievances which only
Office of the Ombudsman were set in affected the office of the President.
motion. The petitioner is permanently unable to
EDSA I is extra constitutional and the act as President. Section 11 of Article
legitimacy of the new government that VII:
resulted from it cannot be the subject of
judicial review, but EDSA II is intra
constitutional and the resignation of the “Congress has the ultimate authority
Petitioner sought to enjoin the sitting President that it caused and the under the Constitution to determine
respondent Ombudsman from succession of the Vice President as whether the President is incapable of
conducting any further proceedings in President are subject to judicial review. performing his functions.”
any criminal complaint that may be filed EDSA I presented political question;
in his office, until after the term of EDSA II involves legal questions. Both houses of Congress have
petitioner as President is over and only recognized respondent Arroyo as the
if legally warranted. Erap also filed a President. The House of Representative
Quo Warranto case, praying for passed on January 24, 2001 House
judgment “confirming petitioner to be Resolution No. l75 which states:
the lawful and incumbent President of SECOND ISSUE
the Republic of the Philippines
temporarily unable to discharge the “RESOLUTION EXPRESSING THE
duties of his office, and declaring SUPPORT OF THE HOUSE OF
respondent to have taken her oath as REPRESENTATIVES TO THE ASSUMPTION
and to be holding the Office of the INTO OFFICE BY VICE PRESIDENT GLORIA
President, only in an acting capacity Using the totality test, the SC held that MACAPAGAL-ARROYO AS PRESIDENT
pursuant to the provisions of the petitioner resigned as President. OFTHE REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES,
a.) The proposal for a snap election for AND EXPRESSING ITS SUPPORT FOR HER
president in May where he would not ADMINISTRATION AS A PARTNER IN THE
be a candidate is an indicium that ATTAINMENT OF THE NATION’S GOALS
petitioner had intended to give up the UNDER THE CONSTITUTION.”
ISSUE: presidency even at that time.
The Senate also passed Senate
Whether or not the cases at bar involve b.) The Angara diary shows that the Resolution No. 82 which states:
a political question. President wanted only five-day period
promised by Reyes, as well as to open “RESOLUTION CONFIRMING PRESIDENT
the second envelop to clear his name. GLORIA MACAPAGAL-ARROYO’S
Whether or not the petitioner resigned
c.) During the negotiations, the GUINGONA, JR. AS VICE PRESIDENT OF
resignation of the petitioner was THE REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES”
Whether or not the petitioner Is only treated as a given fact. The only
temporarily unable to Act as President. unsettled points at that time were the Implicitly clear in that recognition is the
measures to be undertaken by the premise that the inability of petitioner
Whether or not the petitioner enjoys parties during and after transition Estrada is no longer temporary.
immunity from suit. period. Congress has clearly rejected
petitioner’s claim of inability. Even if
Whether or not the prosecution of d.) His resignation was also confirmed petitioner can prove that he did not
petitioner Estrada should be enjoined by his leaving Malacañang. In the press resign, still, he cannot successfully claim
due to prejudicial publicity. release containing his final statement, that he is a President on leave on the
(1) he acknowledged the oath-taking of ground that he is merely unable to
the respondent as President of the govern temporarily. That claim has been
Republic albeit with the reservation laid to rest by Congress and the decision
about its legality; (2) he emphasized he that respondent Arroyo is the de jure
HELD: was leaving the Palace, the seat of the President made by a co-equal branch of
presidency, for the sake of peace and in government cannot be reviewed by the
FIRST ISSUE order to begin the healing process of Supreme Court.
our nation. He did not say he was
of circumstances of the case does not their deputies and assistants. Thus the
prove that the trial judge acquired a phrase “unless otherwise provided by
fixed opinion as a result of prejudicial the Constitution” in Section 13, Article
FOURTH ISSUE publicity which is incapable if change VII cannot be construed as a broad
even by evidence presented during the exception from Section 7 of Article IX-B
trial. Appellant has the burden to prove that is contrary to the legislative intent
this actual bias and he has not of both constitutional provisions. Such
discharged the burden. phrase is only limited to and strictly
The petitioner does not enjoy immunity applies only to particular instances of
from suit. The Supreme Court rejected allowing the VP to become a cabinet
petitioner’s argument that he cannot be 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
member and the Secretary of Justice as
prosecuted for the reason that he must ex-officio member of the Judicial and
first be convicted in the impeachment Article IX (B), Section 7. No elective Bar Council. The court thereby declared
proceedings. The impeachment trial of official shall be eligible for appointment E.O 284 as null and void.
petitioner Estrada was aborted by the or designation in any capacity to any
walkout of the prosecutors and by the public office or position during his
events that led to his loss of the tenure. Unless otherwise allowed by law 💝💝💝💝💝💝
presidency. On February 7, 2001, the or by the primary functions of his
Senate passed Senate Resolution No. 83 position, no appointive official shall hold REPUBLIC VS SANDIGANBAYAN
“Recognizing that the Impeachment any other office or employment in the
Court is Functus Officio.” Since the Government or any subdivision, agency FACTS:
Impeachment Court is now functus or instrumentality thereof, including
officio, it is untenable for petitioner to Government-owned or controlled
demand that he should first be corporations or their subsidiaries. Petitioner Republic, through the
impeached and then convicted before Presidential Commission on Good
he can be prosecuted. The plea, if Government (PCGG), represented by
granted, would put a perpetual bar the Office of the Solicitor General (OSG),
against his prosecution. The debates in filed a petition for forfeiture before the
the Constitutional Commission make it Civil Liberties Union v Executive Sandiganbayan. Petitioner sought the
clear that when impeachment Secretary (194 SCRA 317) declaration of the aggregate amount of
proceedings have become moot due to US$356 million (now estimated to be
the resignation of the President, the more than US$658 million inclusive of
proper criminal and civil cases may interest) deposited in escrow in the
already be filed against him. PNB, as ill-gotten wealth. The funds
FACTS: The petitioner are assailing the were previously held by the following
Executive Order No. 284 issued by the five account groups, using various
President allowing cabinet members, foreign foundations in certain Swiss
undersecretary or asst. secretaries and banks. Moreover, the petition sought
The SC also ruled in In re: Saturnino other appointive officials of the the forfeiture of US$25 million and
Bermudez that “incumbent Presidents executive department to hold 2 US$5 million in treasury notes whICh
are immune from suit or from being positions in the government and exceeded the Marcos couple’s salaries,
brought to court during the period of government corporations and to receive other lawful income as well as income
their incumbency and tenure” but not additional compensation. They find it from legitimately acquired property.
beyond. Considering the peculiar unconstitutional against the provision The treasury notes are frozen at the
circumstance that the impeachment provided by Section 13, Article VII Central Bank of the Philippines, now
process against the petitioner has been prohibiting the President, Cabinet Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas, by virtue of
aborted and thereafter he lost the members and their deputies to hold any the freeze order issued by the PCGG.
presidency, petitioner cannot demand other office or employment. Section 7, Before the case was set for pre-trial, a
as a condition sine qua non to his par. (2), Article IX-B further states that General Agreement and the
criminal prosecution before the “Unless otherwise allowed by law or by Supplemental Agreements were
Ombudsman that he be convicted in the the primary functions of his position, no executed by the Marcos children and
impeachment proceedings. appointive official shall hold any other then PCGG Chairman Magtanggol
office or employment in the Gunigundo for a global settlement of
Government or any subdivision, agency the assets of the Marcos family to
or instrumentality thereof, including identify, collate, cause the inventory of
government-owned or controlled and distribute all assets presumed to be
Also, petitioner cannot cite any decision corporation or their subsidiaries." In the owned by the Marcos family under their
of the SC licensing the President to opinion of the DOJ as affirmed by the conditions contained therein.
commit criminal acts and wrapping him Solicitor General, the said Executive
with post-tenure immunity from Order is valid and constitutional as
liability. The rule is that unlawful acts of Section 7 of Article IX-B stated “unless
public officials are not acts of the State otherwise allowed by law” which is
and the officer who acts illegally is not construed to be an exemption from that ISSUE:
acting as such but stands in the same stipulated on Article VII, section 13, such
footing as any other trespasser. as in the case of the Vice President who Whether or not the Swiss funds can be
is constitutionally allowed to become a forfeited in favour of the Republic, on
cabinet member and the Secretary of the basis of the Marcoses’s lawful
Justice as ex-officio member of the income.
Judicial and Bar Council.
ISSUE: Whether Section 7 of Article IX-B
provides an exemption to Article VII,
section 13 of the constitution. RULING:
Petitioner was not denied the right to Yes. R.A. No. 1379 raises the prima facie
impartial trial. Pervasive publicity is not RULING: The court held it is not an
exemption since the legislative intent of presumption that a property is
per se prejudicial to the right of an unlawfully acquired, hence subject to
accused to fair trial. The mere fact that both Constitutional provisions is to
prevent government officials from forfeiture, if its amount or value is
the trial of appellant was given a day-to- manifestly disproportionate to the
day, gavel-to-gavel coverage does not holding multiple positions in the
government for self enrichment which a official salary and other lawful income
by itself prove that the publicity so of the public officer who owns it.
permeated the mind of the trial judge betrayal of public trust. Section 7,
and impaired his impartiality. In the Article I-XB is meant to lay down the
case at bar, the records do not show general rule applicable to all elective
that the trial judge developed actual and appointive public officials and
bias against appellant as a consequence employees, while Section 13, Article VII
is meant to be the exception applicable The following facts must be established
of the extensive media coverage of the in order that forfeiture or seizure of the
pre-trial and trial of his case. The totality only to the President, the Vice-
President, Members of the Cabinet, Swiss deposits may be effected:
Ilocos Sur Governor, Luis "Chavit" be filed in his office, until after the term
Singson, a longtime friend of the of petitioner as President is over and
petitioner, went on air and accused the only if legally warranted."
(1) ownership by the public officer of petitioner, his family and friends of
money or property acquired during his receiving millions of pesos from jueteng
incumbency, whether it be in his name February 6, 2001, Thru another counsel,
lords. petitioner filed for Quo Warranto. He
or otherwise, and
prayed for judgment "confirming
House Speaker Villar transmitted the petitioner to be the lawful and
Articles of Impeachment signed by 115 incumbent President of the Republic of
representatives, or more than 1/3 of all the Philippines temporarily unable to
(2) the extent to which the amount of the members of the House of discharge the duties of his office, and
that money or property exceeds, i. e., is Representatives to the Senate. This declaring respondent to have taken her
grossly disproportionate to, the caused political convulsions in both oath as and to be holding the Office of
legitimate income of the public officer. houses of Congress. Senator Drilon was the President, only in an acting capacity
replaced by Senator Pimentel as Senate pursuant to the provisions of the
President. Speaker Villar was unseated Constitution."
by Representative Fuentebella.

Herein, the spouses Ferdinand and Senate formally opened the

Imelda Marcos were public officials impeachment trial of the petitioner. 21
during the time material to the present senators took their oath as judges with ISSUES:
case was never in dispute. Supreme Court Chief Justice Hilario G.
Davide, Jr., presiding. Whether or not the petitioner resigned
as president.
When by a vote of 11-10 the senator-
judges ruled against the opening of the Whether or not petitioner Estrada is a
The spouses accumulated salary of 2nd envelope which allegedly contained President on leave while respondent
$304,372.43 should be held as the only evidence showing that petitioner held Arroyo is an Acting President.
known lawful income of the Marcoses P3.3 billion in a secret bank account
since they did not file any Statement of under the name "Jose Velarde." The
Assets and Liabilities (SAL), as required public and private prosecutors walked
by law, from which their net worth out in protest of the ruling. In disgust,
could be determined. Senator Pimentel resigned as Senate HELD:
President. By midnight, thousands had
assembled at the EDSA Shrine and
speeches full of sulphur were delivered Resignation is not a high level legal
against the petitioner and the 11 abstraction. It is a factual question and
Besides, under the 1935 Constitution, senators. its elements are beyond quibble: there
Ferdinand E. Marcos as President could must be an intent to resign and the
not receive “any other emolument from intent must be coupled by acts of
the Government or any of its January 18, 2001 saw the high velocity relinquishment. The validity of a
subdivisions and instrumentalities”. intensification of the call for petitioner's resignation is not government by any
resignation. A 10-km line of people formal requirement as to form. It can be
holding lighted candles formed a human oral. It can be written. It can be express.
chain from the Ninoy Aquino It can be implied. As long as the
Monument on Ayala Avenue in Makati resignation is clear, it must be given
City to the EDSA Shrine to symbolize the legal effect.
Likewise, under the 1973 Constitution, people's solidarity in demanding
Ferdinand E. Marcos as President could petitioner's resignation.
“not receive during his tenure any other In the cases at bar, the facts show that
emolument from the Government or petitioner did not write any formal
any other source.” Their only known January 19, 2001, the fall from power of letter of resignation before he
lawful income of $304,372.43 can the petitioner appeared inevitable. evacuated Malacañang Palace in the
therefore legally and fairly serve as basis Petitioner agreed to the holding of a afternoon of January 20, 2001 after the
for determining the existence of a prima snap election for President where he oath-taking of respondent Arroyo.
facie case of forfeiture of the Swiss would not be a candidate. Secretary of Consequently, whether or not petitioner
funds. The Republic did not fail to National Defense Orlando Mercado and resigned has to be determined from his
establish a prima facie case for the General Reyes, together with the chiefs act and omissions before, during and
forfeiture of the Swiss deposits. of all the armed services went to the after January 20, 2001 or by the totality
EDSA Shrine. General Angelo Reyes of prior, contemporaneous and
declared that "on behalf of Your Armed posterior facts and circumstantial
Forces, the 130,000 strong members of evidence bearing a material relevance
the Armed Forces, we wish to announce on the issue.
The Swiss deposits which were that we are withdrawing our support to
transferred to and are deposited in this government.” A little later, PNP
Chief, Director General Panfilo Lacson Using this totality test, we hold that
escrow at the Philippine National Bank petitioner resigned as President.
in the estimated aggregate amount of and the major service commanders gave
US$658,175,373.60 as of 31 January a similar stunning announcement.
2002, plus interest, were forfeited in
favor of the Republic. January 20, 2001 Chief Justice Davide
administered the oath to respondent An examination of section 11, Article VII
💗💗💗💗💗💗💗 Arroyo as President of the Philippines. is in order. It provides:
Petitioner and his family hurriedly left
Malacañang Palace.
JOSEPH ESTRADA v. ANIANO DESIERTO Whenever the President transmits to
(D) the President of the Senate and the
January 22, 2001, the Monday after Speaker of the House of
taking her oath, respondent Arroyo Representatives his written declaration
G.R. No. 146710, Mar. 2, 2001 immediately discharged the powers the that he is unable to discharge the
duties of the Presidency. powers and duties of his office, and until
he transmits to them a written
February 5, 2001, petitioner filed with declaration to the contrary, such
this Court a petition for prohibition with powers and duties shall be discharged
FACTS: by the Vice-President as Acting
a prayer for a writ of preliminary
injunction. It sought to enjoin the President xxx.
Petitioner Joseph Ejercito Estrada was respondent Ombudsman from
elected President while respondent "conducting any further proceedings in
Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo was elected What leaps to the eye from these
any other criminal complaint that may irrefutable facts is that both houses of
Congress have recognized respondent HELD: sector and that the Roppongi
Arroyo as the President. Implicitly clear property was specifically designated
in that recognition is the premise that 1. Yes. Contrary to petitioners' view, it under the agreement to house the
the inability of petitioner Estrada is no cannot be denied that the President, Philippine embassy.
longer temporary. Congress has clearly upon whom executive power is vested,
rejected petitioner's claim of inability. has unstated residual powers which are
implied from the grant of executive
In fine, even if the petitioner can prove power and which are necessary for her
that he did not resign, still, he cannot to comply with her duties under the It is of public dominion unless it is
successfully claim that he is a President Constitution. The powers of the convincingly shown that the property
on leave on the ground that he is merely President are not limited to what are has become patrimonial. The
unable to govern temporarily. That expressly enumerated in the article on respondents have failed to do so.
claim has been laid to rest by Congress the Executive Department and in
and the decision that respondent scattered provisions of the Constitution.
Arroyo is the de jure, president made by
a co-equal branch of government
cannot be reviewed by this Court. As property of public dominion, the
Roppongi lot is outside the commerce of
man. It cannot be alienated. Its
✋✋✋✋✋ This is so, notwithstanding the avowed
ownership is a special collective
intent of the members of the
Constitutional Commission of 1986 to ownership for general use and payment,
Marcos v. Manglapus (G.R. No. 88211) limit the powers of the President as a in application to the satisfaction of
reaction to the abuses under the regime collective needs, and resides in the
October 27, 1989 | 177 SCRA 668 of Mr. Marcos, for the result was a social group. The purpose is not to
limitation of specific power of the serve the State as the juridical person
President, particularly those relating to but the citizens; it is intended for the
Ferdinand Marcos, et al., petitioners common and public welfare and cannot
the commander-in-chief clause, but not
a diminution of the general grant of be the object of appropriation.
Hon. Raul Manglapus, in his capacity as executive power. Among the duties of
Secretary of Foreign Affairs, et al., the President under the Constitution, in
respondents compliance with his (or her) oath of
office, is to protect and promote the
interest and welfare of the people. Her The fact that the Roppongi site has not
decision to bar the return of the been used for a long time for actual
Marcoses and subsequently, the Embassy service doesn’t automatically
FACTS: remains of Mr. Marcos at the present convert it to patrimonial property.
time and under present circumstances is Any such conversion happens only if the
On September 15, 1989, the SC voted 8- in compliance with this bounden duty. property is withdrawn from public use.
7 to dismiss the petition of the Marcos A property continues to be part of the
family to allow the return of former public domain, not available for
President Ferdinand Marcos from
Honolulu, Hawaii to the Philippines. The private appropriation or ownership until
Court held that President Corazon 2. No, the residual powers of the there is a formal declaration on the part
Aquino did not act arbitrarily with grave President under the Constitution should of the government to withdraw it from
abuse of discretion in determining that not be confused with the power of the being such.
the return of former President Marcos President under the 1973 Constitution
and his family at the present time and to legislate pursuant to Amendment No.
under present circumstances pose a 6. Whereas the residual powers of the ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
threat to national interest and welfare. President under the 1987 Constitution
are implied, Amendment No. 6 of the Domingo v. Zamora
1973 Constitution refers to an express
The decision affirmed the grant of power.
constitutionality of President Corazon GR 142283; February 6, 2003
Aquino's prior refusal, fearing the
instability and security issues that may ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
arise once the remains of former
President Marcos were to be brought LAUREL V. GARCIA 187 SCRA 797
back to the country. In a statement, she Facts: President Estrada issued EO
said: entitled Transferring the Sports
Programs and Activities of the DECS to
the Philippine Sports Commission in
"In the interest of the safety of those School-Based Sports. Pursuant to EO 81,
who will take the death of Mr. Marcos FACTS: former DECS Secretary Gonzales issued
in widely and passionately conflicting a Memorandum which temporarily
ways, and for the tranquility of the state The subject Roppongi property is one reassigned, in the exigency of the
and order of society, the remains of of the properties acquired by the service, all remaining BPESS Staff to
Ferdinand E. Marcos will not be allowed Philippines from Japan pursuant to a other divisions or bureaus of the DECS.
to be brought to our country until such Reparations Agreement. The property is
time as the government, be it under this where the Philippine Embassy was once
administration or the succeeding one, located, before it transferred to the
shall otherwise decide." Nampeidai property. It was decided
that the properties would be Issue: Is the reassignment valid?
Hence, this Motion for Reconsideration.
available to sale or disposition. One of
ISSUES: the first properties opened up for public
auction was the Roppongi property,
despite numerous oppositions from Ruling: Yes. Since EO 81 is based on the
different sectors. Presidents continuing authority under
Section 31 (2) and (3) of EO 292, it is a
1. Whether or not President Aquino has valid exercise of the Presidents
the power to deny the return of Marcos' delegated power to reorganize the
remains. Office of the President. The law grants
HELD: the President this power in recognition
of the recurring need of every President
2. Whether or not President Aquino's to reorganize his office to achieve
refusal to allow the return of Marcos' The Roppongi property was acquired simplicity, economy and efficiency. The
remains is tantamount to dictatorship. together with the other properties Office of the President is the nerve
through reparation agreements. They center of the Executive Branch. To
were assigned to the government
remain effective and efficient, the Office Notwithstanding the aforementioned
of the President must be capable of ruling and directive, respondent
being shaped and reshaped by the neglected and refused to reinstate
President in the manner he deems fit to ¹ Appointment and designation, petitioner to tile position of Chief of
carry out his directives and policies. distinguished. – Appointment may be Police of Malolos which act is
After all, the Office of the President is defined as the selection, by the specifically enjoined upon her as
the command post of the President. authority vested with power, of an Municipal Mayor and public officer, in
This is the rationale behind the individual who is to exercise the Sec. 19, Article IV of Rep. Act 2260
Presidents continuing authority to functions of a given office. Designation, otherwise known as the Civil Service Act
reorganize the administrative structure on the other hand connotes merely the of 1959.
of the Office of the President. imposition by law of additional duties
on an incumbent official. It is said that
appointment is essentially executive ISSUE:
❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ while designation is legislative.
(Binamira v. Garrucho, Jr., 188 SCRA
RAMON P. BINAMIRA, petitioner, vs. 154)
PETER D. GARRUCHO, JR., respondent.
Between two appointees, the first
------------------------ complying with all the legal
G.R. No. 92008 | 188 SCRA 154 | July requirements to hold office, and the
30, 1990 | En Banc | Justice Cruz JOHN ALEXANDER S. BELDEROL PUBLIC second one
It is an appointment (and not a 39451 February 20, 1989
designation) that results in security of
PRINCIPLES: 1.) Acceptance is
indispensable to complete appointment.
The first appointee which complies with
In 1986, petitioner Binamira, as all the legal requisites for appointment
evidenced by the memorandum which prevails. Bernardo never
allowed him to qualify, was designated 2.) Acts amounting to acceptance;
General Manager (GM) of the Phil vested rights to the office in appointee’s
Tourism Authority (PTA) by the then favour . Challenging a contested
Minister of Tourism and Chair of the appointment by bringing a suit for
PTA Board. In 1990, President Aquino, mandamus, when coupled with a made by the incumbent appointing
on noting that he was not designated by previous oath of office, amounts to an power but without assuming office or
herself but merely by said Minister acceptance and gave a vested right to taking his oath of office, which one
contrary to that required by law, said office in appointee’s favor. prevails?
designated the new Sec. of Tourism
respondent Garrucho as the GM until
such time she makes an appointment
thereto. Binamira now seeks
reinstatement, claiming he has been FACTS: assumed office or took his oath. It
removed without just cause in violation cannot be said, then, that he had
of his security of tenure. Petitioner allegedly was the duly accepted his appointment. Such an
appointed Chief of Police of Malolos, appointment being ineffective, we hold
Bulacan, on November 7, 1967 by the that the petitioner's appointment
then Mayor Victorino B. Aldaba, which prevails. Acceptance is indispensable to
appointment was confirmed and complete an appointment. The fact that
ISSUE: approved by the Municipal Council of Bernardo's appointment was confirmed
the said municipality on the same date by the Civil Service Commission does
as per Resolution No. 210, Series of not complete it since confirmation or
Does Binamira have a claim on security attestation by the Commission, although
of tenure? 1967. The following day, petitioner took
his oath of office and thereafter an essential part of the appointing
assumed and discharged the rights, process, serves merely to assure the
prerogatives and duties of the office. On eligibility of the appointee.
January 3, 1968, pending approval and Furthermore, Bernardo never contested
attestation of his appointment by the the petitioner's right to office. In the
RULING: Civil Service Commission, respondent, case at bar, Bayani Bernardo never
who had then assumed the office of undertook steps that would have
No. It is not disputed that Binamira was Municipal Mayor, recalled petitioner's convinced us that he was interested in,
not appointed by the President but only appointment from the Civil Service or had accepted, the appointment. He
designated by the Minister of Tourism. Commission in her letter of said date. did, of course, intervene in the
Where the person is merely designated Not satisfied with her letter of recall, mandamus suit, but it was a belated
and not appointed, the implication is respondent summarily, arbitrarily and effort to assert his alleged rights. It is
that he shall hold the office only in a illegally ousted and relieved petitioner not indicative of an interested party. It
temporary capacity and may be as Chief of Police and at the same time, was too little and too late. On the other
replaced at will by the appointing designated Police Lt. Romualdo F. hand, we cannot say the same thing as
authority. In this sense, the designation Clements, a non-eligible, as Officer-in- far as the petitioner is concerned. The
is considered only an acting or Charge of the Police Department. On records show that he was appointed on
temporary appointment, which does May 2, 1968, the Civil Service November 7, 1967, and the following
not confer security of tenure. It is when Commission attested and approved the day, November 8, 1967, he took his oath
an appointment is completed, usually appointment of petitioner as such Chief of office and discharged the duties
with its confirmation, that security of of Police. The mayor, on the other hand, appurtenant thereto until January 13,
tenure results for the person chosen, quickly installed Bayani Bernardo as 1968, when the succeeding mayor, the
unless he is replaceable at pleasure Chief of Police of Malolos. For lack of herein respondent Purificacion Reyes,
because of the nature of his office.¹ the mandatory requirement of recalled his appointment and appointed
Moreover, even if it is to be conceded confirmation by the municipal council another. Thereupon, the petitioner
that his designation by the Minister under Sec. 1 of Rep. Act No. 1551, the went to the Civil Service Commission to
constituted an act of the President—as Civil Service Commission pronounced ask for reinstatement. Finally, he
Binamira contends—such act shall be the appointment of the replacement brought suit for mandamus. These acts
considered valid only if not null and void and directed respondent amounted to acceptance and gave rise
“disapproved or reprobated by the "that steps be taken immediately to to a vested right to the office in his
President” which is what happened in install Mr. Javier as Chief of Police of favor. Respondent Mayor is ORDERED to
the case at bar. that Municipality (Malolos)". REINSTATE the petitioner to office of
Chief of Police, Malolos, Bulacan, or its
equivalent, or to any position equivalent The President shall have the power to (AFP) as a major subordinate unit of the
in rank and pay, subject to the make appointments during the recess of Philippine Navy under Section 54 of
requirements of age and fitness, and to the Congress, whether voluntary or Chapter 8, Sub-title II, Title VIII, Book IV
PAY him back salaries equivalent to five compulsory, but such appointments of EO 292, as amended.
(5) years without qualification or shall be effective only until after
deduction. disapproval by the Commission on
Appointments or until the next
JAVIER V. REYES adjournment of the Congress. (Sec. 16,
Art. VII, 1987 Constitution) However, on March 30, 1998, after the
aforesaid changes in the charter of the
PCG, then President Fidel V. Ramos, in
the exercise of his statutory authority to
FACTS: reorganize the Office of the President,
Facts: issued EO 475 transferring the PCG from
the DND to the Office of the President.
Javier was appointed chief of police in He later on again transferred the PCG
Malolos by Mayor Aldaba. He already from the Office of the President to the
took oath and discharged his functions Department of Transportation and
as chief of police. However, the President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo Communications (DOTC).
municipal mayor was assumed by appointed public respondents to
Reyes, who recalled his appointed. different positions in the Philippine
Reyes even illegally ousted Javier and Coast Guard (PCG). Petitioner
replaced him with Clements. Javier took questioned the said appointments for
this up in CSC. It appears that there failure to undergo the confirmation Now that the PCG is under the DOTC
were already 2 appointments for the process in the Commission on and no longer part of the Philippine
chief of police Javier and Bernardo. The Appointments. Navy or the Armed Forces of the
CSC ruled that Javier should be the one Philippines, the promotions and
appointed, as Bernardo was not appointments of respondent officers of
confirmed by the counsel of Malolos. the PCG, or any PCG officer from the
But Reyes still refused to instill Javier in rank of captain and higher for that
the position. matter, do not require confirmation by
the CA.
Whether Javier should prevail as chief of
police? 1. Does petitioner have any legal
personality to file the instant petition? It is clear from Sec. 16, Art. VII, 1987
Constitution that only appointed officers
2. Do the appointments of respondents from the rank of colonel or naval
required confirmation of the CA? captain in the armed forces require
HELD: confirmation by the CA. The rule is that
the plain, clear and unambiguous
Held: language of the Constitution should be
YES. Javier should be chief of police. He construed as such and should not be
already took oath and performed the 1. No. A private citizen is allowed to given a construction that changes its
functions of his office. This amounts to raise constitutional questions only if he meaning.
acceptance by Javier. Javier acted can show that he has personally
immediately when his position was suffered some actual or threatened
taken and filed a mandamus suit, this The enumeration of appointments
injury as a result of the allegedly illegal subject to confirmation by the CA under
also amounts to acceptance. On the conduct of the government, the injury is
other hand, Bernardo never assumed Section 16, Article VII of the 1987
fairly traceable to the challenged action Constitution is exclusive. The clause
office. He did not even contested and the injury is likely to be redressed
Javier’s right to the position. His motion officers of the armed forces from the
by a favorable action. In the case at bar, rank of colonel or naval captain refers to
to intervene in court was way too late. It petitioner has failed to clearly
seems that there was no acceptance of military officers alone. This is clear from
demonstrate that he has personally the deliberations of the Constitutional
appointment for his part. Acceptance is suffered actual or threatened injury. It
important in appointments. It is what Commission on the proposed text of
should be emphasized that a party said Section 16, Article VII of the
makes the appointments complete. bringing a suit challenging the Constitution. Since the promotions and
constitutionality of an act or statute appointments of respondent officers are
🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡 must show not only that the law or act not covered by the above-cited
is invalid, but also that he has sustained provision of the Constitution, the same
SSoriano vs. Lista Case or is in immediate, or imminent danger need not be confirmed by the CA.
of sustaining some direct injury as a (Soriano v. Lista, G.R. No. 153881,
result of its enforcement and not merely March 24, 2003)
The President shall nominate and, with that he suffers thereby in some
the consent of the Commission on indefinite way.
Appointments, appoint the heads of the ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
executive departments, ambassadors,
other public ministers and consuls, or Aparri vs CA GR L-30057
officers of the armed forces from the
rank of colonel or naval captain, and The instant petition cannot even be
other officers whose appointments are Facts:
classified as a taxpayers suit because
vested in him in this Constitution. He petitioner has no interest as such and
shall also appoint all other officers of this case does not involve the exercise
the Government whose appointments by Congress of its taxing power.
are not otherwise provided for by law,
and those whom he may be authorized On January 15, 1960, private
by law to appoint. The Congress may, by respondent approved the following
law, vest the appointment of other resolution # 13, hereby appointing Mr.
officers lower in rank in the President Bruno Aparri, as general manager of
alone, in the courts, or in the heads of 2. No. The PCG used to be administered NARRA, with all the rights, prerogatives
and maintained as a separate unit of the and compensations to take effect on
departments, agencies, commissions, or Philippine Navy under Section 4 of RA
boards. January 116, 1960.
5173. It was subsequently placed under
the direct supervision and control of the
Secretary of the Department of National On March 15, 1962, the board of
Defense (DND) pursuant to Section 4 of directors approved resolution # 24
PD 601. Eventually, it was integrated which stating thereat that the
into the Armed Forces of the Philippines incumbent general manager shall
perform his duty up to the close of certain provisions contrary to law and of an act. If they are not followed, he
office hour on March 31, 1962. In public policy. may, in his discretion, order the act
accordance with the provisions of undone or re-done by his subordinate or
section 8, sub-section 2 of RA 1160. It In a petition, the Regional Trial Court of he may even decide to do it himself.
hereby fixes the term of office of the Manila revoked the Secretary's While in supervision, it merely sees to it
incumbent general manager until march resolution and sustained the ordinance, that the rules are followed, but he
31, 1962. Petitioner file a mandamus holding inter alia that the procedural himself does not lay down such rules,
with preliminary injunction with the first requirements had been observed. nor does he have the discretion to
instance court. The petition pray for the Instead, it declared Section 187 of the modify or replace them. If the rules are
annulment of the resolution of NARRA Local Government Code as not observed, he may order the work
board. unconstitutional because of its vesture done or re-done but only to conform to
in the Secretary of Justice of the power the prescribed rules. He may not
of control over local governments in prescribe his own manner for the doing
violation of the policy of local autonomy of the act. He has no judgment on this
mandated in the Constitution and of the matter except to see to it that the rules
Issue: specific provision therein conferring on are followed.
the President of the Philippines only the
power of supervision over local ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
governments. By citing the distinction
between control and supervision, the Gascon vs. Arroyo (Consti1)
Whether or not board resolution No. 24 lower court’s concluded that the
was a removal or dismissal of petitioner challenged section gave the Secretary
without cause. the power of control and not of Jose Luis Martin C. Gascon, Faustino
supervision only as vested by the "Bong" L. Lapira, and Spouses Alberto
Constitution in the President of the and Karla Lim, petitioners,
Philippines. This was, in his view, a
violation not only of Article X, vs.
Held: specifically Section 4 thereof, 7 and of
Section 5 on the taxing powers of local
governments, 8 and the policy of local The Hon. Joker T. Arroyo, in his official
autonomy in general. capacity as Executive Secretary to the
President, Hon. Teodoro Benigno, as
It was affirmed that the term of office of Press Secretary, Hon. Reneirio Reyes, as
petitioner expired on March 31, 1962. It the Secretary of Transportation and
is necessary in each case to interpret Communication, Hon. Jose Alcuaz, as
the word "Term" with the purview of Chairman of the National
ISSUE: Telecommunications Commission, Hon.
the statutes so as to effectuate the
statutory scheme pertaining to the Conrado A. Limcaoco, Jr., as the Officer-
office under examination. In the case at Whether or not Section 187 of the Local in-Charge of the People's Television,
bar, the term of office is not fixed by Government Code is unconstitutional. ABS-CBN Broadcasting Corporation, and
law. However, the power to fix the term Messrs. Vicente Abad Santos, Pastor Del
is rested in the board of directors Rosario and Catalino Macaraig, Jr., in
subject to the recommendation of the their respective capacities as Chairman
office of economic coordination and the and Members of the "Arbitration
approval of the president of the HELD: Committee", respondents.
philippines. Resolution No. 24 speaks of
no removal but an expiration of the The judgment of the Regional Trial
term of office of the petitioner. The Court is reversed insofar as it declared
statute is undeniably clear. "It is the rule Section 187 of the Local Government
in statutory construction that if the Code unconstitutional and affirmed the En Banc
words and phrases of a statute are not findings of the procedural requirements
obscure or ambiguous. Its meaning and in the enactment of the Manila Revenue
intention of the legislative must be Code have been observed.
determined from the language
employed and where there is no Padilla, October 16, 1989
Section 187 authorizes the Secretary of
ambiguity in words, there is no room for Justice to review only the
construction. constitutionality or legality of the tax
ordinance and, if warranted, to revoke it
on either or both of these grounds. Topic: Sovereignty - Suits not against
When he alters or modifies or sets aside the State - Expropriation
a tax ordinance, he is not also permitted
The petitioner in this case was not to substitute his own judgment for the
removed before the expiration of his judgment of the local government that
term rather, his right to hold office enacted the measure. Secretary Drilon
ceased by the expiration on March 31, did set aside the Manila Revenue Code,
1962, of his term to hold such office. but he did not replace it with his own Facts:
version of what the Code should be. He
❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ did not pronounce the ordinance Lopez family is the owner of 2 television
unwise or unreasonable as a basis for its stations, namely: Channels 2 and 4,
annulment. He did not say that in his which they have operated through the
DRILON VS. LIM judgment it was a bad law. What he ABS-CBN Broadcasting Corporation
found only was that it was illegal. All he
FACTS: did in reviewing the said measure was When martial law was declared on Sept
determine if the petitioners were 21, 1972, Ch. 4 was closed by the
Pursuant to Section 187 of the Local performing their functions in military and its facilities were taken over
Government Code or the Procedure For accordance with law, that is, with the by Kanlaon Broadcasting System (KBS)
Approval And Effectivity Of Tax prescribed procedure for the enactment which operated it as a commercial TV
Ordinances And Revenue Measures; of tax ordinances and the grant of station
Mandatory Public Hearings, Secretary of powers to the city government under
Justice had, on appeal to him of four oil the Local Government Code.
companies and a taxpayer, declared In 1978, KBS was taken over by the
National Media Production Center
Ordinance No. 7794, otherwise known (NMPC), which operated it under
as the Manila Revenue Code, null and Maharlika Broadcasting System TV 4
void for non-compliance with the (MBS-4)
prescribed procedure in the enactment The Court finds that Secretary Drilon
of tax ordinances and for containing had performed an act not of control but
of mere supervision. An officer in After the February 1986 Edsa
control lays down the rules in the doing Revolution, the PCGG sequestered the
TV stations and the Office of Media In the case at bar, there is no question
Affairs took over the operation of Ch. 4 that when he directed the respondent
to reinstate the petitioners, Sec.
The Merit Systems Protection Board of Ordonez was acting in the regular
On. April 17, 1986, the Lopez family CSC held that their dismissals were
requested Pres. Aquino to order to discharge of his functions as an alter ego
invalid and unconstitutional, having of the President. His acts should
return to them Chs. 2 and 4 been done in violation of their security therefore have been respected by the
of tenure under the 1987 Constitution. respondent Director of the NBI, which is
On October 18 1986, Ch 2 was returned Accordingly, the Board ordered their in the Department of Justice under the
to the Lopez family reinstatement. direct control of its Secretary. As a
subordinate in this department, the
Upon the Lopez family's request, the However, respondent Carpio, as respondent was (and is) bound to obey
respondent Executive Secretary, by the Director of NBI, returned the orders the Secretary’s directives, which are
authority of the President, entered into issued by the Secretary of Justice to CSC presumptively the acts of the President
with ABS-CBN, represented by its Pres. “without action,” claiming that they of the Philippines.
Eugenio Lopez, Jr., an "Agreement to were null and void for having been
Arbitrate" rendered without jurisdiction. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
🧡❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤
Arbitration Committee was created IBP vs. Zamora G.R. No.141284, August
composed of Atty. Catalino Macaraig, 15, 2000
Jr., for RP and Atty. Pastor del Rosario
for ABS-CBN, and retired Justice Vicente ISSUE:
Abad Santos as Chairman IBP vs. Zamora

Issue: G.R. No.141284, August 15, 2000

Whether or not the Director of the NBI
Note: There wasn't exactly an issue, as can disobey an explicit and direct order
the court dismissed the case because issued to him by the Secretary of Justice
the petitioners did not have locus Facts: Invoking his powers as
standi. If the need arises, I would say Commander-in-Chief under Sec. 18, Art.
the issue is "Whether or not the VII of the Constitution, the President
Agreement to Arbitrate, as an directed the AFP Chief of Staff and PNP
alternative to a lawsuit against the HELD: Chief to coordinate with each other for
State, is valid"; to which, the answer is the proper deployment and utilization
yes. Either way, I'll just enumerate It is an elementary principle of our of the Marines to assist the PNP in
below the court's statements regarding republican government, enshrined in preventing or suppressing criminal or
the expropriation topic. the Constitution and honored not in the lawless violence. The President declared
breach but in the observance, that all that the services of the Marines in the
The Executive Secretary, in entering into executive departments, bureaus and anti-crime campaign are merely
the "Agreement to Arbitrate," was offices are under the control of the temporary in nature and for a
acting for and in behalf of the President President of the Philippines. reasonable period only, until such time
when he signed it. Hence, the aforesaid when the situation shall have improved.
agreement is valid and binding upon the The IBP filed a petition seeking to
Republic of the Philippines. declare the deployment of the
Philippine Marines null and void and
Where the government takes property The President’s power of control is unconstitutional.
from a private landowner for public use directly exercised by him over the
without going through the legal process members of the Cabinet who, in turn
of expropriation or negotiated sale, the and by his authority, control the
aggrieved party may properly maintain bureaus and other offices under their
a suit against the government without respective jurisdictions in the executive Issues:
thereby violating the doctrine of department. The constitutional vesture
governmental immunity from suit of this power in the President is self- (1) Whether or not the President’s
without its consent. executing and does not require factual determination of the necessity
statutory implementation, nor may its of calling the armed forces is subject to
exercise be limited, much less judicial review
The government's immunity cannot withdrawn, by the legislature.
serve as an instrument for perpetrating
an injustice to a citizen. (2) Whether or not the calling of the
armed forces to assist the PNP in joint
Note: In a separate opinion, Justice visibility patrols violates the
Feliciano remarks that the above Theoretically, the President has full constitutional provisions on civilian
comments as obiter dicta. control of all the members of his supremacy over the military and the
Cabinet and may appoint them as he civilian character of the PNP
❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ sees fit or shuffle them at pleasure,
subject only to confirmation by the
Commission on Appointments, and
CESAR R. DE LEON v. J. ANTONIO M. replace them in his discretion. Once in
CARPIO, GR No. 85243, 1989-10-12 place, they are at all times under the Held:
disposition of the President as their
Alter-ego" Doctrine immediate superior. “Without When the President calls the armed
minimizing the importance of the heads forces to prevent or suppress lawless
FACTS: of the various departments, their violence, invasion or rebellion, he
personality is in reality but the necessarily exercises a discretionary
projection of that of the President. power solely vested in his wisdom.
Estavillo and de Leon are two NBI Hence, their acts, performed and Under Sec. 18, Art. VII of the
agents terminated by then Minister of promulgated in the regular course of Constitution, Congress may revoke such
Justice Neptali A. Gonzales. Upon appeal business are, unless disapproved or proclamation of martial law or
to the Review Committee, the said body reprobated by the Chief Executive, suspension of the privilege of the writ of
declined to act on their petitions for presumptively the acts of the Chief habeas corpus and the Court may
reconsideration on the ground that it Executive.” (Villena v. Secretary of the review the sufficiency of the factual
had lost its jurisdiction with the Interior) basis thereof. However, there is no such
ratification of the new Constitution. equivalent provision dealing with the
They were advised instead to seek relief revocation or review of the President’s
from the Civil Service Commission. action to call out the armed forces. The
distinction places the calling out power
in a different category from the power to violate the constitutional right of
to declare martial law and power to private citizens.” Petitioners also submit
suspend the privilege of the writ of that the proclamation is a
habeas corpus, otherwise, the framers FACTS: circumvention of the report
of the Constitution would have simply requirement under the same Section 18,
lumped together the 3 powers and Article VII, commanding the President to
provided for their revocation and review submit a report to Congress within 48
without any qualification. hours from the proclamation of martial
On July 27, 2003, some 300 junior law. Finally, they contend that the
officers and enlisted men of the Armed presidential issuances cannot be
Forces of the Philippines stormed into construed as an exercise of emergency
the Oakwood Premiere apartments in powers as Congress has not delegated
The reason for the difference in the Makati City. Bewailing the corruption in any such power to the President.
treatment of the said powers highlights the AFP, the soldiers demanded, among
the intent to grant the President the other things, the resignation of
widest leeway and broadest discretion President Gloria Arroyo, Secretary of
in using the power to call out because it Defense Angelo Reyes, and PNP Chief
is considered as the lesser and more Hermogenes Ebdane. • G.R. No. 159185 (Rep. Suplico et al. v.
benign power compared to the power President Macapagal-Arroyo and
to suspend the privilege of the writ of Executive Secretary Romulo) -
habeas corpus and the power to impose petitioners brought suit as citizens and
martial law, both of which involve the as Members of the House of
curtailment and suppression of certain In the wake of the Oakwood occupation, Representatives whose rights, powers
basic civil rights and individual the President issued later in the day and functions were allegedly affected by
freedoms, and thus necessitating Proclamation No. 427 ("Declaring a the declaration of a state of rebellion.
safeguards by Congress and review by State of Rebellion") and General Order Petitioners do not challenge the power
the Court. No. 4 ("Directing the AFP and the PNP to of the President to call out the Armed
Suppress the Rebellion"), both declaring Forces. They argue, however, that the
“a state of rebellion” and calling out the declaration of a state of rebellion is a
Armed Forces to suppress the rebellion. “superfluity,” and is actually an exercise
of emergency powers.Such exercise, it is
In view of the constitutional intent to contended, amounts to a usurpation of
give the President full discretionary the power of Congress granted by
power to determine the necessity of Section 23 (2), Article VI of the
calling out the armed forces, it is By the evening of July 27, 2003, the Constitution.
incumbent upon the petitioner to show Oakwood occupation had ended. After
that the President’s decision is totally hours-long negotiations, the soldiers
bereft of factual basis. The present agreed to return to barracks. The
petition fails to discharge such heavy President, however, did not
burden, as there is no evidence to immediately lift the declaration of a • G.R. No. 159196 (Pimentel v. Romulo,
support the assertion that there exists state of rebellion and did so only on et al.) - Senator Pimentel assails the
no justification for calling out the armed August 1, 2003, through Proclamation subject presidential issuances as “an
forces. No. 435 ("Declaring that the State of unwarranted, illegal and abusive
Rebellion Has Ceased to Exist"). exercise of a martial law power that has
no basis under the Constitution.” In the
main, petitioner fears that the
declaration of a state of rebellion
The Court disagrees to the contention “opens the door to the unconstitutional
that by the deployment of the Marines, Subsequently, several petitions have implementation of warrantless arrests”
the civilian task of law enforcement is been filed challenging the for the crime of rebellion.
“militarized” in violation of Sec. 3, Art. II constitutionality of the President
of the Constitution. The deployment of Arroyo's declaration of state of
the Marines does not constitute a rebellion. These were:
breach of the civilian supremacy clause.
The calling of the Marines constitutes ISSUES:
permissible use of military assets for
civilian law enforcement. The local
police forces are the ones in charge of • G.R. No. 159085 (Sanlakas and PM v.
the visibility patrols at all times, the real Executive Secretary, et al.) - Party-list
authority belonging to the PNP organizations Sanlakas and Partido ng 1. Whether or not the case is moot and
Manggagawa (PM), contend that academic, given that the President has
Section 18, Article VII of the already declared the cessation of the
Constitution does not require the state of rebellion.
declaration of a state of rebellion to call
Moreover, the deployment of the out the armed forces. They further
submit that, because of the cessation of 2. Whether or not petitioners have legal
Marines to assist the PNP does not standing to file the instant petitions.
unmake the civilian character of the the Oakwood occupation, thereexists no
police force. The real authority in the sufficient factual basis for the
operations is lodged with the head of a proclamation by the President of a state 3. Whether or not Section 18, Art. VII of
civilian institution, the PNP, and not of rebellion for an indefinite period. the 1987 Constitution grants the
with the military. Since none of the President the power to declare a state
Marines was incorporated or enlisted as of rebellion.
members of the PNP, there can be no
appointment to civilian position to 4. Whether or not the declaration of a
speak of. Hence, the deployment of the • G.R. No. 159103 (SJS state of rebellion is a mere superfluity.
Marines in the joint visibility patrols Officers/Members v. Hon. Executive
does not destroy the civilian character Secretary, et al.) - Officers/members of
of the PNP. the Social Justice Society (SJS), “Filipino 5. Whether or not the declaration of a
citizens, taxpayers, law professors and state of rebellion has an effect on the
bar reviewers" claim that Section 18, rights of the citizens.
🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡 Article VII of the Constitution does not
authorize the declaration of a state of
[CASE DIGEST] Sanlakas v. Angelo rebellion. They contend that the
Reyes (G.R. No. 159085) declaration is a “constitutional
anomaly” that “confuses, confounds HELD:
February 3, 2004 | G.R. No. 159085 and misleads” because “[o]verzealous
public officers, acting pursuant to such
proclamation or general order, are liable
1. Yes, the Court held that the case is People vs. Casido Case Digest conviction by final judgment and,
moot and academic, judicial power therefore, in violation of the first
being limited to the determination of Facts: In an effort to seek their release paragraph of Sec. 19, Art. VII of the
"actual controversies." However, the at the soonest possible time, accused- Constitution, the grant of amnesty, for
Court treated the immediate case as appellants William Casido and Franklin which accused-appellants voluntarily
one that is "capable of repetition yet Alcorin applied for pardon before the applied under Proclamation No. 347
evading review." Hence, the discussion Presidential Committee on the Grant of was valid. This Proclamation was
of the merits and demerits of the issues Bail, Release or Pardon (PCGBRP), as concurred in by both Houses of
presented. well as for amnesty before the National Congress.
Amnesty Commission (NAC). The
PCGBRP was constituted in line with the ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
confidence-building measures of the
government. Thereafter, accused- G.R. No. L-27206 August 26, 1967
2. Only petitioners Rep. Suplico et al. appellants were granted conditional
and Sen. Pimentel, as Members of pardon. But the Court ruled in
Congress, have standing to challenge resolution that the conditional pardon IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION FOR A
the subject issuances. To the extent the granted to accused-appellants is void for WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS.
powers of Congress are impaired, so is having been extended during the
the power of each member thereof, pendency of their appeal. Prior to the CULANAG v DIRECTOR OF PRISONS
since his office confers a right to resolution, the NAC favorably acted on
participate in the exercise of the powers the applications for amnesty of accused-
of that institution. An act of the appellants. FACTS:
Executive which injures the institution
of Congress causes a derivative but Andres Culanag was found on December
nonetheless substantial injury, which 16, 1961 guilty as charged and
can be questioned by a member of sentenced to an indeterminate penalty
Congress. In such a case, any member of for falsification
Congress can have a resort to the
of public document herein
Issue: Whether or not the release of identified as Crim. Case No. 671 with
accused-appellants is valid details as follows:

3. Yes, the Court held that it is within  On or about June 19,
her prerogative as Chief Executive for 1960, in Iligan City, he subscribed and
the President to declare a state of swore to a petition for commission as
rebellion. For the fact is, the notary
Constitution vests the President not
only with Commander-in-Chief powers Held: The release of accused-appellants public for and in the
but, first and foremost, with Executive was valid solely on the ground of the City and Province of Cotabato, and
powers. amnesty granted them and not by the falsely claimed to be one Ross V.
pardon. Pangilinan, to be
a graduate of the
Aquino vs Minister of Defense Juan College of Law of the University of the
Ponce Enrile Pardon is granted by the Chief Executive Visayas, to have passed the bar
and as such it is a private act which examinations and
must be pleaded and proved by the
person pardoned because the courts to have been admitted
take no notice thereof; while amnesty to the practice of law.
Enrile (then Minister of National by the Proclamation of the Chief
Defense), pursuant to the order of Executive with the concurrence of ï‚· The accused was committed to
Marcos issued and ordered the arrest of Congress, and it is a public act of which the New Bilibid Prison, Muntinlupa,
a number of individuals including the courts should take judicial notice. Rizal, for service of the sentence.
Benigno Aquino Jr even without any Pardon is granted to one after
charge against them. Hence, Aquino and conviction; while amnesty is to classes
some others filed for habeas corpus of persons or communities who may be ï‚· On July 9, 1962, Culanag was
against Juan Ponce Enrile. Enrile guilty of political offenses, generally discharged from the penitentiary on
answered that the arrest is valid before or after the institution of the parole. Among the conditions of said
pursuant to Marcos’ declaration of criminal prosecution and sometimes release
Martial Law. after conviction. Pardon looks forward
and relieves the offender from the were:
consequences of an offense of which he
has been convicted, that is, it abolishes
or forgives the punishment, and for that  To reside at Iligan
reason it does not work the restoration City;
ISSUE: Whether or not Aquino’s
detention is legal in accordance to the of the rights to hold public office, or the
declaration of Martial Law. right of suffrage, unless such rights be  Not to change his
expressly restored by the terms of the residence without the consent of the
pardon, and it in no case exempts the Board of Pardons and Parole;
HELD: The Constitution provides that in culprit from the payment of the civil
case of invasion, insurrection or
rebellion, or imminent danger against indemnity imposed upon him by the  Not to commit any
the state, when public safety requires it, sentence. While amnesty looks crime; and
the President may suspend the privilege backward and abolishes and puts into
of the writ of habeas corpus or place the oblivion the offense itself, it so
overlooks and obliterates the offense  That should he violate
Philippines or any part therein under any of the conditions, the remaining
Martial Law. In the case at bar, the SC with which he is charged that the
person released by amnesty stands unexpired portion of the maximum
ruled that the state of rebellion plaguing
the country has not yet disappeared, before the law precisely as though he
therefore, there is a clear and imminent had committed no offense. sentence imposed on
danger against the state. The arrest is him would again be in full force and
then a valid exercise pursuant to the effect.
President’s order.
ï‚· Subsequently, on March 31, 1964,
While the pardon in this case was void another information for falsification of a
❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ for having been extended during the public document was filed against him
pendency of the appeal or before in the Municipal
Court of Mamburao, provincial ï‚· Alleging that the prison sentences Sumulong Torres v. Gonzales Case
capital of Mindoro Occidental, herein under Crim. Cases 789 and 790 have Digest
identified as Crim. Case No. 790, with already been fully served by him,
details as Culanag Except in cases of impeachment, or as
otherwise provided in this Constitution,
follows: filed on December 13, 1966 the President may grant reprieves,
another petition for habeas corpus, in commutations and pardons, and remit
 Alleged this time was forma pauperis, in the Court of First fines and forfeitures, after conviction by
that on June 1, 1963, he claimed to be Instance final judgment.
one Ross V. Pangilinan and filed with the
Clerk of Rizal raising as issue on whether
petitioner has still to serve, in addition
of Court of the Court of to the sentences in Crim. Cases 789
He shall also have the power to grant
First Instance of Occidental Mindoro a amnesty with the concurrence of a
sworn petition for commission as notary and 790, the remaining unexpired majority of all the Members of the
public portion of his sentence in Crim. Case Congress. (Sec. 19, Art. VII, 1987
No. 671; if so, he is not yet entitled to Constitution)
for and in the Province release;
of Occidental Mindoro, falsely stating
that he is a law graduate of the otherwise, he is.
of Visayas, had passed
the bar examinations and been
admitted to the practice of law. ISSUE:

Whether or not Culanag still has to 1978, Torres was convicted of estafa. In
ï‚· Aside from this, an information 1979, he was was granted conditional
was filed against him in the same court serve in addition to the sentences in
Crim Cases 789 and 790, the remaining pardon by the president on condition
on April 3, 1964, for the offense of that he "would not again violate any of
violation of unexpired
the penal laws of the Philippines". He
accepted the conditional pardon and
conditional pardon under Article portion of his sentence in Crim Case No. was consequently released from
159 of the Revised Penal Code (Crim. 671, even when Crim Case 790 confinement. In 1982, he was charged
Case No. 789). stemmed out from his violation of the with 20 counts of estafa (pending trial)
conditional parole in Crim Case 671, and while in 1985, he was convicted of
he has already fully served his sentence sedition (pending appeal). In 1986,
ï‚· Furthermore, on May 18, 1964, for Crim Case 790.
for violation of the condition of his Justice Secretary Gonzales petitioned
parole, Culanag was ordered arrested by for the cancellation of Torres’ pardon.
the Board of Pardons Hence, the president cancelled the
pardon. Torres was accordingly arrested
and confined in Muntinlupa to serve the
and Parole and delivered to the RULING: unexpired portion of his sentence.
custody of the Director of Prisons in Torres thus filed a petition for habeas
Muntinlupa, Rizal, to serve the Yes. Culanag still has to serve his corpus before the SC questioning the
remaining portion of his unexpired sentence in Crim Case 671. validity of the arrest order. He claimed
The power of the Chief Executive under that he did not violate his conditional
prison term imposed in Crim. Case Section 64(i) of the Rev. Administrative pardon since he has not been convicted
No. 671 of the Court of First Instance of Code to arrest and re-incarcerate any by final judgment of 20 counts of estafa
Lanao del Norte. person who violates his parole nor of the crime of sedition.
condition, stands even in the face of
ï‚· On December 22, 1964, he filed a prosecution, conviction and service of
petition for habeas corpus in the Court sentence for violation of conditional
of First Instance of Rizal contending that pardon under Art. 159, Rev. Penal Code.
the second Issue:
For Culanag’s violation of
falsification case (Crim. Case No. conditional pardon and falsification of Is conviction by final judgment
790) involved the same act of public document, the criminal and necessary before a person may be
falsification as the first one (Crim. Case administrative penalties are not validly rearrested and recommitted for
No. 671), so that double mutually exclusive (meaning they can violation of the terms of his condition
both happen at the same time) and may pardon?
be successfully availed of by the
jeopardy was attendant. Said President for the
contention was rejected by the Court of
First Instance. The Court of Appeals
affirmed the lower punishment of the violator of the
conditional pardon. To reiterate, there Held:
is no double jeopardy, because the
court, finding that falsifications sentences refer to
involved were two different acts done at
different times and in different places.
different offenses; in this case, (1) to The determination of the occurrence of
falsification (Crim. Case 671) and (2) to a breach of a condition of a pardon, and
ï‚· After unsuccessfully moving to violation of conditional pardon (Crim.
quash in Crim. Cases Nos. 789 and 790, the proper consequences of such
Case 789). Nor is breach, may be either a purely
pleading double jeopardy, Culanag
pleaded guilty on executive act, not subject to judicial
there deprivation of liberty without due scrutiny under Section 64 (i) of the
process of law because in both cases he Revised Administrative Code; or it may
December 4, 1964 in said new was found guilty and sentenced, after be a judicial act consisting of trial for
criminal cases. As to Crim. Case No. 789, due process of law. And before full and conviction of violation of a
for violation of conditional pardon service of said sentences, he is not yet conditional pardon under Article 159 of
under Art. 159, entitled to liberty. the Revised Penal Code.
Revised Penal Code, he was ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
sentenced to imprisonment of four (4)
months of arresto mayor.
Where the President opts to proceed which she accepted (at that time, exempts the individual, on whom it is
under Section 64 (i) of the Revised clemency could be given even before bestowed, from the punishment the law
Administrative Code, no judicial conviction). inflicts for a crime he has committed. It
pronouncement of guilt of a subsequent is the private, though official act of the
crime is necessary, much less conviction executive magistrate, delivered to the
therefor by final judgment of a court, in individual for whose benefit it is
order that a convict may be intended, and not communicated
recommended for the violation of his On the strength of such pardon, she officially to the Court.
conditional pardon. wrote the City Treasurer of Calbayog
asking for automatic reinstatement to
her position without need of a new
appointment since it was still vacant.
The letter was referred to the Ministry While a pardon has generally been
Since Article 159 of the Revised Penal of Finance (MF) which at that time had regarded as blotting out the existence of
Code defines a distinct, substantive, control over the City Treasuries. The guilt so that in the eye of the law the
felony, the parolee or convict who is Ministry of Finance ruled in favor of offender is as innocent as though he
regarded as having violated the Monsanto but said that appointment never committed the offense, it does
provisions thereof must be charged, was only to retroact from the date of not operate for all purposes. The very
prosecuted and convicted by final she was given pardon. Monsanto asked essence of a pardon is forgiveness or
judgment before he can be made to for reconsideration saying that the full remission of guilt. Pardon implies guilt.
suffer the penalty prescribed in Article pardon wiped out the crime and thus It does not erase the fact of the
159. her service in the government should commission of the crime and the
not be considered to have interrupted. conviction thereof. It does not wash out
Thus, the date of her reinstatement the moral stain. It involves forgiveness
should correspond to the date of her and not forgetfulness.
preventive suspension; that she is
Succinctly put, in proceeding against a entitled to backpay for the entire period
convict who has been conditionally of her suspension; and that she should
pardoned and who is alleged to have not be required to pay the
breached the conditions of his pardon, proportionate share of the amount of
the Executive Department has two P4,892.50.
options: (i) to proceed against him
under Section 64 (i) of the Revised 2. No. A pardon looks to the future. It is
Administrative Code; or (ii) to proceed not retrospective. It makes no amends
against him under Article 159 of the for the past. It affords no relief for what
Revised Penal Code which imposes the The motion for reconsideration was has been suffered by the offender. It
penalty of prision correccional, referred to the Office of the President. does not impose upon the government
minimum period, upon a convict who Executive Secretary Factoran reversed any obligation to make reparation for
"having been granted conditional the ruling of MF, ruling that acquittal what has been suffered. “Since the
pardon by the Chief Executive, shall and not pardon is the only ground for offense has been established by judicial
violate any of the conditions of such reinstatement in the public service and proceedings, that which has been done
pardon." Here, the President has chosen entitlement to payment of his salaries, or suffered while they were in force is
to proceed against the petitioner under benefits and emoluments due to him presumed to have been rightfully done
Section 64 (i) of the Revised during the period of his suspension and justly suffered, and no satisfaction
Administrative Code. That choice is an pendente lite. for it can be required.”
exercise of the President's executive
prerogative and is not subject to judicial Monsanto thus filed a petition before
scrutiny. (Torres v. Gonzales, G.R. No. the SC. She contends that since the
76872, July 23, 1987) pardon was given when her case was
still pending on appeal before the SC, no
❤🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡 final verdict has yet been handed and
consequently the accessory penalty
Monsanto vs. Factoran Case Digest attached to the crime which is forfeiture
from public office did not attached. Also
she contends that the pardon given
Except in cases of impeachment, or as before the final verdict is tantamount to
otherwise provided in this Constitution, acquittal.
the President may grant reprieves,
commutations and pardons, and remit
fines and forfeitures, after conviction by
final judgment. 3. No. Pardon granted after conviction
frees the individual from all the
Issues: penalties and legal disabilities and
restores him to all his civil rights. But
1. What is the effect of absolute unless expressly grounded on the
pardon? person's innocence (which is rare), it
He shall also have the power to grant cannot bring back lost reputation for
amnesty with the concurrence of a honesty, integrity and fair dealing. A
majority of all the Members of the 2. Is Monsanto entitled to backpay? pardon, albeit full and plenary, cannot
Congress. (Sec. 19, Art. VII, 1987 preclude the appointing power from
Constitution) 3. Is a public officer, who has been refusing appointment to anyone
granted an absolute pardon by the Chief deemed to be of bad character, a poor
Executive, entitled to reinstatement to moral risk, or who is unsuitable by
her former position without need of a reason of the pardoned conviction.
new appointment?
4. May petitioner be exempt from the
In 1983, Monsanto (then assistant city payment of the civil indemnity imposed
treasurer of Calbayog City) was upon her by the sentence? The pardon granted to petitioner has
convicted by the Sandiganbayan of resulted in removing her disqualification
estafa thru falsification of public from holding public employment but it
documents. She was sentenced to jail cannot go beyond that. To regain her
and to indemnify the government in the former post as assistant city treasurer,
sum of P4,892.50. The SC affirmed the Held: she must re-apply and undergo the
decision. She then filed a motion for usual procedure required for a new
reconsideration but while said motion appointment.
was pending, she was extended by 1. Pardon is defined as "an act of grace,
President Marcos absolute pardon proceeding from the power entrusted
with the execution of the laws, which
Issue: “foreign military bases, troops, or
facilities shall not be allowed in the
Philippines except under a treaty duly
4. No. Civil liability arising from crime is concurred in by the Senate . . . and
governed by the Revised Penal Code. It recognized as a treaty by the other
subsists notwithstanding service of What is the effect of the grant of contracting State.”
sentence, or for any reason the amnesty to the conviction of the
sentence is not served by pardon, accused-appellant?
amnesty or commutation of sentence. DECISION: No
Petitioner's civil liability may only be
extinguished by the same causes RATIO DECIDENDI: Section 25, Article
recognized in the Civil Code, namely: XVIII disallows foreign military bases,
payment, loss of the thing due, Held: troops, or facilities in the country,
remission of the debt, merger of the unless the following conditions are
rights of creditor and debtor, sufficiently met, viz: (a) it must be under
compensation and novation. (Monsanto Amnesty commonly denotes a general a treaty; (b) the treaty must be duly
vs. Factoran, G.R. No. 78239 February 9, pardon to rebels for their treason or concurred in by the Senate and, when
1989) other high political offenses, or the so required by congress, ratified by a
forgiveness which one sovereign grants majority of the votes cast by the people
to the subjects of another, who have in a national referendum; and (c)
offended, by some breach, the law of recognized as a treaty by the other
nations. Amnesty looks backward, and contracting state. There is no dispute
abolishes and puts into oblivion, the as to the presence of the first two
offense itself; it so overlooks and requisites in the case of the VFA. The
obliterates the offense with which he is concurrence handed by the Senate
Note: Conviction by final judgment is charged, that the person released by through Resolution No. 18 is in
now necessary before parole or pardon amnesty stands before the law precisely accordance with the provisions of the
could be extended. (Section 19, Article as though he had committed no offense. Constitution . . . the provision in [in §25,
VII of the Constitution, People vs. Article XVIII] requiring ratification by a
Casido; People vs. Salle) Paragraph 3 of Article 89 of the Revised majority of the votes cast in a national
Penal Code provides that criminal referendum being unnecessary since
🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡 liability is totally extinguished by Congress has not required it.
amnesty, which completely extinguishes
People vs. Jose Patriarca Case Digest the penalty and all its effects. ❤❤❤❤🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡


The person released under an amnesty This Court takes judicial notice of the
proclamation stands before the law grant of amnesty upon accused- DOCTRINE: The President can only
precisely as though he had committed appellant Jose N. Patriarca, Jr. Once interfere in the affairs and activities of a
no offense. Par. 3, Art. 89, Revised Penal granted, it is binding and effective. It local government unit if he or she finds
Code, provides that criminal liability is serves to put an end to the appeal. that the latter has acted contrary to law.
totally extinguished by amnesty; the This is the scope of the President’s
penalty and all its effects are thus supervisory powers over local
extinguished. government units. Hence, the President
or any of his or her alter egos cannot
Patriarca was acquitted of the crime of interfere in local affairs as long as the
murder in Criminal Case No. 2773 while concerned local government unit acts
Criminal Cases Nos. 2665 and 2672 were within the parameters of the law and
ordered dismissed.(People vs. Patriarca, the Constitution. Any directive therefore
Facts: by the President or any of his or her
Jr. G.R. No. 135457, September 29,
2000) alter egos seeking to alter the wisdom
of a law-conforming judgment on local
affairs of a local government unit is a
❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ patent nullity because it violates the
Patriarca was charged with the crime of principle of local autonomy and
murder for the death of Alfredo Arevalo BAYAN (vs. EXECUTIVE SECRETARY separation of powers of the executive
before RTC Sorsogon docketed as and legislative departments in
Criminal Case No. 2773. He was also governing municipal corporations.
charged with murder for the killing of ISSUE: Whether or not the Visiting
one Rudy de Borja and a certain Elmer Forces Agreement (VFA)
Cadag under Informations docketed as unconstitutional
Criminal Cases Nos. 2665 and 2672,
respectively. The RTC found him guilty
in Criminal Case No. 2773 and FACTS: In 1986, petitioners as RTC and
sentenced him to suffer the penalty of MTC judges stationed in Mandaue City
reclusion perpetua. Patriarca appealed FACTS: The Republic of the Philippines received a monthly allowance of P1,260
the decision to the SC. and the United States of America each pursuant to the yearly
entered into an agreement called the appropriation ordinance. Eventually, in
Visiting Forces Agreement (VFA). The 1991, it was increased to P1,500 for
agreement was treated as a treaty by each judge. However, on March 15,
the Philippine government and was 1994, the Department of Budget and
ratified by then-President Joseph Management (DBM) issued Local
Patriarca applied for amnesty under Budget Circular No. 55 (LBC 55) which
Proclamation No. 724 entitled "Granting Estrada with the concurrence of 2/3 of
the total membership of the Philippine provides that the additional monthly
Amnesty to Rebels, Insurgents, and All allowances to be given by a local
Other Persons Who Have or May Have Senate. The VFA defines the treatment
of U.S. troops and personnel visiting the government unit should not exceed
Committed Crimes Against Public Order, P1,000 in provinces and cities and P700
Other Crimes Committed in Furtherance Philippines. It provides for the
guidelines to govern such visits, and in municipalities. Acting on the said
of Political Ends, and Violations of the DBM directive, the Mandaue City
Article of War, and Creating a National further defines the rights of the U.S. and
the Philippine governments in the Auditor issued notices of disallowance
Amnesty Commission." In 1999, his to herein petitioners in excess of the
application was favorably granted by matter of criminal jurisdiction,
movement of vessel and aircraft, amount authorized by LBC 55. Thus,
the National Amnesty Board concluding petitioners filed with the Office of the
that his activities were done in pursuit importation and exportation of
equipment, materials and supplies. City Auditor a protest. However, it was
of his political beliefs. treated as a motion for reconsideration
Petitioners argued, inter alia, that the
VFA violates §25, Article XVIII of the and was endorsed to the Commission
1987 Constitution, which provides that on Audit (COA) Regional Office No. 7. In
turn, the COA Regional Office referred to, say, ten judges inasmuch as the give preference to qualified Filipinos
the said motion to their Head Office finances of the city can afford it. (and to) promote the preferential use of
with recommendation that the same Filipino labor, domestic materials and
should be denied. Accordingly, it was locally produced goods.” Further, they
denied by the COA. Hence, petitioners contended that the “national
filed the instant petition. They argued, treatment” and “parity provisions” of
among others, that LBC 55 is void for Respondent COA failed to prove that the WTO Agreement “place nationals
infringing on the local autonomy of Mandaue City used the IRA to spend for and products of member countries on
Mandaue City by dictating a uniform the additional allowances of the judges. the same footing as Filipinos and local
amount that a local government unit There was no evidence submitted by products,” in contravention of the
can disburse as additional allowances to COA showing the breakdown of the “Filipino First” policy of our
judges stationed therein. expenses of the city government and Constitution, and render meaningless
the funds used for said expenses. All the the phrase “effectively controlled by
COA presented were the amounts Filipinos.”
expended, the locally generated
revenues, the deficit, the surplus and
ISSUE: WON a local government unit the IRA received each year. Aside from
may provide an allowance exceeding P these items, no data or figures were
1,000. presented to show that Mandaue City II. THE ISSUE
deducted the subject allowances from
the IRA. In other words, just because
Mandaue City’s locally generated
revenues were not enough to cover its
HELD: YES. We recognize that, although expenditures, this did not mean that the Does the 1987 Constitution prohibit our
our Constitution guarantees autonomy additional allowances of petitioner country from participating in worldwide
to local government units, the exercise judges were taken from the IRA and not trade liberalization and economic
of local autonomy remains subject to from the city’s own revenue. globalization and from integrating into a
the power of control by Congress and global economy that is liberalized,
the power of supervision by the deregulated and privatized?
President. Section 4 of Article X of the
1987 Philippine Constitution provides
that: “Sec. 4. The President of the The DBM neither conducted a formal
Philippines shall exercise general review nor ordered a disapproval of
supervision over local governments. . . . Mandaue City’s appropriation III. THE RULING
“ ordinances, in accordance with the
procedure outlined by Sections 326 and
327 of RA 7160[.] . . . Within 90 days
from receipt of the copies of the
appropriation ordinance, the DBM [The Court DISMISSED the petition. It
The President can only interfere in the should have taken positive action. sustained the concurrence of the
affairs and activities of a local Otherwise, such ordinance was deemed Philippine Senate of the President’s
government unit if he or she finds that to have been properly reviewed and ratification of the Agreement
the latter has acted contrary to law. This deemed to have taken effect. Inasmuch establishing the WTO.]
is the scope of the President’s as, in the instant case, the DBM did not
supervisory powers over local follow the appropriate procedure for
government units. Hence, the President reviewing the subject ordinance of
or any of his or her alter egos cannot Mandaue City and allowed the 90-day
interfere in local affairs as long as the period to lapse, it can no longer NO, the 1987 Constitution DOES NOT
concerned local government unit acts question the legality of the provisions in prohibit our country from participating
within the parameters of the law and the said ordinance granting additional in worldwide trade liberalization and
the Constitution. Any directive therefore allowances to judges stationed in the economic globalization and from
by the President or any of his or her said city. integrating into a global economy that is
alter egos seeking to alter the wisdom liberalized, deregulated and privatized.
of a law-conforming judgment on local ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
affairs of a local government unit is a
patent nullity because it violates the
principle of local autonomy and Tañada, et al., v. Angara, et al., G.R. No.
separation of powers of the executive 118295, May 2, 1997
There are enough balancing provisions
and legislative departments in in the Constitution to allow the Senate
governing municipal corporations. to ratify the Philippine concurrence in
the WTO Agreement.

LBC 55 provides that the additional (En Banc)

monthly allowances to be given by a [W]hile the Constitution indeed
local government unit should not mandates a bias in favor of Filipino
exceed P1,000 in provinces and cities goods, services, labor and enterprises,
and P700 in municipalities. Section 458, at the same time, it recognizes the need
par. (a)(1)(xi), of RA 7160, the law that for business exchange with the rest of
supposedly serves as the legal basis of the world on the bases of equality and
LBC 55, allows the grant of additional reciprocity and limits protection of
allowances to judges “when the I. THE FACTS Filipino enterprises only against foreign
finances of the city government allow.” competition and trade practices that are
The said provision does not authorize unfair. In other words, the Constitution
setting a definite maximum limit to the did not intend to pursue an isolationist
additional allowances granted to judges. policy. It did not shut out foreign
Thus, we need not belabor the point Petitioners Senators Tañada, et al. investments, goods and services in the
that the finances of a city government questioned the constitutionality of the development of the Philippine
may allow the grant of additional concurrence by the Philippine Senate of economy. While the Constitution does
allowances higher than P1,000 if the the President’s ratification of the not encourage the unlimited entry of
revenues of the said city government international Agreement establishing foreign goods, services and investments
exceed its annual expenditures. Thus, to the World Trade Organization (WTO). into the country, it does not prohibit
illustrate, a city government with locally They argued that the WTO Agreement them either. In fact, it allows an
generated annual revenues of P40 violates the mandate of the 1987 exchange on the basis of equality and
million and expenditures of P35 million Constitution to “develop a self-reliant reciprocity, frowning only on foreign
can afford to grant additional and independent national economy competition that is unfair.
allowances of more than P1,000 each effectively controlled by Filipinos . . . (to)
In Re: Hon. Mateo A. Valenzuela 6 saying the JBC would convene
and Hon. Placido B. Vallarta after the elections and entertain
the appointments after the same.
xxx xxx May 7, the President again
xxx Power of Appointment – Power and
Functions of the President Date: requested transmission of list of
November 9, 1998 Ponente: THE nominees and asserted that the
Chief Justice Narvasa ban applies only to Executive
appointments. May 8, the Chief
Justice replied with a letter that
[T]he constitutional policy of a “self- would address the issue the same
reliant and independent national way the Court would resolve to later
economy” does not necessarily rule out on. Valenzuela took his office on
the entry of foreign investments, goods SUMMARY: May 14, 1998 with the said copy
and services. It contemplates neither of his appointment by Malacanang
“economic seclusion” nor “mendicancy Said appointees for vacancies of in his possession, but the original
in the international community.” RTC Branch 62 and 24 of not being transmitted by the Office
Cabanatuan City, Valenzuela and of the Chief Justice just yet.
❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ Vallarta respectively, were appointed
on March 30, 1998. Their
appointment was transmitted to the
Villavert vs. Desierto Case Digest Office of the Chief Justice on May
12, 1998. The Court ruled said Related Provisions: Article VII,
Appellate Jurisdiction of SC0 Comments appointments were made during Section 15; Two months
the ban contemplated by Art. VII, immediately before the next
Sec. 15, regardless of the presidential elections and up to
No law shall be passed increasing the obligations of the President
appellate jurisdiction of the Supreme the end of his term, a President
Court as provided in this Constitution provided under Art. VIII, Sec. 4 (1) or Acting President shall not make
without its advice and concurrence. and Art. VIII Sec. 9. appointments, except temporary
(Sec. 30, Art. VI, 1987 Constitution) appointments to executive positions
ISSUES: when continued vacancies therein will
prejudice public service or
Facts: endanger public safety. Note: 1.
1. WoN Art. VIII Sec. 4 (1) and No mention of distinction of who
Sec. 9 supersede the ban prescribed or who are not covered by the
An administrative charge for grave under Art. VII Sec. 15.
misconduct was filed against Villavert, general ban. 2. Exception only
Sales & Promotion Supervisor of PCSO where “xxx temporary appointments
Cebu Branch. The Graft Investigation 2. WoN the ban contemplates only to executive positions when
Officer recommended the dismissal of Executive appointments, and not continued vacancies therein will
the case. However, Deputy appointments to the Judiciary. prejudice public service or endanger
Ombudsman-Visayas issued a public safety.” Article VIII, Section 4
Memorandum finding Villavert guilty of 3. WoN the appointments of (1); The Supreme Court shall be
the charge. Hence, this petition for Valenzuela and Vallarta are valid. composed of a Chief Justice and
review on certiorari under Rule 45 of fourteen Associate Justices. It may
the Rules of Court, in relation to Sec. 27 sit en banc or, in its discretion,
of RA 6770. FACTS: in divisions of three, five, or
seven Members. Any vacancy shall
1. The President had, prior to be filled within ninety days from
these two appointments, made the occurrence thereof. Article VIII,
appointments to fill the vacancies Section 9; The Members of the
Issue: of 8 Associate Justices, on March 11, Supreme Court and judges in
1998, and transmitted to the Chief lower courts shall be appointed by
May decisions of the Ombudsman in Justice through the Executive the President from a list of at least
administrative cases be appealed to the Secretary on April 6, 1998. The three nominees prepared by the
Supreme Court? Chief Justice took this to be the Judicial and Bar Council for every
President deviating from the vacancy. Such appointments need
previous position that said ban does no confirmation. For the lower
not apply to the Judiciary. 2. March courts, the President shall issue the
11, 1998 was the day prior to appointments within ninety days
the start of the election ban from the submission of the list.
contemplated under Art. VII, Sec.
15. 3. JBC sought clarification on
Held: this matter and met as a whole.
On May 5, Secretary of Justice
Silvestre Bello requested the Chief Art. VII, Sec. 4
No. In Fabian vs. Desierto, Sec. 27 of RA Justice for
6770, which authorizes an appeal to this
Court from decisions of the Office of the HOLDING:
Ombudsman in administrative JBC session to discuss the
disciplinary cases, was declared violative vacancies needed to be filled. The
President had made the 1. NO. Art. VII Sec. 15 provides a
of the proscription in Sec. 30, Art. VI, of ban to which Art. VIII Sec. 4 (1)
the Constitution against a law which appointments of the two judges, and Sec. 9 must be read in line
increases the appellate jurisdiction of made on March 30, 1998. Prior the with. Apart from taking the
this Court without its advice and JBC session, the Chief Justice Constitution as a whole, the Court
consent. In addition, the Court noted promised a reply to the President holds that the need to fill a vacancy
that Rule 45 of the 1997 Rules of Civil on May 6, 1998 as regards still submits to the Constitutional
Procedure precludes appeals from transmitting the list of final nominees restriction on this power of the
quasi-judicial agencies, like the Office of by the JBC for a vacancy in the President to appoint.
the Ombudsman, to the Supreme Court. Supreme Court. Supposedly, behind
Consequently, appeals from decisions of the Chief Justice’s back, the other
the Office of the Ombudsman in members of the JBC met without 1.a. There is no distinction in the
administrative cases should be taken to the former and had also Constitution as regards who are
the Court of Appeals under Rule 43, as communicated to the President on covered by the ban or not,
reiterated in the subsequent case of May 6, 1998 that they would seek regardless of this power and ban
Namuhe v. Ombudsman. (Villavert vs. the Chief Justice’s presence and being found under the title of the
Desierto, G.R. No. 133715. February 23, holding of a meeting May 7. Executive in the Constitution.
2000) Should he not accede to the
same, they would meet anyway, in 2. Hence, NO, the ban does not
“xxx complying with its Constitutional contemplate only Executive
❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ mandate.” C.J sent a letter on May appointments.
RULING: opportunities for employment and bring seasonably filed a motion for
about real development in the area reconsideration thereto, the said Office
The appointments are DECLARED towards a sustained economic growth had lost its jurisdiction to re-open the
VOID. Said judges are ordered to of the municipality. On the other hand, case, more so modify its Decision.
CEASE AND DESIST from discharging distributing the land to would-be Having lost its jurisdiction, the Office of
the office of Judge of the Courts. beneficiaries (who are not even tenants, the President has no more authority to
This, without prejudice to their as there are none) does not guarantee entertain the second motion for
being considered anew by the such benefits. In pursuance of the spirit reconsideration filed by respondent DAR
Judicial and Bar Council for re-‐ and intent of the said legal mandate and Secretary, which second motion became
nomination to the same positions. in view of the favorable the basis of the assailed “Win-Win”
recommendations of the various Resolution. Section 7 of Administrative
government agencies, the subject Order Order No. 18 and Section 4, Rule 43 of
of Department of Agrarian Reform, was the Revised Rules of Court mandate that
SET ASIDE, DAR filed a motion for only one (1) motion for reconsideration
Presidential Term: a. 6 years b. reconsideration of the OP decision is allowed to be taken from the Decision
From June 30, noon 20XX to June which having been filed beyond the of March 29, 1996. And even if a second
30, noon 6 years later Elections for reglementary period of fifteen (15) days. motion for reconsideration was
the Presidency are held on the The DAR filed a second motion for permitted to be filed in “exceptionally
second Monday of May on the same reconsideration of the June 23, 1997 meritorious cases,” as provided in the
year of the end of the President’s Order of the President. second paragraph of Section 7 of AO 18,
term. Hence; In this case: March 12, still the said motion should not have
1998 as the identified start of the been entertained considering that the
ban Ban ends June 30, 1998 Period first motion for reconsideration was not
is some 90 days or three months seasonably filed, thereby allowing the
coverage Appointments of Valenzuela Some alleged farmer-beneficiaries Decision of March 29, 1996 to lapse into
and Vallarta were made WHEN the began their hunger strike in front of the finality. Thus, the act of the Office of the
same were signed on March 30, DAR Compound in Quezon City to President in re-opening the case and
1998. The transmission of the protest the OP Decision of March 29, substantially modifying its March 29,
appointments were made on M ay 1996. On October 10, 1997, some 1996 Decision which had already
12, 1998. Both fell w ithin the ban. persons claiming to be farmer- become final and executory, was in
It w ould seem then that the beneficiaries of the NQSRMDC property gross disregard of the rules and basic
reckoning point of when filed a motion for intervention (styled as legal precept that accord finality to
appointment is m ade is WHEN IT IS Memorandum In Intervention) in O.P. administrative determinations
SIGNED. It w ould not seem to Case No. 96-C-6424, asking that the OP
preclude that the transmission be Decision allowing the conversion of the ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
made within the election ban period. entire 144-hectare property be set
The Constitution explicitly bans aside. President Fidel V. Ramos then
held a dialogue with the strikers and Dumlao vs COMELEC 95 SCRA 392
promised to resolve their grievance
within the framework of the law. He
🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡 created an eight (8)-man Fact Finding
Task Force (FFTF) chaired by Agriculture
FORTICH vs. CORONA G.R. No. 131457, Secretary Salvador Escudero to look into Facts:
April 24, 1998 the controversy and recommend
possible solutions to the problem. On Patricio Dumlao was the former
November 7, 1997, the Office of the governor of Nueva Vizcaya. He has
Facts: President resolved the strikers’ protest already retired from his office and he
by issuing the so-called “Win/Win” has been receiving retirement benefits
This case involves a 144-hectare land Resolution penned by then Deputy therefrom. In 1980, he filed for
located at San Vicente, Sumilao, Executive Secretary Renato C. Corona. A reelection to the same office.
Bukidnon, owned by the Norberto copy of the “Win-Win” Resolution was Meanwhile, Batas PambansaBlg. 52 was
Quisumbing, Sr. Management and received by Governor Carlos O. Fortich enacted. This law provides, among
Development Corporation (NQSRMDC), of Bukidnon, Mayor Rey B. Baula of others, that retirees from public office
one of the petitioners. Pursuant to Sumilao, Bukidnon, and NQSRMDC on like Dumlao are disqualified to run for
Section 20 of R.A. No. 7160, otherwise November 24, 1997 28 and, on office. Dumlao assailed the law averring
known as the Local Government Code, December 4, 1997, they filed the that it is class legislation hence
the Sangguniang Bayan of Sumilao, present petition for certiorari, unconstitutional. In general, Dumlao
Bukidnon, on March 4, 1993, enacted prohibition (under Rule 65 of the invoked equal protection in the eye of
Ordinance No. 24 converting or re- Revised Rules of Court) and injunction the law.
classifying 144 hectares of land in Bgy. with urgent prayer for a temporary
San Vicente, said Municipality, from restraining order and/or writ of
agricultural to industrial/institutional preliminary injunction (under Rule 58, His petition was joined by Atty. Romeo
with a view of providing an opportunity ibid.), against then Deputy Executive Igot and Alfredo Salapantan, Jr. These
to attract investors who can inject new Secretary Renato C. Corona and DAR two however have different issues. The
economic vitality, provide more jobs Secretary Ernesto D. Garilao. Hence this suits of Igot and Salapantan are more of
and raise the income of its people. case. a taxpayer’s suit assailing the other
Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of BP 52 regarding the term
favorable recommendation, however, of office of the elected officials, the
on November 14, 1994, the DAR, thru length of the campaign, and the
Secretary Garilao, invoking its powers to provision which bars persons charged
approve conversion of lands under for crimes from running for public office
Issue: as well as the provision that provides
Section 65 of R.A. No. 6657, issued an
Order denying the instant application that the mere filing of complaints
for the conversion of the subject land Whether the Office of the president still against them after preliminary
from agricultural to agro-industrial and, have Jurisdiction when it entertained investigation would already disqualify
instead, placed the same under the the Second Motion for Reconsideration them from office.
compulsory coverage of CARP and and became the basis of the Win-Win
directed the distribution thereof to all Resolution?
qualified beneficiaries. After a careful
evaluation of the petition vis-a-vis the
grounds upon which the denial thereof Issue:
by Secretary Garilao was based, we find
that the instant application for Held: Whether or not Dumlao, Igot, and
conversion by the Municipality of Salapantan have a cause of action.
Sumilao, Bukidnon is impressed with No, When the Office of the President
merit. To be sure, converting the land in issued the Order dated June 23, 1997
question from agricultural to agro- declaring the Decision of March 29,
industrial would open great 1996 final and executory, as no one has
Ruling: is reason to disqualify him from running The Marbury v. Madison DECISION
for the same office from which he had
No. The SC pointed out the procedural retired, as provided for in the The Court noted that the appointment
lapses of this case for this case should challenged provision. of Marbury to the role of justice of the
have never been merged. Dumlao’s peace by the President created a
issue is different from Igot’s. They have ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ “vested legal right” in Marbury to
separate issues. Further, this case does receive the office of justice of the peace
not meet all the requisites so that it’d Marbury v. Madison SUMMARY even before the commission was
be eligible for judicial review. There are delivered to him. It went on to detail
standards that have to be followed in how the signing of the Marbury’s
the exercise of the function of judicial The Supreme Court established the commission by the President effectively
review, namely: ability of courts to examine constituted an appointment and how
Congressional acts for constitutionality the signing of the commission by the
and to overturn them for being President created a vested, exclusive
(1) the existence of an appropriate case; unconstitutional through the process of right in Marbury to accept or reject the
“judicial review”. In this case, the Court appointment. The Court described the
(2) an interest personal and substantial used “judicial review” as a way of principle that the appointment of an
by the party raising the constitutional declaring the portion of the Judiciary officer who is not removable at will by
question; Act of 1789—which allowed for writs of the President is irrevocable and “cannot
mandamus to be issued by courts to be annulled”.
(3) the plea that the function be officers of the United States—to be
exercised at the earliest opportunity; invalid.

(4) the necessity that the constitutional The Court concluded that the courts are
question be passed upon in order to empowered to provide remedies to
KEY PLAYERS in Marbury v. Madison citizens whose “vested rights” have
decide the case.
been violated. The Court also noted that
1Appellants: Marbury, who demanded “the judicial power of the United States
that the court issue a writ of mandamus is extended to all cases arising under the
ordering Madison to provide constitution” and, further, asserted that
commissions for the office of justice of it was a “judicial duty” to, when the
In this case, only the 3rd requisite was constitution and an enacted law
met. the peace to him and others appointed
as such. conflict, decide which rule applies to a
particular case. Based on the powers
The SC ruled however that the provision granted to the Court through the
barring persons charged for crimes may 2Appellees: James Madison, U.S. Constitution, the Court decided that the
not run for public office and that the Secretary of State, who withheld power of “judicial review” allowed it to
filing of complaints against them and commissions for the office of justice of examine the constitutionality of
after preliminary investigation would the peace to Marbury and others legislation and to determine when the
already disqualify them from office as appointed. violation of vested rights is the result of
null and void. The assertion that BP 52 is a law being unconstitutional (The Court
contrary to the safeguard of equal Marbury v. Madison BRIEF concluded that “the judicial power of
protection is neither well taken. The the United States is extended to all
constitutional guarantee of equal The central theme of this case is the cases arising under the constitution”
protection of the laws is subject to concept of judicial review, which allows and “the province and duty of the
rational classification. If the groupings the Supreme Court to examine judicial department to say what the law
are based on reasonable and real legislation enacted by Congress for is”). It held that that the part of the
differentiations, one class can be constitutionality and to invalidate such legislation—the Judiciary Act of 1789—
treated and regulated differently from legislation if it is found to be which established the federal courts and
another class. For purposes of public unconstitutional. allowed the courts to issue writs of
service, employees 65 years of age, mandamus to officers of the United
have been validly classified differently States allowed the courts to go beyond
from younger employees. Employees the powers reserved for them in the
attaining that age are subject to Constitution by engaging in an act that
compulsory retirement, while those of Marbury v. Madison FACTS constitutes an “original legal action”
younger ages are not so compulsorily against an “officer of the United States”.
retirable. In respect of election to Such original jurisdiction was not
provincial, city, or municipal positions, President Adams appointed Marbury to explicitly established for the courts by
to require that candidates should not be a new position as justice of the peace. the Constitution. In that way, the Court
more than 65 years of age at the time To begin his new position, he had to found that that portion of the Act
they assume office, if applicable to receive a document—a “commission”— unconstitutional.
everyone, might or might not be a which officially gave the role to him. The
reasonable classification although, as President signed the commission for
the Solicitor General has intimated, a Marbury and all those appointed to the
good policy of the law should be to office of justice of the peace at the time
promote the emergence of younger of appointment. James Madison was KEY TAKEAWAYS for Law Students
blood in our political elective echelons. supposed to have given Marbury this
On the other hand, it might be that document but failed to do so. Marbury
persons more than 65 years old may and other appointed justices of the 1“Judicial review” is a remedy that
also be good elective local officials. peace who had not received their allows a court to review acts of
commissions filed a lawsuit demanding Congress for constitutionality and to
that a writ of mandamus be issued hold that such acts are invalid if they are
which ordered Madison to send unconstitutional.
Marbury and the other justices of the
Retirement from government service peace their commissions. The central 2Writs of mandamus, as allowed for by
may or may not be a reasonable issues in the lawsuit were (i) whether it the Judiciary Act of 1789, are
disqualification for elective local is constitutional for the Supreme Court unconstitutional; and the portion of the
officials. For one thing, there can also be to issue writs of mandamus; (ii) whether Act which allows for them is invalid.
retirees from government service at the U.S. Secretary of State is allowed to
ages, say below 65. It may neither be issue writs of mandamus; (iii) whether,
in this case involving commissions, the 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡
reasonable to disqualify retirees, aged
65, for a 65-year old retiree could be a Supreme Court can issue a writ of
good local official just like one, aged 65, mandamus to the U.S. Secretary of DR. JOSE CUYEGKENG, ET AL.,
who is not a retiree. But, in the case of a State. petitioners, vs.DR. PEDRO M. CRUZ, as
65-year old elective local official member of Board of Medical Examiners,
(Dumalo), who has retired from a respondent.G.R. No. L-16263, 65 Phil.
provincial, city or municipal office, there 56July 26, 1960NATURE OF ACTION: A
quo warranto proceeding against an ISSUE: 4. The residents were at the point of
appointed member of the Board of high-powered guns and herded like
Medical Examiners. FACTS: The Must the action fail for the alleged lack cows.
petitioners were in the list of qualified of a legal standing?
physicians that were approved and 5. Men were ordered to strip down to
submitted, bythe Executive Council their briefs for the police to examine
of the Philippine Medical their tattoo marks.
Association of the Philippines
pursuant to theprovisions of section RULING:
13 of Republic Act No. 2382, to the 6. The residents complained that they're
President for appointment as members homes were ransacked, tossing their
ofthe Board of Medical Examiners. The No. We find the instant petition to be of belongings and destroying their
President appointed 6 physicians, 5 of transcendental importance to the valuables. Some of their money and
them were on the listaforementioned public, and the issues it raised are of valuables had disappeared after the
but the last, herein respondent, was not paramount public interest. The operation.
among the list submitted by the ramifications of such issues
council.Petitioners filed a quo warranto immeasurably affect the social, 7. The residents also reported incidents
alleging that herein respondent was economic, and moral wellbeing of the of maulings, spot-beatings, and
unlawfully appointed tohis public people even in the remotest barangays maltreatment. Those who were
office.ISSUE: Whether or not a of the country and the counter- detained also suffered mental and
recommended individual to a position productive and retrogressive effects of physical torture to extract confessions
for appointment has the right to file the envisioned on-line lottery system and tactical information.
aquo warranto to question an are as staggering as the billions in pesos
appointment to the said it is expected to raise. In the exercise of
position.RULING: No. The Court Ruled its sound discretion, in keeping with its
that Respondent has a good and valid duty to determine whether or not the
right to his title on the groundsthat one other branches of govt have exercised l The respondents said that such
who does not claim to be entitled to grave abuse of discretion given them, accusations mentioned above were
the office allegedly usurped or this Court hereby brushes aside the total lies.
unlawfully held orexercised by another procedural barrier which the
cannot question his title by quo respondents tried to take advantage of.
warranto. In the case at bar, petitioners The Court voted 7-6 on this issue. (The
do notclaim to entitled to the office held Contract of Lease was eventually
by respondent herein. None of them has declared invalid for being violative of l Respondents contends that the
been appointed theretoand none of the charter of PCSO) Constitution grants to the government
them may, therefore, be placed in the power to seek and cripple
said office, regardless of the 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡 subversive movements for the
alleged flaws inrespondent's title maintenance of peace in the state.
thereto. They merely assert a right to be
appointed to said office.Wherefore, the Tuesday, February 27, 2018
writ prayed for should be, as it is
hereby, denied, with costs against GUAZON V. DE VILLA - CASE DIGEST -
thepetitioners. It is so order CONSTITUTIONAL LAW l The aerial target zoning was intended
to flush out subversives and criminal
🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡 GUAZON V. DE VILLA G.R. No. 80508 elements coddled by the communities
January 30, 1990 were the said drives were conducted.
Kilosbayan vs. Guingona (1994)
GR No. 113375 | 232 SCRA 110 | May 5,
1994 | En Banc | Justice Davide, Jr. This is a petition for prohibition with l Respondents averred that they have
preliminary injunction to prohibit the intelligently and carefully planned
Constitutional Law | Judicial military and police officers represented months ahead for the actual operation
Department | Judicial Power by public respondents from conducting and that local and foreign media joined
"Areal Target Zonings" or "Saturation the operation to witness and record
Drives" in Metro Manila. such event.
Where the issue is of transcendental
importance of paramount public
interest, the procedural barrier of the
issue on a petitioner’s locus standi MAY
be set aside. The 41 petitioners alleged that the ISSUE:
"saturation drive" or "areal target
zoning" that were conducted in their
place (Tondo Manila) were
Kilosbayan, Inc. v. Guingona, Jr.
WON the areal target zoning and the
saturation drive is legal

Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office The alleged acts committed during the
(PCSO), with the approval of the raid are the following:
President, entered into a Contract of
Lease with Phil. Gaming Management
Corp. (PGMC) which was organized
through the initiative of the Berjaya HELD:
Group Berhad, a foreign company. This 1. Petitioners alleged that there is no
was executed despite vigorous specific target house to search and that
opposition from petitioner Kilosbayan there is no search warrant or warrant of
on account of its alleged immorality and arrest served.
illegality. Kilosbayan, an organization of YES. The conduct of areal target zoning
“civic-spirited citizens,” filed the instant 2. Most of the policemen are in their or saturation drive is a valid exercise of
petition as taxpayers and concerned civilian clothes and without nameplates the military powers of the President.
citizens. Respondents challenge the or identification cards.
petitioners’ legal standing to file this
petition. 3. The residents were rudely roused
from their sleep by banging on the walls
and windows of their houses. According to the Supreme Court,
everything stated before them consists
only of allegations. According to moderate view of her defamatory
petitioners, more than 3,407 persons remarks, finding her guilty merely of
were arrested in the saturation drives slight slander.
covered by the petition. No estimates RATIO:
are given for the drives in Block 34,
Dagat-dagatan, Navotas; Apelo Cruz [1] Accused-appellant hold that private
Compound, Pasig; and Sun Valley Drive prosecutor for the offended party had
near the Manila International Airport The accused filed a motion for no legal personality to conduct the
area. Not one of the several thousand reconsideration praying for acquittal examination of some witnesses and that
persons treated in the illegal and and for reduction of the civil liability. his participation rendered null and void
inhuman manner described by the The trial court denied reconsideration, the proceedings is manifestly without
petitioners appears as a petitioner or rejecting the belated objection raised merit. Aside from the fact that accused's
has come before a trial court to present for the first time by accused as to the objection brought up only in her motion
the kind of evidence admissible in proceedings being invalid because the for reconsideration was too late, the
courts of justice. Moreover, there must private prosecutor conducted the objection had no valid basis since the
have been tens of thousands of nearby examination of the witnesses on three private prosecutor had withdrawn the
residents who were inconvenienced in hearing days, notwithstanding his reservation to file a separate civil case
addition to the several thousand announcement — later withdrawn — and prosecution of the case remained at
allegedly arrested. None of those that the offended party would file a all times under the control of the
arrested has apparently been charged separate civil case and ruling correctly government prosecutors.
and none of those affected has that since the government prosecutors
apparently complained. were present at the hearings, the
prosecution of the case remained under
their control and the private
prosecutor's presence and participation [2] As restated in Crisostomo vs. Reyes
which were then not objected to were and a number of subsequent cases, the
The areal target zonings in this petition "of no particular importance." principle decrees that "While the
were intended to flush out subversives jurisdiction of a tribunal may be
and criminal elements particularly challenged at any time, sound public
because of the blatant assassinations of policy bars the petitioners from so doing
public officers and police officials by after their having procured that
elements supposedly coddled by the The accused thereafter filed her notice jurisdiction themselves, speculating on
communities where the "drives" were of appeal directly to the Supreme Court the fortunes of litigation."
conducted. "solely on a question of law, to wit: that
there was no legal basis for the
judgment of conviction because the
proceedings were null and void as the
private prosecutor had no legal [3] As the People's brief puts it, an
Moreover, there is nothing in the personality to represent, or present appellant cannot be permitted to
Constitution which denies the authority evidence for, the prosecution in view of experiment with the court - the court of
of the Chief Executive, to order police the reservation of the civil action, as first instance in the case of herein
actions to stop unabated criminality, borne out by the records." appellant — by submitting herself to its
rising lawlessness, and alarming jurisdiction and after the experiment
communist activities. Where there is has proved unsuccessful for her with the
large scale mutiny or actual rebellion, rendition of an adverse decision to raise
the police or military may go in force to for the first time its lack of jurisdiction.
the combat areas, enter affected ISSUES: As restated by Chief Justice Roberto
residences or buildings, round up Concepcion in Francisco vs. City of
suspected rebels and otherwise quell [1] WON the private prosecutor for the Davao, the ends of justice would not be
the mutiny or rebellion without having offended party had no legal personality served if such belated jurisdictional
to secure search warrants and without to conduct the examination of some questions were to be entertained and
violating the Bill of Rights. witnesses and that his participation the proceedings nullified — when the
rendered null and void the proceedings court's jurisdiction had been invoked all
The Constitution grants the Government the time by the party who would now
the power to seek and cripple belatedly question its jurisdiction
subversive movements which would [2] WON the crime of grave slander of because of its adverse decision.
which accused-appellant was charged
bring down constituted authority and comes within the area of concurrent
substitute a regime where individual jurisdiction of Municipal Courts of
liberties are suppressed as a matter of Provincial Capitals or City Courts and
policy in the name of security of the Courts of First Instance,
State. Sound public policy and the interests of
a just, orderly, efficient and inexpensive
[3] WON the judgment of the La Union administration of justice, whereby
❤❤❤❤❤ Court of First Instance to which accused- justice and fairness are accorded both
appellant had expressly appealed the to plaintiff and defendant, to the
PEOPLE v. MUNAR (1973) municipal court's conviction should be offended party as well as to the
deemed null and void for want of accused, properly raise a barrier against
jurisdiction as her appeal should have a party who would speculate on the
been directly to the Court of Appeals or fortunes of litigation and in the event of
Supreme Court an adverse decision challenge the
FACTS: Accused-appellant Feliza Munar jurisdiction of the very tribunal whose
was originally charged with grave jurisdiction he or she has invoked and
slander in the municipal court of San procured at the expenditure of so much
Fernando, La Union for having uttered time, expense and effort on the part of
defamatory words in calling the HELD: the litigants and of the State.
offended party, Erlinda Munar, an
unmarried woman and a distant [1] No.
relative, the paramour of somebody.
[2] Yes. The question is foreclosed by As a matter of substantial justice, both
the doctrine of estoppel enunciated by the municipal court and the court of
the Court that "after voluntarily first instance in the case at bar had dealt
The trial court thereafter rendered its submitting a cause and encountering an with the criminal charge of grave
decision of wherein like the municipal adverse decision on the merits, it is too slander against the accused-appellant as
court it rejected as not worthy of late for the loser to question the if it were one of slight slander
credence the accused's defense of alibi jurisdiction or power of the court." punishable with a penalty of arresto
that she was in Manila on the day of the mayor or a fine not exceeding P200.00
commission of the offense and took a [3] No. — and both courts imposed merely a
fine well below the maximum of execution and the corresponding writ as in the CA, it invoked the jurisdiction
P200.00. was issued. of said courts to obtain affirmative relief
and submitted its case for a final
adjudication on the merits. It was only
after an adverse decision was rendered
by the CA that it finally woke up to raise
In this context, the municipal court can Subsequently, the Surety moved to the question of jurisdiction. If such
be said to have properly exercised quash the writ on the ground that the conduct is to be sanctioned, the SC
exclusive original jurisdiction and the same was issued without the required would in effect be declaring as useless
court of first instance to have properly summary hearing provided for in all the proceedings had in the present
exercised appellate jurisdiction as Section 17 of Rule 59 of the Rules of case since it was commenced on July 19,
invoked by the accused-appellant Court. As the CFI denied the motion, the 1948 and compel the judgment
herself — and she cannot now be Surety appealed to the Court of Appeals creditors to go up their Calvary once
allowed to question for the very first (CA) from such order of denial and from more.
time here the very jurisdiction invoked the one denying its motion for
by her, especially where she has raised reconsideration. Not one of the 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡
no question whatever as to the assignment of errors raises the question
correctness in fact and in law of the of lack of jurisdiction, neither directly
penalty and civil liability imposed upon nor indirectly. Cordillera Broad Coalition vs.
her by the lower court's judgment. Commission on Audit

🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡 Facts:
The CA decided the case affirming the Pursuant to a ceasefire agreement
Tijam vs. Sibonghanoy (1968) orders appealed from. After the Surety signed on September 13, 1986, the
received notice of the decision, it filed a Cordillera People’s Liberation Army
A party may be estopped or barred from pleading entitled MOTION TO DISMISS, (CPLA) and the Cordillera Bodong
raising a question by laches, which is alleging substantially that appellees’ Administration agreed that the
failure or neglect, for an unreasonable action was filed in the CFI of Cebu on Cordillera people shall not undertake
and unexplained length of time, to do July 19, 1948 for the recovery of the their demands through armed and
that which, by exercising due diligence, sum of P1,908.00 only; that a month violent struggle but by peaceful means,
could or should have been done earlier. before that date Republic Act No. 296, such as political negotiations.
Here, the Surety could have raised the otherwise known as the Judiciary Act of
issue of lack of jurisdiction in the trial 1948, had already become effective,
court, but it only did so after receiving Section 88 of which placed within the A subsequent joint agreement was then
the appellate court’s adverse decision. original exclusive jurisdiction of inferior arrived at by the two parties. Such
Hence, it is barred by laches. courts all civil actions where the value of agreement states that they are to:
the subject matter or the amount of the
demand does not exceed P2,000.00, Par. 2. Work together in drafting an
exclusive of interest and costs; that the Executive Order to create a preparatory
CFI therefore had no jurisdiction to try body that could perform policy-making
FACTS: and decide the case. and administrative functions and
undertake consultations and studies
On July 19, 1948 — barely one month leading to a draft organic act for the
after the effectivity of Republic Act No. Cordilleras.
296 known as the Judiciary Act of 1948
— the spouses Serafin Tijam and ISSUE: Par. 3. Have representatives from the
Felicitas Tagalog commenced a case in Cordillera panel join the study group of
the Court of First Instance (CFI) against Whether the Surety is barred from the R.P. Panel in drafting the Executive
the spouses Magdaleno Sibonghanoy raising the jurisdictional issue by laches. Order.
and Lucia Baguio to recover from them
the sum of P1,908.00, with legal interest Pursuant to the above joint agreement,
thereon. As prayed for in the complaint, E.O. 220 was drafted by a panel of the
a writ of attachment was issued by the Philippine government and of the
court against defendants’ properties, RULING: representatives of the Cordillera people.
but the same was soon dissolved upon This was then signed into law by
the filing of a counter-bond by Yes. A party may be estopped or barred President Corazon Aquino, in the
defendants and the Manila Surety and from raising a question in different ways exercise of her legislative powers,
Fidelity Co., Inc. hereinafter referred to and for different reasons. Thus, we creating the Cordillera Administrative
as the Surety, on the 31st of the same speak of estoppel in pais, of estoppel by Region [CAR], which covers the
month. deed or by record, and of estoppel by provinces of Abra, Benguet, Ifugao,
laches. Laches, in a general sense, is Kalinga-Apayao and Mountain Province
failure or neglect, for an unreasonable and the City of Baguio.
and unexplained length of time, to do
that which, by exercising due diligence,
After trial upon the issues thus joined, could or should have been done earlier;
the CFI rendered judgment in favor of it is negligence or omission to assert a
the plaintiffs and, after the same had right within a reasonable time, Petitioners assail the constitutionality of
become final and executory, upon warranting a presumption that the party E.O. 220 on the primary ground that by
motion of the latter, the CFI issued a entitled to assert it either has issuing the said order, the President, in
writ of execution against the abandoned it or declined to assert it. the exercise of her legislative powers,
defendants. The writ having been had virtually pre-empted Congress from
returned unsatisfied, the plaintiffs its mandated task of enacting an organic
moved for the issuance of a writ of act and created an autonomous region
execution against the Surety’s bond in the Cordilleras.
against which the Surety filed a written The facts of this case show that from
opposition. The CFI denied this motion the time the Surety became a quasi-
on the ground solely that no previous party on July 31, 1948, it could have
demand had been made on the Surety raised the question of the lack of
for the satisfaction of the judgment. jurisdiction of the CFI of Cebu to take
Thereafter, the necessary demand was cognizance of the present action by
made, and upon failure of the Surety to reason of the sum of money involved
satisfy the judgment, the plaintiffs filed which, according to the law then in Issue:
a second motion for execution against force, was within the original exclusive
the counter-bond. Upon the Surety’s jurisdiction of inferior courts. It failed to
failure to file an answer to the motion, Whether or not E.O. 220 is
do so. Instead, at several stages of the constitutional
the CFI granted the motion for proceedings in the court a quo as well
Petitioner Zandueta was discharging the question the constitutionality of the law
office of judge of first instance, and was by virtue of which he was last
presiding over the 5th Branch of the CFI appointed. He is excepted from said rule
Ruling: of Manila. When the judiciary was only when his non-acceptance of the
reorganized pursuant to CA No. 145 (the new appointment may affect public
The Supreme Court has come to the Judicial Reorganization Act), Zandueta interest or when he is compelled to
conclusion that petitioners’ are received a new ad interim appointment accept it by reason of legal exigencies.
unfounded. as judge of first instance with authority (Zandueta v. De la Costa, 66 Phil 615)
to preside over the CFI of Manila and
E.O. 220 does not create the Palawan. After taking his new oath,
autonomous region contemplated in the Zandueta performed several acts
Constitution. It merely provides for pertaining to the office. Meanwhile, the
transitory measures in anticipation of CA disapproved his ad interim
the enactment of an organic act and the appointment. The President then
creation of an autonomous region. In appointed respondent De la Costa as
short, it prepares the ground for judge of first instance with authority to
autonomy. This does not necessarily preside over the 5th Branch of the CFI of
conflict with the provisions of the Manila and Palawan, and his
Constitution on autonomous regions. appointment was approved by CA.
Zandueta now prays to declare De la
Costa to be illegally occupying the office
The Constitution outlines a complex of judge of the 5th Branch of the CFI of
procedure for the creation of an Manila, and himself to be entitled to
autonomous region in the Cordilleras. continue occupying said office.
Since such process will undoubtedly
take time, the President saw it fit to
provide for some measures to address
the urgent needs of the Cordilleras in
the meantime that the organic act had Issue:
not yet been passed and the
autonomous region created. At this
time, the President was still exercising
legislative powers as the First Congress
had not yet convened. Is Zandueta entitled to repossess the
office occupied by him under his former
Based on Article X Section 18 of the appointment?
Constitution (providing the basic
structure of government in the
autonomous region), the Supreme Court
finds that E. O. No. 220 did not establish
an autonomous regional government. Held:
The bodies created by E. O. No. 220 do
not supplant the existing local
governmental structure; nor are they
autonomous government agencies.
They merely constitute the mechanism No. There is incompatibility between his
for an "umbrella" that brings together former and latter appointments;
the existing local governments, the consequently, he is deemed to have
agencies of the National Government, abandoned the office he was occupying
the ethno-linguistic groups or tribes and by virtue of his former appointment.
non-governmental organizations in a The territory over which Zandueta could
concerted effort to spur development in exercise and did exercise jurisdiction by
the Cordilleras. virtue of his latter appointment is wider
than that over which he could exercise
In fact, it was Republic Act No. 6766, the and did exercise jurisdiction by virtue of
organic act for the Cordillera his former appointment. Hence, there is
autonomous region signed into law on incompatibility between the two
October 23, 1989, and the plebiscite for appointments. In accepting the latter
the approval of the act which completed appointment and qualifying for the
the autonomous region-creating exercise of the functions of the office
process outlined in the Constitution. conferred by it, by taking the necessary
oath, and in discharging the same,
disposing of both judicial and
Therefore, E.O. 220 is constitutional. administrative cases corresponding to
Petition is dismissed for lack of merit the CFI of Manila and of Palawan,
Zandueta abandoned* his former
Zandueta vs. De la Costa appointment, and ceased in the exercise
of the functions of the office occupied
Posted on 2020-11-01 by him by virtue thereof.

No. L-46267, 66 Phil 615 [Nov 28, 1938]

* xxx When a public official voluntarily

accepts an appointment to an office
newly created or reorganized by law,
Constitutional Law; Legislative which new office is incompatible with
Department; Incompatible and the one formerly occupied by him,
Forbidden Offices qualifies for the discharge of the
functions thereof by taking the
necessary oath, and enters into the
performance of his duties by executing
acts inherent in said newly created or
Facts: reorganized office and receiving the
corresponding salary, he will be
considered to have abandoned the
office he was occupying by virtue of his
former appointment, and he cannot

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