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Bughao, Maria Angelika A.

Living in the IT Era | Prof. Aldea

Activity no. 2

Answer the following Guide Questions

1. What are Computer Input Devices? Output Devices?

The functioning of a computer system is based on the combined usage of both input
and output devices. Using an input device we can give instructions to the computer
to perform an action and the device reverts to our action through an output
device. Input and output devices allow the computer system to interact with the
outside world by moving data into and out of the system.

In computing, an Input device is a peripheral (piece of computer hardware

equipment) used to provide data and control signals to an information processing
system such as a computer or other information appliance.
Examples of Input devices include:
 Keyboards
 Mouse
 Scanners
 digital cameras
 Joysticks
 Microphone
 Bar code reader
 Graphics tablet

An Output device is any piece of computer hardware equipment used to

communicate the results of data processing carried out by an information
processing system (such as a computer) which converts the electronically generated
information into human-readable form. It is used to send data out of the system.
Examples of Output devices include:
 Monitor
 Printer
 Speaker
 Projector
 Headphones

In computing, Input and Output refers to the communication between an

information processing system (such as a computer), and the outside world. Inputs
are the signals or data received by the system, and Outputs are the signals or data
sent from it.

2. Why are Input Devices and Output Devices Important? (Give 5 Reasons)

Importance of Input Devices

 Input devices are important because they allow you to communicate with a computer and
add new information. For instance, if a PC had no information gadgets, it could run
without help from anyone else however there would be no real way to change its settings,
fix blunders, or other different client cooperations. Input devices are vitally important for
humans to interact with computers, without them, computers are essentially useless.
 Input devices are important as it provides and facilitates viewing, creating, updating or
modifying, and removing or deleting (or otherwise manipulating) an object within the

 Input devices are important as it used to bring data into the system.

 Input devices allow your computer to receive instructions and create something that can
help to improve the system.

 Input devices are important as it has the capability of converting the raw data into the
format or language which is computer-readable and finally delivers the translated data to
the Central Processing Unit (CPU) for further processing.

Importance of Output Devices

 A system must have some form of output in order to affect the environment around it.
Output devices are important because this could be a control signal, such as a signal from
a ship's autopilot controlling the rudder, or simply signals to control some sort of display
device to inform a human via something complex, such as a computer display monitor,
or something far simpler, such as an LED signaling a status.

 Output devices are important because it helps to relay information back to other devices
for its use. If computer information remains exclusively in the computer, then it is
useless, because nothing is done with it. Even in the case of stored data, the information
is often relayed to another computer with output devices, or directly to an output device,
so that it can affect the outer world.

 Output devices are important because without output devices, it would be, in addition,
impossible to determine the inner workings of computers without output devices, as any
modifications to allow the viewing of the information or functionality would be
considered an output device.

 Output devices are important as it provide data in countless different forms, some of
which include audio, visual, and hard copy media. The devices are usually used for
display, projection, or for physical reproduction.

 Output devices are important because it helps to indicate errors and/or the need for
additional input. For example, if you detach your monitor from your computer, the
computer will still function, but it’s not going to be very helpful. Thus, this will lead to
more system errors.

3. What are the 5 most commonly Used Input Devices and Output Devices in the Medical
Profession? Give a brief Description of its use.

Input Devices

 X-ray machines - it is a form of electromagnetic radiation that can pass through solid
objects, including the body. X-rays penetrate different objects more or less according to
their density. In medicine, X-rays are used to view images of the bones and other
structures in the body.

 CT or computerized tomographic scanning machines - A computerized tomography

scan (CT or CAT scan) uses computers and rotating X-ray machines to create cross-
sectional images of the body. These images provide more detailed information than
normal X-ray images. They can show the soft tissues, blood vessels, and bones in various
parts of the body.

 MRI or magnetic resonance imaging machines - it is a medical imaging technique used

in radiology to form pictures of the anatomy and the physiological processes
of the body. MRI scanners use strong magnetic fields, magnetic field gradients, and radio
waves to generate images of the organs in the body. It produce detailed images
of the organs.

 Ultrasound or medical ultrasonography machines - Ultrasound imaging uses sound

waves to produce pictures of the inside of the body. It is used to help diagnose the causes
of pain, swelling and infection in the body's internal organs and to examine a baby in
pregnant women and the brain and hips in infants.

 PET or positron emission tomography - A positron emission tomography (PET) scan is

an imaging test that helps reveal how your tissues and organs are functioning. A PET
scan uses a radioactive drug (tracer) to show this activity. This scan can sometimes
detect disease before it shows up on other imaging tests.

Output Devices

 Audiometer - it is a subjective device that is used to evaluate the hearing threshold of a

person. An audiologist or other trained personnel uses an audiometer together with
special audiometric testing techniques to determine the hearing threshold and to identify
as well as quantify the degree of hearing loss of a person. From these results the
appropriate referral for medical treatment or possible hearing aid fitting can be
prescribed. With the audiometer tones of different frequencies are presented at different
levels to the patient’s ear. The hearing threshold is that level at which the person can just
hear the stimulus. An audiometer is a subjective testing device, a response from the
patient is needed.

 Tonometer - One of the oldest, this device is used to measure the pressure of the fluids
inside the eyeball. If the eye pressure increases beyond a point, then it may permanently
damage the optic nerve. This high-pressure disorder is called glaucoma. A tonometer
measures the pressure of the eye by very gently touching the cornea. A tonometer that
actually touches the eye requires numbing drops to be instilled into the eyes.

 Autorefractor - it is a device used to measure the refractive error of the eyes and
prescribe lenses. The patient is required to look into the machine, which has a picture
that moves in and out of focus. The device takes readings and determines when the
image is on the retina. A prescription is made based on the averages of several such

 Overhead Projector (OHP) - like a film or slide projector, it uses light to project an
enlarged image on a screen, allowing the view of a small document or picture to be
shared with a large audience. It allows medical professionals to easily share and
discussed the result based from the patient’s assessment.

 Multi-parameter patient monitors (MPMs) - are widely used in intensive care units (ICUs)
and general wards to continuously monitor patients' health based on the following human
vital parameters: heart rate; blood pressure; respiration rate; and oxygen saturation
(SPO2). The multi-parameter patient monitors are designed to give number of
information on one screen and hence provides multiple information that is needed to
understand the patient condition. It has emerged as a monitor to offer flexible solution
for varying critical care need. They provide a comprehensive understanding of patient by
giving a broader monitoring scope.

4. Give 5 examples of Input and Output Devices for the Physically Challenged.

Input devices for physically challenged users

 Eye-tracking - A specialized camera to track a user's eye to perform actions or move a

mouse pointer.

 Puff-suck Switch - This kind of switch is excellent for someone with limited physically
mobility from head below. They may even only have the ability of tilting the head
slightly. You simply suck or puff down the tube in order to activate a switch- it is itself
connected to the computer through a cable. You need a specific software running on the
computer which can take this input and act on it in any number of ways.

 Foot mouse - Mouse pointer controlled using pedals with your feet.

 Braille Keyboard - this device is a substitute for a normal keyboard, as blind people can't
see what they are typing, instead of having a printed letters on each button there are the
embossed system of Braille- which the user can 'read' by touch.

 Gesture recognition - Specialized device to detect different gestures, including facial

expressions, reading lips, and sign language.

Output devices for physically challenged users

 Braille Printer - this device operates by embossing raised braille dots onto Braille paper.
Pins are pressed into one side of the paper in order to create raised dots on the other side
of the paper.

 Voice synthesizer - speech synthesis is the artificial production of human speech. A

computer system used for this purpose is called a speech synthesizer, and can be
implemented in software or hardware. A text- to-speech (TTS) system converts normal
language text into speech; other systems render symbolic linguistic representations like
phonetic transcriptions into speech.

 Screen readers / Screen-reading software - it is a software application that attempts to

identify and interpret what is being displayed on the screen (or, more accurately, sent to
standard output, whether a video monitor is present or not). This interpretation is then re-
presented to the user with text-to-speech, sound icons, or a Braille output device. Screen
readers are a form of assistive technology (AT) potentially useful and intended to people
who are blind, visually impaired, illiterate or learning disabled, often in combination
with other AT, such as screen magnifiers.

 Large font size/ use of color - helps people who are partially-sighted since the
larger icons and/or colourful outputs on large screens are much easier to see.

 Actuator - the part of a hard disk to which the read/write arms attaches. All the heads are
attached to a single head actuator, also called an actuator arm, that moves the heads
around the platters. Older hard drives used a stepper motor actuator, which moved the
heads based on a motor reacting to stepper pulses. Modern hard drives use a voice coil
actuator, which controls the movement of a coil toward or away from a permanent
magnet based on the amount of current flowing through it. This guidance system is
called a servo.

5. If you were given a task to innovate a new input device and output device, what do you
think of and why? (a future input and output device that may be used in the medical

Future Input device

AIO-MD Glasses (All - in - one Medical Glasses)

 If I will be given a chance to innovate a new input device, I think of something that is
more convenient and lightweight to use and has a lot of new high quality specs that can
help medical professional to easily detect health problems of every patient (like cancer,
tumors, respiratory problems etc) without using heavy and complicated machines
anymore. This input device can be use by means of wearing it, in which this will create
less time for a medical professional to analyze the cases of every patient and to provide
services to a lot more people. The work of this device is to analyze the health problem of
the given individual or patient by means of pointing its little camera and scan the
patient’s whole body to create a healthcare report and this device can also set plans,
intervention and medication. It is a device that has an all-in-one use. Moreover, one
unique thing about this device is that it can also detect emotions, mood and stability of
the patient and it can also detect whether the patient is lying based on the interview done
by a medical professionals. I chose to create AIO-MD Glasses because my goal is to
create a new quality of healthcare system to patients by means of upgrading and creating
new sets of devices that can also help to improve the industry and somewhat can create
solutions to health problems that are impossible to solve. I want to give hope to every
individual and give them a chance to live a brighter life.

Future Output device

IOD Monitor Box

 IOD Monitor Box stands for Information Output Digital Monitor Box, wherein this
output device can be use to check and monitor every patient. It is a lightweight device
that can be carried around by a medical professional in his or her every rounds because
the size of this device is designed according to the size of a normal pocket and every
medical professional can create his or her pass code to prevent patient’s information
leakage. This device is created to make it more convenient to medical professional to
explain every detail of the patients health. By tapping the monitor box the projector
screen will pop-out immediately and then by wearing the IOD clip the medical
professional can now simply control the screen without touching it. The pictures of
organs can be viewed by 3D and the medical professional can now easily explain the
health details of the patient and this device can also use to monitor the health condition
of the patient specially the vital sign. It also has an alarm which it will be activated once
the patient’s condition get worse. I chose to create IOD Monitor box because I want to
create a new convenient way for medical professionals to be able to easily send
information to patients and for them to understand their health conditions in more
detailed way.

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