Course Focus: - MODULE

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_____________MODULE 1 International Aviation

Course Focus

OVERVIEW▼ 1 Aim of the Course:

The aim of the “Aviation English for Air Traffic Controllers” offered at
 Reading our Center is twofold:
“International Aviation
- to produce a course that follows the guidelines of the Manual on the
Organizations ”
Implementation of ICAO Language Proficiency Requirements (Doc
 Course Focus
9835 AN/453).
Aim of the course.
ICAO rating scale for level 3 - to prepare Air Traffic Controllers to achieve level which corresponds
 Warm Up to 4 according to the ICAO’s descriptors.
ICAO, Eurocontrol
association arrangement
 Pronunciation Warm-Up
Word stress; hearing and
pronouncing 1 Look at the list in the box. Choose the words or expressions, which
 Scanning you think best associate with the following organizations:
Unfinished statements
 Word Building
Nouns formed from verbs
 Grammar
Parts of speech
 Discussion
International aviation
organizations and their
 Feedback

specialized agency of the United Nations Luxembourg

an Assembly air navigation service providers
over 180 Contracting States ATM system in 1944
Institute of Air Navigation services (IANS) Montreal
33 Member States Air Traffic Control training
Standards and Recommended Practices Annexes to Convention
the safety of Air Navigation


1 Listen to the recording and repeat the words.

Montreal Luxembourg Council Assembly

bureau Throughout Specialized Legislative
annex inaugurate implementation airworthiness
European Emphasis triennial gate-to-gate
pan-European Sovereign Budget Headquarters

2 Do you know how to pronounce the ends of the words in each group? Can you add another
word to some of the groups?

1 future structure Picture

2 organization convention standardization
3 commission division Expression
4 development management Achievement
5 previous dangerous Various


1 There are a number of unfinished statements about the text above, each with three suggested
answers. Give one answer only to complete the statements:

1 ICAO was found in

a 1945;
b 1954
c 1944.

2 It is the ICAO responsibility

a to create and renew SARPs;
b to develop a pan-European ATM system;
c to provide air traffic control training.

3 ICAO has its headquarters in

a Montreal;
b Luxembourg;
c Brussels.

4 EUROCONTROL is a military organization with

a 33 Member States;
b 30 Member States;
c 130 Member States.

5 ICAO is made up of
a an Assembly, a Council and a Secretariat;
b the Air Navigation Commission;
c Institute of Air Navigation Services and an Assembly.

6 EUROCONTROL’s primary objective is

a to adopt Annexes to the Convention;
b to develop and coordinate Air Traffic Management all over the Europe;
c to provide work in the UAC centre in Maastricht.

7 IANS is the abbreviation for

a Institute of Air Navigation System;
b Institute of Air Traffic Management;
c Institute of Aeronautical System.

8 Now ICAO numbers over

a 180 Contracting States;
b 810 Contracting States;
c 280 Contracting States.

9 IANS is located in
a Luxembourg;
b Montreal;
c Lisbon.

10 EUROCONTROL's core activity is

a to provide gate-to-gate air navigation service operations;
b to put into effect International Standards, Recommended Practices and Procedures;
c to create common concepts.

Word Building

1 Complete the gaps with appropriate forms of words from the boxes A and B:

operate creation provider begin adoption modernize implementation

establishment organize assist requirement

to implement …………………..
………………….. Organization
to establish …………………..
to adopt …………………..
………………….. Modernization
to provide …………………..
to create …………………..
………………….. Assistance
to require …………………..
………………….. Beginning
………………….. Operation

To profess to response achieved to high to collect regulation

responsibility adoption to govern secure
to adopt to secure training to save training profession high
achievement government collection regulatory safety


Safe ………………….. …………………..
………………….. Height …………………..
………………….. ………………….. to regulate
responsible ………………….. …………………..
Adopted ………………….. …………………..
Governing ………………….. …………………..
………………….. Security …………………..
………………….. ………………….. to train
professional ………………….. …………………..
………………….. ………………….. to achieve
Collective ………………….. …………………..

2 a Fill in the gaps with the words from Exercise 1 according to their explanations.

1. We have decided _____________ the committee's recommendations in full. (put into practice)
2. I like the way you’ve ________________ the information in the report. (arranged in a
particular way)
3. Hungary _____________________ diplomatic relations with Chile in 1990. (started)
4. Congress finally ______________ the law after a two-year debate. (formally approved)
5. Some people believe the universe was ___________ by a big explosion. (made it exist)
6. The university should ____________ more facilities for disabled students. (make it available)
7. Two measures have been introduced as legal _____________. (smth that must be done because
of a law or rule)

b Complete the following sentences with an appropriate form of the word on the right. There is
an example at the beginning.

1. For your own ________, please don’t smoke inside the plane. SAFE
2. The building _______________ are very strict about the materials you use REGULATE
3. Being the head means he has to take some _______________. RESPONSE
4. Congress finally ___________ the law after a two-year debate. ADOPTION
5. They read about his ___________ in the press, and were filled with pride. ACHIEVE
6. Negotiators are still working ______________ the hostages' release. SECURITY

3 Match the words on the left with their definitions on the right:

1 Annual a the main building or offices used by a

large company or organization;
2 Generation b concerned with making laws;
3 Headquarters c the technical words or expressions that
are used in a particular subject;
4 Eventually d after a long time, or after a lot of things
have happened;
5 Terminology e happening every year;
6 Legislative f all people of about the same age;
7 Ratify g to make certain that smth will happen
8 Sovereign h to make a written agreement official
by signing it;
9 Triennial i happening every three years
10 Ensure j independent

4 Match the words on the left with the words they are most likely to be associated with on the right:

1 ratify a Report
2 sovereign b the new generation
3 specialized c budget
4 adopt d development
5 use e body
6 to train f policy
7 triennial g agency
8 ensure h Annexes
9 Set i legislative documents
10 annual j terminology


1 Complete these sentences using suitable words and expressions from the text “International
Aviation Organizations”. Pay attention on the parts of the speech. Use Grammar Reference, if

1 ICAO is the specialized__________ of the United Nations. (noun)

2 The IANS’s first task was ___________ the new generation of controllers. (verb)
3 Ukraine joined ICAO in 1991 and ratified all ___________ documents. (adjective)
4 EUROCONTROL ___________ numbers 33 Member States. (adverb)
5 The Council is composed of members from ___________ States. (numeral)
6 The Institute of Air Navigation Services has a sound reputation for ___________ high level
training. (gerund)
7 EUROCONTROL is the European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation. ___________
primary objective is the development of a pan-European ATM system. (pronoun)
8 The Assembly meets every three years to _________ policy ___________ the coming years. (verb /
9 After a Standard is adopted it is put into effect ___________each ICAO Contracting State.
10 The Air Navigation Bureau is ___________ part of the Secretariat. (article)

2 Choose the correct verb form.

1 EUROCONTROL implements/is implementing the rules for the Single European Sky within the
European Community.
2 ICAO has/is having its headquarters in Montreal.
3 How many Member States does/did EUROCONTROL currently number?
4 Switzerland and most of the States of the Balkan Peninsular do not /have not belong to the
European Union.
5 How do/does you understand the expression “The Single European Sky?”
6 IANS provides/provide advanced air traffic control training for the ATM personnel.
7 The ICAO’s Assembly does/have not meet every year. It meets/will meet every three years.
8 The Council adopts/is adopting SARPs and incorporates/has incorporated Annexes to the
Convention on International Civil Aviation.
9 It does/do not mean unified air traffic management system.
10 What does/is EUROCONTROL deal with?


1 Discuss the questions.

1 Is it necessary to have such an international organization as ICAO? Why?

2 When was ICAO found and what its main responsibility is?
3 What are ICAO’s main activities?
4 How many Contracting States does ICAO number?
5 When did Ukraine join ICAO?
6 What is Assembly?
7 What is EUROCONTROL and its primary objective?
8 What are EUROCONTROL’s main activities?
9 How many Member States are there in EUROCONTROL?
10 When did Ukraine become a Member-State of EUROCONTROL?
11 What institute for the personnel of EUROCONTROL opened in Luxembourg?
12 What was the one of the first tasks of the Institute?
13 What is the Institute of Air Navigation Services in charge of?
14 What did the membership give to UKSATSE?

2 Summarize the text in three paragraphs specifying the following themes:

1 ICAO and Eurocontrol structure

2 Main objectives and functions


accident [‘æksid(ә)nt] unexpected, harmful event аварія, катастрофа

e.g. One of the ICAO’s chief
activities is…aircraft accident

to adopt [ә’d‫ס‬pt] to accept responsibility for приймати

e.g. After a Standard is adopted
it is put into effect…

advanced [әd’va:nst] studying or dealing with a school просунутий, підвищеного

subject рівня
at a difficult level
e.g. It provided advanced air
trafficcontrol training for the
personnel of EURO Control’s
Member States.

aeronautics [,eәrә’n‫כ‬:tiks] the science of designing and flying авіаційний

e.g. It is specialized agency of
the UN whose aim is the safe and
orderly development of all aspects of
international civil aeronautics.

airworthiness [‘єәwә:‫ﻻ‬inis] fit to fly придатність до польоту

e.g. One of the ICAO’s chief
activities is airworthiness…

authorities [‫כ‬:θ‫ס‬riti] body having delegated power адміністрація, органи

e.g. To reach these goals влади
national authorities involve air
navigation service providers…

awareness [ә’weәnәs] knowledge or understanding of обізнаність,

a particular subject or situation компетентність
e.g. –show a high awareness
level of safety requirements;…

to cause [k‫כ‬:z] to make, to produce smth. спричиняти,

e.g. The Pan Am call that it was still стати причиною
on the runway caused a shrill whistle
on the radio…

contributor supporter, helper помічник,

[kәn’tribjutә] e.g. As ATM specialists are той, що сприяє
key contributors to the achievement
of the high safety level of air
navigation in Europe…

to elect [i’lekt] to choose by voting обирати

e.g. The Assembly elects the
Council, the governing body for
three- year turn.
emphasis [‘emfәsis
emphasis [‘emfәsiz] importance attached to something надавати
e.g. …Institute has developed a особливого значення
sound reputation for providing high
level and up-to-date training with an
international emphasis.

establishment [i’stæbli∫mәnt]
E .g. One pu public institution yстанова,
e.g e.g. One of the ICAO’s chief запровадження
activities is the establishment
of International Standards.

generation [,dзenә‘rei∫әn] all people of about the same age покоління

e.g. One of the first tasks of
the Institute was to train the new
generation of controllers…

impact [impækt] collision, striking зіткнення

e.g. …the crew saw the approaching
KLM aircraft 9.5 seconds before

implementation [,implәmen’tei∫әn] something to be carried into effect реалізація

e.g. EUROCONTROL develops,
coordinates and plans for
implementation of short-medium and
long-term pan-European air traffic
management strategies.

to inaugurate [i’n‫כ‬:gjureit] to begin, to introduce; офіційно відкривати,

to install with ceremony (урочисто) вводити
e.g. Institute of Air Navigation
Services, IANS, was inaugurated in

investigation [in,vesti’gei∫әn] an official attempt to find out the розслідування

truth about or the causes
of something such as crime,
accident or scientific problem
e.g. One of the ICAO’s chief
activities is…aircraft accident

to involve [in’v‫כ‬lv] to include or affect in its operation залучати

e.g. To reach these goals national
authorities involve air navigation
service providers…

legislative [‘ledзisleitiv] concerned with making laws законодавчий

e.g. Ukraine ratified all main
legislative and regulatory documents

management [‘mænidзmәnt] the activity of organizing and управління

controlling flow of air traffic
e.g. …from strategic and tactical
flow management to controller

objective [әb’dзektiv] object or purpose ціль, об'єкт

e.g. Its primary objective is the
development of a seamless, pan
-European ATM system.

to provide [prә’vaid] to supply, to arrange, to make забезпечувати

e.g. The Institute has developed a
sound reputation for providing high
level and up-to-date training with an
international emphasis.

to ratify [‘rætifai] to confirm or accept by formal ратифікувати

consent, signаture etc
e.g. Ukraine ratified all main
legislative and regulatory documents
of ICAO.

requirement [ri’kwaiәmәnt] demand, вимога

something that must be done
because of a law or rule
e.g. …show a high awareness
level of safety requirements...

seamless [‘si:mlis] done or made so smoothly that цілісний

you cannot tell where one
thing stops and another begins
e.g. Its primary objective is the
development of a seamless, pan-
European ATM system.

sovereign [‘s ‫כ‬vrin] independent суверенний,

e.g. The Assembly…is the незалежний
sovereign body of ICAO.

standardization [stændәdai’zei∫әn] making all the things of one стандартизація

particular type the same as each
e.g. One of ICAO’s chief
activities is standardization…

triennial [trai’eniәl] three-year term повторюваний через три

e.g. …to set policy for the coming роки
years and establish a triennial

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