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An undergraduate thesis manuscript submitted to the faculty of the Department of Social

Sciences and Humanities, Cavite State University, Indang, Cavite in partial fulfilment of the
requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Arts in Political Science with Contribution No.____.
Prepared under the supervision of Ms. Giselle Mae M. Garcia.

Chapter 1


According to Aristotle’s book: The Politics, the word “politics” comes from the Greek

word “polis” which means “city-state.” In the ancient world, city-states are small countries

regarded as centers of culture and civilization where people interact under a unified government.

What transpires in the polis is politics and the origin of the word therefore suggests that politics

is a term encompassing the totality of human activities transpiring within the city-state. As it is

applied now, it denotes everything that transpires in the state as well as among states. This means

that politics are executing expansive range in the social levels from a clan, tribes, local

governments, institutions and up to sovereign state. However, according to Atty. Michael Jhon

Tamayo other political scientists prefer to define politics as the art, rather than the science, of

government. It is an art because it involves the exercise of control or authority within the society

through the creation and enforcement of consensus arrived at by the leaders. It involves the

process through which the government skillfully addresses the needs of the society by carefully

allocating benefits, rewards, and penalties. Politics therefore, in its broad sense means conflict

resolution through the creation, maintenance, and amendment of societal norms or rules.
Thus, in politics there are methods to be execute which includes promoting your political

ideology in the society, negotiation in other political subject, creating laws, exercising power

which includes warfare against enemy of the state. Hammarlund (1985). The creation of political

ideology comes from the dynamic of political spectrum, a concept that models political beliefs

and ideologies as a continuum, with left-wing liberalism and right-wing conservatism anchoring

the two poles. A radical extreme of the far-left would be anarchism, with fascism its counterpart

on the far-right and most people falling somewhere closer to the center on the political spectrum.

On the other hand, political ideology is a coherent set of views on politics and the role of the

government. Consistency over a wide range of issues is the hallmark of a political ideology. It is

widely involves itself on how to allocate the power and what kind of power would be imposed

and some parties continue the ideology while some exploring and get some inspirations to other

groups that are still closely related which will identify there political spectrum.

In the Philippine politics specially in our presidents there are many political ideologies that has

been applied in our country but the most notable are the dictatorship of the late President Marcos

where back in the day it mark the history of martial law where our freedom has been controlled

and the human rights has been violated but this also ends after a long decade of leadership he

dethroned to his position by the power of the Filipino we gain our freedom and by this freedom

we are handled by a new leader where the ideology is opposite to President Marcos and her name

is the late President Corazon Aquino. In the present times the Filipino people elected a

Mindanaon president where in his campaign is charismatic, curse a lot, very controversial leader

and promise to eradicate corruption and criminality and influenced by late president Marcos his

name is President Rodrigo Duterte.

In this this research, we will determine the political ideology of President Rodrigo Roa Duterte

on how his ideology when passing laws and programs.

Statement of the Problem:

This study is to determine the political ideology of President Rodrigo Roa Duterte in

terms of his programs and laws in his administration.

1. What is the political ideology of politicians in Cavite in terms of his Build Build

Build Program.

2. What is the political ideology of politicians in Cavite in terms of Anti-Terror Law

3. What is the political ideology of politicians in Cavite in terms of his War On Drugs.

Significance of the study:

The importance of the study is to determine the political ideology of President Rodrigo


This study will benefit the following:

Citizen: This study will serve a guide to the people who are willing to know what kind of

political ideology President Duterte have.

Future Researchers: The propose study will benefits and help the future researcher as

their guide and can also open a development to the study the political ideology of President


Political Science Program: This study will give the knowledge to educate the students

by analyzing and what would be the political ideology of President Duterte

Political Scientist/Analyst: The propose study will help analyze and understand the

political ideology of President Rodrigo Roa Duterte. This also help them to compare and to

contrast their perspective on how they perceived the ideology of the President on his


Scope and Limitation of the Study:

The scope of the study focuses on the emerging political ideology President Rodrigo

Duterte. The study will be conducted within the month of February to March 2021.

The participants of the study are politicians who are in Cavite and this study do not

include the political ideology per social status. The study limits to the data gathering technique

using set of questionnaires and interview through web.

Definition of Terms:

The following terms will help to have a common frame of understanding and to identify

the terms that is uncommonly used. The terms defined conceptually and operationally.

Ideology: It refers to integrated assertions, theories and aims that constitute a

sociopolitical program.

Political Ideology: It refers to a set of principles, ethical idea, ideology, philosophy,

social movement symbol, society, class and offer political and cultural blueprint for social


Leadership: It refers to action of leading a group of people or an organization

Manner: It refers to characteristic or customary mode of acting.

Decision Making: It refers to process of making choices by identifying a decision,

gathering information and assessing alternative resolutions. Using a step-by-step decision

making process can help you make more deliberate, thoughtful decision by organizing relevant

information and defining alternatives.

Policy Making: It refers to a deliberate system of principles to guide decision and

achieve rational outcomes.

Conceptual Framework:




Theoretical Framework:

The researcher emphasized the theory of Karl Marx where he considered the first to

provide the theoretical framing in a context of sociology. Marx's approach to ideology was set

forth in his theory of base and superstructure where according to Marx the superstructure of the

base, the realm of ideology, grows out of the base, the realm of production, to reflect the interest

of the ruling class and justify the status quo the keeps them in power.


This chapter presents the following local and foreign studies and concept that the

researcher would support the topic under the study. These reviewed researches give an insight

and relevant information that been used as a reference of the study. The following information

are facts that gathered from books, journals and internet websites that focus on the following



According to A.L.C Destutt de Tracy that the ideology is a “Science of Ideas” where

conceiving it as a liberal philosophy that would protect the individual liberty, property, free trade

and will limit the constitutional state power.

In the book of A.L.C de Tracy “Les Elements d’ideologie, (3rd ed.). p 4,” says that Carl

Marx term it as a negative and abusive where he situated it enclose to class struggle and

domination and called it a “Fish-blooded Bourgeois Doctrine”

In other definitions in the textbook of Manfred Steger and Paul James Globalization and

Culture, Vol 4 (p. 26): Ideologies of Globalization (2010) they highlight the both issue patterning

and contingent claims to the truth and they stated that;

“Ideologies are arrangement sets of norms, ideas and concepts, which includes specific

representation of power relations. These concept maps will help the society to move and be

complex of their political universe and bring the claims to social truth”

On the other hand, Rodee Carlton, Totto Anderson, Carl Christol and Tomas Greene in

there textbook “Introduction to Political Science” (1983) (pp.76-77) they stated that;

“The existing system and a perception of an ideal system offers a critic. It can apply to

justify status quo and resist each attempt to alter it or serve the purpose of change. In both cases,

the defense of or affront to the prevailing order can take the form of reform or violence as the

primary means to perceived end-an ideal socio-economic and political system”

On the other hand according to Willard A. Mullins (1972) An ideology have four (4)

basic characteristic a.) must have a power of cognition b.) must be capable of guiding ones

evaluation c.) must provide guidance towards action d.) musty be logically coherent.

Types of Major Political Spectrum

According to Richard Fonte (2016) A common way to see their political ideologies is to

put them to left to right spectrum where it can visually compare them from what base are there
priorities. This left to right spectrum was all started dating back from the French Revolution

where those who seek changes in the national politics and the arrangement of the society will

lean to the left side of the legislative assembly and for those who are preserving and conserving

the existing politics and the systems of the society you will lean on the right. In the present time

political analyst around the world and the mass media frequently characterize the two popular

political ideological groups in the U.S.A where inspired by left to right spectrum and they are the

liberal and the conservative. This left to right spectrum also have some limitation in terms

governmental roles in maintaining the behavior of the society and economic intervention, yet in

general it can be useful in dividing those who both seek change in the existing economic and

social systems and for those who wants to preserve and maintain the existing economic and

social system.

Liberalism. Founded by John Locke where in his book written “Second Treatise of

Government” where he stated that “All mankind are created equal and can have an independence

no should hurt one another in his life, health, freedom or property” Generally goal of liberalism

is to support free markets, free trade, limited government, individual rights which includes the

civil rights and human rights, capitalism, democracy, secularism, gender equality, racial equality,

internationalism, freedom of speech, freedom of the press and religious freedom.

According to Steven Pincus (2009) In the Glorious Revolution using the liberal

philosophy they justify their strength to overthrow the royal tyranny and not only that this was

also used in the French Revolution and in American Revolution. The liberalism widely spread

after the French Revolution

According to Milan Zafirovski (2007) In the 19th Century the Liberalism are widely

spread across nation specially in Europe and South America. But the U.S.A really executed and

established well this type of ideology alongside with the republicanism


According to Connovan (1981) The word populism is a questioned term that has been

used reference to a distinct variety of groups and beliefs. The political scientist Will Brett

characterize populism “A classic example of a stretched concept, pulled out of shape by overuse

and misuse” Brett, (2013) (p.410). On the other hand also a political scientist Paul Taggart says

that populism “It is one of the widely most used but hard to understand political concepts of our

time” Taggart (2002) (p.162)

According to Allcock (1971) (p.327) The origin of the term is to form self-designation,

this was been used by members of the People’s Party it is been active in the U.S.A during late

19th century. In Russian empire at the same period there is a group named narodniki which in

mean in English is populist. The American and Russian movements have difference in various

aspect and it was all coincidental.

According to Mudde and Rovira Kaltwasser (2013) (p.150) To define populism there is a

common approach to it is known as the ideational approach where it emphasize the notion that

definition of populism must accord specifically in ideas where it underlies, as it is opposing a

certain economic policies or leadership approach which populist politicians may display. In this

definition, the term populism is use to a political groups and individuals who make appeals to

“the people” and then differ from this group against “the elite”
According to Albertazzi and Mcdonnell (2008) (p.3) they define populism as an ideology

that “ Pit a virtuous and homogenous people against a collection of elites and dangerous ‘others’

who are together depicted as depriving (or attempting to deprived) the sovereign people of their

rights, values prosperity, identity, and voice”. Similarly, the political scientist Carlos dela Torre

definition to populism as a “a Manichean discourse that divides politics and the society as the

struggle between two irreconcilable and the antagonistic group which are the people and the


According to Ben Stanley (2008) Populism is a product of an antagonistic relationship

between the people and the elite and the emergence of such dichotomy will possible occur.

According to political scientist Manuel Anselmi (2008) That populism can be define and

featured as “homogenous community-people” which he believes that as the absolute holder of

popular sovereignty and he expresses an anti-establishment attitude.


According to Arnold N. Scott (1998) Socialism is a political, social and economic

philosophy encompassing a range of economic and social system distinguished by social

ownership of the means of production and workers self-management of business and it also

includes political theories and movements involve in such system.

According to Lamb and Docherty (2006) (p.1) The socialist political movement involves

a group of political philosophies that begin in the revolutionary movements of the mid-to-late

18th century and the primary concern for the social problems that where involve in capitalism.
According to Philiip Gasper (2005) (p.24) Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels they had come

that socialism imply the opposition to capitalism and advocating the post-capitalist system that

based on forms of social ownership and means of production.

According to Michael Newman (2005) (p.5) the communism and social democracy

become the two dominant political ideology within the international socialist movement in the

1920s when the socialism itself become the most influential movement in 20 th century according

to Geroge Thomas Kurian (2011)

According to Noam Chomski (1986) the Soviet Union are the worlds first socialist state

that led the socialism spread within the Soviet economic model, some economist and

intellectuals debated that practicing the model functioned as a form of state capitalism.


According to the book of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels “The Communist Manifesto”

(1898) Communism goal is to promotes common ownership of all property, means of

production, and materials. Meaning to say that the farms, manufacturing, and businesses should

be own by the government or state. There would be no private goods just only public goods

essentially. Communism can be problem because of the practice vary from the theory. The

Communist theory’s presumption as adopted by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels involve the

promoting the common ownership of property, society based solely on public goods, and led by

the workers and supported by the government. It also includes different kinds of schools of

thoughts which broadly includes the Marxism and Anarcho-communism and also a set of

political ideologies that all share the analysis that the present order of society stems from

capitalism, economic system and mode of production. In this system there two types of major
classes and these are the proletariat or the working class where the majority of the population

within society must work to survive and the other one is the bourgeoisie or the capitalist class

they are a small minority who profits from private ownership by employing the working class.


This chapter is presenting the methods and the process that will be used by the

researcher conducting the study and this contains the following: research design, participants of

the study, sources of data, data gathering procedures, and research instrument for better

understanding of the study through the presentation of updated relevant and significant data.

Research Design

Narrative analysis is a type of method for interpreting text or visual data gave a storied

form the people tells stories to help organize and make sense of their lives and their storied

accounts are functional and purposeful. Also it is a type analytic framing where the researcher

interpret stories that are been said within the context of research and/or shared in everyday life.

The narrative analysis qualitative research focuses on the view and perspective of

selected politicians in Cavite that are being interviewed with regards to the different questions.

The researcher will use narrative analysis to determine what political ideology President Rodrigo

Roa Duterte does have.

Participants of the Study

The participants of the study were the selected eight (8) politicians that are in Cavite. The

study focus on the emerging political ideology of President Rodrigo Roa Duterte.

The sources of Data

The primary sources of data of the study are from online issues, articles coming

from the internet, books, thesis, interview and the answer to the survey questionnaire are from

the selected politicians of Cavite.

Sampling Techniques

The researcher chose the Purposive Sampling Technique for the qualitative. In purposive

sampling technique, it includes the answer of concerning individuals by taking samples from the

researcher which is based the selecting and including the people’s interest upon the different

types of criteria including the field study. This is also a selected sample were the “on the basis of

your own knowledge of the population, its elements, and the nature of your research aims” Then

the researcher able to select participants base on the internal knowledge of said characteristic.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researcher gathered data from articles from the internet, books, theses from different

resources that help the researcher create the research title. The researcher self-administered

survey which includes different types of question related to the topic of the study. The data was

collected within that month of February to March 2021

The researcher will conduct an interview with the politicians of and create a self-made


Research Instrument

The research instrument that will be self-made questionnaire and the researcher will

conduct interview. The researcher self-made questionnaire will use, subject to context and

validity. The self-made questionnaire was validated by expert in the course of the study
analyzing the content if its valid. The first part of the questionnaire is a basic information which

Name, Age, Gender and Government position and the second part is a self-made questionnaire

and it will used Filipino language in order for the participants to understand each question

considering it's our mother tongue and will also use interview instrument this will be recorded

via video and voice recording.


1. Build Build Build Program


1. Ano ang build build build program para sayo

2. May positibo ba itong nadulot. alin

3. May negatibo ba itong nadulot. alin

4. Ano sa tingin mo ang naging kakulangan ng administrasyon para sa programang ito

- Ano sa tingin mo ang dapat idagdag

5. Naging makatao ba ang gobyerno sa pag papatupad ng programang ito

6. Ano ang naging bentahe at disbentahe ng programa upang maitaas ng politikal na

katayuan ng ating pangulo

7. Nagkaroon ba bentahe at disbentahe ang programang ito sa mamamayan?

2. War on Drugs


1. Ano ang War on Drugs program para sayo

2. May positibo ba itong nadulot. Alin?

3. May negatibo ba itong nadulot. Alin?

4. Ano sa tingin mo ang naging kakulangan ng administrasyon para sa programang ito

- Ano sa tingin mo ang dapat idagdag

5. Aaging makatao ba ang gobyerno sa pag papatupad ng programang ito

6. Ano ang naging bentahe at disbentahe ng programa upang maitaas ng politikal na

katayuan ng ating pangulo

7. Nagkaroon ba bentahe at disbentahe ang programang ito sa mamamayan?

in terms sa social status mayaman/ middle/ mahirap

3. Anti-Terror Law


1. Ano ang Anti-Terror Law para sayo

2. May positibo ba itong nadulot. Alin?

3. May negatibo ba itong nadulot. Alin?

4. Ano sa tingin mo ang naging kakulangan ng administrasyon para sa batas na ito

- Ano sa tingin mo ang dapat idagdag

5. Aaging makatao ba ang gobyerno sa pag papatupad ng programang ito

6. Ano ang naging bentahe at disbentahe ng batas upang maitaas ng politikal na katayuan

ng ating pangulo

7. Nagkaroon ba bentahe at disbentahe ang programang ito sa mamamayan?

in terms sa social status mayaman/ middle/ mahirap

Ethical Consideration:

Ethical consideration before the beginning the study is needed for research studies including

human subjects. The object of the research will be explained to the participants. Their

commitment should be willful. The participants have the choice to take part in the examination
or not. The result specifically the information from the participants will be dealt with

confidentiality and utilized for the research purposes only.

Ethical consideration will be observed while conducting the research.


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2. James, Paul and Manfred Steger. 2010. Globalization and Culture, Vol. 4: Ideologies of

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3. Rodee Carlton, Totto Anderson, Carl Christol and Tomas Greene 1983-Introduction to

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4. Mullin, Willard A. 1972. “On the Concept of Ideology in Political Science”. American

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6. Locke, John 1689. “Two Treatises of Government”

7. Steven Pincus (2009). 1688: The First Modern-Revolution. Yale University Press.

8. Milan Zafirovski (2007). Liberal Modernity and It’s Adversaries: Freedom, Liberalism

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9. Canovan, Margaret (1981). Populism. New York: Hardcourt Brace Jovanovuch.

10. Brett, Williams (2013). "What's an Elite to do? The Threat of Populism from Left, Right

and Centre". The Political Quarterly. 410-413.

11. Taggart, Paul (2002). "Populism and the Pathology of Representatives Politics". In Yves

Meny; Yves Surel (eds.) Democracies and the Populist Challenge. Basingstroke:

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12. Allcock, J. B. (1971). " 'Populism' ": A Brief Biography".

13. Mudde, Cas; Rovira Kaltwasser, Cristobal (2013). "Exclusionary vs. Inclusionary

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14. Albertazzi, Daniele; Mcdonnell, Duncan (2008). "Introduction: The Sceptre and The

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15. Stanley, Ben (2008). "The Thin Ideology of Populism". Journal of Political Science. 95-


16. Anselmi, Manuel (2018). Populism: An Introduction.

17. Arnold, N. Scott (1998). The Philosophy and Economics of Market Socialism: A Critical

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18. Lamb, Peter; Docherty, J.C (2006). Historical Dictionary of Socialism (2nd ed.). Lanham:

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19. Gasper, Phillip (2005). The Communist Manifesto: A Road Map to History's Most

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20. Chomsky, Noam (1986). "The Soviet Union Versus Socialism"

21. Newman, Michael (2005) Socialism: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford University

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22. Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels (1898). " The Communist Manifesto"

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