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Journal of Maternal and Child Health (2021), 06(04): 423-435 Meta-

Masters Program in Public Health, Universitas Sebelas Maret analysis

Meta-Analysis the Effect of Obesity

and Stress on Menstrual Cycle Disorder

Lutfi Annarahayu1), Yulia Lanti Retno Dewi2), Rita Benya Adriyani3)

1)MastersProgram in Public Health,Universitas Sebelas Maret
2)Facultyof Medicine,Universitas Sebelas Maret
3)Health Polytechnics, Ministry of Health Surakarta


Background: There are many factors that PRISMA flow diagrams. Articles were analyzed
influence menstrual patterns to become irre- using the Review Manager 5.3 application.
gular, including stress and obesity. Menstrual Results: Meta-analysis of 8 observational
cycle irregularities can have a serious impact on studies showed that obese women were 4 times
women's health, which will affect the metabolic, more likely to have menstrual cycle disorders
fertility, sexual and reproductive systems. This than normal weight (aOR= 4.19; 95% CI= 1.99
study aims to analyze the influence of obesity to 8.84; p= 0.002). Meta-analysis of 6 observa-
and stress on menstrual cycle disorders with a tional studies showed that women with stress
meta-analysis study. had a risk of experiencing menstrual cycle dis-
Subjects and Method: This study is a syste- orders 1.28 times compared to women who did
matic study and meta-analysis, with the follow- not experience stress (aOR= 1.28; 95% CI= 1.13
ing PICO, Population = women of childbearing to 1.45; p = 0.001).
age. Intervention= obesity and stress. Compa- Conclusion: Obesity and stress affect
rison = not obese and not stressed. Outcome = menstrual cycle disorders.
disruption of the menstrual cycle. The articles
used in this study were obtained from several Keywords: obesity, stress, menstrual cycle
databases, including PubMed, ScienceDirect disorders, meta-analysis
and Google Scholar. The keywords used are
"menstrual disorder and obesity and stress", Correspondence:
"obesity and menstrual irregularity", "obesity Lutfi Annarahayu. Masters Program in Public
OR stress AND menstrual irregularity OR cross Health, Universitas Sebelas Maret. Jl. Ir. Su-
sectional study". The articles included in this tami 36A, Surakarta 57126, Central Java. E-
study are full text articles with a cross sectional mail: Mo-
study design. Articles were collected using bile: 081910979054.

Cite this as:

Annarahayu L, Dewi YLR, Adriyani RB (2021). Meta-Analysis the Effect of Obesity and Stress on Menstrual
Cycle Disorder. J Matern Child Health. 06(04): 423-435.
Journal of Maternal and Child Health is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

BACKGROUND is known as a predictor of health such as

Menstruation is a complex process breast cancer and cardiovascular risk
involving several hormones, sexual organs factors (Chavez and MacGregor et al.,
and the nervous system. Hormones have an 2005).
important influence on menstruation, if the There are many factors that influence
hormones are not balanced then the cycle menstrual patterns to become irregular,
will be disrupted. The menstrual cycle is a including stress, hormonal imbalance, thy-
clinical sign of female reproductive function roid disorders, obesity or weight gain, poly-
(Diaz et al., 2006). Menstrual cycle length cystic ovary disease, diabetes, metabolic

e-ISSN: 2549-1172 423

Annarahayu et al./ The Effect of Obesity and Stress on Menstrual Cycle Disorder

syndrome, medication, environment, beha- years were overweight or obese in 2016.

vior and lifestyle factors. Irregularities in The percentage of obese children and
the menstrual cycle can seriously impact a adolescents with female gender was 6% and
woman's immediate and long-term health male was 8% (WHO, 2020).
causing disturbing symptoms that affect WHO data in 2016, globally there are
metabolism, sleep, fertility, sexuality, about 35 million people who experience
reproductive life, and more (Sommer et al., depression, 60 million people with bipolar
2017; Ganesan et al., 2019) . disorder, 21 million people with schizo-
Abnormal menstrual cycles are also phrenia, and 47.5 million people with
associated with decreased fertility. The dementia. The results of the 2018 Basic
distance of the menstrual cycle is different Health Research show that the prevalence
for each woman, generally ranging from 15- of mental disorders as indicated by symp-
45 days with an average of 28 days and the toms of depression at the age of 15 years
duration ranging from 2-8 days, an average and over reaches 6.1% (Ministry of Health
of 4-6 days with blood released ranging of the Republic of Indonesia, 2019a).
from 60-80 ml per cycle (Prathita et al., Based on an analysis of 22 studies
2017). Disorders of the menstrual cycle or involving 144,000 participants, it was
irregularities are a major gynecological found that obese adolescent girls were 44%
problem among women, especially adoles- more likely to develop depression or be
cents and a source of anxiety for them and diagnosed with depression in the future
their families (Ali Abdella et al., 2016). (Ministry of Health, 2019b). Stress levels
According to a report by the World Health can interfere with reproductive function
Organization (WHO), the prevalence of which will stimulate the hypothalamus to
menstrual cycle disorders in women is release the hormone CRH which works
around 45% (2012). A survey reported that antagonistically with GnRH so that GnRH
about 64% of girls had at least one problem levels decrease which causes disruption of
related to menstruation (Nath and Garg, the menstrual cycle (Sari and Setiarini,
2008). The prevalence of menstrual dis- 2013).
orders in India was recorded at 87%. Vari- Based on the high incidence of mens-
ous types of menstrual disorders include trual cycle disorders, obesity and stress
menstrual irregularities, menorrhagia, poli- experienced by women at this time, the
menorrhea, oligomenorrhea, dysmenor- researchers are interested in studying the
rhea, and others (Campbell and McGrath, effect of obesity, stress on menstrual cycle
1997). disorders. Researchers used a systematic
A person is said to be obese if he has a review approach to relevant studies using
BMI >30 kg/m2 (WHO, 2020). Obesity is a meta-analysis to clearly identify the mag-
serious public health problem worldwide nitude of the influence of obesity and stress
because obesity plays a role in increasing on menstrual cycle disorders.
morbidity and mortality. In 2016 more than
1.9 billion adults aged >18 years were SUBJECTS AND METHOD
overweight and >650 million of them were 1. Study Design
obese. The percentage of adolescents aged The study design used in this research is a
12-19 years who are obese increased from systematic review and meta-analysis, using
5% to 21% in 1975-2016. More than 340 PRISMA flow diagram guidelines. Article
million children and adolescents aged 5-19 searches were conducted using journal 424
Annarahayu et al./ The Effect of Obesity and Stress on Menstrual Cycle Disorder

databases including: PubMed, Google Stress. The body's reaction/response to

Scholar and Science Direct. The keywords psychosocial stressors (mental stresses/life
used are “menstrual disorder”, “menstrual burdens).
disorder and obesity and stress”, “obesity 5. Research Instrument
and menstrual irregularity”, “stress and An assessment of the quality of research
menstrual disorder”, “obesity or stress or articles was carried out using the Critical
menstrual irregularity or cross sectional Appraisal Checklist for Cross Sectional
study”, “obesity or stress or menstrual Study from the Center for Evidence Based
disorder or adjusted odd ratio”. Management (2014).
2. Inclusion Criteria 6. Data Analysis
In this study, the inclusion criteria were The Review Manager application (RevMen
articles that used an observational study 5.3) was used in analyzing the data in this
design, namely cross-sectional, articles in study. The results of data analysis are in the
English, the analysis used was multivariate form of effect size values and study
with adjusted odds ratio, the research heterogeneity which later on the results of
subjects were women of childbearing age, the analyzed data are interpreted in the
the intervention was obesity and stress and form of forest plots and funnel plots.
the outcome was impaired menstrual cycle.
3. Exclusion Criteria RESULTS
Exclusion criteria in this study include The process of searching for articles by
articles published not in full text before searching through databases with journals
2000 and in languages other than English. can be seen in Figure 1. There were 1278
4. Operational Definition of Variable articles identified from the databased, after
In formulating research problems, PICO is the deletion process of published articles,
used. Population is women of childbearing 184 articles were found with 130 of them
age. Intervention is obesity and stress, with eligible for a full text review. Articles were
comparison that is not obesity and not excluded for several reasons, so that 14
stress and outcomes are menstrual cycle articles were included in the synthesis and
disorders meta-analysis studies.
Menstrual cycle is periodic and cyclic Research from primary studies
bleeding originating from the uterus that is related to the effect of obesity and stress on
physiological in nature accompanied by the menstrual cycle disorders consists of 14
shedding of the endometrial wall that studies originating from 9 studies from the
occurs in women of reproductive age Asian continent, 4 studies from the
Obesity is a very high accumulation of fat European continent, and 1 study from the
in the body. Characterized by BMI values > Australian continent.
30kg/m2 425
Annarahayu et al./ The Effect of Obesity and Stress on Menstrual Cycle Disorder

Articles identified through database Added articles identified from other

search(n= 1,278) searches (n= 1)

Delete duplicate data (n=437) Articles issued (n= 712)

1. Irrelevant title (206)
2. Not an original article (198)
3. Non-Cross-Sectional (270)
Filtered articles (n=842) 4. Does not speak English (14)
5. Not Full Text (24)

Full-text articles that are eligible(n= Full-text published articles (n=116)

130) 1. Inappropriate intervention (42)
2. Inappropriate outcome (63)
3. Population does not match (11)

Articles included in the qualitative

synthesis (n=14)

Articles included in quantitative

synthesis (meta-analysis) (n= 14)

Figure 1. PRISMA flow diagram 426
Annarahayu et al./ The Effect of Obesity and Stress on Menstrual Cycle Disorder

Table 1. Assessment of Study Quality

Publication Rese- Cross Method Selec- Repre- Sample Res- Rese- Signi- 95% Conf Results Total
arch ob- -sec- tion sentive size ponse arch ins- ficant CI oun can be
jectives/ tional Bias sample achieved trument statis- ding applied
focus tics
Reavey et al. 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 8
Castillo-Martínez 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 8
et al. 2003
Zhou et al. 2020 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 8
Chen et al. 2020 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 8
Ganesan et al. 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 8
seif et al. 2015 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 8
Wei et al. 2009 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 8
Chang et al. 2009 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 8
Lin et al. 2007 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 8
Yamamoto et al. 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 8
Chang et al. 2009 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 8
Palm et al. 2014 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 8
Rafique et al. 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 8
Yu et al. 2016 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 8
Yes = 1 No = 0 427

Annarahayu et al./ The Effect of Obesity and Stress on Menstrual Cycle Disorder

Table 2. Description of the primary study of the effect of obesity on menstrual cycle disorders included in the meta-analysis
Author (year) Country Study Design Sample
Population Intervention Comparison Outcome
Reavey et al (2020) The UK Cross-sectional 358 Women of Obesity Not obese Menstrual cycle disorders
reproductive age
Castillo-Martínez et al. Mexico Cross-sectional 120 Women of Obesity Not obese Menstrual cycle disorders
(2003) reproductive age
Zhou Xinyu et al. (2020) China Cross-sectional 1423 Women of Obesity Not obese Menstrual cycle disorders
reproductive age
Chen Xueyu et al. (2020) China Cross-sectional 5,373 Women of Obesity Not obese Menstrual cycle disorders
reproductive age
Ganesan et al. (2019) India Cross-sectional 163 Women of Obesity Not obese Menstrual cycle disorders
reproductive age
Seif et al(2015) English Cross-sectional 11,791 Women of Obesity Not obese Menstrual cycle disorders
reproductive age
Wei Shuying et al. (2009) Australia Cross-sectional 726 Women of Obesity Not obese Menstrual cycle disorders
reproductive age
Chang Pei et al. (2009) Taiwan Cross-sectional 1,095 Women of Obesity Not obese Menstrual cycle disorders
reproductive age

Table 3. Description of the primary study of the effect of stress on menstrual cycle disorders included in the meta-analysis
Author (year) Country Study Design Sample
Population Intervention Comparison Outcome
Lin Hsin et al. (2007) Taiwan Cross-sectional 746 Women of Menstrual cycle disorders
Stressed Unstressed
reproductive age
Yamamoto.K et al. (2009) Japan Cross-sectional 264 Women of Menstrual cycle disorders
Stressed Unstressed
reproductive age
Chang Pei et al. (2009) Taiwan Cross-sectional 1095 Women of Menstrual cycle disorders
Stressed Unstressed
reproductive age
Palm Simona et al. (2014) Switzerland Cross-sectional 696 Women of Menstrual cycle disorders
Stressed Unstressed
reproductive age
Rafique N et al. (2018) Arab Cross-sectional 738 Women of Menstrual cycle disorders
Stressed Unstressed
reproductive age
Yu Mi et al(2016) Korea Cross-sectional 808 Women of Menstrual cycle disorders
Stressed Unstressed
reproductive age 428

Annarahayu et al./ The Effect of Obesity and Stress on Menstrual Cycle Disorder

1. The effect of obesity on menstrual consisting of various countries including

cycle disorders the UK, China, Taiwan, India and Australia.
Research related to the effect of obesity on The description of each study can be seen in
menstrual cycle disorders comes from the Table 2.
continents of Asia, Europe and Australia,
a. Forest Plot

Figure 2. Forest plot meta-analysis effect of obesity

and menstrual cycle disorders

The forest plot provides a summary of the effect of obesity on the risk of experiencing
data entered and gives weights for each menstrual cycle disorders. Obese women
study, effect sizes, methods and models have a risk of experiencing menstrual cycle
used to perform the meta-analysis, confi- disorders 4 times compared to normal
dence intervals used, impact estimates from weight (aOR= 4.19; 95% CI = 1.99 to 8.84;
each study, overall effect estimates, and p= 0.002). The heterogeneity of the study
statistical significance of the analysis. data shows I2 = 90% so that the distribution
Interpretation of the results of the meta- of the data is declared heterogeneous
analysis process can be seen through the (random effect model).
forest plot. Figure 2 shows that there is an
b. Funnel Plot

Figure 3. Funnel plot meta-analysis of the influence of obesity

against cycle disturbance 429
Annarahayu et al./ The Effect of Obesity and Stress on Menstrual Cycle Disorder

A funnel plot is a plot that depicts the effect, as evidenced by there are 3 plots on
approximate size of the effect of each study the right, 4 plots on the left.
on the estimate of its accuracy which is 2. The relationship between stress
usually the standard error. and menstrual cycle disorders
Figure 3 shows that there is an Research related to the effect of stress on
asymmetrical picture in the funnel plot menstrual cycle disorders comes from the
which indicates there is a slight publication continents of Asia and Europe, consisting of
bias in the primary study with a small Taiwan, Switzerland, Arabia, Japan and
sample size, which overestimates the true Korea. An overview of each study can be
seen in Table 3.
a. ForestPlot

Figure 4. Forest plot meta-analysis effect of stress and menstrual cycle disorders

The interpretation of the results of the meta- had a risk of experiencing menstrual cycle
analysis of the relationship between obesity disorders 1.28 times compared to women who
and the incidence of PCOS in women of did not experience stress (aOR = 1.28; 95% CI
childbearing age can be seen through the = 1.13 to 1.45; p = 0.001). The heterogeneity
forest plot. Figure 4 shows that there is an of the research data shows I2 = 93% so that
effect of stress on the risk of experiencing the distribution of the data is declared
menstrual cycle disorders. Women with stress heterogeneous (random effect model).
b. Funnel Plot

Figure 5. Funnel plot meta-analysis of the relationship

between stress and menstrual cycle disorders 430
Annarahayu et al./ The Effect of Obesity and Stress on Menstrual Cycle Disorder

Based on Figure 5 funnel plot of the effect tion, increasing estrogen levels as a result of
of stress on menstrual cycle disorders, there peripheral conversion of androgens by the
is an asymmetrical picture in the funnel adipose tissue aromatase enzyme.
plot which indicates there is a slight publi- Ganesan et al (2019) also conducted a
cation bias in the primary study with a similar study with the results that obese
small sample size, which overestimates the women had a 3.08 times risk of experien-
effect. cing irregular menstrual patterns compared
to women with normal weight. This study
DISCUSSION found a very strong and significant relation-
This systematic review and meta-analysis ship between BMI and irregular menstrual
research is about the effect of obesity and patterns similar to various studies around
stress on menstrual cycle disorders. The the world. If the BMI is kept within the
independent variable in this study was normal range or even switched to a lower
obesity and the dependent variable analy- weight category by adapting simple but
zed was menstrual cycle disorders. proven effective measures like physical acti-
This meta-analysis study uses vity, dietary changes, etc., we can regulate
research that controls confounding factors the menstrual cycle to some extent without
because the research involved is a study needing any medication.
that uses multivariate analysis and the A high percentage of body fat can
statistical results reported are adjusted cause an increase in androgens which play a
odds ratio (aOR). The combined estimate of role in producing estrogen with the help of
the relationship between obesity and stress the aromatase enzyme which converts
on menstrual cycle disorders was processed androgens into estrogen in granulosa cells
using the RevMan 5.3 application. The and fat tissue, so that with increasing body
results of the systematic study and meta- fat, estrogen increases which can cause
analysis are presented in the form of forest hormonal imbalances and vice versa, the
plots and funnel plots. percentage of body fat Low levels cause a
1. The effect of obesity on menstrual decrease in the production of the hormone
cycle disorders estrogen so that it disrupts the balance and
There are 8 research articles from various causes menstrual cycle disorders (Septian,
countries using observational methods that 2017).
can be used as sources for this meta- 2. The effect of stress on menstrual
analysis research. The results of the forest cycle disorders
plot show that there is an effect of obesity There are 6 cross-sectional research articles
on the risk of experiencing menstrual cycle as a source of meta-analysis related to the
disorders. Obese women had a risk of expe- effect of stress on menstrual cycle dis-
riencing menstrual cycle disorders 4 times orders. The results of the forest plot of
compared to normal weight (aOR= 4.19; research articles with this cross-sectional
95% CI= 1.99 to 8.84; p= 0.002). study showed that women with stress had
This is in line with Reavey et al, 1.28 times the risk compared to women
(2020) which found that women with who were not stressed and the results were
obesity had an increased risk of menstrual statistically significant (aOR= 1.28; 95%
cycle lengthening 5.4 times compared to CI= 1.13 to 1, 45; p = 0.001).
women with normal weight. Increased BMI The results of this study are supported
will have an impact on endometrial func- by Chan Pei et al (2009) which states that 431
Annarahayu et al./ The Effect of Obesity and Stress on Menstrual Cycle Disorder

women with stress are 1.7 times more likely factors such as smoking, alcohol consump-
to experience menstrual cycle disorders tion, exercise, dietary habits, physical
compared to women who are not stressed. factors such as body mass index (BMI), and
Psychological stress includes stressors in menstrual factors such as age at menarche
life, psychological stress or work stress and menstrual duration are associated with
resulting in longer cycles, cycle variability premenstrual symptoms, menstrual pain,
and pain during menstruation; However, and irregular menstrual cycles. Menstrual
women with excessive work pressure have cycle was defined as the period between the
also been shown to have shorter cycles. One first day of menstrual flow and the day
of the mechanisms linking stress to mens- immediately before the next menstrual
trual function occurs through impaired flow. Stress scores and BMI were shown to
function of the hypothalamic-pituitary- be significant predictors of experiencing
adrenal axis of the body's stress response so irregular menstrual cycles. Students who
that glucocorticoids have a reciprocal inter- had higher stress scores were more likely to
action with ovarian hormones that will experience irregular menstrual cycles.
affect a woman's menstrual cycle. Students with high stress scores have a risk
Lin Hsin et al. (2007) also conducted of 1.03 times experiencing irregular mens-
a similar study on nurses in 4 public hos- trual cycles compared to students with low
pitals in Taiwan. Nurses' menstrual cycle stress scores.
was considered abnormal if it was less than In women who experience stress will
24 days or longer than 35 days. Demogra- occur conditions that disrupt homeostasis.
phic variables for logistic regression analy- Reproductive status is a reflection of a
sis included: self-perceived work stress person's psychological state, if there is an
level, age, body mass index (BMI), marital increase in exposure to stress, reproductive
status, pregnancy history. However, not function will automatically decrease to
having a partner, having never been preg- maintain body homeostasis. The stress
nant and working for less than 5 years were system is regulated by the hypothalamic
statistically associated with longer and pituitary adrenal (HPA) axis and the
irregular menstrual cycles. In addition, autonomic system. The main mediators of
nurses who worked more than 40 hours per the stress system include Cortocoptopin
week were more at risk of experiencing Relaxing Hormone (CRH), glicorcorticoids,
irregular menstrual cycles (OR= 1.5, 95% and beta endorphins. CRH has various
CI= 1.1 to 2.1, p = 0.029). After adjusting tissues such as ovaries, endometrium,
for work stress, age, BMI, marital status, hypothalamus and inflammatory tissue.
pregnancy history, occupation and working Increased production of CRH and cortisol
hours, only those with high levels of job causes the restriction of GnRH secretion to
stress had a statistically significant risk of decrease ovulation. This decrease in ovula-
irregular menstrual cycles (AOR= 4.8; 95% tion will affect the length of the prolifera-
CI= 3.3 to 7.2, p<0.001). Work stress can tion and secretion period so that it affects
disrupt endocrine function and biological the menstrual cycle (Rakhmawati, 2012).
rhythms that can cause irregular menstrual
cycles, changes in abnormal menstrual AUTHOR CONTRIBUTION
bleeding patterns. Lutfi Annarahayu is the main researcher
A study by Yamamoto et al. (2009) who chooses the topic, conducts a search
involved 264 students in Japan. Lifestyle for data collection in this study. Yulia Lanti 432
Annarahayu et al./ The Effect of Obesity and Stress on Menstrual Cycle Disorder

and Rita Benya Andriani conducted data 097.x.

analysis and review of research documents. Chavez-MacGregor M, Elias SG, Onland-
Moret NC, Van DSYT, Van GCH,
FUNDING AND SPONSORSHIP Monninkhof E, Grobbee DE, Peeters
This study is self-funded. PHM (2005). Postmenopausal breast
cancer risk and cumulative number of
CONFLICT OF INTEREST menstrual cycles. Cancer Epidemiol
There is no conflict of interest in this study. Biomarkers Prev. 14(4): 799–804.
The researcher would like to thank all those Diaz A, Laufer MR, Breech LL (2006).
who have helped in the preparation of this Menstruation in girls and adolescents:
article and also thank the database pro- Using the menstrual cycle as a vital
viders PubMed, ScienceDirect, and Google sign. Pediatr. 118(5): 2245–2250.
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