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Satisfaction Level of Mechanical Engineering Students of UCLM for using Classin as an

Online Class Learning Platform

A Research Study Presented to the

Faculty of Engineering Department University of Cebu

Lapu-Lapu and Mandaue Cebu City,


In Partial Fulfilment

Of the Requirements of Research Method

Submitted By:

Mahusay, Neil Dominic

Dela Peña, Peter

Perit, Danreb


Engr. Harold Borja

November 2021


In this age of technological advancements many aspects of human activities has changed,

including classroom modality for students. With these advancements, it allowed the students to

be able to access classes without ever having to go to school campuses. With regards to today’s

pandemic, a shift in pedagogical medium has forced academic institutions to re-evaluate how to

deliver and continue the learning of students through an online medium.

The efficiency of classroom modality is also a part of a student’s learning process. An

excellent learning environment deals a great impact on the students with regards to their

academic performance.

Mechanical Engineering is a course being offered in University of Cebu Lapu-Lapu and

Mandaue. This type of course is mostly based on hands-on and practical applications which are

the main challenge of this course being performed in an online setting. The delivery of

knowledge has not only been a challenging aspect for the instructors but also this affects the

learning of students. According to [ CITATION Fra20 \l 13321 ] 1, Web-based learning is generally a

solitary process without teachers’ on-the-spot assistance. While considering this course

challenging in an online set-up, the applications or online learning platforms being used also

affects the process of learning for students.

Several studies have shown that technology integration have been affecting academic

excellence and the quality of the delivery instructions by the teachers [ CITATION Fra20 \l 13321 ]1

Online learning platforms started to emerge during this time of pandemic, one of many is the
ClassIn App[ CITATION Inq20 \l 13321 ]2. ClassIn is an online teaching platform that allows

teachers and students to interact online and learn in a collaborative virtual environment. With a

shared interactive blackboard, an array of essential teaching tools, and a cloud service that allows

easy access to teaching materials, ClassIn has everything educators need to create engaging

classes online[ CITATION Inq20 \l 13321 ]2.

In this new platform for online classes, Mechanical Engineering students are in need of

an online learning application that can lessen the challenge of learning in the new normal. The

University also expects students to graduate with high quality knowledge from a high quality

education during this time of online classes. The researchers are performing this study to be able

to provide a concrete conclusion as to how effective is the ClassIn application as a medium for

online learning. And this study will allow students to properly assess whether this online learning

application will provide the tools needed in order to acquire high quality education.
Theoretical Background

Anderson’s Theory of Online Learning served as a foundation for the evaluation of

online learning in this research. [CITATION Ter08 \l 13321 ]3 This theory explains that effective

learning environments should contain four overlapping components. These four lenses,

community-centred, knowledge-centred, learner-centred, and assessment-centred learning are

outlined below.

Learner-Centred contexts meet the needs of the individual learner, teacher, institution, and the

larger society that provides support for the student.

Knowledge-Centred contexts are important to learning, regardless of whether the context is

online or campus based.

Assessment-Centred includes formative and summative evaluation that serves to motivate,

inform, and provide feedback to learners and teachers.

Community-Centred learning is a critical component in online learning designs.

All of the above have potential barriers and opportunities that need to be taken into consideration

in the online learning environments.

In Figure 1, we see the common forms of interaction media used in distance education charted

against their capacity to support independence (of time and place) and interaction. The higher

and richer the forms of communication, the more restrictions are placed upon independence.
FIGURE 1. Attributes of educational media

Figure 2, shows the capability of the Web to support these modalities.

FIGURE 2. Educational media subsumed by the Web

FIGURE 3. Educational Interactions

Figure 3, shows all of the interactions needed for online learning

FIGURE 4. A model of online learning

In Figure 4, [ CITATION Ter081 \l 13321 ] 4 Anderson developed the Model of E-Learning, where he

explained that the two major human actors: learners and teachers, and their interactions with

each other and with the content. Learners can, of course, interact directly and spontaneously with

any content that they find, in multiple formats and especially on the Web; however, many choose

to have their learning sequenced, directed, and credentialed through the assistance of a teacher in

a formal education system. This interaction can take place within a community of inquiry, using

a variety of net-based synchronous and asynchronous (video, audio, computer conferencing,

chats, or virtual world) interactions. These environments are particularly rich and allow for the

learning of social skills, collaboration, and the development of personal relationships among

participants. The community, however, binds learners in time, and thus forces regular sessions –

or at least group-paced learning. Community models are also generally more expensive simply

because they cannot scale up to serve larger numbers of students. The second model of learning

(on the right) illustrates the structured learning tools associated with independent learning.
Theoretical Framework

Students using ClassIn app for online


Anderson’s Theory of online learning

Satisfaction level of students using

ClassIn app

Figure 5. Theoretical Framework

For this study, shown in Figure 5, the researchers use Anderson’s Theory of Online

Learning which are the things that needs to be considered with what online learning platform

works best for the students to attain the most effective way of learning in an on online set-up and

also assess the satisfaction level of the students using the app.
Review of Related Literature

This study focuses on the satisfaction level of UCLM Mechanical Engineering students in

using the ClassIn app as an online learning platform, and with satisfaction, meaning the

effectiveness of ClassIn as a medium for online learning.

[ CITATION Ngu15 \l 13321 ] 5 Stated that online learning has many benefits, it is considered

to be effective in terms of educating the students, professional development, and it is also cost-

effective when it comes to educating the students. Considering this statement, online learning is

effective but along with it, the medium also needs to be effective. Certain challenges may hinder

students from being educated properly, according to [ CITATION Cor04 \l 13321 ] 6 , many problems

have risen in online education regarding its quality and standards. Opponents of online education

question whether or not online learning can provide the same interaction between instructors-

students and students-students as traditional classrooms. Online learning can be a great

alternative for the education of students.

In the study of [ CITATION Zal12 \l 13321 ]7, Monitoring students’ activity with virtual

machines and applying data-driven machine learning methods on students’ profiles and log files

from LMS databases allow the detection of students at-risk at an early stage. Without the

effectiveness of an online medium as a learning environment for a student, it affects their

performance negatively which will result for low grades and low academic performance.

[ CITATION Alv17 \l 13321 ]8 The learning interactions occurring within the classroom are complex

by nature, but the use of virtual learning environments enables the obtainment and the processing

of large quantities of data from each interaction between the several players in the process. While

there is a whole wide range of capabilities in an online learning set-up, this still doesn’t make
learning as an easy task not just for students but also for the instructors. Learning in an online

medium also comes with the risk of having a negative impact on a student’s academic

performance, [ CITATION And20 \l 13321 ]9 Stated that, a recent study from the UK found that

children from low-income families are less likely to participate in online classes, are spending

30% less time learning at home, and have limited access to educational resources. With such

impact it creates inequalities, [ CITATION Eng20 \l 13321 ] 10 inequalities in learning styles are

reported to widen achievement disparities between low-performing and high-performing


Classroom modality also deals a great impact to students learning in an online set-up,

[ CITATION Car20 \l 13321 ] 11 online learning requires students to have a certain level of computer

skills and equipment that may not be necessary in the traditional environment; online instruction

does not permit students the opportunity to learn by hearing since audio presentations are not

normally available in online courses; and that online courses permit asynchronous learning rather

than requiring students to be in a classroom at a given time and place.

The effectiveness of an online learning platform clearly plays a big impact on a student’s

education. The researchers are conducting this study to assess student’s experience with regards

to the ClassIn app as an online learning medium.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the satisfaction level of the UCLM Mechanical Engineering

students’ in using the ClassIn app as an online learning platform in the first semester of school

year 2021 -2022.

This study answers the following questions:

1 How effective is the ClassIn app as an online learning platform in terms of

1.1 Student-Teacher Interaction

1.2 Classroom features

1.3 In-class participation

1.4 Accessibility to students

1.5 Data usage

2 Is the ClassIn app a more user-friendly platform than any other online learning platform?

3 Do students gain more knowledge while using the ClassIn app?

4 What online learning platform is the most preferable one to utilize in this time of online

Significance of the Study

This study will be beneficial to:

Mechanical Engineering students. This study will allow the Mechanical Engineering students

to be able to use and access an online learning platform that satisfies their need for good quality


Engineering Instructors. The information in this study will help the Engineering Instructors use

and utilize and online learning platform that will allow them to effectively impart knowledge and

produce well-educated Engineers.

UCLM. This study will provide UCLM the information that are needed to assess the most

effective way of providing good quality education for the students using an online platform.

Future Researchers. This will allow the future researchers to have the basic understanding on

how effective is the ClassIn app as an online learning platform and gives them the guide on more

improvements for future studies.

Research Methodology

Research Design

The researchers used a quantitative method design to complete the analysis of this study.

This approach will allow the researchers to provide an objective conclusion for the study. This is

to determine the satisfaction level of UCLM Mechanical Engineering students in using the

ClassIn app.

Research settings

This study was conducted online in UCLM at A. C. Cortes Ave, Mandaue City, 6014

Figure 6. University of Cebu Lapu-Lapu and Mandaue

Research respondents

Mechanical Engineering students from the University of Cebu Lapu-Lapu and Mandaue

who are currently enrolled in the first semester of school year 2021-2022 are the respondents for

this study. The samples will be selected at random using Slovin’s formula.

Research instrument

The researchers will use questionnaires to conduct the survey in gathering the data

needed. Questionnaire is made by the researchers contain the satisfaction level of students using

the ClassIn app and are to be sent using google docs. Likert scale will be used to measure the

satisfaction level of the students using ClassIn in the questionnaire.

Data gathering procedure

The researchers conduct a survey to gather data for the analysis of this study. In order to

conduct the survey, the researchers will provide google docs containing the questionnaire that is

to be answered by the respondent. The respondents’ identity will be kept confidential and are to

be used for this research only with respect to the Privacy Act of 2012. The responses from the

respondents gathered will be saved and used for the data analysis.

Statistical treatment

Pearson’s correlation will be used to assess the relationship between the satisfaction of

students using ClassIn and their academic performance..

( NΣxy−ΣxΣy )
√¿ ¿ ¿


r = Pearson’s correlation coefficient

N = number of pairs of values

Σx = sum of the x values

Σy = sum of the y values

Definition of terms

For a better understanding of the research, the following terms are defined as:

Solitary - done or existing alone.

Virtual - not physically existing as such but made by software to appear to do so.

Concrete - clear and certain, or real and existing in a form that can be seen or felt

Conclusion – the opinion you have after considering all the information about something

Overlapping – covering something partly by going over its edge, or covering part of the

same space

Modality – a particular way of doing or experiencing something

Pandemic – a disease that exists in almost all of an area or in almost all of

a group of people, animals or plants

Pedagogical – relating to the methods and theory of teaching

Spontaneously – in a way that is natural, often sudden, and not planned or forced

Sequenced – an arrangement of two or more things in a successive order

Credentialed – having qualifications or documentation indicating one's suitability for something

Synchronous – existing or occurring at the same time

Asynchronous – not existing or happening at the same time

Group-paced – groups must negotiate and agree with the methods of work, the communication
tools to use (which may not be known to everyone!) and the final product to make.

Cost-effective – an effective or productive in relation to its cost.

Hinder – create difficulties for (someone or something), resulting in delay or obstruction

Mechanical Engineering - is an engineering branch that combines engineering physics and

mathematics principles with materials science to design, analyze, manufacture, and maintain
mechanical systems.



This chapter presents the analysis of data being gathered, and shows the interpretation of

the analysed data gathered from the respondents.

The Satisfaction Level of UCLM Engineering students using ClassIn app as an online

learning platform is the focus of this study.

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