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Emission Standards and

Related Regulations
Passenger Cars / Light and Medium Duty Vehicles
May 2019 Powertrain
Important Developments

European Union

Important developments and phase-in of new regulations are ongoing in several areas:

• Reduction of greenhouse gases

• Reduction of pollutant emissions
• Revision of type approval framework

Reduction of greenhouse gases:

The European Union maintains its focus on achieving the Greenhouse Gas emission reductions
planned for the second commitment period of the Kyoto protocol for 2013 to 2020 with the target
to achieve in 2020 20% of GHG reduction compared to the base year 1990.
For the following years, the European Union committed within the Paris agreement (COP21) to a
GHG reduction target for the period from 2021 to 2030. The commitment for 2030 is a reduction
of 40% of GHG emissions compared to 1990, Figure 1.

Finally, for 2050 the European Union set itself a target of net-zero greenhouse gas

The road transport sector has a big part in the European energy consumption, representative for
the CO2 emission share for non-regenerative energies, Figure 2. Therefore, the EU continues to
tighten the CO2 emission limits for passenger cars and light commercial vehicles.

The evolution of the CO2 regulation remains the main driver for changes in vehicle
technology. The need for greenhouse Gaz neutral powertrains drives the electrified architectures
and the search for realistic solutions for alternative, low-carbon fuels.

Figure 1: Main UN agreements driving the EU CO2 emission policy

Figure 2: Importance of the road transport sector in terms of energy consumption

The high-level European targets are translated into EU regulations for passenger cars and LCV:

• The European CO2 emissions target for 2020/2021 was defined in 2014 as Regulation (EU)
No 333/2014 for passenger cars and Regulation EU 253/2014 for LCV. The regulations foresee
for passenger cars a phase-in of the 95 gCO2/km target based on the NEDC test procedure
during the years 2020 and 2021 allowing to discard the 5% most emitting vehicles during the
first year. For LCV the target of 147 gCO2/km is defined for 2020.

• It is recognized that the NEDC test-procedure does not provide CO2 emission data characteristic
for real driving. For this reason, the EU Commission introduced the new WLTP into the
European legislation. The new regulation 2017/1151 replacing the EU regulation 692 was
published in June 2017. Phase-in is going on for passenger cars and light commercial vehicles.
Application started with passenger car Type Approval in September 2017 and will be
finalized with the application for all new LCV in September 2019.

• The CO2 emissions measured using the WLTP must be converted to a NEDC basis until
2020 to be compared to the CO2 emission target values defined for the NEDC (130
gCO2/km until 2019 and 95 gCO2/km starting 2020). Based on this correlation method and the
actual fleet performance in 2020, OEM specific WLTP based CO2 targets will be defined for the
period starting 2021.

• The CO2 emission targets for 2025 and 2030 were voted by the European council and
parliament and will be published in the official journal before mid-2019. CO2 reduction target for
2025 is -15% compared to 2021 for passenger cars and LCV. For 2030 the targets compared
to the 2021 baseline are -37.5% for passenger cars and -31% for LCV.

Reduction of pollutant emissions:

A second priority is defined by the European Clean Air policy. Air quality standards are still
exceeded in many main European cities.
Passenger cars and light duty commercial vehicles are contributing mainly to NOx and fine particle
emissions. The fact that especially Diesel vehicles emitted in the past under real driving conditions
more NOx than under type approval conditions had triggered the introduction of the new real driving
emission type approval test as part of regulation EU 2017/1151. This regulation will mainly affect
Diesel engine calibration and aftertreatment, but also PN emission reduction technology and NOx
emissions for gasoline vehicles, especially GDI engines.

Regulatory work in the field of pollutant emissions is proceeding on the following subjects:

• A first change in the area of pollutant emissions will be the switch from the NEDC to the WLTP
test procedure without change of the EU6 emission limits, introduced in September 2017
for Type Approval.

• The main change is the new type approval test addressing the pollutant emissions of light duty
vehicles under realistic driving conditions not covered by the NEDC nor by the WLTP.
Main target are the NOx emissions of Diesel cars and PN emissions from Gasoline Direct
Injection vehicles.
To avoid optimization of pollutant control devices for a specific cycle – even the more realistic
WLTP – a randomization of the test conditions was considered necessary. The new Real
Driving Emissions (RDE) test procedure is based on Portable Emission Measurement
Systems (PEMS) and driving on public roads. PEMS based emission limits will be applied
for NOx and for PN (CO only for monitoring). HC emissions are not included in the RDE test
procedure. The cold start phase is included in the test.
The RDE test procedure is included as ANNEX IIIA in the new regulation EU 2017/1151 which
was published in several packages since June 2017. The latest part is the 4th package of the
RDE regulation published as regulation EU 2018/1832. It contains a revised data processing
methodology, provisions for In-service conformity control based on RDE, updates for hybrid
vehicles a revised EVAP procedure and provisions for the on-board fuel and electrical energy
consumption metering (OBFCM).
The phase-in is scheduled in several steps for passenger cars and LCV between
September 2017 and January 2022.
• For the period after 2022 discussion for a post Euro6 regulation have started with first stake-
holder meetings in 2018. Two external studies were launched by the EU Commission and formal
working group should start second half of 2019.

New type approval legislation

The Council adopted on May 25th, 2018 a regulation to reform the type-approval and market
surveillance system for motor vehicles in the EU. This major reform modernizes the current system
and improves the control of car emissions. The final act was published as Regulation (EU)
2018/858 in the Official Journal on June 14th, 2018.

The new type approval regulation is mandatory from 1 September 2020.

It important to note that up to now the type approval is regulated by a directive (2007/46/EC),
meaning that the detailed legislation is done under member state responsibility. The new type
approval legislation directly rules on EU level. The original proposals to create a member-state
independent EU agency and modify the remuneration system to avoid that technical services are
paid by the manufacturer were rejected by the council.

Nevertheless, in the future, the EU Commissions will be able to audit technical services and
national type approval authorities to ensure that regulations are implemented and enforced
rigorously in all member states. Also, Peer reviews between technical services are possible.

A market survey system will be introduced which allows member-states to challenge certifications
given by other member-states. In addition, the Commission will carry out market checks
independently from Member States and will have the possibility to initiate EU-wide recalls.

The type approval regulation concerns all M and N type vehicles as well as the trailers of type O
(Light Duty and Heavy Duty). It does not apply to agricultural or forestry vehicles and two- or three-
wheel vehicles and quadricycles.

USA - Federal

• On April 2, 2018, the EPA Administrator signed the Mid-term Evaluation Final Determination
which finds that the model year 2022-2025 greenhouse gas standards are not appropriate and,
therefore, should be revised.

• NHTSA and the EPA are proposing the “Safer Affordable Fuel-Efficient (SAFE) Vehicles Rule
for Model Years 2021-2026 Passenger Cars and Light Trucks” (SAFE Vehicles Rule). The
SAFE Vehicles Rule, if finalized, will establish new standards for Corporate Average Fuel
Economy (CAFE) and tailpipe Green House Gas (GHG) emission standards for passenger cars
and light trucks covering model years 2021 through 2026.

• More specifically, NHTSA is proposing new CAFE standards for model years 2022 through
2026 and amending its 2021 model year CAFE standards because they are no longer
maximum feasible standards, and EPA is proposing to amend its carbon dioxide emissions
standards for model years 2021 through 2025 because they are no longer appropriate and
reasonable in addition to establishing new standards for model year 2026.

• Additionally, the EPA is proposing to withdraw California’s waiver from the federal Clean Air
Act (CAA). The CAA prohibits individual states from enacting emission standards for new motor

• California is specially empowered to apply for a waiver from this preemption, and EPA grants
it unless specific blocking conditions are triggered.

• The 2013, waiver of CAA preemption applies to California’s Advanced Clean Car (ACC)
program, Zero Emissions Vehicle (ZEV) mandate, and Greenhouse Gas (GHG) standards
that are applicable to model years 2021 through 2025.

• Twelve states and the District of Columbia have adopted California's LEV III greenhouse
gas emission standards pursuant to Section 177 of the federal Clean Air Act: New York,
Massachusetts, Vermont, Maine, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Washington,
Maryland, Oregon, New Jersey, and Delaware.

• EPA states California’s GHG and ZEV standards are inconsistent with the regulations
because they are technologically infeasible because they provide insufficient lead time to
permit the development of necessary technology, giving appropriate consideration to
compliance costs.

• US-EPA Tier 3 Motor Vehicle Emission and Fuel Standards. Starting in 2017, Tier 3 set new
vehicle emissions standards and lowers the sulfur content of gasoline, considering the vehicle
and its fuel as an integrated system.

• The tailpipe standards include phase-in schedules that vary by vehicle class but generally
phase in between model years 2017 and 2025. Other flexibilities include credits for early
compliance and the ability to offset some higher-emitting vehicles with extra-clean models.

• The non-methane organic gases (NMOG) and nitrogen oxides (NOx), presented as
NMOG+NOx, tailpipe standards for light-duty vehicles represent approximately an 80%
reduction from today’s fleet average and a 70% reduction in per-vehicle particulate matter (PM)
standards. The heavy-duty tailpipe standards represent about a 60% reduction in both fleet
average NMOG+NOx and per vehicle PM standards.

• Under the Tier 3 program, federal gasoline will not contain more than 10 parts per million
(ppm) of sulfur on an annual average basis by January 1, 2017.

• Tier 3 is aligned with and designed to be implemented over the same timeframe as EPA’s
program for reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from light-duty vehicles starting in
model year 2017.

US – California

• California Air Resource Board approves final vehicle greenhouse gas emission standards and
zero-emission vehicle program for cars and light trucks sold in California through 2025.

• The Advanced Clean Cars Program represents a new approach to controlling emissions from
passenger vehicles (cars and light duty trucks) by combining the control of smog-causing
pollutants and greenhouse gas emissions into a single coordinated package.

• This package consists of the following elements:

• Reducing smog forming pollution

New emission standards to reduce smog-forming emissions (also known as ‘criteria
pollutants’) beginning with 2015 model year vehicles. Thanks to this regulation, in
2025, cars will emit 75 percent less smog-forming pollution than the average new car
sold today.

• Reducing greenhouse gas emissions

Working with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and National Highway Traffic
Safety Administration to propose new greenhouse gas standards for model year 2017
to 2025 vehicles. (The primary vehicular greenhouse gas is carbon dioxide, and this
regulation focuses on reducing the number of grams of carbon dioxide emitted for each
mile traveled.)

• Promoting the cleanest cars

The Zero Emission Vehicle Program is designed to achieve the state’s long-term
emission reduction goals by requiring manufacturers to offer for sale specific numbers
of the very cleanest cars available. Zero emission vehicles include battery electric, fuel
cell, and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles.

• Providing the fuels for clean cars
The Clean Fuels Outlet regulation ensures that fuels, such as electricity and hydrogen,
are available to meet the fueling needs of the new advanced technology vehicles as
they come to market.

• In December 2015, at the United Nations Climate Change negotiations, California joined 12
countries, states and provinces announcing that it would strive to make all passenger vehicle
sales ZEVs as quickly as possible, and no later than 2050.

US – Multi-State ZEV Action Plan

• Nine-state coalition releases 2018 Zero Emission Vehicle (ZEV) action plan. This multi-state
effort builds on earlier action plan to speed up the nation’s transition to zero emission cars.

• The first Multi-State ZEV Action Plan was released in 2014. The result of a Multi-State ZEV
Task Force, formed in 2013 under a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) signed by the
Governors of California and seven states that have adopted California’s ZEV program –
Connecticut, Maryland, Massachusetts, New York, Oregon, Rhode Island and Vermont. New
Jersey became the ninth state to join in 2018.

• The nine ZEV states (representing nearly 30 percent of the new car sales market in the
United States) have committed to coordinated actions to ensure the successful
implementation of their state ZEV programs. The plan covers battery-electric vehicles (BEVs),
plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs), and hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs).

• The 2018 ZEV action plan is targeting 12 million cumulative ZEVs on the road by 2030 in the
nine Task Force states (including California).

• Key actions (to be taken by all states):

 Promote the availability and effective marketing of all ZEVs

 Provide consumer incentives to enhance the ZEV ownership experience
 Lead by example through increasing ZEVs in state, municipal, and other public fleets
 Encourage private fleets to purchase, lease, or rent ZEVs
 Promote workplace charging
 Promote ZEV infrastructure planning and investment
 Provide clear and accurate signage to direct ZEV users to charging and fueling stations
and parking
 Remove barriers to ZEV charging and fueling station installations
 Promote access, compatibility, and interoperability of the plug-in electric vehicle
charging network
 Remove barriers to retail sale of electricity and hydrogen as transportation fuels and
promote competitive plug-in electric vehicle charging rates


Important developments are ongoing in China focusing on reduction of pollutant emissions,

improvement of fuel consumption and promotion of New Energy Vehicles.

• The final version of China 6 emission standard for light-duty vehicles was released on 23
December 2016. All sold and registered vehicles should meet the requirements of this standard
from 1 July 2020, where for Type I test, 6a limits will apply. From 1 July 2023, 6b limits will
apply for the Type I test. As of July 1st,2019, China 6 will be implemented in target regions
ahead of national schedule. China 6 standard is generally based on the Euro 6 regulation, but
with some differences. World-Harmonized Light-Duty Vehicles Test Procedure (WLTP) is
adopted in Type I test and Real Driving Emissions (RDE) test is introduced as Type II test.

• For medium- / heavy-duty engines and vehicles, China V emission standard are being phase
in from 2016. The final version of China VI was published in July 2018, phase-in implementation
will start as of July 1st, 2019. All new vehicles are required to meet phase-a from Jul 1st, 2021
and phase-b from Jul 1st, 2023.

• Phase 4 passenger vehicle fuel consumption standards are in place and are being phased in
from January 2016, targeting China average fuel consumption at 5L/100km (~119g/km CO2)
by 2020. Phase 5 fuel consumption standards, targeting 4.0L/100km (~95g/km CO2), is being
worked out and expected to be published in 2019.

In parallel with tightening regulation on pollution and fuel consumption, China government attaches
importance to New Energy Vehicle development. In September 2016, Ministry of Industry and
Information Technology (MIIT) proposed dual CAFC and New Energy Vehicle Credit schemes
intended to achieve a reduction in China’s reliance on imported fuel and a sustainable increase in
New Energy Vehicle production/sales over time. Final version was published in September 2017
and effective as of April 2018.


Japan is also forcing a more stringent emission legislation and officially announced to adopt WLTP
and RDE.
WLTP will be introduced in October 2018 and RDE will be additionally installed from 2022 on.
The test method of WLTP/RDE are based on EU regulation, but as a result of consideration of the
real road environment in Japan there are some small differences in the test conditions.

South Korea

Korea adopted the WLTP for Small & Mid- size diesel vehicle’s emission test mode effective from
22. March 2018.
Since September 2018 the OBD thresholds for diesel vehicles have the same as Europe’s under
Korea-Europe Free Trade Agreement (FTA).
Since end of January 20109 the maximum eco-innovation credit increases from 14.0g CO2/km to
17.9g CO2/km according to Korea-US FTA revised agreement.


Government of India decided to move directly from BS-IV to BS-VI from April 2020. Due to that
fact a reduction of Diesel Passenger cars share is expected, local OEMs focus more and more on
gasoline engine development.

Government introduced FAME [Faster Adoption & Manufacturing of (Hybrid &) Electric Vehicle]
policy to boost & support hybrid/electric vehicle market.

As well the 2-Wheeler industry will adopt Electric Fuel Injection, with expectation in major shifts in
supplier profiles.


End of 2018 Brazilian emissions regulation PROCONVE L7/L8 was announced. PL7 will be
introduced Jan 1st 2022 and PL8 will follow Jan 1st 2025 The new regulation has stricter emission
limits as well RDE will be introduced with PL8. With the introduction of PL7 and PL8 the OBD
requirements OBD-3 must be standardized.
Regarding energy efficiency the Inovar program came to an end and the new Rota2030 program

AB Assembly Bill EUDC Extra Urban Driving Cycle
A/C Air Condition EVAP Evaporative (Emissions)
Association des Constructeurs Européens
ACEA EV Electric Vehicle
AER All-Electric Range E(x) Gasoline with x% Ethanol
Faster Adaption and Manufacturing of
AIS Automotive Industry Standard FAME
Hybrid & Electric vehicles in India
ALVW Adjusted Loaded Vehicle Weight FC/FE Fuel Consumption/Fuel Economy
ANFA Associacao Nacional dos Fabricantes de
FCV Fuel Cell Vehicle
VEA Veiculos Automotores
ANPRM Advanced Notice of Proposed Rule Making FFV Flex Fuel Vehicle
ANP Agencia Nacional do Petroleo FTA Free Trade Agreement
ARB Air Resource Board FTP Federal Test Procedure
APU Auxiliary Power Unit GGT Gas Guzzler Tax
ASE Average Specific Emission GHG Greenhouse Gas
ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials g/km grams/kilometer
AT Advanced Technology –
g/mi, g/m grams/mile
PZEV Partial Zero Emission Vehicle
BEV Battery Electric Vehicle GS Gasoline
BS Bharat Stage GTR Global Technical Regulation
CCR California Code of Regulations GVM Gross Vehicle Mass
CAA Clean Air Act GVW Gross Vehicle Weight
CAFC Corporate Average Fuel Consumption GVWR Gross Vehicle Weight Rating
CAFE Corporate Average Fuel Economy H Hydrogen
CAP Compliance Assurance Program
HC Hydrocarbons
2000 (USA-EPA of the Year 2000)
CARB California Air Resources Board HCHO Formaldehyde
CFE City Fuel Economy HDV Heavy Duty Vehicle
CFR Code of Federal Regulations HEV Hybrid Electric Vehicle
CHO Aldehydes HFC Hydro fluorocarbon
CI(E) Compression Ignition (Engine) HFE Highway Fuel Economy
C.I.F. Cost, Insurance, Freight (Tax) HLDT Heavy Light-Duty Truck
CM Curb Mass HP Horsepower
CN Cetan Number HWFET Highway Fuel Economy Test Cycle
Brazilian Institute of Environment &
CNG Compressed Natural Gas IBAMA
Renewable Natural Resources
CO Carbon Monoxide ICE Internal Combustion Engine
COC Certificate of Conformity IDC Indian Driving Cycle
COP Conformity of Production (G/I)DI (Gasoline/In)Direct Injection
CV Commercial Vehicle ILVM Independent Low Volume Manufacturer
DF Deterioration Factor I/M Inspection and Maintenance
Instituto Nacional de Metrologia,
DOR Direct Ozone Reduction INMETRO
Qualidade e Tecnologia
DPF Diesel Particular Filter IPI Imposto Sobre Produtos Industrializados
DS Diesel ITS Intelligent Transportation Systems
DW Design Weight IUPR In-Use Performance Ratio
EC European Community IVM Intermediate Volume Manufacturer
ECE Economic Commission for Europe J-OBD Japan Onboard Diagnosis
ECT Engine Coolant Temperature JRC Joint Research Centre
ECU Engine Control Unit km/h Kilometers per hour
EEC European Economic Community kg Kilogram
EE(P) Excessive Emission (Premium) lb(s) Pound
EGR Exhaust Gas Recirculation LCV Light Commercial Vehicle
EIW Equivalent Inertia Weight LDT Light-Duty Truck
EOBD European Onboard Diagnosis LDV Light-Duty Vehicle
EP European Parliament LEV Low Emission Vehicle
EPA Environmental Protection Agency psi pounds per square inch
ESD Energy Storage Device PV Passenger Vehicle
ETHO Ethanol PVE Product Vehicle Evaluation
EU European Union PZEV Partial Zero Emission Vehicle
LLDT Light Light-Duty Truck RBM Rate-Based Monitoring
Commission of the European Union LPG Liquefied Petroleum Gas
LVM Large Volume Manufacturer RM Reference Mass
LVW Loaded Vehicle Weight RMI Repair & Maintenance Information
Vehicle weight in driving
LWV RON Research Octane Number
MAC Mobile Air Conditioning ROTA Route (brazil)
MEP Ministry of Environmental Protection RVP Raid Vapor Pressure
MDPV Medium-Duty Passenger Vehicle RW (rw) Reference Weight
MDV Medium-Duty Vehicle SAE Society of Automotive Engineers
MI(L) Malfunction Indication (Lamp) SCR Selective Catalytic Reduction
MKE Ministry of Knowledge & Economy SEPA State Environmental Protection Agency
MOE Ministry of Economy SE(T) Specific Emission (Target)
Sealed Housing for Evaporative
MON Motor Octane Number SHED
Emissions Determination
mpg miles per gallon SFTP Supplemental Federal Test Procedure
MUV Multi Utility Vehicle SMDV Small Medium Duty Vehicle
MY Model year SOC State of Charge
NEDC New European Driving Cycle sq.ft square foot
NEV Neighborhood Electric Vehicle SULEV Super Ultra Low Emission Vehicle
National Highway Traffic Safety
NHTSA SUV Sport Utility Vehicle
NMHC Non-Methane Hydrocarbons SVM Small Volume Manufacturer
NMOG Non-Methane Organic Gases TA Type Approval
NOVC Not Off-Vehicle Charging TDS Type Designation System
NOx Nitrogen Oxides THC total hydrocarbon
NTE Not to exceed THD Threshold
NVRAM Non Volatile Random Access Memory TCMV Technical Committee Motor Vehicles
Temporary Lead-Time Allowance
NYCC New York City Cycle TLAAS
Alternative Standard
Transitional Low Emission Vehicle Unified
OBD Onboard Diagnostics TLEV UC
OCE Off Cycle Emissions TNS Type Notification System
OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer TTW Tank-to-Wheel
OFP Ozone Forming Potential TÜV Technischer Überwachungsverein
OMS Operating Mode Switch UDDS Urban Dynamometer Driving Schedule
ORVR Onboard Refueling Vapor Recovery UF Usage Factor
OVC Off-Vehicle Charging ULEV Ultra Low Emission Vehicle
PAU Power Absorption Unit UN United Nations
PC Passenger Car US United States
Union technique de l'automobile, du
PCV Pressure Control Valve UTAC
motocycle et du cycle
PEMS Portable Emission Measurement System VMT Vehicle miles traveled
PHEV Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicle VVT Variable Valve Timing
PHP Preferential Handling Procedure WLTC World LDV Test Cycle
PID Parameter Identification WLTP World LDV Test Procedure
PI(E) Positive Ignition (Engine) WWH World Wide Harmonized
PM Particulate Matter WHDC World Harmonized Driving Cycle
PMP Particulate Measurement Program WHSC World Harmonized Stationary Cycle
PN Particle Number WHTC World Harmonized Transient Cycle
(P)NLT (Post) New Long-Term Targets WTW Well-to-Wheel
ppm parts per million w/o Without
RDE Real Driving Emissions (T)ZEV (Transitional)Zero Emission Vehicle
MAC Mobile Air Conditioning


General Introduction to Emission Legislations 17

Pollutant emissions 17
Greenhouse gas emissions 20
UNECE Regulations and Global Technical Regulations (GTR) 22
UNECE Regulation 83 and Type 1 Test (NEDC) 23
UNECE GTR 15: Worldwide Harmonized Light Duty Test Procedure (WLTP) 24
Europe 32
UNECE-Regulations, EU-Directives and EU-Regulations 32
European Vehicle Type Approval 34
Pollutant Emissions and Greenhouse Gases for Light-Duty Vehicles 36
Definition of light duty vehicles ..............................................................................................36
Pollutant Emission limits .......................................................................................................36
CO2 Emission Limits from today until 2030 ...........................................................................37
CO2 Emission Limits based on the NEDC until 2020 37
Correlation of CO2 measurements to NEDC reference based on WLTP to NEDC (2017-2020) 39
CO2 Targets based on WLTP starting 2021 41
CO2 Specific Targets from 2021 to 2024 41
CO2 targets for 2025 and 2030 42
Additional Provisions Concerning Calculation of CO2 Fleet Averages 47
Eco-Innovations for M1- and N1-Vehicles 47
The emission tests required for of light duty vehicles 50
Type 1 Test (Exhaust emissions for pollutant, CO2 and fuel consumption using WLTP) ......56
General requirement 57
Vehicle test family concept 58
Sub-annex 1: Test cycle 58
Sub-annex 2: Gear selection and shift point determination 58
Sub-annex 4: Road and dynamometer load 58
Sub-annex 5: The test equipment 59
Sub-annex 6: The basic test procedures at 23°C for ICE engines 59
Sub-annex 6a: The Ambient Temperature Correction Test (ATCT) at 14°C 68
Sub-annex 6b: Correction of CO2 results against the target speed and distance 68
Sub-annex 7: The detailed calculation procedure for the emission results to be reported for vehicles with
combustion engines. 69
Sub-Annex 8 of Annex XXI: The detailed calculation procedure for pure electric, hybrid electric and
compressed hydrogen fuel cell hybrid vehicles 73

Type 1A test: Real Driving Emission test (RDE) ................................................................... 77
General requirements 77
Not-to-exceed limits (NTE) are defined for NOx and PN. 78
Ambient boundary conditions 78
Trip requirements 79
Dynamic boundary conditions 80
Vehicle condition and operation 82
Trip Validity check 84
Calculation of final RDE emission results 86
Evaporative Emissions (Type 4 test, ANNEX VI of the regulation 2017/1151) ..................... 88
Durability of pollution control (Type 5 test, Annex VII) .......................................................... 89
Low Temperature Emissions (Type 6 test, Annex VIII)......................................................... 89
In-Service Conformity Testing (ISC) ..................................................................................... 91
Onboard Diagnosis ............................................................................................................... 92
MI Activation and storing fault code 92
MI De-Activation and erasing fault code 92
OBD temporary disablement 92
Monitoring Requirements 92
Preliminary Euro 6 OBD threshold limits for Gasoline & Diesel vehicles (Euro 6-1) 93
Final Euro 6 OBD threshold limits for Gasoline & Diesel Vehicle (Euro 6-2) 93
Introduction of WLTP for OBD 93
In-Use Performance Ratio (IUPR) 94
On board fuel consumption monitoring (OBFCM)................................................................. 94
Monitoring the functionality of reagent dosing sub-system ................................................... 96
Overview Introduction Timing ............................................................................................... 96
Overview Type approval Numbering system ........................................................................ 99
Future trends for pollutant emissions 101
USA 103
Introduction to US Emission Regulation and summary 103
Vehicle Categories 106
Federal Requirements 107
Federal Tier 2 Emission Standards .................................................................................... 107
Tier 2 FTP Standards 107
Tier 2 SFTP Standards 108
Federal Tier 2 Low Temperature Standard 109
Federal Tier 2 Evaporative Emission Standards ................................................................ 109
Federal Tier 3 Emission Standards .................................................................................... 109
Tier 3 FTP Standards LDV, LDT, MDPV 110

Tier 3 SFTP Standards LDV, LDT, MDPV 111
Federal Tier 3 Fully Phased-in Exhaust Emission Standards .............................................111
Federal Tier 3 Evaporative Emission Standards .................................................................111
Tier 3 Refueling Emission Standards ..................................................................................113
US California Requirements 114
LEV II FTP Emission Standards for PC, LDT1, LDT2 .........................................................114
LEV II SFTP Emission Standards .......................................................................................114
LEV II 50 °F Exhaust Emission Standards ..........................................................................114
LEV II Evaporative Emission Standards .............................................................................115
LEV III Emission Requirements ..........................................................................................115
LEV III FTP Emission Standards for 2015 & subsequent Model Years ...............................115
LEV III SFTP standards ......................................................................................................118
Low Temperature Standard ................................................................................................119
LEV III Evaporative Emission Standards ............................................................................121
ZEV Mandate ......................................................................................................................122
OBD Legislation 127
General ...............................................................................................................................127
California OBD II .................................................................................................................127
California Monitoring Requirements for OBD II-Systems (Gasoline)...................................128
California Monitoring Requirements for OBD II Systems (Diesel) .......................................136
California LEV III OBD threshold limits for Gasoline Vehicles .............................................147
California LEV III OBD threshold limits for Diesel Vehicles .................................................148
Federal – Fuel Economy Regulations 148
Federal – CAFE & Greenhouse Gas Requirements ...........................................................149
CAFE Requirements for 2011 and earlier Model Years 149
CAFE and Greenhouse Gas Requirements for Model Years 2012-2016 150
NHTSA CAFE Standards 151
EPA Greenhouse Gas Standards 152
EPA's Program Flexibilities 153
CAFE and Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Requirements for Model Years 2017 – 2025 153
GHG Program Flexibilities 155
California – Fuel Economy Regulations 159
Test Cycles 159
FTP Testing ........................................................................................................................160
City Cycle (UDDS) 160
The Highway Fuel Economy Test Cycle (HWFET) 160
SFTP testing: ......................................................................................................................161
SC03 & US06 Cycle 161
New York City Cycle 162

CARB Unified Cycle 162
Federal Exhaust, Evaporative and ORVR Test .................................................................. 163
Hybrid Electric Vehicles Testing ......................................................................................... 164
Peoples Republic of China 167
China Emission Standards 167
China 6 (GB18352.6-2016): Light-duty Vehicles Emission Standard ................................. 168
Emission limits for Type I test China6a / China6b .............................................................. 170
China 6a 170
China 6b 170
OBD Requirements in China6 (Light-duty) Emission Standard 171
China6 - Required items of type approval test: ................................................................... 171
China6 - OBD Threshold Limits .......................................................................................... 171
Fuel Economy Standards 171
Japan 174
Emission Standards for Passenger Cars up to 10 seats 174
Emission Standards for Light & Medium Commercial Vehicles and Buses 176
The Transient Mode - "JC08" (former designation "CD34”) 178
The Post New Long-Term Emission Regulations 180
Targets Emission Regulations 2018 180
OBD Requirements 180
J-OBDI Diesel ..................................................................................................................... 181
J-OBDII on gasoline- and LPG-operated motor vehicles .................................................... 181
Fuel Economy Targets 182
Test Cycles 185
11-Mode Cold Start ............................................................................................................ 185
10-15 – Mode Hot Start ...................................................................................................... 185
JC08 Cold Start / Hot Start ................................................................................................. 185
Evaporative Emission Test ................................................................................................. 186
Hybrid Electric Vehicle Test Procedure .............................................................................. 186
Republic of Korea 187
Vehicle Category Definition (valid as of 12-10-2015) 187
Exhaust Emission Standards of Gasoline or Gas fueled vehicles 187
Exhaust Emission Standards of Diesel fueled vehicles (revised at 2018.06.28) 189
OBD requirements 191
Fuel Economy Requirements (revised at 2019.01.30) 191
Test Procedures 192
Evaporative Emission Test ................................................................................................. 192
Hybrid Electric Vehicle Test Procedure .............................................................................. 192
India 192

Emission Standard for Passenger Cars and Light Commercial Vehicles (GVW <
3,500kg) 192
OBD requirements 195
Fuel Economy Requirements 196
Brazil 202
Emission Standard for Passenger cars & Light Commercial Vehicles 202
OBD Requirements 205
OBD limits for OBDBr-2 (valid from January 1st, 2010 onwards) 205
OBDBr-2+ 205
OBDBr-3: 205
Fuel Economy Regulations 206
Test Procedures 207
Evaporative Emission Test 207
Hybrid Electric Vehicle Test Procedure 207
Russian Federation 208
Emission Standards for M & N Vehicles ≤ 3,500 kg 208

General Introduction to Emission Legislations
Emission legislations for light duty vehicles are divided into two completely different categories:

Pollutant emissions
are harmful to human health and affect local air quality. Air quality standards are defined by
the World Health Organisation (WHO) and applied in different world regions. These
standards are still exceeded in many main European cities, especially for the pollutants
Ozone, NOx and fine particles.
Passenger cars and light duty commercial vehicles are contributing to NOx and fine particle
emissions and with this indirectly to the ozone formation.

Pollutant emissions from light duty vehicles, also called criteria emissions, are mainly:

o Carbon monoxide (CO), highly toxic, measured in mg/km

o Unburned hydrocarbons (HC), toxicity depends on the detailed chemical composition,
measured in mg/km
o Nitrogen oxides NO and NO2 (commonly treated as NOx) harmful to human health and
photochemical effects in the atmosphere measured in mg/km
o Particulates (soot and ash) measured as PM in mg/km and PN measured in number/km
o In the future additional harmful emissions may be regulated, as there are NH3 and
specific hydrocarbon components as aldehydes.

These emissions are regulated in the world regions by different legislation packages (known
as EU5, EU6, ULEV, LEVII, LEVII etc.). There are 3 main clusters:

o The US and some Central and South-American countries using the US test procedure
(FTP) or parts of it
o Europe and the countries following the EU legislation, which will be based from 2017 on
the new WLTP and the newly created Real Driving Emission test (RDE)
Japan has its own test procedure, but will also move to the new WLTP and is
evaluating the possibility to introduce the RDE
o China combining elements from Europe (today NEDC but moving to WLTP and RDE)
and elements of the US legislation (see Figure 3).

All regulations limit the maximum emissions in mg/km for each vehicle sold. This
means that each vehicle to be certified, a big luxury car or a small car must respect the
same defined maximum emissions.
The most stringent pollutant emission regulation is the US American one, from 2023 China
will be more stringent than Europe (see graph Figure 4).

Figure 5 illustrates the evolution of European emission standards between Euro 2 (1996)
until Euro 6 (2014) for Diesel and gasoline engines. For comparison the US limits for Tier 2
bin 5 (2007), LEV II ULEV (2008) and LEV III (2025) are also shown. It has to be noted,
that historically Europe had always decided on different limits for Diesel and for gasoline
powered vehicles, while the limits in the US are independent of the fuel type.

In addition to the type-approval test all regions introduced On-board Monitoring (OBD)
legislation (page 92 EU, page 127 US, page 171 China, page 180 Japan, page 191 Korea,
page 195 India & page 205 Brazil) to guarantee the correct functioning of emission control
system during real world driving over lifetime.

Figure 3: Global Emission Legislation by World Region

Figure 4: Emission Limits and Phase-in Timing in the different world regions

Figure 5: Historical evolution of European emission limits for Diesel and gasoline engines and some US references





Class M Class M Category I ULEV 125 ULEV 70 SULEV 30
diesel gasoline

Figure 6: Comparison of OBD thresholds (EU, USA & China)

Greenhouse gas emissions
Greenhouse gas emissions are mainly CO2 (GWP1 = 1), but also CH4 (GWP ~ 30) and N2O
(GWP ~ 265).
CO2 is the natural result of the combustion process of carbon containing fuels (Gasoline,
Diesel, but also alcohols and natural gas). CO2 is by far the most important greenhouse
Methane (CH4) can be a bi-product of the combustion as other unburned hydrocarbons.
A second source is the unburned fuel for natural gas engines.
N2O is formed during the exhaust gas aftertreatment process under not optimal temperature

Greenhouse gases affect the world climate. The overall emissions into the atmosphere are
important, not the local emissions. For this reason, all major world regions limit the CO 2
emissions as average for the new vehicle fleet sold in a given year. Bigger vehicles can
emit more greenhouse gases if the emissions are leveraged by lower emissions of smaller
vehicles in the fleet.
The details of the regulations in the world regions are different, but the target converges for
the main regions to around 100 gCO2/km in the time frame 2020-2025. Europe has the most
ambitious targets (see graph Figure 7) with 95 g CO2/km in 2020/2021, again reduced by
15 % in 2025 and by 37,5 % in 2030.
The average CO2 emissions of the European fleet diminished since 2010 until 2016 by
22 g CO2/km (16 %).

In 2017 the European fleet average increased for the first time since 2010 to
118.5 gCO2/km, 0,4 g CO2/km more than in 2016. Reason for this are increased vehicle
weight, decreasing Diesel share and the shift to the WLTP. This trend seems to continue in
2018 and puts the 2020 target of 95 gCO2/km at risk, see also Figure 7 for the recent
evolution of the German vehicle fleet.
Figure 8 shows the historic evolution and the future targets for the CO2 performance of light
commercial vehicles (LCVs). In Europe the 2020 target for LCVs is 147 CO2/km, this will be
reduced by 15 % in 2025 and by 31 % in 2030.

1 GWP: Greenhouse Warming Potential

Figure 7: Historic CO2 Emissions and targets for different world regions for Passenger Cars

EU-LCV (NEDC), history

EU-Target 2020 (NEDC based)
EU targets post 2021 (NEDC equiv.)
CO2 Emissions normalized to NEDC [g/km]

250 US New Proposal
Proposal: Safer Affordable
210 Fuel-Efficient (SAFE)
Vehicles rule
freeze target on 2020 level
US (LCV) 2025:
170 40.6 mpg and LEV III


130 EU 147 g CO2/km 2020

Euro 6c + RDE
EU Targets 2025 and 2030
90 Post Euro 6

2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045
and EU monitoring data + EU Council decision post 2021 EU proposes very ambitious CO2 targets post 2021
Figure 8 Historic CO2 Emissions and targets for different world regions for Light Commercial Vehicles

UNECE Regulations and Global Technical Regulations (GTR)

The World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations administrates the three international
UN Agreements on motor vehicles:

• The 1958 Agreement provides the legal and administrative framework for establishing
international UN Regulations with uniform test provisions, administrative procedures for
granting type approvals, for the conformity of production and for the mutual recognition of the
type approvals granted by Contracting Parties. The 1958 Agreement currently has 50
Contracting Parties and 127 UN Regulations annexed to it.
Currently, reciprocal recognition under the Agreement applies to vehicle systems,
parts and equipment, not to the entire vehicle. In March 2010, the World Forum WP.29
launched the International Whole Vehicle Type Approval (IWVTA) project and established
an informal working group.
If a component is type approved according to a UN Regulation by any of the Contracting
Parties to the 1958 Agreement, all other Contracting Parties who have signed the same
Regulation will recognize this approval. This avoids repetitive testing and approval of
components in various countries in which the latter are exported.
UN Regulations are not applicable on a mandatory basis, but if a Contracting Party decides
to apply a UN Regulation, the adoption becomes a binding act.

A Contracting Party that has adopted an UN Regulation annexed to the Agreement is

allowed to grant type approvals for motor vehicle equipment and parts covered by that UN
Regulation and is required to accept the type approval of any other Contracting Party that
has adopted the same UN Regulation.

UNECE Regulation N° 83 (Uniform provisions concerning the approval of vehicles with
regard to the emission of pollutants according to engine fuel requirements) as equivalent of
EU regulation 692/2008 was used for international type approval concerning emissions.
With the introduction of the EU regulation 1151/2017 introducing WLTP and RDE in
Europe, type approval in the EU is governed strictly by the EU regulation, no UNECE
equivalent exists today. Work is ongoing to create a new UN regulation as equivalent.

• The 1998 Agreement stipulates that Contracting Parties will establish, by consensus vote,
United Nations Global Technical Regulations (UN GTRs). The UN GTRs contain globally
harmonized performance requirements and test procedures. The Contracting Parties use
their nationally established rulemaking processes when transposing UN GTRs into their
national legislation. The 1998 Agreement currently has 33 Contracting Parties and 11 UN
GTRs that have been established into the UN Global Registry.
The Agreement establishes a process through which countries from all regions of the world
can jointly develop UN Global Technical Regulations (UN GTR) regarding the safety,
environmental protection systems, energy sources and theft prevention of wheeled
vehicles, equipment and parts.
Unlike the 1958 Agreement, the 1998 Global Agreement does not contain provisions for
mutual recognition of approvals.

UN GTR 15 (WLTP) and UN GTR 19 (EVAP) test procedures were established on an
international level and integrated by the EU into the new EU regulations.

The 1997 Agreement allows Contracting Parties to establish UN Rules for periodical inspections
of vehicles in use. They shall reciprocally recognize the international inspection certificates granted

according to the UN Rules annexed to the Agreement. The 1997 Agreement has 12 Contracting
Parties and 2 UN Rules annexed to it

UNECE Regulation 83 and Type 1 Test (NEDC)

The UNECE Regulation 83 describes the test procedure for exhaust emissions at normal and low
ambient temperature, evaporative emissions, emissions of crankcase gases, the durability of
pollution control exhaust devices and on-board diagnostic (OBD) systems for light duty vehicles.
The different type of test defined in regulation 83 are:
• Type I (verifying the average exhaust emissions after a cold start)
• Type II (carbon monoxide emissions at idling speed)
• Type III (emission of crankcase gases)
• Type IV (evaporative emissions), where applicable
• Type V (durability of anti-pollution devices)
• Type VI (verifying the average low ambient temperature carbon monoxide and
hydrocarbon exhaust emissions after a cold start), where applicable OBD test, where

The type 1 test cycle as defined in UNECE regulation 832 is equal to the New European Driving
Cycle (NEDC), see Figure 9. The NEDC 2000 is valid for emission testing as of Euro 3 (2000).
(Modification vs. NEDC 1992: Elimination of first 40 s, bag sampling now with start of engine)

The NEDC is being phased out in Europe, China, Japan and India with introduction of the
WLTC Cycle and the WLTP test procedure as described in the GTR 15, see below and
respective regional chapters.

Figure 9: Type 1 test based on UNECE regulation 83 (NEDC)

2 UNECE Regulation 83

Test Average Speed Max. Speed Distance Time
[km/h] [km/h] [km] [s]

NEDC 2000 33,6 120 11 1180

Remark: New India Driving Cycle is identical to above cycle but limitation of max speed in Phase II is 90 km/h

UNECE GTR 15: Worldwide Harmonized Light Duty Test Procedure (WLTP)
It was known for many years that the NEDC test cycle as defined in regulation (EU) 692/2008 and
UNECE regulation 83 (see Figure 9) does not represent real driving behavior correctly. Pollutant
emissions, fuel consumption and CO2 emissions determined by this procedure do not correspond
to the real world (greenhouse gas) emissions.

For this reason, the UNECE WP.29 decided in 2007 to set up an informal working group under
GRPE to prepare a road map for the development of the WLTP. The group developed from 2009
to 2015 the worldwide harmonized light duty driving cycle (WLTC, see Figure 12Fehler!
Verweisquelle konnte nicht gefunden werden.) and the associated test procedures (WLTP) for
the common measurement of criteria compounds (regulated pollutants), CO2, fuel and energy
consumption published as first version in 2014 as UNECE GTR 153 and amendments, last
amendment number 4 from September 20184.

This Global Technical Regulation (GTR) aims at providing a worldwide harmonized method to
determine the levels of emissions of gaseous compounds, particulate matter, particle number, CO 2
emissions, fuel consumption, electric energy consumption and electric range from light-duty
vehicles in a repeatable and reproducible manner designed to be representative of real-world
vehicle operation. The GTR will provide the basis for the regulation of light-duty vehicles within
regional type approval and certification procedures.

A second phase (WLTP Phase 2), started in 2016, is planned until end 2020 with the objective to
integrate in the UNECE GTR additional topics as there are low temperature/high altitude test
procedures, durability, in-service conformity, technical requirements for on-board diagnostics
(OBD), mobile air-conditioning (MAC) system energy efficiency and off-cycle/real driving

In addition, a new informal working group was created within the GRPE with the objective to
develop a world-wide harmonized test procedure for real driving emission tests (RDE).

The WLTP defines a test cycle (WLTC) which represents a more realistic vehicle speed profile
than the NEDC, actually based on an international database of really driven drive sequences.
The second and even more important part of the WLTP is the much stricter definition of the
test procedures closing a number of loopholes present in the NEDC and legislation UNECE
83. Vehicle mass, rolling resistance, vehicle conditioning and environmental conditions are more
precisely defined, see below for details.

3UNECE GTR 15 with amendment 2016:


To adapt to regional specific market characteristics, especially for India and Japanese K-cars, the
WLTP defines 3 main classes of vehicles with one vehicle speed profile for each and 2 sub-classes
for the class 3. In additions a modification of the speed profile is allowed under certain conditions.

The cycle to be driven depends on the ratio of the test vehicle’s rated power to “mass in running
order” minus 75 kg for driver’s weight, W/kg, and its maximum velocity, vmax.

Power [W]
𝑃𝑚𝑟 = Mass in running order [kg] - 75 [kg]

with "Mass in running order": mass of the vehicle, with its fuel tank(s) filled to at least 90 per
cent of its or their capacity/capacities, including the mass of the
driver, fuel and liquids, fitted with the standard equipment in
accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications and, when
they are fitted, the mass of the bodywork, the cabin, the
coupling and the spare wheel(s) as well as the tools.

Test cycle to be driven are defined for the three different vehicle classes:

• Class 1 test: Pmr < 22 W/kg

• Class 2 test: Pmr >22 W/kg but < 34 W/kg
• Class 3 test: Pmr > 34 W/kg

The cycles are separated in different phases: Low-speed, medium speed, high speed and an extra
high-speed phase characteristic for European highway driving, the different phases are vehicle
class specific.

For class 1 vehicles the complete test comprises a low speed phase followed by a medium
speed phase and a second low speed phase, see Figure 10.




Low Medium Low





0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800

Figure 10: WLTC Vehicle speed profile for class 1 vehicles having a Pmr ratio of ≤ 22 W/kg

A complete cycle for class 2 and class 3 vehicles consists of the respective low, medium, high
speed phases and on optional extra high-speed phase. For class 3 vehicles there are two sub-
classes for vehicles with a maximum speed <120 km/h and those with higher maximum speed,
see Figure 11 and Figure 12.

For vehicles having a maximum vehicle speed insufficient to reach the maximum speed of the
cycle, a downscaling procedure will be applied.

Hybrid and electric vehicles are considered as class 3 vehicles.

Figure 11: WLTC Vehicle speed profile for class 2 vehicles having a Pmr ratio of > 22 but ≤ 34 W/kg

140 Extra High

Class 3: Vmax < 120 km/h

120 Class 3: Vmax > 120 km/h


Low Medium




0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800

Figure 12: WLTC Vehicle speed profile for class 3 vehicles having a Pmr ratio of > 34 W/kg.

The purpose of the GTR 15 is providing a worldwide harmonized method to determine the levels
of emissions of gaseous compounds, particulate matter, particle number, CO 2 emissions, fuel
consumption, electric energy consumption and electric range from light-duty vehicles in a

repeatable and reproducible manner designed to be representative of real-world vehicle

It contains:

• Annex 1: Definition of the vehicle speed profile (WLTC) for different vehicle classes
• Annex 2: Gearshift point determination for vehicles with manual transmission
• Annex 3: Definition of reference fuels
• Annex 4: Road-load determination and chassis dynamometer settings
• Annex 5: Definition of test equipment and calibration procedures
• Annex 6: Type 1 test procedure and test conditions
• Annex 7: Detailed specification of calculation steps
• Annex 8: Test procedure for hybrid and electric cars

The GTR 15 (WLTP) describes the test procedure to determine exhaust gas emissions.

This GTR specifies the test procedure for measuring the volatile organic compounds (VOC)
emitted from not directly combustion related sources, which are:

• Evaporation and permeation from the fuel storing system during vehicle parking

Not within the scope of this GTR are other evaporative losses:

• Other sources like tires, plastics or other fluids than fuel like windshield washer fluid
• Evaporative losses during normal driving (running losses) or refueling. Nevertheless, the
refueling losses can represent an important source of emissions covered by either fuel
vapor recovering refill systems or on-board vapor recovery systems.

The GTR covers classical non-sealed tank systems and sealed systems as used within hybrid
vehicles. The test procedure should represent a typical driving event which conditions the initial
conditions of the canister at the beginning of the parking event, done by a WLTP based driving
event, followed by the parking event, simulated by the hot soak test and a 48-hour parking

The test must be done for an evaporative emission family, family with identical tank and canister

The GTR 19 describes

• the carbon canister aging test

• the tank permeability test
• the evaporative tests

Carbon canister aging test

The canister must be temperature cycled between -15°C and 60°C, repeated 50 times, defining a
temperature test which lasts 175 hours.

This test is followed by a 12 hours vibration test and a fuel vapor loading/purging test repeated
300 times.

Tank permeability test

Objective of this test is the determination of a permeability factor for the tank system, measured
in g/24h.

The tank is partly filled and soaked at 40°C first over a period of 3 weeks, then an additional 17
weeks (total period of 20 weeks). After 3 weeks and after the additional 17 weeks a 48 hours test
is conducted with fresh reference fuel. The permeability factor is defined as the difference
between the HC emissions of the two tests:

PF = HC20w – HC3w

Evaporative tests

The test shall be done with the vehicle with the highest cycle energy demand (vehicle H) of the
evaporative emission family.

The test is composed of following elements:

• Initial tank filling with reference fuel followed by an initial soak period
• The pre-conditioning drive consisting for a class 3 vehicle of the 4 phases (low, medium,
high, medium) of the WLTC, for hybrids the test must be driven under charge sustaining
• Drain and refill the tank with fresh reference fuel followed by an additional soak period at
23°C (12 hours to 36 hours)
• Loading of the canister to a state where the cumulative quantity of hydrocarbons emitted
from the activated carbon canister equals 2 grams (2-gram breakthrough)
• Chassis dynamometer test consisting for a class 3 vehicle of the 4 phases (low, medium,
high, medium) of the WLTC, for hybrids the test must be driven under charge sustaining
• Hot soak evaporative emission test (60-minute duration) within the evaporative emission
measurement chamber. The result is expressed in mass of hydrocarbons for the hot-soak
test, MHS.
• Soak at 20°C for at least 6 hours
• Diurnal testing: the vehicle is exposed two times 24 hours to a temperature profile
specified in annex 7 of UNR 83. After each 24 hours test the hydrocarbon mass is
calculated as MD1 and MD2.
• For sealed tanks, additionally the puff losses (PF) during tank de-pressurization are

The test sequence is illustrated in Figure 13.

Calculation of final evaporative emission results

The final result is the sum of the individual hydrocarbon masses.

The limit value is 2 g/test:

MHS + MD1 + MD2 +(2 x PF) < 2 g

The hydrocarbon masses are based on concentration measurements based on ppm C1

equivalent. The final hydrocarbon mass is calculated using a hydrogen to carbon ratio of 2.2 for
the hot soak losses and of 2.33 for the diurnal and puff losses.

Figure 13: Flow chart evaporative test procedure (GTR 19, Figure A1/4)

UNECE-Regulations, EU-Directives and EU-Regulations
UNECE regulations are specifying internationally adopted measurement procedures where the
specific emission limits and timings of introduction are always given by EU regulations. UNECE-
Regulations are recommended by the Economic Commission for Europe (Geneva) and may be
applied by all nations which have signed the UN-Agreement of 1958 either as an amendment to,
or as a substitute for the country’s national law. In Europe the application of UNECE regulations
is formalized by the publication in the official journal.

EU-Regulations are established by the Community’s legislative parties in Brussels (EU Council
and EU Parliament) and are directly binding law for all member states.

EU-Directives are established by the Community’s legislative parties in Brussels and are binding
for all member states, i.e. they must be introduced at specified dates as a new national law or as
a substitute for an existing law, see illustration in Figure 14.

Legislation (Pollutants and CO2)

Different EU Legislative Acts

Directive Regulation Decision

› Legislative act that sets out a › Legislative act that has › A "decision" is binding in its
goal that all EU Member general application and is entirety on those to whom it is
States must achieve. binding in its entirety. addressed (e.g. one, several
› It is directly applicable across or all Member States or an
› However, it is up to the
the EU. individual company) and is
individual Member States to
directly applicable.
decide how to transpose the
directive into their national

Adopted by

› Ordinary legislative procedure (co-decision) voted by Parliament and Council

or by
› Comitology (Commission has been granted implementing powers by a particular EU
legal act, Commission is assisted by a committee where every EU country is
represented )
Figure 14: Different EU legislative Acts

In the past there were always an UNECE and a corresponding EU regulation allowing the same
test procedure for certification in the nations having signed the 1958 agreement.

With the new WLTP and RDE test procedure, the new European implementing regulation
has no ECE equivalent for new type approvals starting September 2017.

Even if the WLTP is based on the GTR 15 (WLTP), regional additions like the 14°C temperature
correction test are required in Europe without equivalent on UNECE level. The UNECE informal
working group on the WLTP Phase 2 will continue to harmonize the EU and UNECE regulations
in the future, but there will be most likely a regulation set with some core regulations accepted by
all parties complemented by regional subsets.

Nevertheless, the new EU regulation refers to UNECE regulations were ever the test
procedure is identical (for example references to UNECE Regulation No 83 for smoke
opacity, crankcase emissions, low temperature test etc.)

European Vehicle Type Approval
The basic document which defines the vehicle type approval legislation in Europe is the
framework directive 2007/465 to be replaced by the regulation EU 2018/8586 to be in force
by September 2020.

These documents describe the procedures to follow for certification of vehicles, systems and
components to be sold in Europe. This framework defines the requirements concerning safety and
environment for over 70 different items specified in different regulations and directives.

The main objective for the framework directive was the technical harmonization within the EU.
Under the European Whole Vehicle Type Approval System (WVTA) a manufacturer can obtain a
certification for a vehicle type in one EU country and market it EU-wide without further tests. The
certification is issued by a national type approval authority and the tests are carried out by the
designated technical services. A technical service is an organization, or a body designated by the
national approval authority as a testing laboratory to carry out tests and a conformity assessment
body to carry out the initial assessment and other tests or inspections on behalf of the approval

National approval authorities must send a copy of the vehicle type approval certificate for each
approved, refused, or withdrawn vehicle type to the approval authorities in other EU countries.

Before granting a type approval (TA) the type approval authority (TAA) must verify that the type
of vehicle complies with the safety and environmental requirements as defined in the framework
directive. A certificate of conformity (CoC) is a statement by the manufacturer that the vehicle
conforms to EU type approval requirements.

After having granted type approval the type approval authority must verify that the conformity
of the manufacturer’s production arrangements continues to be adequate by applying Conformity
of Production Tests (CoP).
Verification of durability of emission conformity is done by In-Service Conformity Testing (ISC).

Review of the Type Approval Framework:

Originally, only minor updates were planned in 2013 for the type approval framework directive after
a so-called fitness check of the EU Commission. After September 2015 when defeat devices were
discovered the situation changed drastically and the type approval process came under heavy

Finally, a major revision of the directive 2007/46 was introduced. Since 2015 the EU parliament
set up a committee on inquiry on emission measurements (EMIS). Main topics were an improved
enforcement of European legislation in all member states, evaluating the possibility of an EU
Commission oversight of national services and enhance in-service control and an introduction of
a market surveillance mechanism. The original proposal suggested also to create a member-state
independent EU agency or modify the remuneration system to avoid that technical services are
paid by the manufacturer were rejected by the council.

In December 2017 a final compromise was reached between council and parliament and the new
Type Approval (TA) regulation was published as (EU) 2018/858 on June 14th 2018.

5 Consolidated framework directive 2007/46 with amendments:

6 New Type-Approval Regulation 2018/858:
The main points are:

• To guarantee a more homogeneous application of type approval legislation all over Europe,
the old directive was replaced by an EU regulation, directly applicable in all EU countries.
• The EU Commission will be able to audit technical services and national type approval
authorities to ensure that regulations are implemented and enforced rigorously in all
member states. Also, Peer reviews between technical services are possible.
• A market survey system will be introduced which allows member-states also to challenge
certifications given by other member-states. In additions the Commission will carry out
market checks independently from Member States and will have the possibility to initiate
EU-wide recalls.

The type approval regulation concerns all M and N type vehicles as well as the trailers of type O
(Light Duty and Heavy Duty).
It does not apply to agricultural or forestry vehicles and two- or three-wheel vehicles and

The new type approval regulation (EU) 2018/858 is mandatory from 1 September 2020.

Pollutant Emissions and Greenhouse Gases for Light-Duty Vehicles
Definition of light duty vehicles
Light-Duty vehicles are defined in the type approval requirements 2007/46 or 2018/858 and
regulation 715/2007:

Light-Duty Vehicles are defined as categories M1, M2, N1 or N2 with a reference mass (RM)
not exceeding 2610 kg. At the manufacturer’s request, the light duty regulation may apply to
vehicles with a reference mass not exceeding 2840 kg.

• Passenger Cars are classified in category M1 (driver + max. 8 passenger) and

category M2 (more than 8 passengers)

• Vehicles designed and constructed primarily for the carriage of goods (Commercial
vehicles) are classified as N1 category (maximum mass <3500 kg) and N2 category
(maximum mass 3500 kg < 12000 kg).
N2 with a reference mass > 2610 kg are considered heavy duty and not covered by this

o Commercial vehicles of category N1 are divided in 3 classes

▪ Class 1: reference mass < 1305 kg
▪ Class 2: reference mass 1305 kg < RM < 1760 kg
▪ Class 3: reference mass >1760 kg

• ‘reference mass’ (RM) means the mass of the vehicle in running order less the uniform
mass of the driver of 75 kg and increased by a uniform mass of 100 kg
• ‘mass in running order’ means the mass of the vehicle, with its fuel tank(s) filled to at least
90 per cent of its or their capacity/capacities, including the mass of the driver, fuel and liquids,
fitted with the standard equipment in accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications and,
when they are fitted, the mass of the bodywork, the cabin, the coupling and the spare wheel(s)
as well as the tools
• ‘maximum mass’ is the technically permissible maximum laden mass

Pollutant Emission limits

One important item among the safety and environmental requirements defined in the type approval
directive/regulation are the emissions of light duty vehicles subject to this booklet.

The emission limits are specified in Regulation (EC) No 715/20077. This regulation sets the
emission limits for the different regulated pollutants for different powertrain and vehicle categories.
These limits are decided by a co-decision process implying the European legislative process
requiring agreement from EU Parliament and Council. They can only be changed by this ordinary
legislative procedure.

Figure 15 shows the present Euro 6 limits of tailpipe emissions for the Type 1 Test, that means for
the WLTP at 23 °C, at 14 °C and for Off-vehicle charge hybrid vehicles (Plug-in HEV) for all tests
under charge depleting and charge sustaining conditions. For the RDE Test only NOx und PN
limits are to be taken in account for the Not-to-exceed (NTE) limits.

7Consolidated regulation 715/2007 with amendments:

All vehicles to be sold on the European market must fulfill the emission limits as specified
by regulation 715/2017.

Figure 15: Present Euro 6 limits, to be respected by Type 1 Test, that means for the WLTP at 23 °C, at 14 °C and for Off-vehicle
charge hybrid vehicles (Plug-in HEV) for all tests under charge depleting and charge sustaining conditions, and for the RDE Test
only NOx und PN limits

CO2 Emission Limits from today until 2030

CO2 Emission Limits based on the NEDC until 2020

On April 23, 2009 Regulation (EC) 443/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council was
published, setting for the first time a CO2 emission target for new passenger cars. The
obligation to monitor the CO2 emissions for the calculation of the fleet averages is defined in
regulation 1014/20108.

CO2 emission limits are set as average for the fleet of new cars sold in the European Union in a
specific calendar year. That means that vehicles emitting more CO2 can be compensated by cars
with lower CO2 emissions. The reason for this is, that contrary to the pollutant emissions, not the
local CO2 emissions and concentrations are important, but the overall emissions into the global

The CO2 Emission target for passenger cars was first set to 130 g CO2/km with a phase-in
between 2012 & 2015. This was part of the Community’s integrated approach to reduce CO2
emissions from light-duty vehicles to 120 g CO2/km, where 130 g CO2/km comes from improved
motor vehicle technology, 10 g CO2/km from other technological improvements and by increased
use of sustainable bio-fuels.
On Mai 31st, 2011 Regulation (EC) 510/2011 was published, setting the first-time emission
performance standards for new light commercial with a target of 175 g CO2/km with a phase-in
between 2014 and 2017.

These Regulations contained elements such as:

o Emphasis that achieving this target needs complementary measures
8Regulation concerning CO2 monitoring 1014/2010 with amendments :
o Setting mandatory CO2-limits as fleet average standards
o Allowance of “pooling” among manufacturers
o Providing a phase-in scheme for %-rates from a manufacturer’s fleet
o Specifying penalties (“excessive emissions premium”) for failures to achieve the CO2-limits
o Promotion of innovative CO2 saving technologies (“eco-innovations”)
o Promotion of alternative fuel vehicles

From 2020 onwards, in a second phase, the Regulation (EC) 333/2014 sets a fleet target of 95 g
CO2/km for passenger cars and the Regulation (EU) No 253/20149 a fleet target of 147 g CO2/km
for Light Commercial Vehicles. For passenger cars a one-year phase-in period is foreseen (95%
of the fleet considered in 2020), the LCV target applies directly in 2020 without phase-in.

Super-credits are allowed for Low Emission Vehicles with CO2 emissions of less than 50 gCO2/km.

Calculation of the “Specific Emission Target” (SET) for each manufacturer:

The CO2 targets for passenger cars are defined as a function of the utility of the cars on a linear
basis. To describe this utility, the vehicle mass was considered an appropriate parameter which
provides a correlation with present emissions and would, therefore, result in a more realistic and
competitively neutral target. The utility parameter is regularly reviewed to consider the evolution of
the average mass of a manufacturer’s fleet. In 2014 the average mass was adapted for the first
time for application in 2016. The reference mass M0 was increased from 1372 kg to 1392 kg.
The manufacturer specific emission target in a calendar year is calculated as the average of
each new vehicle registered in that calendar year of which it is the manufacturer according to the
following formula:
From 2016 until 2019
Passenger cars:
Specific Emission Target = 130 + a x (M – M0) [g CO2/km]
a=0.0457; M= mass of vehicle in kilograms [kg]; M0= 1392.4 kg
Light Commercial vehicles:
Specific Emission Target = 175 + a x (M – M0) [g CO2/km]
a=0,093; M=mass of vehicle in kilograms [kg]; M0=1766.4 kg
For 2020:
Passenger cars:
Specific Emission Target = 95 + a x (M – M0) [g CO2/km]
a=0.0333; M= mass of vehicle in kilograms [kg]; M0, 2020= 1379.88
Light Commercial vehicles:
Specific Emission Target = 147 + a x (M – M0) [g CO2/km]
a=0,096; M=mass of vehicle in kilograms [kg]; M0, 2020=1766.4 kg

See Figure 16 for a summary of the regulations for passenger cars.

It must be specified that Scope of these regulations for LCVs includes only category N1 excluding
special purpose vehicles.

9Light Commercial Vehicle CO2 limits regulation 510/2011 and amendments:
Figure 16: Summary of regulations 443/2009 and 333/2014 concerning the CO2-emission targets for passenger cars (M1) in Europe

Correlation of CO2 measurements to NEDC reference based on WLTP to NEDC (2017-2020)

The CO2 emission target of 95 gCO2/km fleet average was published as regulation (EU)
333/201410. The regulation foresees a phase-in of the 95 gCO2/km target during 2020 and 2021
allowing to discard the 5% most emitting vehicles during the first year. The target is defined for
the NEDC.
From September 2017 with the phase-in of the new regulation for emission testing, the CO2
emissions will be determined by the WLTP test procedure including the Ambient
Temperature Correction Test at 14°C.
A major issue is the correction of the values obtained by the WLTP for CO2 emission testing to
NEDC based target values.
Therefore, a simulation-based correction method (CO2MPAS) was developed by the JRC; this tool
is publicly available.
The tool is calibrated for each car based on the experimental WLTP data. The CO2 emissions for
the NEDC are then simulated modifying a certain number of parameters which vary between the
procedures. Most important are mass and rolling resistance, which will be more realistic than these
data under the NEDC procedure in the past, they will be based on the WLTP data allowing some
corrections for NEDC, see Figure 17.
This correlation procedure is regulated in the implementing regulation 2017/1153 11 for passenger
cars and in 2017/115212 for LCV.
The WLTP is introduced for TA September 2017, at this date starts the application of the
correlation tool for new vehicle types. 2018 will be the first year for which a CO2 data base for new
types will be available. The WLTP becomes compulsory for all new certifications in September
2018, allowing CO2 data for the first complete year in 2019, still with some end of series exceptions.

10 Passenger car CO2 limits regulation 443/2009 with amendments:

2020 will be the first year which allows a correlation between WLTP measurements and
NEDC for the whole new car fleet, see Figure 18 for a summary of the timing of the correlation

WLTP to NEDC Correlation 2017 - 2020


Delta WLTP / NEDC taken in account Simulation in CONTI CO2 database

GTC Ford Focus reference
› Drive cycle (vehicle Speed profile) GDI downsized s/s
› Amb. Temperature 25 C versus 23 C › Assumptions for Roadload translation for
› Battery state of charge Influence Roadload and cycle
NEDC Fully charged

› WLTP versus NEDC test mass 20.0%

› Rotating inertia

› 4 rotating wheels, simulation of NEDC 2 rotating wheels


› Tire pressure 5.0%

› Tire tread depth gCO2/km NEDC gCO2/km NEDC gCO2/km WLTP
Coeffs GTC2<2015 Coeffs Co2mpass

› Pre-conditioning (Pre-conditioning differs between WLTP and NEDC,

considered as 6 N for equal road load

Figure 17: Correlation procedure between WLTP CO2 testing and NEDC targets

Figure 18: Introduction timing for WLTP, CO2 corrections and target setting

CO2 Targets based on WLTP starting 2021
Based on the data base of the year 2020, each OEM will get a new WLTP based CO2 fleet target
assigned for 2021 based on the OEM specific correlation between WLTP and NEDC.
The specific emission reference target for a manufacturer in 2021 shall be calculated as
𝑊𝐿𝑇𝑃 𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑓𝑖𝑐 𝑟𝑒𝑓𝑒𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑒 𝑡𝑎𝑟𝑔𝑒𝑡 = 𝑊𝐿𝑇𝑃𝐶𝑂2 𝑁𝐸𝐷𝐶𝐶𝑂2

WLTPCO2: average specific emissions of CO2 in 2020,

without correction for super-credits and eco-innovation
NEDCCO2: average specific emissions of CO2 in 2020,
without correction for super-credits and eco-innovation
NEDC2020target: OEM specific CO2 target for 2020
The procedure to calculate the 2021 specific reference targets is documented in EU regulations
2017/1502 and 2017/1400 for passenger cars and light commercial vehicles13.
CO2 Specific Targets from 2021 to 2024
From 2021 to 2024 each manufacturer will keep its own specific CO2 target based on the 2021
specific reference target. The target value will be adapted each year based on the evolution of
the average mass of the fleet, also Figure 22.
Specific Emission target = WLTP specific reference target + a*(Mø-M0) – (Mø,2020-M0,2020)

Mø: average mass (M) of the new registered vehicles in the target year for a manufacturer
Mø,2020: average of the mass (M) of the new registered vehicles in 2020 a manufacturer
M0: 1379.88 kg in 2020 and 2021, to be updated for 2022, 2023 and 2024 for cars;
M0: 1766.4 kg in 2020, to be updated for 2021, 2022, 2023 and 2024 for LCV;
a: 0.0333 for passenger cars, a: 0.096 for LCV
Mass of the passenger car or light commercial vehicle refers here
to ‘mass in running order’.
WLTP based EU wide fleet target for 2021
A new EU fleet-wide target2021, will be defined as a sales-based average of the manufacturer
specific reference values for 2021, for passenger cars and for light duty commercial vehicles, see
also Figure 22.
𝑆𝑝𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑓𝑖𝑐 𝑟𝑒𝑓𝑒𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑒 𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒2021 = 𝑊𝐿𝑇𝑃 𝐶𝑂2 ,𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑢𝑟𝑒𝑑 + a*(Mø-M0) – (Mø,2021-M0,2021)

WLTPCO2, measured: average, for each manufacturer, of the measured CO2 emissions
as determined and reported;
NEDC2020, Fleet Target: 95 gCO2/km for cars and 147 gCO2/km for LCVs;
NEDCCO2: average specific emissions of CO2 in 2020,
without correction for super-credits and eco-innovation

13 CO2 taget translation for 2021 for passenger cars (2017/1502):
And for light commercial vehicles 2017/1499)
Mø,2021: the average of the mass in running order of the new registered passenger cars
or LCVs of the manufacturer in 2021;
M0,2021 is the average mass in running order in 2021 of all new passenger cars or LCVs
registered by manufacturers for which a specific emissions target applies;
a: 0.0333 for cars, 0.096 for LCVs.

CO2 targets for 2025 and 2030

The EU decided on new ambitious CO2 emission reduction targets for the period until 2030 with
an intermediate target for 2025. The final vote by the EU Parliament plenary happened on March
27th, 2019 and was accepted by the council on April 15th, 2019. Publication in the Official Journal
still pending (as of 04/2019).

The Text includes the fleet reduction targets for passenger cars and Light Commercial Vehicles
and some additional provisions, based on the WLTP based EU wide fleet target for 2021 (see

The EU fleet-wide targets are calculated as follows:

• CO2 reduction target for passenger cars: 15% for 2025, 37.5% for 2030
• CO2 reduction target for LCV: 15% for 2025, 31% for 2030

EU fleet-wide target2025 = EU fleet-wide target2021 · (1 - reduction factor2025)

EU fleet-wide target2030 = EU fleet-wide target2021 · (1 - reduction factor2030)

For the ‘EU fleet-wide target2021’ see above

reduction factor2025 = 0.15
reduction factor2030 = 0.31 (LCV)
reduction factor2030 = 0.375 (Passenger cars)

OEM specific targets 2025 and 2030 are calculated as today, based on the fleet average target
and the average mass of each OEM fleet.
Starting 2025 average ‘mass in running order’, M, is replaced by the average ‘test mass’ of new
passenger cars and new light commercial vehicles, TM.

specific emissions reference target = EU fleet-wide target2025 + a2025 · (TM-TM0)

And from 2030:

specific emissions reference target = EU fleet-wide target2030 + a2030 · (TM-TM0)

TM is the average test mass of all newly registered vehicles of the manufacturer in the
relevant calendar year
TM0 is the value adjusted to the respective average test mass of new passenger cars and
new light commercial vehicles in Europe in the preceding two calendar years starting with
2022 and 2023.

The slopes a2025 and a2030 will be determined for passenger cars and light duty vehicles with
TM < TM0 by

𝐸𝑈 𝑓𝑙𝑒𝑒𝑡 − 𝑤𝑖𝑑𝑒 𝑡𝑎𝑟𝑔𝑒𝑡2025,2030

𝑎2025,2030 = 𝑎2021
average emissions2021

For light duty vehicles the slopes a2025 and a2030 are replaced by a2021 if TM > TM0.

average emissions2021: the average of the CO2 emissions of all newly registered cars or
LDVs in 2021 of those manufacturers for which a specific emissions target is calculated.

The slope for the reference year 2021 a2021:

a2021: the slope of the best fitting straight line to the test mass and the specific CO2
emissions of each individual vehicle in the 2021 EU fleet

After the phase out of the super-credit scheme after 2022, manufacturers may get a credit
for an increased market introduction of zero or low emission vehicles (CO 2 emissions < 50
g/km) through the ZLEV factor which may increase the manufacturer specific CO2 target by
up to 5%.

The final manufacturer specific targets are:

For passenger cars:

Specific emissions target = specific emissions reference target · ZLEV factor

For light duty commercial vehicles:

Specific emissions target = (specific emissions reference target - (øtargets - EU fleet-wide
target2025)) · ZLEV factor
øtargets: number weighted average of newly registered light commercial vehicles of each
individual manufacturer, of all the specific emissions reference targets

ZLEV factor= 1+y-x with 1.0 < ZLEV factor < 1.05

• x, the ZLEV benchmark, set to 15% in 2025 and to 35% from 2030 onwards for
passenger cars and 30% from 2030 onwards for LCVs.

• y is the share of zero- and low-emission vehicles in the manufacturer's fleet of newly
registered passenger cars or LCVs, where each of them is counted as ZLEVspecific in
accordance with the formulas below, divided by the total number of passenger cars or
LCVs registered in the relevant calendar year.

The ZLEVspecific multiplier is slightly differently defined for passenger cars and LCVs.
Passenger cars get an advantage of 0.3 for emissions close to the limit of 50
gCO2/km. For example, a battery electric car is counted as one, a plug-in HEV with
just 50 gCO2/km is counted as 0.3 to determine the ZLEV fleet share.

ZLEVspecific Multiplier for passenger cars:

𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑓𝑖𝑐 𝑒𝑚𝑖𝑠𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑠 ∗ 0.7

ZLEV𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑓𝑖𝑐 = 1 −

A multiplier of 1.85 is applied to the ZLEVspecific until 2030 in Member States with a
share of zero- and low-emission passenger cars in their fleet below 60% of the EU
average in the year 2017 and with less than 1000 ZLEV newly registered in 2017, see
Figure 19 for illustration.

ZLEVspecific multiplier for Light Commercial Vehicles:

𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑓𝑖𝑐 𝑒𝑚𝑖𝑠𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑠
ZLEV𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑓𝑖𝑐 = 1 −

See Figure 20 for the final ZLEV factor for 2025 and 2030 as function of the ZLEV share of
a manufacturer’s fleet, fleet share calculated in applying the ZLEVspecific multiplier to each
car as function of the CO2 emissions between zero and 50 gCO2/km.

2 ZLEVspecific Cars
1.8 ZLEVspecific Cars for Countries low ZLEVshare
1.6 ZLEVspecific LCV
ZLEV specific

0 10 20 30 40 50 60
CO2 emissions [g/km]
Figure 19: ZLEVspecific factor with which every ZLEV car is multiplied to determine the ZLEV fleet share



ZLEV Factor

0.95 ZLEV factor 2025 ZLEV factor 2030

10.00% 15.00% 20.00% 25.00% 30.00% 35.00% 40.00%
Share of ZLEV
Figure 20: ZLEV factor as function of the ZLEV fleet share of a manufacturer calculated using the ZLEVspecific multiplier for each ZLEV

The Commission must review the CO2 Regulation before 2023, the review should include:

• Introduction of binding emission reduction targets for 2035 and 2040

• Feasibility of developing real-world emission test procedures using portable emission
measurement systems (PEMS)
• Evaluation of the possibility for a methodology for the assessment and the consistent data
reporting of the full life-cycle CO2 emissions of light duty vehicles, including proposals for
legislative proposals
• The complementary measures are defined until end 2024.
Starting 2025 these measures could be taken in account as eco-innovation or valorized in
additional test procedures, for example air conditioning systems
• A benchmark is introduced for LEV vehicles (< 50 gCO2/km). This benchmark is 15% of the
new vehicle fleet (passenger cars and LCV) starting 2025 and 35% for passenger cars and
30% for LCV starting 2030. On over fulfillment can give to an OEM a CO 2 fleet credit up to
• Eco-innovation will stay at a 7 g CO2/km maximum, the value may be changed beyond 2025
by the regulation review
• The excess emission premium will stay at 95€/g/vehicle
• Collection of data on the real-world CO2 emission and energy consumption of passenger
cars and LCVs using OBFCM, starting in 2021 for annual monitoring and reporting. In 2027
assessment of a mechanism to adjust the manufacturer's average specific CO 2 emissions
as of 2030, and, if appropriate, submit a legislative proposal to put such a mechanism in
• Add CO2 emissions and fuel consumption to In-service Control (ISC)

See Figure 21 and Figure 22 for a summary.

European CO2 Regulation 2025 / 2030
Main Points CO2 post 2021

EU Fleet EU Fleet reduction targets for passenger cars (M1) and light commercial vehicles (N1)
2025 2030

M1 -15% -37.5%
N1 -15% -31% Baseline: 2021 WLTP based target

ZLEV ZLEV vehicles: < 50gCO 2/km, i.e. EV and P-HEV

Increase of OEM specific CO 2 target of maximal 5%
if market share of ZLEV is >15% in 2025 and >35% in 2030

LCA Life-cycle Assessment (LCA) including WtW (valorization low Carbon fuels)
EU COM to evaluate < 2023 the possibility of full life-cycle CO2 emissions
of light duty vehicles,
➔ legislative proposals to the European Parliament and the Council
➔ LCA or WtW elements in legislation 2030 ?

OBFCM Real world monitoring:

EU COM regularly to collect, analyze and report data from OBFCM ➔ impact on P-HEV?

ISC In-Service Conformity (ISC):

Include CO2 and fuel consumption into ISC testing
Figure 21: Main points of CO2 legislation for 2025 and 20030

CO2 Target for Passenger cars

Post 2020 WLTP targets

2020 Fleet NEDC2020,Fleet Target = 95 gCO2/km NEDC values

re-calculated from WLTP !
2020 OEM Average of all cars targets registered in 2020: CO 2,NEDC = 95 + a · (M – M0)
NEDC Target M mass of each individual vehicle, M 0=1379.88 kg, a=0.0333, 95% of fleet

WLTP Target

› WLTPCO2 and NEDCCO2 : average specific emissions of CO2 in 2020, measured for WLTP, re-calculated for NEDC
NEDC2020target : 2020 specific emissions target(see above)
› Mø: average of the mass (M) of the new registered vehicles in the target year
Mø2020 : average of the mass (M) of the new registered vehicles in 2020
M0: 1379.88 in 2020 and 2021, updated for 2022, 2023 and 2024; a: 0.0333;

2021 Fleet EU fleet-wide target2021 : weighted average of the reference-values 2021 for each OEM:

2025 / EU fleet target2025/2030 = EU fleet-wide target2021 * 0.85 / * 0.625

2030 Fleet
2025 / Specific emissions ref. target2025/2030 = EU fleet target2025/2030 + a2025/2030 * (TM – TM0)
2030 OEM Specific emissions target2025/2030 = Specific emissions ref. target2025/2030 * ZLEF factor
a2025/2030: a2021 adapted as function of fleet wide target decease
Figure 22: Summary of CO2 targets 2020 -2030

Additional Provisions Concerning Calculation of CO2 Fleet Averages

Manufacturers may group together to form a pool and act jointly in meeting the specific emissions

Derogation Provisions for small volume manufacturers

An application for derogation from the prescribed Specific Emission Targets may be made by a
manufacturer which is responsible for less than 10,000 new passenger cars (or 22000 new light
commercial vehicles) registered in the Community per calendar year and is either not part of a
group of connected manufacturers or at least operates its own production facilities and design
center. This derogation must include a specific emission target consistent with its reduction
potential. The possibility for a derogation continues until 2028.
Manufacturer which produce 10000 to 300000 new passenger cars per year may also apply for a
derogation, but this derogation must include specific emission targets of 25% reduction in 2015
and 45% in 2020 compared to the specific emissions in 2007. For the period between 2025 and
2028 the derogation must include à 15% reduction in respect to the agreed 2020 target.

Calculation of the Excess Emissions Premium (EEP)

The Excess Emission Premium to be paid to the European Commission by manufacturers
exceeding the specific emission target is fixed to 95€ per gram exceeding the target and per
vehicle sold. There was a phase-in regulation in place between 2012 and 2018 but since 2019
the full excess emission premium holds.

Excess Emissions Premium = (Excess emissions × 95 €) × number of new vehicles.

Super Credits

Low Emission Vehicles (LEV) are defined as vehicles having less than 50g/km CO 2 emissions.
Following the initial period between 2012 and 2016 favoring LEVs, a new super-credit mechanism
applies from 2020 to 2022. Each LEV is counted as 2 vehicles in 2020, as 1.67 vehicles in 2021
and as 1.33 vehicles in 2022. This rule is subject to a cap of 7.5 gCO2/km for a manufacturer fleet.
From 2025 onwards, the super-credits are replaced by the ZLEV factor, see above.
Handling of multi-stage vehicles
Specific conditions for multi-stage vehicles are under consideration to avoid double testing during
fuel consumption- and CO2-type approval
Eco-Innovations for M1- and N1-Vehicles
The articles 12 “Eco-innovations” of Regulation (EC) No 443/2009 for M1 (passenger cars) and
Regulation (EU) No 510/2011 for N1 (light commercial vehicles) provide a possibility for manufacturers
to consider CO2 savings from innovative technologies in order to meet their specific CO2 emissions targets.

Innovative technologies can help cut emissions, but in some cases, it is not possible to
demonstrate the CO2-reducing effects of a new technology during the test procedure used for
vehicle type approval. Manufacturers can be granted emission credits for technologies whose CO2
saving are not or only partially covered by the type approval.

The maximum savings that a manufacturer may consider for reducing the average emissions in a
given calendar year is 7 g CO2/km for their whole fleet. This maximum value is confirmed until
2025 when it may be adjusted.

Fleet Target 2012-2019 Fleet Target 2020-2024 Fleet Target 2014-2019 Fleet Target 2020-2024

Powertrain Powertrain Powertrain Powertrain


Eco Eco Eco Eco
Innovation Innovation Innovation Innovation
max. 7 g/km max. 7 g/km max. 7 g/km max. 7 g/km

130 g/km 95 g/km 175 g/km 147 g/km

(NEDC) Comple- Comple- (NEDC)
mentary mentary mentary mentary
measures measures measures measures
10 g/km 10 g/km 10 g/km 10 g/km
120 g/km
REGULATION (EU) No 510/2011: Setting
REGULATION (EC) No 443/2009: Setting emission emission performance standards for new light
performance standards for new passenger cars commercial vehicles
Figure 23: Eco-Innovation 2012 - 2024

The procedures for the approval and certification of innovative technologies for reducing CO2
emissions are defined in No 725/2011 for M1 (passenger cars) and No 427/2014 for light
commercial vehicles.
Following eligibility criteria must be fulfilled to qualify a technology for an application for eco-
• Exclusion of complementary measures defined in the integrated approach:
o efficiency improvements for air-conditioning systems
o tyre pressure monitoring systems
o tyre rolling resistance
o gear shift indicators
o use of bio fuels
• Innovativeness
o Technology had been fitted in 3 % or less of all new passenger cars registered
▪ in 2009 for applications submitted until 31 December 2019
▪ in the year n-4, n being the year of application, for applications submitted from
1 January 2020
• Necessity
o Technology may not serve purely comfort, without any link to either performance or
safety of the vehicle
• Verifiability
o The savings should be minimum
▪ 1 g CO2/km in the case of NEDC based applications
▪ 0,5 g CO2/km in the case of WLTP based applications
• Coverage:
o CO2 saving are not or only partially covered by the type approval. Granted CO 2
saving is the difference between the CO2 saving at modified testing modalities and
CO2 saving under type approval conditions
• Accountability
o CO2 savings effect may not be under the influence of the driver’s choice or behavior

NEDC based Eco Innovations can be used until 2020.
WLTP based decisions can be used from 2021.
Before technologies can be applied for WLTP based Eco Innovations it is necessary to adapt
the testing methodologies from NEDC to WLTP. Currently (2018/19) working groups from
ACEA and CLEPA are working on that topic:
Year 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025


Clearly defined; Decisions available Still in definition phase – proposals available
Inno. Status

Transfer Plan: Apply Use transferred Eco Innovation decisions for

First Plan: Decision
Eco for Eco following technologies:
alignment available for
Innovation Innovation Eco LED, efficient motor generator 12V, efficient
EU Com / defined
from NEDC Technology electric consumers, idle / engine-off coasting,
Industry technologies
to WLTC Adaption NOVC 12V power supply, Eco driving
Figure 24: Planning Eco-innovations

• From 2025 onwards, the complementary measures from the integrated approach will
become ineffective. This means that efficiency improvements for mobile air conditioning
systems can also qualify as eco-innovations, beginning in 2025.
• The European Commission is tasked to review the 7 g/km cap on eco-innovation
contributions for compliance purposes by 2025.

Fleet Target 2020-2024 Fleet Target 2025-2029 Fleet Target 2020-2024 Fleet Target 2025-2029

Powertrain Powertrain Powertrain Powertrain


Eco Eco Eco Eco
Innovation Innovation Innovation Innovation
max. 7 g/km max. x g/km max. 7 g/km max. x g/km
95 g/km -15% 147 g/km -15%
(NEDC) (81 g/km) Comple- (NEDC) (125 g/km
mentary (NEDC) mentary NEDC)
measures measures
10 g/km 10 g/km

REGULATION (EU) No 510/2011: Setting

REGULATION (EC) No 443/2009: Setting emission emission performance standards for new light
performance standards for new passenger cars commercial vehicles

Figure 25: Eco-Innovation 2020 - 2030

Technical Guidelines
All needed details and descriptions for an Eco Innovation application are listed in the Technical
Guideline14. Regular updates will be provided on the road transport section of DG Clima

The emission tests required for of light duty vehicles

The Euro 6 emission limits are defined in regulation 715/200715 (Figure 15), the CO2 fleet
targets are defined in regulations 443/2009 (cars) and 510/2011 (LCV) with its amendments.
The different required tests, the introduction steps and the introduction timings are regulated today
by the implementation regulation 2017/1151 that replaces and repeals the old implementing
regulation 692/2008.
This implementing regulation defines the different test procedures to determine pollutant
and CO2 emissions.

The test procedures and the pollutant emission limits are developed under the responsibility DG
GROWTH, the CO2 emission regulation is under the responsibility of DG CLIMA.

These implementing regulations were decided by the Comitology process (Commission has been
granted implementing powers by an EU legal act) where the Commission is assisted by a
committee where every EU country is represented (TCMV: Technical Committee Motor Vehicles).
The introduction of the new implementing regulation required amendments in several linked
regulations, most important 2007/46 and 715/2007 (see Figure 26).

The European Commission integrated the WLTP into the new European legislation (EU
2017/1151) based on the UNECE GTR 15. Additional regional specific tests were added by the
EU as there are for example the low temperature correction test (14°C), OBD, In-Service
Conformity and Conformity of Production tests. Hybrid specific issues were added as these are
not yet treated sufficiently on UNECE level.

14Technical Guidelines for the preparation of applications for the approval of innovative technologies pursuant to
Regulation (EC) No 443/2009 and Regulation (EU) No 510/2011
15 Regulation 715/2007 :

Figure 26: Vehicle type approval regulations

Due to persisting air quality problems in Europe, mainly in terms of NO x and fine particles, the
regulation 715/2007 (EC) for the introduction of Euro 5 and Euro 6 already obliged the Commission
(Article 14(3)) to review current test procedures and to adapt the regulation to reflect emissions
generated by real driving on the road. Recital (15) of regulation 715/2007 states already that the
use of portable emission measurement systems and the introduction of the ‘not-to-exceed’
regulatory concept should be considered.

An investigation of the JRC using portable emission measurement equipment published in 2010
clearly showed the strong deviation of NOx emissions of Diesel vehicles from type approval values.

These results triggered the development of the European RDE test procedure with the kick-off
meeting of the EU working group in January 2011.

The RDE test describes a test procedure to measure emissions on the road, using portable
emission equipment (see Figure 47Fehler! Verweisquelle konnte nicht gefunden werden. for
an example drive cycle). Static boundary conditions define allowable ambient temperature and
altitude range (see Figure 42Fehler! Verweisquelle konnte nicht gefunden werden.Fehler!
Verweisquelle konnte nicht gefunden werden.) and the dynamic boundary conditions limit the
dynamics of the vehicle operation. See below for details.

The adoption of the RDE regulation was done in 4 packages. Package 1 and 2 describing the
basic test procedure and conformity factors for NOx were published as regulation (EU) 2016/42716
and (EU) 2016/64617 introducing the RDE for monitoring only in addition to the NEDC.

16 Regulation 427/2016 (RDE Package 1) :

17 Regulation 646/2016 (RDE Package 2) :

(EU) 2017/1151 introduced the WLTP and consolidated the previous RDE documents.
Part 3 defining the final conformity factors for PN and the cold start procedure was published on
June 7th, 2017 as (EU) 2017/115418 followed by the introduction of the new EVAP procedure (EU)
2017/1221 and the WLTP correction act (EU) 2017/1347.
RDE package 4 defines In-service Conformity (ISC) tests based on the RDE test procedure and
revises the data processing methods by defining only one method instead of the Moving Window
Averaging Method (EMROAD) and the Power Binning Method (CLEAR). Part 4 is published as
(EU) 2018/183219.

A consolidated version of 2017/115120 including these amendments is available.

18 Regulation 1154/2017 (RDE Package 3):

19 amendment regulation 2018/1832 containing RDE package 4:
20 Regulation 2017/1151 with amendments up to RDE package 4:
The table in Figure 27 gives an overview over different emission relevant regulations and shows
the move from the old to the new regulations.

Subject “Old” “New” Apply from Comments

Legislation Legislation
Type Approval
Type approval 2007/46/EC (EU)2018/858 01/09/2020 Move to Type approval
Framework/Regulation Regulation
Pollutant Emission Limits
Emission of light duty (EC) 715/2007 (EC) 715/2007 applying EU 6 Emission limits
passenger and commercial
CO2 Emission Targets
(EC) 443/2009 (EC) 443/2009 01/2010 CO2 emission limits
(130 gCO2/km starting
CO2 Emissions 2012)
For passenger cars cat. M) (EU) 1014/2010 (EU) 1014/2010 11/2010 Monitoring and CO2
data reporting
(EC) 333/2014 (EC) 333/2014 03/2014 Setting CO2 limit to 95
gCO2/km starting 2020
(EC) 510/2011 (EC) 510/2011 05/2011 CO2 emission limits
CO2 Emissions (175 gCO2/km starting
For commercial vehicles 2014) and monitoring
cat. N1) (EC) 253/2014 (EC) 253/2014 02/2014 Setting CO2 limit to 147
gCO2/km starting 2020
• (EC) 2017/1152 09/2017 Defining the CO2MPAS
CO2 Correlation
(EC) 2017/1153 Tool to correlate WLTP
procedures WLTP to
to NEDC based CO2
targets, LCV and cars
Determination of specific • (EU) 2017/1502 09/2017 Passenger cars
OEM targets for 2021 (EU) 2017/1499 09/2017 Light duty commercial
CO2 fleet targets for 2021, • TBD 2021 Not yet published
2025 and 2030
Test procedures (Implementing regulations)
Implementing regulation (EC) 692/2008 (EC) 2017/1151 09/2017 New implementing
regulation with
integrating RDE
package 1 and 2,
WLTP test and revised
EVAP procedure
Adopted by TCMV
Implementing regulation (EC) 692/2008 (EU) 2017/1347 9/2017 WLTP Correcting act
• (EU) 2016/427 01/2016 RDE package 1
main test procedure
• (EU) 2016/646 05/2016 RDE package 2
NOx CF and various
RDE Test procedure • (EC) 2017/1154 12/2016 RDE package 3
PN CF, cold start and
various amendments
Adopted by TCMV
• (EU) 2018/1832 01/01/2019 RDE package 4 and
WLTP act 2
Figure 27: Different Emission relevant legislations

All technical details of the test procedure for pollutant and CO2 emissions are specified in
this implementing regulation (EU) No 2017/1151, with its amendments, a consolidated
version up to RDE4 available21.

This regulation details the technical requirements relate to:

• Initial Type approval tests (TA)

o Tailpipe emissions, including the definition of the test cycles WLTP and the RDE
procedure (Emission Tests Type 1 and Type 1A) including the determination of the
pollutant emissions and the reference values for CO 2 emissions and fuel
consumption. This includes tests specificities for Hybrid vehicles and alternative fuel
o Emissions at idling speed (Type 2 test)
o Crankcase emissions (Type 3 test)
o Evaporative emissions (Type 4 test)
o Durability of pollution control devices, replacement pollution control devices (Type 5
o Low ambient temperature emissions (Type 6 test)
o Smoke opacity and correct functioning and regeneration of after-treatment systems
o OBD systems and in-use performance of pollution control devices;

• Conformity of Production tests (CoP)

o Periodic verification of production vehicles to comply with type approval

• In Service Conformity tests (ISC)

o Periodic verification of vehicles in the field to comply with type approval requirements
over the useful life of 100000 km
o The ISC regulation is an important change compared to the regulation 692/2008,
detailed in the last amendment 2018/1832 of regulation 2017/1151.

The different tests required for type approval are listed in the table in ANNEX I, paragraph 2.4
of the new regulation 2017/1151. We summarize in the table below (Figure 28) the main
requirements for gasoline and diesel vehicles, in the reference document additional columns
specify the requirements for Bi-fuel, flex-fuel, hydrogen ICE and fuel cell vehicles.

The table in Figure 28 indicates in which chapter/annex of the regulation the different tests can
be found.

21 Regulation 2017/1151 with amendments up to RDE package 4:


Positive Ignition engines Compr. Battery Chapter
Ignition electric within
Reference Fuel Gasoline LPG Natural Gas / Diesel - ANNEX IX
(E10) Methane (B7) Spec. of ref.
Gaseous yes yes yes yes - ANNEX XXI
Pollutants WLTP
(Type 1 Test)
PM and PN Only - - yes - ANNEX XXI
(Type 1 Test) direct WLTP
Gaseous yes yes yes yes - ANNEX IIIA
Pollutants, RDE RDE
(Type 1A Test)
PN, RDE Only - - yes - ANNEX IIIA
(Type 1A Test) direct RDE
Idle emissions yes yes yes - - ANNEX IV
(Type 2 test) Appendix 1
Crankcase yes yes yes - - ANNEX V
(Type 3 test)
Evaporative yes - - - - ANNEX VI
(Type 4 test)
Durability of yes yes yes yes - ANNEX VII
pollution control
(Type 5 test)
Low Temperature yes - - - - ANNEX VIII
Emissions (-7°C)
(Type 6 test)
In-service yes yes yes yes - ANNEX II
conformity (ISC)
On-board yes yes yes yes - ANNEX XI
diagnostics (OBD)
CO2 emissions, yes yes yes yes yes ANNEX XXI
fuel consumption, WLTP
electric energy
consumption and
electric range
Smoke Opacity - - - yes - ANNEX IV
Appendix 2
Engine Power yes yes yes yes yes ANNEX XX
Figure 28: Different Emission tests within Regulation 2017/1151.

Type 1 Test (Exhaust emissions for pollutant, CO2 and fuel consumption using WLTP)

The exhaust emission limits are defined in table 2 of ANNEX I of regulation 715/2007 amended by
(EU) No 459/2012 with the last update for final Euro 6c particle limits.

The WLTP test procedure is detailed in Sub-Annex 6 of ANNEX XXI to determine the level of
gaseous exhaust pollutants, particle matter and number, CO2 emissions, fuel consumption, electric
energy consumption and electric range.

The main changes between the current and the new regulation adopted for type approval starting
September 2017 are (see Figure 29):
• Change of test cycle for type 1 test, from NEDC to WLTC
• Change of reference temperature to 23°C
• Change of test procedure, which increases the test mass and road loads (realistic mass of
vehicle with equipment sold on the market)
• Additional Ambient Temperature Correction Test at 14°C. The emissions have to be below
the limit.
• Determination of the CO2 emissions: For each vehicle, the CO2 is interpolated between the
vehicles high and low of the CO2 test family. High and low relates to the highest and lowest
road load, taking in account different vehicle masses due to optional equipment or different
body styles, differences in aerodynamics and tire rolling resistance.
• The measured CO2 value are corrected as function of the electrical energy balance.

Type 1 test
Topic Regulation 692/2008 Regulation 2017/1151
Emission Limits Euro 6
Test cycle (speed trace) NEDC WLTC
(ANNEX XXI, sub-annex 1)
Gear selection and shift points Fixed Calculated for each vehicle
(ANNEX XXI, sub-annex 2)
Test temperature 20°C - 30°C 23°C and 14°C
Vehicle mass Test mass of prototype not Test mass representative of
representative of actual vehicle sold including optional
vehicle sold equipment
Correction for electrical No correction Balance of electrical energy
Lubricants and coolant for No specification shall be as specified for
emissions testing normal vehicle operation by
the manufacturer
Tires Vague specification Detailed specification and
worst cases (for example
minimum allowed tire
Road load Optimum for vehicle family Road load for minimum and
Not well-defined conditioning maximum road load within
road load family, interpolation
for specific vehicle (ANNEX
XXI, sub-annex 4)
Figure 29 Main difference between old 692/2008 and new implementation regulation 2017/1151 for Type 1 test

Hybrid vehicles will be tested in charge sustaining and charge depleting mode.
For plug-in hybrids (OVC-HEV) an additional Usage factor is defined as function of the electric
range (see sub-annex 8).

The legal exhaust pollutant emission limits (Euro 6) for the type 1 test must be respected
• The WLTP test for each tested vehicle (vehicle high and low if interpolation is applied)
• The ATCT (14°C) for the vehicle tests of the ATCT family test.
• For Plug-in Hybrids (OVC-HEV) each individual applicable WLTP test cycle within the
charge-depleting Type 1 test and the charge sustaining test shall fulfil the applicable criteria
emission limits
• The limits for NOx and PN apply also for the real driving test (RDE).

Type 1 testing shall be performed according to ANNEX XXI of (EU) 2017/1151:

o General requirements
o The test-cycle WLTC as described in Sub-Annex 1;
o The gear selection and shift point determination for driving the WLTC as described in Sub-
Annex 2;
o The road and dynamometer load as described in Sub-Annex 4;
o The test equipment as described in Sub-Annex 5;
o The test procedures as described in Sub-Annexes 6, 6a and 8, where Sub-annex 6a
describes the ATCT (14°C) test
o The detailed calculation procedure for the emission results to be reported are defined in
Sub-Annex 7 for vehicles with combustion engines. Here can be found the interpolation of
CO2 values for an individual vehicle in CO2 family.
o The procedure for hybrids is outlined in Sub-Annex 8, with for example the definition of the
electric energy balance

General requirement
We mention here some important topics concerning the general requirements for the testing:

o The types and amounts of lubricants and coolant for emissions testing shall be as
specified for normal vehicle operation by the manufacturer. The fuel for emission testing is
specified in Annex IX.
o The tires used for emissions testing are defined in Sub-Annex 6
o Provisions for electronic system security concerning hardware and software must be taken
o The regulation 2017/1151 introduces the definitions of Base Emission Strategies (BES)
and Auxiliary Emission Strategies (AES) to prevent more efficiently defeat devices,
(ANNEX I, appendix 3a&b).
Base Emission Strategy (BES) means an emission strategy that is active throughout the
speed and load operating range of the vehicle unless an Auxiliary Emission Strategy is
Auxiliary Emission Strategy (AES) means an emission strategy that becomes active and
replaces or modifies a BES for a specific purpose and in response to a specific set of
ambient or operating conditions and only remains operational as long as those conditions
Strict rules are introduced to report any AES in detail to TA authority.

Detailed technical reasoning for AES including a risk assessment study estimating the risk
with and without AES is required.
AES must be justified by catastrophic (sudden and irreparable) engine damage. Durability
and long-term protection of engine or emission control system are not acceptable for an
AES justification. This concerns for example fuel enrichment at high load for component

Vehicle test family concept

One of the main new features in the regulation 2017/1151 is the obligation to affect a CO2
emission value to each individual vehicle model on the market as function of the road-load, this
means as function of

o mass due to body and equipment variants,

o aerodynamic variances due to body and optional features variants
o rolling resistance variations due to tire options

Not all vehicles have to be physically tested. Vehicle families are defined allowing interpolation
between the highest and the lowest values.

Part of the same interpolation family can be vehicles which have identical powertrains, only
differences in body style and equipment is allowed. For hybrid vehicles this includes identical
electrical power system including battery capacity, voltage and coolant system. The same holds
for battery electric vehicles.

In addition, a family concept is defined for road load determination and for periodically
regenerating systems.

Sub-annex 1: Test cycle

The test cycle corresponds to the WLTC cycle defined in the UNECE GTR 15 dependent on the
power to mass ratio of the vehicle, see page 24. In Europe, vehicles are today all of Class 3, see
the corresponding drive cycle in Figure 12.

Sub-annex 2: Gear selection and shift point determination

The determination of the gear shift points for vehicles with manual gearbox is one major
difference between the WLTP and the former NEDC test procedure.
For the NEDC fixed shift points were defined, completely independent of the vehicle
The WLTP defines a procedure to calculate the gear shift points more realistically as function of
the vehicle road-load, mass, maximum power and full load power curve, maximum and idle
engine speeds and number and ratios of gears (last version in amendment (EU) 2018/1832).

Within the UNECE WLTP-Phase 2 activity a program code will be developed as a future annex in
the GTR 15, Annex 2.

Sub-annex 4: Road and dynamometer load

The determination of the road load and applicable vehicle mass is another major change from
the previous regulation.

Vehicle characteristics, pre-conditioning and test conditions are much tighter specified
resulting in a road load higher under WLTP than under NEDC conditions.
The rotating mass is defined as equivalent effective mass of all the wheels and vehicle
components rotating with the wheels on the road while the gearbox is placed in neutral.

The test vehicle shall conform in all its components with the production series including the
operation of movable aerodynamic body parts.

The WLTP within this sub-annex 4 specifies tightly the operating conditions for the determination
of the road load to minimize the risk of over-optimization: The vehicle shall conform to the
production vehicle specifications regarding tire pressures and conditions, wheel alignment,
ground clearance, vehicle height, drivetrain and wheel bearing lubricants, and brake adjustment
to avoid unrepresentative parasitic drag.

Concerning tires: The actual rolling resistances values for the tires fitted to the test vehicles shall
be used as input for the calculation procedure of the CO2 interpolation method, see below Sub-
annex 7. For individual vehicles in the CO2 vehicle family, the CO2 interpolation method shall be
based on the RRC class value for the tires fitted to the individual vehicle.

Alternative methods to coast down, like wind tunnel testing are introduced within this sub-annex.

The test vehicles to be chosen should be a test vehicle (vehicle H) with the combination of road
load relevant characteristics (i.e. mass, aerodynamic drag and tire rolling resistance)
producing the highest cycle energy demand and a test vehicle L producing the lowest
cycle energy demand within the interpolation family.

Sub-annex 5: The test equipment

This sub-annex describes in detail the test equipment to be used and its calibration procedures:

o chassis dynamometer
o exhaust gas dilution system
o constant volume sampling (CVS)
o Emission measurement equipment

Sub-annex 6: The basic test procedures at 23°C for ICE engines

The objective of the test is to verify the emissions of gaseous compounds, particulate matter,
particle number, CO2 mass emission, fuel consumption, electric energy consumption and electric
ranges over the applicable WLTP test cycle.

Number of tests to be performed

If after one test the regulated emissions are under 90% of the Euro 6 limits and the measured
CO2 value is under 99% of the manufacturer declared value, the test is valid. If these criteria are
not fulfilled, a second test is required, and the arithmetic average of the results is calculated and
compared to the criteria for the second test. If these are not fulfilled, a third test is allowed. In any
case all pollutant emissions have to stay under the Euro 6 limits, if any of them fails, the test will
be invalid.

Figure 30: Criteria for number of tests (table A6/2 of (EU) 2017/1151), with dCO21 = 0.990, dCO22 = 0.995 and dCO23 = 1.000,
( 1 ) Each test result shall fulfil the regulation limit

Type 1 test conditions

Detailed test conditions are specified, including background concentration of all measured
compounds, ambient conditions and test cell equipment. The ambient air in the soak area is
specified as 23°C ± 3° and the test cell temperature as 23°C ± 5°C.

The reference fuel is specified in Annex IX.

Test vehicle

If the CO2 interpolation is applied, a vehicle high and low has to be tested. The difference
between the minimum and maximum value within the interpolation range should not exceed 30
gCO2/km. The vehicle should have been run in for a minimum of 3000 km and a maximum of
15000 km.

Battery charging

Batteries should be fully charged before the pre-conditioning cycle, but this charging may be
omitted on request of the manufacturer.


Between pre-conditioning cycle and emission test cycle the vehicle must be soaked at 23°C for a
period between 6 hours and 36 hours.

Emission and fuel consumption test (Type 1 test)

The test cell temperature at the start of the test shall be 23°C ± 3°C. The engine oil temperature
and coolant temperature shall be within ± 2 °C of the set point of 23 °C.

The vehicle is driven following the applicable WLTC. REESS22 charge balance (RCB) data shall
be measured for each phase of the WLTC.

For the calculation of the final results, see Sub-annex 7.

Testing of Periodically Regeneration System (ANNEX XXI, Sub-Annex 6 -Appendix 1)

• A periodically regenerating system means an anti-pollution device that requires a periodical

regeneration process in less than 4,000 km of normal vehicle operation (Remark: Typically,
components like particulate trap, NOx-catalytic converter).

• If a regeneration of an anti-pollution device occurs at least once per Type I test and that has
already regenerated at least once during the vehicle preparation cycle, it is considered as a
continuously regenerating system, which does not require a special test procedure.

• Alternatively, to carry out this test procedure, a fixed Ki value of 1.05 may be used for CO2 and
fuel consumption

Exhaust emission measurement between two cycles where regenerative phases occur
• Average emissions between regeneration phases and during loading of the regenerative device
shall be determined from the arithmetic mean of several approximately equidistant (if more than
2) Type I operating cycles

22 REESS: Rechargeable electric energy storage system

• All emissions measurements and calculations shall be carried out as described below

• The loading process and Ki determination is made during Type I operating cycles

• The number of cycles (D) between two cycles where regeneration phases occur, the number of
cycles over which emissions measurements are made (n) and each emissions measurement
(M’sij) are to be reported

• Regeneration must not occur during the preparation of the vehicle (which is done as for normal
emissions testing)

• A cold start exhaust emission test including a regeneration process shall be performed according
to the Type I operating cycle

• If the regeneration process requires more than one operating cycle, subsequent cycle(s) shall
be drive immediately without switching the engine off, until complete regeneration has been

• The CO2 and fuel consumption values during regeneration (Mri) are calculated as during the
regular emissions testing, the number of operating cycles (d) shall be recorded

Calculation of the combined exhaust emissions of a single regenerative system

∑𝒏 ′
𝒋=𝟏 𝑴𝒔𝒊𝒋 ∑𝒅 ′
𝒋=𝟏 𝑴𝒓𝒊𝒋
𝑴𝒔𝒊 = 𝑴𝒓𝒊 = ,
𝒏 𝒅

𝑴𝒔𝒊 × 𝑫 + 𝑴𝒓𝒊 × 𝒅
𝑴𝒑𝒊 = { }
M'sij = mass emissions of pollutant (i) in g/km over one Type I operating cycle
(or equivalent engine test bench cycle) without regeneration,
M'rij = mass emissions of pollutant (i) in g/km over one Type I operating cycle
(or equivalent engine test bench cycle) during regeneration
(if d > 1, the first Type I test is run cold, and subsequent cycles are hot),
Msi = mass emissions of pollutant (i) in g/km without regeneration,
Mri = mass emissions of pollutant (i) in g/km during regeneration,
Mpi = mass emissions of pollutant (i) in g/km,
n = number of test points at which emissions measurements
(Type I operating cycles or equivalent engine test bench cycles) are made between
two cycles where regenerative phases occur, ≥ 2,
d = number of operating cycles required for regeneration,
D = number of operating cycles between two cycles where regenerative phases occur.

The graph in Figure 31 illustrates the measurement parameters.

Figure 31: Illustration of parameters for periodically regenerating system (Figure A6.App1/1 in regulation 2017/1151)

Calculation of the regeneration factor K for each pollutant (i) considered

Ki = Mpi / Msi
Msi, Mpi and Ki results shall be recorded in the test report delivered by the Technical Service.
Ki may be determined following the completion of a single sequence.

Calculation of combined exhaust emissions of multiple periodic regenerating systems

𝑘 𝑀′
∑𝑗=1 𝑠𝑖𝑘,𝑗
(1) 𝑀𝑠𝑖𝑘 = 𝑛𝑘 ≥ 2
𝑘 𝑀′
∑𝑗=1 𝑟𝑖𝑘,𝑗
(2) 𝑀𝑟𝑖𝑘 =
𝑘=1 𝑠𝑖𝑘 ×𝐷𝑘
(3) 𝑀𝑠𝑖 = ∑𝑥
𝑘=1 𝐷𝑘
∑𝑘=1 𝑀𝑟𝑖𝑘 ×𝑑𝑘
(4) 𝑀𝑟𝑖 = ∑𝑥
𝑘=1 𝑑𝑘
𝑀𝑠𝑖 ×∑𝑥 𝑥
𝑘=1 𝐷𝑘 +𝑀𝑟𝑖 ×∑𝑘=1 𝑑𝑘
(5) 𝑀𝑝𝑖 = ∑𝑥
𝑘=1(𝐷𝑘 +𝑑𝑘 )
∑𝑘=1(𝑀𝑠𝑖𝑘 ×𝐷𝑘 +𝑀𝑟𝑖𝑘 ×𝑑𝑘 )
(6) 𝑀𝑝𝑖 = ∑𝑥
𝑘=1(𝐷𝑘 +𝑑𝑘 )
(7) 𝐾𝑖 =
Msi = mean mass emission of all events k of pollutant (i) in g/km without regeneration,
Mri = mean mass emission of all events k of pollutant (i) in g/km during regeneration,
Mpi = mean mass emission of all events k of pollutant (i) in g/km,
Msik = mean mass emission of event k of pollutant (i) in g/km without regeneration,
Mrik = mean mass emission of event k of pollutant (i) in g/km during regeneration,
M'sik,j = mass emissions of event k of pollutant (i) in g/km over one Type I operating
cycle (or equivalent engine test bench cycle) without regeneration measured at point j;
1 ≤ j ≤ nk,

M'rik,j = mass emissions of event k of pollutant (i) in g/km over one Type I operating
cycle (or equivalent engine test bench cycle) during regeneration
(when j > 1, the first Type I test is run cold, and subsequent cycles are hot)
measured at operating cycle j; 1 ≤ j ≤ nk,
nk = number of test points of event k at which emissions measurements
(Type I operating cycles or equivalent engine test bench cycles) are made between two
cycles where regenerative phases occur, ≥ 2,
dk = number of operating cycles of event k required for regeneration,
Dk = number of operating cycles of event k between two cycles where regenerative
phases occur.

For an illustration of measurement parameters see following Figure 32:

Figure 32: Illustration of measurement parameters of periodically regenerating system (Figure A6 App1/2 in regulation 2017/1151)

Test procedure for rechargeable electric energy storage system monitoring (ANNEX XXI,
Sub-Annex 6 -Appendix 2)

This Appendix defines the correction of test results for CO 2 mass emission as a function of the
energy balance ΔE REESS for all REESSs.

The REESS current(s) shall be measured during the tests using a clamp-on or closed type current
transducer. The current transducer(s) shall be capable of handling the peak currents at engine
starts and temperature conditions at the point of measurement. Alternatively, the REESS current
shall be determined using vehicle-based data.

Correction of CO2 mass emission over the whole cycle as a function of the correction criterion c,
which is defined as the ratio between the absolute value of the electric energy change ΔE REESS,j
and the fuel energy:

𝑐=| |

ΔE REESS,j: the electric energy change of all REESSs over period j

which is here the whole WLTP test in Wh;
EFuel: the fuel energy consumed over the WLTP test Efuel = 10 × HV × FCnb × d

HV the heating value, kWh/l;

FCnb the non-balanced fuel consumption of the Type 1 test,
not corrected for the energy balance,
determined in accordance with paragraph 6. of Sub-Annex 7, l/100 km;
d the distance driven, km;
10 conversion factor to Wh.

Figure 33 : Energy content of fuel to be applied for electric energy balance correction

The correction may be omitted under certain criteria for the criterion c. If the energy balance is
negative and c is bigger than the values given in Figure 34, the CO2 correction must be done. If
the energy balance is positive or c is smaller than the thresholds in Figure 34, the correction can
be omitted.

Figure 34: Thresholds for criterion „c“ for electrical energy balance correction

For the calculation of the CO2 mass emission, MCO2,j, in g/km for the period j, the combustion
process-specific Willans factors from Figure 35 shall be used.
1 1
∆𝑀𝐶𝑂2,𝑗 = 0.0036 × × 𝑊𝑖𝑙𝑙𝑖𝑎𝑛𝑓𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑜𝑟 ×
𝑎𝑙𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑛𝑎𝑡𝑜𝑟 𝑑𝑗

ηalternator = 0,67 (fixed electric power supply system alternator efficiency)

Figure 35: Willians factors for electric energy balance correction

Sub-annex 6a: The Ambient Temperature Correction Test (ATCT) at 14°C

The reference temperature for the WLTP (23°C) is not representative for average European
ambient temperature. For this reason, the ambient temperature correction test was introduced to
correct the WLTP 23°C reference values for CO2 emissions to values more representative for
Europe. This test is Europe specific and not part of the UNECE GTR 15.

The test does not need to be done for all vehicles. A ATCT family concept allows to reduce the
amount of tests and to apply a correction factor to all vehicle models on the market. The ATCT
family can cover several CO2 interpolation families.

The ATCT consists of a Type 1 WLTP test with soak and test temperatures set to 14°C. Soak
time is a minimum of 9 hours and the temperature tolerances are ±3°C during soak and at test
start and ±5°C during the test.

Gearshift points must be calculated for the chosen vehicle configuration, with the second order
road load coefficient temperature corrected.

Euro 6 regulated tailpipe emissions must stay within the limits for the ATCT.

The test result is the family correction factor, FCF:

FCF = MCO2,Treg /MCO2,23°

Both MCO2,23° and MCO2,Treg (regional Temperature 23°C) shall be measured on the same test

Sub-annex 6b: Correction of CO2 results against the target speed and distance

For pure ICE engines only, the measured CO2 emissions must be corrected for deviations of the
actual driven vehicle speed and distance versus the target of the WLTC.

The target and measured power at the wheel are calculated for each time step based on target
and measured vehicle speed and the road load coefficients for the vehicle. The measured
electrical energy balance corrected CO2 mass emission is then correlated with the average
measured power for each cycle phase which gives the “Veline”, the linear regression line CO 2
versus power at the wheel. The Veline regression line serves then for the CO2 correction using
the deviation of power at the wheel

Sub-annex 7: The detailed calculation procedure for the emission results to be reported for
vehicles with combustion engines.

This sub-annex describes the calculation steps for the final pollutant and CO2emissionsfor
vehicles with combustion engine only, the calculation method for hybrids and electric vehicles is
described in sub-annex 8.

The calculation steps are:

1. Raw test results for each cycle phase (bag results) in g/km
2. Calculation of the total cycle emissions (in g/km), phases weighted by driven distance
3. Correction for target speed and distance
4. Correction for electrical charge balance (correction of test results for CO2 mass emission
as a function of the energy balance ΔEREESS for all REESSs, Sub-Annex 6 - Appendix 2)
5. Correction for periodically regeneration systems if applicable
6. Ambient temperature correction (14°C test)
7. Averaging of number tests if applicable (only one test if all results under 90% of limit)
8. Alignment of type approval values for different phases by declared value (only for CO2)
9. Interpolation family: for CO2 and fuel consumption the final value for an individual vehicle
is obtained by interpolation between the vehicles low and high. For criteria emissions
(pollutants) the highest value of the two is retained.

These steps are detailed in the sub-annex 7 and summarized in Table A7/1 in the regulation,
reproduced here in Figure 36 to Figure 38.

Figure 36: Calculation steps 1 to 4a from table A7/1 of sub-annex7

Figure 37: Calculation steps 4b to 48 from table A7/1 of sub-annex7

Figure 38: Calculation steps 8 to 10 from table A7/1 of sub-annex7

Sub-Annex 8 of Annex XXI: The detailed calculation procedure for pure electric, hybrid
electric and compressed hydrogen fuel cell hybrid vehicles

Some specific parameters are to be measured for these vehicle categories:

• All-electric range (AER): the total distance travelled by an OVC-HEV from the beginning of
the charge-depleting test to the point in time during the test when the combustion engine
starts to consume fuel.
• Charge-depleting actual range (RCDA): the distance travelled in a series of WLTCs in
charge-depleting operating condition until the rechargeable electric energy storage system
(REESS) is depleted
• Charge-depleting cycle range (RCDC): the distance from the beginning of the charge-
depleting test to the end of the last cycle prior to the cycle satisfying the break-off criterion,
including the transition cycle where the vehicle may have operated in both depleting and
sustaining conditions.
• Equivalent all-electric range (EAER): the portion of the total charge-depleting actual range
(RCDA) attributable to the use of electricity from the REESS over the charge-depleting range
• Pure Electric range (PER): the total distance travelled by a PEV from the beginning of the
charge-depleting test until the break-off criterion is reached.

See illustration in Figure 39.

For the characterization of the electrical system, the following measurement tolerances and
resolutions are required:
• Electrical power in Wh, accuracy ±1%, resolution of 1 Wh
• Electrical current in A, accuracy ±1% or ±0.03% FSD23, resolution of 0.1 A
• Electrical voltage in V, accuracy ±1% or ±0.03% FSD, resolution of 0.1 V

All hybrids, electrical and fuel cell vehicles (OVC-HEVs, NOVC-HEVs, PEVs and NOVC-FCHVs)
are classified as class 3 vehicles with the corresponding driving cycle.

Different test options exist as function of the hybrid type:

o Type 1 test in charge sustaining mode, has to full fill the exhaust emission limits, CO 2
emissions to be corrected for electric energy balance

• Plug-in HEV (OVC-HEV)

o OVC-HEV Vehicles (Plug-in Hybrids) shall be tested under charge-depleting
operating condition (CD condition) and charge-sustaining operating condition
(CS condition).
o Pollutant and CO2 emissions must be measured for both, in addition to electrical
energy consumption and electrical range. The final emissions values will be weighted
by a utility factor which is function of electrical range.

o Charge depleting test:

The charge-depleting Type 1 test procedure consists of several consecutive cycles,
each followed by a soak period of no more than 30 minutes until charge-sustaining
operating condition is achieved.
The end of the charge-depleting Type 1 test is considered to have been reached
when the break-off criterion is reached for the first time. The number of applicable

23 FSD: Full scale deflection

WLTP test cycles up to and including the one where the break-off criterion was
reached for the first time is set to n+1.
The break-off criterion is reached when the difference in electrical energy of the
electric energy storage devices between two consecutive WLTP cycles is less than
Each individual applicable WLTP test cycle within the charge- depleting Type 1 test
shall fulfil the applicable criteria emission limits.
See illustration in Figure 39 illustrating a charge depleting test.

o Charge-sustaining test:
The is preconditioned to set charge sustaining electric energy storage conditions by
either setting the charge to a predefined level or by driving WLTP tests,
preconditioning shall be stopped at the end of the applicable WLTP test cycle during
which the break-off criterion is fulfilled.
The charge sustaining test is then a standard Type 1 test.
The test shall fulfil the applicable criteria emission limits
See illustration in Figure 40 illustrating a charge sustaining test.

o 4 options for testing sequences are possible, the difference lies in the sequence for
the final charging and determination of electrical energy consumption:
▪ Charge depleting tests only
▪ Charge sustaining tests only
▪ Charge depleting test followed by charge sustaining test
▪ Charge sustaining test followed by charge depleting test

o The charge sustaining emission results are calculated similar to the ICE vehicles,
see table A8/5 in sub-annex 8 by correcting the raw results for electrical energy
change, periodically regeneration systems and ambient temperature correction test
o The charge depleting utility factor weighted CO2 emissions are:

∑𝑘𝑗=1(𝑈𝐹𝑗 × 𝑀𝐶𝑂2,𝐶𝐷,𝑗 )
∑𝑘𝑗=1 𝑈𝐹𝑗

o The emission components i are the weighted average between charge sustaining
(CS) and charge depleting (CD) emissions for each cycle phase j, using the
utility factor UFj which is function of the electrical range, see table A8/9:
𝑘 𝑘

𝑀𝑖,𝑤𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡𝑒𝑑 = ∑(𝑈𝐹𝑗 × 𝑀𝑖,𝐶𝐷,𝑗 ) + (1 − ∑ 𝑈𝐹𝑗 ) × 𝑀𝑖,𝐶𝑆

𝑗=1 𝑗=1

The fractional utility factor UFj for the weighting of period j for OVC-HEVs, is
defined as (Sub-annex 8 of ANNEX XXI, appendix 5):

𝑘 𝑖 𝑗−1
𝑈𝐹𝑗 (𝑑𝑗 ) = 1 − 𝑒𝑥𝑝 {− (∑ 𝐶𝑖 × ( ) )} − ∑ 𝑈𝐹𝑙
𝑖=1 𝑙=1

Ci and dn: Coefficients defined in appendix 5 of Sub-annex 8

dj: measured distance driven at the end of period j, km;

Utility Factors (UFs) are ratios based on driving statistics and the ranges achieved in charge-
depleting mode and charge-sustaining modes for OVC-HEVs and are used for weighting
emissions, CO2 emissions and fuel consumptions.

The values for charge depleting and sustaining mode are calculated like the one for combustion
engines, using step wise the averaging over the whole cycle, ambient temperature correction and
interpolation for an individual vehicle.

Figure 39: OVC-HEVs (Plug-in Hybrid), charge-depleting Type 1 test (Figure A8.App1/1 from Sub-annex 8, appendix 1)

Figure 40: OVC-HEVs (Plug-in Hybrid), charge-sustaining Type 1 test (Figure A8.App1/2 from Sub-annex 8, appendix 1)

UF as function of distance (WLTP cycles)

UF j (dj)
0.00 20.00 40.00 60.00 80.00 100.00
dj (km)
Figure 41: Utility Factor curve for typical driven WLTP tests (4 periods per test, graph shows four consecutive WLTP tests)

Type 1A test: Real Driving Emission test (RDE)
The Real Driving Emissions (RDE) test procedure (Annex IIIA of Regulation (EU) 2017/1151) is
based on Portable Emission Measurement Systems (PEMS) and driving on public roads. PEMS
is applied only for NOx and PN (CO for monitoring only). HC emissions are not included in the
RDE test procedure. The main challenge for the RDE test procedure is the description of what is
“normal” driving on public roads. Some boundary conditions have to be defined to avoid abusive
driving which is not at all characteristic for real world condition, all in covering all kinds of normal
The Annex IIIA includes:
1. Introduction, Definitions and Abbreviations
2. General Requirements, including the emission limits not to be exceeded during the test
3. RDE Test to be performed
4. General Requirements
5. Boundary Conditions
6. Trip requirements
7. Operational requirements
8. Lubricating oil, fuel and reagent
9. Emission and trip evaluation
Appendix 1: Test procedure for vehicle emissions testing
with a portable emission measurement system (PEMS)
Appendix 2: Specification and calibration of PEMS components and signals
Appendix 3: Validation of PEMS and non-traceable exhaust mass flow rate
Appendix 4: Determination of Emissions
Appendix 5: Verification of overall trip dynamics using the moving average window method
Appendix 6: Calculation of the final RDE emission results
Appendix 7: Selection of vehicles for PEMS testing at initial type approval
Appendix 7a: Verification of trip dynamics
Appendix 7b: Procedure to determine the cumulative positive elevation gain of a PEMS trip
Appendix 8: Data exchange and reporting requirements
Appendix 9: Manufacturer’s certificate of compliance
General requirements
The paragraphs 2 to 4 together with appendix 1 specify the parameters to be recorded, the
general requirements for the measurement equipment, installation requirements and the
procedure to conduct the measurements.
Detailed specifications and calibration of the PEMS components and signals are detailed in
appendix 2.
Appendix 3 describes the validation of PEMS and non-traceable exhaust mass flow rate which
should be done at least for each PEMS installation to a specific vehicle.
Appendix 4 describes the procedure to determine the instantaneous mass and particle
number emissions that shall be used for the subsequent evaluation of a RDE trip and the
calculation of the final emission result as described in appendices 5 and 6. Main topics are
• Time alignment of different signals as gas concentrations, mass flow and vehicle data
• Determination of mass flow rates from concentration measurements
NOx emissions shall not be corrected for ambient temperature and humidity

Not-to-exceed limits (NTE) are defined for NOx and PN.
Real road driving shows an inherently high variability of the emission results. For this reason, the
so called Not-to-exceed (NTE) limits define the maximal allowed emissions for NOx and PN. The
limits are defined by a conformity factor for each pollutant and the Euro 6 limit (as defined in
The limits must be respected individually for the urban part of the test and for the whole RDE test.
The error margin for a portable measurement equipment is higher compared to a chassis
dynamometer equipment (bag test). For this reason, the error margin is introduced into the
definition of the NTE limits via a so called conformity factor.
The margins will be reviewed annually to take in account technical progress of measurement
equipment. The definition of the NTE is defined for NOx and PN separately, with the conformity
factor and error margin as defined in the following table:

NTEpollutant = CFpollutant x EURO-6

Conformity Factor Temporary Conformity Final Conformity factor

CFpollutant factor Euro 6d
Euro 6d temp

NOx 2.1 1.0+margin

margin = 0.43

PN 1.0+margin 1.0+margin
margin = 0.5 margin = 0.5

Ambient boundary conditions

Ambient boundary conditions are defined in paragraph 5 of Annex IIIA as moderate and extreme
Ambient temperature conditions were defined based on European weather statistics. Altitude
covers within the moderate range (<700m altitude) all major European cities, including Madrid
as highest major capital. The extended altitude range was defined to include major altitude
roads like the Brenner highway between Austria and Italy.
• Moderate: 0°C < Tamb < 30°C and maximum 700 m altitude,
derogation for the lower limit for the first 5 years: 3°C
• Extended: -7°C < Tamb < 35°C and maximum 1300 m altitude;
derogation for the lower limit for the first 5 years: -2°C. For extended boundary
conditions the measured emissions are divided by the factor 1.6.

Figure 42: Ambient temperature and altitude boundary conditions for different test protocols

Trip requirements

The trip requirements are defined in paragraph 6.

o 34% urban driving (<60 km/h). The average speed (including stops) of the urban driving
part of the trip should be between 15 and 40 km/h. Stop periods shall account for 6-30 %
of the time duration of urban operation
o 33% road driving (>60 km/h and <90km/h)
o 33% highway driving (> 90 km/h). The vehicle's velocity shall be above 100 km/h for at
least 5 minutes. Maximum speed is 145 km/h which can be exceeded by a short time by
15 km/h (<3% of duration of highway driving).
o The test must start by urban driving followed by road and highway. The total duration
should be between 90 min and 120 min.
o The minimum distance of each, the urban, rural and motorway operation shall be 16 km
o The cold start phase is part of the test (emission sampling from engine start)
o The NTE must be respected for the urban part of the real driving test only and for
the total test.
These conditions are summarized in Figure 43.

Figure 43: Summary of static boundary conditions and trip requirements for the RDE test.

Dynamic boundary conditions

The dynamic boundaries are also specified in paragraph 6 with reference to appendices 5, 7a and
o Access or lack of driving dynamics (Vehicle acceleration)
The vehicle acceleration is bound by a maximum value for v*a pos and a lower limit the
relative positive acceleration (RPA). The limits are a function of the vehicle speed.
(see ANNEX IIIA, Appendix 7a: Verification of overall trip dynamics). The basis for the
definition of normal driving dynamics was the European WLTP data basis with a huge
number of recorded trips. The limits defined for the RDE represent the 95 percentiles of the
distribution of the driving dynamics of these trips, see Figure 44 as summary.
o Road grade
Difference in altitude between start and end < 100m
(see ANNEX IIIA, Appendix 7b: Procedure to determine the cumulative positive elevation
gain of a PEMS trip).
o Overall dynamic conditions
The overall dynamic conditions of the trip a verified fallowing appendix 5 of Annex IIIA.
A characteristic reference curve in terms of CO2 emissions in g/km as function of vehicle
speed is constructed based on the WLTP test. The CO2 emissions during the RDE test,
calculated using a moving window averaging method, must lay within a tolerance band
around this reference. This means if the CO2 emissions as function of vehicle speed are
too high or too low, the dynamics are considered to be not representative

Dynamic Boundary Conditions (Appendix 7a) : Absence or excess of dynamics

WLTP EU in-use database v*apos_[95]

45 v*a_pos_urban_95, all trips
v*a_pos_urban_95, RDE window only
› 95 percentile of vehicle speed x pos. accel.

› Test invalid for:

v*a_pos_mot_95, all trips
v*a_pos_mot_95, v_max <= 145 km/h
35 v*a_pos_95, whole subclass
whole WLTP EU DB, 1 Hz, v*a_pos_95

threshold prop., 95% percentile of v*a_pos_95
threshold prop., 98% percentile of v*a_pos_95 - Vehicle speed ≤ 74.6 km/h, all LDV:
v*a_pos_95 in m²/s³

(v ∙ apos )k- [95] > (0.136 ∙ vk + 14.44)
- Vehicle speed > 74.6 km/h
(𝑣 ∙ 𝑎𝑝𝑜𝑠 )𝑘 _[95] > (0.0742 ∙ 𝑣𝑘 + 18.966)


N1/N2 vehicles power-to-mass ratio ≤ 44 W/kg
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160
average speed in km/h

RPA, urban, all trips
RPA, urban, RDE window only
rural bin, all trips
› Relative positive acceleration
motorway bin, all trips
motorway bin, v_max <= 145 km/h
RPA_15, whole subclass
RPA_15, threshold proposal
RPA_15, threshold proposal

› Test invalid for (all LDV):

RPA in m/s²


- Vehicle speed ≤ 94.05 km/h


- Vehicle speed > 94.05 km/h
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160
average speed in km/h

Figure 44: Summary of definition of dynamic boundary conditions in terms of excess or lack of driving dynamics

Verification of Overall Dynamics by Moving Average Windows (Appendix 5)

WLTP EU in-use database Normality Check for ICE and NOVC-HEV

vehicles comparing RDE CO2 emissions
with CO2 reference from WLTP

› Reference point P1: CO2 emissions of low

speed phase (g/km) at average speed of 18.9

› Reference point P2: CO2 emissions of high

speed phase at average speed 56.7 km/h

› Reference point P3: CO2 emissions of extra

high speed phase at average speed 92.0 km/h
› Tolerance around reference line: +45% (urban),
+40% (rural and motorway) / -25% (all speeds),
lower tolerance -100% for Plug-in HEV

› Test valid if 50% of urban, rural and

motorway windows within tolerance band

Figure 45: Summary of verification of overall dynamics of trip by reference to WLTP CO2 emissions

Vehicle condition and operation

The vehicle conditions are specified in paragraph 5.

o Vehicle mass
The vehicle mass can vary between mass in running order plus test equipment up to 90%
of the sum of maximum allowed passenger and payload added
o Auxiliaries
The air conditioning system or other auxiliary devices shall be operated in a way which
corresponds to their possible use by a consumer at real driving on the road.
o Periodically regenerating systems
If periodic regeneration occurs during a test, the test may be voided and repeated once at
the request of the manufacturer. The manufacturer may ensure the completion of the
regeneration and precondition the vehicle appropriately prior to the second test. If
regeneration occurs during the repetition of the RDE test, pollutants emitted during the
repeated test shall be included in the emissions evaluation.
o The fuel, lubricant and reagent (if applicable) used for RDE testing shall be within the
specifications issued by the manufacturer for vehicle operation by the customer (paragraph
o Electrical power shall be supplied to the PEMS by an external power supply unit
(paragraph 7)
o The cold start period is defined as the period with coolant temperature <70°C, with a
maximum of 5 min engine running time. For this period specific requirements apply:
▪ The vehicle stops shall be kept to the minimum possible and it shall not
exceed in total 90 seconds.
▪ The average speed (including stops) during cold start period as defined in
Appendix 4, point 4 shall be between 15 and 40 km/h. The maximum speed
during the cold start period shall not exceed 60 km/h.
▪ Gaseous pollutant and particle number emissions during cold start shall be
included in the normal evaluation of the emission results

o A number of RDE vehicles per PEMS family should be executed at hot start

Figure 47 shows a typic example for a real driven RDE vehicle speed profile.

Start Conditions

Cold Start Hot Start

Coolant <70°C, engine cumulative running < 5min A number of vehicles per PEMS family to be
tested with hot start:
Sampling starts with engine start.
Cold start emissions are included in the RDE without conditioning the vehicle
warm engine with engine coolant temperature
Vehicle stop during cold start period <90s and/or engine oil temperature above 70 °C
Conditioning: Driven for at least 30 min,
parked with doors and bonnet closed and kept in
engine-off status within moderate or extended
altitude and temperatures between 6 and 56

Auxiliary › The A/C system or other auxiliary devices operated in a way which corresponds to
Systems their typically intended use by a consumer at real driving on the road.

› Final RDE test emission ≤ NTEpollutant shall be fulfilled

for the urban part only and for the complete PEMS trip !
Figure 46: Vehicle conditions for cold and hot start

Figure 47: Example for RDE test cycle recorded during road testing

Trip Validity check

The trip validly has to be checked in a 3-step procedure (see paraph 9).

o STEP A: The trip complies with the general requirements, boundary conditions, trip and
operational requirements, and the specifications for lubricating oil, fuel and reagents set out
in points 4 to 8 of Annex IIIA;
o STEP B: The trip complies with the requirements set out in Appendices 7a and 7b (vehicle
acceleration and altitude gain).
o STEP C: The trip complies with the requirements set out in Appendix 5 (overall trip
The steps of the procedure are detailed in Figure 48.

Figure 48: Summary of different steps to verify the RDE validity

RDE Test (Appendix 1)

Test start:
Test start is defined by either:
o the first ignition of the internal combustion engine;
o or the first movement of the vehicle with speed greater than 1 km/h for OVC-HEVs and
NOVC-HEVS starting with the internal combustion engine off.
Sampling, measurement and recording of parameters shall begin prior to the test start.
The procedure is illustrated in Figure 49.

Test end:
The end of the test is reached when the vehicle has completed the trip and either when:
o the internal combustion engine is switched off;
o for OVC-HEVs and NOVC-HEVS the vehicle speed is ≤ 1 km/h.
Excessive idling of the engine after the completion of the trip shall be avoided. The data
recording shall continue until the response time of the sampling systems has elapsed.
This is illustrated in Figure 50.
Post-test analyzer checks are specified in this appendix, especially for PEMS drift.

Figure 49: Start conditions for RDE test

Figure 50:Definition of RDE test end

Calculation of final RDE emission results
The final emission results are calculated individually for the urban part and for the total trip using
the following equation:
MRDE,k = mRDE,k · RFk
The result evaluation factor RF is correcting the measured emissions mRDE as function of the
relative charge during the trip expressed as the ratio between the CO 2 emissions during the RDE
trip and the reference CO2 measured for the WLTP.
The final data evaluation is summarized in Figure 51.

Final RDE Data Evaluation (Appendix 6)

The final distance specific emissions are the raw emission integrated over the RDE cycle (urban and total)
corrected by a factor which is function of the ratio RF = RDE CO2 / WLTP CO2: 𝑀𝑅𝐷𝐸,𝑘 = 𝑚𝑅𝐷𝐸,𝑘 . 𝑅𝐹𝑘
For a ratio up to RF L1=1.2 (EU 6d temp) and later RFL1=1.3 (EU 6d), the trips are considered as normal and do not need
to be corrected (raw emissions is used). For higher ratio a correction factor is calculated.
For OVC-HEV the ratio between ICE and electric driving is considered in addition. Due to this new simplified data
evaluation method, the former appendix 7c concerning OVC-HEV is deleted.

For details see ANNEX IIIA, appendix 6.

Emission › Data recording continues during engine stop

Measurement › During post-processing values are set to zero for engine stop defined as at least 2 conditons
at Engine apply of:
Stop Engine speed < 50 rpm, exhaust mass flow < 3 kg/h, exhaust mass flow < 15% idle value

NOx › NOx emissions are measured on a wet basis without correction for ambient conditions
emissions › If the measurement is done on a dry basis, the results has to be corrected for wet conditions
based on intake air humidity

› Final RDE test emission ≤ NTEpollutant shall be fulfilled

for the urban part only and for the complete PEMS trip !
Figure 51: Summary of final RDE data evaluation

For the calculation of the factor RF two thresholds for the CO2 ratio are defined, RFL1 and RFL2,
see Figure 52. For type approval before January 2020 these parameters are defined as:
RF L1 = 1,20 and RF L2 = 1,25;
in all other cases:
RF L1 = 1,30 and RF L2 = 1,50
The final calculation of the result evaluation factors for ICE engines and hybrid vehicles is
illustrated in Figure 53 following appendix 6 of Annex IIIA.

Figure 52: Illustration of RDE evaluation factor

Figure 53: Calculation of the result evaluation factors for ICE and hybrid vehicles

Evaporative Emissions (Type 4 test, ANNEX VI of the regulation 2017/1151)
This Annex provides the method to determine the levels of evaporative emission from light-duty
vehicles in a repeatable and reproducible manner designed to be representative of real-world
vehicle operation.

The new Evaporative Emissions Test will be introduced starting September 2019 as described in
Annex VI of this regulation. The test cycle used will be updated from NEDC to WLTP and being
conform with the UNECE GTR 19.

An evaporative emission vehicle family is defined to limit the number of tests for vehicles with
identical fuel and canister system.

The Type 1 E10 reference fuel specified in Annex IX of the Regulation shall be used. E10 reference
shall mean the Type 1 reference fuel, except for the canister aging.

For the test procedure and determination of evaporative emissions see GTR 19 (page 29).

Durability of pollution control (Type 5 test, Annex VII)

The general requirements for conducting the type 5 test shall be those set out in Section 5.3.6. of
UNECE Regulation No 83.
The test represents an aging test of 80 000 kilometers driven in accordance with the program
described in Annex 9 on a test track, on the road or on a chassis dynamometer. A manufacturer
may choose to have the deterioration factors from the following table used as an alternative to
testing based on test track aging.
Difference of the new durability test is the definition of type 1 test as WLTP test (ANNEX XXI). The
road load coefficients to be used shall be those for VL. If VL low does not exist, the VH road load
shall be used.

Engine Assigned deterioration factors


Positive- 1,5 1,3 1,3 1,6 — 1,0 1,0


Compression- As there are no assigned deterioration factors for compression ignition

ignition vehicles, manufacturers shall use the whole vehicle or bench aging durability
test procedures to establish deterioration factors.

Low Temperature Emissions (Type 6 test, Annex VIII)

The general requirements for the Type 6 test are those set out in UNECE Regulation No 8324 (the
drive cycle is still the NEDC).
One difference is introduced concerning the determination of the road loads to be determined
following the WLTP (Annex XXI):
The road load coefficients to be used shall be those for vehicle low (VL). If VL does not exist, then
the VH road load shall be used. Alternatively, the driving resistance determined may be adjusted
for a 10 % decrease of the coast- down time. The technical service may approve the use of other
methods for determining the driving resistance.

The limit values referred to in paragraph of UNECE Regulation No 83 relate to the limit
values set out in Annex 1, Table 4, to Regulation (EC) No 715/2007, see following table:

24UNECE Regulation83 Rev.3, 2006:

This test shall be carried out on all M1 and N1 Class I vehicles equipped with a positive-ignition
engine, except vehicles designed to carry more than six occupants and vehicles whose maximum
mass exceeds 2 500 kg.

The test consists of the four elementary urban driving cycles lasting a total of 780 seconds. The
low ambient temperature test shall be carried out at an ambient test temperature of 266 K
(– 7 °C).

The type 6 test remains basically unchanged for Euro 6dtemp starting September 2017. The
driving cycle for the cold temperature test remains the NEDC. The only change coming up 2017
is that realistic WLTP road loads must apply: The road load coefficients to be used shall be those
for VL. If VL low does not exist, the VH road load shall be used.

A modification of the cold temperature test is under discussion within the UNECE WLTP Phase 2
process and should be introduced in Europe later.

In-Service Conformity Testing (ISC)
In-service conformity measures shall be checked for a period of up to five years or 100 000 km,
whichever is the sooner.
The new European Emission regulation for light duty cars brings major changes in the ISC testing.
Up to now testing was under control of the OEM and test was done based on UNECE regulation
type & test (NEDC).
The regulation (EU) 2017/1151 introduces the WLTP and the RDE as mandatory tests for ISC
(see ANNEX II of this regulation) and in addition Type 4 (low temperature test, -7°C) and Type 6
(EVAP) tests may be requested.

The emission tests can be done by the granting type approval authority or third parties.
WLTP and RDE tests must be done by the Type Approval Authorities for at least 5% of all ISC
families per manufacturer and per year. Accredited laboratories or Technical Services may perform
checks on any number of ISC families each year and shall report to the granting type approval
authority all results of the ISC testing This is a major change to the old ISC mainly based on OBD
documentation and optional NEDC tests done by the OEM.

A major point is the introduction of a risk assessment for the selection of vehicles to be tested
within the ISC. The type approval authorities can use any available information including simplified
on-board monitoring and remote sensing to identify suspect model families and target ISC tests
based on this information gathering.

In-Service Conformity compliance is requested for up to 5 years or 100 000 km.

The new ISC regulation enters in force for new vehicle types 01/01/2019 and for all new vehicles
01/09/2019 (M1 and N1 class I) and for N1 class II and III and N2 type approval starting 01/09/2019
and new vehicle registration starting 01/09/2020.

See below Figure 54 the ISC process and roles (where GTAA refers to the Granting Type Approval
Authority and OEM refers to the manufacturer).

Figure 54: Role and responsibilities for ISC testing

Onboard Diagnosis
On-board Diagnostics (OBD) regulations require car manufacturers to install systems that monitor
over the full vehicle life, and under real world driving conditions, emission control parts for any
malfunction or deterioration causing an emission increase beyond specified thresholds. The driver
has to be informed by a Malfunction Indicator (MI). The base regulation is UNECE R83.

MI Activation and storing fault code

• The MI shall be activated due to deterioration or malfunction or permanent emission default
mode of operation (e.g. limp home).
• A fault code must be stored that identifies the type of malfunction.
• The distance travelled by the vehicle while the MI is activated shall be available at any
instant through the serial port on the standard link connector

MI De-Activation and erasing fault code

• The MI may be de-activated after three subsequent sequential driving cycles during which
the monitoring system responsible for activating the MI ceases to detect the malfunction
(i.e. passing test results) and if no other malfunction has been identified that would
independently activate the MI.
• The OBD system may erase a fault code, the distance travelled and freeze-frame
information if the fault code is no more activating the MI and the same fault is not re-
registered in at least 40 engine warm-up cycles.

OBD temporary disablement

The OBD system may be temporarily disabled under the following conditions:
• at ambient engine starting temperatures below -7 °C or at elevations over 2,500 meters
above sea level if the manufacturer provides data or engineering evaluation which
adequately demonstrate that monitoring would be unreliable in such conditions
• if its ability to deliver reliable results is affected by low fuel level (fuel level is at or below
20% of nominal tank capacity)
• if the manufacturer demonstrates to the authority with data or engineering evaluation that
misdiagnosis would occur under such conditions

Monitoring Requirements
At least these items should be monitored to satisfy the OBD requirements
For vehicles with positive ignition engine:
• engine (cylinder) misfire within a specified engine map range
• failure or deterioration of all O2-sensors used in the emission control system
• deterioration of the conversion capability of the catalyst(s) for NMHC and NOx
For vehicles with compression ignition engine:
• removal and reduction in efficiency of the catalytic converter
• removal and reduction in efficiency of the particulate trap
• malfunction, reduction in efficiency of a NOx-aftertreatment system using a reagent and
malfunction of the reagent dosing sub-system (e.g. SCR System)
• malfunction and reduction in efficiency of NOx-aftertreatment system not using a reagent
(e.g. NOx Adsorber)
• the fuel-injection system electronic fuel quantity and timing actuators should be
monitored for circuit continuity and total functional failure
• reduction in efficiency of the EGR system
For both vehicle types:
Any other emission control system components or systems, or emission-related powertrain
components or systems, which are connected to a computer, the failure of which may result in
exhaust emissions exceeding the applicable OBD threshold.

A manufacturer may demonstrate that a component does not need to be monitored, if their total
failure or removal does not lead to emission exceeding the OBD thresholds listed above.

Nevertheless, for vehicles with compression ignition engine total failure or removal of particulate
trap, NOx aftertreatment and diesel oxidation catalyst must be monitored, if the removal leads to
emissions above the applicable emission limit.

Preliminary Euro 6 OBD threshold limits for Gasoline & Diesel vehicles (Euro 6-1)

Categ. Class Reference Mass [mg/km] [mg/km] [mg/km] [mg/km]
M - All 1900 1750 170 290 150 180 25 25
I RM ≤1,305 1900 1750 170 290 150 180 25 25
II 1,305<RM≤1,760 3400 2200 225 320 190 220 25 25
N1 & N2 III 1,760<RM 4300 2500 270 350 210 280 30 30

Final Euro 6 OBD threshold limits for Gasoline & Diesel Vehicle (Euro 6-2)

Reference Mass [mg/km] [mg/km] [mg/km] [mg/km]
Categ. Class [kg]
M - All 1900 1750 170 290 90 140 12 12
I RM ≤1,305 1900 1750 170 290 90 140 12 12
II 1,305<RM≤1,760 3400 2200 225 320 110 180 12 12
N1 & N2 III 1,760<RM 4300 2500 270 350 120 220 12 12


• for definition of vehicle categories see Page 36

• for introduction dates see Page 96

• PM-thresholds for PI engines apply to direct injection engines only

• Currently there is no PN-OBD specified for the final Euro 6 thresholds. This may change depending of further
review and technical feasibility.

Introduction of WLTP for OBD

Starting with 1st of September 2017 WLTP is used as emission test cycle. How to use WLTP for
OBD testing is currently developed by an UNECE working group.
New EC 1151/2017 regulation provides for EU type approvals this option until the date when EC
692/2008 is repealed:

• Manufacturer have the choice between NEDC and WLTC for each individual malfunction
to be demonstrated
In-Use Performance Ratio (IUPR)
IUPR shall measure how often diagnosis functions run during normal operation of a vehicle.
Numerator: counter for each diagnosis function which is incremented when the diagnosis
function is completed for the first time in a driving cycle but not more than once

Denominator: counter for driving cycles with conditions defined by CARB*

*Engine running for a time greater or equal to 600 seconds, vehicle speed above 40km/h for a cumulated time greater
or equal to 300 seconds, one low-idle period of at least 30 seconds

Vehicle fleet IUPR should exceed the following minimum ratios, applicable since introduction of
Euro 6b emission standard:
• 0.260 for secondary air system monitors and other cold start related monitors
• 0.520 for evaporative emission purge control monitors
• 0.336 for all other monitors

For an introduction period of three years after the date referred to above a ratio of 0.1 is
applicable to monitoring of reduction in efficiency of a NOx aftertreatment system using a reagent
and the reagent dosing sub-system (SCR).
IUPR data must be available through standard OBD connector together with other diagnostic

On board fuel consumption monitoring (OBFCM)

A new obligation for on-board fuel and electrical energy is implemented in Annex XXII of (EU)
2017/1151.Manufactures are requested to implement measures to calculate the fuel
consumption during the normal use of a vehicle and demonstrate the accuracy of that device
during type approval test. The instantaneous used fuel rate, the accumulated consumed fuel and
total distance driven should be calculated by the engine control unit and should to be available
via the OBD interface. The following list of parameters should be stored:

o Total fuel consumed (lifetime) (l);

o total distance travelled (lifetime) (km);
o In addition, for OVC-HEVs (Plug-in Hybrids):
• total fuel consumed in charge depleting operation (lifetime) (l)
• total distance travelled in charge depleting operation with engine off (lifetime) (km);
• total fuel consumed in driver-selectable charge increasing operation (lifetime) (l);
• total distance travelled in charge depleting operation with engine running (lifetime)
• total distance travelled in driver-selectable charge increasing operation (lifetime)
o engine fuel rate (g/s);
o engine fuel rate (l/h);
o vehicle fuel rate (g/s);
o vehicle speed (km/h)
o In addition, for OVC-HEVs (Plug-in Hybrids):
• total grid energy into the battery (lifetime) (kWh)

The accumulated (=lifetime) values should be preserved. In WLTP testing the consumed fuel
may be calculated out of the measured exhaust gas by so called C-Balance method.

During type approval testing the accuracy must fit the following criteria, -0.05 < accuracy < 0.05

𝐅𝐮𝐞𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐞𝐝_𝐖𝐋𝐓𝐏 − 𝐅𝐮𝐞𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐞𝐝_𝐎𝐁𝐅𝐂𝐌
𝒂𝒄𝒄𝒖𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒚 =

Monitoring the functionality of reagent dosing sub-system
To ensure that a vehicle equipped with a reagent dosing sub-system (SCR) reduces the NOx
emissions as desired, the following items need to be monitored
• Sufficient reagent volume is available.
• The reagent characteristic corresponds to values needed for proper working of the NOx
aftertreatment system.
• The average reagent consumption deviates more than 50% from the desired amount of
reagent injection. Evaluation should be completed in a time frame shorter than 30 minutes
of operation.
• The reagent dosing is interrupted at operating conditions where the emission control
system requests reagent injection

If a wrong reagent characteristic, a consumption deviation or dosing interruption as listed above

occurs, an inducement starts. Instead of directly monitoring reagent characteristic, consumption
or dosing interruption an alternative approach using NOx Sensors may be used.
Alternative warning and inducement thresholds for the reagent level may be chosen by
manufacturer based on tank size and driving range. Driving range has to be calculated based on
fuel and reagent consumption measured in WLTC.

Overview Introduction Timing

The new European emission regulation for pollutants and CO 2 ended up with a very complex
introduction timing.
The NEDC will be replaced for the type 1 test (emissions, fuel consumption) by the WLTP starting
September 2017 for type approval (new vehicle types, passenger cars) and one year later for all
new, passenger car certifications, Figure 55. The Real Driving Emission test will be mandatory for
type approval in September 2017 for PN and for NOx, followed in 2018 by the RDE test for PN for
all new vehicle certification (NOx only monitoring) and in September 2019 with PN and NO x limits
for all new vehicle certification.
Boundary conditions and Conformity factors are introduced in two phases.
In addition, the new In-Service-Conformity (ISC) and EVAP procedures as well as the On-Board
Fuel Consumption Metering (OBFCM) will be phased in between September 2019 and January
2020 for TA, see Figure 55.
The detailed time table of the type approval numbering system from ANNEX I, appendix 6 of the
new regulation 2017/1151, amended 20/12/2016 (not yet published), and is reproduced below.

Figure 55: Introduction timing of the emission legislation (EU) 2017/1151 including WLTP and RDE for Type Approval (TA) of
Passenger cars (M & N1, class 1)

Figure 56: Introduction timing of the emission legislation (EU) 2017/1151 including WLTP and RDE for all new Passenger cars
(M & N1, class 1)

Figure 57: Introduction timing of the emission legislation (EU) 2017/1151 including WLTP and RDE for Type Approval (TA) of Light
Commercial vehicles (N1 class II & III & N2 Mref < 2610 kg)

Figure 58: Introduction timing of the emission legislation (EU) 2017/1151 including WLTP and RDE for all new Light Commercial
vehicles (N1 class II & III & N2 Mref < 2610 kg)

Overview Type approval Numbering system
The following tables summarize the type approval numbering system with its implementation dates
for type approval, for all new vehicle and last data of registration, as documented in Annex I,
appendix 6.
Implementation Implementation
OBD Engine date: date: Last date of
Character Emission standard standard Type new types new vehicles registration
AA Euro 6c Euro 6-1 PI, CI 31.8.2018
BA Euro 6b Euro 6-1 PI, CI 31.8.2018
AD Euro 6c Euro 6-2 PI, CI 1.9.2018 31.8.2019
AG Euro 6d-TEMP Euro 6-2 PI, CI 1.9.2017 (1) 31.8.2019
BG Euro 6d-TEMP- EVAP Euro 6-2 PI, CI 31.8.2019
CG Euro 6d-TEMP-ISC Euro 6-2 PI, CI 1.1.2019 31.8.2019
DG Euro 6d-TEMP- EVAP-ISC Euro 6-2 PI, CI 1.9.2019 1.9.2019 31.12.2020
AJ Euro 6d Euro 6-2 PI, CI 31.8.2019
AM Euro 6d-ISC Euro 6-2 PI, CI 31.12.2020
AP Euro 6d-ISC-FCM Euro 6-2 PI, CI 1.1.2020 1.1.2021
Figure 59: Type Approval numbering system for M1 andN1 class I vehicles

Implementation Implementation
OBD Engine date: date: Last date of
Character Emission standard standard Type new types new vehicles registration
AB Euro 6c Euro 6-1 PI, CI 31.8.2019
BB Euro 6b Euro 6-1 PI, CI 31.8.2019
AE Euro 6c- EVAP Euro 6-2 PI, CI 1.9.2019 31.8.2020
AH Euro 6d-TEMP Euro 6-2 PI, CI 1.9.2018 (1) 31.8.2019
BH Euro 6d-TEMP- EVAP Euro 6-2 PI, CI 31.8.2019
CH Euro 6d-TEMP- EVAP-ISC Euro 6-2 PI, CI 1.9.2019 1.9.2020 31.12.2021
AK Euro 6d Euro 6-2 PI, CI 31.8.2020
AN Euro 6d-ISC Euro 6-2 PI, CI 31.12.2021
AQ Euro 6d-ISC-FCM Euro 6-2 PI, CI 1.1.2021 1.1.2022
Figure 60: Type Approval numbering system for N1 class II vehicles

Implementation Implementation
OBD Engine date: date: Last date of
Character Emission standard standard Type new types new vehicles registration
AC Euro 6c Euro 6-1 PI, CI 31.8.2019
BC Euro 6b Euro 6-1 PI, CI 31.8.2019
AF Euro 6c- EVAP Euro 6-2 PI, CI 1.9.2019 31.8.2020
AI Euro 6d-TEMP Euro 6-2 PI, CI 1.9.2018 (1) 31.8.2019
BI Euro 6d-TEMP- EVAP Euro 6-2 PI, CI 31.8.2019
CI Euro 6d-TEMP- EVAP-ISC Euro 6-2 PI, CI 1.9.2019 1.9.2020 31.12.2021
AL Euro 6d Euro 6-2 PI, CI 31.8.2020
AO Euro 6d-ISC Euro 6-2 PI, CI 31.12.2021
AR Euro 6d-ISC-FCM Euro 6-2 PI, CI 1.1.2021 1.1.2022
Figure 61: Type Approval numbering system for N1 class III and N2 vehicles

(1) This limitation does not apply if a vehicle was type-approved in accordance with the requirements of Regulation
(EC) No 715/ 2007 and its implementing legislation prior to 1 September 2017 in the case of category M and N1 class
I vehicles, or prior to 1 September 2018 in the case of category N1 class II and III and category N2 vehicles, according
to the last subparagraph of Article 15(4).

‘Euro 6-1’ OBD standard = Full Euro 6 OBD requirements but with preliminary OBD threshold
limits as defined in point 2.3.4 of Annex XI and partially relaxed
‘Euro 6-2’ OBD standard = Full Euro 6 OBD requirements but with final OBD threshold limits
as defined in point 2.3.3 of Annex XI.
‘Euro 6b’ emissions standard = Euro 6 emission requirements including revised
measurement procedure for particulate matter, particle number
standards (preliminary values for PI direct injection).
‘Euro 6c’ emissions standard = RDE NOx testing for monitoring only (no NTE emission limits
applied), otherwise full Euro 6 tailpipe emission requirements
(including PN RDE).
‘Euro 6c-EVAP’ emissions standard = RDE NOx testing for monitoring only (no NTE emission limits
applied), otherwise full Euro 6 tailpipe emission requirements
(including PN RDE), revised evaporative emissions test
‘Euro 6d-TEMP’ emissions standard = RDE NOx testing against temporary conformity factors,
otherwise full Euro 6 tailpipe emission requirements
(including PN RDE).
‘Euro 6d-TEMP-ISC emissions standard = RDE testing against temporary conformity factors, full Euro 6
tailpipe emission requirements (including PN RDE)
and new ISC procedure.
‘Euro 6d-TEMP-EVAP-ISC' emissions standard = RDE NOx testing against temporary conformity factors, full Euro 6
tailpipe emission requirements (including PN RDE),
48H evaporative emissions test procedure
and new ISC procedure.
‘Euro 6d-TEMP-EVAP’ emissions standard = RDE NOx testing against temporary conformity factors,
otherwise full Euro 6 tailpipe emission requirements
(including PN RDE), revised evaporative emissions test
‘Euro 6d’ emissions standard = RDE testing against final conformity factors, otherwise full Euro 6
tailpipe emission requirements, revised evaporative emissions test
‘Euro 6d-ISC' = RDE testing against final conformity factors, full Euro 6 tailpipe
emission requirements, 48H evaporative emissions test procedure
and new ISC procedure.
'Euro 6d-ISC-FCM' = RDE testing against final conformity factors, full Euro 6 tailpipe
emission requirements, 48H evaporative emissions test
procedure, devices for monitoring the consumption of fuel and/or
electric energy and new ISC procedure.
Figure 62: Key and Explication for Figure 59 to Figure 61

Future trends for pollutant emissions
The regulation specifying the CO2 emission targets for light duty vehicles was voted by the council
and the parliament, the only step missing is the translation in all European languages and its
publication in the official journal (status April 2019).
Next important steps concerning CO2 emissions are specified within the regulation.
o Review the CO2 Regulation before 2023, the review should include:
• Introduction of binding emission reduction targets for 2035 and 2040
• Feasibility of developing real-world emission test procedures using portable
emission measurement systems (PEMS)
• Evaluation of the possibility for a methodology for the assessment and the
consistent data reporting of the full life-cycle CO2 emissions of light duty
vehicles, including proposals for legislative proposals
• The complementary measures are defined until end 2024.
Starting 2025 these measures could be taken in account as eco-innovation or
valorized in additional test procedures, for example air conditioning systems
• Eco-innovation will stay at a 7 g CO2/km maximum, the value may be changed
beyond 2025 by the regulation review
• Collection of data on the real-world CO2 emission and energy consumption of
passenger cars and LCVs using OBFCM, starting in 2021 for annual monitoring and
reporting. In 2027 assessment of a mechanism to adjust the manufacturer's average
specific CO2 emissions as of 2030, and, if appropriate, submit a legislative proposal
to put such a mechanism in place.
• Evaluation of the introduction of a regulation for alternative fuels, including synthetic
and renewable liquid or gaseous fuels, including also e-fuels.

Post-Euro 6 emission standards:

Concerning pollutant emissions, the discussion has started within the EU Commission concerning
a future Post-Euro 6 emission standard.
The Commission has launched two detailed studies to evaluate the effect of the last Euro 6d
regulation and define requirements for the future regulation.

In addition, there are the activities of the Informal Working Groups (IWGs) within the UNECE
GRPE organization, developing GTRs which should be taken over into a future Post-Euro 6.
Main topics are:
The extension of the lower limit for particle emission measurement from 23 nm to 10 nm. A
procedure is under development within the PMP IWG.
A renewal of the low temperature test procedure (Type 4 test). Within the WLTP phase 2 a specific
GTR is under development, which will use the WLTP as basis for the test. Today the Type 4 test
is only applied for spark ignition engines and only CO and HC are limited. The new test will include:
• All regulated emissions for all powertrain types and all fuels
• CO2 emissions and fuels consumption
• For Plug-in Hybrids (OVC-HEV) and electrical vehicles (PEV) the electrical energy
consumption from the grid and the electrical range.

Additional criteria emissions are under discussion, most likely NH3 limits will be introduced and the
greenhouse gases N2O and CH4 may be regulated as CO2 equivalents.

The EU Commission submitted a proposal to the EU parliament (COM (2014) 28 final)25 to amend
Regulations (EC) No 715/2007 and (EC) No 595/2009. The proposal is still under evaluation in the
EU Parliament Committees. It is unclear if this proposal will be voted before a Post Euro 6
proposal. This proposal includes several elements:

o Increase the maximum reference mass of regulation 715/2007 (Euro 5 and Euro 6) for
M1, M2, N1 and N2 vehicles from 2 610 kg to 5 000 kg.
o Replacement of the value of mass CO2 in the CoC by mass of greenhouse gas as CO2
equivalent. Methane will be counted as CO2 equivalent. Total hydrocarbons should be
o Introduction of a limit for NO2 emissions in addition to the total NOx. The limit value must
be specified after an impact assessment.
o Introduction of NOx and NO2 limits into the cold ambient emission test (-7°C) and
application of the cold ambient emission test to Diesel vehicles (today the cold ambient
test is applied only to positive ignition engines).
o Empower the EU Commission to update particle mass and number limits as well as
the measurement procedure.
The global timing for the post Euro 6 activity is shown in Figure 63.

Figure 63: Global timing for regulatory activities for a future post Euro 6 regulation

Introduction to US Emission Regulation and summary
There are worldwide two different concepts concerning the structure of vehicle emission
On the one side, the above described European regulations, based on the NEDC test method,
now replaced by the WLTP. Emission limits are fixed for each vehicle of one of the three classes
of light duty vehicles: passenger car and small light commercial vehicles (M1, N1 class I), light
commercial vehicles class II and class III, see Figure 15.
Every sold vehicle must fulfill the limits, and the limits are normally fixed for a number of years and
then updated at a specific date. This date is normally different between Type Approval (introduction
of new models) and for all new vehicles sold, in general applicable 1 year later.
The US regulation is conceived differently. Vehicles can in every year be certified in different
emission classes, called “bins”. The fleet average emissions over all “bins” are then regulated and
reduced from year to year. To achieve the required fleet average, every year more vehicles have
to be registered in the lower bins.
Because of the special weather conditions and rapidly growing traffic volume in the Los Angeles
area, California was worldwide the first state which introduced exhaust emission standards (1966).
This justifies still today the special conditions of California, which decides its own emission
regulations. Until today there are two co-existing regulations in the USA, the one of the CARB
(California Air Resource Board) and the one of the federal EPA (Environmental Protection Agency)
supplemented by the fuel economy regulation of the NHTSA (National Highway Traffic Safety
Current emission regulation (LEV III for CARB and Tier 3 for EPA) an agreement was reached to
define the emission classes and the annual fleet averages required. The regulation defines
common targets until 2025.
Concerning the details of the different regulations of CARB and EPA see below, page 109 and
page 115 , or the regulation texts.
Contrarily to Europe, the US regulation uses three different driving cycles to represent correctly
real driving conditions. The Supplemental Federal Test Procedures (SFTP) contain three
elements: US City cycle (FTP/UDDS), the test with increased speeds and accelerations (US06)
and the test for high ambient temperatures (95°F ~ 35°C) with activation of the air conditioning
system (SC03), see Figure 64 and page159.

Figure 64: US driving cycles for the determination of exhaust emissions

The emission classes with its equivalents between CARB and EPA are shown in Figure 65, see
also further down in this text for more details.
The weighted average is calculated based on the yearly sales numbers every calendar year for
the sum of non-methane-organic gases (NMOG) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) NMOG+NOx. The limit

value of this sum is reduced year by year. Separate limits are defined for the FTP cycle and for a
weighted average of the three cycles.
For 2025, the limit for the fleet average corresponds to the limits of the emission class SULEV30
or Tier 3 Bin 30, see Figure 66.
The particle mass emission limit is fixed for CARB and EPA at 3 mg/mi for the FTP and 6 mg/mi
for the US06 cycle with an additional phase-in regulation. Beyond 2025 the CARB foresees a
reduction of the particulate mass limit to 1 mg/mi.

Figure 65: US Tier 3 and LEV III emission limits for the different emission classes (bins)

Figure 66: Left: Fleet average limits by year for the sum of Nitrogen oxides and non-methane organic gases for the FTP cycle and
the weighted 3 cycle average (SFTP). Right: Limit values for particle mass.

The US regulation limiting greenhouse gas emissions and fuel consumption is much more
complicated as the European regulation. In Europe, the Type 1 test serves for the determination
of the pollutant emissions, the CO2 emissions and the fuel consumption. These values are also
used in Europe for consumer information.
In the USA, different organizations are responsible for these regulations. On federal level the EPA
regulates the greenhouse gas emissions, the corporate average fuel economy (CAFE) and the
consumer information is under the responsibility of the NHTSA. In addition, there is the Californian
greenhouse gas emission regulation with its Zero Emission Vehicle (ZEV) program.
The CO2 emissions are determined by a weighted average of two drive cycles, the FTP and the
US Highway cycle (HFET). The test method for the fuel economy information uses five different
cycles, in addition to the two cycles for CO2 emissions there are the cycle for increased speed and
acceleration (US06), the high temperature test with air conditioning (US SC03) and a FTP test
under cold conditions (20°F ~ -7°C), see Figure 67.

Figure 67: Additional test cycles for CO2 and fuel economy tests

Contrarily to the European regulation where the OEM specific CO2 targets are weighted by the
average vehicle mass, the US uses a weighting method based on the vehicle foot print (Figure
68). For the fleet average targets, correlated to NEDC values (published by the ICCT) are shown
in Figure 7.

The US-EPA (GHG) and NHTSA (CAFE) targets for the years 2022 until 2025 were subject to a
mid-term review. The current administration modified the priorities. To avoid additional vehicle cost
for the consumer and free its purchase power more for safety relevant features, the EPA proposed
the new “Safer Affordable Fuel-Efficient (SAFE) vehicle rule for passenger cars and light duty
trucks for the years beyond 2020. The objective is to freeze the CO2 target on the level of 2020.
California decided in December 2018 to keep the originally decided CO 2 targets of the LEVIII
program with CO2 reductions from 2021 to 2026. The decision request vehicle certification to follow
the regulation as decided by the EPA in 2016.

Another important difference compared to Europe is that the LEVIII greenhouse gas regulation
includes limits for N2O and CH4. The OEM has the choice to keep these components under the
prescribed limits or to include them as CO2 equivalent into the greenhouse gas fleet limits.

An additional difference between the EU and CARB regulations for greenhouse gases is the in
California existing (since the 1990s) zero emission vehicle regulation (ZEV), see page 122, which
defines minimum quota of battery electric vehicles (BEV), Plug-in Hybrids or hydrogen Fuels cell
electric vehicles for each manufacturer. The ZEV program includes a big number of detailed
regulations with credit schemes and range weighting (see below and in the regulation text).
It is important to note that the Californian LEV III ZEV regulation includes for ZEV a Well-to-Wheel
(WtW) approach. CO2 emissions are calculated as function of the electrical energy or hydrogen
consumption. The calculation of the WtW emissions includes weighting schemes but is based on
a hypothesis of an electrical energy equivalent of 270 gCO 2e/kWh and for a hydrogen equivalent
of 9132 gCO2e/kg H2.
The objective is to sell in 2025 approximately 8% of the Californian new car fleet as ZEV. The ZEV
regulation was adopted by a number of other US states26 which count together with California for
approximately 30% of the US new car market.

26 Connecticut, Maine, Maryland, New York, New Jersey, Oregon, Rhode Island and Vermont
Vehicle Categories
Emission standards are applied to vehicles according to vehicle categories. The table below lists
vehicle categories and acronyms used within the text of the standards.

US Federal Vehicle Categories and Related Acronyms

Light Duty Vehicle (LDV): Light Duty Truck (LDT): light-duty Light-duty truck 1 (LDT1): light light-
passenger car capable of trucks collectively, without regard to duty truck with a loaded vehicle weight
seating 12 passengers or less category 0-3,750 lbs. and under 6000 pounds

Referred to as MDV1 in LEV II

Light-duty truck 2 (LDT2): light Light-duty truck 3 (LDT3): heavy Light-duty truck 4 (LDT4): heavy
light-duty truck with a loaded light-duty truck with an adjusted light-duty truck with an adjusted loaded
vehicle weight between 3,751- loaded vehicle weight between 3,751- vehicle weight between 6001-8500 lbs.
5,750 lbs. and under 6000 5,750 lbs. and 6001-8500 pounds and 6001-8500 pounds GVWR
pounds GVWR GVWR

Referred to as MDV2 in LEV II Referred to as MDV2 in LEV II Referred to as MDV3 in LEV II

standards standards standards
Light light-duty truck (LLDT): Medium-duty passenger vehicle Heavy light-duty truck (HLDT):
This term is used collectively to (MDPV): heavy-duty vehicle with a Includes only trucks over 6000 pounds
include LDT1 and LDT2 gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) GVWR (LDT3 AND LDT4)
of less than 10,000 pounds that is
designed primarily for the
transportation of no more than 12
Loaded Vehicle Weight (LVW): Gross Vehicle Weight (GVW): The Gross Vehicle Weight Rating
Vehicle weight in driving manufacturer's gross weight rating for (GVWR): The value specified by the
condition +300 lbs. the individual vehicle manufacturer as the maximum design
loaded weight of a single vehicle

Adjusted Loaded Vehicle

Weight (ALVW) = (LVW+GVW)/2

Federal Requirements
Federal Tier 2 Emission Standards
The Tier 2 program took effect in model year 2004. The focus was the reduction of NOx emissions.
A manufacturer’s vehicle fleet of light duty vehicles required to meet an average NO x limit of 0.07
grams/mile in model year 2007, medium duty vehicles in model year 2009.

The Tier 2 program standards are split into 8 “bins” that apply to all passenger cars, light trucks
and medium-duty passenger vehicles independent of the fuel used (fuel-neutral standards).

The manufacturer may select the emission bin that fits best for a given vehicle/emission control
system provided that fleet average emissions are met.

Federal Tier 2 vehicle emission control requirements include:

• FTP exhaust emission standards for a full useful vehicle life (120,000 miles)

• FTP exhaust emission standards for an intermediate useful vehicle life (50,000 miles)

• Optional for vehicles certified to a useful life of 150,000 miles

• FTP exhaust emission standards for a full useful vehicle life (120,000 miles)

• 0.07 g/mi Fleet average FTP NOx standard

• SFTP exhaust emission standards for a high load/high acceleration test (US06)

• SFTP exhaust emission standards for a high temperature/air condition test (SC03)

• Fleet Average Cold Temperature (20 °F) NMHC and CO standards

Tier 2 FTP Standards

Tier 2 Full Useful Life (120,000 miles) Exhaust Emission Standards
8 0.20 0.125 4.2 0.018 0.02
7 0.15 0.090 4.2 0.018 0.02
6 0.10 0.090 4.2 0.018 0.01
5 0.07 0.090 4.2 0.018 0.01
4 0.04 0.070 2.1 0.011 0.01
3 0.03 0.055 2.1 0.011 0.01
2 0.02 0.010 2.1 0.004 0.01
1 0 0 0 0 0

Tier 2 Intermediate Useful Life (50,000 miles)
Exhaust Emission Standards [g/mi]


8 0.14 0.100 3.4 0.015 --
7 0.11 0.075 3.4 0.015 --
6 0.08 0.075 3.4 0.015 --
5 0.05 0.075 3.4 0.015 --

Tier 2 SFTP Standards

Manufacturers must comply with 4,000 miles and full useful life SFTP standards (excludes

4000 Mile SFTP Standards

US06-Cycle [g/mi] SC03-Cycle [g/mi]
Vehicle Category
LDV/LDT1 0.14 8.0 0.20 2.7
LDT2 0.25 10.5 0.27 3.5
LDT 3 0.40 10.5 0.31 3.5
LDT 4 0.60 11.8 0.44 4.0

Full useful life SFTP standards

Vehicle Category [g/mi] b) c)
[weighted g/mi] a) c)
US06 SC03 Weighted
LDV/LDT1 0.91 (0.65) 11.1 (9.0) 3.7 (3.0) 4.2 (3.4)
LDT2 1.37 (1.02) 14.6 (11.6) 4.9 (3.9) 5.5 (4.4)
LDT3 1.44 16.9 5.6 6.4
LDT4 2.09 19.3 6.4 7.3

a) Weighting for NMHC + NOx and optional weighting for CO is 0.35x (FTP)+0.28x(US06)+0.37x(SC03)
b) CO standards are stand alone for US06 and SC03 with option for a weighted standard.
c) Intermediate life standards are shown in parentheses for Diesel LDVs and LLDTs opting to calculate intermediate
life SFTP standards in lieu of 4,000 miles SFTP standards.

Federal Tier 2 Low Temperature Standard

CO-Standard at 20 °F
CO emissions at 20 °F (approx. minus 6.7 °C) must not exceed 10.0 g/mile for LDV/LDT1 and
12.5 g/mile for all other categories up to 8,500 lbs GVW. Cold temperature CO exhaust emission
standards apply over a useful life of 50,000 miles or 5 years (whichever occurs first).

NMHC-Standard at 20 °F
Maximum fleet average NMHC level of 0.3 g/mile for vehicles weighing 6,000 lbs or less. Vehicles
above 6,000 lbs (which include trucks up to 8,500 lbs and passenger vehicles up to 10,000 lbs)
must meet a sales-weighted fleet average NMHC level of 0.5 g/mile.

Federal Tier 2 Evaporative Emission Standards

Diurnal-plus-Hot Soak Evaporative Hydrocarbon Standards

Federal Evaporative Emission Standards [grams HC/test]

3-Day Supplemental 2-Day Diurnal +
Vehicle Category Model Year
Diurnal + Hot Soak Test Hot Soak Test
LDV 2009 0.50 0.65
LLDT 2009 0.65 0.85
HLDT 2010 0.90 1.15
MDPV 2010 1.00 1.25

Vehicle Category High Altitude 3-Day High Altitude Supplemental 2-Day

Diurnal Diurnal+ Hot Soak Test
+ Hot Soak Test
LDV & LLDT 0.95 1.2
HLDT 1.2 1.5
MDPV 1.4 1.75

Federal Tier 3 Emission Standards

Tier 3 sets new vehicle emissions standards and lowers the sulfur content of gasoline. The new
standards are closely coordinated with California’s LEV III and greenhouse gas (GHG) standards.

Tailpipe standards for the sum of NMOG and NOX and include phase-in schedules that vary by
vehicle class, but generally phase in between model years 2017 and 2025.

EPA has based the useful life period to which the standards apply at 150,000 miles. Manufacturers
are only required to certify to a 120,000mile useful life (and 10 or 11 years, depending on vehicle
category). A multiplier of 0.85 is applied to 150,000mile standards in order to define a 120,000mile

Manufacturers earn a compliance credit of 0.005 g/mile NMOG + NOX for vehicles that are certified
for a useful life of 150,000 miles or 15 years and that are covered by an extended warranty over
the same period for all components whose failure triggers MIL illumination.

Federal Tier 3 vehicle emission control requirements include:

• FTP exhaust emission standards are based on (FUL) full useful vehicle life (150,000 miles)

• Vehicles certified at 120,000mile FUL use adjusted standards

• NMOG + NOX credits for 150,000mile certifications (must include warranty)

• New FTP Emission Limit Bins and fleet averages based on NMOG+NO x

• Measure emissions using the chassis dynamometer procedures of 40 CFR part 1066

Federal Tier 3 FTP-Standards & SFTP- Standards

Tier 3 FTP Standards LDV, LDT, MDPV
Tier 3 FTP Bin Standards (g/mi)

Federal Emission NMOG+NOx NMOG+NOx CO for low

Limit for low for high and high
altitude altitude altitude
Bin 160 0.160 0.160 4.2

Bin 125 0.125 0.160 2.1

Bin 70 0.070 0.105 1.7
Bin 50 0.050 0.070 1.7

Bin 30 0.030 0.050 1.0

Bin 20 0.020 0.030 1.0
Bin 0 0.000 0.000 0.0

Tier 3 Fleet Average FTP NMOG+NOx Standards (g/mi)

Model Year 2017 (a) 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
and later
LDV/LDT1(b) .086 .079 .072 .065 .058 .051 .044 .037 .030
LDT2,3,4 and
.101 .092 .083 .074 .065 .056 .047 .038 .030
(a) For LDVs and LDTs above 6000 lbs GVWR and MDPVs, the fleet average standards apply beginning in MY
(b) These standards apply for a 150,000mile useful life. Manufacturers can choose to certify some or all of their
LDVs and LDT1s to a useful life of 120,000 miles. If a vehicle model is certified to the shorter useful life, a
proportionally lower numerical fleet-average standard applies, calculated by multiplying the respective 150,000mile
standard by 0.85 and rounding to the nearest mg.

Tier 3 Phase-In for FTP PM Standards

The table below shows the phase in schedule for PM standards. Any vehicles not included for
demonstrating compliance with the Tier 3 PM phase-in requirement must comply with an FTP
emission standard for PM of 0.010 g/mile, and a composite SFTP emission standard for PM of
0.070 g/mile.
Tier 3 Phase-In for FTP PM Standards (g/mi)
2022 and
Model Year 2017 (a) 2018 2019 2020 2021

Phase-In (percent of U.S. sales) 20% (b) 20% 40% 70% 100% 100%

Certification Standard 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003

In-Use Standard 0.006 0.006 0.006 0.006 0.006 0.006

(a) For LDVs and LDTs above 6000 lbs GVWR and MDPVs, the FTP PM standards apply beginning in MY 2018.
(b) Manufacturers comply in MY 2017 with 20 percent of their LDV and LDT fleet under 6,000 lbs GVWR, or
alternatively with 10 percent of their total LDV, LDT, and MDPV fleet.

Tier 3 SFTP Standards LDV, LDT, MDPV

Tier 3 Fleet Average SFTP NMOG+NOX Standards (g/mi)
Model Year 2017 (a) 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 and
NMOG + NOX 0.103 0.097 0.090 0.083 0.077 0.070 0.063 0.057 0.050
(a) For LDVs and LDTs above 6000 lbs GVWR and MDPVs, the fleet average standards apply beginning in MY

Phase-in of Tier 3 PM US06 standards (g/mi)

2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024

Phase-In (percent of U.S. sales) 20% 20% 40% 70% 100% 100% 100% 100%

Certification standard 0.010 0.010 0.006 0.006 0.006 0.006 0.006 0.006

In-use standard 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.006

Federal Tier 3 Fully Phased-in Exhaust Emission Standards

The table below shows current emission standards for 2025 and later.

Fully Phased-in Tier 3 Exhaust Emission Standards (g/mi)

NMOG + NOX PM CO Formaldehyde

0.03 0.05 0.003 0.006 4.2 0.004

Federal Tier 3 Evaporative Emission Standards

Standards designed to eliminate fuel vapor-related evaporative emissions and improve durability
have been implemented, including a new requirement referred to as the bleed emission test.

Evaporative emissions standards include phase-in flexibilities, credit and allowance programs, and
more lead time and a hardship provision for small businesses and small volume manufacturers.
The EPA has adopted the CARB OBD regulations on evaporative emissions, effective for MY
2017, with only minor differences. Additionally, a new emission standard and test procedure
requiring that the cumulative equivalent diameter of any orifices or “leaks” not exceed 0.02 inches
anywhere in the fuel/evaporative system for light-duty vehicles, medium-duty passenger vehicles.
Tier 3 Running Loss Standard

Tier 3 Diurnal Plus Hot Soak Emission Standards (g/test)

Vehicle Category Low-altitude conditions—fleet-average High-altitude conditions (a)
LDV, LDT1 0.3 0.65
LDT2 0.4 0.85
HLDT 0.5 1.15
MDPV 0.5 1.25
HDV 0.6 1.75
(a) High-altitude conditions mean a test altitude of 1,620 meters (5,315 feet), plus or minus 100 meters
(328 feet), or equivalent observed barometric test conditions of 83.3 kPa (24.2 inches Hg) plus or minus 1
kPa (0.30 Hg).

Hydrocarbons for LDVs, LDTs and MDPVs measured on the running loss test must not exceed
0.05 grams per mile.

Evaporative Emission Fleet Averaging

The emission standard for the sum of diurnal and hot soak measurements from the two-diurnal
test sequence and the three-diurnal test sequence is based on a fleet average in a given model
year. You must specify a FEL (family emission limit) for each evaporative family. The FEL serves
as the emission standard for the evaporative family with respect to all required diurnal and hot
soak testing.

Tier 3 FEL Caps for Low-Altitude Testing

Vehicle category FEL Caps
LDV 0.5
LLDT 0.65
HLDT 0.9
HDV 1.4

Model year Minimum percentage of vehicles subject to the Tier 3 EVAP standards

2017 40
2018 60
2019 60
2020 80
2021 80
2022 100
The phase-in percentage for model year 2017 applies only for vehicles at or below 6,000 pounds

Tier 3 Refueling Emission Standards
Refueling emissions must not exceed the following standards:
• For gasoline-fueled, diesel-fueled and methanol-fueled LDVs, LDTs and
MDPVs: 0.20 grams HC per gallon (0.053 grams per liter) of fuel dispensed.
• For liquefied petroleum gas-fueled LDVs, LDTs and MDPVs: 0.15 grams hydrocarbon per
gallon (0.04 grams per liter) of fuel dispensed.

Tier 3 Spitback Standards

For gasoline and methanol fueled LDVs/LDTs and MDPVs, hydrocarbons measured in the fuel
dispensing spitback test must not exceed 1.0gram hydrocarbon (carbon, if methanol-fueled) per

US California Requirements
The Federal Clean Air Act (section 209) permits California to promulgate different emission
standards recognizing unique air quality problems in certain California areas. The California
standards must be as protective of the public health and welfare in the aggregate as the Federal

California LEV II Requirements

In 1998 CARB adopted the California LEV II regulations. The LEV II program which has been
phased in over the 2004 through 2007 model years further tightened the NMOG fleet average
requirements, eliminated Tier 1 and TLEV certification standards and introduced the additional
SULEV category. One of the major changes made by the LEV II standards was that all light-duty
trucks became subject to the same emission standards as passenger cars, and vehicles under
8,500 lbs. gross vehicle weight that had previously been treated as medium-duty vehicles started
to be treated as light-duty trucks.

LEV II FTP Emission Standards for PC, LDT1, LDT2

Category NMOG a) CO a) NOx a) HCHO a) PM a) b)
0.075 3.4 0.05 15 -
(0.090) (4.2) (0.07) (18) (0.01)
0.040 1.7 0.05 8 -
(0.055) (2.1) (0.07) (11) (0.01)
SULEV (0.010) (1.0) (0.02) (4) (0.01)
ZEV (0.000) (0.0) (0.00) (0) (0.00)
a) Values in parentheses indicate 120,000mile standards, other values are 50,000 mile standards.
b) The PM standard applies to Diesel vehicles and also to vehicles with IDI and DI gasoline engines.

LEV II SFTP Emission Standards

US06 [g/mi] SC03 [g/mi]

Category NMHC + NOx CO NMHC + NOx CO

PC, LDT1 0.14 8.0 0.20 2.7
LDT2 0.25 10.5 0.27 3.5
MDV2 0.40 10.5 0.31 3.5
MDV3 0.60 11.8 0.44 4.0

LEV II 50 °F Exhaust Emission Standards

50 °F Exhaust Emission Standards for Vehicles Certified to the LEV II Standards
Vehicle Emission Category (g/mi)
Vehicle Weight Class LEV ULEV SULEV
PCs; LDTs 0-8500 lbs. GVW 0.150 0.030 0.080 0.016 0.020 0.008
MDVs 8501-10,000 lbs. GVW 0.390 0.064 0.286 0.032 0.200 0.016
MDVs 10,001-14,000 lbs. GVW 0.460 0.080 0.334 0.042 0.234 0.020

LEV II Evaporative Emission Standards

Evaporative Standard Running 3-Day Diurnal + Hot 2-Day Diurnal + Hot Soak
Loss Soak Test
Near-zero standard 0.05 a) 0.50 a) 0.65 a
Zero standard n/a 0.35 a) b) 0.35 a) b)
a) Useful life is 15 years or 150,000 miles, whichever occurs first.
b) Fuel evaporative emissions standard is 0.0 g/test

LEV III Emission Requirements

In 2012, CARB adopted new LEV III regulations for passenger cars and light trucks by combining
more stringent tailpipe and greenhouse gas emission standards into a single coordinated package
of standards (called the “Advanced Clean Cars Program”).

The following tables list the model years 2015-2025 FTP, SFTP, fleet average NMOG plus NOx
particulate and phase-in requirements for PCs, LDTs, and MDPVs at 150,000mile.

LEV III Phase-in Requirements

Model Year 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
PC/LDT1 10% 20% 40% 70% 100%
LDT2/MDPV 10% 20% 40% 70% 100%

LEV III FTP Emission Standards for 2015 & subsequent Model Years
LEV III Exhaust Emission Standards for 2015 and Subsequent Passenger Cars, Light-Duty
Trucks and Medium-Duty Vehicles
Vehicle NMOG + NOx CO PM (1) HCHO
Vehicle Type Durability Emission
Category [g/mi] [mg/mi]
LEV160 0.160 4.2 0.01 4
All PCs,
ULEV125 0.125 2.1 0.01 4
LDTs ≤ 8,500 lbs GVWR
ULEV70 0.070 1.7 0.01 4
and MDPVs
ULRV50 0.050 1.7 0.01 4
tested at their LVW SULEV30 0.030 1.0 0.01 4
SULEV20 0.020 1.0 0.01 4
LEV395 0.395 6.4 0.12 6
MDVs 8,501-10,000 lbs ULEV340 0.340 3.2 0.06 6
GVWR, excluding
ULEV250 0.250 2.6 0.06 6
MDPVs 150,000
ULEV200 0.200 2.6 0.06 6
SULEV170 0.170 1.5 0.06 6
tested at their ALVW
SULEV150 0.150 1.5 0.06 6
LEV630 0.630 7.3 0.12 6
MDVs ULEV570 0.570 3.7 0.06 6
10,001-14,000 lbs GVWR ULEV400 0.400 3.0 0.06 6
ULEV270 0.270 3.0 0.06 6
tested at their ALVW SULEV230 0.230 1.7 0.06 6
SULEV200 0.200 1.7 0.06 6
1) These PM standards apply only to vehicles not included in the phase-in for PCs, LDTs and MDPVs of the 3 mg/mi

PM standard (phase-in MY 2017-2021) and of the 1 mg/mi PM standard (phase-in starting in MY 2025).
For MDVs (excluding MDPVs) with 8,501-10,000 lbs. / 10,001-14,000 lbs. GVWR a PM standard of 8 / 10 mg/m is
phased-in starting in MY 2017.

LEV III FTP Fleet Average NMOG plus NO x
LEV III FTP Fleet Average NMOG plus NOx [g/mi]
Model Year
2015 0.100 0.119
2016 0.093 0.110
2017 0.086 0.101
2018 0.079 0.092
2019 0.072 0.083
2020 0.065 0.074
2021 0.058 0.065
2022 0.051 0.056
2023 0.044 0.047
2024 0.037 0.038
2025 0.030 0.030

LEV III Particulate Phase-in Requirements

Beginning in the 2017 model year, manufacturers must certify a percentage of its passenger car,
light-duty truck, and medium-duty passenger vehicle fleet to the following particulate standards
according to the following phase-in schedule. These standards are the maximum particulate
emissions allowed at 150,000mile full useful life.

LEV III Particulate Emission Standard Values and Phase-in for Passenger Cars, Light-
Duty Trucks, and Medium-Duty Passenger Vehicles

Particulate Emission Standard Phase-in

% of vehicles
% of vehicles certified to
Model Year certified to a
a 1 mg/mi standard
3 mg/mi standard
2017 10 0
2018 20 0
2019 40 0
2020 70 0
2021 100 0
2022 100 0
2023 100 0
2024 100 0
2025 75 25
2026 50 50
2027 25 75
2028 and subsequent 0 100

LEV III Particulate Standards for Medium-Duty Vehicles Other than Medium-Duty
Passenger Vehicles
Beginning in the 2017 model year, a manufacturer, except a small volume manufacturer, shall
certify a percentage of its medium-duty vehicle fleet to the following particulate standards. These
standards are the maximum particulate emissions allowed at full useful life. All vehicles certifying
to these particulate standards must certify to the LEV III exhaust emission standards set forth in
subsection (a)(1). This subsection (a)(2)(B)1 shall not apply to medium-duty passenger vehicles.

LEV III Particulate Emission Standard Values for Medium-Duty Vehicles, Other than
Medium-Duty Passenger Vehicles

Particulate Emission Standard Values for Medium-Duty Vehicles

Vehicle Type1

MDVs 8501-10,000 lbs. GVWR, excluding MDPVs 8

MDVs 10,001-14,000 lbs. GVWR 10

Vehicles in these categories are tested at their adjusted loaded vehicle weight.

LEV III Particulate Emission Standard Phase-in for Medium-Duty Vehicles, Other than
Medium-Duty Passenger Vehicles

Particulate Emission Standard Phase-in for Medium-Duty Vehicles

Total % of MDVs certified to the 8 mg/mi PM
Model Year Standard or to the 10 mg/mi
PM Standard, as applicable
2017 10

2018 20

2019 40
2020 70

2021 and subsequent 100

LEV III SFTP standards

Two different options are available to comply with the SFTP (NMOG+NOx) and CO emission
standards: Option 1 uses stand-alone emission standards, while option 2 uses a composite
emission standard approach with a fleet-averaging provision for (NMOG+NOx).

SFTP Standards Option 1 stand-alone emission standards

SFTP Standards Option 1
US 06 Test [g/mi] SC 03 Test [g/mi]
Vehicle Mileage for (NMOG +
Emission CO (NMOG + NOx) CO
Type Compliance 1 NOx)
All PCs, LEV 0.140 9.6 0.100 3.2
LDTs ULEV 0.120 9.6 0.070 3.2
0-8,500 lbs SULEV
GVW and 150,000 0.060 9.6 0.020 3.2
(Option A)2
SULEV 0.050 9.6 0.020 3.2
1) Vehicle Emission Category. Manufacturers must certify all vehicles, which are certifying to a LEV III FTP emission
category on a 150,000-mile durability basis, to the emission standards of the equivalent, or a more stringent, SFTP
emission category set forth on this table. That is, all LEV III LEVs certified to 150,000-mile FTP emission standards
shall comply with the SFTP LEV emission standards in this table, all LEV III ULEVs certified to 150,000-mile FTP
emission standards shall comply with the SFTP ULEV emission standards in this table, and all LEV III SULEVs
certified to 150,000-mile FTP emission standards shall comply with the SFTP SULEV emission standards in this
2) Optional SFTP SULEV Standards. A manufacturer may certify light-duty truck test groups from 6,001 to 8,500 lbs.

GVWR and MDPV test groups to the SULEV, option A, emission standards set forth in this table for the 2015
through 2020 model year, only if the vehicles in the test group are equipped with a particulate filter and the
manufacturer extends the particulate filter emission warranty mileage to 200,000 miles. Passenger cars and light-
duty trucks 0-6,000 lbs. GVWR are not eligible for this option.

Under Option 2, for each test group, manufacturers must calculate a sales-weighted fleet-average
composite emission values by weighting emission test results from the FTP, US06 and SC03 tests
in g/mi as shown by the following equation: SFTP Composite Emission Value = 0.28xUS06 +
0.37xSC03 + 0.35xFTP.

SFTP Standards Option 2 composite emission standard approach with a fleet-averaging
SFTP Composite Emission Standard
Model Year 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025
SFTP (NMOG + NOx) Sales-Weighted Fleet Average Composite Exhaust
All PCs, Emission Standard [g/mi]
LDTs 0-8,500 lbs
& MDPVs 8,501- 0.140 0.110 0.103 0.097 0.090 0.083 0.077 0.070 0.063 0.057 0.050
10,000 lbs GVWR
SFTP CO Composite Exhaust Emission Standard: 4.2 [g/mi]

The following values are the full useful life (NMOG+NOx) and CO composite emission limits for
2016 and subsequent model year medium-duty LEV III, ULEVs and SULEVs from 8,501 through
14,000 lbs GWVR.

SFTP Composite Standard [g/mi]

Vehicle Mileage for
HP/GVWR Test Cycle Emission NMOG + NOx CO
Type Compliance
US06 Bag2, ULEV 0.550 22.0
≤ 0.024
MDV 8,501- SC03, FTP SULEV 0.350 12.0
10,000 lbs
GVWR Full US06, ULEV 0.800 22.0
> 0.024
SC03, FTP SULEV 0.450 12.0
MDV UC (LA92) ULEV 0.550 6.0
14,000 lbs
GVWR SC03, FTP SULEV 0.350 4.0

SFTP PM Emission Standards

SFTP PM Emission Standards

Test Mileage for PM
Vehicle Type HP/GVWR Test Cycle
Weight Compliance [mg/mi]
All PCs
n.a. US06 10.0
LDTs 0-6,000 lbs GVWR
LDTs 6,001- 8,500 lbs GVWR;
150,000 n.a. US06 20.0
Composite US06
≤ 0.024 7.0
MDVs 8,501-10,000 lbs GVWR Bag 2
ALVW > 0.024 Composite US06 10.0
MDVs Composite UC
n.a. 7.0
10,001-14,000 lbs GVWR (LA 92)

Low Temperature Standard


All passenger cars, light-duty trucks, and medium-duty vehicles certified to the LEV II and LEV III
exhaust emission standards must demonstrate compliance with defined exhaust emission
standards measured on the FTP conducted at a nominal test temperature of 50 °F (10 °C). Natural
gas and diesel-fueled vehicles are exempt from the 50 °F test requirements.

Vehicles Certified to the LEV II Standards, the CO and NO x emissions at 50 °F (10 °C) shall not
exceed the applicable FTP exhaust emission standards.

Vehicles Certified to the LEV III Standards, the CO emissions at 50 °F (10 °C) shall not exceed
the applicable FTP exhaust emission standards.

50 °F Exhaust Emission Standards for Vehicles Certified to the LEV II Standards

Vehicle Emission Category (g/mi)
Vehicle Weight Class LEV ULEV SULEV
PCs; LDTs 0-8500 lbs. GVW 0.150 0.030 0.080 0.016 0.020 0.008
MDVs 8501-10,000 lbs. GVW 0.390 0.064 0.286 0.032 0.200 0.016
MDVs 10,001-14,000 lbs. GVW 0.460 0.080 0.334 0.042 0.234 0.020

50 °F Exhaust Emission Standards for LEV III Passenger Cars, Light-Duty Trucks, and
Medium-Duty Passenger Vehicles

Vehicle Emission Category NMOG + NOx HCHO

(g/mi) (g/mi)

Both Gasoline and Alcohol

Gasoline Alcohol Fuel

LEV160 0.320 0.320 0.030

ULEV125 0.250 0.250 0.016
ULEV70 0.140 0.250 0.016
ULEV50 0.100 0.140 0.016
SULEV30 0.060 0.125 0.008
SULEV20 0.040 0.075 0.008

CO-Standard at 20 °F
The following standards are the maximum 50,000mile cold temperature exhaust carbon monoxide
emission levels from new 2015 and subsequent model-year passenger cars, light-duty trucks, and
medium-duty passenger vehicles:
Vehicle Type Carbon Monoxide
All PCs, LDTs 0-3750 lbs. LVW 10.0

LDTs 3751 lbs. LVW - 8500 lbs. GVW; MDPVs 10,000 lbs. GVW and

LEV III Evaporative Emission Standards
The LEV III evaporative emissions standards require all passenger cars, light-duty trucks, medium-
duty vehicles and heavy-duty vehicles that are gasoline-fueled, liquefied petroleum gas fueled and
alcohol-fueled, to comply with lower evaporative emission standards that are equivalent in
stringency to the optional LEV II zero-evaporative emission standards.

The following two options for complying with the zero-evaporative emission standards are

Option 1 – Whole-vehicle plus fuel-only HC evaporative emission standards:

Whole-Vehicle + Fuel-Only HC Evaporative Emission Standards
3-Day Diurnal + Hot Soak Test and
Running Loss
2-day Diurnal + Hot Soak Test
Whole Vehicle [g/test] Fuel only [g/test]
PC 0.05 0.350
LDT ≤ 6,000 lbs GVWR 0.05 0.500
LDT 6,001-8,500 lbs GVWR 0.05 0.750
MDPV 0.05 0.750 0.0
MDV 8,501-14,000 lbs
0.05 0.750
0.05 0.750
> 14,000 lbs GVWR

Option 2 – Whole-vehicle HC evaporative emission standards with a fleet average option and
canister bleed test requirement
Whole-Vehicle HC Evaporative Emission Standards
Running Loss Highest Diurnal + Hot Soak Canister Bleed
[g/mi] [g/test] [g/test]
PC; LDT ≤ 6,000 lbs
GVWR and 0.300
0-3,750 lbs LVW
LDT ≤ 6,000 lbs GVWR
and 3,751-5,750 lbs 0.400
LVW 0.05
LDT 6,001-8,500 lbs
MDV 8,501-14,000 lbs
and HDV 0.600 0,030
> 14,000 lbs GVWR

ZEV Mandate

The ZEV mandate was initiated in California and subsequently adopted by a number of other

Details of ZEV requirements for model years through 2017

Basic Requirement
These ZEV regulations require manufacturers to place ZEV's equal to at least 11% of their
passenger car and LDT1 fleet, with the percentage increasing up to 14% in model year 2017.

Model Years Minimum ZEV Requirement [%]

2009-2011 11
2012-2014 12
2015-2017 14

Requirements for 2015 through 2017 Model Years

The following table enumerates a manufacturer’s annual percentage obligation for the 2012
though 2017 model years if the manufacturer produces the minimum number of credits
required to meet its ZEV obligation and the maximum percentage for the Enhanced AT PZEV ,
AT PZEV, and PZEV categories.
Total ZEV Minimum Enhanced
Model Years AT PZEVs PZEVs
%-Requirement ZEV floor TZEVs, Type 0, or NEVs
2012-2014 12 0.79 2.21 3.0 6.0
2015-2017 14 3.0 3.0 2.0 6.0

Requirements for Intermediate Volume Manufacturers (IVM)

In 2009 and subsequent model years, an intermediate volume manufacturer (sales > 4,500 but <
60,000 units per model year sold in California) may meet its ZEV requirement with up to 100
percent PZEVs or credits generated by such vehicles. For 2015 through 2017 model years, the
overall credit percentage requirement for an IVM will be 12% instead of 14%.

Requirements for Small Volume and Independent Low Volume Manufacturers (ILVM)
A small volume manufacturer (sales < 4,500 units sold in California) or an independent low volume
manufacturer is not required to meet the percentage ZEV requirements. However, a small volume
manufacturer or an independent low volume manufacturer may earn and market credits for the
ZEVs, TZEVs, ATPZEVs or PZEVs it produces and delivers for sale in California.

ZEV Provisions
ZEV definition: A ZEV is a vehicle producing zero exhaust emissions of any criteria pollutant (or
precursor pollutant) under any and all possible operational modes and conditions.

ZEV Credits for 2009-2017 Model Years

ZEV credits from a particular ZEV type are based on the assignment of a given ZEV into one of
the following eight ZEV tiers. The table identifies the total credits that a ZEV in each of the 8 ZEV
tiers will earn, including the credit not contingent on placement in service, if it is put in service in
the specified calendar year or by June 30 after the end of the specified calendar year.

Expected ZEV Range Fast Refueling Credits
Technology [miles] Capability 2012-2017
must be capable of replacing
Fuel Cell / 285 miles UDDS ZEV range 2012-2014: 7
Type V ≥ 300
Battery EV in 2015-2017: 9
≤15 minutes
must be capable of replacing
Fuel Cell /
Type IV ≥ 200 190 miles UDDS ZEV range 5
Battery EV
in ≤15 min
must be capable of replacing
Fuel Cell /
≥ 100 95 miles UDDS ZEV range in
Battery EV
Type III ≤ 10 min 4
Fuel Cell /
≥ 200 n/a
Battery EV
Type II Battery EV ≥ 100 n/a 3
Type IIx1) extended ≥ 100 n/a 3
Battery EV 1)
Type I.5 Battery EV ≥ 75, < 100 n/a 2.5
Range- n/a
≥ 75,
Type I.5x1) extended 2.5
< 100
Battery EV 1)
Type I Battery EV ≥ 50, < 75 n/a 2
Type 0 Battery EV < 50 n/a 1
NEV Battery EV no min. n/a 0.3
1) “Range Extended Battery Electric Vehicle” means a vehicle powered predominantly by a zero emission energy
storage device, able to drive the vehicle for more than 75 all-electric miles, and also equipped with a backup
auxiliary power unit (APU), which does not operate until the energy storage device is fully depleted, and meeting the
following requirements:
- meet all PZEV requirements
- meet the requirements for the Type G advanced componentry PZEV allowance
- the vehicle’s UDDS range after the APU first starts and enters “charge sustaining hybrid operation” must be less
than or equal to the vehicle’s UDDS all-electric test range prior to APU start. The vehicle’s APU cannot start under
any user-selectable driving mode unless the energy storage system used for traction power is fully depleted.

“Travel Provision”
ZEV vehicles, including Type I.5x and Type IIx vehicles and excluding NEV or Type 0 vehicles, if
placed in service in another ZEV state, may be counted towards compliance with the percentage
ZEV requirements in California during the indicated model years. Similarly, those vehicles certified
to the ZEV standards and placed in service in California may be counted towards compliance with
the percentage ZEV requirements in any ZEV state.

In order for a vehicle to receive a PZEV baseline allowance of 0.2, it must meet the following
requirements with a warranty period of 150,000 miles/15 years (traction battery: 10 years):
– SULEV Exhaust emissions standards
– Zero evaporative emission standards
– On-board diagnostic requirements

AT-PZEV Provisions
In addition to the 0.2 PZEV baseline allowance, vehicles may receive the following additional AT
PZEV allowances:

1. Zero-Emission VMT PZEV Allowance

Calculation of Zero Emission VMT Allowance
Range Zero Emission VMT Allowance
EAERu < 10 miles 0.0
EAERu ≥10 to 40 miles EAERu x (1 - UFRcda)/11.028
EAERu > 40 miles 3.627 x (1 – Ufn) n = 40 x (Rcda / EAERu)

The urban equivalent all-electric range (EAERu) and urban charge depletion actual range (Rcda)
shall be determined in accordance with HEV Test Procedures. The utility factor (UF) based on the
charge depletion actual range actual (Rcda) shall be determined according to SAE J2841.

A vehicle cannot generate more than 1.39 zero-emission VMT PZEV allowance.

2. PZEV Allowance for Advanced ZEV Component:

2.1 Use of High Pressure Gaseous Fuel or Hydrogen Storage System

A vehicle equipped with a high pressure gaseous fuel storage system capable of refueling at 3,600
psi or more and operating exclusively on this gaseous fuel qualifies for an advanced component
PZEV allowance of 0.2. A vehicle operating exclusively on hydrogen stored in a high pressure
system capable of refueling at 5,000 psi or more, or stored in non-gaseous form, qualifies for an
advanced component PZEV allowance of 0.3.

2.2 Use of a Qualifying HEV Electric Drive System

HEVs qualifying for additional advanced component PZEV allowance or allowances that may be
used in the AT PZEV category are classified in one of five types of HEVs based on the criteria in
the following table:
Type D Type E Type F Type G
Zero-Emission VMT
Electric Drive VMT allowance; ≥
allowance; ≥ 10mile
System Peak ≥10 kW ≥ 50 kW 10mile all-electric
all-electric range
Power Output range (UDDS drive
(US06 drive cycle)
Traction Drive
≥ 60 ≥ 60 ≥ 60 ≥ 60
System Voltage
Traction Drive
Yes Yes Yes Yes
Yes Yes Yes Yes
Idle Start/Stop Yes Yes Yes Yes
The above described vehicles with a qualifying HEV electric drive system may get the following
AT PZEV allowances in addition to the 0,2 PZEV baseline allowance:

2003-2011 MYs 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.72 0.95

2012-2014 MYs 0.35 0.35 0.45 0.67 0.90
2015 + MYs 0.25 0.25 0.35 0.57 0.80
2.3 PZEV Allowance for Low Fuel-Cycle Emissions
A vehicle that uses fuel(s) with fuel-cycle (NMOG) emissions that are lower than or equal to 0.01
grams/mile receives a PZEV allowance of up to 0.3. The fuel-cycle PZEV allowance is calculated
as follows:
Calculation of Combined PZEV Allowance for a Vehicle
The combined PZEV allowance for a qualifying vehicle in a particular model year is the sum of the
PZEV allowances listed below, multiplied by any PZEV introduction phase-in multiplier, subject to
the below mentioned cap
•The baseline PZEV allowance of 0.2
•The zero-emission VMT PZEV allowance
•The advanced ZEV component PZEV allowance
•The fuel-cycle emissions PZEV allowance
The maximum value an AT PZEV may earn before phase-in multipliers, including the baseline
PZEV allowance, is 3.0.

Overview of 2018 and Subsequent Model Year Requirements

The amendments adopted by CARB include:
• Remove PZEV and AT PZEV credits as compliance options.
• Remove credit allowance for sales in ZEV states.
• Allow the use of banked PZEV and AT PZEV credits earned in 2017 and previous model
years, at discounted values, and cap usage in 2018 and subsequent model years.
• Base the amount of credits earned by each ZEV on the vehicle’s urban dynamometer driving
schedule (UDDS) range, with a 50mile BEVs earning 1 credit each and a 350mile fuel cell
vehicle earning 4 credits each.
• Allow extended range battery vehicles which have a limited combustion engine range
extender to meet up to half of a manufacturer’s minimum ZEV requirement.
• Allow manufacturers that over-comply with the national light-duty GHG fleet standard to
offset a portion of their ZEV requirement in 2018 through 2021 model years.

The following table indicates the ZEV credit requirements for 2018 & subsequent model years as
well as the maximum % that may be covered by transitional zero-emission vehicles (TZEVs):

ZEV Credit Requirements

2025 and
Model Year 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024

Overall ZEV
4.5 7.0 9.5 12.0 14.5 17.0 19.5 22.0

Min. ZEV 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0

Max. TZEV 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0

Credits for ZEVs are based on the ZEVs all-electric range (up to four credits per vehicle; no ZEV credit is available
for ZEVs with a UDDS range of less than 50 miles) using the following formula: ZEV credit = (0.01) * (UDDS range)
+ 0.5

TZEV Provisions

1. Zero Emission Vehicle Miles Traveled TZEV Allowance

A vehicle meeting TZEV requirements (SULEV standards, zero-evaporative emission and
extended warranty, also for OBD) and has zero-emission range capability measured as equivalent
all-electric range can generate an allowance according to the following formula:
TZEVs with US06 - AER of at least 10 miles shall earn an additional 0.2 allowance.
UDDS Test Cycle Range (AER) Allowance
< 10 all-electric miles 0.0
≥ 10 all-electric miles TZEV Credit = [(0.01) * Rcda + 0.30]
> 80 miles (credit cap) 1.10

2. Credit for Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles

A H2 internal combustion engine vehicle that has a total range of at least 250 UDDS miles will earn
an additional allowance of 0.75 (subject to an overall cap of 1.25).

OBD Legislation
On Board Diagnostic (OBD) systems must – over the full actual life of the vehicle, and without any
required scheduled maintenance – monitor the entire emission control system, including the fuel
and evaporative emission control system and must be able to detect and alert the driver of
emission-related malfunctions or deteriorations before they result in an increase of exhaust
emissions and before the test result obtained from the Federal Test Procedure exceeds the
applicable emission standard multiplied by specific factors.

In addition to monitoring emission components and systems, deterioration or malfunction occurring

in auxiliary electronic emission-related powertrain systems or components that either provide input
to or receive commands from the on-board computer and have a measurable impact on emissions
must be monitored by employing electrical circuit continuity checks and, wherever feasible,
rationality checks for computer input components and functionality checks for computer output

California OBD II
California Air Resource Board (CARB) has authority to define and enforce OBD regulations
(Title13 California Code of Regulations (CCR), Sections 1968.2 and 1968.5). From these
regulations, the monitoring requirements for Gasoline and Diesel vehicles are shown in the
following in detail.
The basic requirement of these regulations is that the OBD system shall - before the end of an
ignition cycle - store confirmed fault codes that are currently causing the MIL to be illuminated in
NVRAM as permanent fault codes. A fault code must also be stored whenever the vehicle enters
a “limp-home” mode of operation that can affect emissions.
With these regulations, new elements have been introduced, such as a production vehicle
evaluation (PVE) and in-use performance monitoring ratios (IUMPR).
Concerning the latter, manufacturers must define monitoring conditions that ensure that the
monitor yields an in-use performance ratio that meets or exceeds the minimum acceptable in-use
monitor performance ratio on in-use vehicles shown in the following table:
Minimum acceptable in-use
monitor performance ratio
Secondary air system and other cold start related monitors 0.260
Evaporative system monitors
• small leak check (0.020 inch) 0.260
• large leak check (0.040 inch) and purge flow check 0.520
Catalyst, oxygen sensor, EGR, VVT system and all other monitors of
Section 1968.2 (e) (gasoline engines) and (f) (Diesel engines) 0.336
described in the following

Note: The following section is intended to supply an overview of California’s OBD II

regulations for gasoline and Diesel vehicles. Since these regulations are complex, the full
text of CCR -Title 13, Sec. 1968.2 and 1968.5 should be consulted in any case where full
knowledge of details is required.

California Monitoring Requirements for OBD II-Systems (Gasoline)
Excerpt of Section 1968.2, Title 13, CCR

I. Requirements for Vehicles with Gasoline Engines - Chapter (e)

Monitoring Requirements & Criteria for Fault Detection & Fault Storage
Catalyst If conversion efficiency decreases to any of the following:
(e) (1) All vehicles other than PC/LDT SULEV II vehicles: PC/LDT SULEVII vehicles:
• NMHC conversion efficiency < 50% • NMHC conversion efficiency <
• NMOG >1.75 times Std. (full useful life standard) 50%
• NOx >1.75 times tailpipe emission standard • NMOG >2.5 times standard
• NOx >2.5 times standard
All Low Emission Vehicle III applications:
Catalyst • NMHC conversion efficiency < 50%
(e) (1) • The vehicle’s emissions exceed any of the applicable LEV III OBD threshold limits
(defined in tables at the end of this section)

The OBD II System shall monitor the system for proper heating:
Catalyst does not reach its designed heating temperature in a requisite time period after
engine starting.

The time may not exceed the time that causes tailpipe emissions to increase to:
Heated • For Low Emission Vehicle II applications, 1.75 times any of the applicable FTP full
Catalyst useful life standards.
(e) (2) • For Low Emission Vehicle III applications, any of the applicable LEV III OBD threshold
limits (defined in tables at the end of this section).

The manufacturer may submit alternative monitoring strategies to the Executive Officer for
requesting approval.

The OBD II system shall monitor misfire (in a specific cylinder or cylinder group) causing
catalyst damage or excess emissions.

Misfire causing catalyst damage: If the percentage of misfire evaluated by the

manufacturer in 200 revolution increments for each engine speed and load condition that
would result in a temperature that causes catalyst damage is exceeded.

Misfire causing tailpipe emission increase: If the percentage of misfire evaluated in 1000
Misfire revolution increments that would causes an emission increase of:
(e) (3) • For Low Emission Vehicle II applications, 1.5 times any of the applicable FTP full useful
life standards.
• For Low Emission Vehicle III applications, the thresholds are any of the applicable
threshold limits (defined in tables at the end of this section).

Misfire on plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (2018 and beyond):

• Evaluate the percentage of misfire in 1000 cumulative revolution increments.
• Detect a misfire malfunction when the percentage of misfire is equal to or exceeds two

The OBD II System shall verify purge flow from the evaporative system and shall monitor
the complete system including the tubing and connections between the purge valve and
the intake manifold, for vapor leaks to the atmosphere.

Fault detection when any of the following conditions exist:

Evaporative • If no purge flow from the system to the engine can be detected
System • The complete evaporative system contains a leak or leaks that cumulatively are
(e) (4) greater than or equal to a leak caused by a 0.020 in. diameter orifice.

For 20 percent of 2019 model year vehicles, 50 percent of 2020 model year vehicles, and
100 percent of 2021 model year vehicles, must detect disconnections, broken lines,
blockages, or any other malfunctions that prevent purge flow delivery to the engine (e.g.,
detect a disconnection or blockage of any portion of the purge lines prior to purge flow
delivery to the engine).

The OBD II System shall monitor of the secondary air delivery system including all
switching valves for proper functioning.

For MY 2006 and beyond: The OBD II system shall detect under “normal operation” (i.e.
operation w/o phases when system is intrusively turned on solely for the purpose of
Secondary Air
(e) (5)
Fault detection when malfunction would cause an emissions increase of:
• For Low Emission Vehicle II applications, 1.5 times any of the applicable FTP full useful
life standards.
• For Low Emission Vehicle III applications, the thresholds are any of the applicable
threshold limits (defined in tables at the end of this section).

The OBD II System shall monitor the ability of the fuel system to provide compliance with
emission standards. Fault detection when:
• The fuel delivery system is unable to maintain a vehicle’s tailpipe emissions at 1.5
times the standard (see below for additional OBD threshold information).
• If so equipped, the feed-back control based on a secondary oxygen or exhaust
gas sensor is unable to maintain a vehicle’s tailpipe emissions at or <1.5 times
standard or for Low Emission Vehicle III applications, any of the applicable
emission (defined in tables at the end of this section).
• An air-flow imbalance occurs in one or more cylinders, such that the fuel delivery
system is unable to maintain a vehicle’s tailpipe emissions.
• When the adaptive feedback control (if employed) has used up all of the
adjustment allowed by the manufacturer.
• Whenever the fuel control system fails to enter closed-loop operation within the
specified time interval.
Fuel Delivery
For Low Emission Vehicle III applications:
(e) (6) • For LEV160 vehicles, ULEV125 vehicles, and medium-duty vehicles (except MDPVs)
certified to a chassis dynamometer tailpipe emission standard:
• For 2014 model year vehicles, 3.0 times any of the applicable FTP NMOG+NO x
or CO standards.
• For 2015 and subsequent model vehicles, any of the applicable emission
thresholds (defined in tables at the end of this section).
• For ULEV70 and ULEV50 vehicles:
• For 2014 through 2018 model year vehicles, 3.0 times any of the applicable FTP
NMOG+NOx or CO standards.
• For 2019 and subsequent model year vehicles, any of the applicable emission
thresholds (defined in tables at the end of this section).
• For SULEV30 and SULEV20 vehicles:
• For 2014 through 2018 model year vehicles, 4.0 times any of the applicable FTP
NMOG+NOx or CO standards.
• For 2019 and subsequent model year vehicles, any of the applicable emission
thresholds (defined in tables at the end of this section).

The OBD II System shall monitor any parameter which can affect emissions of all O2 -
sensors (conventional switching sensors and wide range or universal sensors) for
malfunction. The manufacturer shall submit a monitoring plan for approval.

Primary sensors:
• Before any failure or deterioration of the O2- sensor voltage, response rate, amplitude
or other characteristics cause emissions to increase (defined below). For response
rate, the OBD II system shall detect symmetric and asymmetric malfunctions. For
2012 and subsequent MY vehicles the manufacturer shall submit data and/or
engineering analysis to demonstrate that the calibration method used ensures proper
detection of all symmetric and asymmetric response rate malfunctions as part of the
certification application.
o For Low Emission Vehicle II applications, 1.5 times any of the applicable FTP
full useful life standards.
o For Low Emission Vehicle III applications, the thresholds are any of the
applicable threshold limits (defined in tables at the end of this section).
• If a malfunction of the oxygen sensor occurs either due to a lack of circuit continuity
or out of range values
• When a sensor failure or deterioration causes the fuel system to stop using the sensor
as a feedback input or causes the fuel system to fail to enter closed-loop operation
within a manufacturer-specified time interval.
• When any of the characteristics of the sensor are no longer sufficient for use as an
OBD II system monitoring device.
Exhaust Gas
Secondary sensor:
(e) (7)
• Before any failure or deterioration of the O2 sensor voltage, response rate, amplitude
or other characteristics cause emissions to increase (defined below). For response
rate, the OBD II system shall detect symmetric and asymmetric malfunctions. For
2012 and subsequent MY vehicles the manufacturer shall submit data and/or
engineering analysis to demonstrate that the calibration method used ensures proper
detection of all symmetric and asymmetric response rate malfunctions as part of the
certification application.
o For Low Emission Vehicle II applications, 1.5 times any of the applicable FTP
full useful life standards.
o For Low Emission Vehicle III applications, the thresholds are any of the
applicable threshold limits (defined in tables at the end of this section).
• If a malfunction of the oxygen sensor occurs either due to a lack of circuit continuity
or out of range values
• When a sensor failure or deterioration causes the fuel system to stop using the sensor
as a feedback input or causes the fuel system to fail to enter closed-loop operation
within a manufacturer-specified time interval.
• When the oxygen sensor output voltage, amplitude, activity, or other characteristics
are no longer sufficient for use as an OBD II system monitoring device (e.g. for catalyst

Sensor Heaters:
• When the current or voltage drop in the heater circuit is no longer within the
manufacturer’ specified limits for normal operation
• When open or short circuits conflict with the commanded state of the heater.

The OBD II System shall monitor the EGR system for:
• Low and high flow rate malfunctions. Fault detection: before an increase or decrease
from the manufacturer’s specified EGR flow rate causes emissions to increase
(defined below).
o For Low Emission Vehicle II applications, 1.5 times any of the applicable FTP full
useful life standards.
o For Low Emission Vehicle III applications, the thresholds are any of the applicable
threshold limits (defined in tables at the end of this section).

• If no failure or deterioration of the EGR system that causes a decrease in flow could
result in a vehicle’s emissions exceeding the emissions thresholds, the OBD II system
(e) (8)
shall detect a malfunction when either the EGR system has reached its control limits
o For 30 percent of 2019, 60 percent of 2020, and 100 percent of 2021 and
beyond, detect a malfunction when either the EGR system has reached its
control limits such that it cannot reduce EGR flow to achieve the commanded
flow rate or, for non-feedback controlled EGR systems, the EGR system has
maximum detectable EGR flow when little or no EGR flow is expected. May
request exemption by submitting data and/or engineering evaluation that
demonstrate that (1) the failure or deterioration cannot be detected during off-
idle conditions, and (2) the failure or deterioration causes the vehicle to
immediately stall during idle conditions.

The OBD II System shall monitor the PCV system on all MY 2004 and subsequent MY
vehicles for system integrity.

• Fault detection when a disconnection of the system occurs between the crankcase
and the PCV valve, or between the PCV valve and the intake manifold. (The latter
does not apply if the disconnection causes the vehicle to stall immediately during idle,
or is unlikely to occur due to machined passages rather than tubing or hoses).
• For forced induction engines with PCV systems utilizing hoses, tubes or lines between
the crankcase and fresh air intake system that are intended to evacuate the crankcase
under boosted operation and/or supply fresh air to the crankcase, may request
approval to be exempt from monitoring this hose, tube, or line by submitted data
and/or an engineering evaluation which demonstrate that boosted operation does not
PCV-System occur on the US06 cycle.
(e) (9)
• For 20 percent of 2023 model year vehicles, 50 percent of 2024 model year vehicles,
and 100 percent of 2025 model year vehicles, the following criteria apply for PCV
system monitoring:
o Any hose, tube, or line that transports crankcase vapors contains a
disconnection or break equal to or greater than the smallest internal cross-
sectional area of that hose, tube, or line.
o Not required to detect disconnections or breaks if disconnection or break
(1) causes the vehicle to stall immediately during idle operation; or (2) is
unlikely to occur due to a PCV system design that is integral to the induction
system (e.g., machined passages rather than tubing or hoses); (3) results
in a rapid loss of oil or other overt indication of a PCV system malfunction;
or (4) occurs downstream of where the crankcase vapors are delivered to
the air intake system.

The OBD II System shall monitor the engine cooling system for proper operation of
thermostat/circuit continuity, out-of-range values and rationality faults of ECT-sensor.

Coolant temperature does not reach either:
• Highest temperature required to enable other diagnostics
• Warmed-up temperature within 20 F of the manufacturer’s nominal thermostat
regulating temperature

ECT sensor:
• Lack of circuit continuity, out-of-range values and rationality faults
• ECT sensor does not achieve stabilized minimum temperature needed for the
fuel control system to begin closed-loop operation
• ECT sensor inappropriately indicates a temperature that is “stuck in range” either
Engine Cooling below the highest minimum or above the lowest maximum enable temperature
System for other OBD monitors.
(e) (10)
For 30 percent of 2019, 60 percent of 2020, and 100 percent of 2021 and subsequent
model year vehicles, “closed-loop operation” as specified above, above shall mean
stoichiometric closed-loop operation across the engine loads observed on the FTP cycle.

For 30 percent of 2019, 60 percent of 2020, and 100 percent of 2021 and subsequent
model year gasoline vehicles, the OBD II system shall detect a thermostat fault if, after
the coolant temperature has reached the temperatures indicated above, the coolant
temperature drops below the temperature (continuous monitoring).

For 30 percent of 2019, 60 percent of 2020, and 100 percent of 2021 and subsequent
model year vehicles that use an engine and/or engine component temperature sensor
or system in addition to the cooling system and ECT sensor (including systems that use
more than one thermostat or flow control device to regulate different temperatures in
different cooling circuits and use input from at least two temperature sensors in separate
cooling circuits for an indication of engine operating temperatures for emission control
purposes), the manufacturer shall submit a monitoring plan for approval.

The OBD II system shall monitor the system for proper function of the commanded
elements all MY 2009 and subsequent MY applications. Fault detection:
Before any failure or deterioration of the individual components associated with the cold
start emission reduction strategy causes tailpipe emissions increase (defined below).
Cold Start
For 2012 and subsequent MY vehicles a malfunction shall be detected if either of the
following occurs:
• When any single commanded element does not properly respond to the commanded
action while the cold start strategy is active.
(e) (11)
• Any failure or deterioration of the cold start emission reduction strategy that would
cause a vehicle’s tailpipe emission increase (defined below).
o For Low Emission Vehicle II applications, 1.5 times any of the applicable FTP
full useful life standards.
o For Low Emission Vehicle III applications, the thresholds are any of the
applicable threshold limits (defined in tables at the end of this section).

The OBD II System shall monitor all A/C parts related to the diagnostic strategy of any
monitored system.
If equipped with an engine control strategy that alters off-idle fuel and/or spark control
(e) (12)
when the A/C system is on, the OBD II system shall monitor all electronic A/C system

components for malfunction that cause the system to fail to invoke the alternate control
while A/C is on or causes the system to invoke the alternate control while A/C is off.
• For malfunctions that result in the alternate control failing to be invoked while the A/C
system is on, the appropriate emission standards shall be the SC03 emission
o For non-Low Emission Vehicle III applications, the OBD II system shall detect
a malfunction that causes a vehicle’s emissions to exceed 1.5 times any of
the appropriate applicable emissions standards.
o For Low Emission Vehicle III applications, the OBD II system shall detect a
malfunction that causes a vehicle’s emissions to exceed any of the applicable
emission thresholds (defined in tables at the end of this section).

Malfunction to be detected prior to any failure or deterioration in the capability of the VVT
system to achieve commanded valve timing and/or control.

• Target error: within a crank angle or lift tolerance that would cause a vehicle’s
Variable Valve
emissions to exceed tailpipe emission standards (defined below).
Timing and/or
Control System • Slow Response: within a time that would cause a vehicle’s emissions to exceed
(e) (13) tailpipe emission standards (defined below).
o For Low Emission Vehicle II applications, 1.5 times any of the applicable FTP
full useful life standards.
o For Low Emission Vehicle III applications, the thresholds are any of the
applicable threshold limits (defined in tables at the end of this section).

The OBD II System shall monitor the system for malfunctions that reduce the O3-
reduction performance.

• Malfunction detection criteria depending on NMOG credit assigned to the DOR

system, as calculated acc. to ARB MAC No. 99-06.
• For Low Emission Vehicle III applications:
o For vehicles in which the NMOG credit assigned to the DOR system (as
Direct Ozone
calculated in ARB MAC No. 99-06), is less than or equal to 5 mg/mi NMOG,
(DOR) System the OBD II system shall detect a malfunction when the DOR system has no
detectable amount of ozone reduction.
(e) (14)
o For vehicles in which the NMOG credit assigned to the DOR system (as
calculated in ARB MAC No. 99-06), is greater 5 mg/mi NMOG, the OBD II
system shall detect a malfunction when the performance of the DOR system
deteriorates to a point where the difference between the NMOG credit
assigned to the properly operating DOR system and the NMOG credit
calculated for a DOR system performing at the level of the malfunctioning
system exceeds 5 mg/mi NMOG.

The OBD II system shall monitor the system for malfunction of any electronic powertrain
component/system providing input to or receiving commands from the on-board

Input components: Lack of circuit continuity, out-of-range values, and rationality faults.
Additional special criteria apply to crankshaft and cam shaft position sensor & alignment
Output components: When proper functional response of the component and system to
computer commands does not occur. Additional special criteria apply to idle speed
(e) (15)
control system monitoring.

The OBD system shall monitor for malfunction any electronic powertrain
component/system that either provides input to (directly or indirectly) or receives
commands from an on-board computer or smart device, and:
• Can affect emissions, or
• Used as part of the diagnostic strategy for any other monitored system or
• Each input to or output from a smart device that meets criterion above shall be
monitored. Further detection or pinpointing of faults internal to the smart device is
not required.

Hybrids: Approval of monitoring plan needed which at minimum must include all energy
input devices to the electrical propulsion system, battery and charging system
performance, electric motor performance and regenerative braking performance.

The OBD II system shall monitor an electronic powertrain component or system if any
condition (e.g., deterioration, failure) of the component or the system could cause:
• Vehicle emissions to exceed any applicable standard, or
• An increase in vehicle emissions greater than 15 percent of the standard on the
following test cycles: FTP test, 50°F FTP, HWFET, SC03, US06 cycle, Unified
cycle. The emissions impact of the failure shall be determined by taking the mean
of three or more emission measurements on a vehicle aged to represent full
useful life with the component or system malfunctioning compared to the same
testing without a malfunction present.

California Monitoring Requirements for OBD II Systems (Diesel)

OBD Monitoring Requirements & Criteria for Fault Detection, Fault Storage

NMHC The OBD II System shall monitor the system for proper conversion capability of the
Catalyst NMHC-catalyst.
(f) (1)
• Fault detection:
o For Low Emission Vehicle II applications, 1.75 times NMHC of the applicable
FTP full useful life standards.
o For Low Emission Vehicle III applications, the thresholds are any of the
applicable threshold limits (defined in tables at the end of this section).

The OBD II System shall monitor the system for proper operation of the after-treatment
assistance functions. Fault detection:
• Catalyst used to generate an exotherm to assist PM-filter regeneration:
o when the catalyst does not provide sufficient exotherm to achieve PM-filter
• For 2015 catalyst used to generate a feedgas constituency to assist an SCR system
(e.g. to increase NO2 upstream the SCR):
o When the catalyst is unable to generate the necessary feedgas constituency.
o This monitor will not be required if both of the following criteria are satisfied:
▪ No malfunction can cause emissions increase of5 percent or more for
SULEV30 and SULEV20 vehicles, 20 percent or more for ULEV70 and
ULEV50 vehicles, and 15 percent or more for all other vehicles
▪ No malfunction of the catalyst’s feedgas generation ability can cause
emissions to exceed the applicable full useful life NMHC, NOx (or
NMOG+NOx, if applicable), CO, or PM standard as measured from an
applicable emission test cycle.
• Catalyst located downstream of a PM-filter and used to convert NMHC during PM-
filter regeneration:
o No detectable amount of NMHC conversion capability.
• Catalyst located downstream of an SCR system, and used to prevent ammonia slip:
o No detectable amount of NMHC, CO, NOx or PM conversion capability.

The OBD II System shall monitor the system for proper conversion capability of the NOx
converting catalyst.

Fault detection when:

o For Low Emission Vehicle II applications, 1.75 times any of the applicable FTP
full useful life standards.
o For Low Emission Vehicle III applications, the thresholds are any of the
applicable threshold limits (defined in tables at the end of this section).
Converting The OBD II System shall monitor the system for proper function of an active reductant
Catalyst injection system and related sensors and monitors.
(f) (2) • The OBDII system shall detect a malfunction prior to any failure or deterioration of the
system to properly regulate reductant delivery that would cause a vehicle’s NOX or
NMHC emissions exceed the applicable OBD-threshold limits (see above) and
• If the catalyst uses a reductant other than the fuel used for the engine or uses a
separate reservoir
o When there is no longer sufficient reductant available.
• If the catalyst uses a reductant other than the fuel used for the engine or uses a
separate reservoir:
o When an improper reductant is used.
• If the vehicle is equipped with a feedback control of the reductant injection:
o The system fails to begin feedback as specified by the manufacturer.
o Failure causes open loop or default operation.
o Feedback control has used up all adjustment allowed by the manufacturer and
cannot achieve the feedback target.

The OBD II system shall detect a misfire malfunction when one or more cylinders are
continuously misfiring.

• If more than one cylinder is misfiring, a separate fault code shall be stored indicating
that multiple cylinders are misfiring.
o Not required to identify each of the misfiring cylinders individually through
separate fault codes.
• The OBD II system shall detect a misfire malfunction when the percentage of misfire
is equal to or exceeds five percent.
• The manufacturers shall evaluate the percentage of misfire in 1000 revolution
• For passenger cars, light-duty trucks, and MDPVs certified to a chassis
dynamometer tailpipe emission standard, the OBD II system shall continuously
monitor for misfire under the following conditions:
o Under positive torque conditions up to75 percent of peak torque with
engine speed up to 75 percent of the maximum engine speed, for 2010
through 2021 model year vehicles and 2022 and subsequent model year
vehicles that are not included in the phase-in.
o Under all positive torque engine speed conditions, for 20 percent of 2022
model year, 50 percent of 2023 model year, and 100 percent of 2024 model
year vehicles, under all positive torque engine speed conditions.
• For medium-duty vehicles (including MDPVs) certified to an engine dynamometer
Misfire tailpipe emission standard, the OBD II system shall continuously monitor for misfire
(f) (3) under the following conditions:
o Under positive torque conditions up to 75 percent of peak torque with engine
speed up to 75 percent of the maximum engine speed, for 2010 through 2018
model year vehicles and 2019 and subsequent model year vehicles that are
not included in the phase-in.
o Under all positive torque engine speed conditions except within the following
range: the engine operating region bound by the positive torque line, for 20
percent of 2019 model year, 50 percent of 2020 model year, and 100 percent
of 2021 model year medium-duty vehicles

Applies to:
• All combustion sensor or combustion quality sensor-equipped 2010 through 2015
model year medium-duty vehicles
• All combustion sensor or combustion quality sensor-equipped 2010 and subsequent
model year passenger cars, light-duty trucks, and MDPVs certified to a chassis
dynamometer tailpipe emission standard
• Passenger cars and light-duty trucks, and MDPVs certified to a chassis dynamometer
tailpipe emission standard):
o 20% of 2019 model year, 50% of 2020 model year, and 100% of 2021 model
year passenger cars and light-duty trucks, and MDPVs certified to a chassis
dynamometer tailpipe emission standard.
• Medium-duty diesel vehicles except MDPVs certified to a chassis dynamometer
tailpipe emission standard)
o 20% of 2016 model year, 50% of 2017 model year, and 100% of 2018 model
year medium-duty vehicles.

The OBD II system shall monitor the system to determine its ability to comply with
emission standards.

Fuel system pressure control:

• Malfunction to be detected prior to any failure or deterioration that would cause:
o For Low Emission Vehicle II applications; 1.5 times the applicable FTP
NMHC, CO, or NOx standards or 2.0 times the applicable FTP PM
standard for 2013 and subsequent model year vehicles.
o For Low Emission Vehicle III applications, any of the applicable
NMOG+NOx, CO, or PM emission thresholds (defined in tables at the end
of this section).

Injection quantity/Injection timing:

• Malfunction of the fuel injection system to be detected when the system is unable to
Fuel System
deliver the commanded quantity of fuel/resp. is unable to deliver fuel at the proper
(f) (4)
crank angle/timing necessary to maintain a vehicle’s tailpipe emissions.
• Malfunction to be detected prior to any failure or deterioration that would cause:
o For Low Emission Vehicle II applications, 1.5 times the applicable FTP
NMHC, CO, or NOx standards or 2.0 times the applicable FTP PM
standard for 2013 and subsequent model year vehicles.
o For Low Emission Vehicle III applications, any of the applicable
NMOG+NOx, CO, or PM emission thresholds (defined in tables at the end
of this section).

Feedback control:
• Malfunction to be detected if the system fails to begin feedback as specified by the
manufacturer, and if a failure causes open loop or default operation, and if the
feedback control has used up all of the adjustment allowed by the manufacturer and
cannot achieve the feedback target.

The OBD II system shall monitor all exhaust gas sensors used for emission control
system feedback, SCR control/feedback, NOx adsorber control/feedback, or as a
monitoring device for proper output signal, activity response rate and any other
parameter that can affect emissions. Fault detection:

For sensors upstream of the exhaust aftertreatment:

Sensor Performance Faults:
• Malfunction to be detected when the sensor voltage, resistance, impedance, current,
response rate, amplitude, offset or other characteristics are no longer sufficient for
use as an OBD II monitoring device or prior to any failure or deterioration of these
components / characteristics that would cause a vehicle’s emissions to exceed:
o For Low Emission Vehicle II applications,1.5 times the applicable FTP NMHC,
CO, or NOx standards or 2.0 times the applicable FTP PM standard for 2013
Exhaust Gas and subsequent model year vehicles.
Sensor o For Low Emission Vehicle III applications, any of the applicable NMOG+NOx,
(f) (5) CO, or PM emission thresholds (defined in tables at the end of this section).
Circuit Faults:
• The OBD II system shall detect a malfunctions of the sensor caused by either a lack
of circuit continuity or out-of-range values.

Feedback Faults:
Malfunction of the sensor to be detected when a sensor failure or deterioration causes
the emission control system to stop using the sensor as a feedback input.

For sensors downstream of the exhaust aftertreatment:
Sensor Performance Faults:
• Prior to any failure or deterioration of these components / characteristics that would
cause a vehicle’s emissions to exceed:
o For Low Emission Vehicle II applications,1.5 times the applicable FTP NMHC,
CO, or 1.75 times the applicable NOx standards or 2.0 times the applicable
FTP PM standard for 2013 and subsequent model year vehicles.
o For Low Emission Vehicle III applications, any of the applicable NMOG+NOx,
CO, or PM emission thresholds (defined in tables at the end of this section).

Circuit Faults:
• The OBD II system shall detect a malfunctions of the sensor caused by either a lack
of circuit continuity or out-of-range values.

Monitoring capability: To the extent feasible, the OBD II system shall detect a malfunction
of the sensor when the sensor output voltage, resistance, impedance, current, amplitude,
activity, offset, or other characteristics are no longer sufficient for use as an OBD II
system monitoring device.

Sensor Heaters:
Malfunction of the heater performance to be detected when the current or voltage drop
in the heater circuit is no longer within the manufacturer’s specified limits for normal
operation or when open or short circuits are detected that conflict with the commanded
state of the heater.

NOx and PM Sensors:

Malfunction of the sensor to be detected when a sensor failure or deterioration causes
the emission control system to stop using the sensor as a feedback input.
For sensors downstream of the exhaust aftertreatment:
Sensor Performance Faults:
• Prior to any failure or deterioration of these components / characteristics that would
cause a vehicle’s emissions to exceed:
o For Low Emission Vehicle II applications,1.5 times the applicable FTP NMHC,
CO, or 1.75 times the applicable NOx standards or 2.0 times the applicable
FTP PM standard for 2013 and subsequent model year vehicles.
o For Low Emission Vehicle III applications, any of the applicable NMOG+NOx,
CO, or PM emission thresholds (defined in tables at the end of this section).

Circuit Faults:
• The OBD II system shall detect a malfunctions of the sensor caused by either a lack
of circuit continuity or out-of-range values.
Monitoring capability: To the extent feasible, the OBD II system shall detect a malfunction
of the sensor when the sensor output voltage, resistance, impedance, current, amplitude,
activity, offset, or other characteristics are no longer sufficient for use as an OBD II
system monitoring device.

The OBD II system shall monitor the EGR system for low flow rate, high flow rate and slow
response malfunctions. An EGR cooler shall be monitored for insufficient cooling

High/Low EGR flow:

• The OBDII system shall detect a malfunction of the EGR system, including a leaking
EGR valve, at or prior to a decrease from the manufacturer’s specified EGR flow rate
that would cause a vehicle’s tailpipe emissions to exceed:
o For Low Emission Vehicle II applications,1.5 times the applicable FTP NMHC,
CO, or 1.75 times the applicable NOx standards or 2.0 times the applicable
FTP PM standard for 2013 and subsequent model year vehicles.
o For Low Emission Vehicle III applications, any of the applicable NMOG+NOx,
CO, or PM emission thresholds (defined in tables at the end of this section).

Slow Response
• Malfunction shall be detected at or prior to any failure or deterioration in the capability
of the EGR system to achieve the commanded flow rate within a manufacturer-
specified time that would cause a vehicle’s tailpipe emissions to exceed:
o For Low Emission Vehicle II applications,1.5 times the applicable FTP NMHC,
CO, or 1.75 times the applicable NOx standards or 2.0 times the applicable
FTP PM standard for 2013 and subsequent model year vehicles.
o For Low Emission Vehicle III applications, any of the applicable NMOG+NOx,
EGR System
CO, or PM emission thresholds (defined in tables at the end of this section).
(f) (6)
EGR catalyst:
• No detectable amount of constituent oxidation; monitor not required upon proof that
there is no measurable emission impact on the criteria pollutants.
Feedback Control:
• Vehicles equipped with feedback or feed-forward control of the EGR system, the OBD
II system shall detect a malfunction:
o If the system fails to begin control within a manufacturer specified time interval;
o If a failure or deterioration causes open loop or default operation; or
o If the control system has used up all of the adjustment allowed by the
manufacturer or reached its maximum authority and cannot achieve the target.

EGR cooler performance:

• The OBDII system shall detect a malfunction of the EGR system cooler at or prior to
a reduction from the manufacturer’s specified cooling performance that would cause
a vehicle’s tailpipe emissions to exceed:
o For Low Emission Vehicle II applications,1.5 times the applicable FTP NMHC,
CO, or 1.75 times the applicable NOx standards or 2.0 times the applicable
FTP PM standard for 2013 and subsequent model year vehicles.
o For Low Emission Vehicle III applications, any of the applicable NMOG+NOx,
CO, or PM emission thresholds (defined in tables at the end of this section).

For 2010 and subsequent MY vehicles the OBD II system shall monitor the boost pressure
control system for under and over boost malfunctions. VTG systems shall be monitored
for slow response and charge air cooler systems shall be monitored for cooling system
performance malfunctions.

• The OBDII system shall detect a malfunction of the boost pressure control system at
or prior to a decrease from the manufacturer’s commanded boost pressure that would
cause a vehicle’s NMHC, CO, NOX and PM tailpipe emissions to exceed OBD
threshold limits (defined below).

Slow response:
• Malfunction to be detected at or prior to any failure or deterioration in the capability of
the system to achieve the commanded turbocharger geometry within a manufacturer-
specified time that would cause a vehicle’s NMHC, CO, NOx and PM emissions to
exceed OBD threshold limits (defined below).

Charge air undercooling:

Boost • Malfunction to be detected at or prior to a decrease from the manufacturer-specified
Pressure cooling rate that would cause a vehicle’s NMHC, CO, NOx and PM tailpipe emissions
Control to exceed OBD threshold limits (defined below).
(f) (7)
Feedback Control:
• Vehicles equipped with feedback or feed-forward control of the boost pressure system
(e.g., control of VGT position, turbine speed, manifold pressure), the OBD II system
shall detect a malfunction:
o If the system fails to begin control within a manufacturer specified time interval;
o If a failure or deterioration causes open loop or default operation; or
o If the control system has used up all of the adjustment allowed by the
manufacturer or reached its maximum authority and cannot achieve the target.
• Malfunction to be detected at or prior to a decrease from the manufacturer-specified
cooling rate that would cause a vehicle’s NMHC, CO, NOx and PM tailpipe emissions
to exceed OBD threshold limits (defined below).

OBD threshold limits:

• For Low Emission Vehicle II applications, 1.75 times the applicable FTP NMHC, or
NOx standards for 2013 and subsequent model year vehicles.
• For Low Emission Vehicle III applications, any of the applicable NMOG+NOx, CO, or
PM emission thresholds (defined in tables at the end of this section).

The OBD II System shall monitor the system for proper performance of the NOx adsorber
and of an active injection system and related sensors and monitors.
NOx adsorber capability:
• Malfunction to be detected when the NOx adsorber capability decrease to the point
that would cause a vehicle’s NOx or NMHC tailpipe emissions to exceed tailpipe
emission standards 1.75 times.

Active/intrusive injection:
• For systems that utilize active/intrusive injection ( post fuel injection, in-
exhaust air-assisted fuel injection) to achieve desorption of the NOx adsorber, the
OBD II system shall detect a malfunction if any failure or deterioration of the injection
system’s ability to properly regulate injection causes the system to be unable to
achieve desorption of the NOx adsorber.

NOx Adsorber Feedback Control:

(f) (8) • Vehicles equipped with feedback or feed-forward control of the of the NOx adsorber
or active/intrusive injection system (e.g., feedback control of injection quantity, time),
the OBD II system shall detect a malfunction:
o If the system fails to begin control within a manufacturer specified time
o If a failure or deterioration causes open loop or default operation; or
o If the control system has used up all of the adjustment allowed by the
manufacturer or reached its maximum authority and cannot achieve the target.
• Malfunction to be detected at or prior to a decrease from the manufacturer-specified
cooling rate that would cause a vehicle’s NMHC, CO, NOx and PM tailpipe emissions
to exceed OBD threshold limits (defined below).

OBD threshold limits:

• For Low Emission Vehicle II applications, 1.75 times the applicable FTP NMHC, or
NOx standards for 2013 and subsequent model year vehicles.
For Low Emission Vehicle III applications, any of the applicable NMOG+NOx, CO,
or PM emission thresholds (defined in tables at the end of this section).

The OBD II System shall monitor the system for proper performance of the PM filter.

Filtering performance:
• Malfunction to be detected prior to a decrease in the filtering capability that would
cause a vehicle>’s PM emissions to exceed tailpipe emission standards 1.75 times

Frequent regeneration:
PM Filter • For 2010 and subsequent MY vehicles the OBD II system shall detect a malfunction
(f) (9) when PM filter regeneration occurs more frequently than the manufacturer-specified
regeneration frequency such that it would cause a vehicle’s emissions to exceed its
tailpipe emission standards 1.5 times for NMHC, CO, or NOx.
• Malfunction criteria postponed from 2010 to 2015 model year (PVs, LDTs and MDPVs
certified on a chassis dynamometer) and from 2013 to 2015 for MDVs certified on an
engine dynamometer.
Incomplete regeneration:
• For 2010 and subsequent MY vehicles the OBD II system shall detect a regeneration
malfunction when the PM filter does not properly regenerate under manufacturer-
defined conditions where regeneration is designed to occur.

Catalyzed PM filter
NMHC conversion:

• For 2015 and subsequent MY vehicles the OBD II system shall detect a malfunction
when the NMHC conversion capability decreases to the point that NMHC tailpipe
emissions exceed the limits mentioned under frequent regeneration.
o If no failure or deterioration of the NMHC conversion capability could result in
a vehicle’s emissions exceeding the emission levels, OBD II system shall
detect a malfunction when the system has no detectable amount of NMHC
conversion capability.
OBD threshold limits:
• For Low Emission Vehicle II applications,1.75 times the applicable FTP NMHC.
• For Low Emission Vehicle III applications, any of the applicable NMOG+NOx, CO, or
PM emission thresholds (defined in tables at the end of this section).
• This monitor will not be required, if both of the following criteria are satisfied: No
malfunction of the considered capability/functionality can cause emissions
o Increase by 15% or more of the applicable full useful life standard as
measured from an applicable emission test cycle, and
o Exceed above referred standard

Feedgas generation:
For 2016 and subsequent MY vehicles similar monitoring as for the feedgas monitor of
the NMHC catalyst applies

Missing substrate:
• The OBD II system shall detect a malfunction if either the PM filter substrate is
completely destroyed, removed or missing, or if the PM filter assembly is replaced
with a muffler or a straight pipe.

Active/intrusive injection:
For systems that utilize active/intrusive injection ( post fuel injection, in-
exhaust air-assisted fuel injection) to achieve regeneration of the PM filter, the OBD II
system shall detect a malfunction if any failure or deterioration of the injection system’s
ability to properly regulate injection causes the system to be unable to achieve
regeneration of the PM filter.

Feedback Control:
• Vehicles equipped with feedback or feed-forward control of the boost pressure system
(e.g., control of VGT position, turbine speed, manifold pressure), the OBD II system
shall detect a malfunction:
o If the system fails to begin control within a manufacturer specified time
o If a failure or deterioration causes open loop or default operation; or
o If the control system has used up all of the adjustment allowed by the
manufacturer or reached its maximum authority and cannot achieve the target.

For all 2004 through 2024 model year vehicles, the following criteria apply for CV system

• The OBD II system shall detect a malfunction of the CV system when a disconnection
of the system occurs between the crankcase and the CV valve, or between the CV
Crankcase valve and the intake ducting.
• Monitoring is not required if:
(f) (10)
o Disconnection in the system results in a rapid loss of oil or other overt
indication of a CV system malfunction.
o Disconnection cannot be made without first disconnecting a monitored
portion of the system.
o Subject to Executive Officer approval, system designs that utilize tubing
between the valve and the crankcase.

o Disconnections unlikely to occur due to a CV system design that is integral
to the induction system or to the engine (e.g., internal machined passages
rather than tubing or hoses).

For all 2025 and subsequent model year vehicles, the following criteria apply for CV
system monitoring:
• Detect a CV system malfunction of any hose, tube, or line that transports
crankcase vapors when the system contains a disconnection or break equal to or
greater than the smallest internal cross-sectional area of that hose, tube, or line.
o Manufacturers are not required to detect disconnections or breaks of any
CV system hose, tube, or line if said disconnection or break:
▪ Causes the vehicle to stall immediately during idle operation; or
▪ Is unlikely to occur due to a CV system design that is integral to the
induction system (e.g., machined passages rather than tubing or
▪ Results in a rapid loss of oil or other overt indication of a CV system
malfunction such that the vehicle operator is certain to respond and
have the vehicle repaired; or
▪ Occurs downstream of where the crankcase vapors are delivered
to the air intake system.

The OBD II System shall monitor the engine cooling system for proper operation.

Thermostat malfunction to be detected within an ARB-approved time interval after

starting the engine under either of the following conditions:
• Coolant temperature does not reach the highest temperature required by the OBD II
system to enable other diagnostics, or
• Coolant temperature does not reach a warmed-up temperature within 20 °F of the
manufacturer’s nominal thermostat regulating temperature.
• After the coolant temperature has reached the temperatures indicated above, if the
coolant temperature drops below the required temperature (continuous monitoring).

Engine ECT sensor: Malfunction to be detected for:

Cooling • Circuit continuity, out-of-range values, and rationality faults.
System • ECT sensor does not achieve temperature required to begin closed-loop or feed-back
(f) (11) operation of emission-related engine controls.
• ECT sensor inappropriately indicates a temperature: “stuck in a range” either below
the highest minimum or above the lowest maximum enable temperature for other
OBD monitors.

For 30 percent of 2019, 60 percent of 2020, and 100 percent of 2021 and subsequent
model year vehicles that use an engine and/or engine component temperature sensor or
system in addition to the cooling system and ECT sensor (including systems that use
more than one thermostat or flow control device to regulate different temperatures in
different cooling circuits and use input from at least two temperature sensors in separate
cooling circuits for an indication of engine operating temperatures for emission control
purposes), the manufacturer shall submit a monitoring plan for approval.

For all MY 2010 and subsequent MY vehicles and subsequent MY vehicles the OBD II
system shall monitor the commanded elements for proper function while the control
strategy is active to ensure proper operation of the control strategy.
Cold Start
Malfunction shall be detected if either of the following occurs:
Reduction • When any single commanded element does not properly respond to the commanded
Strategy action while the cold start strategy is active.
(f) (12) • Any failure or deterioration of the cold start emission reduction control strategy that
would cause a vehicle to exceed:
o Tailpipe emission standards 1.5 times the applicable FTP NMHC, CO, or NOx
standards or 2.0 times the applicable FTP PM standard for 2013 and
subsequent model year vehicles.
o For Low Emission Vehicle III applications, any of the applicable NMOG+NOx,
CO, or PM emission thresholds (defined in tables at the end of this section).

OBD II system shall monitor the VVT system on vehicles so-equipped for target error
and slow response malfunctions.

Detected prior to any failure or deterioration in the capability of the VVT system to
achieve commanded valve timing and/or control within a crank angle or lift tolerance.

Target error: within a crank angle or lift tolerance that would cause a vehicle’s
emissions to exceed:
Variable Valve o 1.5 times the applicable FTP NMHC, CO, or NOx standards or 2.0 times the
Timing and/or applicable FTP PM standard for 2013 and subsequent model year vehicles.
Control System o For Low Emission Vehicle III applications, any of the applicable
(f) (13) NMOG+NOx, CO, or PM emission thresholds (defined in tables at the end
of this section).

• Slow Response: within a time that would cause a vehicle’s emissions to exceed:
o 1.5 times the applicable FTP NMHC, CO, or NOx standards or 2.0 times the
applicable FTP PM standard for 2013 and subsequent model year vehicles.
o For Low Emission Vehicle III applications, any of the applicable
NMOG+NOx, CO, or PM emission thresholds (defined in tables at the end
of this section).

Air Conditioning
System The OBD II System shall monitor all A/C parts related to the diagnostic strategy of any
(f) (14) monitored system.

The OBD II system shall monitor all electronic A/C system components for malfunction
that cause the system to fail to invoke the alternate control while A/C is on or causes
the system to invoke the alternate control while A/C is off.
• For malfunctions that result in the alternate control failing to be invoked while the
A/C system is on, the appropriate emission standards shall be the SC03 emission
o For non-Low Emission Vehicle III applications, the OBD II system shall
detect a malfunction that causes a vehicle’s emissions to exceed 1.5 times
any of the appropriate applicable emissions standards.
For Low Emission Vehicle III applications, the OBD II system shall detect a malfunction
that causes a vehicle’s emissions to exceed any of the applicable emission thresholds
(defined in tables at the end of this section).

The OBD II system shall monitor the system for malfunction of any electronic
powertrain component/system providing input to or receiving commands from the on-
board computer.

Input components: Lack of circuit continuity, out-of-range values, and rationality faults.
Additional special criteria apply to crankshaft and cam shaft position sensor &
Output components: When proper functional response of the component and system
to computer commands does not occur. Additional special criteria apply to idle speed
control system, glow plug/intake air heaters, and wait-to-start lamp circuit monitoring.
Fuel system tolerance compensation shall be monitored from MY 2015 to ensure the
proper compensation is being used.

Hybrids: Approval of monitoring plan needed which at minimum must include all energy
input devices to the electrical propulsion system, battery and charging system
Comprehensive performance, electric motor performance and regenerative braking performance.
Monitoring For 30 percent of 2019, 60 percent of 2020, and 100 percent of 2021 and subsequent
(f) (15) model year diesel vehicles:
• Monitor for malfunction any electronic powertrain component/system not otherwise
described. that either provides input to (directly or indirectly) or receives commands
from an on-board computer or smart device, and:
• Can affect emissions as determined by the criteria in section
• Used as part of the diagnostic strategy for any other monitored system or
component, or
• Used as part of an inducement strategy The OBD II system shall monitor an
electronic powertrain component or system if any condition (e.g., deterioration,
failure) of the component or the system could cause:
• Vehicle emissions to exceed any applicable standard, or
• An increase in vehicle emissions greater than 15 percent of the standard on the
following test cycles: FTP test, 50°F FTP, HWFET, SC03, US06 cycle, Unified
cycle. The emissions impact of the failure shall be determined by taking the
mean of three or more emission measurements on a vehicle aged to represent
full useful life with the component or system malfunctioning compared to the
same testing without a malfunction present.

California LEV III OBD threshold limits for Gasoline Vehicles
LEV III Thresholds for Gasoline
Monitor Thresholds Catalyst Monitor
Exhaust Standards
(except catalyst monitor) Threshold

Vehicle Emission NMOG + PM THD

Vehicle Type CO Mult. PM Mult. NMOG + NOx Mult.
Category NOx Mult. (mg/mi)

1.50 1.75
Passenger Cars, ULEV125
Light-Duty Trucks, ULEV70 4
2.00 N/A 17.50 1 2.00 4
and Chassis ULEV50
Certified MDPVs SULEV30
2.50 2.50 2.50

Chassis Certified All Medium-Duty

MDVs (except Vehicle Emission 1.50 1.50 1.50 2 17.50 3 1.75
MDPVs) Categories

1. Applies to 2019+MY LEV III vehicles

2. Applies to 2019+MY LEV III vehicles not included in the phase-in of the PM standards set forth in title 13, CCR
section 1961.2(a)(2)(B)2
3. Applies to 2019+MY LEV III vehicles included in the phase-in of the PM standards set forth in title 13, CCR section
4. Have an interim in-use threshold of 2.50 the first three years a ULEV50 or ULEV70 is certified through 2019MY.
5. SULEV20 vehicles may use a 3.25 NMOG + NOx threshold for the first 3 years a vehicle is certified, but no later
than the 2025MY.

California LEV III OBD threshold limits for Diesel Vehicles
LEV III Thresholds for Diesel
Monitor Thresholds Aftertreatment DPF Filtering Performance
Exhaust Standards 1
Monitor Thresholds 2 Monitor Threshold
Vehicle G+ PM PM PM THD
Emission Mul + NOx Mult. + NOx Mult.
Type NOx Mult. 3 Mult. Mult. (mg/m
Category t. Mult. Mult.3 3
Mult. i)
Passenger LEV160
Cars, 1.50 1.75 1.50
ULEV125 1.5
Light-Duty 1.50 1.50
Trucks, ULEV70 0 2.00
2.00 6 2.00 2.00 2.00 N/A 17.50
ULEV50 3
Chassis SULEV30 2.5
Certified 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50
SULEV20 7 0
2016MY- All MDV
2018MY Emission
Chassis Categories
1.5 17.50 17.50
Certified 1.50 2.00 1.75 N/A N/A N/A N/A 4 5
2019+MY All MDV
1.50 1.50
Chassis Emission 4 4
Certified Categories 1.5 17.50
1.50 or 1.75 1.50 or 1.50 1.50 1.50 4 5
MDVs 0
2.00 2.00
(except 5 5
1. Applies to (f)(3.2.5), (f)(4)-(f)(7), (f)(9.2.2), (f)(12)-(f)(13)
2. Applies to (f)(1)-(f)(2), (f)(8), and (f)(9.2.4)(A)
3. Applies to 2019+MY LEV III Vehicles
4. Applies to vehicles not included in the phase-in of the PM standards set forth in title 13, CCR section
5. Applies to vehicles included in the phase-in of the PM standards set forth in title 13, CCR section 1961.2(a)(2)(B)2
6. Have an interim in-use threshold of 2.50 the first three years a ULEV50 or ULEV70 is certified through 2019MY.
7. SULEV20 vehicles may use a 3.25 NMOG + NOx threshold for the first 3 years a vehicle is certified, but no later
than the 2025MY.

Federal – Fuel Economy Regulations

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) on behalf of the Department of
Transportation establishes Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) standards that require
manufacturers to meet certain fuel efficiency levels for their fleet of new passenger cars and light
trucks sold in the U.S. The standards are intended to reduce U.S. dependence on foreign oil by
decreasing gasoline consumption.

Fuel economy values are calculated from the emissions generated during the UDDS and highway
test using a carbon balance equation. The combined fuel economy is a harmonically weighted
average of the city (55%) & highway (45%) fuel economy (mpg) values. Separate calculations are
made for passenger cars and light-duty trucks.

For passenger cars, separate calculations are made for domestic (at least 75 percent U.S./
Canada/Mexico content) and imported vehicles.

Federal – CAFE & Greenhouse Gas Requirements
CAFE Requirements for 2011 and earlier Model Years

Passenger Cars
A CAFE standard of 27.5 mpg was in place through MY 2010.

Light Trucks
The CAFE standard for Light Trucks increased from 20.7 mpg in MY 2004 to 22.2 mpg in the MY

For the 2008 through 2011, NHTSA has promulgated new CAFE standards under a reformed

Reformed Standards
The reformed fuel economy standards are based on a vehicle attribute referred to as “footprint”,
i.e. the product of multiplying a vehicle’s wheelbase by its track width. A target level of fuel
economy is established for each increment in footprint. Smaller footprint vehicles have higher
targets and larger ones have lower targets. The fuel economy target level for each individual
manufacturer in each particular model year is calculated as the harmonic average of the fuel
economy targets for the manufacturer's vehicles, weighted by the distribution of the production
volumes among the footprint increments.
These standards applied to Light Duty Trucks MYs 2008-2011 and Passenger Cars MY 2011.

The required fuel economy level is defined according to the following formula:

𝑅𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑖𝑟𝑒𝑑 𝐹𝑢𝑒𝑙 𝐸𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑜𝑚𝑦 𝐿𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑙 =
∑𝑖 𝑖
Where: N is the total number (sum) of trucks produced by a manufacturer
Ni is the number (sum) of the ith model light truck produced by the manufacturer
Ti is the fuel economy target of the ith model light truck, which is determined
according to the following formula rounded to the nearest hundredth:
𝑇= (𝑥−𝑐)
1 1 1 𝑒 𝑑
+( − )
𝑎 𝑏 𝑎 (𝑥−𝑐)
1+𝑒 𝑑

Where: T = Fuel economy target for a given model

a, b, c, and d are the MY specific coefficients from the table below
e = mathematical constant 2.718
x = foot print of vehicle (in square feet rounded to the nearest tenth)

Parameters for the Passenger Automobile Fuel Economy Targets MY 2011

Model year a b c d
(mpg) (mpg) (gal/mi/ft2) (gal/mi)
2011 31.20 24.00 51.41 1.91

Parameters for the Light Truck Fuel Economy Targets for MYs 2008-2011
Model year a b c d
(mpg) (mpg) (gal/mi/ft2) (gal/mi)
2008 28.56 19.99 49.30 5.58
2009 30.07 20.87 48.00 5.81
2010 29.96 21.20 48.49 5.50
2011 27.10 21.10 56.41 4.28

CAFE and Greenhouse Gas Requirements for Model Years 2012-2016

In 2010, NHTSA and EPA issued a joint final rule establishing a coordinated National Program to
improve fuel economy and reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of model year 2012 through
2016 passenger cars, light trucks.

The standards are expressed as mathematical functions depending on vehicle footprint. Footprint
is determined by multiplying the vehicle’s wheelbase by the vehicle’s average track width. The
standards that must be met by each manufacturer’s fleet are determined by computing the sales-
weighted average.

This means each manufacturer has a GHG and CAFE target unique to its fleet, depending on the
vehicle models produced by that manufacturer. A manufacturer has separate footprint-based
standards for cars and for trucks. Generally, larger vehicles (i.e., vehicles with larger footprints)
are subject to less stringent standards (i.e., higher CO2 grams/mile standards and lower CAFE
standards) than smaller vehicles.
NHTSA’s and EPA’s respective standards are shown in the following table (and described in more
detail in the chapters below), reflecting the agencies projection of the corresponding fleet levels
that will result from these footprint-based curves.

Projected Fleet-Wide Emissions Compliance Levels under the Footprint-Based
CO2 Standards [g/mi] and corresponding CAFE Standards [mpg]
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
Passenger Cars 263 256 247 236 225
Light Trucks [g/mi] 346 337 326 312 298
Combined Cars & Trucks 295 286 276 263 250
Passenger Cars 33.8 34.7 36.0 37.7 39.5
Light Trucks [mpg] 25.7 26.4 27.3 28.5 29.8
Combined Cars & Trucks 30.1 31.1 32.2 33.8 35.5

NHTSA CAFE Standards

For passenger cars and light trucks, NHTSA finalized CAFE standards defined by the following
coefficients during MYs 2012-2016:
Coefficients defining Final MY 2012-2016 Fuel Economy Targets for Passenger Cars:
Coefficient 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
a [mpg] 35.95 36.80 37.75 39.24 41.09
b [mpg] 27.95 28.46 29.03 29.90 30.96
c [gpm/sqf] 0.0005308 0.0005308 0.0005308 0.0005308 0.0005308
d [gpm] 0.006057 0.005410 0.004725 0.003719 0.002573

Parameters for the Light Truck Fuel Economy Targets for MYs 2012-2016
Model year a b c d
(mpg) (mpg) (gal/mi/ft2) (gal/mi)
2012 29.82 22.27 0.0004546 0.014900
2013 30.67 22.74 0.0004546 0.013968
2014 31.38 23.13 0.0004546 0.013225
2015 32.72 23.85 0.0004546 0.011920
2016 34.42 24.74 0.0004546 0.010413

For passenger cars and light trucks, NHTSA CAFE standards are defined by the following
coefficients during MYs 2017-2025:

Parameters for the Light Truck Fuel Economy Targets for MYs 2017-2025
Model year a b c d e f g h
2 2
(mpg) (mpg) (gal/mi/ft ) (gal/mi) (mpg) (mpg) (gal/mi/ft ) (gal/mi)
2017 36.26 25.09 0.0005484 0.005097 35.10 25.09 0.0004546 0.009851
2018 37.36 25.20 0.0005358 0.004797 35.31 25.20 0.0004546 0.009682
2019 38.16 25.25 0.0005265 0.004623 35.41 25.25 0.0004546 0.009603
2020 39.11 25.25 0.0005140 0.004494 35.41 25.25 0.0004546 0.009603
2021 41.80 25.25 0.0004820 0.004164 35.41 25.25 0.0004546 0.009603
2022 43.79 26.29 0.0004607 0.003944 35.41 25.25 0.0004546 0.009603
2023 45.89 27.53 0.0004404 0.003735 35.41 25.25 0.0004546 0.009603
2024 48.09 28.83 0.0004210 0.003534 35.41 25.25 0.0004546 0.009603
2025 50.39 30.19 0.0004025 0.003343 35.41 25.25 0.0004546 0.009603

CAFE Fines
Fines for not meeting the required CAFE limits are set at $5.50 per one tenth of mpg per vehicle
produced by the manufacturer.
EPA Greenhouse Gas Standards
The standards are described mathematically by a family of piecewise linear functions (with respect
to vehicle footprint). The form of the function is as follows:

CO2 = a, if x ≤ l
CO2 = cx + d, if l < x ≤ h
CO2 = b, if x > h

CO2 = the CO2 target value for a given footprint (in g/mi)
a = the minimum CO2 target value (in g/mi)
b = the maximum CO2 target value (in g/mi)
c = the slope of the linear function (in g/mi per sq. ft.)
d = is the zero-offset for the line (in g/mi CO2)
x = footprint of the vehicle model (in square feet, rounded to the nearest tenth)
l & h are the lower and higher footprint limits, constraints, or the boundary (“kinks”) between the flat regions
and the intermediate sloped line

EPA’s parameter values that define the family of functions for the CO2 fleet-wide average car and
truck standards are as follows:
Parameter Values for Lower
Cars a b c d Constrain
Model Year t
2012 244 315 4.72 50.5 41 56
2013 237 307 4.72 43.3 41 56
2014 228 299 4.72 34.8 41 56
2015 217 288 4.72 23.4 41 56
2016 and later 206 277 4.72 12.7 41 56

Parameter Values for
Lower Upper
Trucks a b c d
Constraint Constraint
Model Year
2012 294 395 4.04 128.6 41 66
2013 284 385 4.04 118.7 41 66
2014 275 376 4.04 109.4 41 66
2015 261 362 4.04 95.1 41 66
2016 and later 247 348 4.04 81.1 41 66

EPA's Program Flexibilities

The EPA standards are numerically more stringent than the NHTSA standards in order to take into
account the fact that EPA will provide a number of flexibility mechanisms, especially credits for
advanced air-condition systems:

Air Condition System (A/C) Credits: EPA is allowing auto manufacturers to earn credits toward the
fleet-wide average CO2 standards for improving air conditioning systems, such as reducing both
hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) refrigerant losses (i.e. system leakage) and indirect CO 2 emissions
related to the increased load on the engine.

Flex-fuel and Alternative Fuel Vehicle Credits: EPA had allowed Flex- Fuel Vehicle or FFV credits
in line with NHTSA limits during model years 2012 to 2015. After model year 2015, EPA will
determine alternative fuel vehicle emission values based on a vehicle’s actual emissions while
operating on gasoline as well as on the alternative fuel and require a demonstration of actual
alternative fuel use.

Advanced Technology Credits: Manufacturers who produce advanced technology vehicles will be
able to assign a zero gram per mile CO2 emissions value to the first 200,000 vehicles sold in model
years 2012-2016 (for PHEVs, the zero gram per mile value applies only to the percentage of miles
driven on grid electricity), or 300,000 vehicles for manufacturers that sell 25,000 advanced
technology vehicles or more in model year 2012.

Off-Cycle Innovative Technology Credits: A credit opportunity is provided for new and innovative
technologies that reduce vehicle CO2 emissions, but whose CO2 reduction benefits are not
captured over the 2-cycle test procedure used to determine compliance with the fleet average
standards (i.e. “off-cycle”). Eligible technologies include those that are used in one or more current
vehicle models, but that are not yet in widespread use in the light-duty fleet.

Early Credits: Manufacturers were allowed to generate early credits in model years 2009-2011.
Credits may be generated through early additional fleet average CO2 reductions, early A/C system
improvements, early advanced technology vehicle credits, and early off-cycle credits.

CAFE and Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Requirements for Model Years 2017 – 2025
In October 2012, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the National Highway
Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) published a final rule to extend the National Program of
harmonized greenhouse gas and fuel economy standards to model year 2017 through 2025 light-
duty vehicles. CARB has harmonized the California GHG standards with the EPA Federal
standards so that a manufacturer may elect to demonstrate compliance with the California
requirements by demonstrating compliance with the 2017 through 2025 MY National greenhouse
gas program, i.e. complying with the federal regulations will be deemed in compliance with the
California regulations.

As shown in Table 1 below, the proposed passenger car requirements are projected to increase
in stringency from 213 to 144 grams per mile between model year 2017 and model year 2025 and
the requirements for trucks are projected to increase from 295 to 203 grams per mile. EPA projects
that the average fleet wide (i.e. all passenger cars, light-duty trucks, and medium duty passenger
vehicles) CO2 compliance level in model years 2017 and 2025 will be 243 grams per mile and 163
grams per mile, respectively, if all reductions were made through fuel economy improvements.

Estimated Average Emissions Compliance Targets under Proposed Footprint-Based

CO2 Standards 1
Model Year 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025
Passenger Cars 213 202 192 182 173 165 158 151 144
Light Trucks 295 285 277 270 250 237 225 214 203
Combined Cars
243 232 223 213 200 190 181 172 163
& Trucks
1Standards are footprint based and the fleet projections and distributions change slightly with each update. The actual
target levels for any model year will not be known until the end of that model year based on actual vehicle sales.

Estimated Average Required Fleet-Wide Fuel Economy (mpg) under Proposed
Footprint-Based CAFE Standards 1
Model Year 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025
Passenger Cars 37.8 40.0 41.4 43 44.7 46.6 48.8 51.0 53.5 56.0
Light Trucks 28.8 29.4 30.0 30.6 31.2 33.3 34.9 36.6 38.5 40.3
Combined Cars
34.1 35.3 36.4 37.5 38.8 40.9 42.9 45.0 47.3 49.6
& Trucks
1Standards are footprint based and the fleet projections and distributions change slightly with each update. The actual
target levels for any model year will not be known until the end of that model year based on actual vehicle sales.

Figure 68 shows the actual footprint curves for cars and trucks. For PCs, the CO 2 compliance
values associated with the footprint curves would be reduced on average by 5 % per year from the
MY 2016 projected passenger car industry-wide compliance level through model year 2025. For
LDTs, the proposed average annual rate of CO2 emissions reduction in MYs 2017 through 2021 is
3.5 % per year and for MYs 2022 through 2025 it is 5 % per year.

GHG Program Flexibilities

Figure 68: Passenger Car Standards Curve (left) and Truck Standards Curve (right)

All of the compliance flexibilities provided in the MY 2012-2016 GHG program are being continued
in identical or similar fashion. In addition, the agencies included the following possibilities in the
final rule:
• Fungibility of Credits: EPA provides a one-time CO2 credit carry-forward beyond five
years, such that any CO2 credits generated from MY 2010 through 2016 will be able to be
used any time through MY 2021.
• Air Conditioning System Credits: Manufacturers may generate credits by implementing
specific air conditioning system technologies designed to reduce air conditioning refrigerant
leakage over the useful life of their passenger automobiles and/or light trucks.
• Off-Cycle Credits: The final rule contains a list of technologies that receive specific off-
cycle credits. These include high efficiency exterior lighting, engine heat recovery, solar roof
panels, active aerodynamic improvements, engine start-stop, electric heater circulation
pumps, active transmission warm-up, active engine warm-up and solar control. Automakers
can apply for additional credits, provided they have the supporting data, up to a 10 g/mile
fleet-wide credit cap.

Air Conditioning and Off-Cycle Technologies Credit Cars Credit Light Trucks
[g/mi] [g/mi]
Reducing Leakage of Air Conditioning Refrigerant Up to 13.8 Up to 17.2
High Efficiency Exterior Lighting Up to 1.0 Up to 1.0
Waste Heat Recovery (at 100 W, scalable) 0.7 0.7
Solar Roof Panels (for 75 W, battery charging only) 3.3 3.3
Solar Roof Panels (for 75 W, active cabin ventilation plus battery
2.5 2.5
Active Aerodynamic Improvements (scalable) 0.6 1.0
Engine Idle Start-Stop with heater circulation system 2.5 4.4
Engine Idle Start-Stop without heater circulation system 1.5 2.9
Active Transmission Warm-Up 1.5 3.2
Active Engine Warm-Up 1.5 3.2
Solar/Thermal Control Up to 3.0 Up to 4.3

• For non-listed technologies, the rule contains a detailed application process and a 60-day
deadline for EPA to make a decision once a manufacturer submits a complete application.
Also, for the first time, the agencies allow manufacturers to generate CAFE credits based
on the use of off-cycle technologies beginning in MY 2017.

CO2 credits for advanced technology vehicles

• Electric vehicles, plug-in hybrid electric vehicles, and fuel cell vehicles that are certified and
produced for U.S. sale, where “U.S.” means the states and territories of the United States,
in the 2012 through 2025 model years may use a value of zero (0) grams/mile of CO 2 to
represent the proportion of electric operation of a vehicle that is derived from electricity that
is generated from sources that are not onboard the vehicle, as specified below.

• Model years 2012 through 2016: The use of zero (0) grams/mile CO 2 is limited to the first
200,000 combined electric vehicles, plug-in hybrid electric vehicles, and fuel cell vehicles
produced for U.S. sale for a manufacturer that produces less than 25,000 such vehicles for
U.S. sale in the 2012 model year. A manufacturer that produces 25,000 or more such
vehicles for U.S. sale in the 2012 model year shall be subject to a limitation on the use of
Zero (0) grams/mile CO2 to the first 300,000 combined electric vehicles, plug-in hybrid
electric vehicles, and fuel cell vehicles produced and delivered for sale by a manufacturer
in the 2012 through 2016 model years.

• Model years 2017 through 2021: For electric vehicles, plug-in hybrid electric vehicles, and
fuel cell vehicles produced for U.S. sale, where “U.S.” means the states and territories of
the United States, in the 2017 through 2021 model years, such use of zero (0) grams/mile
CO2 is unrestricted.

• Model years 2022 through 2025: The use of zero (0) grams/mile CO 2 is limited to the first
200,000 combined electric vehicles, plug-in hybrid electric vehicles, and fuel cell vehicles
produced for U.S. sale by a manufacturer in the 2022 through 2025 model years, except
that a manufacturer that produces for U.S. sale 300,000 or more such vehicles in the 2019
through 2021 model years shall be subject to a limitation on the use of zero (0) grams/mile
CO2 to the first 600,000 combined electric vehicles, plug-in hybrid electric vehicles, and fuel
cell vehicles produced for U.S. sale by a manufacturer in the 2022 through 2025 model

• For electric vehicles, plug-in hybrid electric vehicles, fuel cell vehicles, dedicated natural
gas vehicles, and dual-fuel natural gas vehicles that are certified and produced for U.S. sale
in the 2017 through 2021 model years, the manufacturer may use the production multipliers
when determining the manufacturer's fleet average carbon-related exhaust emissions.
Production Multipliers for BEVs, FCVs and PHEVs
Model Year BEVs and FCVs PHEVsa
2017-2019 2.0 1.6
2020 1.75 1.45
2021 1.5 1.3
a) The minimum all-electric driving range that a plug-in hybrid electric vehicle must have in order to qualify for use of
a production multiplier is 10.2 miles on its nominal storage capacity of electricity when operated on the highway fuel
economy test cycle.

Incentives for “Game Changing” Technologies Performance for Full-Size Pickup Trucks
EPA is providing a CO2 credit and an equivalent fuel consumption improvement value in the CAFE
program for manufacturers that employ significant quantities of hybridization on full size pickup
trucks, by including a per-vehicle CO2 credit and fuel consumption improvement value available
for mild and strong HEVs, provided the manufacturer meets minimum fleet penetration rates for
these technologies.

Mild HEVs will be eligible for a per-vehicle CO2 credit of 10 g/mi (equivalent to 0.0011 gallon/mile
for a gasoline-fueled truck) during MYs 2017- 2021. To be eligible a manufacturer has to show
that the mild hybrid technology is utilized in a specified portion of its truck fleet beginning with at
least 20% of a company’s full-size pickup production in MY 2017 and ramping up to at least 80%
in MY 2021.

Strong HEV pickup trucks will be eligible for a 20 g/mi credit (0.0023 gallon/mile) during MYs 2017-
2025 if the technology is used on at least 10% of a company’s full-size pickups in that model year.
This HEV credit cannot be combined with the “Production Multipliers for BEVs, FCVs and PHEVs”
mentioned in the CO2 credits for advanced technology vehicles section of this document.

Alternatively, EPA is also providing a CO2 credit and equivalent fuel consumption improvement
value for full size pickup trucks that achieve a significant CO2 reduction below/fuel economy
improvement above the applicable target. To avoid double-counting, no truck will receive credit
under both the HEV (above) and this performance-based approach. Eligible pickup trucks
certified as performing 15 percent better than their applicable CO2 target will receive a 10 g/mi
credit (0.0011 gallon/mile), and those certified as performing 20 percent better than their target will
receive a 20 g/mi credit (0.0023 gallon/mile).

Treatment of Compressed Natural Gas (CNG), Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEVs):
The Society of Automotive Engineers “utility factor” methodology (based on vehicle range on the
alternative fuel and typical daily travel mileage) is used to determine the assumed percentage of
operation on gasoline and percentage of operation on the alternative fuel for both PHEVs and bi-
fuel CNG vehicles, along with the CO2 emissions test values on the alternative fuel and gasoline.

Gas Guzzler Tax
The Gas Guzzler Tax is imposed on manufacturers on the sale of new model year passenger cars
whose fuel economy fails to meet the following limits. The following “Tax Schedule” (in effect since
January 1, 1991) applies:
Gas Guzzler Groups [mpg] Tax Rate [US $]
at least 22.5 mpg no tax
at least 21.5 but less than 22.5 1,000
at least 20.5 but less than 21.5 1,300
at least 19.5 but less than 20.5 1,700
at least 18.5 but less than 19.5 2,100
at least 17.5 but less than 18.5 2,600
at least 16.5 but less than 17.5 3,000
at least 15.5 but less than 16.5 3,700
at least 14.5 but less than 15.5 4,500
at least 13.5 but less than 14.5 5,400
at least 12.5 but less than 13.5 6,400
less than 12.5 7,700

Fuel Economy Labels

Since 1985, the fuel economy test results have been adjusted for purposes of the sales labels:
Manufacturers must incorporate fuel economy test results from the US06, SC03 and Cold FTP
cycles into the label estimates (“5-cycle formula”).
In 2011, EPA and NHTSA revised fuel economy and environmental label designs for both
conventional as well as advanced technology vehicles of 2013 and later model years.

Labels for Gasoline and Diesel Vehicles (see Figure 69) contain the following information:

• Fuel Economy: Miles per gallon (MPG) estimates. The combined City/Highway estimate is
the most prominent to allow quick and easy comparison to other vehicles. Electric fuel
efficiency is shown in miles per gallon equivalent (MPGe). MPGe is based on energy
content that can be used to compare across different vehicle technologies and fuels.

• Comparable Fuel Economy: Information to compare the vehicle’s fuel economy to other
vehicles in the same category (e.g., among all small SUVs) and to find out the highest fuel
economy among all vehicles.

• Fuel Consumption Rate: The estimated rate of fuel consumption, in gallons per 100 miles,
for combined city and highway driving. Unlike MPG, consumption relates directly to the
amount of fuel used, and thus to fuel expenditures.

• Fuel Economy and Greenhouse Gas Rating: One-to-ten rating comparing the vehicle’s
fuel economy and tailpipe carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions to those of all other new vehicles,
where a rating of 10 is best.

• CO2 Emissions Information: Tailpipe CO2 emissions in grams per mile for combined city
and highway driving and the emissions of the vehicle with lowest CO2 emissions.

• Smog Rating: A one-to-ten rating based on exhaust emissions that contribute to air

• Fuel Costs: An estimate of how much more (or less) the vehicle will cost to fuel over five
years relative to the average new vehicle, as well as its estimated annual fuel cost.

• Web: The web site,, provides additional information and tools that
allow consumers to compare different vehicles.

• Smartphone Interactive Tool: A symbol (also known as a QR Code®) that smartphones

can read to reach a website that will provide additional and customizable information
about the vehicle.

Figure 69: Fuel Economy Label

California – Fuel Economy Regulations

On June 30, 2009, the EPA granted California the necessary waiver of Federal pre-emption to
allow the implementation of California’s GHG regulation starting in model year 2009. California
has established greenhouse gas emissions fleet average requirements but committed to allowing
automakers who show compliance with the national greenhouse gas program to be deemed in
compliance with the California requirements and has, therefore, revised its AB 1493 regulations

Test Cycles
Emission, fuel economy and OBD compliance testing requires demonstration utilizing pre-defined
driving cycles.
The EPA Urban Dynamometer Driving Schedule (UDDS), Highway Fuel Economy Test Cycle
(HWFET), US06, and SC03 driving schedules are used in the determination of Fuel economy, CO2
emissions, and carbon-related exhaust emission calculations. The drive cycles are run various
combinations, with the results of each test individually weighted and averaged.
The New York City Cycle (NYCC) is used in combination with the UDDS during evaporative
emissions running loss tests. The Unified Cycle (developed by the California Air Resource Board)
can be used in place of the UDDS to demonstrate OBD monitor compliance.

FTP Testing
The Federal Test Procedure (FTP) is a defined set of procedures for vehicle testing. The FTP
drive cycle is based on the “Urban Dynamometer Driving Sequence” (UDDS). The complete test
consists of 3 portions: a “Cold Transient Phase” of 505 seconds after cold start (at 20 C) of the
engine, a “Stabilized Phase” of 867 seconds and, after a 10 minutes soak time, a repetition of
the first 505 seconds of the UDDS with the fully warmed-up vehicle.

City Cycle (UDDS)

Figure 70: City Cycle

The Highway Fuel Economy Test Cycle (HWFET)

The Highway Fuel Economy Driving Schedule represents highway driving conditions under 60
mph. The cycle is driven twice; the first run is for preconditioning.

Figure 71: Highway Cycle

Highway Cycle
Average Speed Max. Speed Distance Time
Test [mph] [mph] [miles] [s]
[km/h] [km/h] [km]
Complete FTP 21.2 34.12 56.7 91.25 11.04 17.77 1877
UDDS 19.5 31.38 56.7 91.25 7.5 12.07 1372
HW-Cycle 48.4 77.89 59.9 96.40 10.22 16.45 765

SFTP testing:
To more accurately reflect in-use driving patterns, an additional Supplemental Federal Test
Procedure (SFTP) was developed by EPA. The SFTP consists of two test cycles: the SC03 test
which is driven with the air conditioning on at higher ambient air temperature and the US06 test
with high loads and accelerations.
SC03 & US06 Cycle

Figure 72: SC03 Cycle

Figure 73: US06 Cycle

Average Speed Max. Speed Distance Time

Test [mph] [mph] [miles] [s]
[km/h] [km/h] [km]
SC03 21.6 34.76 54.8 88.19 3.6 5.79 600
US06 48.4 77.89 80.3 129.23 8.0 12.87 600
Running Loss Test emissions are measured while the vehicle is running over one UDDS, two New
York City cycles and another UDDS.

New York City Cycle

Figure 74: New York City Cycle

The CARB Unified Cycle can be used by manufacturers to demonstrate compliance with OBD II
CARB Unified Cycle

Figure 75: CARB Unified Cycle

Average Speed Max. Speed Distance Time

Test [mph] [km/h] [mph] [km/h] [miles] [km] [s]
NYCC 7.1 11.43 27.7 44.58 1.18 1.90 600
Unified Cycle 24.63 39.64 67.2 108.15 9.82 15.80 1435

Federal Exhaust, Evaporative and ORVR Test

Figure 76: Federal Exhaust, Evaporative and ORVR Test

Hybrid Electric Vehicles Testing
Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEV) must - in principle - undergo the same tests as conventional
vehicles. However, due to the influence of the battery charge status on the test results (emissions
and fuel economy) additional requirements exist for the preconditioning and testing procedures.

Most importantly, a well-defined battery charge status has to be adjusted: the battery state-of-
charge (SOC) must be determined before and after testing and must be within defined limits (SOC
criterion) in order for the test be valid. The battery charge status which has to be adjusted depends
on whether or not the “Auxiliary Power Unit“ (APU) - this can be an internal combustion engine, a
gas turbine or a fuel cell - can be manually activated (i.e. whether the system has an APU-
operation switch).

The test preconditioning procedure further depends on whether the vehicle is “charge-sustaining”
or “charge-depleting” when operated over the applicable driving sequences: UDDS (Urban
Dynamometer Driving Sequence), Highway-cycle, US06 and SC03:

- Charge depleting: battery charge is going down (mostly pure electric drive;
internal combustion engine is working only intermittently, if at all).
- Charge sustaining: battery charge status is equal before and after testing (i.e. within
the state-of-charge (SOC) criterion).

State of Charge (SOC) Requirements for FTP testing of HEVs

Before vehicle preconditioning, the battery state-of-charge (SOC) shall be set prior to initial fuel
drain and fill (of the standard test sequence) before vehicle preconditioning as follows:
For HEVs without manual activation of the APU, battery SOC shall be set at a level that causes
the HEV to operate the APU for the max. possible cumulative amount of time during the
preconditioning drive.

For HEVs that allow manual activation of the APU, battery SOC shall be set as follows:

- if the HEV is charge-sustaining over the UDDS, battery SOC shall be set at
the lowest level allowed by the manufacturer
- if the HEV is charge-depleting over the UDDS, battery SOC shall be set at
the level recommended by the manufacturer for activating the APU when operating
in urban driving condition

Within five minutes of completing the preconditioning drive, battery state-of-charge (SOC) shall be
set at a level that satisfies one of the following conditions:

a) if the HEV does not allow manual activation of the APU and is charge-sustaining over the
UDDS, battery SOC shall be set at a level such that SOC criterion would be satisfied for the
dynamometer procedure. If off-the vehicle charging is required to increase battery SOC for
proper setting, off-vehicle charging shall occur during the 12 to 36 hours soak period
b) if the HEV does not allow manual activation of the APU and is charge-depleting over the
UDDS, then no battery SOC adjustment is permissible
c) if the HEV does allow manual activation of the APU, then the battery SOC shall be set to
the level recommended by the manufacturer for activating the

APU when the HEV is operating in urban driving conditions

For HEVs an additional second (hot start) UDDS phase is included in the FTP procedure. Similar
to the described requirements for adjusting the battery state-of-charge (SOC)
for preconditioning and emission testing according to the FTP, battery SOC must also be adjusted
when HEVs undergo the following tests:

- Highway Emission Test (HFE)

- Supplemental Federal Test Procedure (SFTP) Emission Tests (US06 & SC03)

Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle (PHEV) Test Procedures

The EPA and ARB test procedures for determining emissions and all-electric range of PHEVs are
aligned with the SAE recommended practice for measuring the exhaust emissions and fuel-
economy of hybrids (SAE J1711). SAE J1711 also covers fuel economy test procedures for hybrid
vehicles. The test procedures incorporate a method for testing all types of PHEVs to determine
the vehicle’s electric range contribution and to accurately quantify exhaust emissions. Specifically,
the amendments institute a new urban charge depleting range test, and a highway charge
depleting range test, each of which continue until the charge sustaining range is reached (two
consecutive cycles for urban, one cycle for highway).
The CARB test procedures also include methods to determine if a PHEV qualifies for the zero-
emission VMT or advanced componentry allowances under the ZEV regulation.
The equivalent all-electric range is calculated as follows:

Where: Mcd means: CO2 Emissions of CD Phase [g]

𝐸𝐴𝐸𝑅 = (1 − 𝑀𝑐𝑑 ) × 𝑅𝑐𝑑 Mcs means: CO2 Emissions of CS Phase [g]
𝑐𝑠 Rcd means: CD Phase [mi]

Figure 77: Example of a PHEV w/ AER and blended operation undergoing the urban charge depleting range

As per the amendments from the Air Resources Board in 2012 these are the list of tests to be
performed on HEV, based on their system architecture:

MY MY 2012 - MY 2017 MY 2018 MY 2012 - MY2017 MY 2018

All ZEV, HEV All ZEV, HEV off vehicle off vehicle
(not off vehicle (not off vehicle charge charge
Applicable to
charge capable HEV) charge capable capable HEV capable HEV
Electric Dynamometer. X X X X
Vehicle and Battery Break-
In Period X X X X
All-Electric Range Test X X X X
Determination of Battery
Specific Energy for ZEVs. X X
Determination of the
Emissions of the Fuel-fired
Heater for Vehicles Other
Than ZEVs X X X X
Urban X X
Highway Emission Test
Provisions X X
SFTP Emission Test
Provisions for All Hybrid
Electric Vehicles, Except
Hybrid Fuel Cell Vehicles
and Off-Vehicle Charge
Capable Hybrid Electric
Vehicles. X X
State-of-Charge Net
Change Tolerances X X
General Testing
Requirements X X
Urban Test Provisions for
Off-Vehicle Charge
Capable Hybrid Electric
Vehicles X X
Highway Test Provisions
for Off-Vehicle Charge
Capable Hybrid Electric
Vehicles. X X
SFTP Emission Test
Provisions for Off-Vehicle
Charge Capable Hybrid
Electric Vehicles. X X
50F and 20F Test Provision
for Off-Vehicle Charge
Capable Hybrid Electric
Vehicles. X X
Additional Provisions. X X
State-of-Charge Net
Change Tolerances. X X
Calculations – Equivalent
All-Electric Range for Off-
Vehicle Charge Capable
Hybrid Electric Vehicles X X
The Calculations of the
Combined Green House
Gas Regulatory Rating of
Off-vehicle Charge
Capable Hybrid Electric
Vehicles X X
Source: Air Resource Board, California Exhaust Emission Standards and Test Procedures
Peoples Republic of China
China Emission Standards
China 5/V emission standards have been introduced in major cities since 2013. As of Jan 1 st, 2017
all new light-duty gasoline and heavy-duty diesel (for public transit & service) vehicles have to
comply with China 5/V requirements.

China 6 Light-duty vehicle emission standard (GB18352.6-2016) was released on Dec 23rd, 2016.
All new light-duty vehicles will have to comply with the requirements of phase 6a from Jul 1st, 2020
and phase 6b from Jul 1st, 2023. RDE regulation in China6b is still under revision, requirements
and conformity factors are expected to be defined before July,2022.

Besides emission regulation for new produced vehicles, regulation for in-use vehicle was also
revised - GB 18285-2018 (Limits and measurement methods for emissions from gasoline vehicles
under two-speed idle conditions and short driving mode conditions). It will be effective as of May
1st, 2019.

China VI Heavy-duty diesel/gas fueled Vehicle Emission Standard (GB 17691-2018) was
published in July 2018. Phase-in implementation will start as of July 1st, 2019. All new vehicles are
required to meet phase a from Jul 1st, 2021 and phase b from Jul 1st, 2023.

On July 3rd, 2018, China government released three-year action plan to fight for blue sky (“Action
Plan”). CHINA 6/VI is planned to be implemented earlier than nationwide schedule - as of July 1st,
2019 in following areas: 1) Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei and surrounding areas; 2) Yangtze River
Delta region; 3) Fen-Wei River Plains; 4) Pearl River Delta area; 5) Cheng-Yu District.

• China Nationwide Schedule

Introduction Introduction
Standard Vehicle Type Fuel Type Remark Date for Type Date for first
Approval Registration
Gasoline - Jul 1st, 2010 Jul 1st, 2011
China 4 Light-duty
Diesel - - Jan 1st, 2015
Gasoline - st
Jul 1 , 2010 Jul 1st, 2011
China IV Heavy-duty
Diesel - - Jan 1st, 2015
Gasoline - st
Jan 1 , 2015 Jan 1st, 2017
China 5 Light-duty
Diesel - Jan 1st, 2015 Jan 1st, 2018
Gasoline - Jan 1st, 2013
Public transit &
China V Heavy-duty Diesel service - Jan 1st, 2017
Diesel all - Jul 1st, 2017
China 6a - - - Jul 1st, 2020
China 6b - - - Jul 1st, 2023
Gas all - Jul 1st, 2019
Public transit &
China VIa Diesel service - Jul 1st, 2020
Heavy-duty Diesel all - Jul 1st, 2021
Gas all - Jan 1st, 2021
China VIb
Diesel all - Jul 1st, 2023

• Phase-in Schedule in China Specific Region/City

Vehicle Date for
Region / City Standard Fuel Type Remark
Type First
China 5 Light-duty - Feb 1st, 2013
China V Heavy-duty Diesel Aug 1st, 2015
China 6b Light-duty - Draft plan Jan 1st, 2020
Beijing Diesel for
China VIb Heavy-duty Gas, Diesel Public transit Jul 1st, 2019
& service
China VIb Heavy-duty All Jan 1st, 2020
China 5 Light-duty May 1st, 2014
Shanghai China V Heavy-duty Diesel
Public transit
May 1st, 2014
& service
China 5 Light-duty Gasoline Dec 1st, 2015
Public transit
(Pearl River China V Heavy-duty Diesel & service Jul 1st, 2015
Delta Area)
China 5 Light-duty - Apr 1st, 2016
East of China Public transit
(11 provinces) China V Heavy-duty Diesel & service Apr 1st, 2016

5 Key China6/VI - - In plan Jul 1st, 2019

* 5 key regions defined in “Three-year Action Plan to fight for blue sky”: 1) Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei and surrounding areas; 2)
Yangtze River Delta region; 3) Fen-Wei River Plains; 4) Pearl River Delta area; 5) Cheng-Yu Distric

• China Nationwide Fuel Supply Schedule

Standard Fuel Type Remark Supply Date

China V Gasoline & Diesel Sulfur 10ppm Jan 1st, 2017
China VI Gasoline & Diesel Sulfur 10ppm Jan 1st, 2019

China 6 (GB18352.6-2016): Light-duty Vehicles Emission Standard

• Vehicle Categories (applied in GB18352.6-2016):

Light-Duty Vehicle Usage Maximum mass
Vehicle of Category carry passengers
≤6 ≤ 2500 kg
I (M1)
carry passengers 2500kg<max. mass≤
(M1) 3500kg
carry passengers
Vehicle of Category 6<seats ≤ 9 ≤ 3500kg
carry passengers
>9 ≤ 3500 kg
carry goods (N1) ≤ 3500 kg

• Type Approval
The required testing items for different types of vehicles for type inspection include:
Test Subject Requirement
Type I Exhaust Emissions Limits see next page Test Cycle: WLTC
Conformity Factor (1):
NOx PN CO(3)
Real Driving Exhaust Positive-ignition 2.1(2) 2.1(2) /
Type II Compression-ignition 2.1(2) 2.1(2) /
(1) Before Jul 1st, 2023, monitor and report results only;
(2) Before July 1st, 2022, to be reevaluated and confirmed;
(3) CO to be measured and recorded in RDE test

Type III Crankcase Emissions Standard: zero emission

2-day Diurnal Breathing Loss (DBL) test + Hot Soak Loss (HSL),
Emission Limits:
Test Mass (TM) Emission Limits
(kg) (g/test)
Vehicle of
- all 0.70
Type IV Evaporative Emissions category I
I TM≤1305 0.70
Vehicle of
II 1305<TM≤1760 0.90
category II
III TM>1760 1.20
Deterioration correction value can be defined via durability test or
use assigned value 0.06g/test.
Option to actual durability run:
Use of assigned deterioration factors:
PI 1.8 1.5 1.5 1.8 1.0 1.0 1.0
CI 1.5 - - 1.5 1.0 1.0 1.0
Or Use of assigned deterioration values (mg/km):
Type V China 6a: 160,000km;
China 6b: 200,000km
6a 150 30 20 25 0 0 0
6b 110 16 10 15 0 0 0
6a 150 - - 25 0 0 0
6b 110 - - 15 0 0 0

Limits at -7°C
Test Mass (TM) CO THC NOx
(kg) (g/km) (g/km) (g/km)
Vehicle of
Low Temperature - all 10.0 1.20 0.25
Type VI category I
I TM≤1305 10.0 1.20 0.25
Vehicle of
II 1305<TM≤1760 16.0 1.80 0.50
category II
III TM>1760 20.0 2.10 0.80

Standard: evaporation emission during refueling test less than

Type VII Refueling emissions 0.05g/L, deterioration correction value can be defined via
durability test or use assigned value 0.01g/L
OBD On-Board-Diagnosis See page 171

Emission limits for Type I test China6a / China6b
China 6a
Test Mass
(TM) / kg CO THC NMHC NOx N2O PM PN(1)
(mg/km) (mg/km) (mg/km) (mg/km) (mg/km) (mg/km) (#/km)
- All 700 100 68 60 20 4.5 6.0x1011
I TM<1,305 700 100 68 60 20 4.5 6.0x1011
II 1,305<TM<1,760 880 130 90 75 25 4.5 6.0x1011
III 1,760<TM 1000 160 108 82 30 4.5 6.0x1011

(1) Before July 1st, 2020, the transition limit of 6.0x1012 /km applies to gasoline vehicles.

China 6b
Test Mass
(TM) / kg CO THC NMHC NOx N2O PM PN(1)
(mg/km) (mg/km) (mg/km) (mg/km) (mg/km) (mg/km) (#/km)
- All 500 50 35 35 20 3.0 6.0x1011
I TM<1,305 500 50 35 35 20 3.0 6.0x1011
II 1,305<TM<1,760 630 65 45 45 25 3.0 6.0x1011
III 1,760<TM 740 80 55 50 30 3.0 6.0x1011

(1) Before July 1st, 2020, the transition limit of 6.0x1012 /km applies to gasoline vehicles.

Important Notes:
China 6 standard combines European and US regulatory requirements in addition to its own. Major
- Fuel-neutral emission limits including CO, THC, NOx, PM, PN and N2O;
- Shift from NEDC to WLTC;
- Adoption of RDE testing;
- Introduction of low-temperature testing requirement and limits for CO, THC and NO x;
- Enhanced OBD provisions with reference to U.S. OBD II program;
- Stringent evaporative and refueling emission-control requirements;
- Introduction of testing methods for hybrid electric vehicles

Incentive Programs
China government introduced subsidy scheme for New Energy Vehicle (BEV & PHEV meeting
certain technical requirements) including purchase tax exemption and subsidy. Local governments
are encouraged to provide more policies in favor of new energy vehicles like license plates, no
“Ban-day” to New Energy Vehicle. Besides, CAFC& New Energy Vehicle credit management is
implemented and New Energy Vehicle carbon trading scheme to phase subsidy out till 2020.

OBD Requirements in China6 (Light-duty) Emission Standard
All light duty vehicles applied in the standard GB18352.6-2016 must undergo the test.

China6 - Required items of type approval test:

Engine Type OBD-Required Items of Type Approval Test

Diagnosis of catalytic converter

Diagnosis of front oxygen sensor
Misfire detection
Any other two items selected from OBD test lists
Diagnosis of NOx catalytic converter
Diagnosis of EGR
Diagnosis of DPF
Any other two items selected from OBD test lists

China6 - OBD Threshold Limits

Test Mass (TM) /
(g/km) (g/km) (g/km)
Category I - All 1.900 0.260 0.012

I TM<1,305 1.900 0.260 0.012

Category II II 1,305<TM<1,760 3.400 0.335 0.012

III 1,760<TM 4.300 0.390 0.012

Fuel Economy Standards

Fuel Consumption Standards for M1-Vehicles with Gasoline and Diesel Engines
GVW ≤ 3,500 kg [ l/100km]

China introduced Corporate Average Fuel Consumption (CAFC) in 2012. Individual vehicle
models are required to meet fuel consumption limit defined in GB19578. Meanwhile vehicle
manufacturers / importers are required to meet CAFC target assigned in GB27999.
Fuel consumption test methods (GB/T 19233) is being revised, where test procedure is defined,
and WLTC will be applied for light duty fuel consumption test 2021-2025.

According to the submitted draft standards in Mar. 2019, both fuel consumption limit and target
are revised from current “step shape” to “linear shape” based on vehicle curb mass, driving cycle
from current NEDC to WLTC. Fuel consumption limit in the revised standard keeps same
stringency level as current standard, while fuel consumption target is much stricter, aiming to
achieve 4.0L/100km (NEDC) target 2025. In CAFC evaluation, electrical energy consumption will
still be counted as zero and multiplier for EV/PHEV/Super fuel saving vehicles will be reduced step
by step to 1 by 2025.

Fuel Consumption Limits - GB19578

Stage 1-4 (L/100km, NEDC Cycle)

Curb Mass (CM) Stage 1 Stage 2 - 3 Stage 4
[kg] (2005-2007) (2008-2015) (2016(1)- 2020)
Or Or Or
Rows ≥3 Rows ≥3 Rows ≥3
≤ 750 7.2 7.6 6.2 6.6 5.2 5.6
750<CM≤865 7.2 7.6 6.5 6.9 5.5 5.9
865<CM≤980 7.7 8.2 7. 0 7.4 5.8 6.2
980<CM≤1,090 8.3 8.8 7.5 8.0 6.1 6.5
1,090<CM≤1,205 8.9 9.4 8.1 8.6 6.5 6.8
1,205<CM≤1,320 9.5 10.1 8.6 9.1 6.9 7.2
1,320<CM≤1,430 10.1 10.7 9.2 9.8 7.3 7.6
1,430<CM≤1,540 10.7 11.3 9.7 10.3 7.7 8.0
1,540<CM≤1,660 11.3 12.0 10.2 10.8 8.1 8.4
1,660<CM≤1,770 11.9 12.6 10.7 11.3 8.5 8.8
1,770<CM≤1,880 12.4 13.1 11.1 11.8 8.9 9.2
1,880<CM≤2,000 12.8 13.6 11.5 12.2 9.3 9.6
2,000<CM≤2,110 13.2 14.0 11.9 12.6 9.7 10.1
2,110<CM≤2,280 13.7 14.5 12.3 13.0 10.1 10.6
2,280<CM≤2,510 14.6 15.5 13.1 13.9 10.8 11.2
2,510<CM 15.5 16.4 13.9 14.7 11.5 11.9

Stage 5 (L/100km, WLTC Cycle)

Stage 5 (2021 (2)-) (draft version published in Jan.,2019)

M/T A/T or Rows ≥3
CM ≤ 750 FCL(3)=5.82 FCL(3)=6.27
750<CM≤2,510 FCL(3)=0.0041× (CM−1415) +8.55 FCL(3)=0.0042× (CM−1415) +9.06
CM>2,510 FCL(3)=13.04 FCL(3)=13.66
(1) Type approval as of Jan. 1st, 2016; New production as of Jan.1st, 2018.
(2) Type approval as of Jan. 1st, 2021; New production as of Jan.1st, 2023.
(3) FC : Fuel Consumption limit

Fuel Consumption Target (CAFC → calculation base) - GB27999

Curb Mass (CM) Stage 3 Stage 4
[kg] (2012-2015) (2016-2020)
M/T Or Rows <3 Rows ≥3
Rows ≥3
≤ 750 5.2 5.6 4.3 4.5
750<CM≤865 5.5 5.9 4.3 4.5
865<CM≤980 5.8 6.2 4.3 4.5
980<CM≤1,090 6.1 6.5 4.5 4.7
1,090<CM≤1,205 6.5 6.8 4.7 4.9
1,205<CM≤1,320 6.9 7.2 4.9 5.1
1,320<CM≤1,430 7.3 7.6 5.1 5.3
1,430<CM≤1,540 7.7 8.0 5.3 5.5
1,540<CM≤1,660 8.1 8.4 5.5 5.7
1,660<CM≤1,770 8.5 8.8 5.7 5.9
1,770<CM≤1,880 8.9 9.2 5.9 6.1
1,880<CM≤2,000 9.3 9.6 6.2 6.4
2,000<CM≤2,110 9.7 10.1 6.4 6.6
2,110<CM≤2,280 10.1 10.6 6.6 6.8
2,280<CM≤2,510 10.8 11.2 7.0 7.2
2,510<CM 11.5 11.9 7.3 7.5
Stage 5 (L/100km, WLTC Cycle)

Stage 5 (2021-2025) (draft version published in Jan.,2019)

Rows < 3 Rows ≥3
CM ≤ 1,090 Target=4.02 Target=4.22
1,090<CM≤2,510 Target=0.0018× (CM−1415) +4.60 Target=0.0018× (CM−1415) +4.80
CM>2,510 Target=6.57 Target=6.77

Phase-in of CAFC Target Achievement

Stage Year CAFC-Actual to CAFC-Target Ratio
2012 109%
2013 106%
Stage 3 (GB27999-2011)
2014 103%
2015 100%
2016 134%
2017 128%
Stage 4 (GB27999-2014) 2018 120%
2019 110%
2020 100%
2021 123%
2022 120%
Stage 5 (GB27999-xxxx)
2023 115%
Draft version Mar. 2019
2024 108%
2025 100%

Important Notes:
In order to further promotion of EV/HEV, CAFC will be calculated in favor of EV/HEV over ICEs by
weighing. Before 2025, electric energy consumption will not be counted in calculation of actual

Weighing Factors of EV/HEV

Vehicle Type Year Weighing
BEV, 2016 - 2017 5
Fuel Cell, 2018 - 2019 3
PHEV (E-drive mileage above 50km) 2020 2
2021 2.0
BEV, 2022 1.8
Fuel Cell, 2023 1.6
PHEV (fulfill GB/T 32694 requirements) 2024 1.3
2025 1.0
2016 - 2017 3.5
Other vehicles with fuel consumption lower than 2.8L/100km
2018 - 2019 2.5
(NEDC Cycle)
2020 1.5
2021 1.4
2022 1.3
Other vehicles with fuel consumption lower than 3.2L/100km
2023 1.2
(WLTC Cycle)
2024 1.1
2025 1.0

Draft standards for Off Cycle Technology (OCT) evaluation methods were worked out but not yet

Emission Standards for Passenger Cars up to 10 seats
Effective Test NMHC CO NOx PM Evap6) Remarks
Date [g/km] [g/km] [g/km] [g/km] [g/Test]
(Imports) mean mean mean mean
(max) (max) (max) (max)
Phase I 11 Mode + 0.05 1.15 0.05 - domestics:
- 10-1-2005
New Long- 10-15-Mode (0.08) (1.92) (0.08) 2)
Term Targets
New SHED - - - - 2.0 10-01-2008
09-01-20071) 3)
Gasoline and LPG Vehicles

Phase II JC08 cold + 0.05 1.15 0.05 04-01-2011

New Long- - NLT-Phase III
10-15-Mode (0.08) (1.92) (0.08)
Term Targets only valid for
09-01-20102) New SHED - - - - 2.0 IDI engines
Phase III JC08 0.05 1.15 0.05 10-01-2009
New Long- - - 5)
cold & hot (0.08) (1.92) (0.08) PM-limit
Term Targets applicable only
03-01-20133) New SHED - - - - 2.0 for lean-burn,
direct injection
JC08 0.05 1.15 0.05 0.005 engines with
cold & hot (0.08) (1.92) (0.08) (0.007) NOx-storage
only for
Post vehicles
New Long- 7)
Term Targets 10-01-2018
09-01-20104) New SHED - - - - 2.0 8)
All gasoline
direct injection
2020(New type),
Japan 2018 0.10 1.15 0.05 0.005 5)8)
Targets (0.16) (2.03) (0.08) (0.007)
New SHED - - - - 2.0

mean values: for vehicles certified under "Type Designation System" (TDS) or "Type Notification System" (TNS);
(max. values) for vehicles certified under “Preferential Handling Procedure” (PHP) or "Type Notification System"
(TNS). 4) PNLT standards apply to vehicles with lean-burn, direct injection engines with NO x-storage catalysts;

Effective Test NMHC CO NOx PM Smoke Remarks
Date [g/km] [g/km] [g/km] [g/km] [%]
(Imports) mean mean mean mean
(max) (max) (max) (max)
11- 0.14 0.013
Mode ≤ 1,265kg (0.19) (0.017)
Phase I 0.024 0.63
+ -
New Long- (0.032) (0.84) 0.15 0.014
10-15- 1) domestics:
Term Targets Mode > 1,265kg (0.20) (0.019) 10-1-2005
Diesel Vehicles

09-01-20071) 4-Mode - - - - 25 2) domestics:

Opacimeter 4) - - - - 0.8 [m-1] 10-01-2008
JC08- 0.14 0.013 3)
Cold ≤ 1,265kg domestics:
0.024 0.63 (0.19) (0.017) 10-01-2009
Phase II + -
(0.032) (0.84) 0.15 0.014
New Long- 10-15- 4) after 9-1-2007
> 1,265kg (0.20) (0.019)
Term Targets Mode for domestics
09-01-20102) 4-Mode - - - - 25 and 8-1-2008
for imports
Opacimeter - - - - 0.5 [m-1] 5) domestics:
Post JC08 10-01-2018
0.024 0.63 0.08 0.005
New Long- cold all 0.5 [m-1]
(0.032) (0.84) (0.11) (0.007)
Term Targets + hot
Opacimeter - - - - 0.5 [m-1]
Japan 2018 0.024 0.63 0.15 0.005
WLTC all -
Targets (0.037) (0.88) (0.23) (0.009)
09-01-20205) Opacimeter - - - - 0.5 [m-1]

Emission Standards for Light & Medium Commercial Vehicles and Buses
Effective Test NMHC CO NOx PM Evap5)
Date [g/km] [g/km] [g/km] [g/km] [g/Test]
(Imports) mean mean mean mean
(max) (max) (max) (max)
value value value value

0.05 1.15 0.05

11- ≤ 1,700 kg - -
(0.08) (1.92) (0.08)
Phase I Mode
+ 1,700 <
New Long Term
10-15- GVW ≤ 0.05 2.55 0.07
Targets - -
Mode (0.08) (4.08) (0.10)
09-01-20071) 3,500 kg
Gasoline and LPG Vehicles

New SHED - - - - 2.0

JC08- 0.05 1.15 0.05

≤ 1,700 kg -
Phase II cold (0.08) (1.92) (0.08) -
New Long Term 10-15- 1,700 <
0.05 2.55 0.07
Targets Mode GVW ≤ - -
(0.08) (4.08) (0.10)
09-01-20102) 3,500 kg
New SHED - - - - 2.0

0.05 1.15 0.05

≤ 1,700 kg - -
Phase III (0.08) (1.92) (0.08)
New Long Term cold+hot 1,700 <
0.05 2.55 0.07
Targets GVW ≤ - -
03-01-20133) (0.08) (4.08) (0.10)
3,500 kg
New SHED - - - - 2.0

0.05 1.15 0.05 0.005 4)

≤ 1,700 kg -
(0.08) (1.92) (0.08) (0.007)
Post JC08-
New Long Term cold+hot 1,700 <
0.05 2.55 0.07 0.007 4)
Targets GVW ≤ -
(0.08) (4.08) (0.10) (0.009)
09-01-20104) 3,500 kg
New SHED - - - - 2.0
Japan 2018
0.10 1.15 0.05 0.005 4)7)
Targets ≤ 1,700 kg -
(0.16) (2.03) (0.08) (0.007)
1,700 <
0.15 2.55 0.07 0.007 4)7)
GVW ≤ -
(0.23) (4.48) (0.11) (0.009)
3,500 kg
New SHED - - - - 2.0
1) domestics: 10-1-2005 ; 2) domestics: 10-01-2008; 3) domestics: 04-01-2011; NLT-Phase III only for IDI engines,
not valid for direct injection lean burn engines with NOx storage catalyst; 4) PM-limit applicable only for lean-burn
direct injection engines with NOx-storage catalyst; 5) 1700<GVW≤3500kg, existing model from 09-01-2021 / new type
from 10-01-2019; 6) ≤ 1,700 kg new type from 10-01-2018; 7)All gasoline direct injection vehicles:10-01-2020(New
type), 10-01-2022 (Existing type)

Effective Test NMHC CO NOx PM Smoke
Date [g/km] [g/km] [g/km] [g/km] [%]
(Imports) mean mean mean mean
(max) (max) (max) (max)
11- 0.024 0.63 0.14 0.013
≤ 1,700 kg
Phase I Mode (0.032) (0.84) (0.19) (0.017)
+ 1,700 <
New Long Term 10-15- 0.024 0.63 0.25 0.015
Targets Mode (0.032) (0.84) (0.33) (0.020)
3,500 kg
Diesel Vehicles

4-Mode - - - - 25
Opacimeter 4) - - - - 0.8 [m-1]
JC08- 0.024 0.63 0.14 0.013
≤ 1,700 kg
Phase II cold (0.032) (0.84) (0.19) (0.017)
+ 1,700 <
New Long Term 10-15- 0.024 0.63 0.25 0.015
Targets GVW ≤
Mode (0.032) (0.84) (0.33) (0.020)
09-01-20102) 3,500 kg
Opacimeter - - - - 0.5 [m-1]
0.024 0.63 0.08 0.005
JC08- ≤ 1,700 kg
Post (0.032) (0.84) (0.11) (0.007)
New Long Term 1,700 < 0.5 [m-1]
+ 0.024 0.63 0.15 0.007
Targets hot GVW ≤
(PNLT)3) (0.032) (0.84) (0.20) (0.009)
3,500 kg
Opacimeter - - - - 0.5 [m-1]
≤ 1,700 0.024 0.63 0.15 0.005
kg (0.037) (0.88) (0.23) (0.009)
Japan 2018 WLTC
Targets 1,700 <
0.024 0.63 0.24 0.007
09-01-20205)6) GVW ≤ -
(0.037) (0.88) (0.36) (0.013)
3,500 kg
Opacimeter - - - - 0.5 [m-1]

1) domestics: 10-1-2005; 2) domestics: 10-01-2008; 3) domestics: 10-1-2009, imports: 9-1-2010; 4) after 9-1-2007 for
domestics and 8-1-2008 for imports the 4-Mode test was no longer valid; 5) 1700<GVW≤3500kg, existing model from
09-01-2021 / new type from 10-01-2019; 6) ≤ 1,700 kg new type from 10-01-2018

The Transient Mode - "JC08" (former designation "CD34”)
The “JC08”-mode is a transient cycle with many accelerations and decelerations in order to more
reflect existing driving conditions in Japan. Together with the new test mode, weighing factors
were adopted for the "New Long-Term Targets", applicable for both gasoline and Diesel passenger
vehicles and will be phased-in as follows for Passenger Cars, Light- and Middle-Weight Vehicles
(<3,500 kg) and K-cars. The first date is for domestic manufacturers and the second date for
importers (which also for application dates of the “2009 emission standards” get a 2-year later
deadline by Japanese legislation):

Phase-In Scheme for JC08 Test Mode

Phase (11-Mode cold result × 0.12) + (10-15-Mode hot result × 0.88)

Phase (JC08-Mode cold start result × 0.25) + (10-15-Mode hot start result × 0.75)

Phase 04-01-2011
(JC08-Mode cold start result×0.25) + (JC08-Mode hot start result × 0.75)
III 03-01-2013

Gear Shift Position during JC08 Test Mode for Vehicles with Manual Transmission
Shift up point and shift position (G(x) up value) are found by using the following formula:
G(x) up = 2.96 + 0.0576•V – 0.193•A –1.81•Wn – 3.36•DTC

Elapsed Time Speed Gear shift Elapsed Time Speed Gear shift
[s] [km/h] position [s] [km/h] position
1 0.0 N 620 50.8 4
21 0.0 1 641 23.2 C
32 20.2 2 642 20.5 N
41 37.1 3 650 0.0 1
75 17.5 C 668 7.7 C
76 15.9 N 669 5.6 N
88 0.0 1 712 0.0 1
100 27.5 2 735 18.2 2
103 35.6 3 756 13.6 C
117 51.2 4 757 10.6 N
125 61.8 5 836 0.0 1
185 11.6 2 894 17.9 C
220 12.1 C 961 0.0 1
221 11.1 N 977 7.8 C
232 0.0 1 978 5.5 N
242 21.3 2 995 0.0 1
266 37.1 3 1006 23.6 2
284 50.5 4 1021 33.8 3
297 33.0 3 1026 19.4 C
306 52.7 4 1027 16.7 N
329 23.2 C 1041 0.0 1
330 20.5 N 1053 23.1 2
368 0.0 1 1059 37.0 3
379 25.3 2 1067 52.0 4
383 35.7 3 1075 65.5 5
414 49.5 4 1115 78.3 6
430 61.7 5 1153 28.6 3
456 42.0 4 1170 21.7 3
526 22.9 C 1179 33.0 3
527 19.4 N 1186 22.2 2
571 0.0 1 1193 34.7 3
582 22.2 2 1198 19.4 C
605 36.0 3 1199 16.7 N
W n: The value which vehicle curb weight is divided by gross vehicle weight; V=driving velocity; A=accelerated velocity;
DTC: Correlation coefficient, found by the relation between gear position and driving distance per engine revolution.

The vehicle shift schedule for manual transmission cars should be set in 2 classifications:
A shift: Passenger vehicle whose passenger capacity is 10 or less
Wn = 0.79703, DTC=0.1113
B shift: Commercial vehicle
(midget [K], light & medium duty, bus with passenger capacity of 11 or more)
Wn = 0.57769, DTC=0.09725

Commercial vehicles shall apply the A shift when they correspond to all of the following
• The value of maximum pay load divided by Gross Vehicle Weight is 0.3 or less
• Equipment’s for passenger and cargo carriage are installed in the same compartment, and
the compartment is partitioned by fixed bulkhead as roof, windows etc.
• Engine location is ahead of driver’s position.

The Post New Long-Term Emission Regulations
The "Post New Long-Term Emission Regulations" (“2009 emission standards”) were fixed in 2008.
They apply the concept of "fuel neutral standards". This would require NO x after-treatment
technology for Diesel vehicles.
However, further strengthening of the standard remains a political target for HDV that weigh more
than 3.5 t. Due to their introduction date, these standards are called "Diesel 2009 Targets". Fuel
with < 10ppm sulfur is mandated as of 2007.
For lean burn, direct injection vehicles with gasoline engines equipped with NO x storage
catalyst the same PM-standard as for Diesel engines applies.

Targets Emission Regulations 2018

The "Japan 2018 Targets Emission Regulations" (“30th year of Heisei emission standards”) will
install WLTC. The regulation will be set from 2018 October for New type approval, 2020 September
for Existing model.
Fuel economy test with WLTC also will be required from 2018 Oct.
From 2020 October all Gasoline Direct Injection vehicles need to meet PM threshold.
RDE test will be introduced by 2022 to measure NOx with CF of 2.0 in addition only for Diesel

Deterioration Factors

As of the introduction of the “New Short Term Target”, the emission level of a vehicle at 80,000
km will be calculated by applying the following Deterioration Factors:

5-11-Mode Test 0.15 0.20 0.20

10-15-Mode Test 0.15 0.15 0.25

New Long-Term Standards 0.12 (NMHC) 0.11 0.21

These DFs differ from those of the US- and EU-regulations. Japan applies these DFs according
to the following formula: Emission level at 80,000 km = (Emission Standard x DF) + Emission value
from certification test (low km test result).

OBD Requirements
The Japan OBD (J-OBDI) system became mandatory for gasoline and diesel passenger cars
together with the new Short-Term Standards from the year 2000 for domestic manufactures and
from the year 2002 for importers. This requirement still applies to Diesel motor vehicles up to
a GVW of 3.5 t. Revisited “Advanced OBD” (J-OBDII) became applicable for domestic
manufacturers on Oct 1st, 2008 and on Sep 1st, 2010 for importers. The J-OBDII requirement
applies to gasoline-, and LPG-operated motor vehicles up to a GVW of 3.5 t. The test-mode is
the “JC08 Hot” & the “JC08 Cold” both for testing according to J-OBDI and J-OBDII.

J-OBDI Diesel
The following items have to be monitored for malfunction by J-OBDI on Diesel motor vehicles:
EGR-system, atmospheric pressure sensor, intake air pressure sensor, intake air temperature
sensor, air flow sensor, coolant temperature sensor, throttle valve opening angle sensor, cylinder
distinguishing sensor, crank angle sensor, fuel injection timing sensor, fuel injection amount
adjusting sensor, fuel temperature sensor, fuel pressure sensor, oil temperature sensor (only for
hydraulic type common rail), exhaust gas temperature sensor (only if sensor is employed in the
DPF), exhaust gas pressure sensor (only if sensor is employed in the DPF), other parts or systems
which likely greatly increase amounts of exhaust emissions, such as carbon monoxide, discharged
from the exhaust pipe when any malfunction takes place).

J-OBDII on gasoline- and LPG-operated motor vehicles

The following items have to be monitored for malfunction by.
Deterioration of the catalyst, engine misfire, oxygen sensor(s) or A/F(Air Fuel)-ratio sensor(s),
EGR-system, fuel supply system (over rich/over lean), air injection system, VVT-mechanism,
Evap-system and other exhaust gas-related parts connected to the on-board ECU (such as
atmospheric pressure sensor, intake air pressure sensor, intake air temperature sensor, air flow
sensor, coolant temperature sensor, throttle valve opening angle sensor, cylinder distinguishing
sensor, crank angle sensor and other parts or systems including a circuit check for all emission-
related items which are electronically controlled).
A malfunction has to be detected and stored in the on-board ECU when there is the possibility that
the “weighted exhaust emission value” (obtained by multiplying the emission amount according to
the JC08H-mode by 0.75 plus the value obtained by multiplying the emission amount according to
the JC08C-mode by 0.25) exceeds any of the following threshold values:

J-OBDII Threshold Values

Exhaust Emission Passenger Vehicles &
Mini-sized Medium Duty
Component Light Duty
Trucks Motor Vehicles
[g/km] Motor Vehicles
CO 4.06 12.46 14.28
NMHC 0.28 0.28 0.28
NOx 0.30 0.30 0.30
If a manufacturer can demonstrate compliance with latest US-Federal-, US-California- or EOBD-
requirements, no additional certification testing will be required for Japan.

Tax Incentives (Passenger Cars)

The Japanese automobile-related taxation system offers benefits for qualified vehicles in the
following three areas: Automobile Tax, Weight Tax and Vehicle Acquisition Tax.

Environmental Criteria Tax Cut [%]

Table Automobile Tonnage/Acquiring
represents Tax
status as of Fuel Automobile Tax
Emissions (“Eco-car tax cut”)
July 1, 2017 Efficiency (“Greening Taxation”)
FY2017 FY2018
Electric Vehicle n.a. n.a.
Fuel Cell Vehicle n.a. n.a.
Plug-In Hybrid
n.a. n.a. 75 100/100 100/100
Vehicle (PHEV)
2009 NOx 10%
CNG Vehicle reduction or meet n.a.
2018 regulation
2020 +40% 75 100/100 100/100
2020 +30% 75 100/100 75/80
Gasoline / LPG /
75% reduction 2020 +20% 50 75/60 75/60
Hybrid Vehicle
or 2018 50%
(GVW ≤2,500 kg) 2020 +10% 50 50/40 50/40
2020 + 0% - 25/20 25/20
2015 +10% - 25/20 -
Diesel Vehicle 2009 or 2018
n.a. 75 100/100 100/100
(GVW ≤2,500 kg) regulation
Application since 4-1-2017 4-1-2017 4-1-2018
Effective until 3-31-2019 3-31-2018 3-31-2019

Fuel Economy Targets

On the basis of its law "Rational Use of Energy”, Japan has established fuel economy target levels
which should be achieved by car manufacturers on a sales-weighted basis in each vehicle class
by the year 2005 (Diesel vehicles) and 2010 (for gasoline vehicles).
These target levels correspond to a fuel economy improvement approx. in the range from 20 to
25% vs. the 1998 level for gasoline vehicles and 15 to 20% for Diesel vehicles. Official fuel
economy values are printed in bold letters. Fuel consumption- and CO2-values are given to allow
comparison with EU requirements. The 2005 and 2010 Target Values are based on the 10-15-
mode Test.
New target values have been established for FY 2015: Gasoline and Diesel vehicles have to meet
the same targets. These target values are based on the JC08-mode. In the attainment calculation
for the 2015 target, the target value for Diesel vehicles should be risen by 10% due to the higher
effect on CO2 emissions.

FE-Targets for PCs with Diesel Engines [km/l] – Target Year 2005 (Basis: 10-15-mode)
GVW 703- 828- 1,016- 1,266- 1,516- 1,766- 2,016-
<702 >2,266
[kg] 827 1,015 1,265 1,515 1,765 2,015 2,265
18.9 16.2 13.2 11.9 10.8 9.8 8.7
[l/100 km] 5.29 6.17 7.58 8.40 9.26 10.20 11.49
CO2 [g/km] 139 162 199 220 243 267 301
+ 5% 19.8 17.0 13.9 12.5 11.3 10.3 9.1
[l/100 km] 5.05 5.88 7.19 8.00 8.85 9.71 10.99
CO2 [g/km] 132 154 189 210 232 254 288
+ 10% 20.8 17.8 14.5 13.1 11.9 10.8 9.6
[l/100 km] 4.81 5.62 6.90 7.63 8.40 9.26 10.42
CO2 [g/km] 126 147 181 200 220 243 273
+ 15% 21.7 18.6 15.2 13.7 12.4 11.3 10.0
[l/100 km] 4.61 5.38 6.58 7.30 8.06 8.85 10.0
CO2 [g/km] 121 141 172 191 211 222 262
+ 20% 22.7 19.4 15.8 14.3 13.0 11.8 10.4
[l/100 km] 4.41 5.15 6.33 6.99 7.69 8.47 9.62
CO2 [g/km] 115 135 166 183 202 222 252
+ 25% 23.6 20.3 16.5 14.9 13.5 12.3 10.9
[l/100 km] 4.24 4.93 6.06 6.71 7.41 8.13 9.17
CO2 [g/km] 111 129 159 176 194 213 240

FE-Targets for PCs with Gasoline Engines [km/l] – Target Year 2010 (Basis: 10-15-mode)
GVW 703- 828- 1,016- 1,266- 1,516- 1,766- 2,016-
<703 >2,266
[kg] 827 1,015 1,265 1,515 1,765 2,015 2,265
21.2 18.8 17.9 16.0 13.0 10.5 8.9 7.8 6.4
[l/100 km] 4.7 5.3 5.6 6.2 7.7 9.5 11.2 12.8 15.6
CO2 [g/km] 110 123 130 145 179 221 261 298 363
+ 5% 22.3 19.7 18.8 16.8 13.7 11.0 9.3 8.2 6.7
[l/100 km] 4.48 5.08 5.32 5.95 7.30 9.10 10.75 12.20 14.93
CO2 [g/km] 104 112 123 138 169 211 250 283 347
+ 10% 23.3 20.7 19.7 17.6 14.3 11.6 9.8 8.6 7.0
[l/100 km] 4.29 4.83 5.08 5.68 7.00 8.62 10.20 11.63 14.30
CO2 [g/km] 100 112 118 132 162 200 237 270 332
+ 15% 24.4 21. 6 20.6 18.4 15.0 12.1 10.2 9.0 7.4
[l/100 km] 4.13 4.63 4.85 5.43 6.67 8.26 9.80 11.11 13.51
CO2 [g/km] 95 107 113 126 155 192 228 258 314
+ 20% 25.4 22.6 21.5 19.2 15.6 12.6 10.68 9.4 7.7
[l/100 km] 3.94 4.55 4.65 5.21 6.41 7.94 9.36 10.64 12.98
CO2 [g/km] 91 103 108 121 149 184 217 247 302
+ 25% 26.5 23.5 22.4 20.0 16.3 13.1 11.1 9.8 8.0
[l/100 km] 3.77 4.26 4.46 5.00 6.13 7.63 9.00 10.20 12.50
CO2 [g/km] 88 99 104 116 142 177 209 237 290

FE-Targets for PCs (Gasoline & Diesel Engines) [km/l] – Target Year 2015 (Basis: JC08-

GVW 601- 741- 856- 971- 1,081- 1,196- 1,311-

≤ 600
[kg] 740 855 970 1,080 1,195 1,310 1,420
22.5 21.8 21.0 20.8 20.5 18.7 17.2 15.8
[l/100 km] 4.44 4.60 4.76 4.81 4.88 5.35 5.81 6.33
CO2 [g/km] -G 103 107 110 111 113 124 135 147
CO2 [g/km] -D 105 108 112 113 115 126 137 149
GVW 1,421- 1,531- 1,651- 1,761- 1,871- 1,991- 2,101- ≥ 2.271
[kg] 1,530 1,650 1,760 1,870 1,990 2,100 2,270
14.4 13.2 12.2 11.1 10.2 9.4 8.7 7.4
[l/100 km] 6.95 7.58 8.20 9.00 9.80 10.64 11.50 13.51
CO2 [g/km] -G 161 175 190 209 227 247 266 313
CO2 [g/km] -D 163 178 193 212 231 250 271 318
G: Gasoline; D: Diesel

Remark: Above numerical figures of CO2 for gasoline were calculated with the formula
CO2 = (1/FE value) x 34.6 x 67.1, and Diesel were calculated with the formula CO2 = (1/FE value) x 38.2 x 68.6

FE-Targets for PCs (Gasoline & Diesel Engines) [km/l] – Target Year 2020 (Basis: JC08-mode)
These target values were officially announced in March 2013. The target improvement rates are
24.1% compared to the actual results in 2009 and 19.6% compared to the standards for 2015. The
Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) standard is introduced in Target Year 2020 standard.
GVW 601- 741- 856- 971- 1,081- 1,196- 1,311-
≤ 601
[kg] 740 855 970 1,080 1,195 1,310 1,420
➔ 24.6 24.5 23.7 23.4 21.8 20.3 19.0
[km/l] -G
[l/100 km] -G ➔ 4.07 4.08 4.22 4.27 4.59 4.93 5.26
CO2 [g/km] -G ➔ 94 95 98 99 106 114 122
Converted ➔
27.1 27.0 26.1 25.7 24.0 22.3 20.9
St’d-D [km/l]
[l/100 km] -D ➔ 3.70 3.71 3.84 3.89 4.17 4.48 4.78
CO2 [g/km] -D ➔ 97 97 101 102 109 117 125
GVW 1,421- 1,531- 1,651- 1,761- 1,871- 1,991- 2,101- ≥ 2.271
[kg] 1,530 1,650 1,760 1,870 1,990 2,100 2,270
17.6 16.5 15.4 14.4 13.5 12.7 11.9 10.6
[l/100 km] 5.68 6.06 6.49 6.94 7.41 7.87 8.40 9.43
CO2 [g/km] -G 132 141 151 161 172 183 195 219
19.4 18.2 16.9 15.8 14.9 14.0 13.1 11.7
St’d-D [km/l]
[l/100 km] -D 5.17 5.51 5.90 6.37 6.73 7.16 7.64 8.58
CO2 [g/km] -D 135 144 155 165 176 188 200 225
G: Gasoline; D: Diesel

Remark: Above numerical figures of CO2 for gasoline were calculated with the formula
CO2 = (1/FE value) x 34.6 x 67.1, and Diesel were calculated with the formula CO2 = (1/FE value) x 38.2 x 68.6

Test Cycles
11-Mode Cold Start

Figure 78: 11-Mode Cold Start

10-15 – Mode Hot Start

Figure 79: 10-15-Mode Hot Start

JC08 Cold Start / Hot Start

Figure 80: JC08 Cold Start/Hot Start

Test Average Speed Max. Speed Distance Time
[km/h] [km/h] [km] [s]
11-mode 30.6 60.0 1.022 120
10-15-mode 22.7 70.0 4.165 660
JC08-mode 24.4 81.6 8.172 1204

Evaporative Emission Test

Currently evaporative emission standards in Japan are applicable for passenger vehicles only.
The permissible limit for evaporative emission is 2.0 g/test.
Test Procedure:
1 hour Hot Soak at 27±4°C Hot Soak Loss (HSL) test + 24 hour diurnal (20-35°C) Diurnal Breathing
Loss (DBL) test.

Hybrid Electric Vehicle Test Procedure

Japan has published specific procedures for measuring emissions from hybrid electric vehicles.
Light-duty hybrid electric vehicles are tested on the JC08 cycle.
The ‘current balance’ of the electric storage device is corrected to zero based on relational
expression with current balance, considering effects by battery’s state of charge (SOC).
Step 1: Relation between current balance and exhaust emission weight are obtained.
Current balance (Ah) is defined as difference between the total charged amount and the total
discharged amount of the electric storage device in a certain period of time.
Step 2: When statistical significance can be recognized for each exhaust emission component,
exhaust emission weight of the prescribed tests shall be corrected to an exhaust emission weight
corresponding to a current balance of zero, based on the inclination of the linear regression formula
(correction factor).

Figure 81: Hybrid Electric Vehicle Testing

Republic of Korea
Vehicle Category Definition (valid as of 12-10-2015)
Class Definition Capacity
Light Weight Motor vehicle designed to carry small number of
< 1,000 cc
Vehicle passengers or small amount of cargo
Small-sized PC up to 1,000 cc, ≤ 8 persons, GVW < 3.5 t

Passenger Mid-sized PC up to 1,000 cc,  9 persons, GVW < 3.5 t

Car (PC) Large-sized PC 3.5 t ≤ GVW< 15 t
Extra Large-sized PC GVW ≥ 15 t
Small-sized up to 1,000 cc, GVW < 2 t
Mid-sized up to 1,000 cc, 2 t ≤ GVW< 3.5 t
Truck (T)
Large-sized 3.5 t ≤ GVW< 15 t
Extra Large-sized GVW ≥ 15 t

Exhaust Emission Standards of Gasoline or Gas fueled vehicles

Vehicle Category CO NOx NMOG HC HCHO PM Test
(effective date: + NOx
[g/km] [g/km] Blowby [g/km] [g/km]
2.61 - 0.100 0 0.35 0.0025 0.002 CVS-75
Std.1 5.97 - 0.087 - - - 0.006 US06
2.0 - 0.062 - - - SC03
1.31 - 0.078 0 0.35 0.0025 0.002 CVS-75
Std.2 5.97 - 0.075 - - - 0.006 US06
2.0 - 0.044 - - - SC03
1.06 - 0.044 0 0.35 0.0025 0.002 CVS-75
Light Std.3 5.97 - 0.075 - - - 0.006 US06
weight 2.0 - 0.044 - - - SC03
1.06 - 0.031 0 0.35 0.0025 0.002 CVS-75
Small &
Std.4 5.97 - 0.075 - - - 0.006 US06
PC & Truck 2.0 - 0.044 - - - SC03
0.63 - 0.019 0 0.35 0.0025 0.002 CVS-75
Std.5 5.97 - 0.031 - - - 0.006 US06
2.0 - 0.012 - - - SC03
0.63 - 0.0125 0 0.35 0.0025 0.002 CVS-75
Std.6 5.97 - 0.031 - - - 0.006 US06
2.0 - 0.012 - - - SC03
Std.7 0 - 0 0 - 0 CVS-75
Large-sized & Extra 4.0 0.40 0.14
g/1 - - WHTC
Large-sized PC & Truck g/kWh g/kWh g/kWh
1. HCHO shall apply for vehicles fueled by alcohol only or alcohol bi-fuel.
2. Cold start (-6.7 °C) of Small-sized PC (gasoline-fueled vehicles only): CO ≤ 6.3 [g/km]

3. Tailpipe HC is measured in NMHC for large-sized PC & T and XL PC & T or in NMOG for
other vehicles (or NMHC, multiplied by 1.04 if measured in NMHC).
4. For gaseous fueled large-sized PC & T and XL PC & T: CH4 ≤ 0.5 g/kWh
5. For all large-sized PC & T and XL PC & T: NH3 ≤ 10 ppm
6. For large-sized PC & T and XL PC & T, only NMOG shall be measured to meet NMOG+NOx
7. For vehicles delivered before 12-31-2019, standards as of 01-01-2013 can apply. In this
case, NMOG + NOx of standard 1, standard 2, and standard 5 in the above table can apply.
8. For Light weight vehicles, Small & Mid-sized PC & Truck, EVAP limits shall apply annually
from 2018 and vehicles delivery ratio shall apply as of sub-paragraph.

Phase-in Scheme Delivery Ratio (EVAP)

Year 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025
Delivery Ratio (%) 0 0 30 30 80 80 100 100 100 100

9. For Light weight vehicles, Small & Mid-sized PC & Truck, PM limits shall apply annually from
2017 and vehicles delivery ratio shall apply as of sub-paragraph.

Phase-in Scheme Delivery Ratio (PM)

Year 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025
Delivery Ratio (%) 0 10 20 40 70 100 100 100 100 100

10. For Light weight vehicles, Small & Mid-sized PC & Truck certified before 12-31-2019 and
delivered within 2 years after the certified year, in-use vehicle emission test shall apply the
following table:
Vehicle Category CO NMOG + HC HCHO PM Test

[g/km] [g/km] Blowby [g/km] [g/km]

2.61 0.100 0 0.35 0.0025 0.004 CVS-75
Std.1 5.97 0.122 - - - 0.011 US06
- - - - - SC03
1.31 0.078 0 0.35 0.0025 0.004 CVS-75
Std.2 5.97 0.105 - - - 0.011 US06
- - - - - SC03
1.06 0.061 0 0.35 0.0025 0.004 CVS-75
Light weight Std.3 5.97 0.105 - - - 0.011 US06
vehicles, Small & - - - - - SC03
Mid-sized PC & 1.06 0.044 0 0.35 0.0025 0.004 CVS-75
Truck Std.4 5.97 0.105 - - - 0.011 US06
- - - - - SC03
0.625 0.027 0 0.35 0.0025 0.004 CVS-75
Std.5 5.97 0.043 - - - 0.011 US06
- - - - - SC03
0.625 0.018 0 0.35 0.0025 0.004 CVS-75
Std.6 5.97 0.043 - - - 0.011 US06
- - - - - SC03

Fleet Average Standard (effective date: 01.01.2016)
• For CVS-75 mode, [Σ (number of vehicles delivered for each emission standard) x (applicable
emission standard of NMOG+NOx) + Σ (number of hybrid electric vehicles delivered for each emission
standard) x (applicable hybrid NMOG+NOx) ] / (total number of vehicles delivered)
• The applicable hybrid HC may apply depending on the mileage which can be covered by the electric
• If the manufacturer extends the emission warranty to 240,000 km, “Fleet average NMOG+NOx =
applicable emission standard of NMOG+NOx – 0.03g/km.
Vehicle Category Fleet Average NMOG+NOx Standard [g/km] at CVS-75

Model Year 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025
light weight vehicles, small-
sized PC, small-sized truck 0.063 0.058 0.053 0.048 0.043 0.039 0.034 0.029 0.024 0.019
with GVW<1.7 t
small-sized truck with
GVW≥1.7 t, midsized-truck 0.074 0.068 0.062 0.056 0.050 0.043 0.037 0.031 0.025 0.019
and PC
• For CVC-75+US06+SC03 mode, [Σ (number of vehicles delivered for each emission standard) x
(applicable emission standard of NMOG+NOx)] / (total number of vehicles delivered)
Reference of HC and NOx of vehicle model =CVS-75*0.35 + US06*0.28 + SC03*0.37 ( 0.112 gkm)
leet Average NMOG+NOx Standard [g/km] at CVC-75+US06+SC03
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025

0.069 0.064 0.061 0.056 0.052 0.048 0.044 0.039 0.036 0.031

For vehicle manufacturers with annual sales less than 4,500.

Year 2016-2020 2021-2023 2024 +
NMOG+NOx 0.100 g/km 0.078 g/km 0.044 g/km

Exhaust Emission Standards of Diesel fueled vehicles (revised at 2018.06.28)

Vehicle Category CO NOx PM PN
NOx Test mode
(Effective date : 2017-10-01~)
[g/km] [g/km] [g/km] [g/km] #/km
Light weight vehicles, Small &
0.5 0.08 0.17 0.045 6X1011
Mid-sized PC

RW <=1,305 kg 0.5 0.08 0.17 0.045 6X1011

Small & WLTC
1,305 kg =< RW
Mid-sized 0.63 0.105 0.195 0.045 6X1011
<= 1,760 kg
RW > 1,760 kg 0.74 0.125 0.215 0.045 6X1011

1.5 0.125 8X1011

0.13g /kWh 0.01g /kWh WHSC
Large-sized PC & Extra Large- g /kWh g /kWh #/kWh
sized Truck PC & Truck 4.0 0.46 0.16 0.01 6X1011
g /kWh g/kWh g /kWh g /kWh #/kWh

1. Diesel vehicles include dual-fuel vehicles fueled by diesel and other fuel. Here, HC means
2. RW means a test weight which is a curb weight minus a driver’s weight of 75kg plus 100kg.

3. Test weight and test mode

Test weight 2,380kg  RW 2,830 kg< RW  2,840kg 2,840kg < RW

WLPT Manufacturer decision WHSC, WHTC

Test mode
4. Blow-by gas shall be 0g/1 driving cycle.
5. Large-sized PC& Truck and Extra Large-sized PC&Truck should meet WHSC and WHTC
mode, and measure THC for HC and NOx limit, and NH3  10 ppm
NOx emission standard during RDE-LDV (Diesel fueled vehicles)

Effective date: NOx PN

Vehicle Category Test mode
2017.09.01~ [g/km] [#/km]
2017.09.01 ~ 2019.12.31 Light weight vehicles, Small &
(certi) 0.168 6X1011
Mid-sized PC
2019.09.01 ~ 2020.12.31
(prod) RW  1,305kg 0.168 6X1011
Small & RDE-LDV
2018.09.01 ~ 2020.12.31 1,305 kg  RW 
Mid-sized 0.221 6X1011
(certi) 1,760 kg
2020.09.01 ~ 2021.12.31 Truck
RW > 1,760 kg 0.263 6X1011
Effective date: NOx PN
Vehicle Category Test mode
2020.01.01~ [g/km] [#/km]
Light weight vehicles, Small &
2020.01.01~(certi) 0.12 6X1011
Mid-sized PC
RW 1,305 kg 0.12 6X1011
Small & RDE-LDV
1,305 kg  RW 
Mid-sized 0.158 6X1011
2021.01.01~ (certi) 1,760 kg
2022.01.01~(prod) Truck
RW > 1,760 kg 0.189 6X1011

OBD requirements
• Applicability: All light passenger/commercial vehicles
• Gasoline vehicle, new type from 1-1-2013, new vehicle from 1-1-2015
Mult. THD
Std.1 (LEV160) 1.5
Std.2 (ULEV 125) 1.75 (Cat)
Std.3 (ULEV 70) 0.011 g/km
2.00 1.50
Std.4 (ULEV 50)
Std.5 (SULEV 30)
2.50 2.50
Std.6 (SULEV 20) 0.01 g/km or 2.50 times
• KOBD requirements are similar to US OBD II (2013) except cylinder imbalance monitoring, and
the OBD thresholds are followed current LEVIII requirements according to KOR-US FTA.
• Manufacturers falling under KOR-EU FTA may also sell gasoline vehicles with Euro 6-1 OBD
but stricter PM OBD thresholds
• Diesel vehicles
Effective date Vehicle Category Test mode
[g/km] [g/km] [g/km] [g/km]
PC 1.75 0.29 0.14 0.012
RW 1,305 kg 1.75 0.29 0.14 0.012
2018.09.01~ 1,305 kg  RW 
Truck 2.2 0.32 0.18 0.012 WLTP
1,760 kg
RW > 1,760 kg 2.5 0.35 0.23 0.012

Fuel Economy Requirements (revised at 2019.01.30)

Vehicle type Limit 2012-2015 2016-2020 Test mode
PC & Van CO2 [g/km] 140 97
CVS-75 +
with up to 10 persons, FE-Standard
17 24.3 Highway
GVW < 3.5 t [km/l]
Van with up to 15 CO2 [g/km] 191 166
persons, Truck with FE-Standard
14.1 15.3 mode)
GVW < 3.5 t [km/l]
Type of standard: Manufacturer select between “Consumption efficiency of the fleet regulation or
CO2 fleet regulation.
Introduction date:
Year 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
Sales [%] 10 20 30 60 100

Off cycle innovative technology credits: max 17.9 CO2 g/km, 4.5km/L (2016~2020)
Eco innovation: TPMS (Tire Pressure Monitor System), Low RRc Tire (Low rolling resistance
coefficient Tire), GSI (Gear Shift Indicator), MAC (Mobile Air Conditioning): max. 10g/km, 1.2 km/L
Off cycle credit: as like solar roof, Efficient vehicle lighting, Waste heat recovery, Efficient
alternator, Active grill shutter, Eco-driving, engine-off interior ventilation, Efficient mobile air
conditioner, Realtime routine guide for economic driving, ... (under considering technologies): max.
4 g/km, 0.5 km/L.

Fines (Effective date: 2016.07.26~)
Sale Year 2014~2016 2017~2019 2020~
Fine (KRW / CO2 1g/km) 10,000 KRW 30,000 KRW 50,000 KRW

Test Procedures
Evaporative Emission Test
Currently, evaporative emission limit of 0.35 g/test is applicable for light-duty, small & mid-sized
PC & Truck gasoline vehicles in South Korea.

Test Procedure:
Currently, evaporative emission limit of 0.35 g/test is applicable for light-duty, small & mid-sized
PC & Truck gasoline vehicles in South Korea.

Test Procedure:
1 hour Hot Soak + 2 day Diurnal test method is used.

Hybrid Electric Vehicle Test Procedure

South Korea has adopted SAE J1711 standards for measuring emissions of light and medium-
duty HEVs and PHEVs. SAE J1711 specifies two test modes:
• Charge-Sustaining Test (CST): Vehicle is operated in a Charge-Sustaining mode (CS), in
which a hybrid uses an internal source of energy (consumable fuel).
• Full Charge Test (FCT): Vehicle is operated in a Charge-Depleting mode (CD), in which a
hybrid uses an external source to power the energy storage system. FCT test starts at a
full charge.
• Test mode: For Gasoline Hybrid vehicle: Urban Dynamometer Driving Schedule (UDDS),
Highway mode, US06 and SC03 test cycles, for Diesel Hybrid vehicle: ECE15+EUDC

Emission Standard for Passenger Cars and Light Commercial Vehicles (GVW
< 3,500kg)
Standard Effective Vehicle Category Corresponds Remark
Date (Gasoline & Diesel) to
"Bharat Modified “Indian Driving
10-01-20101) Euro 3
Stage III" Cycle” (IDC): NEDC Part 2
04-01-20102) with max. speed 90 km/h.
M-vehicles (GVW ≤ 2500 kg)
"Bharat 04-01-20153) or up to 6 seats For Emissions & Fuel
Stage IV" 04-01-20164) Euro 4
Efficiency the same cycle will
04-01-20175) N1 & M-vehicles (GVW >
be used.
2500 kg and > 6 seats)
"Bharat TA-standards are also valid
04-01-2020 Euro 6
Stage VI" for COP testing
Introduction date for the entire nation; 2) Introduction date of "Bharat Stage IV -Standards" in the National Capital Region (Delhi) and in the 12
cities of Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, Bangalore, Hyderabad including Secunderabad, Ahmedabad, Pune, Surat, Kanpur, Agra, Solapur and Lucknow
for vehicles produced after this date. The following 30 cities were converted to BS IV between April 2010 and December 2014. This Cities are
Medak, Mehboobnagar and Nizamabad in Andhra Pradesh; Vapi, Jamnagar, Ankleshwar and Valsad in Gujarat; Hissar, Karnal, Yamuna Nagar
and Kurukshetra in Haryana; Bharatpur, Hindon City and Dholpur in Rajasthan, Puducherry an UT; Mahabaleshwar and Ahmednagar in
Maharashtra, Mathura, Aligarh, Rae Bareli, Unnao, Kosi Kalan and Vrindavan in Uttar Pradesh; Silvasa, Daman & Diu, Kochi, Trivandrum,
Vishakapatnam and Lakshadweep.
Entire North India covering Jammu & Kashmir, Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarkand, Delhi and bordering districts of and parts of
Rajasthan and western Uttarpradesh switches to BS IV by 1 st of April 2015. 4) Introduction date of "Bharat Stage IV -Standards" in Goa, Kerala,
Karnataka, Telangana, Odisha, Daman & Diu, Dadra-Nagar-Haveli, Andaman & Nicobar, West Coast, Parts of Maharastra & Guajarat. 5)
Introduction date of "Bharat Stage IV -Standards" for the entire nation.

Emission Standard “BS VI”

As per Government Gazette draft notification (G.S.R 889(E)) MINISTRY OF ROAD

TRANSPORT AND HIGHWAYS NOTIFICATION dated New Delhi, the 19th September 2016,
entire nation will be going from BS IV to BS VI by skipping BS V. BSVI norms will be applicable
for vehicles manufactured and sold in India on or after 1st April 2020 for all models.
The Emissions Standards for Bharat Stage VI (BS-VI) for category M and N vehicles having
Gross Vehicle Weight (GVW) not exceeding 3500kg, manufactured on or after 1st April 2020 for
all models, shall be as under:

(kg) L6
L1 L2 L3 L4 L2+L4 L5
(mg/km) (mg/km) (mg/km) (mg/km) (mg/km) (mg/km)
Category(3) Class PI CI PI CI PI CI PI CI PI CI PI(1) CI PI(1)(2) CI
6.0 6.0
M (M1&M2) - All 1000 500 100 - 68 - 60 80 - 170 4,5 4,5
×1011 ×1011
RM<130 6.0 6.0
I 1000 500 100 - 68 - 60 80 - 170 4,5 4,5
5 ×1011 ×1011
1305<R 6.0 6.0
N1 II 1810 630 130 - 90 - 75 105 - 195 4,5 4,5
M<1760 ×1011 ×1011
1760<R 6.0 6.0
III 2270 740 160 - 108 - 82 125 - 215 4,5 4,5
M ×1011 ×1011
6.0 6.0
N2 - All 2270 740 160 - 108 - 82 125 215 4,5 4,5
×1011 ×1011
Note: PI=Positive Ignition CI=Compression Ignition
This Regulation shall apply to vehicles of categories M1, M2, N1 and N2 with reference mass not exceeding 2,610kg.
(1) Only adapted to automobiles with direct injection engines
(2) Until three years after date of implementation for new type approvals and new vehicles, particle number emission limit of 6.0 X 1012
#km shall apply to BS VI gasoline direct injection vehicles upon choice of manufacturer.
(3) Vehicle categories: see page 36

Additional Remark:
Real world driving cycle emission measurement using PEMS* shall be carried out for data
collection from 1st April,2020 and from 1st April, 2023 real world driving cycle emission
conformity shall be applicable. The detailed procedure is laid down in AIS137 and as amended
from time to time.
* Use of PEMS for RDE is under evaluation by a committee formed by MORTH (Ministry Of Road
Transport & Highways).

Type Approval:
Type approval is granted after series of test are performed. Test requirements for Type approval –BS VI are as
Vehicles with
Vehicles with Positive Ignition Engines including Hybrids Ignition Engines including
Type approval
Flex Mono Flex Duel
Mono Fuel Bi- Fuel(1) Fuel Fuel Fuel Fuel
Gaso LPG CNG / Hydr H2 CNG Diesel Dies
line Bio- ogen (Hydroge (B7) el
(E5) Methane/ (ICE) n + CNG) Diesel (B7)+
Bio- Gasoline (E5) (B7) CNG
Reference Gas/LNG LPG CNG / Hydrog Ethan Bio-
Fuel Bio- en ol Diesel
Methane (ICE)3 (E85) / up to
E100) 100%(4)

Pollutants √ √ √ √ (2) √ √ (both fuels) √ √ √
(Type 1 Test)

Mass and √
Particulate √ (3) - - - - √ (Gasoline only) (both √ √ √
Number fuels)
(Type 1 Test)

Idle √ √
Emissions √ √ √ - √ √ (both fuels) (Gasolin (both - - -
(Type II Test) e only) fuels)

Emissions √ √ √ - √ √ (Gasoline only) - - -
(Type III Test)

Emissions √ - - - - √ (Gasoline only) - - -
(Type IV test)

Durability √ (B7
√ √ √ √ √ √ (Gasoline only) √ √
(Type V Test) only)

√ √
In-Service √ (B7
√ √ √ √ √ √ (both fuels) (Gasolin (both √ √
Conformity only)
e only) fuels)

Diagnostics √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
and IUPRm
emission and √ (both
√ √ √ √ √ √ (both fuels) √ √
fuel fuels)

- - - - - - - - - √ √ -

Engine Power √ √ √ √ √ √ (both fuels) √ √ √

o When a bi-fuel vehicle has flex fuel option, both test requirements are applicable. Vehicle tested with E100 need not be tested for E85.
o Only NOx emission shall be determined when the vehicle is running in Hydrogen
o Applicable only for vehicles with direct injection engines including hybrids
o Biodiesel blends up to 7% will be tested with reference diesel (B7) & vehicles fueled above 7% will be tested with respective fuels.
o C02 emission and fuel consumption shall be measured as per procedure laid down in AIS137 and as amended time to time

India adopted 80,000 km of durability requirement for BSIII / IV emission. It is recommended in
Auto fuel policy that the Government of India would enhance the Durability. For BSVI durability
requirement it is enhanced from current BS IV level of 80,000 km to 160,000 km for the vehicles
manufactured on or after 1st April 2020 for all models.

DF (Deterioration Factor) for currently applicable BS IV are as follows


Gasoline 1.2 1.2 - 1.2 1.0 -

Diesel 1.1 - 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.2

DF for BS VI vehicles manufactured on or after 1st April 2020 as follows

Gasoline 1.5 1.3 1.3 - 1.6 1.0 1.0
Diesel 1.5 - - 1.1 1.1 1.0 1.0

OBD requirements
• Applicability: All light passenger/commercial vehicles
• OBD I required for gasoline and diesel vehicles by 4-1-2010
• Discontinuity test: MIL must be activated if discontinuity of emission related components
• BS IV OBD II required for gasoline and diesel vehicles by 4-1-2013:
o MIL must be activated if emission related components cause emission to exceed
OBD threshold.
o Test procedure and approval practices are in line with EOBD limits for Euro 4.
As per latest Gazette of India notification dated 16th September 2016, all vehicles shall be equipped
with On-Board Diagnostic (BS VI-OBD) systems for emission control which shall have the
capability of identifying malfunction by means of fault codes stored in computer memory as per
the procedure laid down in AIS 137 and as amended from time to time when that failure results in
an increase in emission above the limits given in the following tables:

OBD Threshold for BS VI vehicles manufactured on or after 1st April 2020:
On-Board Diagnostic (BS VI OBD-1) Threshold:
Category Class Reference Mass [mg/km] [mg/km] [mg/km] [mg/km]
M - All 1900 1750 170 290 150 180 25 25
I RM ≤1,305 1900 1750 170 290 150 180 25 25
N1 II 1,305<RM≤1,760 3400 2200 225 320 190 220 25 25
III 1,760<RM 4300 2500 270 350 210 280 30 30
N2 III 1,760<RM 4300 2500 270 350 210 280 30 30
PM-thresholds for PI engines apply to direct injection engines only.

OBD Threshold for BS VI vehicles manufactured on or after 1st April 2023:

On-Board Diagnostic (BS VI OBD-2) Threshold:
Reference Mass [mg/km] [mg/km] [mg/km] [mg/km]
Category Class [kg]
M - All 1900 1750 170 290 90 140 12 12
I RM ≤1,305 1900 1750 170 290 90 140 12 12
II 1,305<RM≤1,760 3400 2200 225 320 110 180 12 12
N1 & N2 III 1,760<RM 4300 2500 270 350 120 220 12 12
o PM-thresholds for PI engines apply to direct injection engines only.

In-use performance ratio (IUPR) for BS VI vehicles manufactured on or after 1st April 2023 shall
(i) Comparison of Numerator and Denominator gives an indication of how often a specific monitor
is operating relative to vehicle operation. Detailed requirements for tracking IUPR are given in AIS
(ii) According to the requirements specified in AIS 137, the vehicle is equipped with a specific
monitor M, IUPRM shall be greater or equal to 0.1 for all monitors M.

Fuel Economy Requirements

As per Ministry of Power Notification S.O.1072(E) dated 23rd April 2015, Fuel Economy standards
are laid down for four wheelers, other than quadricycle, used for passengers, Gross Vehicle
Weight (GVW) not exceeding 3500Kg. Each manufacturer shall comply with Average Fuel
consumption Standard calculated as below

Average Fuel consumption Standard = a x (W-b) + c

W = ∑Ni Wi / ∑Ni

Average Fuel consumption Standard= In petrol equivalent lit/100km
a = constant multiplier
b = Fixed constant
c= Fixed constant
W= Weighted average of unladen mass in kg for sale by manufacturer
Ni = Number of vehicles manufactured or imported for sale in India of a model I in respective
fiscal year
Wi =Unladen mass in kg of a model i in the respective fiscal year.

Further in order to establish compliance of these standards, conversion from litre/100 km to CO 2

in g/km is given below in latest amendment notification dated 6th Jan 2017.
a x (W-b) + c in lit/100km is converted into CO2 in g/km as (a * (W-b) c) * 23.7135

(for fiscal years 2017~18 to 2021~22)

a 0.0024
b 1037
c 5.4922

Average Fuel Consumption Standard for

Manufacturer =0.0024 x (W - 1037) +5.4922

(fiscal year 2022~23 onwards)

a 0.002
b 1145
c 4.7694
Average Fuel Consumption Standard for
Manufacturer =0.002 x (W - 1145) +4.7694

Average of Actual Fuel consumption in petrol equivalent in lit/100km is calculated as below

∑Ki Ni FCi/ ∑Ni
Ni = Number of vehicles manufactured or imported for sale in India of a model I in
respective fiscal year
Ki = Equivalent vehicle credits for electric vehicles
FCi =Petrol equivalent fuel consumption in lit/100km of a model i
(a) Actual fuel consumption of every model shall be calculated as follows
FCpetrol in (lit/100km) = 0.04217 x CO2
FCdiesel in (lit/100km) = 0.03776 x CO2

FCLPG in (lit/100km) = 0.06150 x CO2
FCCNG in (kg/100km) = 0.03647 x CO2
CO2 = measured carbon dioxide in g/km as per type approval
(b) Actual Fuel Consumption of every electricity driven model shall be measured in terms of
kWh/100km as per type approval;
(c) Actual Fuel Consumption in petrol equivalent for diesel, LPG, CNG and electricity driven
vehicles shall be obtained by multiplying the actual fuel consumption referred above in (a) and (b)
with conversion factors specified below
Fuel type Conversion Factor to Petrol equivalent
Diesel 1.1168
LPG 0.6857
CNG 1.1563
Electricity 0.1028

The compliance to the CO2 equation mentioned here shall be deemed as compliance to the
average fuel consumption standard in petrol equivalent liter/100km given in the said notification
issued by Ministry of Power. Every manufacturer shall submit an “Annual Fuel Consumption
Report” for the reporting period.

The manufacturer’s annual corporate average CO2 performance (P) with respect to the target (T)
can be quantified in terms of CO2 credits / debits in metric tons/km and calculated as follows.
CO2 Credits = {(T - P) X Σ ni}/106
CO2 Debits = {(P - T) X Σ ni}/106
‘P’ is the manufacturer’s annual corporate average CO2 performance expressed in g/km
‘T’ is the manufacturer’s annual corporate average CO2 target expressed in g/km
ni is the total number of vehicles manufactured / imported in India of a model i, including its
variant(s) in a Reporting period for sale in India.

Fuel Economy Labels
Currently as per Gazette of India Notification on 7th January 2016 every manufactures or importer
of a vehicle shall affix on the vehicle a Fuel Economy Star Rating (FESR) before on or before 1 st
April 2016 which are determined as follows

Star Rating Fuel economy levels (Petrol equivalent liters/100km)

One Star FCi > 0.00330 x Wi + 3.0034
Two Stars 0.00330 x Wi + 3.0034 ≥ FCi > 0.00264 x Wi + 3.0034
Three Stars 0.00264 x Wi + 3.0034 ≥ FCi > 0.00216 x Wi + 3.0034
Four Stars 0.00216 x Wi + 3.0034 ≥ FCi > 0.00168 x Wi + 3.0034
Five Stars FCi ≤ 0.00168 x Wi + 3.0034

Wi = Unladen mass in kilogram of a model in the respective financial year and
FCi = Petrol equivalent fuel consumption in liter per 100 kilometer of a model i.

Incentive Programs
Government of India approved the National Mission on Electric Mobility in 2011 and subsequently
National Electric Mobility Plan 2020 was unveiled (in 2013) and it is further formulated as Faster
Adaption and Manufacturing of Hybrid & Electric vehicles in India (FAME) by Department of Heavy
Industry by S.O. 830(E). The Gazette of India notification dated 13th March 2015.
The overall scheme is proposed to be implemented over a period of 6years, till 2020 and it is
intended to support hybrid/electric vehicles market and its manufacturing eco-system.

Phase -1 of scheme is implemented from 1st of April 2015 for next two years for FY 2015-16 & FY
2016-17 and it was extended further up to 31st March 2019.
Phase – 2 was unveiled with an implementation date of 1 st April 2019 with outlay of 10.000 Crore
for a period of 3 years.
The demand incentive shall be available for buyers (end users/consumers) in the form of an upfront
reduced price to enable wider adoption.
Mild Hybrid, Strong Hybrid, Plug-in Hybrid and Pure Electric technologies (collectively termed as
xEV) are covered under the scheme in The Gazette of India notification draft dated 13th March
2015. However, in 30th March 2017 Department of Heavy Industry has noted that Mild hybrid
technology will stand excluded from benefits under the FAME scheme w.e.f 1 st April 2017. The
vehicles sold with Mild hybrid on or before 31th March 2017 will continue to receive incentives.

The following category of vehicles shall be eligible to avail demand incentives under the scheme:
▪ Two-wheeler (Category L1 & L2 as per Central Motor Vehicle Rules (CMVR)
▪ Two-wheeler (Max power not exceeding 250 Watts)
▪ Three wheelers (Category L5 as per CMVR)
▪ Passenger Cars (Category M1 as per CMVR)
▪ LCVs (Category N1 as per CMVR)
▪ Buses (Category M3 as per CMVR)
▪ Retrofitment (Category M1, M2 & N1 as per CMVR)

For Vehicle categories: see page 36

xEV Technology Technology definition

Vehicles with Start-Stop arrangement, Electric
Mild hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) Regenerative Braking system and Motor

Mild HEV with OVC (Off Vehicle Vehicles with OVC with Rechargable Energy
Charging) Storage System (ReESS).

Vehicles with Start-Stop arrangement, Electric

Strong HEV Regenerative Braking systems and Motor

Plug in HEV/ Range Extended Electric Strong HEV with Off Vehicle Charging (OVC)
Vehicles (REEV) of ReESS.

Vehicle which is powered exclusively by

Battery Electric Vehicles (BEV) electric motor and has an Electric
Regenerative Braking system.

The demand of incentives is proposed into 2 slabs – Level 1 and Level 2. This is to promote
development of technologies and vehicles with higher fuel saving potential. In general to qualify
for L2 incentive, the vehicle shall have to meet 50% higher qualifying target. Target Line (TL) fuel
consumption for base vehicle and xEV vehicles are defined as follows

Fuel Consumption Criteria – Target Lines

Mild hybrid* Strong Hybrid PHEV
Fuel Category Level 1 Level 2 Level 1 Level 2 Level 1 Level 2
LPG TL -10% TL - 15% TL-20% TL -30% TL -33% TL-50%
(TL- (TL- (TL- (TL- (TL- (TL-
11.5%)- 11.5%) - 11.5%)- 11.5%)- 11.5%)- 11.5%)-
Diesel/CNG 10% 15% 20% 30% 33% 50%

1) The % figure is the % change in the slope from Target Line - TL

2) For example TL(gasoline equivalent fuel consumption in l/100km = 0.0024*M +3.0034,
then the target for the
Gasoline mild hybrid will be: 0.0024*0.9*M+ 3.0034 and
Diesel mild hybrid = 0.0024*0.885*0.9*M + 3.0034

Fuel Consumption Criteria – Target Line equation constant

Fuel Eqn/Const Mild hybrid Strong Hybrid PHEV
Category FC1= a* M+b Level 1 Level 2 Level 1 Level 2 Level 1 Level 2

a 0.00216 0.00204 0.00192 0.00168 0.001608 0.0012

LPG b 3.0034 3.00340 3.00340 3.00340 3.00340 3.0034

a 0.00191 0.0018 0.00169 0.00148 0.00142 0.00106

Diesel/CNG b 3.0034 3.0034 3.0034 3.0034 3.0034 3.0034

1. Gasoline equivalent fuel consumption

Actual gasoline equivalent fuel consumption for diesel, LPG, CNG vehicles shall be obtained by
multiplying the actual fuel consumption of a diesel, LPG or CNG motor vehicle with the conversion
factors specified as in below table:
Fuel type Conversion Factor to Petrol equivalent
Diesel 1.1340
LPG 0.6878
CNG 0.7581

Following incentives are applicable except for Mild Hybrid with effect from 1 st April 2017

Four-wheeler (Category M1)

Segment INCENTIVE (Rs)
Length not exceeding 4 meters Level 1 Level 2
Mild HEV (Conventional Battery) 13000/- 16000/-
Mild HEV (Advance Battery) 19000/- 23000/-
Strong HEV (Advance Battery) 59000/- 71000/-
Plug-in HEV (Advance Battery) 98000/- 118000/-
BEV (Advance Battery) 76000/- 124000/-
Length exceeding 4 meters Level 1 Level 2
Mild HEV (Conventional Battery) 11000/- 13000/-
Mild HEV (Advance Battery) 20000/- 24000/-
Strong HEV (Advance Battery) 58000/- 70000/-
Plug-in HEV (Advance Battery) 98000/- 118000/-
BEV (Advance Battery) 60000/- 138000/-

LCV (Category N1)

Segment INCENTIVE (Rs)
CNG/Diesel Variant Level 1 Level 2
Mild HEV (Conventional Battery) 17000/- 20000/-
Mild HEV (Advance Battery) 19000/- 23000/-
Strong HEV (Advance Battery) 52000/- 62000/-
Plug-in HEV (Conventional Battery) 73000/- 88000/-
Plug-in HEV (Advance Battery) 104000/- 125000/-
BEV (Conventional Battery) 102000/- 122000/-
BEV (Advance Battery) 156000/- 187000/-

Emission Standard for Passenger cars & Light Commercial Vehicles
(80,000 km standards)
Test: Vehicle Phase Effective Evap3)
FTP-75 Type SHED
Date [g/test]
PC 0.12 4)
L5*) 1-1-2009 0.30 0.05 2.0 0.02 0.05 2.0
& 0.25 5)
LCV 1-1-2014 0.025 6)
Gasoline ≤1,700kg L6 0.30 0.05 1.30 0.08 0.02 1.58)
1-1-2015 9) 0.030 7)
NG10) LCV L5*) 1-1-2009 0.50 0.06 2.7 0.04 0.06 2.0
0.43 5)
1-1-2014 0.25
L6 0.50 0.06 2.00 0.03 0.040 1.5 8)
1-1-2015 9) 0.35 5)
Only for vehicles operated on natural gas; 2) Due to an alcohol of 22 to 27% in gasoline, Brazil specifies a standard for aldehydes (CHO) for
gasoline engines - not valid for natural gas engines; 3) not applicable for Diesel vehicles and vehicles exclusively operated only natural gas; 4) only
for gasoline or ethanol vehicles; 5) only for Diesel vehicles; 6) for PC; 7) for LCV; 8) valid as of 1-1-2012 for all vehicles ; 9) 2014: new type approval,
2015: all new registrations; 10) CO2 test results have to be reported; *) Phase L5 was planned for Diesel vehicles but was not possible due to
unavailability of adequate fuel quality;

The FTP-75 is the emission cycle used in emission tests in Brazil. The test should start with an
ambient temperature between 20°C and 30°C, and the soak time should be higher than 12 hours
and lower than 36 hours. There are no tests with temperatures lower than 20°C. The road
coefficients are usually measured and provided by the vehicle manufacturer. If more than 33% of
the produced vehicles are equipped with air conditioning system, the road coefficients must be
raised by 10%. All emission tests are executed with the air conditioning system turned off.

Specific Regulations for Flex-Fuel and Alternative Fuel Vehicles

ANFAVEA (Associação Nacional dos Fabricantes de Veículos Automotores) reported that 1.7
million flex-fuel vehicles were sold in 2016 in Brazil. That represents almost 90% of the whole
Brazilian market. Therefore, it is necessary to define specific regulations for alternative fuels. In
the homologation process, the vehicle must be able to pass emission tests with 3 fuels: E22
(gasoline), E61 (mixture of E22 and E100) and E100 (ethanol).

There are specific rules for the tests with E100. In these tests, it is allowed to discount the whole
amount of unburned ethanol from the NMHC. That means that for E100 the value compared to the
NMHC limit (0.05 g/km) is not the whole amount of NMHC, but the NMHC without the unburned
ethanol (NMHC-ETOH).

PL7 Limits - starting January 2022
PM(1) CO Aldehydes(3) NH3(2) Emission during
Category + Nox Evaporative(5)
mg/km mg/km mg/km ppm fuel tanking(6)
80 6
passenger 0,5g per day 50 mg per liter
1000 Inform of test fueled
Light 140(3) 6(3)
320(4) 20(4) - - -
(1): Applicable to vehicles equipped with spark ignition and direct injection engines or Diesel engines.
(2): Applicable to vehicles equipped with Diesel engines with aftertreatment system that uses liquid reductant.
(3): Applicable only to Otto engines.
(4): Applicable only to Diesel engines.
(5) Not applicable to Diesel nor GNV engines. SHED test takes 48 hours.
(6) Not applicable to Diesel nor GNV engines. Starting at 2023.
(7) NMOG calculation is under discussion.

PL8 limits - starting January 2025

PM(1) CO Aldehydes(3) NH3(2) Evap. (6) during fuel
+ NOx
g/day of mg per
BIN Level mg/km mg/km mg/km mg/km ppm
test liter fueled
320 320 20 1000 -
280 280 20 1000 -
250 250 20 1000 -
220 220 10 1000 -
Light commercial vehicles diesel

200 200 10 1000 -

170 170 9 1000 -
140 140 6 1000 15
Light commercial vehicles by
spark ignition heavier than

110 110 6 1000 15 10 0,5 50

80 80 6 1000 15
vehicles until 1700kg of
1700kg of ME(4)

70 70 4 600 10
light commercial
Light passenger

60 60 4 600 10

50 50 4 600 10
40 40 4 500 10
30 30 3 500 8
20 20 2 400 8
0 zero zero zero zero zero zero zero

(1): Applicable to vehicles equipped with spark ignition and direct injection engines or Diesel engines.
(2): Applicable to vehicles equipped with Diesel engines with aftertreatment system that uses liquid reductant.
(3): Applicable only to Otto engines.
(4): ME – Inertia value
(5) NMOG calculation is under discussion.
(6): Applicable only to Otto engines. Shed test takes 48 hours

BIN Emission:

Light Light
Starting date commercial passenger
vehicle vehicle
01-01-25 140 50
01-01-27 110 40
01-01-29 50 30
01-01-31 30 30

The discount of unburned ethanol of NMOG and NMHC is forbidden when vehicle is fueled with
The OEM or importer must prove the vehicle meet emissions after 160 thousand km.
For vehicles selling volume is lower than 15 thousand units per year, optionally, a standard
(Deterioration Factor) DF can be used:

Category Multiplicator

NMHC CO NOx Aldehydes PM

Diesel 1,2 1,2 1,2 1 1,2
Otto 1,4 1,4 1,2 1,2 1

For volumes higher than 15 thousand units per year, the OEM or importer must determine the DF
in vehicle according to Brazilian rules.
If the OEM or importer already has the DF for an 80.000km vehicle (e.g. PL6 values), it must be
used at certification if it is higher standard DF above until the company determines the DF for

Besides DF, for vehicles that uses regenerative systems it was introduced the Ki factor.

OBD Requirements
The Brazilian OBD legislation (OBDBr-2 and OBDBr-2+) is very similar to EOBD, with some few
1. FTP-75 is the homologation cycle;
2. Catalyst efficiency should be monitored only for THC (for NGV) or NMHC (for Otto
engines, except NGV);
3. Except for catalyst, misfire and upstream lambda sensor, only electrical diagnoses
are required;
4. Catalyst, lambda sensor (plausibility) and misfire monitoring might be disabled during
evaporation of fuel in oil and determination of ethanol concentration in fuel;
5. Catalyst and lambda sensor (plausibility) monitoring might be disabled out of the
following ethanol concentration ranges: E19-E30 and E90-E100 (OBDBr-2 only).
OBD limits for OBDBr-2 (valid from January 1st, 2010 onwards)
Category THC(1) (g/km) NMHC(2) (g/km) CO (g/km) NOx (g/km)
LDV 0.75 0.30 4.11 0.75
LDT1 0.75 0.30 4.11 0.75
LDT2 1.25 0.50 8.22 1.50
LDV: Light-duty Vehicles (passenger cars)
LDT1: Light-duty Trucks 1 (LVW < 1700 kg)
LDT2: Light-duty Trucks 2 (1700 kg < LVW < 3856 kg)
LVW: Loaded Vehicle Weight, used as reference for emissions test.
(1) Only for NGVs
(2) Only for Otto engines, except NGVs (it is allowed to discount unburned ethanol at manufacturer’s

From January 1st, 2018 onwards there are some small changes in the legislation, which is now
called OBDBr-2+:
1. All diagnosis should run for the complete ethanol in fuel concentration range;
2. CO OBD limits lowered to 3.0 g/km for LDV and LDT1 and to 6.0 g/km for LDT2;
3. THC and NMHC should be monitored for catalyst diagnosis;
4. OBD homologation can be run with E61.

Discussion in progress at local automotive engineering association (AEA – Associação Brasileira

de Engenharia Automotiva). It must be defined until July 2020 according to PL7/8 resolution.

Fuel Economy Regulations
There are no specific rules for CO2 emissions or for fuel economy in Brazil. The vehicle’s fuel
consumption is measured in two different cycles. The urban cycle UDDS and the extra-urban
Highway Cycle. Brazil has a labeling program for fuel consumption organized by INMETRO
(Instituto Nacional de Metrologia, Qualidade e Tecnologia). Nevertheless, the manufacturers are
not yet obligated to participate in this program. Therefore, most of the consumers do not know if
they are buying a good rated vehicle or not.


To foster improvements in the automotive industry the Rota 2030 Mobilidade and Logística
program came now into place.

Inovar Auto was the previous program for the automotive industry that expired almost one year
ago, which was in a strong critic of the World Trade Organization (WTO) for giving unfair
advantages to local car makers.
The objectives of Rota 2030 Mobility and Logistics is to promote technical development,
competitiveness, innovation, safety, environmental protection, energy efficiency and quality of
automobiles, trucks, busses, chassis with engines and automotive supplier industries.
The new policy will have three phases with targets for phase I (2018-2022), phase II (2023-2027)
and phase III (2028-2032) and shall be guided in following concepts:

• Mobility - conditions of travel, accessibility or inclusion of persons in the geographical

area, involving one or more of the following modalities:
• of vehicles in cities and on highways
• by means of public transport or
• by individual means of transport and
• Logistics - transportation of goods and merchandise and management of supplies and
storage, considering the use of different modes of transportation

Test Procedures
Evaporative Emission Test
An evaporative emission limit of 1.5* g/test is applicable.
Sealed Housing for Evaporative Emission Determination (SHED) test is used for measuring
evaporative emissions as per NBR11481 test standard. The test includes both stages, the diurnal
(cold test evaporation) stage and the hot soak (hot test evaporation) stage.
*an alternate limit of 2.0 g/test is applicable if sealed chamber of variable volume specified as per US standard is used;

Hybrid Electric Vehicle Test Procedure

IBAMA specifies test procedures for measuring emissions in light-duty hybrid electric vehicles
(excluding PHEVs).
Emission tests for HEVs are required to meet certain guidelines with respect to state of charge
(SOC) of the internal energy storage system (RESS). Sustained Load Mode (CS) is used for
testing, under which a vehicle operates through fuel consumption while sustaining electrical power
from the RESS.

Figure 82: Hybrid Electric Vehicle Testing

Emission tests are conducted using FTP-75 cycle highway cycle.

Russian Federation
Emission Standards for M & N Vehicles ≤ 3,500 kg

Vehicle Emission
Effective Date1) Requirement Corresponds to
Type Class

January 1-2008 3 Emission level A Euro 3
ECE-R24/03 (Diesel only)

January 1-2010 4 Emission level B Euro 4
Gas ECE-R24/03 (Diesel only)

January 1-2016 5 Euro 5
ECE-R24/03 (Diesel only)
1) With regard to motor vehicles manufactured using base motor vehicles that have been placed into service and produced by other manufacturers,
the period of validity of Vehicle Type Approvals is limited to the following date: for base motor vehicles of emission class 4 - December 31, 2016.

CPT Group GmbH Legal notice Emission
Powertrain This brochure is designed to provide general brochure
Siemensstraße 12 information only. It is offered as a customer
93055 Regensburg service, with the understanding that Continental
Phone + 49 941 790 - 0 is not engaged in rendering legal, regulatory or other professional service. This publication
should not be used as a substitute for official
regulations, which should always be consulted.

© CPT Group GmbH

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