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Endorsed by the 11th ASEAN SOM-ED and adopted by 9th ASED, 23 and 25 May 2016, Malaysia
Version as of 18 May 2016 as presented to 11th SOM-ED

SUB-GOAL 1: Promote ASEAN awareness through strengthening of Southeast Asian history and indigenous knowledge.
PRIORITY AREA 1.1: Enhancing ASEAN awareness through exchange programmes for ASEAN students and youth
(Performance Indicator: Increased number of exchange programmes for ASEAN students and youth)
Projects/Activities Performance Indicators Expected Outputs Lead Potential Timelines
Country Partners (2016-2020)
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

1. Formulate standards/ Number of students from AMS Adopted standards and guidelines ASEAN SOMY, x x
guidelines in hosting ASEAN participated in ASEAN Student for the conduct of ASEAN Student Secretariat+ COCI,
Student Exchange Programme Exchange Programme (ASEP) Exchange Programme (ASEP) SOM-ED AUN,
(ASEP) organized by SOM-ED/ASED (SOM-ED). Chair ASEAN
Chairs, with at least 80% able to Foundation
identify issues related to ASEAN SEASPF
awareness (based on ASEAN

2. Support other relevant ASEAN Participants are able to articulate Greater number and variety of x x x x x
entities in promoting greater their understanding and cultural exchange programmes are
access and understanding of appreciation of different ASEAN implemented for the purpose of
cultures, customs and faiths in cultures through cultural exchange promoting greater access and
ASEAN programmes. understanding of the different
cultures of ASEAN Member States.
e.g. ASEP; ASEAN+3 Youth
Cultural Forum (AUN); ASEAN
Student Leaders' Forum (AUN);
AUN and ASEAN+3 Educational
Forum and Young Speakers
Contest (AUN); ASEAN Youth
Heritage Leaders (COCI); ASEAN
Youth Day Meeting (SOMY);
ASEAN Youth in Action - Learning
Express (SOM-ED); Handbook on
ASEAN Puppets Exchange
(ASEAN Foundation)

Endorsed by the 11th ASEAN SOM-ED and adopted by 9th ASED, 23 and 25 May 2016, Malaysia
Version as of 18 May 2016 as presented to 11th SOM-ED

PRIORITY AREA 1.2: Promoting a culture of peace and understanding through education in contributing towards peaceful and harmonious ASEAN
(Performance Indicator: New supplementary teaching-learning materials on peace and shared history developed, translated into local languages and
used in schools in ASEAN)
Projects/Activities Performance Indicators Expected Outputs Lead Potential Timelines
Country Partners (2016-2020)
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

3. Develop content with focus on Shared history on Southeast A supplementary teaching and ASEAN UNICEF x x
producing teaching and history is reflected in teaching learning material on the shared Secretariat+ EAPRO
learning materials for both curricula and materials, and are histories of Southeast Asia SOM-ED UNESCO,
teachers and students accessible in both online and hard provided in local languages for Chair APCEIU,
CROSS-SECTORAL copy secondary schools in ASEAN SEAMEO
Member States. SPAFA,
4. Translate ASEAN Sourcebook ASEAN Curriculum Sourcebook ASEAN Curriculum Sourcebook Cambodia COCI, x x
into local languages translated, printed, and distributed translated, printed and distributed
and sectoral guidance on and sectoral guidance on
promotion of peace education promotion of peace education
developed and disseminated developed and disseminated.
including pre-primary education.

5. Incorporation of peace Development, strengthening and Regional sectoral guidelines for x x x

education in national school utilisation of sectoral guidance on Peace education in ASEAN from
curricula for pre-primary and promotion of peace education, pre-primary to primary education,
primary schools in provision of including in pre-primary education. developed/piloted and utilised.
capacity building on use of
Sourcebook, and on the topic
of peace education
6. Develop Culture and History Workshops conducted and Development of a model Myanmar x x x x
Curriculum Leading to ASEAN participated in by curriculum curriculum which can be used as a
Citizenship for Primary planners to share and discuss a supplementary to current syllabus;
Education model curriculum translation into local languages

Endorsed by the 11th ASEAN SOM-ED and adopted by 9th ASED, 23 and 25 May 2016, Malaysia
Version as of 18 May 2016 as presented to 11th SOM-ED

PRIORITY AREA 1.3: Advancing ASEAN Studies Programme and courses at higher education level through online and cross-border mobility
(Performance Indicator: Increased access by universities and students to quality ASEAN studies programmes)
Projects/Activities Performance Indicators Expected Outputs Lead Potential Timelines
Country Partners (2016-2020)
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

7. Develop long-term plan to Increased number of graduate A complete set of teaching Malaysia Universities x x
institutionalise the ASEAN students and young scholars with materials for ASEAN Studies at in ASEAN,
Studies Programme for advanced level of understanding of both undergraduate and University
ASEAN and have potential to postgraduate level. of Malaya,
undergraduate and
postgraduate levels conduct ASEAN Studies Course Association
(on voluntary basis) at their of Open
respective universities. Universities
, Kyushu
8. Conduct joint supervision with Improved quality of ASEAN Guidelines in facilitating cross- University, x x x x
external supervisors on graduates border mobility of students and ASEAN
dual/joint programmes scholars on ASEAN studies Foundation,
9. Setting-up of recruitment Increased access of ASEAN programmes through joint research SEAMEO x x x x
procedures and recruitment of students to ASEAN studies and "twinning" programmes INNOTECH
fellows programmes
10. Conduct summer schools at x x x x
Asia-Europe Institute (AEI)
11. Develop/ implement the x x x x
International Masters on
ASEAN Studies and the
International Masters on
Regional Integration at the
Asia-Europe Institute (AEI)

12. Conduct conferences/ Increased access to quality ASEAN x x x x x

seminars/forums on ASEAN programmes and research
13. Develop ASEAN regionalism x x
flagship research programmes
14. Implement various scholarship Increased number of graduates Scholarships on ASEAN ASEAN SHARE x x x x x
programmes on ASEAN engaged in this programmes programmes offered and Secretariat+ AUN
implemented SOM-ED ASEAN
Chair Foundation

Endorsed by the 11th ASEAN SOM-ED and adopted by 9th ASED, 23 and 25 May 2016, Malaysia
Version as of 18 May 2016 as presented to 11th SOM-ED

PRIORITY AREA 1.3: Advancing ASEAN Studies Programme and courses at higher education level through online and cross-border mobility
Projects/Activities Performance Indicators Expected Outputs Lead Potential Timelines
Country Partners (2016-2020)
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

15. Support the ASEAN in Today’s Increased number of university The Annual ASEAN in Today's ASEAN Kyushu x x x x x
World Programme students with an intermediate level World Programme (Kyushu Secretariat+ University
of understanding of ASEAN in the University) implemented SOM-ED
field of political, economic, and Chair
16. Develop/expand the ASEAN Model ASEAN Meeting by the ASEAN x x
Foundation's initiative to ASEAN Foundation organised and Member
implement Model ASEAN expanded to all ten ASEAN States c/o
Programme Member States with one activity ASEAN
each year in the country holding Foundation
the ASEAN chairmanship

17. Update the ASEAN Studies The online course on Introduction ASEAN Studies modules and Philippines x x x x
Modules and Instructor Manual to ASEAN Studies established and instructor manual updated and
and made accessible to operated in ASEAN universities made accessible to university
university students and (on voluntary basis) students and educators

18. Conduct survey of existing The number of ASEAN Studies Survey report on frameworks of Thailand x
ASEAN Studies Programme Centres surveyed ASEAN Studies centres in ASEAN
(identify vision, mission,
programmes, activities, and
deliverables of existing ASEAN
Studies Centres in the region to
determine alignment of operation
with ASEAN goals)

19. Develop guidelines for ASEAN The number of ASEAN Studies Guidelines for ASEAN Studies Thailand x
Studies programmes (identify Programmes surveyed Programme surveyed
structure of ASEAN Studies
programmes to serve as basis
for recognition of a truly ASEAN
Studies Programme)

Endorsed by the 11th ASEAN SOM-ED and adopted by 9th ASED, 23 and 25 May 2016, Malaysia
Version as of 18 May 2016 as presented to 11th SOM-ED

SUB-GOAL 2: Enhance the quality and access to basic education for all, including the disabled, less advantageous &other marginalized groups
PRIORITY AREA 2.1: Promoting inclusive schools through improved access and provision of basic education to marginalised and OOSC
(Performance Indicator: Increased access of marginalised learners and OOSC to inclusive schools and inclusive education in ASEAN)
Projects/Activities Performance Indicators Expected Outputs Lead Potential Timelines
Country Partners (2016-2020)
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

20. Develop a regional framework Greater promotion of inclusive Regional Framework for Inclusive Indonesia SEASPF, x x x x
or programmes/models for education through an ASEAN Education developed and and UNESCO,
promotion of inclusive regional framework for inclusive implemented Malaysia UNICEF,
education education Regional workshop/conference convened SEAMEO
(1) best practices and strategies for
marginalised group, and (2) flexible learning
strategies and alternative learning pathways UNHCR

21. Development of ASEAN Increased access to education and The ASEAN Declaration on Thailand UNESCO x
Declaration on Education for services for OOSC through an Education for Out-of-School Cambodia ASEC
Out-of-School Children ASEAN declaration on education Children and POA are formulated UNICEF
(OOSC) for OOSC and implemented

Improved opportunities provided to

OOSC through an action plan in
support of an ASEAN declaration
on education for OOSC

22. Develop a framework on Improved opportunity for Framework on basic education Lao PDR UNESCO, x x
equivalency on basic comparability of learning outcomes equivalency developed UNICEF
education within the country through a regional equivalency EAPRO,
and at the regional level framework SEAMEO

23. Study on scale and causes of OOSC Increased access of marginalised Study on scale and causes of OOSC ASEAN x x
and development of alternative groups to basic education (primary conducted and disseminated Secretariat
approaches to increasing access to and lower secondary) Alternative approaches to increasing (EYSD and
basic education, with a focus on access to basic education for IAI & NDG
disadvantaged and marginalised Division) +
marginalised groups developed and SOM-ED
groups (ASEAN IAI & NDG Work
proposed Chair

Endorsed by the 11th ASEAN SOM-ED and adopted by 9th ASED, 23 and 25 May 2016, Malaysia
Version as of 18 May 2016 as presented to 11th SOM-ED

PRIORITY AREA 2.2: Improving the quality of basic education through quality-focused interventions
(Performance Indicator: Increased number and variety of quality-focused basic education interventions in ASEAN)
Projects/Activities Performance Indicators Expected Outputs Lead Potential Timelines
Country Partners (2016-2020)
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

24. Develop/ expand Southeast Number of countries engaged in Enhanced analysis and Lao PDR UNICEF x
Asia Primary Learning Metrics this new regional assessment understanding of factors affecting and EAPRO,
(SEAPLM) and trial/ implement learning outcomes at country and Malaysia SEAMEO
in 6 (or all) ASEAN Member regional levels in participating Secretariat
States to promote common countries, especially for groups of
standards across ASEAN, as disadvantaged students and
well as global citizenship countries
education and ASEAN values

25. Develop a framework and Number of teacher training courses Framework and action plan for Indonesia SOMED+3 x x
action plan on teacher training developed Exchange for Teacher Training SEASPF,
and exchange for CLMV developed Colombo Plan
Staff College,

26. Develop strategic online Number of online courses Strategic online courses developed Philippines x x x
courses to improve quality of developed and implemented

27. Develop regional standards ASEAN standards on STEM Regional standards on STEM Malaysia x
and action plan on teacher developed and implemented
quality in priority fields of study Capacity building for pre-service
(STEM including ICT) and in-service teachers conducted

28. Develop the capacity Number of initiatives/capacity Initiatives/capacity building ASEAN x x

necessary to enable building activities to enable AMS to activities to enable AMS to (EYSD and IAI
participation in international participate in international testing participate in international testing & NDG
testing programmes (ASEAN programmes for improved basic programmes developed and Division) +
IAI & NDG Work Plan) education quality implemented SOM-ED

Endorsed by the 11th ASEAN SOM-ED and adopted by 9th ASED, 23 and 25 May 2016, Malaysia
Version as of 18 May 2016 as presented to 11th SOM-ED

SUB-GOAL 3: Strengthen the use of ICT

PRIORITY AREA 3.1: Expanding and improving human and institutional capacity in educational software development and online instructional design
to enhance access to quality education
(Performance Indicator: Increased number and variety of ICT-supported teaching and learning tools especially for CLMV countries in ASEAN)
Projects/Activities Performance Indicators Expected Outputs Lead Potential Timelines
Country Partners (2016-2020)
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

29. Development of cross border 80% of ASEAN students have Models and action plan for cross Indonesia SEAMEO, x x x x
school models and action plan Increased access to ICT in the field border school developed and ASEAN-
to provide increased education of basic and higher education implemented Australia
access for marginalized through enhanced connectivity. PoA,
children ASEAN-

30. Promote greater access to e-Courseware development for ASEAN AUN, x x x x

higher education, information CLMV capacity building Member ASEAN
and learning opportunities States c/o ROK, GIZ
through the ASEAN Cyber The establishment and activation of AUN
University initiative ACU-OER (ASEAN Cyber
University-Open Educational
Resource) Platform for sharing
OER from ASEAN universities

31. Support the implementation of The availability and accessibility of Supplementary applied work-based Viet Nam SOMED, x x x x
programmes of relevant quality digital educational material learning programmes (Science & Cambodia TELSOM,
ASEAN sectoral bodies and (Infrastructure Division, AEC Technology, Engineering, Math, USAID
dialogue partners that enance Department) Accounting, Tourism) to address RDMA
ICT use in education especially skills gaps are developed ADB
in CLMV countries
CROSS-SECTORAL A basic set of educational tools for
teachers in delivering lessons with
ICT are developed

Endorsed by the 11th ASEAN SOM-ED and adopted by 9th ASED, 23 and 25 May 2016, Malaysia
Version as of 18 May 2016 as presented to 11th SOM-ED

PRIORITY AREA 3.2: Strengthening capacity to access and use digital learning through ICT in ASEAN Member States; as well as provide other
capacity building programmes to support this
(Performance Indicator: Increased number of initiatives and opportunities for ICT-based learning and ICT-focused capacity building in ASEAN)
Projects/Activities Performance Indicators Expected Outputs Lead Potential Timelines
Country Partners (2016-2020)
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

32. Strengthen efforts to build ICT 2 workshops/conferences to be Development of ICT programmes Singapore SOMED, x x
capacity and capabilities provided that will impact 30 – 40 which address the teaching and TELSOM
through cross cutting initiatives, participants from AMS. learning needs of AMS, possibly
including vulnerable groups addressing the specific needs of
CROSS-SECTORAL vulnerable groups – children,
women, handicapped, Include
cyber skills for under-served people
groups – IDN development, local

33. SEA Digital Class and Teacher At least 50 digital courses to be SEAMES shall consistently advise ASEAN x x x x x
Training Centers to provided, with teachers trained by the relevant SEAMEO centers on Member
complement initiatives of 50 existing training their activities programmes and States c/o
SEAMEO centers/institutions projects that are committed on this SEAMEO
programme (SEAMES) Secretariat

Endorsed by the 11th ASEAN SOM-ED and adopted by 9th ASED, 23 and 25 May 2016, Malaysia
Version as of 18 May 2016 as presented to 11th SOM-ED

SUB-GOAL 4: Support the development of the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) sector as well as lifelong learning in the
PRIORITY AREA 4.1: Maximizing access to TVET for employment and sustainable development
(Performance Indicator: Increased access to TVET capacity building and mobility in ASEAN)
Projects/Activities Performance Indicators Expected Outputs Lead Potential Timelines
Country Partners (2016-2020)
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

34. Increase opportunities for Equitable access for all Increased cross-border TVET Brunei SEAMEO x x x x
cross-border TVET internship, (percentage enrolment rate, internship enrolment in AMS Darussalam
apprenticeship, academic percentage gender ratio)
exchange; and set policies for
sustainable development Percentage of mobility of students
and graduates

PRIORITY AREA 4.2: Strengthening regional harmonisation for the advancement of quality TVET transformation through networking, partnerships
and mobilization of TVET personnel and resources
(Performance Indicator: Increased number of initiatives and opportunities for TVET regional harmonisation through capacity building of TVET
personnel in ASEAN)
Projects/Activities Performance Indicators Expected Outputs Lead Potential Timelines
Country Partners (2016-2020)
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

35. Bridge skills and academic for Percentage of employment TVET practitioners with better Malaysia x
vertical mobility through vertical mobility into TVET higher
curriculum development education x
36. Provide access to higher level
of education for experienced
workforce x x
37. Training for professional TVET

Endorsed by the 11th ASEAN SOM-ED and adopted by 9th ASED, 23 and 25 May 2016, Malaysia
Version as of 18 May 2016 as presented to 11th SOM-ED

PRIORITY AREA 4.2: Strengthening regional harmonisation for the advancement of quality TVET transformation through networking, partnerships
and mobilization of TVET personnel and resources (continuation)
Projects/Activities Performance Indicators Expected Outputs Lead Potential Timelines
Country Partners (2016-2020)
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

38. Implement GIZ’s RECOTVET Regional initiatives and A strategic coordination platform to Brunei GIZ/RECO x x x
Programme to strengthen programmes have contributed facilitate the discussion on cross- Darussalam TVET
regional harmonisation and towards regional harmonisation in cutting issues related to the All ASEAN SEAMEO
quality improvement in TVET TVET and TVET personnel harmonization of TVET in the context Member Secretariat
of ASEAN is established
(TVET Personnel Education) development. States, and
39. Establish a regional TVET centre Regional standards for TVET Secretariat VOCTECH x x
focusing on research, capacity personnel (e.g. teachers and in-
building and collaboration of company trainers) are developed and
institutions concentrating on TVET submitted to SOMED
qualifications at the postgraduate
level (Recommendation in support An orientation framework on quality in
of the Kuala Lumpur Declaration TVET is developed and submitted to
on Higher education) SOMED

40. Strengthen academic pathways for A regional knowledge platform on x x

TVET specialists at the TVET in the ASEAN region is
postgraduate level established
(Recommendation in support of
the Kuala Lumpur Declaration on Advanced regional training
Higher education) programmes for TVET personnel
(policy makers and teachers) to
develop pedagogical and institutional
managerial capacity are implemented

41. Support the conduct of ASEAN Number of TVET learners and ASEAN Skills Competition conducted Lead country x x x x
Skill Competition to support personnel involved in ASEAN Skills by SLOM and supported by SOM-ED from SLOM
ASEAN workforce development, Competition and
particularly in achieving regional supported by
standard competency (SLOM) SOM-ED

Endorsed by the 11th ASEAN SOM-ED and adopted by 9th ASED, 23 and 25 May 2016, Malaysia
Version as of 18 May 2016 as presented to 11th SOM-ED

PRIORITY AREA 4.3: Establishing regional quality assurance and recognition for TVET and/or non-degree (diploma or certificates only) institutions
(Performance Indicator: Increased number of initiatives and opportunities for TVET personnel and learners mobility in support of TVET recognition
and quality assurance in ASEAN)
Projects/Activities Performance Indicators Expected Outputs Lead Potential Timelines
Country Partners (2016-2020)
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

42. Develop/ improve cross-border Number of internships and The development of regional Thailand OVEC, x x x
TVET Internship Programme apprenticeships model that support quality assurance and recognition and the GIZ,
cross-border TVET programme for TVET and/or non-degree Philippines SEAMEO
institutions VOCTECH
43. Develop/ implement TVET Alignment of activities with the AEC, x x x
Academic Exchange SEA-TVET Chaing Mai Joint ASEAN-
Programme Statement on Harmonization and affiliated
Internationalization of TVET in entities
Southeast Asia

44. Complete the development of Improvement of the quality of Development of National ASEAN x x x x
National Qualifications technical and vocational education Qualifications Frameworks in some Secretariat
Frameworks, and begin and training, and higher education AMS completed (EYSD and
undertaking quality assurance IAI & NDG
activities in TVET and higher Quality assurance activities in Division) +
education (ASEAN IAI & NDG TVET and higher education SOM-ED
Work Plan) initiated Chair

Endorsed by the 11th ASEAN SOM-ED and adopted by 9th ASED, 23 and 25 May 2016, Malaysia
Version as of 18 May 2016 as presented to 11th SOM-ED

PRIORITY AREA 4.4: Reducing the gaps between vocational skills demand and supply across ASEAN (ASEAN Connectivity 2025 Plan)
(Performance Indicator: Increased number of initiatives and opportunities to reduce gaps between vocational skills demand and supply in ASEAN)
Projects/Activities Performance Indicators Expected Outputs Lead Potential Timelines
Country Partners (2016-2020)
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

45. Establish new vocational Availability of data on supply Vocational standards for three ASEAN ACMW,
training programmes and demand gap by vocational skill selected TVET areas developed Secretariat SLOM,
common qualifications in ASEAN for consideration of ASEAN (EYSD and SEOM,
Connectivity DGICM,
across ASEAN Member Member States
Division) + ILO, ADB,
States Set of common skills and SOM-ED GIZ, x
a. Understand vocational skill competencies for the sector Training programmes with sets Chair SEAMEO
gaps across ASEAN training programmes in each of common skills and VOCTECH
Member States (building area competencies for three selected
on existing work by ILO / TVET areas developed
b. Reviewing the landscape
Number of TVET areas x
of TVET programmes in prioritized for training and
AMS qualifications development
c. Prioritize 2-3 TVET
sectors/areas based on
relevance for AMS, private
sector interest, feasibility
d. Develop a set of common
skills and competencies for
the sector training
programmes in each area
(together with private
sector operators)
e. Roll out across a cluster of
f. Explore harmonization of x
TVET recognition

Endorsed by the 11th ASEAN SOM-ED and adopted by 9th ASED, 23 and 25 May 2016, Malaysia
Version as of 18 May 2016 as presented to 11th SOM-ED

SUB-GOAL 5: Complement the efforts of other sectors in meeting the objectives of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)
PRIORITY AREA 5.1: Strengthening collaboration between the education and other sectors related to ESD
(Performance Indicator: Increased number of initiatives and opportunities for cross-sectoral collaboration on ESD in ASEAN)
Projects/Activities Performance Indicators Expected Outputs Lead Potential Timelines
Country Partners (2016-2020)
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

46. Strengthen cross-sectoral By 2016, all AMS have implemented Support the conduct of ASEAN Eco- Philippines UNESCO, x x x x
collaboration and synergies for the ASEAN Environmental Education Schools Award Programme and AWGEEz
ESD between environment Action Plan (AEEAP) 2014-2018. ASEAN Environmental Education (under
(ASOEN) and education sectors Forum for eco-/sustainable/green ASOEN),
(SOM-ED) schools under the auspices of ASOEN. SEAMEO

47. Conduct multi-disciplinary Establishment of an ASEAN Scholars Publication of ASEAN State of Social Philippines UNESCO x x
research on social and Network on Social and Sustainability and Sustainability Sciences Report and Thailand
sustainability sciences for Sciences to facilitate knowledge
understanding social, exchange, cross-disciplinary learning
environmental and economic and collaborative policy-relevant
issues and impacts of ASEAN research
integration including analyses of
significant policy implications for
PRIORITY AREA 5.2: Promoting the inclusion for Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) in national curriculum through support to relevant sectors' initiatives
(Performance Indicator: Increased number of initiatives and opportunities for promotion of cross-sectoral collaboration on DRR in ASEAN)
Projects/Activities Performance Indicators Expected Outputs Lead Potential Timelines
Country Partners (2016-2020)
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

48. Support the development of Safe Schools models established in ASSI policies and tools field-tested and Philippines AACDM, x x
ASEAN Safe Schools Initiative most at-risk districts and communities disseminated in some ASEAN Member AADMER
(ASSI) under the auspices of in some ASEAN Member States to States Partnership
ACDM field test and disseminate policies and Group,
CROSS SECTORAL tools. Australia,

Endorsed by the 11th ASEAN SOM-ED and adopted by 9th ASED, 23 and 25 May 2016, Malaysia
Version as of 18 May 2016 as presented to 11th SOM-ED

SUB-GOAL 6: Strengthen the higher education sector through the implementation of robust quality assurance mechanisms
PRIORITY AREA 6.1: Developing harmonised quality assurance mechanisms within the context of ASEAN
(Performance Indicator: Increased number of initiatives and opportunities to develop and harmonise quality assurance systems/mechanisms in ASEAN)
Projects/Activities Performance Indicators Expected Outputs Lead Potential Timelines
Country Partners (2016-2020)
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

49. Implement the ASEAN Regional The ASEAN higher education Robust quality assurance and Malaysia and AQAN, AUN, x x x
Quality Assurance and its frameworks are developed and qualifications systems are established Thailand SHARE
established information linkages strengthened where student mobility to build zone of trust among AMS to
among higher education institutions in facilitate mobility of students
ASEAN to strengthen people-to-people
50. Implement the EU Support to connectivity is implemented. A comprehensive mapping of regional ASEAN EU x x x
Higher Education in ASEAN higher education initiatives, Member
Region (SHARE) for strengthening mechanisms and partners in higher States c/o
the ASEAN higher education education under the ASEAN ASEAN
framework framework is drafted Secretariat

51. Conceptualise a single ASEAN Ten policy dialogues are conducted to EU x x

brand scholarship by 2025 facilitate the exchange of information
(Recommendation in support of the on the existing QA, QF, CTS and
Kuala Lumpur Declaration on Higher Student Mobility initiatives in ASEAN
and Europe
52. Develop a commonly agreed
platform and operating 500 scholarships to support study EU x x
mechanisms for sharing and abroad within ASEAN region are
managing data on mobility e.g. provided
data centre (Recommendation in
support of the Kuala Lumpur
Declaration on Higher education)

53. Strengthen existing regional QA The quality of teaching, research and Malaysia and EU, AUN x x
on HE (degree-based) for students service of higher education institutions Thailand SEAMEO
and academic staff are strengthened RIHED

54. Develop regional quality Adoption and implementation of the ASEAN EU, AUN x x
assurance mechanism at AUN-QA at institutional level. Member SEAMEO
institutional level in ASEAN by States c/o RIHED
utilising the AUN-QA ASEC

Endorsed by the 11th ASEAN SOM-ED and adopted by 9th ASED, 23 and 25 May 2016, Malaysia
Version as of 18 May 2016 as presented to 11th SOM-ED

SUB-GOAL 6: Strengthen the higher education sector through the implementation of robust quality assurance mechanisms
PRIORITY AREA 6.1: Developing harmonised quality assurance mechanisms within the context of ASEAN (continuation)
Projects/Activities Performance Indicators Expected Outputs Lead Potential Timelines
Country Partners (2016-2020)
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

55. Complete the development of Improvement of the quality of Development of National ASEAN x x x x
National Qualifications technical and vocational education Qualifications Frameworks in some Secretariat
Frameworks, and begin and training, and higher education AMS completed (EYSD and
undertaking quality assurance IAI & NDG
activities in TVET and higher Quality assurance activities in Division) +
education (ASEAN IAI & NDG TVET and higher education SOM-ED
Work Plan) initiated Chair

56. Continuous referencing of Number of AMS whose NQFs are AMS NQFs referenced with AQRF ASEAN x x x x
National Qualifications referenced with AQRF Secretariat
Frameworks (NQFs) of ASEAN (EYSD and
Member States with the SID) +
ASEAN Qualifications SOM-ED
Reference Framework (AQRF) Chair
(ASEAN Services and
Investment Plan)

57. Coordination and support SOM-ED/ASED endorsement/ AQRF endorsed and approved by ASEAN x x
(national and regional levels) approval of AQRF SOM-ED/ASED Secretariat
to the proposed AQRF (EYSD and
Governance and Structure SOM-ED/ASED support/ SID) +
(ASEAN Services and coordination of AQRF at national SOM-ED
Investment Plan) level and with other sectors Chair

Endorsed by the 11th ASEAN SOM-ED and adopted by 9th ASED, 23 and 25 May 2016, Malaysia
Version as of 18 May 2016 as presented to 11th SOM-ED

SUB-GOAL 6: Strengthen the higher education sector through the implementation of robust quality assurance mechanisms
PRIORITY AREA 6.2: Supporting institutional capacity in developing harmonised quality assurance mechanisms within the context of ASEAN
(Recommendation in support of the Kuala Lumpur Declaration on Higher education)
(Performance Indicator: Improved capacity of AMS and ASEAN in developing and harmonising quality assurance systems/mechanisms in ASEAN)
Projects/Activities Performance Indicators Expected Outputs Lead Potential Timelines
Country Partners (2016-2020)
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

58. Establish a working group to Number of consultations/meetings A working group to consult the Malaysia x
consult the SOM-ED on of working group with SOM-ED SOM-ED on matters related to
matters related to higher higher education in ASEAN
education in ASEAN Policy recommendations on higher established and operational
education in ASEAN

59. Establish a working group to Number of consultations/meetings A working group to harmonise Malaysia x
harmonise mobility activities of working group mobility activities with respect to
with respect to credit transfer credit transfer and quality
and quality assurance in Policy recommendations on assurance in ASEAN established
ASEAN mobility, credit transfer, quality and operational
assurance in ASEAN
60. Offer leadership development Number of leadership development Leadership development Malaysia x x
programmes for ASEAN higher programmes programmes for ASEAN higher
education leaders Number of ASEAN higher education leaders made available
education leaders benefitted and accessed by education leaders
61. Coordinate capacity building Number of capacity building Capacity building for staff involved Malaysia x x x x
for staff involved in managing programmes in managing higher education
higher education mobility Number of ASEAN staff/personnel mobility programmes in ASEAN
programmes in ASEAN benefitted cooridnated

Endorsed by the 11th ASEAN SOM-ED and adopted by 9th ASED, 23 and 25 May 2016, Malaysia
Version as of 18 May 2016 as presented to 11th SOM-ED

SUB-GOAL 7: Foster the role of higher education in the area of socio-economic development through University-Industry Partnership.
PRIORITY AREA 7.1: Developing stronger linkages between universities, industries, and communities
(Performance Indicator: Increased number of initiatives and opportunities to develop and implement higher education development and student
mobility through PPP in ASEAN)
Projects/Activities Performance Indicators Expected Outputs Lead Potential Timelines
Country Partners (2016-2020)
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

62. Increase cross-border Number of University-Industry/ Cross-border education ASEAN SEAMEO x x x x

education programmes with PPP programmes programmes through PPP are Member RIHED
support of the private sector developed and implemented States c/o
63. Increase industry involvement Number of students and Students from ASEAN Member Foundation x x x x
in university curriculum corporations participating States undertake internship in
development, including corporations from different
ASEAN Foundation Business industries that are priority sectors
Internship Programme of ASEAN

64. Enhance university-industry Increased quality and number of ASEAN AUN x x x x

collaboration through the research collaboratiobn and other Member
existing AUN/SEED-Net joint activities to strengthen States c/o
Programme and the new universities- industry linkages. AUN
initiative of the AUN-ASEAN
Economic Community (AUN-
AEC) Network

Endorsed by the 11th ASEAN SOM-ED and adopted by 9th ASED, 23 and 25 May 2016, Malaysia
Version as of 18 May 2016 as presented to 11th SOM-ED

PRIORITY AREA 7.2: Increasing the number of intra-ASEAN international students (ASEAN Connectivity 2025 Plan)
(Performance Indicator: Increased number of intra-ASEAN mobility of international university students)
Projects/Activities Performance Indicators Expected Outputs Lead Potential Timelines
Country Partners (2016-2020)
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

65. Support higher education Increased number of intra-ASEAN Access to visas to support ASEAN ASEAN AUN,
exchange across ASEAN mobility of international university university student mobility made Secretariat DGICM,
a. Establish data on cross- students available (EYSD and SLOM, x
ASEAN university student Connectivity SOMY,
mobility, including credit- Database with flows of ASEAN Division) + AHSOM
based, degree-based and university students by ASEAN SOM-ED
non-degree based Member States and degree type Chair x x x x
b. Explore opportunities to developed and made available
raise awareness of
programme, including Alumni and student ambassador
social media programme developed and x x
c. Identify English language implemented
d. Analyse current state of x x
visa regulations for
different ASEAN Member
States and different types
of education mobility x x
e. Explore opportunities to
enhance visa access to
support higher education
student mobility
f. Analyse data to identify x x
opportunities to enhance
g. Develop alumni network x x
that allows students to act
as ambassadors for

Endorsed by the 11th ASEAN SOM-ED and adopted by 9th ASED, 23 and 25 May 2016, Malaysia
Version as of 18 May 2016 as presented to 11th SOM-ED

SUB-GOAL 8: Provide capacity-building programs for teachers, academics and other key stakeholders in the education community
PRIORITY AREA 8.1: Promoting Education Exchange Week to conduct comprehensive, multi-level, and wide-ranging exchanges and cooperation.
(Performance Indicator: Increased number of initiatives and opportunities for multi-level exchanges and cooperation on education in ASEAN)
Projects/Activities Performance Indicators Expected Outputs Lead Potential Timelines
Country Partners (2016-2020)
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

66. Strengthening existing Number of regional-level Annual China-ASEAN Education Malaysia ASEAN- x x x x
exchange week programmes to seminars/colloquiums/workshops/ Cooperation Week; Round Table China PoA,
conduct comprehensive, multi- networking events on international Meeting (RTM), Annual South East SEASPF
level, and wide-ranging cooperation in academic, research Asia School Principals Forum (major
exchanges and cooperation and community development (SEASPF) Conference; Annual partner),
activities SEASPF Best Practice Conference; Malaysia
Staff at higher education institutions UTM,
in AMS meet in a common platform UNICEF,
to exchange ideas, attend SEAMEO
professional training sessions and Secretariat
network to explore collaboration and
opportunities SEAMEO

Endorsed by the 11th ASEAN SOM-ED and adopted by 9th ASED, 23 and 25 May 2016, Malaysia
Version as of 18 May 2016 as presented to 11th SOM-ED

PRIORITY AREA 8.2: Enhancing teachers' competencies for 21st century skills
(Performance Indicator: Increased number of ASEAN teachers and educators trained on 21st Century skills)
Projects/Activities Performance Indicators Expected Outputs Lead Potential Timelines
Country Partners (2016-2020)
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

67. Develop/conduct professional Number of courses developed and Courses for teachers and Indonesia SEAMEO x x x x
development courses for implemented academics on the 21st Century Cambodia Secretariat
teachers and academics on the Skills developed and implemented and
21st Century Skills such as: Number of teachers benefitted SEAMEO
a. Communication skills Regional
(English language and Centres
other ASEAN languages)
b. Critical thinking, problem
solving and decision-making
c. Creativity and innovation
d. Cross-cultural and
e. Global awareness
68. Develop programmes to train Increased access to quality English Programmes to train primary school ASEAN x x x
primary school teachers in language instruction in basic teachers in English language Secretariat
English language instruction education instruction developed and (EYSD and
(IAI & NDG Work Plan) Number of courses developed and implemented IAI & NDG
Division) +
implemented SOM-ED
Number of teachers benefitted Chair

69. Develop a pool of experts to Number of experts A pool or network of experts ASEAN x x x
promote understanding, Number of activities aim towards established and trained Secretariat
knowledge and appreciation of promotion of understanding, (EYSD and
diversity of ASEAN Member knowledge and appreciation of APSC) +
States (APSC Action Line) diversity of AMS Chair
70. Promote ASEAN to teachers Number of teachers trained Training/orientations on ASEAN for x x x x
through training (APSC Action teachers conducted


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