Call To Mind - Ucsp Q1

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1. Values
2. Norms
3. Symbols
4. Beliefs
5. Law
6. Language
7. Norms
8. Beliefs
9. Values
10. Law

1. What is the news all about?

- The news is all about speeding up the mass testing procedures through the
extension of lockdown.

2. How do you think your knowledge and understanding in culture, society, and
politics helps you think critically with our current situation?
- I think it helps me to focus on to the situation that could come up with better
or good judjements, understanding it thoroughly as to why we are facing these
kind of circumstances in the first place. In having felicitous perspective and
approach to the situation. In culture, we should adjust properly ourselves in this
pandemic to be able to survive it. In society, the community should help the
people in understanding the current situation and overcome this crisis together.
And laslty, in the politics, politicians should wisely govern their people and the
country to assist, in having preponderance in any ways.

3. How do you think the concepts of culture, society, and politics operate in the
Philippine society?
- The concepts of culture, society, and politics operate in the Philippine society
through providing awareness and comprehension in a situation. Their concepts
can help Filipinos to distinguish more in addressing certain issue, that will unravel
the problems in the society.
4. As a member of society, how do you cope with the pandemic?
- In coping up with the pandemic, I focus myself in having some activities that
can help me cool down like: reading a book and get myself to dance or
excercise. To be free from stress and negative mindset.

What I Have Learned

1. Social Science is a discipline that attempts to explain human behavior and society.
How can you see this discipline to address present-day problems in your own
community? State your answer.

- This discipline will help us understand and recognize the root cause and
then treat the problems. Social science tend to interact between people, society, and
culture evaluating how would it changed by events, to explore with its effects.

2. E.B. Tylor described culture as “complex whole” and this definition became the
foundation of understanding society. How can you apply his definition in understanding
the Philippine society?
- E.B. Taylor’s description of culture as “complex whole” pertains to
understanding the Philippine society through the diversity and homogeneity of people
which has the discrepancies of cultural activities that discusses these unique set of
3. One of the goals of Political Science is for you to understand civic skills and humane
ideals. In your own way, how will you use your knowledge in politics to achieve this
- In using my knowledge in politics, I will go through the history to seek
understanding about politics and economics. Reading valuable opinions in a valid
sources and to not be biased on the informations given.
4. With the current trends and popular culture today, how do you see a Filipino? Cite
specific examples.
- Various kinds of trends are showing nowadays and Filipinos cannot deny its
existence. Filipinos had been influenced since the beginning up until now, but, they
received it kindly enough to be in their culture and society. Example, copying the
hairstyles of South Korea, like adding color to it and styling. Also, their fashion sense
that kinda refers from the Western and from South Korea, in which, Filipinos really liked
5. Why do you think it was said that politics is about power sharing and power struggle?
What are the manifestations of this statement in our society?
- Politics is about power sharing and power struggle because it relates to decide
and allow mass of people to vote on their favored candidate which they have to share
their significant power to it. Also, winning in a competition is a fierce battle, on whos got
more power should be the first that could make his structure prevail. These statement
indicates the complex in our society thus having social conflict within.

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