Module 3

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LEARNING TASK SHEET #1: On Identifying Components of Abstract

Instructions: Identify the different components of the following abstracts. Write the
number/s of sentence/s for your answer.

1. Title: Validating an Instrument for EFL Learners’ Sources of Self-Efficacy, Academic Self-
Efficacy and the Relation to English Proficiency


1. Research on self-efficacy has been a productive filed while limited studies have explored
language learners’ formation of academic self-efficacy. 2. This quantitative study developed an
instrument with two questionnaires for assessing English as a foreign language (EFL) learners’
formation of self-efficacy and academic self-efficacy. 3. It further investigated the complex
relationship among learners’ sources of self-efficacy, academic self-efficacy and their English
proficiency. 4. The participants were 700 EFL learners at a comprehensive university in China,
who took a compulsory language course for improving their overall English proficiency. 5. The
results validated the two questionnaires and further confirmed the correlations among the three
constructs. 6. It is very striking to see that the ‘social persuasion’ played the most significant and
positive role for predicting learners’ academic self-efficacy and all aspects of English proficiency.
7. Moreover, ‘physiological states’ were found as a negative predictor for explaining learners’
achievements in English listening and reading. 8. The research highlights the importance of socio-
cultural factors during learners’ formation of academic self-efficacy in China, particularly the
significant roles played by the influential social agents. 9. Implications are provided for reducing
EFL learners’ physiological stress and sustaining their academic self-efficacy for improving their
language proficiency.

Introduction/Statement of Purpose or Aim Sentence/s # 1 and 2

Methodology Sentence/s # 3 and 4

Findings/Results Sentence/s # 5 and 7

Conclusion/Implication Sentence/s # 8 and 9

2. Title: Response, Resistance, or Restraints: a Triadic Model of Pre-service Teachers’ Perceptions
on the (F)utility of Educational Therapy and Life Skills Education In ELT.


1. The improvement of mental health has been given considerable attention in educational settings
since more than four decades. 2. Accordingly, many programs were developed with the purpose
of enabling children not only to deal with educational issues, but also to resolve their psychosocial
problems. 3. This study used an Explanatory Mixed-Methods Research Design to investigate the
extent to which pre-service English teachers in Iran believed that educational therapy and life skills
training should be included in English Language Teaching curricula. 4. The collection of
quantitative data was accomplished by administering the Life-responsive Language Teaching
Beliefs Questionnaire (LLTBQ) to 97 Iranian pre-service English teachers, accordingly, among
the four constructs of life-responsive language teaching (i.e., life wise empowerment of language
learners. 5. The follow-up phase involved face-to-face interviews that were conducted with eight
pre-service English teachers who were selected based on purposive sampling. 6. While pre-service
teachers’ responses to the questionnaire items as well as the initial comments provided by the
interviewees indicated an overall interestedness on the part of most participants, their conceptions
of what educational therapy and life skills training might actually entail appeared to be incomplete.
7. Finally, the authors put forward a three-facet model of life-wise language teaching perceptions
and a detailed hierarchy thereof.

Introduction/Statement of Purpose or Aim Sentence/s # 1 and 2

Methodology Sentence/s # 3 and 4

Findings/Results Sentence/s # 5 and 6

Conclusion/Implication Sentence/s #7
LEARNING TASK 2: On Identifying Types of Citation

Instructions: After knowing the types of citations employed in academic writing, tell what
type of citation is used in the following.

1. Bernier (1891) also gave knowledge on astronomy, geography, and anatomy to his Agah or
Danechmend Khan and translated for him recent discoveries of Harveus and Pecquet in anatomy
and also philosophy of Gassendi and Descartes.

Answer: Integral Citation

2. The sacredness of cow in India is an emergent practice, a consequence of the greater benefits
that one accrues from this animal, either in the form of traction or as a source of cheap fuel for
domestic use (Harris, 1966).

Answer: Non-integral Citation

3. Rozin (1999), for instance, discusses the process of moralization, noting that the adoption of
new moral principles gives moral value to anything else that seems related to them.

Answer: Integral Citation

4. The research by Wyer (2008) raises the possibility that a similar outcome may occur at the
interpersonal level i.e., excluding others may enhance one’s sense of inclusion in a dyadic
relationship and, relatedly, may be a signal to others that the relationship is a close one.

Answer: Integral Citation

5. Previous studies (e.g., Hu 2013) have found that while these groups share the similar features
and functions with PLCs in western contexts, they exhibit their own distinctive characteristics
which are influenced by the Chinese educational systems (featured by top-down management with
an emphasis on command and control) and socio-cultural factors (such as collectivism) (Chen

Answer: Non-integral Citation

LEARNING TASK SHEET # 3: On Identifying Tense of verbs.

Instructions: Read the following abstract and tell the tense of the verbs used.

Title: Validating an Instrument for EFL Learners’ Sources of Self-Efficacy, Academic Self-
Efficacy and the Relation to English Proficiency


Research on self-efficacy 1. has been a productive filed while limited studies 2. have explored
language learners’ formation of academic self-efficacy. This quantitative study 3. developed an
instrument with two questionnaires for assessing English as a foreign language (EFL) learners’
formation of self-efficacy and academic self-efficacy. It further 4. investigated the complex
relationship among learners’ sources of self-efficacy, academic self-efficacy and their English
proficiency. The participants 5. were 700 EFL learners at a comprehensive university in China,
who 6. took a compulsory language course for improving their overall English proficiency. The
results 7. validated the two questionnaires and further confirmed the correlations among the three
constructs. It is very striking to see that the ‘social persuasion’ played the most significant and
positive role for predicting learners’ academic self-efficacy and all aspects of English proficiency.
Moreover, ‘physiological states’ 8. were found as a negative predictor for explaining learners’
achievements in English listening and reading. The research 9. highlights the importance of socio-
cultural factors during learners’ formation of academic self-efficacy in China, particularly the
significant roles played by the influential social agents. Implications 10. are provided for reducing
EFL learners’ physiological stress and sustaining their academic self-efficacy for improving their
language proficiency.


1. Present Perfect 6. Paste Tense

2. Present Perfect 7. Past tense

3. Past tense 8. Present Perfect

4. Past tense 9. Past Tense

5. Past tense 10. Present Perfect

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