NCP Pain

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Cues Nursing Analysis Goals and Implementation Rationale Evaluation

Diagnosis Objective

Subjective Acute Pain Scientific Analysis: Long-term Independent Long-term Goal:

Cues: RT Post-operative pain is Goal: Supplemental: The patient will report
Mother Cesarean normal to be felt at the The patient will Obtain the patients To clearly understand reduced or relieved pain
verbalizes Section site of incision. This report reduced assessment of pain the client’s pain by discharge.
pain on the pain would be felt as or relieved pain including the perception. [ ] Fully met
site of menstrual cramps, by discharge. intensity, duration
surgery although more intense, and frequency. [ ] Partially met
as the uterus returns to Objectives:
Objective its normal size. Cognitive: Observe the patient’s In situations pain [ ] Unmet
Cues: Inadequate pain The patient will non-verbal cues for cannot be properly If not, why?
Display of management could rate pain below pain. verbalized, ____________________
facial contribute to the delay her acceptable observations may be
expression of patient’s recovery pain threshold. the only indicator. Objectives:
of pain and ability to return to   Cognitive:
Distracted daily functional The patient will Monitor the patient’s Vital signs are usually The patient will rate pain
behavior activity. be able to recite vital signs. altered when the below her acceptable pain
non- patient is in acute threshold.
Reference: pharmacological pain. [ ] Fully met
Kintu, A., Abdulla, S., methods to
Lubikire, A. et al. relive pain. Evaluate and Increase or decrease in [ ] Partially met
Postoperative pain document the dosage helps in
after cesarean section: Psychomotor: patient’s response to indicating which [ ] Unmet
assessment and The patient will analgesia. medications are If not, why?
management in a have reduced effective or ____________________
tertiary hospital in a visible grimace detrimental in the
low-income country. when moving. patient’s recovery The patient will be able to
BMC Health Serv Res recite non-
19, 68 (2019). The patient will Acknowledge the pharmacological methods display pain experience and Reduces the defensive to relive pain.
6/s12913-019-3911-x improvement in convey acceptance response, promotes [ ] Fully met
ambulation in of client’s response trust and enhances the
terms of to pain. patient’s cooperation [ ] Partially met
distance and with the regimen
range of motion. Dependent [ ] Unmet
Facilitative: If not, why?
Affective: Provide and promote ____________________
The patient will non pharmacological Promotes independent
be able to pain management. management of pain Psychomotor:
verbalize sense and reduces The patient will have
of optimism in dependency on reduced visible grimace
performing medications. when moving.
activities Encourage [ ] Fully met
without verbalization of To evaluate coping
watching out for feelings about pain. abilities and to [ ] Partially met
the post- identify areas of
operative scar. Collaborative additional concern [ ] Unmet
Developmental: If not, why?
Administer ____________________
analgesics, as Medication
indicted, as needed. administration should The patient will display
be consulted to the improvement in
physician. ambulation in terms of
distance and range of
[ ] Fully met

[ ] Partially met

[ ] Unmet
If not, why?

The patient will be able to
verbalize sense of
optimism in performing
activities without watching
out for the post-operative
[ ] Fully met

[ ] Partially met

[ ] Unmet
If not, why?

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