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Unit 1 Bed in Summer

b) Comprehension Focus
(i) Answer the following questions.
When does the poet have to get up in winter?
The poet gets up at night in winters.
Why does the poet not like going to bed in summer?
The poet has to go to bed before sunset that's why the poet does not like going to
bed in summer.
What does the poet experience in summer lying in bed?
In summer when he goes to the bed for sleeping, he sees that the birds are chirping
on the trees and people are walking in the street that he can hears the sound of
their foot.
He feels very hard to sleep while the sky is blue and there is no dark night at all. He
wants to play instead of sleeping in the day.
Do you experience the same feelings as the poet does in summer? Share your
My experience is quite different from the poet. In winter I get up at the night as
same the poet but in summer I get up early in the morning and enjoy the birds
chirping on the trees and I like clear blue sky.
I play in the evening in summers but not go to bed too early before sunset. I go to
bed after sunset and sleep at night.
What is the theme of the poem?
The theme of the poem is that season affects the poet's life. As we know that the
sun rises early in the summer and sets late, and in winter the sun rises late and sets
The poet feels hard to go to sleep in summer while the sun has not set yet and he
wants to play. People in the street and birds on the trees seems like that this time
is not sleeping time.
(iv) Complete the given gapped summary of the poem “Bed in Summer”
The main theme is that the seasons in England where the poet lives affects
children’s daily activities. In winters, the sun rises late, while in summer it sets late.
The poet is unhappy because he does not get enough time to play. He has to get
up early before sunrise in winter and he has to go to bed before sunset in summer.
e) Grammar Focus
(ii) Think of three examples of proper and common nouns each and write them in
the correct columns. Use them in your sentences.
Proper Nouns Sentences
Lahore fort Yesterday, I visited the Lahore fort with my family.
Dr.Abdul Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan is a well-known scientist of our country.
Qadeer Khan
Amazon Amazon is the largest river in the world.

Common noun Sentences

City My cousin lives in that city.
Mountain I like mountain climbing.
Building This building has a large exit gate.

(iv) Write a paragraph on the topic “Fruits in Summer” using countable and
uncountable nouns.
Yesterday, I went to market with my father to buy some fruits and vegetables. I saw
that there were many fruit shops in the market. We went to the first shop where
we bought some bananas, apples, watermelon, grapes, and mangoes. When we
were buying the mangoes, watermelon, and grapes. I observed that most of the
people were buying mangoes and there was a lot of crowd at the juice corner shop.
Kids and their elders were drinking the juices. I asked my father why there was so
much crowd at the juice shop and why most of the people were buying mangoes
and watermelon. My father told me that these fruits are found in summer. Since
mango is a pulping fruit people use it in shakes and eat its pulp. While watermelon
is a good source of water intake, it has 90% water. In summers people use these
fruits to fulfill their thirst. While we were discussing the summer fruits and their
usage, my father took me to the juice shop where he bought a banana shake for
me. I thanked him very much and after that, we went to home.
(v) Write five collective, countable and uncountable nouns each in your notebook
and use them in your sentences.
Collective Sentences
cluster I saw the cluster of stars in the picture.
collection Computer stores a large collection of data in its memory.
company I like my friend’s company.
league Quaid -e- Azam established the Muslim League in 1906.
wad There is a wad of newspaper in the corner.

Countable Sentences
eggs I ate two eggs for breakfast.
burger I like cheeseburgers.
lion Lion runs fast on its prey.
tomatoes A lot of tomatoes make ketchup.
dog I read the story of a greedy dog.

Uncountable Sentences
air Sana left the balloons in the air.
honesty Honesty is the best policy.
beauty Natural beauty delights your mood.
travel I will travel to Lahore tomorrow.
water Water is a precious gift of Allah (SWT).

(viii) Write five sentences with pronouns as a subject and object in your
1) He is a good teacher but his profession has made him strict.
2) I like to read historical books but my cousin gave me a watch on my birthday.
3) They are playing a football match; you cannot stop them.
4) We will take an action on it, otherwise, our plan will fail.
5) She like dolls and I have bought dolls for her.
f) Writing Focus
(ii) Write a paragraph of 30-40 words on ‘The Seasons of Life’ in your notebook.
Use the words given above.
There are four seasons, the name of the seasons are spring, summer, autumn, and
winter. Spring comes before summer, flowers and new leaves bloom in spring. The
weather is pleasant in spring season. Summer comes after spring. Sun shines
brightly in it. It is a hot season. People drink cold water, use fresh juices, eat
mangoes and wear light cloths. After summer, autumn comes, leaves fall from trees
in autumn. In winters, the cold breeze blows all around. In this season, people use
warm cloths and eat fish, soup, take coffee, and tea to keep themselves warm.
(iv) Write the summary of the poem “Bed in Summer” in your notebook.
The summary of the poem is that season affects the poet's life. The sun rises early
in the summer and sets late, and in winter the sun rises late and sets early. The
poet talks about the feelings of children who find it hard to go to bed in summer
early because they want to enjoy playing and seeing things around.
Unit 2 The Miller, His Son and Their Donkey
b) Comprehension Focus
(i) Answer the following questions.
• Miller and his son were taking the donkey to sell it in the fair. And
they want to sell it for getting money.
• Miller said to his son to sit on the donkey because travelers were
laughing at him. So, he did not want to make fun of himself.
• When the miller and his son were carrying the donkey with a pole.
They were crossing a bridge, the ropes that held him gave away,
and he tumbled down into the river.
• I liked the second last part of the story in which miller carry the
donkey with a pole. I like this part because it is quite funny.
• If I supposed myself as miller’s place, then, I don’t give any
attention to the passerby because I know my situation better
than anybody else.
(iii) Read the second paragraph of the unit and write its topic
sentences and supporting details in your notebook.
The miller tried to please the merchants and he climbed up to ride. To
get rid of the travelers' laugh the miller has put on his son on a donkey,
while they were passing through the road then three merchants
criticized his son that he should give the ride to his father.
(v) Skim the story and write its main idea in your own words in your
note book.
Once a miller, his son and his wife lived in a little house. One day the
miller made a plan that he would go to the fair and sell his donkey. The
miller took his son with himself. He and his son were walking slowly
along with their donkey. While they were walking on the highway, some
travelers making fun of them. In confusion he lost his donkey.
Then the miller said that we cannot please everyone and he went to
home. He was unhappy because he lost his donkey just to please
(vii) Read the following text. Predict what event is likely to occur
next. Fill in the given boxes.
Prior knowledge: The miller and his son were riding on the donkey.
Contextual clues: Quickly scrambled down, carrying the donkey slung
from a pole.
We can predict that:
They will carry the donkey tie-up with a pole.
d) Vocabulary Focus
(iii) Read the given sentences. Underline the difficult words in them.
Then rewrite the sentences replacing these words with their
synonyms in your notebook. Use a thesaurus for help.
• The miller and his son quickly get down.
• The miller felt furious because of criticism.
• The donkey began to hee-haw.
• The donkey fell into the river.
• A mob of people ran out to get a closer look at the strange sight.
e) Grammar Focus
(ii) Rewrite the given sentences, replacing the underlined
singular nouns with their plural forms in your notebook.
• Many sheep are grazing in the lush field.
• I found two eggs in the fridge.
• There is one species of this fish found in the world.
• I saw many donkeys running by the roadside.
• My mother sharpened her pack of knives before cutting the meat.
• How many drama serials do you like the most?
(iv) Now use the given helping verbs in sentences of your own in your
• Saad has a storybook.
• I was sick yesterday.
• I am a brave boy.
• We have tried to explain everything to him.
• I shall go there after finishing my homework.
(vi) Write sentences using the possessive pronouns given on the
previous page in your notebook.
• This book is mine. Its an English book.
• The lion is eating meat in its den.
• Your Persian cat is adorable, but not as adorable as ours.
• Are these books yours?
• This beautiful handbag is hers.
• He gifted me some of his storybooks.
• The house is theirs.
(viii) Write sentences using the reflexive pronouns given above in
your notebook.
• The man bought a car for himself.
• She goes to market herself.
• I will do work hard for myself to get success.
• Ayesha has joined the academy for herself.
• The mother will take care of herself.
• You are not allowed to go out alone by yourself.
• This cart stops itself..
a) Writing Focus
(i) Write your own fable keeping in mind the elements of a
fable you have just read in ‘Comprehension Focus’.
Once upon a time many animals lived in a jungle such as a lion, monkey,
giraffe, elephant, and fox, etc.
One day all the animals were talking about their specialties and their
skill, the lion said that I can run fast, the giraffe said that I am the tallest
animal in the world, the fox said that I have sharp teeth, etc.
During discussion they started to fight because everyone was saying
that only I am strong you have no value. In the meanwhile, a crow comes
to that place where all the animals were fighting, a crow was shouted at
them that, ‘here you are fighting with each other, there a team of
wildlife biologist has come into the jungle, that team will catch an
animal and will research on it in the labs. All became silent, but after a
minute they all started fight again by saying that they will fight with the
team individually.
No one took it seriously, they become again busy in the fight as they
were fighting in one place. Immediately, a net fell on them and all
become caught in the net. When they all saw each other in the same
situation, they felt bad for the fight because everyone was now in prison.
One of them spoke that we can only get rid of it if everyone used its own
talent, all became agree and they started defining roles for each other.
After a short time, they all got rid of the net and run away towards the
opposite of the jungle. When they got free from the prison, they all
arranged a celebration party in the jungle and everyone praised each
other skill and talent.
(ii) Reread the story again and write the summary of the unit
in your own words. Remember to follow the given
Once a miller, his son, and his wife lived in a little house. One day the
miller made a plan that he would go to the fair and sell his donkey. The
miller and his son walking on the highway, some travelers start laughing
at them how foolish they are, that they have a ride but still they are
walking. To get rid of the traveler's laugh, miller put on his son on the
donkey. When they reached a road, three merchants pass through them
and critique his son that he should respect his father and give the ride to
his father, his son get down and he climbed up the ride, to please the
merchants. Then miller becomes irritate and to please the onlookers he
asked his son to sit behind himself. Another group of people shouted at
them that they should walk, instead of riding on the donkey. Then miller
and his son quickly get down and then they carried the donkey tie-up
with a pole. The donkey started hee-haw when they were crossing the
bridge, the rope slipped on the pole and donkey fall into the river. Then
the miller said that we cannot please everyone and he went to the home.
(iv) Reread the unit again and answer the questions given above in
your notebook.
Analyze the character of the miller.
The miller was a gentleman and he was trying to please everyone but
he could not do so. Everyone has his own opinion as he wanted to go
with a donkey in good condition but passerby did not understand
him. By following the other’s way, he lost his own way.
Briefly explain the theme of the story.
The miller and son were going to sell his donkey in the fair. But in the
way, everyone criticized them about donkey ride that they should
ride on a donkey, one of them should ride on it, both of them should
ride on it, and someone said they should get down ride. In the end,
miller decides to carry the donkey on a pole, just to please the people
when they were walking on the bridge the donkey fell into the river
and all his effort became waste.
Have you ever tried to make everyone happy at once justify your
Once I tried but like miller, I could not make everyone happy and this
made me angry.
Summarize the story in your own words.
The miller and son were going to sell his donkey in the fair. But in the
way, everyone criticized them about donkey ride that they should
ride on a donkey, one of them should ride on it, both of them should
ride on it, and someone said they should get down ride. In the end,
miller decides to carry the donkey on a pole, just to please the people
when they were walking on the bridge the donkey fell into the river
and all his effort became waste.
Discuss the setting of the fable.
• The setting of the fable is village.
What happened at the end?
The miller’s donkey fell into the river and all his effort for selling a
donkey in the fair becomes fail and he went to the home by saying we
cannot please everyone.
b) Comprehension Focus
(i) Answer these questions.
• Gwadar Port is located 533 km west of Pakistan’s largest city, Karachi. It is 120
km from the Iranian border. It is located 380 km away from Oman, and near
the important oil shipping lanes in the Persian Gulf.
• Pakistan purchased Gwadar port’s territory from Oman for US$3 million on 8
September 1958 and Gwadar officially became part of Pakistan.
• The Gwadar deep seaport is the second great memorial to Pakistan-China
friendship after the Karakoram Highway. Pakistan-China strategic relations
have strengthened since China became the primary investor in building the
Gwadar seaport. The foundation stone for the Gwadar port was laid by China
in March 2002. The Chinese premier.declared Gwadar as the ‘Economic
Corridor of Pakistan’ on his visit to Pakistan in May 2013.
• The beaches in Gwadar are unique in beauty. They have matchless scenary and
huge potential for tourism. There are a number of astonishing wind-carved
rock formations that look astounding. The turquoise sea water with golden
sparkles facing south gives a beautiful sight. It is said that in the coming years
these beaches are going to be a great attraction not only for the people of
Pakistan but from all over the world.
• Gwadar port can act as an international centre of trade for Pakistan. It
connects three regions i.e. Central Asia, South Asia and the Middle East. It is a
doorway port for Pakistan and the region. It can serve as an outlet for land-
locked Central Asian countries, Western China and Afghanistan by offering
transit trade trans-shipment facilities.
(ii) Read paragraph 7th of the unit and identify its topic sentence. Also write two
supporting sentences in the given blanks.
Topic sentence: The beaches in Gwadar are unique in beauty.
Supporting sentence 1: The turquoise sea water with golden sparkles facing
south gives a beautiful sight.
Supporting sentence 2: It is said that in the coming years these beaches are going
to be a great attraction not only for the people of Pakistan but from all over the
(iii) Read the unit again, skim the text and write its main idea in your own words
in your notebook.
The Gwadar port is a deep water sea port situated in Balochistan. Gwadar is a
Balochi word meaning ‘the door of the wind’. Now is being developed under the
China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC). It is located in 533 km west of Karachi.
It is 120 km from the Iranian border and is 380 km away from Oman. In the past it
was the part of Oman but Pakistan purchased its territory from Oman for US$3
million on 8 September 1958. It is the second great memorial to the Pakistan-
China friendship after the Karakoram highway. Its foundation was laid by the
China in March 2002. It is consisted of highways, railways and pipelines that
connects its ways to Xinjiang in China. The Gwadar port is the consisted of many
beautiful beaches. It will act as national and international center of trade for
Pakistan. It will open a number of progressive ways to many industries of
c) Phonics Focus
Write ten words having r-controlled vowels in your notebooks.
barn serve curb stir porch
sharp butter turn dirt horn
d) Vocabulary Focus
(ii) Read the given text and underline similes. Then use these similes in
sentences in your notebook.
as dark as night: The manager switched off the lights for a while and the hall was
as dark as night.
as quiet as mice: Students were attentively doing their practical and they were as
quiet as mice.
as happy as a lark: Sana topped in her final exams, she was as happy as a lark.
e) Grammar Focus
(iii) Change the number of the given compound words.
bustops men-of-wars
bucketfuls governors general
brothers-in-law bystanders
takeoffs carwheels
go-betweens cupfuls
(v) Read the given sentences. Underline the compound words. Then write
whether it is a plural compound noun or possessive form.
• They bought three toothbrushes. (compound noun)
• His brother-in-law’s house is near the Gwadar Port. (possessive form)
• You must go there to get family attorney’s signature. (possessive form)
• Forget-me-nots make a wonderful present. (compound noun)
• She took my daughter-in-law’s car. (possessive form)
(vi) Read the given text and write questions using the given question words.
Then write their answers in your notebook.
What is Gwadar?
Why is Gwadar an unmatchable place?
Which is the famous fort of Gwadar?
How Gwadar is transforming into a port?
Why Gwadar is important?
(ix) Fill in the blanks with the correct linking verbs.
These eggs smell rotten.
He seems intelligent.
Your plans for the vacations sound nice.
Gwadar is an important seaport.
Atiq is fond of seafood.
(x) Use any five linking verbs from above in sentences in your notebook.
Smell: The red rose smells sweet.
Seems: Ali seems sad and upset.
Sound: The announcement of the elections sounds great.
Is: Ms Faiza is a hardworking teacher.
f) Writing
(ii) Read the given questions and answer them in your notebook.
• Gwadar Port is located 533 km west of Pakistan’s largest city, Karachi. It is 120
km from the Iranian border. It is located 380 km away from Oman, and near
the important oil shipping lanes in the Persian Gulf.
• The foundation stone for the Gwadar port was laid by China in March 2002.
• The Gwadar Port is consisited of many railways, piplelines, industries, etc. This
will give many opportunities to the labour of Pakistan. It will also open new
ways for international trading.
• Yes, I will surely like to visit the Gwadar port.
(v) Now read the unit again and write its precis in your notebook.
The Gwadar port is a deep water seaport situated in Balochistan. ‘Gwadar’ is a
Balochi word which means ‘the door of the wind’. It is being developed under the
China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC). It is located in 533 km west of Karachi.
It is the second great memorial to the Pakistan-China friendship after the
Karakoram highway. Its foundation was laid by the China in March 2002. It is
consisted of highways, railways and pipelines that connects its ways to Xinjiang in
China. The Gwadar port is consisted of many beautiful beaches. It will act as
national and international center of trade for Pakistan. It will open a number of
progressive ways to many industries of Pakistan. There will be more minerals,
hydrocarbons, oil and gas resources in future due to development of the Gwadar
port. It will be the new door to prosperity in Pakistan.
Poet of Nature
b) Comprehension Focus
(i) Answer the following questions.
• Wordsworth was thirteen years old when his father died.
• He graduated from St. John’s College, Cambridge in 1791.
• “Ancient Mariner”, “Daffodils”, “Solitary reaper”, “My Heart Leaps
Up”, “Resolution and Independence”, The World is too much with
us”, “The Sun has Long been Set”, “To a Butterfly”, and “Tintern
Abbey” are his famous poems.
• Wordsworth was not just the poet of nature; he was also the poet
of soul and imagination. When he writes a poem, he conceives
nature as a living personality and a source of consolidation and joy.
He sees nature as an eternal source of great comfort and strength.
• If I wrote poems then I will write poems on ‘being underwater’.
(ii) Reread the given paragraph and write its main idea in your
notebook. Circle the topic sentence in it.

Poet Soul and Comfort Consolation Believed

of soul imagination and and joy

Wordsworth was the poet of nature, according to him a child can

understand better nature as he sees himself as a part of beauty. He feels
that nature is an eternal source to get comfort. He conceives nature as a
personality that gives him joy.
c) Phonics Focus
(ii) Search the internet to find more examples of minimal pairs and
write them in your notebook.
• bee/pea. bin/pin. beg/peg. beep/peep.
• bow/tow. boy/toy. bee/tea. buy/tie.
• bow/dough. buy/die. boo/do. buck/duck.
• bee/key. book/cook. bite/kite. ball/call.
• bow/go. buy/guy. bus/Gus. bag/gag.
• bus/fuss. bin/fin. bite/fight.
• ban/van. bale/veil. best/vest.
• bean/scene. bun/sun. bee/sea. beet/seat.
d) Vocabulary Focus
(iii) Read the given poems and underline similes in them.

My mom is like as a cloud,

comfortable and strong. Friends are like the starts in the sky, always there even
when you can’t see them.
I am like a raindrop she keeps safe
and sound. They shine brightly in dark times, guiding me as the North
Star does for travelers.
When I am fully formed, she’ll let
me go dropping into the world like In daylight, they blend in, a natural part of my everyday.
a raindrop to the ground.

e) Grammar Focus
(ii) Write the singular and plural of the given foreign nouns.
Singular Plural Singular Plural
Bacterium Bacteria Criterion Criteria
Datum Data Radius Radii
Curriculum Curricula Phenomenon Phenomena
Thesis These Medium Media
Formula Formulae Diagnosis Diagnoses
(iv) Make sentences of your own using indefinite pronouns in
your notebook.
One day I was sleeping on my bed, I hear the feet sound and I felt that
something moving in my room, I thought that I have locked the room
before going to bed. Maybe, I am tired so it may be a delusion. But after
few times, I felt that someone is under the bed, I became afraid. When I
looked under the bed nothing was there, but meanwhile, something hit
my chair then I get down from my bed and when I caught that thing, it
was a cute cat, that was entered through a window. I opened the door
and pull out of that something that was a cat.
(vi) Make sentences of your own according to the given situations in
your notebook using model verbs.
• Father could buy a poetry book from the bookshop.
• Shall you ask a question from your teacher?
• Could the mother help you in the kitchen?
• Could the teacher give you more time for the assignment?
• Might your friend come to the birthday party.
f) Writing Focus
(i) Use the internet to write a biography of your favorite poet
in your notebook. Remember to follow the given checklist.
Allama Iqbal is my Favorite Poet
Allama Iqbal was born at Sialkot on 9 November 1877. He wrote his
poetry in Urdu language and in the Persian language.
He learned his early education from Syed Mir Hassan, he did his
graduation from Government College University, Lahore. After that,
he went to England and got a degree in the bar at law.
He is known as ‘Poet of East’. His poetry became the reason to awake
the Muslims of the subcontinent. He mostly wrote poems on young
He gave the idea of Pakistan and he extremely wanted that Muslims
have their own country, where they live peacefully and could follow
Their poetry is his fame, he died (at the age of 60) 21 April 1938 and
he is buried in Lahore.
(iii) Now write a short paragraph of comparison between William
Wordsworth and Samuel Coleridge in your notebook. Remember
to use similes and connectors of comparison.
William Wordsworth was known as ‘poet of nature’ while Samuel
Coleridge was known as ‘poet of imagination’. Wordsworth used
simple language in his poetry as compere to Samuel Coleridge, he
liked the conversational style. Samuel focused on the imaginary
characters while Wordsworth focused on daily life situations.
(v) Read the unit again and answer the questions given above in
your notebook.
• William Wordsworth was born on April 7, 1770 in the Lake District
of Northern England.
• Wordsworth’s sister name was Dorothy.
• In 1975, Wordsworth got a chance to live with his youngest sister.
How I Learnt Swimming!
b) Comprehension Focus
(i) Answer the following questions.
• Aquaphobia is a fear of water, it means that water causes you
anxiety. Aquaphobia becomes from the swimming pool, a lake,
and from a bathtub.
• The instructor asked him to wear a swimming costume and take a
• His instructor had gripped him on the kickboard and pulled him
over the water and kicked Aliyan smoothly.
• He tried to overcome his fear of water, he followed the instructions
of his instructor. He proved that if you have a strong ambition in
your life then there is nothing impossible.
• I did not like to go in crowded spaces, I seemed that I’ll be lost and
never come back again. I told this fear to my parents, my parents
encouraged me that you will not be lost, we are with you. I had
could not go to my cousin’s birthday parties, wedding events, and
other mob places. One day when my father forgot me to pick from
school and all children went the home, except me. I started
weeping in the school. Luckily, our principal comes close to me and
asked me everything. Then she guided me that don’t worry
nothing will be bad with you. just follow the directions where you
want to go, you will not be lost, only you can encourage yourself to
overcome this fear. I thanked her and start taking steps towards
my home. Finally, I reached my home. I was very happy. I had
overcome this fear. Now I can go anywhere and at any place
without having the fear of losing in a mob.
(iv) Read the unit again develop a mind map below to write its

Consult with
a swimmer
the fear
How I
The swimming!
gripped the Reluctant
kickboard to try
and kicked
him Take a
smoothly shower

(v) Now use the information in mind map to write the summary of
this unit in your notebook.
Aliyan had the fear of water. Once he fell into the river mistakenly so,
that’s why he had this fear. His father took this issue seriously, and
consulted the swimmer trainer for him, and registered him at the
swimming center. In the beginning, he was reluctant but his father
asked him to try at least once. His father brought him a swimming
costume and goggles for swimming. The instructor asked him to wear a
costume and take a shower. He was nervous. The instructor called his
name for swimming and said him to put hands into the water for a
couple of minutes. Then the instructor griped the kickboard, pulled him
over the water, and kicked him smoothly. Then Aliyan did it by himself.
He was excited and within a few weeks, he can swim smoothly with his
closed eyes. Finally, he had overcome his fear and he succeeded just
because he had a strong ambition.
d) Vocabulary Focus
(iii) Find the two antonyms of the following words in a thesaurus and
write a few sentences using pair of antonyms in your notebook.
Words Pair of Antonyms Sentences
Peers Boor, Commoner Ali and I were
Strokes Bad-mouth, He bad-mouths about
Depreciates the job.
Composed Agitated, He was very agitated
Discomposed but I controlled him.
Repeatedly Infrequently, Rarely She rarely missed
Boost Decrease, Diminish No one can diminish
his contribution.

e) Grammar Focus
(iii) Change the gender of the given nouns and write them in your
Masculine Feminine
Drake Duck
Maid Servant
Nephew Niece
Actor Actress
Mister Mistress
(v) Pronoun-antecedent agreement
Last week our class teacher announced the race competition. All the
students became happy. I and my friend Qassim was also happy. So, we
decided to count the students and make a list of those who want to
participate in the race competition. Umer, Usman, Umair, Qassim,
Habib, and I was included in that list. We all decided to practice the race
after the lecture. Teacher Ali entered the class and asked us about race
preparation, we showed them a list. After a few minutes, he took us to
the ground, where he gave us a few tips about the race. Then we came
back to the class and start our lecture again.
(vii) Write a few sentences of your own using ‘need, would, and dare’
as model verbs in affirmative, negative, and interrogative sentences.
need would dare
Affirmative You need to I would highly He always
rest. recommend dares the
you to go there challenge.
for studies.
Negative You don’t need He would not Don’t dare
any support. act upon your anyone if you
advice. have nothing to
Interrogative Do you need Would you pass Could you dare
anything? this fare to the to jump in the
bus conductor? pool?

f) Writing Focus
(i) Textual questions
• Aliyan was afraid of water in the beginning because he had fallen
into the river mistakenly.
• Aliyan was very nervous as he stepped down into the water and his
body got goosebumps.
• He was excited at the end because now he can swim with closed
eyes like butterflies in the water.
(iii) Write narrative paragraph of your own about an interesting event
from your life in your notebook. Follow the given checklist.
I remembered my birthday party when I was 7 years old. My elder sister
gave a plan for a birthday celebration. My parents started planning for
my birthday. They invited my uncles, aunts, and my grandparents too.
All the family members came to my birthday party along with gifts. I was
very happy that day. I made a wish that day, that I always celebrate my
birthday, as of today’s celebration. My mother made a cake for me, my
father gave me a gift of bicycle. Party began, everyone enjoyed it a lot
and after dinner all gone except my grandparents.
(iv) Write a paragraph about your favorite sport mentioning why like
I like basketball sport. Basketball is a very popular game all around the
world. It is usually played with a round orange ball. It’s ball bounces. My
father was a champion of basketball and he had played it at the
international level. I also like it because it keeps you active and fit. It
releases stress, it prolonged your life, and prove helpful to maintain your
The Echoing Green
b) Comprehension Focus
(i) Answer the following questions.
• Birds sing louder to welcome the spring.
• He said, ’such, such were the joys. When we all girls and boys, in
our youth-time were seen, on the echoing green.
• The poet compares that these things are as same as we were doing
in our childhood.
• The theme of the poem is about life. The poet is observing that the
sun has risen to make the sky beautiful, merry bells ring to
welcome the spring, birds sing louder to welcome the spring, and
a child is playing in the ‘Echoing Green Park’. Where the poet
thought that these things are as same as we were children.
• No, I don’t relate to it because life is much more than this.
(ii) Read the given poem and label its parts.

Stanza Line

(iii) Read the poem again and count how many lines and stanzas
there are. Write the numbers in the given spaces.
Number of Lines: Twenty lines (20)
Number of stanzas: Two stanzas (2)
d) Vocabulary Focus
(iii) Read the given stanzas of a poem and underline the similes.
A family is like a Circle

A family is like a circle. The A family is like the star. Somehow

connections never end, and even they’re always there. Families are
if at times it breaks, in time it those who help, who support and
always mends. always care.

(iv) Use the given similes in your sentences in your notebook.

Similes Sentences
As sharp as needle Ali’s as sharp as a needle, so he will solve the
problem quickly.
As cool as a cucumber There he stood, cool as a cucumber and he
was totally oblivious to an accident.
Swims like a fish Crayon colors swim like a fish in the water.
Cries like a baby A beggar was crying like a baby.
As busy as a bee The children are as busy as a bee to
complete their homework.
Wise as an owl Sana is as wise as an owl in Math.

e) Grammar Focus
(ii) Underline the possessive nouns in the given sentences. Write ‘AP’
for animate possessive nouns and ‘IP’ for inanimate possessive
Sentences AP IP
Sana’s hair is very Sana Hair
The roof of their Their house Roof
house had a leakage
The swings were Branches of tree Swings
hanging with the
branches of the tree.
I borrowed my Friend Pen
friends pen.
The playground was Children’s noise Playground
full of children’s

(iii) Use any three possessive forms of animated and inanimate nouns
each in sentences in your notebook.
Animated Nouns Inanimate Nouns
Aliyan’s has a blue bag. There are twenty seats in this
The cat is drinking milk under the The automated car runs fast.
The sun rises from the East Throw the garbage in the bin.
(v) Read the given text and fill in the given blanks using the
correct form of regular and irregular verbs.
The sun shine brightly and the sky look beautiful. The birds sing
cheerfully. The sounds of bells and the songs of the birds merged into a
beautiful melody. The old people of the village sit under the trees in the
green ground. While the young children play their favorite games. They
recalled that they too had grow on the same ground. Then the evening
come. The children got tired and return to their homes to take a rest.
(vi) Write a paragraph about your visit to a park using regular and
irregular verbs in your notebook.
Last Sunday, I awoke early in the morning because I had a plan to go to
a park for a morning walk. when I reached there, I saw many people that
were doing exercise in the park. I joined them and firstly I start running
on the track. After that, I started jumping over and over on the ground.
When I did my all exercise activity, I laid on the ground and do rest.
Suddenly, a butterfly came near to me. It was colorful and was looking
too beautiful. After taking a rest I went the home.
(viii) Write a descriptive paragraph about you last visit to a park in
your notebook. Use at least three transitive and intransitive verbs
each in your paragraph.
When I visited the park last Sunday, the sky was bright that day. The sun
was shining with its all light. Birds were singing on the trees, it was
lovely. I started walking on the way. Children were playing matches on
the ground. They were enjoying the match a lot. I sat there to see the
match. When the match became over, I saw that immediately clouds
appeared in the sky and a cool breeze started bellowing. Everyone was
enjoying the pleasant morning and I also became please.
f) Writing Focus
(ii) Write the summary of the poem. ‘The Echoing Green’. Remember
to follow steps given above.
The summary of the poem is about life. The poet is observing that the
sun has risen to make the sky beautiful, merry bells ring to welcome the
spring, birds sing louder to welcome the spring, and a child is playing in
the ‘Echoing Green Park’. Where the poet thought that these things are
as same as we were children.
Unit 12 The Prince and the Pauper
b) Comprehension Focus

Answer the following questions

• One day, when Prince Edward and Tom met each other accidently, they decided to
exchange each other’s identity to live each other’s way of life for a short period of
• When Tom entered the palace, he confessed his longing to be a prince in the
privacy of Edward’s chamber. So, the prince decided to give him happiness by
fulfilling his wish. Hence, Prince Edward didn’t enjoy his poor life. He felt the
miseries of the life of poor people whereas, Tom Canty enjoyed life as a prince. He
loved wearing beautiful dresses and enjoyed the mouth-watering food of the
palace. In short, he enjoyed the luxurious life of a prince.
• The knight seated the prince on his horse and they rode to the palace together.
While all this was happening, the King had died, and everyone at the palace was
focusing on Tom’s coronation. At the very moment, Prince Edward burst into the
throne room. There, Tom made a final decision and raised his voice. He spoke the
• I like the character of Prince Edward because he gives his identity to a pauper (Tom)
just to fulfil his wish to be a prince.
• If I were a princess, I will help the poor by providing them with education, good
clothes, tasty food, employment and all that I can provide them with.

(ii) Read the given story again. Identify the purpose of the story. Find the
speakers in paragraph 4 of the story.

Purpose: The Prince and the Pauper was written by Mark Twain. The purpose of this
novel is to help everyone who reads it become aware of the problems all throughout
society as a whole. Mark Twain tries to reach out and say that it is wrong to judge a
book by its cover by assuming that the clothes someone wears makes them who they

Speakers: Tom Canty and Prince Edward

c) Phonics Focus

(ii) Divide the given words into their syllables with the help of a dictionary and
also write their number of syllables.
Words Syllable division No. Of syllables

rejoice re.joice 2

participation 5

several 3

hesitant hes.i.tant 3

pauper pau.per 2

d) Vocabulary Focus

(i) Search 10 more phrasal verbs on the internet, find their meanings and use
them in sentences of your own.

Phrasal Verbs Meanings Sentences

break down to stop working The computer server has broken down.
because of a fault
look after take care of My father promised to look after my cat while I
was gone.
get back to return, especially to What time did you get back last night?
your home
give away ruin a secret My brother gave the surprise birthday party
away by accident.
hang on wait for a short time Hang on while she grabs her dress and bag.

look out used to warn somebody Look out! The school bus is coming.
to be careful, especially
when there is danger
run into meet unexpectedly He ran into his best friend in the market.

come down with to get an illness that is I think I'm coming down with fever.
not very serious
put up with to bear or tolerate I'm not going to put up with his behaviour
pass away to die Her grandfather passed away two years ago.
e) Grammar Focus

(i) Now make ten sentences of your own using ‘since’ and ‘for’ in your

Since For
I have been working in this bank since I have been working in this bank for many
2002. years.
Asma and Maha have been learning Asma and Maha have been learning
English since 1991. English for two years.
She has been teaching in this school since She has been teaching in this school for
2012. three years.
He has used his car since 2018. He has been using his car for five years.
I've been waiting since 4 o'clock. I've been waiting for 6 hours.
He has not seen her grandparents since She has not seen her grandparents for a
2016. long time.
She has been studying this storybook She has been studying this storybook for
since 10 o’clock. 2 months.
They have not completed their task since They have not completed their task for
Wednesday. many days.
I have been wasting my time since 12th I have been wasting my time for two days.
Students have been making a noise 6 Students have been making a noise for
o’clock half an hour.

f) Writing Focus

(iii) Read the unit again and answer the given personal response questions in your

• I will get surprised to see a person who looks exactly like me.
• Tom is completely a loving and humble character. He is a young boy who
belongs to a poor family. He does not have greed to become a prince, but he has
a dream to enjoy his life as a prince.
• Yes, I enjoyed reading this unit ‘The Prince and the Pauper’ because its very
interesting. I love the characters of both the prince and the pauper and how a
situation that briefly, but dramatically, alters the lives of both youngsters.
Unit 13 Zaid’s Scrapbook
b) Comprehension Focus

(i) Answer the following questions

• Zaid was so excited when his father came home because his father bought flag
stickers for him.
• The purpose of Zaid’s scrapbook was to paste the pictures of his favourite
destination countries and their flags which he wanted to visit one day. He also
added little notes about different destinations with each country’s flag.
• Zaid wanted to visit Sentosa Island in Singapore, Taman Negara (the oldest
national park) in Malaysia, Sumatra Island in Indonesia, Chefchaouen (a hillside
town) in Morocco, Suleymaniye Mosque in Turkey, Pyramids in Giza (the most
famous Egyptian pyramids, Petra, Desert of Wadi Rome, and the Dead Sea in
• Tooba shouted in amazement. She was amazed to see a large collection of pictures
and stickers from different countries and destinations. She was impressed by Zaid’s
work and effort.
• My favourite destination is ……………………….. First time I visit this place with my
parents a few years ago. I love to visit this place because ……………………… (Complete
the given sentences according to your favourite place and add two to three more

(ii) Complete the given story using the word bank.

Last week, my friend Faisal and I went for a bike ride in our neighbourhood. We went
too far in excitement. We shouldn’t have gone that far from home. We ended up in a
dark alley behind a worn-down building. I just started to feel like we are in some danger
when I heard a strange noise. It was so scary to hear such an odd noise! It felt like the
noise was following us! The faster we pedalled the more the sound felt behind us. Faisal
and I look over into a corner of street. Then, Faisal had a fantastic idea! He said, “Zaid,
this noise seemed to follow us, but no one else is here, maybe we were the one making
the noise!” I agreed with him. We both took a pulled over our bikes. It turned out that a
spoke of my back tyre was broken and it was me making that terrible noise. We looked
at each other and burst into laughter. We were so relieved that it was nothing scary. We
headed back to our homes immediately.
c) Phonics Focus

(iii) Identify the underlined words as nouns, adjectives or verbs and mark the

(Note for designer: discuss stress mark with author)

• The boy ran very fast in the race. adjective

• The flowers are moving with wind. verb
• Monkeys are hiding in trees. verb
• The children are smiling with happiness. adjective
• Ms. Aslam cures people with medication. verb

d) Vocabulary Focus

(iii) Read the given sentences and underline the phrasal verbs in them.

• He put away the tickets and went outside the room.

• The teacher came forward with results in her hand.
• We should go on and complete our task.
• Let’s find out the reason behind this trouble.
• Zaid cheered up after finding his lost scrapbook.

(iv) Use the above underlined phrasal verbs in sentences in your notebook.

put away She put away her bag and went inside the room.
came forward Haris came forward in the class for his presentation.
go on How much longer will this cold weather go on for?
find out You should visit the shop to find out more products.
cheer up Cheer up, better times may be ahead.

e) Grammar Focus

(iii) Use any two transitional devices of each type to make sentences of your own
in your notebook.

Transitional Devices of Sequence

finally Finally, I have completed my assignment.

at that time At that time, she was very busy.

Transitional Devices of Conclusion

to conclude To conclude, I would like to say thanks to my parents and teachers.

briefly Briefly, I think we should work on their suggestions.

Transitional Devices of Cause and Effect

because Amir was really upset because he was not prepared for the English test.
so Sara was confused making a cake so her mother helped her in the kitchen.

(iv) Recall the capitalisation rules. Rewrite the given paragraph with correct
capitalisation in your notebook.

Islam is a religion with the second largest number of followers all over the world. Africa
and the middle East are the two biggest Islamic centres. The African continent has the
highest Muslim population among other continents. However, Muslims can be found
anywhere around the world. Some Muslim countries famous for tourism are Malaysia,
Indonesia, Egypt, Morocco, Jordan, etc.

(v) Recall the rules of punctuation learnt earlier. Rewrite the following text using
the full stop, comma, question mark, quotation marks and exclamation mark.

“Hurrah! Thank you so much, Dad. You bought me the flag stickers I was looking for.
You are the best Dad in the world,” Zaid shouted with happiness as his father entered
the lounge with stickers in his hand. “You are welcome, Zaid! I promised you that I
would bring them today and I kept my promise,”. Zaid hugged his father cheerfully.
“What will you do with these stickers, Zaid?” Tooba, his sister, enquired as she walked
into the lounge.

f) Writing Focus

(iii) Write the precis of the paragraph given above in your own words in your
Tourism is a process or act of going away from home to relax and enjoy yourself. It is a
source of income for many countries around the world. Some historical places like
Hunza, Kaghan, Swat etc. and beautiful hills like Nathia Gali, Changa Gali etc. are the
major tourist attractions.
Grade 7 key book
Unit 15 The Turbulent Term of Tyke Tiler
b) Comprehension Focus

(i) Answer the following questions.

• This story revolves around a girl and her experiences in her school daily life. The play is set in the
setting of school, so the children can relate it with their real life experiences at their school.
• All of the students are feeling sad about leaving the school at the end of their school term. Tyke was
also feeling emotional and wanted to do something memorable on the last day of school. Then she
wandered to the playground thinking about how eight years have passed in this school.
• Tyke rang the bell in anger and the bell tower broke and Tyke fell down.
• Tyke confessed to Sir that she cheated in the exams and stole a paper. She also asked Sir to tell her
parents as she is ashamed. Sir told Tyke to stop worrying and just focus on getting better.
• One day I was sitting in my science class. I was in the 6th grade at that time. Our teacher was
teaching the concept of reptiles. All of a sudden two girls sitting on the first bench started to scream
loudly. They told the teacher that there was a snake near their bench. The teacher was so scared
that she shouted, left the book and ran out of the class. All children got terrified and ran away
yelling loudly. Some students stood on their benches, until a boy came forward to look at the snake.
H e picked it up and started laughing. Everyone was surprised but then he told that it was just an
artificial green stalk of the flower used in the science project, which moved a bit with the wind.
Everyone was relieved and laughed heartily.

(iii) Write a few sentences to compare the characters in the given mind map. Use the given
connectors of comparison.

There are many similarities in the character of Tyke and Danny. Tyke is a naughty girl similarly Danny is
mischievous. But Tyke is more adventurous as compared to Danny. Both characters are dynamic as well
as they both changed in the end by learning from their mistakes. By comparison Tyke is independent,
Danny is dependent.
(v) Make a mind map about the character of your best friend and write a paragraph by using this
mind map in your notebook.

adventurous Helpful Good human being

Naughty MY Best Friend caring

Respectful suppportive Intelligent

My Best Friend

Nadir is my best friend. He has been my classmate since my childhood. He comes from a very good and
respectable family. His parents are well-to-do. He is an intelligent student and always stands first in our
class. He is keenly interested in games and debates. He is a good speaker and always wins prizes. He is
very caring and supportive. He always helps me in my difficulties. His nature is adventurous and
sometimes he becomes naughty. He respects his elders. He is one of the most popular boys in the
school. Students like him very much because of his fine qualities and good character.

c) Phonics Focus
(iv) Make sentences of your own using the above weak forms of personal pronouns and modal
verbs in their negatives in your notebook.
Personal pronouns

• Ayesha called me yesterday.

• We would love for you to join us.
• When did you meet her?
Modal Verbs

• My mother can’t help you in this matter.

• Saad couldn’t swim.
• They wouldn’t attend the party.

(v) Vocabulary Focus

(iii) Circle the word that best completes each analogy. Explain why you chose your answer.

• Wolf is to pack as bird is to flock.

The collective noun of a wolf is pack and the collective noun of bird is flock.
• Teacher is to educate as doctor is to heal.
The duty of teacher is to educate and duty of a doctor is to heal.
• Towel is to dry as pan is to cook.
We use a towel to dry and we use a pan for cooking.
• Bird is to chirp as cow is to moo.
The sound of bird is chirping and the sound of the cow is mooing.
• Happy is to sad as hot is to cold.
Happy is opposite of sad and hot is opposite of cold.
e) Grammar Focus

(ii) Punctuate the following sentences by adding full stops, colons and capitalisation. Then
write the correct sentences in your notebook.
• Tyke plays three sports: cricket, football and tennis.
• He ended his speech with the immortal words of Quaid: “With faith, discipline and selfless devotion
to duty, there is nothing worthwhile that you cannot achieve.”
• As Julius Caesar once said: “We came, we saw, we conquered.”
• They covered many basic concepts in their writing class: grammar, punctuation, style and tone.
• She grabbed the microphone and asked: “Is there a doctor in the room?”

(iii) Read the given paragraph and identify the different kinds of sentences. Make columns and
write them in their specific columns in your notebook.
“Look out, Danny,” Tyke informed Danny. “There’s some broken floor boards here. Come back”. Danny
asked him to go back. Tyke replied that she just wanted to take a look and then will come back soon.
“Do you think there’s a ghost, Tyke? asked Danny .“Of course not,” replied Tyke. “It looks ghostly. I don’t
like it,” said Danny. “Wow, that’s a great place for hiding!” Tyke shouted happily. “I don’t like it Tyke.
Let’s return now,”said Danny.

Declarative There’s some broken floor boards here.

Tyke replied that she just wanted to take a look and then will come back soon.
Interrogative Do you think there’s a ghost, Tyke?
Exclamatory Wow, that’s a great place for hiding!
Imperative Look out, Danny.
Let’s return now

(iv) Read the given sentences and change them according to the given instructions in your
• Stop talking. (change into interrogative)
Why did you stop talking?

• This is a very serious matter. (change into negative)

This is not a very serious matter.

• Are you trying to flatten me? (change into declarative)

You are trying to flatten me.

• That’s very interesting! (change into declarative)

That is very interesting.
(v) Write a sentence of each kind in your notebook with correct punctuation.
Declarative : The children are playing in the garden.
Interrogative : Why are you crying?
Exclamatory : Hurrah, we have won the match.
Imperative: Open the window.

f) Writing Focus

(i) Write an informal dialogue between two friends about preparation of examination in your
Sana: Hello Iqra, How do you do?
Iqra: I am fine, thank you. Why are you looking worried?
Sana: Actually I am worried about my final exams. They will be in next month. What about your
preparation for the exams?
Iqra: Well, I’m going good at my studies. I made a time table and follow it regularly. I am revising all
difficult concepts daily. My mother is also helping me.
Sana: That’s good. I’m facing some difficulty in revising some concepts of English grammar? Can you
help me in studying these concepts?
Iqra: Yes, why not. I will come to your house today.
Sana: Thank you.
(iv)Read the given questions and write their answers in your notebook. Remember to focus on verbs
and tenses to answer properly.
• Yes, I like this play. It is very interesting.
• Tyke fell from the bell tower and got injuries.
• Tyke will learn from her mistakes as she apologized her behaviour from her teacher.
Unit 16 Where Did You Come From?

b) Comprehension Focus

(i)Answer the following questions.

• The mother describes her baby a he got his blue eyes from the sky. He has sparkle in his eyes like
stars. His forehead is smooth and high. He has cheeks like white rose and has ears like pearls.
• The poet used this simile to praise the cheeks of a baby. He is saying that the cheeks of a baby are
soft and white like a warm white rose. He is comparing his cheeks to a white rose.
• The poem is revolving around the feeling and emotions of a mother for her little baby. The mother is
praising every little detail about her baby and she considered him as a great gift from God. The poet
also points out that God’s creation is always beautiful and lovely.
• I was a peaceful baby. I did not tease my parents.
• A mother is a great blessing of Allah who takes care of her child in all weathers from his birth to her
last breath without expecting anything in return. The bond of mother and child is purest and holy. A
mother sacrifices her comfort and sleep to provide comfort to her children, which is impossible to
be returned even after spending the whole life in her service. A person should always remember the
efforts made by mother for his betterment and should give utmost respect and care to her, as she
really deserves it.

(iii) Read the given stanza and underline the use of personification in it. Write three sentences of your
own by using personification in your notebook.

Hey diddle diddle,

The Cat and the fiddle,
The Cow jumped over the moon,
The little Dog laughed to see such sport,
And the Dish ran away with the Spoon


• My alarm clock yells at me to get out of bed every morning.

• Lightning danced across the sky.
• The moon smiled at the stars in the sky.

(d) Vocabulary Focus

(iv) Use transitional devices of sequence each to make sentences of your own in your notebook.
Again: She fell asleep again when her children left the room.

Also: I like swimming, but I also like paintings.

Earlier: She wished she'd realized that a few days earlier, before it was too late to solve this issue.

Next: The network has crashed; next, the power will go off.
Before: Before you go home, make sure you complete your assignments.

Therefore: He was injured and therefore unable to play.

e) Grammar Focus
ii) Write five sentences using quotation marks in you notebook.

• She asked, "Will you still be my friend?"

• The captain shouted, “Let the games begin”!
• My mother always said, "Be careful what you wish for."
• “There was a storm last night,” Azhar said.
• “What would you do”, I asked.
v) Write five examples of first and second conditional sentences each in your notebook.
First conditional sentences

• If it rains, I won't go to the school.

• If I study tonight, I'll go to the birthday party tomorrow.
• If I have enough money, I'll buy new car.
• She'll miss the flight if she doesn't leave soon.
• If I see her, I'll tell her.
Second conditional sentences

• If I were you, I wouldn't go out with them.

• She would pass the exam if she ever studied.
• I would be happy if I had more free time.
• There would be fewer accidents if everyone drove more carefully.
• Would she come if I paid for her flight?
f) Writing Focus
Fill in the given mind map. Collect ideas/pairs of rhyming words to write a poem about your
mother, thanking her for all her love and care.

head-bed-shed gay-play-say

gray-stay-away My mother tell-well-fell

be-thee-me pray-day-way
Poem title: My Mother
Audience: children
Purpose: to show love for your mother and appreciate her kindness
Who sat and watched my infant head,
When sleeping in my cradle bed,
And tears of sweet affection shed?
My Mother.
Who dress’d my doll in clothes so gay,
And taught me pretty how to play.
And minded all I had to say?
My Mother.
And can I ever cease to be
Affectionate and kind to thee,
Who was so very kind to me?
My Mother.
Who ran to help me when I fell,
And would some pretty story tell,
Or kiss the place to make it well?
My Mother.
Who taught my infant lips to pray,
And love God’s holy book and day.
And walk in Wisdom’s pleasant way?
My Mother.
When thou art feeble, old, and gray,
My healthy arm shall be thy stay,
And I will soothe thy pains away,
My Mother.
Unit 17 Prophet Sulayman

b) Comprehension Focus
(i)Answer the following questions.

• Prophet Sulayman was a prophet and wise king.

• Prophet Sulayman was gifted with some special powers to control the winds and the ability
to understand the language of animals, birds and insects.
• The hoopoe informed Prophet Sulayman about Queen Saba and her great throne. Her
people worshipped the sun instead of Allah.
• Prophet Sulayman wrote a letter to the queen to invite her to submit to Allah.
• Yes, I enjoyed reading the unit as it tells us about an interesting incident from Prophet
Sulayman’s life.

d) Vocabulary Focus
(iii) Use the transitional devices given above to write a paragraph about ‘Prophet Sulayman’s
Powers’ in your notebook.
Prophet Sulayman had wisdom as well as intelligence since childhood. He was gifted with
special gifts. Wind was made obedient to him as a result of that he could easily made long
journey in the twinkling of an eye. He was also capable to talk to birds, animals and insects
because he had gifted with the knowledge of understanding their speech. He was also
given the power over Jinns and Devils therefore he utilized them in his service. They
carried out his orders and were punished when they became disobedient. He used his
powers when queen Saba did not obey him.
e) Grammar Focus
(iii) Write a short paragraph about “Preparation for the festival you recently celebrated”
using the present perfect tense in your notebook.
Last month, we have celebrated the festival of Eid-ul-Adha. We have bought a goat to sacrifice
it on the Eid day from the cattle market. We have bought new clothes and shoes. My mother
and sister have cleaned all the house. We have decorated our house with colourful balloons.
(v) Write five sentences in your notebook using the hyphen properly.
• The children were enjoying ice-cream.
• She welcomed her mother-in-law.
• They have a two-year-old child.
• Saman is editor-in-chief of this magazine.
• The boy threw a rock at the second-story window.
(vi) State whether the given sentences are in the active voice or passive voice. Write
active or passive beside each.
• He bought his son a book. Active
• We will be blamed by everyone. Passive
• She passed the test. Active
• The thieves were caught by the police. Passive
• The letter was posted by Ali. Passive

(viii) Change the given sentences into passive voice and write them in in your
• Football was being played by me yesterday.
• A tub is filled by water.
• A book about a legend is bought by Noreen.
• Prophet Sulayman palace was visited by the queen.
• Two dozen cupcakes will be baked by Jamal for the sale.
• A movie is going to be watched by us tonight.
(ix) Write three examples of active and passive voice each using the simple present and past,
present continuous, present continuous tenses.
Simple present tense:

The gardener waters the flowers. The flowers are watered by the gardener.
We love our country. Our country is loved by us.
You do not write the letter. The letter is not written by you.

Simple past tense:

Sam repaired the car. The car was repaired by Sam.

John painted the house last week. The house was painted last week.
Mom read the novel in one day. The novel was read by Mom in one day.
Present continuous tense:

He is cleaning a room. A room is being cleaned by him.

I am drinking water. Water is being drunk by me.
They are playing football. Football is being played by them.

Present perfect tense:

Kamal has paid the bill. The bill has been paid by Kamal.
I have opened the present. The present has been opened by me.
You have not sent the parcel. The parcel has not been sent by you.

f) Writing Focus
(ii) Read the unit again and answer the questions given above in your
• Hazrat Dawud ( ) was the father of Prophet Sulayman ( ).
• Prophet Sulayman ( ) army’s comprised of human beings, jinns, birds and
• Hoopoe informed Prophet Sulayman ( )about the Queen of Saba.
(iv) Make a mind map of a legend in your notebook. Write it in your notebook
using the elements you have read.

Mind map

Plot Characters

Conflict/problem The Wooden Horse of Troy Setting

Solution Dialogues
Once upon a time, there was an ancient city on the coast of Turkey named
Troy. It was located across the Aegean Sea from the Greek city-state of Sparta.
The wife of King, Helen was kidnapped by a prince of Troy. Then the king of
Sparta called the other Greek city-states to help him get her back. A thousand
Greek ships set sail for Troy to help him.

The city of Troy was protected by a high wall built around the city. Some parts
of the wall were 20 feet high. There were gates in the wall to let people in and
out but it provided great defense for the people of Troy. It gave the Trojan
warriors a relatively safe place to stand, while they rained arrows down on the
people below, who were trying to break into the city.

At the time of this story, Greek warriors had been trying to break the wall
around Troy for about ten years. The Greeks could not find a way in, and the
Trojans did not seem able to drive the Greeks away.

Things looked pretty hopeless until Odysseus, a famous ancient Greek general,
thought of a trick. It was the custom back then to leave a peace offering
behind to admit defeat. Odysseus suggested the Greeks build a huge, heavy,
beautiful wooden horse, and leave it outside the gates of Troy. Then, the
entire Greek army would pretend to leave, as if they were headed for home.
But it was a trick. The horse would be hollow. Thirty men would be hiding
inside. The very best Greek artists got busy carving the giant wooden horse,
adding great detail, because everything in the Greek world had to be as
beautiful as possible.

When it was done, the Greek warriors pretended to sail away, leaving the
horse behind. The people of Troy rushed outside, cheering their victory! They
dragged the heavy horse inside the city gates and put it on display, which is
just what the Greek general thought they would do - gloat.

That night, while the Trojan people were sleeping, the men hiding inside the
wooden horse climbed out and opened the gates. The waiting Greek army
entered Troy. That was the end of Troy.

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